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  • cpv616/module1_2
  • nma904/module1_2
2 results
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\ No newline at end of file
#genomeID genomeName ancestor numChr
64965 Vitis 1 19
64962 Prunus 2 8
64734 Quillaja 3 14
64742 Cercis 4 7
64767 Sindora 5 13
64768 Senna 6 13
64963 Phaseolus 7 11
64964 Medicago 7 8
64962 Prunus 1 8
64734 Quillaja 2 14
64742 Cercis 3 7
64767 Sindora 4 12
64768 Senna 5 13
64963 Phaseolus 6 11
64964 Medicago 6 8
class GeneFamily:
A class used to create Gene Families
gene_list: dictionary
stores the names of all genes, respective gene families along with other related information
gene_family: dictionary
keeps track of which genes belong to which gene families
gene_pair: list
stores the name of both genes, their similarity and their ks
gene_family_label: int
a label to identify which genes are part of which gene families
gene_list = {}
gene_family = {}
gene_pair = []
gene_family_label = 1
reads and stores the information from the genomes text file
creates a gene family
update_genes(gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, leaf_index_2)
updates both the gene_list and the gene_family dictionaries
reformats the gene_list dictionary
extracts information from the pairwise SynMap output
def __init__(self, parsed_config):
:param parsed_config: list
a list containing all the paths for the input data and output files
self.project_name = parsed_config['project_name']
self.input_path = parsed_config['input_path']
self.output_path = parsed_config['output_path']
self.leaf_genome_file = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['leaf_genome_info']
self.synteny_file_ending = parsed_config['input_file']['synteny_file_name']
self.synteny_file_path = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['synteny_file_path']
self.phylo_tree_path = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['phylo_tree_path']
self.min_cutoff_weight = parsed_config['min_cutoff_weight']
self.max_cutoff_weight = parsed_config['max_cutoff_weight']
self.gene_list_output = self.output_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['output_file']['gene_list']
self.gene_family_output = self.output_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['output_file']['gene_family']
self.max_genes_in_family = parsed_config['gf1']
self.max_genes_from_genome = parsed_config['gf2']
self.min_genomes_in_family = parsed_config['gf3']
def get_leaves_and_tree_info(self):
""" Gets all the information that are related to the input genomes along with the desired tree structure
:return: all_leaves: list
returns a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: median_structure: list
returns a list containing the desired tree structure
with open(self.leaf_genome_file) as leaf_file:
leaf_lines = leaf_file.readlines()
all_leaves = []
median_structure = []
index = 0
for line in leaf_lines:
if line[0] != "#" and line not in ['\n', '\r\n']:
leaf = line.split()
index += 1
with open(self.phylo_tree_path) as tree_file:
tree_lines = tree_file.readlines()
for line in tree_lines:
if line[0] != "#" and line not in ['\n', '\r\n']:
# median_structure.append(line.rstrip().split("\t"))
newick_structure = line.rstrip()
conversion_input = newick_structure[:]
# print(newick_structure)
# print(type(conversion_input))
# if newick structure is in the form "genomeName_genomeID" comment out for-loop if it's just genomeID
for genome in all_leaves:
genome_string = (str(genome[1]) + "_")
conversion_input = conversion_input.replace(genome_string, "")
# print(conversion_input)
median_structure = self.convert_newick(conversion_input, all_leaves)
# print(median_structure)
return all_leaves, median_structure, newick_structure
def convert_newick(self, newick_tree, all_leaves):
""" Converts the input tree from Newick form to a median structure for future use
:param newick_tree: str
input tree structure
:param all_leaves: list
a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: median_structure: list
returns a list containing the desired tree structure
median_structure = []
first_right = newick_tree.find(")")
last_left = newick_tree.rfind("(", 0, first_right)
