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added eval8summaSundials changes

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module eval8JacDAE_module
! data types
USE nrtype
! access missing values
USE globalData,only:integerMissing ! missing integer
USE globalData,only:realMissing ! missing double precision number
USE globalData,only:quadMissing ! missing quadruple precision number
! access the global print flag
USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
! define access to state variables to print
USE globalData,only: iJac1 ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
USE globalData,only: iJac2 ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
! domain types
USE globalData,only:iname_veg ! named variables for vegetation
USE globalData,only:iname_snow ! named variables for snow
USE globalData,only:iname_soil ! named variables for soil
! named variables to describe the state variable type
USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of water on the vegetation canopy
USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer ! named variable defining the liquid water state variable for snow+soil layers
USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
USE globalData,only: ixFullMatrix ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
USE globalData,only: ixBandMatrix ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
USE globalData,only:model_decisions ! model decision structure
! constants
USE multiconst,only:&
Tfreeze, & ! temperature at freezing (K)
LH_fus, & ! latent heat of fusion (J kg-1)
LH_vap, & ! latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1)
LH_sub, & ! latent heat of sublimation (J kg-1)
Cp_air, & ! specific heat of air (J kg-1 K-1)
iden_air, & ! intrinsic density of air (kg m-3)
iden_ice, & ! intrinsic density of ice (kg m-3)
iden_water ! intrinsic density of liquid water (kg m-3)
! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
USE data_types,only:&
var_i, & ! data vector (i4b)
var_d, & ! data vector (rkind)
var_ilength, & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
var_dlength, & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
model_options ! defines the model decisions
! indices that define elements of the data structures
USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX ! named variables for structure elements
USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV ! named variables for structure elements
! look-up values for the choice of groundwater representation (local-column, or single-basin)
USE mDecisions_module,only: &
localColumn, & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
singleBasin ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
USE mDecisions_module,only: &
qbaseTopmodel, & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
bigBucket, & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
noExplicit ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
! look-up values for the form of Richards' equation
USE mDecisions_module,only: &
moisture, & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
mixdform ! mixed form of Richards' equation
implicit none
! **********************************************************************************************************
! public subroutine eval8JacDAE: compute the Jacobian matrix
! **********************************************************************************************************
subroutine eval8JacDAE(&
! input: model control
cj, & ! intent(in): this scalar changes whenever the step size or method order changes
dt, & ! intent(in): time step
nSnow, & ! intent(in): number of snow layers
nSoil, & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
nLayers, & ! intent(in): total number of layers
ixMatrix, & ! intent(in): form of the Jacobian matrix
computeVegFlux, & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
scalarSolution, & ! intent(in): flag to indicate the scalar solution
! input: state vectors
stateVec, & ! intent(in): model state vector
stateVecPrime, & ! intent(in): derivative of model state vector
sMul, & ! intent(in): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
! input: data structures
model_decisions, & ! intent(in): model decisions
mpar_data, & ! intent(in): model parameters
prog_data, & ! intent(in): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
! input-output: data structures
indx_data, & ! intent(inout): index data
diag_data, & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
deriv_data, & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
! input: baseflow
dBaseflow_dMatric, & ! intent(in): derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
! output: flux and residual vectors
dMat, & ! intent(inout): diagonal of Jacobian Matrix
Jac, & ! intent(out): jacobian matrix
err,message) ! intent(out): error control
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! provide access to subroutines
USE varExtrSundials_module, only:varExtract2 ! extract variables from the state vector
USE varExtrSundials_module, only:varExtractSundials
USE updateVars4JacDAE_module, only:updateVars4JacDAE ! update prognostic variables
USE computJacDAE_module,only:computJacDAE
implicit none
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! input: model control
real(rkind),intent(in) :: cj ! this scalar changes whenever the step size or method order changes
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dt ! time step
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: nSnow ! number of snow layers
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: nSoil ! number of soil layers
integer(i4b),intent(in) :: nLayers ! total number of layers
integer(i4b) :: ixMatrix ! form of matrix (band diagonal or full matrix)
logical(lgt),intent(in) :: computeVegFlux ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
logical(lgt),intent(in) :: scalarSolution ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
! input: state vectors
real(rkind),intent(in) :: stateVec(:) ! model state vector
real(rkind),intent(in) :: stateVecPrime(:) ! model state vector
