- Mar 18, 2022
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Now supports position data. Made the made changes to some cases and methods to make distinctions between employees trained positions and positions in general.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Shifts now have a position field, that the schedule classes methods are updated to take positions and return position data.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
- Mar 17, 2022
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Client now supports receiving position messages from the server. Cleaned bug that stopped timeOff requests from updating locally.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Server now supports methods for adding and removing positions to the database, including sending messages to the client for updating there local positions.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Added methods for added and removing positions for a given employee. Position information is also gotten when getting employee info.
Rafi authored
Added functionality for availability and requesting time off to the app. The app needs at least one employee in the database to run. Make sure to open the sql file in the repo drop your current table and execute everything from "create database" to the end of the availability table.
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Moved to new package for server files. Updated UserThread and DataBaseQuery to work with the both Availability and TimeOff classes.
Rafi authored
New class for interacting with the TimeOff table in the database. Moved to new package for server files and updated the module-info.java file.
Rafi authored
New class for interacting with the availability table in the database. Moved to new package for server files and updated module-info file.
- Mar 15, 2022
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Employees table now captures the email, phone number, isManager, and wage. Shift table now captures the availability of the shift. Updated parsing so all employee and shift details are separated by commas.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Added a remove all shifts by employee id method to the Schedule class. Now when an employee is removed there shifts are deleted first from the database then they're deleted after.
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Refactored updates so when changes are made to the database, a message will be broadcast to update there local copy with the specific change rather than send the entire list of staff or schedule.
Rafi authored
Made changes to the Schedule class methods to return data that the client needs to update there local copy. Cleaned up some spacing and variable names for consistency. Cleaned up all the warnings.
Rafi authored
Refactored how updates are handled, now when there is a change the client is told to update there local copy with the specific change, rather than resend either the whole list of employees information, or the whole list of shift information. This change to updates should make changes to the staff or schedule more efficient especially when there are multiple clients. In coming data from the server is now stored in HashMaps where the key is either the shift or employee IDs, and the value is of Shift or Employee classes. All the methods in this class were made to help with these 2 changes. Cleaned up warnings.
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Changed the employees and shift collections from both being ArrayList<String> to HashMap<Int ID, Employee> and HashMap<Int ID, Shift> respectively. Refactored all methods that used the old employee and shift collections. Cleaned up some warnings.
Rafi authored
Implemented Employee class to make it easier to get employee data, handle changes to database, and for testing.
- Mar 14, 2022
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Changed update implementation for employees so rather than sending the whole list of employees when there are staff change, the server sends a message to all active clients to add/remove them locally. Also, changed all exception variable names to 'exception', and cleaned up warnings.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
- Mar 13, 2022
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Rafi authored
Added test code for creating schedules (adding shifts). Also added sleep statements for the client to receive the server responses. Changed getting the number of employees to the new employeeSize method in the model (should use the correct size now).
Rafi authored
Rafi authored
Changed print all employees to remove the 'allEmployees' part. And made a function for getting the number of staff.