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! along with this program. If not, see <>.
module bigAquifer_module
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! numerical recipes data types
USE nrtype
! access missing values
USE globalData,only:integerMissing ! missing integer
USE globalData,only:realMissing ! missing real number
! physical constants
USE multiconst,only:&
LH_vap, & ! latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1)
iden_water ! intrinsic density of water (kg m-3)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit none
! ***************************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine bigAquifer: compute aquifer water fluxes and their derivatives
! ***************************************************************************************************************
subroutine bigAquifer(&
! input: state variables and fluxes
scalarAquiferStorageTrial, & ! intent(in): trial value of aquifer storage (m)
scalarCanopyTranspiration, & ! intent(in): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
scalarSoilDrainage, & ! intent(in): soil drainage (m s-1)
! input: pre-computed derivatives
dCanopyTrans_dCanWat, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTCanair, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTGround, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
mpar_data, & ! intent(in): model parameter structure
diag_data, & ! intent(in): diagnostic variable structure
! output: fluxes
scalarAquiferTranspire, & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferRecharge, & ! intent(out): recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferBaseflow, & ! intent(out): total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
dBaseflow_dAquifer, & ! intent(out): change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
dAquiferTrans_dTCanair, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
dAquiferTrans_dTGround, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
dAquiferTrans_dCanWat, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
! output: error control
err,message) ! intent(out): error control
! named variables
USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM ! named variables for structure elements
! data types
USE data_types,only:var_dlength ! x%var(:)%dat (rkind)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit none
! input: state variables, fluxes, and parameters
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial ! trial value of aquifer storage (m)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarCanopyTranspiration ! canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarSoilDrainage ! soil drainage (m s-1)
! input: pre-computed derivatves
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dCanWat ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanair ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTGround ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
type(var_dlength),intent(in) :: mpar_data ! model parameters
type(var_dlength),intent(in) :: diag_data ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
! output: fluxes
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferTranspire ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferRecharge ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferBaseflow ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: dBaseflow_dAquifer ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTCanair ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTGround ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dCanWat ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
! output: error control
integer(i4b),intent(out) :: err ! error code
character(*),intent(out) :: message ! error message
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! local variables
real(rkind) :: aquiferTranspireFrac ! fraction of total transpiration that comes from the aquifer (-)
real(rkind) :: xTemp ! temporary variable (-)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! initialize error control
err=0; message='bigAquifer/'
! make association between local variables and the information in the data structures
! model diagnostic variables: contribution of the aquifer to transpiration
scalarTranspireLim => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] weighted average of the transpiration limiting factor (-)
scalarAquiferRootFrac => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferRootFrac)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] fraction of roots below the lowest soil layer (-)
scalarTranspireLimAqfr => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLimAqfr)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] transpiration limiting factor for the aquifer (-)
! model parameters: baseflow flux
aquiferBaseflowRate => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowRate)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] tbaseflow rate when aquiferStorage = aquiferScaleFactor (m s-1)
aquiferScaleFactor => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferScaleFactor)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket (m)
aquiferBaseflowExp => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowExp)%dat(1) & ! intent(in): [dp] baseflow exponent (-)
) ! associating local variables with the information in the data structures
! compute aquifer transpiration (m s-1)
aquiferTranspireFrac = scalarAquiferRootFrac*scalarTranspireLimAqfr/scalarTranspireLim ! fraction of total transpiration that comes from the aquifer (-)
scalarAquiferTranspire = aquiferTranspireFrac*scalarCanopyTranspiration/iden_water ! aquifer transpiration (kg m-2 s-1 --> m s-1)
! derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
dAquiferTrans_dCanWat = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dCanWat /iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTCanair = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTCanair/iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy/iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTGround = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTGround/iden_water
! compute aquifer recharge (transfer variables -- included for generality for basin-wide aquifer)
scalarAquiferRecharge = scalarSoilDrainage ! m s-1
! compute the aquifer baseflow (m s-1)
xTemp = scalarAquiferStorageTrial/aquiferScaleFactor
scalarAquiferBaseflow = aquiferBaseflowRate*(xTemp**aquiferBaseflowExp)
! compute the derivative in the net aquifer flux
dBaseflow_dAquifer = -(aquiferBaseflowExp*aquiferBaseflowRate*(xTemp**(aquiferBaseflowExp - 1._rkind)))/aquiferScaleFactor
! end association to data in structures
end associate
end subroutine bigAquifer
! *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
! *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
