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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Mar131211109876543228Feb27262520191817161412111098765432131Jan3029262221updated title screen, not centered. connected rules button to rules screen. tweaked options menunoel-branchnoel-branchfinished rules page. needs to be connected to main gamestalemate flag turns off when capturing the last piece in black stalematehtoo-branchhtoo-branchif black is not captured in 3 turns during stalemate then losefixed bug where black stalemate flag would start when it has moveslogic for black stalemate workingstalemate working, may have bugsfixed UI piece selection and board selection, bug where system did not know which one to prioritizefixed pieces spawning earlier than they shouldin placement phase, you can reposition pieces that are already placedupdated piece select screen ui, added floating pieces to title screenfixed pawn crashing game issue, need balancing so they spawnfixed bug, stage weights was not being used properly in spawn manageradd ranged_capture_requested signal to MagicApprenticePiecealan-branchalan-branchfixed ShopItem layout size by enabling autowrap for item nameclamped promotion UI positioning to screen and added new spawnable pieces for airemoved features so game does not crash anymoreupdate options menu darkness and shop item descriptionsremove sorc modulateAdded Themed Tilesraj-branchraj-branchupdated stage display, now includes stage nameupdated ui, stage and round display updates as game progressesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/noel-branch' into alan-branchmainmaincorrected casing for scene file names in theme piece configurationsfixed mage apprentice range capturechanged ui: centered board and shop, got rid of brown border, etcMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/htoo-branch' into alan-branchUpdated Magic Apprentice naming and update promotion optionsfurther balanced the spawn pieces, board is bigger for stages 1-5Update background dark color valueMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/htoo-branch' into alan-branchAdd Magic Apprentice piece and update movement texture pathsremoved bishop mapmerged with htooMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/htoo-branch' into alan-branchmergring with stage theme backgrounds implementedadded themed pieces to their respective stage themes, further balancingUpdate shop reset costAdd promotion label for pawn-like pieces in piece popupsdynamic backgrounds change depending on the stage theme