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SUMMA-Actors: Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives with Actors
SUMMA-Actors is a modified version of the already existing SUMMA software that can be found here. SUMMA-Actors uses the Actor Model to increase scalability and fault-tolerance. It is built using the C++ Actor Framework.
A more in-depth documentation can be found here. SUMMA-Actors depends on many files from the original SUMMA repo. Below is a quick start guide for compiling and running SUMMA-Actors, please consult our wiki for more in-depth documentation. Consider creating an issue for any missing documentation, asking questions, or providing suggestions.
SUMMA-Actors is meant to wrap around the existing SUMMA implementation. Therefore you will need to clone the SUMMA repo into the SUMMA-Actors build directory. SUMMA-Actors works with the master branch of SUMMA, which can be found here. Below the directory structure is explained in more detail and the steps to compiling SUMMA-Actors are explained.
Directory Structure
SUMMA-Actors is set up with the following sub-directories, we will consider the top level Summa Actors directory the root_dir
- bin
- build
- includes
- source
- summa (, summa-actors branch)
- CMakeLists.txt
- utils
First clone Summa-Actors to your workstation. Then cd into build/
and clone summa
into Summa-Actor's build directory as folder summa.
Compiling SUMMA-Actors
SUMMA-Actors has only one additional dependency, the C++ Actor Framework, specifically the 0.18.6 release.
The following steps can be used to install the C++ Actor Framework on a Linux system:
tar -xzf 0.18.6.tar.gz
cd actor-framework-0.18.6/
./configure --prefix=/path/to/install
cd build
make # [-j]
make install # [as root if necessary]
Additional dependencies required by both SUMMA and SUMMA actors are:
- g++
- gfortran
- NetCDF-Fortran
- OpenBLAS
- SUNDIALS V6.6 (optional)
Steps To Compile
git clone
cd Summa-Actors/build
git clone -b summa-actors
cmake -B cmake_build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Build_Type
cmake --build cmake_build --target all -j
Available build types are:
- BE or BE_Debug: Builds for local machine
- BE_Cluster or BE_Cluster_Debug: See below section (Modules for Alliance Machines)
Modules for Alliance Machines
To compile on Alliance machines the following modules can be loaded:
module load StdEnv/2020
module load gcc/9.3.0
module load openblas/0.3.17
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.2
module load caf
Running SUMMA-Actors
SUMMA-Actors can be run in two modes, distributed and non-distributed. The distributed mode used to create ad-hoc clusters. The command line arguments are kept as close to the original SUMMA as possible. However, there are options not yet available in SUMMA-Actors that are in the original SUMMA. Here is a full list of the available and unavailable options:
Usage: summa_actors -m master_file [-g startGRU countGRU] [-c config_file] [-b backup_server] [-s server_mode]
Available options:
-m, --master: Define path/name of master file (can be specified in config)
-g, --gru: Run a subset of countGRU GRUs starting from index startGRU
-c, --config: Path name of the Summa-Actors config file (optional but recommended)
--gen-config: Generate a config file
-b, --backup-server: Start backup server, requires a server and config_file
-s, --server-mode: Enable server mode
-h, --help: Print this help message
Unimplemented Options:
-n --newFile Define frequency [noNewFiles,newFileEveryOct1] of new output files
-s --suffix Add fileSuffix to the output files
-h --hru Run a single HRU with index of iHRU
-r --restart Define frequency [y,m,d,e,never] to write restart files
-p --progress Define frequency [m,d,h,never] to print progress
-v --version Display version information of the current build
Instructions for using each mode are provided below, if you just want to skip ahead and get started using the default options.
Non-Distributed Mode (Similar to original SUMMA)
Using SUMMA-Actors in non-distributed mode is like running the normal SUMMA. The difference is that HRUs will run concurrently in SUMMA-Actors and maximize resource use. Usage is very close to SUMMA, and the same input files are required. In depth documentation for configuring a SUMMA run can be found here.
Usage is as follows: ./summa_actors -m master_file [-g startGRU countGRU] [-c config_file]
The master_file for SUMMA-Actors can either be defined explicitly on the command line or it can be included in the new to SUMMA-Actors config_file. The config_file is optional but it is highly recommended as it does allow users to fine tune how SUMMA-Actor will perform. We are working to automate these aspects but for now its best to define it for the domain and compute environment in use. Using ./summa_actors --gen-config
will generate a configuration file that can then be filled in. See the section on config_file in this readme for more information.
