The app is meant to give information regarding places around Saskatoon, as well as provide recommendations on highly favourable activities.
Need and Value:
The app will provide detailed information regarding the desirable destination selected by the user. The app will be simple orientate which provides easy access to help answer the question
The foreign travellers who looking for a trustworthy guide.
Technology requirements:
This project is built in Android Studio, tested for Android SDK 9.0 and up. In order to see the information from Google (restaurants details, Google ratings), you must place an API key in your file as below: GOOGLE_PLACE_API_KEY=your_api_key
If it has trouble finding it, after syncing Gradle files try:
- Build > Clean Project
- File > invalidate cache
- Build > Rebuild Project
Also, sometimes it requires to specify com.example.event36.BuildConfig.GOOGLE_PLACE_API_KEY