end module bigAquifer_module
\ No newline at end of file
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! numerical recipes data types
USE nrtype
! access missing values
USE globalData,only:integerMissing ! missing integer
USE globalData,only:realMissing ! missing real number
! physical constants
USE multiconst,only:&
LH_vap, & ! latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1)
iden_water ! intrinsic density of water (kg m-3)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit none
! ***************************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine bigAquifer: compute aquifer water fluxes and their derivatives
! ***************************************************************************************************************
subroutine bigAquifer(&
! input: state variables and fluxes
scalarAquiferStorageTrial, & ! intent(in): trial value of aquifer storage (m)
scalarCanopyTranspiration, & ! intent(in): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
scalarSoilDrainage, & ! intent(in): soil drainage (m s-1)
! input: pre-computed derivatives
dCanopyTrans_dCanWat, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTCanair, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
dCanopyTrans_dTGround, & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
mpar_data, & ! intent(in): model parameter structure
diag_data, & ! intent(in): diagnostic variable structure
! output: fluxes
scalarAquiferTranspire, & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferRecharge, & ! intent(out): recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferBaseflow, & ! intent(out): total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
dBaseflow_dAquifer, & ! intent(out): change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
dAquiferTrans_dTCanair, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
dAquiferTrans_dTGround, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
dAquiferTrans_dCanWat, & ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
! output: error control
err,message) ! intent(out): error control
! named variables
USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM ! named variables for structure elements
! data types
USE data_types,only:var_dlength ! x%var(:)%dat (rkind)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit none
! input: state variables, fluxes, and parameters
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial ! trial value of aquifer storage (m)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarCanopyTranspiration ! canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: scalarSoilDrainage ! soil drainage (m s-1)
! input: pre-computed derivatves
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dCanWat ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanair ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dCanopyTrans_dTGround ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
type(var_dlength),intent(in) :: mpar_data ! model parameters
type(var_dlength),intent(in) :: diag_data ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
! output: fluxes
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferTranspire ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferRecharge ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: scalarAquiferBaseflow ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
real(rkind),intent(out) :: dBaseflow_dAquifer ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTCanair ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dTGround ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
real(rkind),intent(inout) :: dAquiferTrans_dCanWat ! derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
! output: error control
integer(i4b),intent(out) :: err ! error code
character(*),intent(out) :: message ! error message
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! local variables
real(rkind) :: aquiferTranspireFrac ! fraction of total transpiration that comes from the aquifer (-)
real(rkind) :: xTemp ! temporary variable (-)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! initialize error control
err=0; message='bigAquifer/'
! make association between local variables and the information in the data structures
! model diagnostic variables: contribution of the aquifer to transpiration
scalarTranspireLim => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] weighted average of the transpiration limiting factor (-)
scalarAquiferRootFrac => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferRootFrac)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] fraction of roots below the lowest soil layer (-)
scalarTranspireLimAqfr => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLimAqfr)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] transpiration limiting factor for the aquifer (-)
! model parameters: baseflow flux
aquiferBaseflowRate => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowRate)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] tbaseflow rate when aquiferStorage = aquiferScaleFactor (m s-1)
aquiferScaleFactor => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferScaleFactor)%dat(1), & ! intent(in): [dp] scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket (m)
aquiferBaseflowExp => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowExp)%dat(1) & ! intent(in): [dp] baseflow exponent (-)
) ! associating local variables with the information in the data structures
! compute aquifer transpiration (m s-1)
aquiferTranspireFrac = scalarAquiferRootFrac*scalarTranspireLimAqfr/scalarTranspireLim ! fraction of total transpiration that comes from the aquifer (-)
scalarAquiferTranspire = aquiferTranspireFrac*scalarCanopyTranspiration/iden_water ! aquifer transpiration (kg m-2 s-1 --> m s-1)
! derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
dAquiferTrans_dCanWat = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dCanWat /iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTCanair = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTCanair/iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy/iden_water
dAquiferTrans_dTGround = aquiferTranspireFrac*dCanopyTrans_dTGround/iden_water
! compute aquifer recharge (transfer variables -- included for generality for basin-wide aquifer)
scalarAquiferRecharge = scalarSoilDrainage ! m s-1
! compute the aquifer baseflow (m s-1)
xTemp = scalarAquiferStorageTrial/aquiferScaleFactor
scalarAquiferBaseflow = aquiferBaseflowRate*(xTemp**aquiferBaseflowExp)
! compute the derivative in the net aquifer flux
dBaseflow_dAquifer = -(aquiferBaseflowExp*aquiferBaseflowRate*(xTemp**(aquiferBaseflowExp - 1._rkind)))/aquiferScaleFactor
! end association to data in structures
end associate
end subroutine bigAquifer
end module bigAquifer_module
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