Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authored
Added the ability for you to check into a shift by passing the shift ID. If you sign in you should know who the employee is and what shifts they work that day. The methods sign you in if you sign in over five minutes early or over five minutes late, in which case you must talk to a manager and they should change your shift to the hours worked. Also, added a function for calculating the number of hours worked.
Rafi Zereselasie (raz070) authoredAdded the ability for you to check into a shift by passing the shift ID. If you sign in you should know who the employee is and what shifts they work that day. The methods sign you in if you sign in over five minutes early or over five minutes late, in which case you must talk to a manager and they should change your shift to the hours worked. Also, added a function for calculating the number of hours worked.
Model.java 13.36 KiB
package com.example.schedulerapp;
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class Model {
private PrintWriter writer;
private Socket socket;
protected Map<Integer, Shift> shifts;
protected Map<Integer, Employee> employees;
protected Map<Integer, TimeOff> timeOff;
protected Map<String, Float> positions;
protected ArrayList<ModelSubscriber> subscribers;
static LocalDate date;
private boolean isManager;
private int thisEmployee;
private int selectedEmployee;
public Model(String hostname, int port) {
subscribers = new ArrayList<>();
if(date == null) {
date = LocalDate.now();
isManager = false; // changes if manager logs in
this.shifts = new HashMap<>();
this.employees = new HashMap<>();
this.timeOff = new HashMap<>();
this.positions = new HashMap<>();
try {
InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(hostname);
this.socket = new Socket(ip, port);
System.out.println("Connected to the scheduling server");
new ReceiveThread(this.socket, this).start();
OutputStream output = this.socket.getOutputStream();
this.writer = new PrintWriter(output, true);
} catch (UnknownHostException error) {
System.out.println("Server not found: " + error.getMessage());
} catch (IOException error) {
System.out.println("I/O Error: " + error.getMessage());
public void setIsManager(boolean aBool){
isManager = aBool;
public boolean getIsManager(){
return isManager;
public void setThisEmployee(int id){
thisEmployee = selectedEmployee = id;
public int getThisEmployee(){
return thisEmployee;
//for manager only, allows viewing of weekly schedule by employee
public void setSelectedEmployee(int id){
selectedEmployee = id;
public int getSelectedEmployee(){
return selectedEmployee;
public void dateNext(){
date = date.plusDays(1);
public void weekNext(){
date = date.plusDays(7);
public void datePrev(){
date = date.minusDays(1);
public void weekPrev(){
date = date.minusDays(7);
//todo: add calender to fill jump field
public void dateJump(LocalDate date){
//this.date = date;
// Have this just in case we need it.
void updateAllShifts(){
// Have this just in case we need it.
void updateAllEmployees(){
void addEmployee(String firstName, String lastName) {
writer.println("addEmployee/" + firstName + "/" + lastName + "/" + false + "/" + "empty" + "/" + "empty" + "/" + 0.0f);
void addEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, boolean isManager, String email, String phoneNumber, float wage) {
writer.println("addEmployee/" + firstName + "/" + lastName + "/" + isManager + "/" + email + "/" + phoneNumber +
"/" + wage);
void editEmployee(int employeeID, String firstName, String lastName, boolean isManager, String email, String phoneNumber, float wage) {
writer.println("editEmployee/" + employeeID + "/" + firstName + "/" + lastName + "/" + isManager + "/" + email + "/" + phoneNumber +
"/" + wage);
void removeEmployee(String employeeID) {
writer.println("removeEmployee/" + employeeID);
Employee getEmployee(int employeeID) {
return employees.get(employeeID);
Sorry if this breaks anything.
void printAllEmployees(){
ArrayList<String> employeeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Employee employee : this.employees.values()) {
int employeeSize(){
return this.employees.size();
String getEmployeeByID(int id) {
if (!this.employees.isEmpty()) {
Employee employee = this.employees.get(id);
if (employee != null) {
return employee.getFullName();
return "No Employee with that ID";
return "No Employees";
//This sends " " as the position.
void addShift(int id, String date, int start, int end){
writer.println("addShift/"+id+"/"+date+"/"+start+"/"+end+"/"+" ");
void addShift(int id, String date, int start, int end, String position){
void removeShift(int shiftID){
void editShift(int shiftID, String day, int start, int end, Boolean availability, int employeeID) {
Shift getShift(int shiftID) {
return this.shifts.get(shiftID);
void printAllShifts() {
- String date in format 2022-03-10.