Distributed Mode
Using SUMMA-Actors in distributed mode allows SUMMA-Actors to solve batches and dymically assign them to nodes and reassign them in the event of node failures.
To use this feature there are 3 actors that can be spawned to cluster nodes together and add additional redundancy to the system. All settings are to be defined in the config_file for this mode. In the config file the user must set distributed_mode
to true, define a port
, and configure the domain to run. The domain is defined by how many total GRUs the user wishes to compute and the number of GRUs that should be assembled into a batch. Finally, the server_list
should be set to the hostname of the backup_servers that are started.
To start the system one start the server first with ./summa_actors -c -s
Backup servers can be added with ./summa_actors -c -b
Clients can simply be added with ./summa_actors -c
NOTE: Each system will need a copy of the forcing data or input data, or the data should be in a singular location like on a cluster system.
Config File
The config file is a JSON file that is used to configure SUMMA-Actors. It is highly recommended to use a config file as it allows the user to fine tune how SUMMA-Actors will perform. Using ./summa_actors --gen-config
will generate a configuration file that can then be filled in. Below is a list of the available options and their descriptions.
The distributed settings are used to configure the distributed mode of SUMMA-Actors. The following options are available:
- distributed_mode: (true/false) Enables distributed mode
- servers_list: (list of strings) List of hostnames for backup servers
- port: (int) Port to use for communication
- total_hru_count: (int) Total number of HRUs in the entire domain
- num_hru_per_batch: (int) Number of HRUs to assemble into a batches
The Summa_Actor settings are used to restrict how many HRU actor can run at once. The following options are available:
- max_gru_per_job: (int) Maximum number of HRUs that can be run at once
The Job_Actor settings can specify the file manager path so it does not need to be specified on the command line, and the maximum number of times to attempt an HRU before giving up. The following options are available:
- file_manager_path: (string) Path to the file manager file
- max_run_attempts: (int) Maximum number of times to attempt an HRU before giving up
The File_Access_Actor settings are used to configure the file access actor. The following options are available:
- num_partitions_in_output_buffer: (int) Number of partitions in the output buffer
- num_timesteps_in_output_buffer: (int) Number of timesteps in the output buffer
The HRU_Actor settings are used to configure the HRU actor. The following options are available:
- print_output: (true/false) Print output to the screen
- output_frequency: (int) Frequency to print output to the screen
- dt_init_factor: (int) Factor to multiply dt_init by
- rel_tol: (float) Relative tolerance for the HRU actor (Requires Sundials)
- abs_tol: (float) Absolute tolerance for the HRU actor (Requires Sundials)
The initial implementation of SUMMA is credited to the initial publications below. These publications can be found in Water Resources Research.
Clark, M. P., B. Nijssen, J. D. Lundquist, D. Kavetski, D. E. Rupp, R. A. Woods, J. E. Freer, E. D. Gutmann, A. W. Wood, L. D. Brekke, J. R. Arnold, D. J. Gochis, R. M. Rasmussen, 2015a: A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: Part 1. Modeling concept. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2015WR017198.
Clark, M. P., B. Nijssen, J. D. Lundquist, D. Kavetski, D. E. Rupp, R. A. Woods, J. E. Freer, E. D. Gutmann, A. W. Wood, D. J. Gochis, R. M. Rasmussen, D. G. Tarboton, V. Mahat, G. N. Flerchinger, D. G. Marks, 2015b: A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: Part 2. Model implementation and case studies. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2015WR017200.
We also credit the original creators of the C++ Actor Framework which allowed us to implement the actor model into SUMMA-Actors. Links to their research work can be found below.
Charousset, D., Schmidt, T. C., Hiesgen, R., Wählisch, M., 2013: Native actors: a scalable software platform for distributed, heterogeneous environments. AGERE!, doi:10.1145/2541329.2541336.
Charousset, D., Schmidt, T. C., Hiesgen, R., 2016: Revisiting actor programming in C++. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, [doi:10.1016/](http://