# print("fr "+ str(first_right))
# print("ll " +str(last_left))
while last_left != 0:
neighbours = newick_tree[last_left + 1: first_right].replace(" ", "")
# print(neighbours)
leaf1, leaf2 = neighbours.split(",")
print("Binary Tree Required for this Program, Correct the Inputted Tree")
leaf_pair = leaf1 + "-" + leaf2
[leaf1.replace("-", ","), leaf2.replace("-", ","), self.find_other_leaves(leaf1, leaf2, all_leaves)])
newick_tree = newick_tree.replace(newick_tree[last_left: first_right + 1], leaf_pair)
# print(median_structure)
# print(newick_tree)
first_right = newick_tree.find(")")
last_left = newick_tree.rfind("(", 0, first_right)
# print("FR "+str(first_right))
# print("LL "+str(last_left))
neighbours = newick_tree[last_left + 1: first_right].replace(" ", "")
leaf1, leaf2 = neighbours.split(",")
# print(leaf1, leaf2)
print("Binary Tree Required for this Program, Correct the Inputted Tree")
return median_structure
def find_other_leaves(self, leaf1, leaf2, all_leaves):
""" Finds all leaves that are not a part of leaf1 or leaf2
:param leaf1: str
a child of a node which is a string containing leaves/a leaf to exclude
:param leaf2: str
the other child of the same node which is also a string containing leaves/a leaf to exclude
:param all_leaves: list
a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: result: str
a string containing the remaining leaves' genome IDs
leaves1 = leaf1.split("-")
leaves2 = leaf2.split("-")
# print(leaves1)
# print(leaves2)
leaves_to_remove = leaves1 + leaves2
other_leaves = [leaf[0] for leaf in all_leaves if leaf[0] not in leaves_to_remove]
# print(leaves_to_remove)
# print(other_leaves)
result = ','.join(other_leaves)
return result
def make_gene_family(self, genome_leaves):
""" Creates Gene Families and writes them to a text file
For each genome, read through all the pairwise SynMap outputs.
First, extract information about each gene in the outputs using extract_gene_info().
Then, if the similarity between the genes in the SynMap outputs falls within
the threshold, update the gene_list and gene_family dictionaries.
Finally, modify the format so that the gene_family_labels are in consecutive order
and output these two dictionaries into files.
:param genome_leaves: list
list containing information for all the genome leaves
for i in range(0, len(genome_leaves)):
for j in range(i, len(genome_leaves)):
leaf_index_1 = genome_leaves[i][0]
leaf_index_2 = genome_leaves[j][0]
file_name = self.synteny_file_path + leaf_index_1 + "_" + leaf_index_2 + self.synteny_file_ending
# print(file_name)
with open(file_name) as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[0] != "#":
gene_name_1, gene_info_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, ks, kn, similarity = \
self.extract_gene_info(line, leaf_index_1, leaf_index_2)
if (self.min_cutoff_weight < similarity) and (self.max_cutoff_weight >= similarity):
self.gene_pair.append([gene_name_1, gene_name_2, similarity, ks])
self.update_genes(gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2,
# ? specify project specific output folders, avoid hard coding paths in scripts
# ? use indicative variable names, k, v are not informative
with open(self.gene_family_output, 'w') as f:
for family, group_of_genes in self.gene_family.items():
f.write(str(family) + " ")
for gene in group_of_genes:
f.write("%s " % gene)
with open(self.gene_list_output, 'w') as f:
for gene, gene_info in self.gene_list.items():
f.write(str(gene) + " ")
for item in gene_info:
f.write("%s " % item)
def update_genes(self, gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, leaf_index_2):
"""Updates the gene_list and gene_family dictionaries accordingly
First, determine whether each gene is present in the gene_list dictionary.
If they both aren't, then add both to the gene_list, and add them together into
the same gene_family. If one of them is present and the other isn't, add the one
that isn't present to the gene_list, and add it to the present genes' gene_family_label.
Finally, if both are already present, remove one of the gene_family_labels from
the gene_family dictionary, and update that gene's gene_family_label value in gene_list.
Finally, add the gene to the other one's gene_family_label key in the gene_family dictionary.
