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# Acceptance Test Results
### Chad Johnson
1. "As a competitive person wanting to keep improving in all the sports I play, I want to see my performance, match data, historical statistics, and standings for all teams/leagues so I can become the best in my sports."
* User Story: "As a person wanting to keep track of stats and standings, I want to be able to input appropriate data after a game so that I can review it later when needed." (All acceptance criteria [and more] is met)
* User can input scores after a game is completed
* User can see their personal Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the home page
* User can see each team Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the team page
* User can see the Win:Loss ratio over time (as a line chart) on the Games page for each team
* User can see their team ranked amongst other teams within a league (i.e. standings)
* User Story: "As a competitive person, I want to see game/match statistics after the game, so I can see how well my team played." (All acceptance criteria is met)
* [Similar to above user story]
* User can see each team Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the team page
* User can see the Win:Loss ratio over time (as a line chart) on the Games page for each team
* User Story: "As a person wanting to find trends and areas to improve, I want to see the historical game/match data for all games I have played against other teams." (All acceptance criteria is met)
* User can see each team Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the team page
* User can see the Win:Loss ratio over time (as a line chart) on the Games page for each team
* User can see their team ranked amongst other teams within a league (i.e. standings)
| Test of | Test Instructions | Example |
| User can input scores after a game is completed | From the home page, click on a team (which are teams that you are on), and you can see a "All Games" button. Click on that, and you will see a list of all scheduled games and previous games. If there are any past games that do not have a score (i.e. no one put a score yet), click on it to go to the "Score" page. Here, you can click on the textbox below both teams to add the team's respective scores and then press "Submit". This will update the database and the stats shown on the other pages. | ![1a](uploads/8fa35e5e37de6b02a838a5afd86deeb7/1a.webm) |
| User can see their personal Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the home page | On the home page, there is a Bar Graph at the top and numbers showing the amount of Wins, Ties, and Losses of all the teams that the user is part of. | ![1b](uploads/14846b1bac6c599de40c66cd08956b0f/1b.png) |
| User can see each team Wins, Ties, and Losses (in numerical and graphical format) on the team page | You can click on a team from the home page (you are part of those teams) and at the top of that page will be a Bar Chart showing Wins, Ties, and Losses of that team. | ![1c](uploads/b947e185dbafabed1074b93459d6bc6e/1c.webm) |
| User can see the Win:Loss ratio over time (as a line chart) on the Games page for each team | From a team page, clicking on "All Games" will open a new chart with a Line Graph at the top. This graph shows the teams's win:loss ratio over time. The user can scroll left and right (left means further back in the past). | ![1d](uploads/d22e34b05c2eb45c52ff933d3dd78234/1d.webm) |
| User can see their team ranked amongst other teams within a league (i.e. standings) | From the League page, the user can click on a league and see all teams in that league. These teams are ranked from number 1 to last, with the numbers shown on the left side of the team name. | ![1e](uploads/cd08fc7d74b7d73aa734a42a6f4bcd85/1e.webm) |
### Robert Young
1. As Robert Young, I want to manage a kids' soccer league so that my son and the kids in my community can engage in more physical activity and team sports.
* As Robert Young, I would like to be able to create a new sports league.
* **(Met)** User can create a league in their desired sport.
* **(Met)** User can specify the name and description.
* As Robert Young, I want to be able to view and manage teams of my league.
* **(Discontinued, this permission was given to team owner instead)** League owner has ability to change certain attributes to teams.
* **(Met)** League owner can view all the teams inside their league.
* **(Discontinued due to time required to implement)** League owner can invite players.
* **(Discontinued, this permission was given to team owner instead)** League owner can remove players from the league.
* As Robert Young, I would like to be able to easily communicate information between the team owners.
* **(Discontinued due to being out of scope and time required to implement)** League owner and team owners are able to send and receive messages.
| Acceptance Criteria | Test Instructions | Example |
| 1a - User can create a league in their desired sport | Starting at Home page, open the menu from the hamburger icon in the top left. Click the 'Leagues' button from the list to go to the Leagues page. Click on the floating (+) button in the bottom right to bring up a new league pop up. Enter in the new league information and click submit. | ![Team_List___member_list](uploads/51164f54fc4de4dbeb8e72b831fc169a/Team_List___member_list.gif) |
| 1a - User can specify the name and description | Follow above instructions | See above example |
| 1b - League owner can view all the teams inside their league | Starting at Home page, open the menu from the hamburger icon in the top left. Click the 'Leagues' button from the list to go to the Leagues page. Using the search bar at the top, enter the name of your league. From the results generated, click on your league to see the list of teams. | ![Create_Team](uploads/7dfacac7a83d86c73e2b4adc8ec4eefd/Create_Team.gif) |
### Michelle Teamseeker
1. As Michelle Teamseeker I want to find & join a sports team, so I can meet new people and relive my glory days as a soccer player.
