- Nov 13, 2016
Jordan authored
Jordan authored
- Need to add setAppearance script on each character to make it persist - Stats should be persisting - Appearance persisting - Weapon is not at the moment
Jordan authored
Mitchel Kovacs authored
Mitchel Kovacs authored
This reverts commit fc0f1ccb.
Mitchel Kovacs authored
- Nov 12, 2016
Mitchel Kovacs authored
Michael LaFreniere authored
got a few buttons going (character doesnt transfer over yet)
Michael LaFreniere authored
- Nov 11, 2016
Jordan authored
Jordan authored
- Still needs to persist to other scenes - Slider value works now
Jordan authored
Jordan authored
- Needs more parts - Probably not persisting through scenes yet - Hue not implemented yet - Need to make sure all parts are same size
Jordan authored
- Body options now array in "CharacterDisplay" Alot easier to set! - Filled in ChooseCharLook, almost done needs to communicate with setAppearance only
Jordan authored
- Now takes more character part option, public variable for each in "CharacterDisplay" object - Removed arm and replaced with shield
Jordan authored
- All animations are the SAME as the player now - The animation variable "speed" used to be bool, now it's float (like player)
Jordan authored
- Deleted old art, enemy will be missing right now probably - Took the sword art and put them in weapon objects - Reduced the amount of "weapon" folders we have lol
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Added health bar to playerCollisions Script... will need to drag and drop/edit on the Player prefab after combat is fully implemented.
- Nov 10, 2016
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
- Nov 09, 2016
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Changing enemy hits so they take damage based on the range of the equipped weapon.... correct me if I'm wrong.
Jordan authored
Michael LaFreniere authored
Jordan authored
Graham Solie authored
Added Decsions and actions based on emeny health and player health
Jordan authored
- Head , Face, player hue, Legs buttons (not sure if anything else) - Added player so you can see effects
Jordan authored
- In character creation scene, can add and subtract stats - Still need character appearance - Background needs to change too
Jordan authored
- Added stats script which will be filled in during character creation - Added character creation scene - UI not really implemented at this point
- Nov 08, 2016
Jordan authored
- Character is now sperated into seperate parts - All new animations for each action - Weapon swapping is added -> Create weapon asset, add sprite, drag onto players 'weapon' object (see hierarchy) - A bit of organizing, feel free to do more
Graham Solie authored
Enemy is taking damage but player is still not....for some reason
- Nov 07, 2016
Michael LaFreniere authored
*bugs: unsure why buttons are skewing size, can't figure out how to make them all the same regardless of text length in each..... - will have to make the weapon choice a permanent change through static variables - but i have to go eat supper so i'll figure that out later lol.
Michael LaFreniere authored
entering a door area triggers a text to let the player know how to enter/exit
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
This will be used for determining when to use various special attacks throughout the decision tree. This is simply a template and values can be changed. Also added a placeholder for a poison special attack, to be implemented.
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Ryan Hoppe (rmh898) authored
Graham Solie authored
Please keep Left is true and Right is false Started to add player health
- Nov 06, 2016
Jordan authored
DECISIONS TREE CLASS: - Made lots of members private to remove Unity warnings - Removed parameters we didn't need from a few functions ENEMYAI: - Few structural changes, BuildDecisionTree seems to work in start() now - Now denoting actions with "a_ACTIONNAME" and decision with "d_DECISIONNAME". Easier to read!
- Nov 02, 2016
Graham Solie authored
Graham Solie authored