real(qp),intent(in) :: sMul(:) ! NOTE: qp ! state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
! input: data structures
type(model_options),intent(in) :: model_decisions(:) ! model decisions
type(var_dlength), intent(in) :: mpar_data ! model parameters
type(var_dlength), intent(in) :: prog_data ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
! output: data structures
type(var_ilength),intent(inout) :: indx_data ! indices defining model states and layers
type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
! input-output: baseflow
real(rkind),intent(in) :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:) ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
! output: Jacobian
real(rkind), intent(inout) :: dMat(:)
real(rkind), intent(out) :: Jac(:,:) ! jacobian matrix
! output: error control
integer(i4b),intent(out) :: err ! error code
character(*),intent(out) :: message ! error message
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! local variables
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! state variables
real(rkind) :: scalarCanairTempTrial ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyTempTrial ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyWatTrial ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerTempTrial ! trial value for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracWatTrial ! trial value for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
real(rkind),dimension(nSoil) :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial ! trial value for total water matric potential (m)
real(rkind),dimension(nSoil) :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial ! trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
real(rkind) :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial ! trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
! diagnostic variables
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyIceTrial ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
! derivative of state variables
real(rkind) :: scalarCanairTempPrime ! derivative value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyTempPrime ! derivative value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyWatPrime ! derivative value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerTempPrime ! derivative value for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracWatPrime ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
real(rkind),dimension(nSoil) :: mLayerMatricHeadPrime ! derivative value for total water matric potential (m)
real(rkind),dimension(nSoil) :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime ! derivative value for liquid water matric potential (m)
real(rkind) :: scalarAquiferStoragePrime ! derivative value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
! derivative of diagnostic variables
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyLiqPrime ! derivative value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind) :: scalarCanopyIcePrime ! derivative value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrime ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
real(rkind),dimension(nLayers) :: mLayerVolFracIcePrime ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
! other local variables
character(LEN=256) :: cmessage ! error message of downwind routine
real(rkind) :: dt1
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! association to variables in the data structures
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! model decisions
ixRichards => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%f_Richards)%iDecision ,& ! intent(in): [i4b] index of the form of Richards' equation
! soil parameters
theta_sat => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)] soil porosity (-)
specificStorage => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%specificStorage)%dat(1) ,& ! intent(in): [dp] specific storage coefficient (m-1)
! model state variables
mLayerVolFracLiq => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
mLayerVolFracIce => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of ice (-)
mLayerMatricHeadLiq => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)] liquid water matric potential (m)
ixGroundwater => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision &
) ! association to variables in the data structures
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! initialize error control
err=0; message="eval8JacDAE/"
! extract variables from the model state vector
call varExtract2(&
! input
stateVec, & ! intent(in): model state vector (mixed units)
diag_data, & ! intent(in): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
prog_data, & ! intent(in): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
indx_data, & ! intent(in): indices defining model states and layers
! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
scalarCanairTempTrial, & ! intent(out): trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
scalarCanopyTempTrial, & ! intent(out): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
scalarCanopyWatTrial, & ! intent(out): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyLiqTrial, & ! intent(out): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
mLayerTempTrial, & ! intent(out): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
mLayerVolFracWatTrial, & ! intent(out): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
mLayerVolFracLiqTrial, & ! intent(out): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
mLayerMatricHeadTrial, & ! intent(out): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(out): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
! output: variables for the aquifer
scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out): trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
! output: error control
err,cmessage) ! intent(out): error control
if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if ! (check for errors)
! extract derivative of variables from derivative of the model state vector
call varExtractSundials(&
! input
