Beta Focuses
- Searching for flights: 75% (Completed by Ali and currently handled by Jordan)
- Retrieval of reservation: 50% (Completed by Jordan, login-email-retrieval, company email created by Wes)
- Usability of web pages: 80% (Completed by Nick except for search result pages)
- Origin Time Indication: 80% (CSS by Nick, waiting for connection flights)
Alpha Focuses 5. Displaying search results: 80% (Mostly completed, remaining will be CSS by Nick by Thursday) 6. Language options of pages: 60% (%Showing confidence level, %not completion, will be completed by Wes in next milestone) 7. Security of payment page: 70% (Prompting "No payment information will be saved" VS "Reservation info saved" by Ali, by Thursday) 8. About page of the company: 90% (Completed by Ali and Nick)
Milestone 9 Inspection Documentation (Each person completed their own and summarized by Wes by Friday.)
Action Plan
Fantastic 4:
All team members had participated in two scheduled weekly meetings as usual.
Alpha related issues had been discussed and resolved;
These two meetings were used as mostly workshop hours for this milestone.
Time spent as a team: 3 hours (1.5 hours of Tuesday meeting, 1.5 hour of Thursday meeting, 3 hours in total)
Ali (Back-End):
Worked closely with Jordan, completing about 50% of the database plus basic information of pages.
Will continue to address issues regarding the Beta focuses 1, 2, & 4 as indicated above.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 10 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 10 hours
- Searching for flights: 50% (Ali claimed he would complete by this today. : )) Origin Time Indication: 5% (Corrected to 80%, remaining will be CSS by Nick) About page of the company: 90% (Will be completed by Nick and checked by Wes, by Thursday)
- Security of payment page: 70% (Prompting "No payment information will be saved" VS "Reservation info saved" by Ali, by Thursday)
Jordan (Back-End):
Scheduled and booked a team meeting room as a regular weekly task.
Worked closely with Ali, completing about 50% of the database plus basic information of pages.
Revised ReadMe file of the master branch and minor changes of the database.
Will continue on resolving the Beta focuses 1, 2, & 4 as indicated above together with Ali.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 10 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 10 hours
2. Retrieval of reservation: 10% (Will be completed by Jordan by Thursday, login-email-retrieval)
Nick (Front-End):
Completed testing of the database of the project created by Jordan and Ali.
Revised ReadMe file of the master branch together with Jordan after minor changes.
Worked on the styling of ejs pages: Homepage(index), Flights, Payment with required contents.
Will continue to resolve issues regarding the Beta focus 3 and reaming Alpha focus 5, 6, 7 and 8 as indicated above.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 10 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 10 hours
- Usability of web pages: 25% (Will be completed by Nick and checked by Wes, by Thursday)
Wes (Testing/Front-End):
Created and summarized Milestone 8 at Wiki.
Finished the final formatting of this milestone.
Worked on the styling of ejs pages: Summary and About Page with required contents.
Completed testing of Product Alpha with desired coverages, user stories 5 to 8.
Will work closely with Nick tackling the Beta focus 3 and remaining Alpha focus 5, 6, 7 and 8 as indicated above.
Individual time spent on Milestone 9: 10 hours
Individual time will be spent on Milestone 10: 10 hours
- Language options of pages: 60% (%Showing confidence level, %not completion, will be completed by Wes in next milestone) Milestone 9 Inspection Documentation (Mostly completed by Wes by Wednesday, and checked by Nick by Thursday.) Document check list