* User Story a. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to see all available sports teams for a particular sport that I am eligible to join, so I can easily find and learn about new teams to join."
* User can search up particular sports to see leagues/teams that play that sport **(Discontinued, searching by sport wasn't deemed an essential feature for our product, users can still see all leagues and teams within these leagues, each league has a sport so the user could do this search manually)**
* User can filter to either see teams or leagues playing a particular sport **(Discontinued, searching by sport wasn't deemed essential, users can still search for leagues or teams within a league)**
* User can see all sports leagues and filter by sport **(Partially met, users can see all leagues but cannot filter by sport, filtering by sport wasn't deemed an essential feature for our product)**
* User can see sports teams within a particular league **(Met)**
* User can see team and league capacity so they know if the team or league can accept new players **(Discontinued, we decided not to restrict teams or leagues with capacities, team owners can still delete teams or kick users from their team to enforce capacities if they wish)**
* User can filter searches by eligibility, for example Michelle may filter to see women's only leagues or filter by some age range **(Discontinued due to complexity, we decided to simplify league/team creation and management by leaving out eligibility restrictions)**
* User Story b. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to see information about the leagues and teams that I could join, so I can get a better idea of whether or not a particular team is a good fit for me."
* User can see descriptions about teams and leagues **(Partially met, users can see descriptions for leagues, but we decided descriptions for individual teams were unnecessary and caused too much clutter)**
* User can see players on a team or in a league **(Met)**
* User can see win-loss records and rankings of a team **(Met)**
* User can see league/team requirements if any exist, for example some leagues may only accept players from a certain age range. **(Discontinued as we decided eligibility requirements for leagues/teams unnecessarily restricts users and complicates league/team creation and management, team owners can still enforce these restrictions by kicking users from their team if they choose)**
* User Story c. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to join a sports team easily by sending a request or receiving an invitation to/from team or league administrators, so that I can easily join teams without having to deal with too many people."
* User can send a request to a team/league owner to join that team or league **(Discontinued due to complexity and time required to implement, users can instead join teams, or create their own team with the click of a button)**
* User can receive invitations to join a team/league **(Discontinued due to complexity and time required to implement, users themselves can join teams at the click of a button however)**
* If user sends a request to join a team, a request is also sent to join the league that team is in, as a player must be in both the league and team. **(Discontinued as invitations were deemed too complex)**
2. As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to easily communicate with users of the app, so I can easily meet new people and learn about various teams and sports. **(This epic was deemed out of scope as our app focuses on planning/scheduling games, managing teams/league and keeping track of teams, not chat. So the below stories aren't implemented. In lieu of a built in chat functionality, users can see the phone number and email address of another user on a this user's profile, these can be used for communication instead of a built in chat functionality).**
* User Story a. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to chat with teammates, so I can make friends and schedule events with the team."
* Users on the same team can send and receive text messages through a team chat room. **(Not met)**
* Users receive notifications describing the message sender and which chat room the message is from when they receive a message. **(Not met)**
* Team chatroom is available as soon as a new team is created. **(Not met)**
* User Story b. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to directly chat with another user, so I can talk directly to a friend."
* Users can send a text message directly to another user. **(Not met)**
* Users have the option to send a message to another user when clicking on a user's profile. **(Not met)**
* Users can chat with other users even if they aren't on the same team or on the same league. **(Not met)**
* User Story c. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to communicate with the owners or administrators of a league or team, so I can get more information about the sport they're playing or the team/league itself."
