MileStone 5: Preliminary Design
StoryBoard: ![IMG_0894] Action plan:
Action Plan:
Zhong and Zhang finishes to draw the storyboard. (1 hour) Liu and Li finishes the design of the system architecture.(two hours) As for the next action plan, our four will focus on finishing the class diagram together and estimate 1 hour. Each person will finish 2 to 3 Interaction individually (1 hour per person). For the implementation and test, we also finish it together because we should keep tracking on each step here. It will take 4 to 5 hours as estimate.
Packages:client, web server, DB server
Key components: order_selection, customer_type_in, show_board, Shopping_cart
Required and Provided Interface: set_order, get_order, set_info, clear_all, order_into, order_webpage, add_cart, remove_cart. These show what user can see when they view the webpage.
Association between components: Data Access and Access control.
Deployment nodes: All the nodes are clearly in our diagram. Execution environment is os or linux or windows.
Epics annotated (All based on our UML diagram):
Epic 1 annotated:
(As Jack, one of the function of our website can provide pre-order service by using our website, which really can help busy Jack to save much time)
This corresponds to the customer_info which is used to store the customer information after placing the order.
Epic 2 annotated:
(As Jessica, I want to see the weather that day on the home page and the webpage will push suggestion drinks for me so that I do not need to consider by myself).
This corresponds to the order selection which is used to giving suggestion on product selection based on the weather.
Epic 3 annotated:
(As Tom, he really want to buy enough coffee for his club activity, so that our website can offer shopping cart function for him to choose)
This corresponds to the shopping cart which makes customer can place their order.
Epic 4 annotated:
(As Lindsay, I want to check all cats’ information and available time online so that I can know when I should go the store for grabbing a drink and playing with my cuties without conflict)
This corresponds to the show_board which shows the information of current coffee we provide.
Epic 5 annotated:
(As Coco, I want to manage the website and update the menu so that I can make sure the website is running well)
This corresponds to the info_table and also the SQL_Command which allow manager to update or delete the coffee information.