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Commit 7bdf1c27 authored by Kyle's avatar Kyle
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added all changes to comput Flux

parent 87b01cb4
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......@@ -897,83 +897,65 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
! compute fluxes for the big bucket
! call bigAquifer(&
! ! input: state variables and fluxes
! scalarAquiferStorageTrial, & ! intent(in): trial value of aquifer storage (m)
! scalarCanopyTranspiration, & ! intent(in): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
! scalarSoilDrainage, & ! intent(in): soil drainage (m s-1)
! ! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
! mpar_data, & ! intent(in): model parameter structure
! diag_data, & ! intent(in): diagnostic variable structure
! ! output: fluxes
! scalarAquiferTranspire, & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
! scalarAquiferRecharge, & ! intent(out): recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
! scalarAquiferBaseflow, & ! intent(out): total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
! dBaseflow_dAquifer, & ! intent(out): change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
! ! output: error control
! err,cmessage) ! intent(out): error control
! if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
! compute total runoff (overwrite previously calculated value before considering aquifer)
scalarTotalRunoff = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarAquiferBaseflow
! if no aquifer, then fluxes are zero
scalarAquiferTranspire = 0._dp ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferRecharge = 0._dp ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferBaseflow = 0._dp ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
dBaseflow_dAquifer = 0._dp ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
end if ! no aquifer
endif ! if computing aquifer fluxes
! *****
! (X) WRAP UP...
! *************
! define model flux vector for the vegetation sub-domain
if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixCasNrg) = scalarCanairNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegNrg) = scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegHyd) = scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux ! NOTE: solid fluxes are handled separately
! populate the flux vector for energy
do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers,ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer)/=integerMissing) ! (loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain)
fluxVec( ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer) ) = mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
! populate the flux vector for hydrology
! NOTE: ixVolFracWat and ixVolFracLiq can also include states in the soil domain, hence enable primary variable switching
if(nSnowSoilHyd>0)then ! check if any hydrology states exist
do iLayer=1,nLayers
if(ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer)/=integerMissing)then ! check if a given hydrology state exists
select case( layerType(iLayer) )
case(iname_snow); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)
case(iname_soil); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-nSnow)
case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect layerType to be either iname_snow or iname_soil'; return
end select
endif ! if a given hydrology state exists
end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
endif ! if any hydrology states exist
! compute the flux vector for the aquifer
if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixAqWat) = scalarAquiferTranspire + scalarAquiferRecharge - scalarAquiferBaseflow
! set the first flux call to false
! end association to variables in the data structures
end associate
end subroutine computFlux
! **********************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
! **********************************************************************************************************
subroutine soilCmpres(&
! compute total runoff (overwrite previously calculated value before considering aquifer)
scalarTotalRunoff = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarAquiferBaseflow
! if no aquifer, then fluxes are zero
scalarAquiferTranspire = 0._dp ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferRecharge = 0._dp ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
scalarAquiferBaseflow = 0._dp ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
dBaseflow_dAquifer = 0._dp ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
end if ! no aquifer
endif ! if computing aquifer fluxes
! *****
! (X) WRAP UP...
! *************
! define model flux vector for the vegetation sub-domain
if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixCasNrg) = scalarCanairNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegNrg) = scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegHyd) = scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux ! NOTE: solid fluxes are handled separately
! populate the flux vector for energy
do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers,ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer)/=integerMissing) ! (loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain)
fluxVec( ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer) ) = mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
! populate the flux vector for hydrology
! NOTE: ixVolFracWat and ixVolFracLiq can also include states in the soil domain, hence enable primary variable switching
if(nSnowSoilHyd>0)then ! check if any hydrology states exist
do iLayer=1,nLayers
if(ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer)/=integerMissing)then ! check if a given hydrology state exists
select case( layerType(iLayer) )
case(iname_snow); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)
case(iname_soil); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-nSnow)
case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect layerType to be either iname_snow or iname_soil'; return
end select
endif ! if a given hydrology state exists
end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
endif ! if any hydrology states exist
! compute the flux vector for the aquifer
if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixAqWat) = scalarAquiferTranspire + scalarAquiferRecharge - scalarAquiferBaseflow
! set the first flux call to false
! end association to variables in the data structures
end associate
end subroutine computFlux
! **********************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
! **********************************************************************************************************
subroutine soilCmpres(&
! input:
ixRichards, & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
ixBeg,ixEnd, & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
......@@ -987,44 +969,44 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
compress, & ! intent(out): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
dCompress_dPsi, & ! intent(out): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
err,message) ! intent(out): error code and error message
implicit none
! input:
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: ixRichards ! choice of option for Richards' equation
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: ixBeg,ixEnd ! start and end indices defining desired layers
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerMatricHead(:) ! matric head at the start of the time step (m)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:) ! trial value for matric head (m)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:) ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:) ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
real(dp),intent(in) :: specificStorage ! specific storage coefficient (m-1)
real(dp),intent(in) :: theta_sat(:) ! soil porosity (-)
! output:
real(dp),intent(inout) :: compress(:) ! soil compressibility (-)
real(dp),intent(inout) :: dCompress_dPsi(:) ! derivative in soil compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
integer(i4b),intent(out) :: err ! error code
character(*),intent(out) :: message ! error message
! local variables
integer(i4b) :: iLayer ! index of soil layer
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! initialize error control
err=0; message='soilCmpres/'
! (only compute for the mixed form of Richards' equation)
do iLayer=1,size(mLayerMatricHead)
if(iLayer>=ixBeg .and. iLayer<=ixEnd)then
! compute the derivative for the compressibility term (m-1)
dCompress_dPsi(iLayer) = specificStorage*(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer))/theta_sat(iLayer)
! compute the compressibility term (-)
compress(iLayer) = (mLayerMatricHeadTrial(iLayer) - mLayerMatricHead(iLayer))*dCompress_dPsi(iLayer)
end do
compress(:) = 0._dp
dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._dp
end if
end subroutine soilCmpres
! **********************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
! **********************************************************************************************************
implicit none
! input:
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: ixRichards ! choice of option for Richards' equation
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: ixBeg,ixEnd ! start and end indices defining desired layers
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerMatricHead(:) ! matric head at the start of the time step (m)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:) ! trial value for matric head (m)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:) ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
real(dp),intent(in) :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:) ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
real(dp),intent(in) :: specificStorage ! specific storage coefficient (m-1)
real(dp),intent(in) :: theta_sat(:) ! soil porosity (-)
! output:
real(dp),intent(inout) :: compress(:) ! soil compressibility (-)
real(dp),intent(inout) :: dCompress_dPsi(:) ! derivative in soil compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
integer(i4b),intent(out) :: err ! error code
character(*),intent(out) :: message ! error message
! local variables
integer(i4b) :: iLayer ! index of soil layer
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! initialize error control
err=0; message='soilCmpres/'
! (only compute for the mixed form of Richards' equation)
do iLayer=1,size(mLayerMatricHead)
if(iLayer>=ixBeg .and. iLayer<=ixEnd)then
! compute the derivative for the compressibility term (m-1)
dCompress_dPsi(iLayer) = specificStorage*(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer))/theta_sat(iLayer)
! compute the compressibility term (-)
compress(iLayer) = (mLayerMatricHeadTrial(iLayer) - mLayerMatricHead(iLayer))*dCompress_dPsi(iLayer)
end do
compress(:) = 0._dp
dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._dp
end if
end subroutine soilCmpres
! **********************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
! **********************************************************************************************************
subroutine soilCmpresSundials(&
! input:
ixRichards, & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
......@@ -1068,8 +1050,8 @@ subroutine soilCmpresSundials(&
end do
compress(:) = 0._rkind
dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._rkind
compress(:) = 0._dp
dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._dp
end if
end subroutine soilCmpresSundials
......@@ -578,34 +578,34 @@ end subroutine solveByIDA
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
! SetInitialCondition: routine to initialize u and up vectors.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine setInitialCondition(neq, y, sunvec_u, sunvec_up)
subroutine setInitialCondition(neq, y, sunvec_u, sunvec_up)
!======= Inclusions ===========
USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
USE fsundials_nvector_mod
USE fnvector_serial_mod
!======= Inclusions ===========
USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
USE fsundials_nvector_mod
USE fnvector_serial_mod
!======= Declarations =========
implicit none
!======= Declarations =========
implicit none
! calling variables
type(N_Vector) :: sunvec_u ! solution N_Vector
type(N_Vector) :: sunvec_up ! derivative N_Vector
integer(c_long) :: neq
real(rkind) :: y(neq)
! calling variables
type(N_Vector) :: sunvec_u ! solution N_Vector
type(N_Vector) :: sunvec_up ! derivative N_Vector
integer(c_long) :: neq
real(rkind) :: y(neq)
! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
real(c_double), pointer :: uu(:)
real(c_double), pointer :: up(:)
! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
real(c_double), pointer :: uu(:)
real(c_double), pointer :: up(:)
! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
uu(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_u)
up(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_up)
! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
uu(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_u)
up(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_up)
uu = y
up = 0._rkind
uu = y
up = 0._rkind
end subroutine setInitialCondition
end subroutine setInitialCondition
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
! setSolverParams: private routine to set parameters in ida solver
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