stateVecPrime, & ! intent(in): derivative of model state vector (mixed units)
diag_data, & ! intent(in): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
prog_data, & ! intent(in): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
indx_data, & ! intent(in): indices defining model states and layers
! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
scalarCanairTempPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of canopy air temperature (K)
scalarCanopyTempPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of canopy temperature (K)
scalarCanopyWatPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of canopy total water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyLiqPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
mLayerTempPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of layer temperature (K)
mLayerVolFracWatPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of volumetric total water content (-)
mLayerVolFracLiqPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of volumetric liquid water content (-)
mLayerMatricHeadPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of total water matric potential (m)
mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(out): derivative of liquid water matric potential (m)
! output: variables for the aquifer
scalarAquiferStoragePrime,& ! intent(out): derivative of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
! output: error control
err,cmessage) ! intent(out): error control
if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if ! (check for errors)
call updateVars4JacDAE(&
! input
dt, & ! intent(in): time step
.false., & ! intent(in): logical flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy used in melt+freeze
mpar_data, & ! intent(in): model parameters for a local HRU
indx_data, & ! intent(in): indices defining model states and layers
prog_data, & ! intent(in): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
diag_data, & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
deriv_data, & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
scalarCanopyTempTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
scalarCanopyWatTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyLiqTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyIceTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyTempPrime, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
scalarCanopyWatPrime, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyLiqPrime, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
scalarCanopyIcePrime, & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2
! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
mLayerTempTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
mLayerVolFracWatTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
mLayerVolFracLiqTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
mLayerVolFracIceTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
mLayerMatricHeadTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(inout): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
mLayerTempPrime, & !
mLayerVolFracWatPrime, & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric total water content (-)
mLayerVolFracLiqPrime, & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
mLayerVolFracIcePrime, & !
mLayerMatricHeadPrime, & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of total water matric potential (m)
mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
! output: error control
err,cmessage) ! intent(out): error control
if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if ! (check for errors)
! -----
! * compute the Jacobian matrix...
! --------------------------------
! compute the analytical Jacobian matrix
! NOTE: The derivatives were computed in the previous call to computFlux
! This occurred either at the call to eval8DAE at the start of sysSolveSundials
! or in the call to eval8DAE in the previous iteration
dt1 = 1._qp
call computJacDAE(&
! input: model control
cj, & ! intent(in): this scalar changes whenever the step size or method order changes
dt1, & ! intent(in): length of the time step (seconds)
nSnow, & ! intent(in): number of snow layers
nSoil, & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
nLayers, & ! intent(in): total number of layers
computeVegFlux, & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
(ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel), & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need to compute baseflow
ixMatrix, & ! intent(in): form of the Jacobian matrix
specificStorage, & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
theta_sat, & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
ixRichards, & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
! input: data structures
indx_data, & ! intent(in): index data
prog_data, & ! intent(in): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
diag_data, & ! intent(in): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
deriv_data, & ! intent(in): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
dBaseflow_dMatric, & ! intent(in): derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
! input: state variables
mLayerTempTrial, & ! intent(in): trial value for the temperature of each snow and soil layer (K)
mLayerTempPrime, & ! intent(in)
mLayerMatricHeadPrime, & ! intent(in)
mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(in)
mLayerVolFracWatPrime, & ! intent(in)
scalarCanopyTempTrial, & ! intent(in)
scalarCanopyTempPrime, & ! intent(in) derivative value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
scalarCanopyWatPrime, & ! intetn(in)
! input-output: Jacobian and its diagonal
dMat, & ! intent(inout): diagonal of the Jacobian matrix
Jac, & ! intent(out): Jacobian matrix
! output: error control
err,cmessage) ! intent(out): error code and error message
if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if ! (check for errors)
! end association with the information in the data structures
end associate
end subroutine eval8JacDAE
end module eval8JacDAE_module
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