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  • NMED
  • NamNguyen
  • Owen
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  • nam
  • nam_resever
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Nov22212098update on area power delaynamnamMerge branch 'nam' of into namattempt2 for recording the accuracyRan quartus simulation. All the results for Area, Power, & Delay are recorded in doc_shrawan_A_B_C.txt and RTL diagrams are stored in quartus_for_power_delay_areas folder.NMED for all posible inputOwenOwenupdate our_mult and approx_multfinished_version2finished_version2Merge branch 'nam' of into namThanks Lord, we finishedfinishedfinishedupdated quartus_for_power_delay_areasArea/Power/Delay calcfixing the testbench for PEnam_resevernam_reseveradd our_mult againcompleted approx model with each %completed approx model with each %Merge branch 'NamNguyen' into 'main'mainmainMerge branch 'nam'modified process_engine.svtestingNamNguyenNamNguyenMerge branch 'revert-e55ab10b' into 'main'Revert "fixing conflicts from nam branch"fixing conflicts from nam branchadding the process_engine.svMerge branch 'nam' of into namAdding the process_engine.svplease erase ur passwordAdd Shrawan FilesFixed NMED calculationsadd all the test filessetting up quartusAdd CME_documentation folderFixed exact multiplier accuracy.Added the NMED functionality.Approx_mult_completedFix the NMED formula to calculate for every layer.NMEDNMEDupdate on approx_mult - by namupdate approx- by shrawanDraft calculation of NMED (still need to confirm)Created a working skeleton for calculating NMED for every layerWorking on calculating NMED in get_mnist_stats.pyUpdate cme433_lrtestbench-main/src/design.txt