:param gene_name_1: str
:param gene_info_1: list
:param leaf_index_1: str
leaf index for the gene related to gene_name_1
:param gene_name_2: str
:param gene_info_2: list
:param leaf_index_2: str
leaf index for the gene related to gene_name_2
gene1_in_genelist = gene_name_1 in self.gene_list
gene2_in_genelist = gene_name_2 in self.gene_list
if (not gene1_in_genelist) and (not gene2_in_genelist):
self.gene_list[gene_name_1] = [leaf_index_1, gene_info_1, self.gene_family_label]
self.gene_list[gene_name_2] = [leaf_index_2, gene_info_2, self.gene_family_label]
self.gene_family[self.gene_family_label] = [gene_name_1, gene_name_2]
self.gene_family_label += 1
elif gene1_in_genelist and (not gene2_in_genelist):
current_gene_family_1 = self.gene_list[gene_name_1][2]
self.gene_list[gene_name_2] = [leaf_index_2, gene_info_2, current_gene_family_1]
elif (not gene1_in_genelist) and gene2_in_genelist:
current_gene_family_2 = self.gene_list[gene_name_2][2]
self.gene_list[gene_name_1] = [leaf_index_1, gene_info_1, current_gene_family_2]
current_gene_family_1 = self.gene_list[gene_name_1][2]
current_gene_family_2 = self.gene_list[gene_name_2][2]
if current_gene_family_1 != current_gene_family_2:
genes_2 = self.gene_family[current_gene_family_2]
for gene in genes_2:
self.gene_list[gene][2] = current_gene_family_1
del self.gene_family[current_gene_family_2]
# def check_genome_id(self, list_of_genes):
# result = []
# for gene in list_of_genes:
# genome_id = self.gene_list[gene][1][0]
# if genome_id not in result:
# result.append(genome_id)
# return result
def format_genes(self):
"""Updates the gene_family_label field for all genes in the gene_list and reformat the gene_family dictionary
First, remove any Gene Families that have lengths over 500 and remove any genes in those families from the gene_list.
Then, create a new Gene Family dictionary with ordered, consecutive gene_family_labels.
Finally, update the existing gene_list using the list of genes in each gene family.
current_index = 1
formatted_genefamily = {}
ids_to_remove = []
families_to_remove = []
for family, members in self.gene_family.items():
genomes_seen = {}
genomes_seen_2 = {}
# gf1 implementation
if len(members) > int(self.max_genes_in_family):
# print(len(value))
for gene_id in members:
# gf2 implementation
if len(members) > self.max_genes_from_genome:
for member in members:
member_genome_id = self.gene_list[member][0]
if member_genome_id not in genomes_seen.keys():
genomes_seen[member_genome_id] = 1
genomes_seen[member_genome_id] += 1
if genomes_seen[member_genome_id] > int(self.max_genes_from_genome):
for gene_id in members:
# gf3 implementation
for member in members:
member_genome_id_2 = self.gene_list[member][0]
genomes_seen_2[member_genome_id_2] = 1
if len(genomes_seen_2) >= self.min_genomes_in_family:
if len(genomes_seen_2) < self.min_genomes_in_family:
for gene_id in members:
# print(len(keys_to_remove))
for family in list(set(families_to_remove)):
# print(key, self.gene_family[key])
del self.gene_family[family]
for ids in list(set(ids_to_remove)):
del self.gene_list[ids]
for family, members in self.gene_family.items():
formatted_genefamily[current_index] = members
current_index += 1
for family, members in formatted_genefamily.items():
for gene in members:
self.gene_list[gene][-1] = family
self.gene_family = formatted_genefamily.copy()
def extract_gene_info(self, line, leaf_index_1, leaf_index_2):
"""Extracts information from the pairwise SynMap output
:param line: list
a line of information from the pairwise SynMap output
:param leaf_index_1: int
index of the first leaf
:param leaf_index_2: int
index of the second leaf
:return: gene_name_1: str
gene_info_1: list
gene_name_2: str
gene_info_2: list
ks: int
kn: int
similarity: int
info = line.split()
gene_info_1 = info[3].split('||')
gene_info_2 = info[7].split('||')
gene_name_1 = leaf_index_1 + gene_info_1[3]
gene_name_2 = leaf_index_2 + gene_info_2[3]
ks = info[0]
kn = info[1]
similarity = gene_info_1[-1]
return gene_name_1, gene_info_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, ks, kn, float(similarity)
class GeneFamily:
A class used to create Gene Families
gene_list: dictionary
stores the names of all genes, respective gene families along with other related information
gene_family: dictionary
keeps track of which genes belong to which gene families
gene_pair: list
stores the name of both genes, their similarity and their ks
gene_family_label: int
a label to identify which genes are part of which gene families
gene_list = {}
gene_family = {}
gene_pair = []
gene_family_label = 1
reads and stores the information from the genomes text file
creates a gene family
update_genes(gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, leaf_index_2)
updates both the gene_list and the gene_family dictionaries
reformats the gene_list dictionary