* Users and team/league owners can communicate via text chat. **(Not met)**
* Users can see owners of a team/league and have the option to send a message to these owners when they click on the owner's user profile. **(Not met)**
* Users receive notifications describing the owner and the team/league they own when they receive a message from a team/league owner. **(Not met)**
| Acceptance Criteria | Test Instructions | Example |
| 1a - User can see all sports leagues and filter by sport | starting from the home page either swipe from left to right or use the button the top left top open the side menu, from here navigate to the leagues page, here all leagues are displayed, there is a search bar at the top of this page that allows you to search for leagues by name as well. | ![SeeAllLeagues](uploads/a10cd0a5c0cdf26e0a9609bc6570195e/SeeAllLeagues.gif) |
| 1a - User can see sports teams within a particular league | From the leagues page, click on a particular league, this will take you to the a page showing details about the league, including the sport and description of this league, below this are the team rankings within this league, here the teams within the league are displayed, again there is a search bar that can be used to search for teams | ![SeeTeams](uploads/b77fe60527f135eea6f68889bf7a0086/SeeTeams.gif) |
| 1b - User can see descriptions about teams and leagues | League descriptions can be found on the page after you click on a league name from the leagues page | See the above gif |
| 1b - User can see players on a team or in a league | After clicking on a league name from the leagues page and arriving at the page showing information for this league, click on a team name to see the members and owner of this team | ![SeePlayers](uploads/776ef34e640bfefca9ec435d10ac9935/SeePlayers.gif) |
| 1b - User can see win-loss records and rankings of a team | Rankings of a team within a league can be seen after clicking on a particular league name from the leagues page, after clicking on a particular team within a league shows the win/loss/tie record of this team | See above gif |
| 1c - User can send a request to a team/league owner to join that team or league | After clicking on a particular team within a league, on the top right, there is a "join" button present if a user isn't yet on the selected team, pressing this button allows you to join the team, after joining a team, a red leave team button appears at the bottom of this page, pressing this button additionally allows the user to leave | ![JoinTeam](uploads/89b965ef60592ec77caa646bc6679869/JoinTeam.gif) |
| Epic 2 - As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to easily communicate with users of the app, so I can easily meet new people and learn about various teams and sports | This Epic isn't implemented, following are instructions describing how to find the phone numbers and email addresses of other users so communication can still occur: starting from a particular team's page, clicking on a member of this team brings you to a profile page for the selected member, this page displays information about the member including phone number and email address | ![SeeProfile](uploads/b9d89e01bbac8c5b095e85f2282854fe/SeeProfile.gif) |
### Jim Halpert
As Jim Halpert, I want to create be able to create and manage my teams with effective communication so that my team can be the strongest in the league.
* Being team owner I should have access to all the teams I am part of, also I can update the members list as per required.
* User can check all the teams he own or he is member **(Met)**
* User can act as admin for the respective group, he can ban **(Met)**
* User can act as admin for the respective group, add new members **(Not Met)**
* See team info for individual teams (including members, history of games, etc)
* User can check the info for player in a team and plan matches based on it. **(Met)**
* User can notify teams for game if there are some last minute change **(Not Met)**
* Being I team owner I am always looking for good player to build stranger team and increase or network.
* User can find player with good stats **(Partially met, users can click on and see the information for a particular member of a team, but cannot yet see the stats or record of this user, we are planning on implementing this for our final product)**
* User can invite them player with good stats **(Not Met)**
* Being team owner I should be able to create new team(groups) and manage them.
* User should be able to create team and delete them as needed. **(Met)**
* User can update team information as an admin **(Not Met)**
| Acceptance Criteria | Test Instructions | Example |
| --- | --- | --- |
| User can check all the teams he own or he is member | On the home page, all teams the user is a part of are listed, clicking on these teams brings the user to that team's page where information about the team can be seen | ![Team_List___member_list](uploads/fbdc58b2dd722c28d70162a208780cab/Team_List___member_list.gif) |
| User can act as admin for the respective group, he can ban/remove users from their team | Starting from the page for a particular team, if the user is the owner of the team, they can click on a user, this takes you to a page with information about this user, at the bottom of this page is a remove player button, pressing this removes the selected player from the team | ![RemovePlayer](uploads/aee050026922b39e35d3302ab54e46af/RemovePlayer.gif) |
| User can check the info for player in a team and plan matches based on it. | Starting from the page for a particular team, a user can click on any of the members on this team to see information about this member | ![SeeProfile](uploads/b9d89e01bbac8c5b095e85f2282854fe/SeeProfile.gif) |
| User should be able to create teams and delete them as needed. (team creation) | Starting from the page for a particular league, a user can click the circular "+" button on the bottom right of the screen, this opens a popup where you can specify the name of the team to be created, clicking the submit button will create this new team | ![createTeam](uploads/8d7af2bcca6f4e8ffa04289642a7a801/createTeam.gif) |
| User should be able to create teams and delete them as needed. (team deletion) | Starting from the page for a particular team, if the user is the owner of the team, a red remove team button will be at the bottom of the page, clicking this button will remove the selected team | ![RemoveTeam](uploads/161e7cc2b41c8cbb6ba49d34b0b75c6e/RemoveTeam.gif) | |
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