Code Improvement Plan
Finding Reports attached
- Jordan checking Nick's Findings_Report_-_Jordan_Checking_Nick_s.docx
- Nick checking Jordan's Findings_Report_-_Nick_Checking_Jordan_s.docx
- Ali checking Wes's Findings_Report_-_Ali_checking_Wes_s.docx
- Wes checking Ali's Findings_Report_-_Wes_checking_Ali_s.docx
Progress Report
Beta Focuses
- Searching for flights: 75% (Completed by Ali and currently handled by Jordan)
- Retrieval of reservation: 50% (Completed by Jordan, login-email-retrieval, company email created by Wes)
- Usability of web pages: 80% (Completed by Nick except for search result pages)
- Origin Time Indication: 80% (CSS by Nick, waiting for connection flights)
Alpha Focuses
- Displaying search results: 80% (Mostly completed, remaining will be CSS by Nick)
- Language options of pages: 60% (% Showing confidence level, not % completion, will be completed by Wes in next milestone)
- Security of payment page: 70% (Prompting "No payment information will be saved" VS "Reservation info saved" by Ali)
- About page of the company: 90% (Completed by Ali and Nick)
Action Plan
Fantastic 4:
All team members had actively participated in two scheduled weekly meetings as usual.
Beta related issues including remaining Alpha issues had been mostly resolved;
These two meetings were used as mostly workshop hours for this milestone.
Time spent as a team: 2.25 hours (1.5 hours of Tuesday meeting, 0.75 hour of Thursday meeting, 2.25 hours in total).
The team decided to hold video-call meetings starting from March 17 for the rest of the term due to the Coronavirus Outbreak.
Ali (Back-End):
Worked closely with Jordan, 75% completion of the database including the search of connection flights.
Will continue to address issues regarding the database for Beta.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 3 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 5 hours
Jordan (Back-End):
Scheduled and booked a team meeting room as a regular weekly task.
Worked closely with Ali, completing about 50% of the database plus basic information of pages.
Will continue on resolving retrieval of reservation (login-email-retrieval).
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 8 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 5 hours
Nick (Front-End):
Worked on the styling of all pages: Homepage(index), Flights, Payment with required contents.
Will continue to resolve issues regarding the Beta: mostly styling of the search result pages.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 18 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 10 hours
Wes (Testing):
Created and summarized Milestone 9 at Wiki.
Finished the final formatting of this milestone.
Will continue to work on language pages upon everyone's completions for the next milestone.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 2 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 15 hours