Explore projects
The current game is a clone of popular asteroid/space shooting game
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Valhalla is an adventurous game, where player explores different maps, and help the protagonist of the game to save his ancestor’s land.
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A real-time combat arena game with intelligent AI, procedurally generated content, and a progressive difficulty curve
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A GUI-based dungeon crawler programmed in MIPS
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CMPT 106 2014 taught by Carl Gutwin This project was made by Wayland Bang, Michael Le, Cody Ede, and Zoe Newton. Im just re-uploading our project for this class, a game written in Processing v2. (current version will not work with this, only v2)
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Completed ME 215 over the summer, files now available for reference Space Invaders project and .asm files and modified version of Mips Simulator (Uranus)
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This folder contains notes from ME475 and Project that involved programming PIC 16F877 that controls LSDs and Servo motors for an autonomous toy car