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Snippets Groups Projects

To Run our Program:

  • We are using a javafx application created on IntelliJ, which is located in our Master branch.
  • To run our program, open up IntelliJ, type ctrl+shift+a, then type git clone, and hit enter. You will be given a field to add a URL to clone. Open a browser, and go to our git. Go to our repository and click on the Master branch. You will see a blue button on the top-right that says "clone". click that, and copy the HTTPS link.
  • Go back to IntelliJ, and paste the link into the window that was opened before, and click clone. After this is done, you can select a project name (or just leave it as the default name). You can hit enter for the remander of the entries.
  • To make sure you are on the Master branch, Press ctrl-shift-a, type branches and hit enter. You should then see a list of branches. Look for Master, click on the arrow, and hit checkout. On the top, around where the run button is, there is a blue arrow pointing down and to the left. press it and it should pull the project.
  • If you see a folder in you working directory called BTSBFXML, then you have our project.
  • Before running the program, you might first need to set up your libraries in the Project Structure section.
  • Click the folder on the top right of the screen with 3 blue squares. Select the Libraries tab, and the plus at the top, and look for your library folder in both your java jdk, and your jfx directories. You will then need to add the sqlite located at BTSB/Libs. (So in total 3 librarys to add)
  • Next, you might have to make sure your program has a selected module. Attempt to run the program so you are actually able to edit configurations, then click run at the top of the screen and find the Edit Configurations option. Make sure modules is set, and JRE is set to Default. After that, the program should be runnable:
  • Press the run button (the green arrow at the top of the screen)
  • A window should popup. Resort to the Testing documentation from this point on.

Front End Test Documentation:

  • When the program starts up, you will be directed to the home page which lists a list of featured games, and reviews. Each of the games and reviews.
  • The information you are seeing is info pulled by our database which is located in the SQL package and is callled DB370.sql (back on IntelliJ). Open this, and scroll down until you see the game table. You will see there are 20 games in our system. Have a look at the various attributes that each game has, including genres, descriptions, Studio, picture, etc.
  • Scroll down further, to the profile table. There are 10 in our system. Each profile has a user name, profile picture, description, region, and age.
  • Scoll down to reviews, and see we have 80 different ones. They all have a gameId, profileId, description, and 5 different ratigns.
  • Now go back to our application, and click on our featured game: Warframe. You will be brought to the Warframe game page.
  • You will see the average ratings between the reviews. The only way to veryfy this is unfortunately index each review in our database using the good ol' eyeball search
  • Towards the center of the page, where it says "Developer(s)", you will see a hyperlink to the studio page. You don't have to click this yet, but just remember it exists.
  • On the right of the screen, you will see featured reviews for this game by differnt users. Click on McKeither's profile name, and you will be brought to their profile.
  • Here you will see a list of games that McKeither has written reviews for. Try out the sort methods, and see if they work correctly.
  • Test out the filter check boxes. The smash bros games are Fighting, Multiplayer, and Party, and Untitled Goose Game is Sandbox, Singleplayer and party.
  • Tap party, notice there are 5 games, tap figher, then unselect fighter. You should see the same 5 games you saw before tapping fighter.
  • Tap single player, and you should only see untitled goose game.
  • After you are finished here, tap your profile picture in the top right.
  • You will see a similar page, but with an extra button: Write a new review. Press it.
  • A poppup will pop up. Type Minecraft and hit continue. You will be brought to a write review page. Write what ever kind of review you want and hit submit.
  • Awkwardly, you will be brought to the game page. This was unintended as you should be brought to the profile page, whoops. Click your profile page at the top right again, and you will see the review you have written. If you write another minecraft review, it will overwrite your previous one (which is intended).
  • Click the BTSB logo at the top left and you will be brought to the home page. This time click arms. You will see there is a write a review option here too, a unique discription, and different featured reviews. After you are done looking here, go up to the search bar and type Diplofigus (the name of one of the featured reveiws) and hit search. You should be brought to their profile page.
  • Click on one of the review bars and you will be brought to a review page where you can view the full contents of the reveiw. It looks very similar to the game page, so don't get mixed up.
  • Now, in the search bar again, type "Nintendo", and hit enter. You will be brought to the Nintendo Studio Page. You can test the various search and filter functions like before. You will see on the far left, they have average reviews. They are rounded for some reason however.
  • Now finally in the search bar again, type in a game name, lets say Minecraft. Hit search and you will be brought to the minecraft page.
  • Now that you have finished this short tutorial, feel free to play around with the other options, such as the studio hyperlink in this game page.

Back End Testing:

  • Back on IntelliJ, look at all of our classes that have a small play button on their icon. These are the files that have testable methods. Run each of them to see their results.