extracts information from the pairwise SynMap output
def __init__(self, parsed_config):
:param parsed_config: list
a list containing all the paths for the input data and output files
self.project_name = parsed_config['project_name']
self.input_path = parsed_config['input_path']
self.output_path = parsed_config['output_path']
self.leaf_genome_file = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['leaf_genome_info']
self.synteny_file_ending = parsed_config['input_file']['synteny_file_name']
self.synteny_file_path = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['synteny_file_path']
self.phylo_tree_path = self.input_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['input_file']['phylo_tree_path']
self.min_cutoff_weight = parsed_config['min_cutoff_weight']
self.max_cutoff_weight = parsed_config['max_cutoff_weight']
self.gene_list_output = self.output_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['output_file']['gene_list']
self.gene_family_output = self.output_path + self.project_name + parsed_config['output_file']['gene_family']
self.max_genes_in_family = parsed_config['gf1']
self.max_genes_from_genome = parsed_config['gf2']
self.min_genomes_in_family = parsed_config['gf3']
def get_leaves_and_tree_info(self):
""" Gets all the information that are related to the input genomes along with the desired tree structure
:return: all_leaves: list
returns a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: median_structure: list
returns a list containing the desired tree structure
with open(self.leaf_genome_file) as leaf_file:
leaf_lines = leaf_file.readlines()
all_leaves = []
median_structure = []
index = 0
for line in leaf_lines:
if line[0] != "#" and line not in ['\n', '\r\n']:
leaf = line.split()
index += 1
with open(self.phylo_tree_path) as tree_file:
tree_lines = tree_file.readlines()
for line in tree_lines:
if line[0] != "#" and line not in ['\n', '\r\n']:
# median_structure.append(line.rstrip().split("\t"))
newick_structure = line.rstrip()
conversion_input = newick_structure[:]
# print(newick_structure)
# print(type(conversion_input))
# if newick structure is in the form "genomeName_genomeID" comment out for-loop if it's just genomeID
for genome in all_leaves:
genome_string = (str(genome[1]) + "_")
conversion_input = conversion_input.replace(genome_string, "")
# print(conversion_input)
median_structure = self.convert_newick(conversion_input, all_leaves)
# print(median_structure)
return all_leaves, median_structure, newick_structure
def convert_newick(self, newick_tree, all_leaves):
""" Converts the input tree from Newick form to a median structure for future use
:param newick_tree: str
input tree structure
:param all_leaves: list
a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: median_structure: list
returns a list containing the desired tree structure
median_structure = []
first_right = newick_tree.find(")")
last_left = newick_tree.rfind("(", 0, first_right)
# print("fr "+ str(first_right))
# print("ll " +str(last_left))
while last_left != 0:
neighbours = newick_tree[last_left + 1: first_right].replace(" ", "")
# print(neighbours)
leaf1, leaf2 = neighbours.split(",")
print("Binary Tree Required for this Program, Correct the Inputted Tree")
leaf_pair = leaf1 + "-" + leaf2
[leaf1.replace("-", ","), leaf2.replace("-", ","), self.find_other_leaves(leaf1, leaf2, all_leaves)])
newick_tree = newick_tree.replace(newick_tree[last_left: first_right + 1], leaf_pair)
# print(median_structure)
# print(newick_tree)
first_right = newick_tree.find(")")
last_left = newick_tree.rfind("(", 0, first_right)
# print("FR "+str(first_right))
# print("LL "+str(last_left))
neighbours = newick_tree[last_left + 1: first_right].replace(" ", "")
leaf1, leaf2 = neighbours.split(",")
# print(leaf1, leaf2)
print("Binary Tree Required for this Program, Correct the Inputted Tree")
return median_structure
def find_other_leaves(self, leaf1, leaf2, all_leaves):
""" Finds all leaves that are not a part of leaf1 or leaf2
:param leaf1: str
a child of a node which is a string containing leaves/a leaf to exclude
:param leaf2: str
the other child of the same node which is also a string containing leaves/a leaf to exclude
:param all_leaves: list
a list containing all the information related to the inputted genomes
:return: result: str
a string containing the remaining leaves' genome IDs
leaves1 = leaf1.split("-")
leaves2 = leaf2.split("-")
# print(leaves1)
# print(leaves2)
leaves_to_remove = leaves1 + leaves2
other_leaves = [leaf[0] for leaf in all_leaves if leaf[0] not in leaves_to_remove]
# print(leaves_to_remove)
# print(other_leaves)
result = ','.join(other_leaves)
return result
def make_gene_family(self, genome_leaves):
""" Creates Gene Families and writes them to a text file
For each genome, read through all the pairwise SynMap outputs.
