TC01 |
Binding a Macro |
From the home screen, Select bind a key to macro, Enter a key and an action, select save |
Key to bind: A, Assign Action: C |
Bind a key as with the normal keybind feature |
As expected |
Pass |
TC02 |
Binding a Macro |
From the home screen, Select "Bind a key to macro", Enter a key and an action, select "Add key", Enter another key in assign action, select Save |
Key to bind: A, Assign Action: C, Assign Action(2): D |
When the A key is pressed, both the c and d key are also pressed |
As expected |
Pass |
TC03 |
View Current Bindings |
Bind a key with either to another key, or to a macro, then go back to main screen and click "view current keybindings" |
N/A |
The keybinding appears in the list |
As expected |
Pass |
TC04 |
Remove Keybind |
All actions from TC03, except now instead of just viewing, also select remove keybind |
N/A |
Keybind no longer occurs, original key can be successfully pressed again |
As expected |
Pass |
TC05 |
Saving profiles |
Have a profile with hotkeys and macros in it, then press the red X button on the application |
N/A |
Profiles are saved to a file names profiles.txt |
As expected |
Pass |
TC06 |
Retrieving profiles for application |
Have a profile saved in profiles.txt from TC05 method. Then when you open the application, check the active profiles list, and they keybinds of each of those profiles |
N/A |
Profiles should exist as they were when you closed the application, with the desired keybinds |
As expected |
Pass |
TC07 |
Switch between profiles |
Create multiple profiles, then try to switch between each profile |
create multiple profiles with hotkeys in them, select the grey selection box in the top left, alter between profiles |
Profiles are loaded with desired hotkeys, hotkeys are functional, keys from old profile can now be selected |
As expected |
Pass |
TC08 |
Add new profile Quality of life |
Create a new profile |
Select add new profile, type desired name, hit save |
Application should as default, now select new profile |
As expected |
Pass |
TC09 |
Error handling |
User should try to enter two seperate hotkeys under the same key |
Bind hotkey, A to C, bind hotkey A to D |
Error message should appear disallowing the user from doing so |
As expected |
Pass |