Return: ArrayList<String> where each string is a shift of format id.yyyy-mm-dd.start.end
ArrayList<Shift> getShiftsByDay(String date){
ArrayList<Shift> shifts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shift shift : this.shifts.values()) {
if (shift.getDate().equals(date)) {
return shifts;
startOfWeek - The first day of the week in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
endOfWeek - The last day of the week in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
Return: ArrayList<String>
ArrayList<Shift> getShiftsByWeek(LocalDateTime startOfWeek, LocalDateTime endOfWeek){
ArrayList<Shift> shifts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shift shift : this.shifts.values()) {
LocalDateTime start = shift.getStart();
LocalDateTime end = shift.getEnd();
if ((start.isAfter(startOfWeek) || start.isEqual(startOfWeek)) && (end.isBefore(endOfWeek)) ||
end.isEqual(endOfWeek)) {
return shifts;
//for view
public ArrayList<Shift> getWeeklySchedule(){
LocalDateTime start;
LocalDateTime end;
// get start and end dates to pass along
int today = date.getDayOfWeek().getValue(); // Mon is 1, Sun is 7
if (today == 7) { //this is the start date
start = date.atTime(0, 0);
end = date.plusDays(6).atTime(0,0);
else {
start = date.minusDays(today).atTime(0, 0);
end = date.plusDays(6 - today).atTime(0, 0);
return getEmployeeShiftsByWeek(selectedEmployee, start, end);
//for view
public ArrayList<Shift> getDailySchedule(){
return getShiftsByDay(date.toString());
ArrayList<Shift> getEmployeeShifts(String id) {
int intID = -1;
try {
intID = Integer.parseInt(id);
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
ArrayList<Shift> shifts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shift shift: this.shifts.values()) {
if (shift.getEmployeeID() == intID) {
return shifts;
ArrayList<Shift> getEmployeeShiftsByWeek(int employeeID, LocalDateTime startOfWeek, LocalDateTime endOfWeek){
ArrayList<Shift> shifts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shift shift : this.shifts.values()) {
LocalDateTime start = shift.getStart();
LocalDateTime end = shift.getEnd();
if ((shift.getEmployeeID() == employeeID) && (start.isAfter(startOfWeek) || start.isEqual(startOfWeek)) &&
(end.isBefore(endOfWeek)) || end.isEqual(endOfWeek)) {
return shifts;
void editShiftAvailability(int shiftID, boolean available) {
writer.println("editShiftAvailability/" + shiftID + "/" + available);
// adds a position if its one of the possible positions in the position table.
void addEmployeePosition(int employeeID, String position) {
writer.println("addEmployeePosition/" + employeeID + "/" + position);
void removeEmployeePosition(int employeeID, String position) {
writer.println("removeEmployeePosition/" + employeeID + "/" + position);
void editAvailability(int employeeID, int dayOfTheWeek, int start, int end) {
writer.println("editAvailability/" + employeeID + "/" + dayOfTheWeek + "/" + start + "/" + end);
void addTimeOff(int employeeID, String startDate, String endDate, String reason) {
writer.println("addTimeOff/" + employeeID + "/" + startDate + "/" + endDate + "/" + reason);
void setTimeOffApproval(int timeOffID, boolean approval) {
writer.println("setTimeOffApproval/" + timeOffID + "/" + approval);
void removeTimeOff(int timeOffID) {
writer.println("removeTimeOff/" + timeOffID);
void addPosition(String position, float wage) {
void editPositionWage(String position, float wage) {
void removePosition(String position, float wage) {
//How this works is if you start within 5 minutes of your shift than you can "signed-in" and
//assumes you work the whole shift, if you leave early of come in late the shift manager
//must change it in the schedule.
void checkIn(int shiftID) {
LocalDateTime nMinutesAfter = this.shifts.get(shiftID).getStart().plusMinutes(5);
LocalDateTime nMinutesBefore = this.shifts.get(shiftID).getStart().minusMinutes(5);
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
if (nMinutesBefore.isBefore(now) && nMinutesAfter.plusMinutes(5).isAfter(now)) {
writer.println("checkIn/" + shiftID);
//The dates need to be in form "yyyy-mm-dd"
//Also the start and end are inclusive.
float getHoursWorked(int employeeID, String start, String end) {
float hoursWorked = 0.0f;
try {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date startDate = formatter.parse(start);
Date endDate = formatter.parse(end);
for (Shift shift : this.shifts.values()) {
if (shift.getEmployeeID() == employeeID) {
Date shiftDate = formatter.parse(shift.getDate());
if (!startDate.after(shiftDate) && !endDate.before(shiftDate)){
if (shift.isCheckedIn()) {
hoursWorked = (hoursWorked + shift.getEnd().getHour() - shift.getStart().getHour()) + ((shift.getEnd().getMinute() - shift.getStart().getMinute())/60f);
} catch (Exception exception) {
return -1f;
return hoursWorked;
void logOut() {
try {
} catch (IOException ex){
System.out.println("Error: Failed to close socket");
public static void main(String[] args) {
String hostname = "localhost";
int port = 8989;
Model client = new Model(hostname, port);
System.out.print("Retrieving Data");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Error: ScheduleClient main. Interrupted while retrieving data ");
System.out.println("Data retrieved.");
System.out.println("ScheduleClient is ready to use!");
public ArrayList<String> returnFormattedEmployeeNames(){
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Employee employee: this.employees.values()) {
return result;
public int getIDbyIndex(int index) {
Employee[] employeeList = this.employees.values().toArray(new Employee[0]);
return employeeList[index].getEmployeeID();
//for publish/subscribe
public void addSubscriber(ModelSubscriber sub){
public void notifySubscribers(){
for (ModelSubscriber sub : subscribers){