First, extract information about each gene in the outputs using extract_gene_info().
Then, if the similarity between the genes in the SynMap outputs falls within
the threshold, update the gene_list and gene_family dictionaries.
Finally, modify the format so that the gene_family_labels are in consecutive order
and output these two dictionaries into files.
Generate gene family file of columns in the order of "geneName","geneFamilyID","chr", "start","end",“strand","genomeCoGeID”.
:param genome_leaves: list
list containing information for all the genome leaves
for i in range(0, len(genome_leaves)):
for j in range(i, len(genome_leaves)):
leaf_index_1 = genome_leaves[i][0]
leaf_index_2 = genome_leaves[j][0]
file_name = self.synteny_file_path + leaf_index_1 + "_" + leaf_index_2 + self.synteny_file_ending
# print(file_name)
with open(file_name) as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[0] != "#":
gene_name_1, gene_info_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, ks, kn, similarity = \
self.extract_gene_info(line, leaf_index_1, leaf_index_2)
if (self.min_cutoff_weight < similarity) and (self.max_cutoff_weight >= similarity):
self.gene_pair.append([gene_name_1, gene_name_2, similarity, ks])
self.update_genes(gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2,
with open(self.gene_family_output, 'w') as f:
for family, group_of_genes in self.gene_family.items():
f.write(str(family) + " ")
for gene in group_of_genes:
f.write("%s " % gene)
with open(self.gene_list_output, 'w') as f:
for gene, gene_info in sorted(self.gene_list.items(),key=self.get_GeneFamily_ID):
f.write("%s " % gene_info[1][3])
f.write("%s " % str(gene_info[2]))
f.write("%s " % gene_info[1][0])
f.write("%s " % gene_info[1][1])
f.write("%s " % gene_info[1][2])
f.write("%s " % gene_info[1][4])
f.write("%s " % gene_info[0])
def get_GeneFamily_ID(self,item):
return item[1][2]
def update_genes(self, gene_name_1, gene_info_1, leaf_index_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, leaf_index_2):
"""Updates the gene_list and gene_family dictionaries accordingly
First, determine whether each gene is present in the gene_list dictionary.
If they both aren't, then add both to the gene_list, and add them together into
the same gene_family. If one of them is present and the other isn't, add the one
that isn't present to the gene_list, and add it to the present genes' gene_family_label.
Finally, if both are already present, remove one of the gene_family_labels from
the gene_family dictionary, and update that gene's gene_family_label value in gene_list.
Finally, add the gene to the other one's gene_family_label key in the gene_family dictionary.
