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    %TAG !u!,2011:
    --- !u!126 &1
      m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
      serializedVersion: 2
      - name: Walkable
        cost: 1
      - name: Not Walkable
        cost: 1
      - name: Jump
        cost: 2
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      - name: 
        cost: 1
      m_LastAgentTypeID: -887442657
      - serializedVersion: 2
        agentTypeID: 0
        agentRadius: 0.5
        agentHeight: 2
        agentSlope: 45
        agentClimb: 0.75
        ledgeDropHeight: 0
        maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0
        minRegionArea: 2
        manualCellSize: 0
        cellSize: 0.16666667
        manualTileSize: 0
        tileSize: 256
        accuratePlacement: 0
      - Humanoid