:param gene_name_1: str
:param gene_info_1: list
:param leaf_index_1: str
leaf index for the gene related to gene_name_1
:param gene_name_2: str
:param gene_info_2: list
:param leaf_index_2: str
leaf index for the gene related to gene_name_2
gene1_in_genelist = gene_name_1 in self.gene_list
gene2_in_genelist = gene_name_2 in self.gene_list
if (not gene1_in_genelist) and (not gene2_in_genelist):
self.gene_list[gene_name_1] = [leaf_index_1, gene_info_1, self.gene_family_label]
self.gene_list[gene_name_2] = [leaf_index_2, gene_info_2, self.gene_family_label]
self.gene_family[self.gene_family_label] = [gene_name_1, gene_name_2]
self.gene_family_label += 1
elif gene1_in_genelist and (not gene2_in_genelist):
current_gene_family_1 = self.gene_list[gene_name_1][2]
self.gene_list[gene_name_2] = [leaf_index_2, gene_info_2, current_gene_family_1]
elif (not gene1_in_genelist) and gene2_in_genelist:
current_gene_family_2 = self.gene_list[gene_name_2][2]
self.gene_list[gene_name_1] = [leaf_index_1, gene_info_1, current_gene_family_2]
current_gene_family_1 = self.gene_list[gene_name_1][2]
current_gene_family_2 = self.gene_list[gene_name_2][2]
if current_gene_family_1 != current_gene_family_2:
genes_2 = self.gene_family[current_gene_family_2]
for gene in genes_2:
self.gene_list[gene][2] = current_gene_family_1
del self.gene_family[current_gene_family_2]
# def check_genome_id(self, list_of_genes):
# result = []
# for gene in list_of_genes:
# genome_id = self.gene_list[gene][1][0]
# if genome_id not in result:
# result.append(genome_id)
# return result
def format_genes(self):
"""Updates the gene_family_label field for all genes in the gene_list and reformat the gene_family dictionary
First, remove any Gene Families that have lengths over 500 and remove any genes in those families from the gene_list.
Then, create a new Gene Family dictionary with ordered, consecutive gene_family_labels.
Finally, update the existing gene_list using the list of genes in each gene family.
current_index = 1
formatted_genefamily = {}
ids_to_remove = []
families_to_remove = []
for family, members in self.gene_family.items():
genomes_seen = {}
genomes_seen_2 = {}
# gf1 implementation
if len(members) > int(self.max_genes_in_family):
# print(len(value))
for gene_id in members:
# gf2 implementation
if len(members) > self.max_genes_from_genome:
for member in members:
member_genome_id = self.gene_list[member][0]
if member_genome_id not in genomes_seen.keys():
genomes_seen[member_genome_id] = 1
genomes_seen[member_genome_id] += 1
if genomes_seen[member_genome_id] > int(self.max_genes_from_genome):
for gene_id in members:
# gf3 implementation
for member in members:
member_genome_id_2 = self.gene_list[member][0]
genomes_seen_2[member_genome_id_2] = 1
if len(genomes_seen_2) >= self.min_genomes_in_family:
if len(genomes_seen_2) < self.min_genomes_in_family:
for gene_id in members:
# print(len(keys_to_remove))
for family in list(set(families_to_remove)):
# print(key, self.gene_family[key])
del self.gene_family[family]
for ids in list(set(ids_to_remove)):
del self.gene_list[ids]
for family, members in self.gene_family.items():
formatted_genefamily[current_index] = members
current_index += 1
for family, members in formatted_genefamily.items():
for gene in members:
self.gene_list[gene][-1] = family
self.gene_family = formatted_genefamily.copy()
def extract_gene_info(self, line, leaf_index_1, leaf_index_2):
"""Extracts information from the pairwise SynMap output
:param line: list
a line of information from the pairwise SynMap output
:param leaf_index_1: int
index of the first leaf
:param leaf_index_2: int
index of the second leaf
:return: gene_name_1: str
gene_info_1: list
gene_name_2: str
gene_info_2: list
ks: int
kn: int
similarity: int
info = line.split()
gene_info_1 = info[3].split('||')
gene_info_2 = info[7].split('||')
gene_name_1 = leaf_index_1 + gene_info_1[3]
gene_name_2 = leaf_index_2 + gene_info_2[3]
ks = info[0]
kn = info[1]
similarity = gene_info_1[-1]
return gene_name_1, gene_info_1, gene_name_2, gene_info_2, ks, kn, float(similarity)