... | @@ -82,37 +82,67 @@ EPIC: "As Robert Young, I want to manage a kids' soccer league so that my son an |
... | @@ -82,37 +82,67 @@ EPIC: "As Robert Young, I want to manage a kids' soccer league so that my son an |
### Michelle Teamseeker
### Michelle Teamseeker
1. As Michelle Teamseeker I want to find & join a sports team, so I can meet new people and relive my glory days as a soccer player.
### Michelle Teamseeker
* User Story a. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to see all available sports teams for a particular sport that I am eligible to join, so I can easily find and learn about new teams to join."
EPIC 1: "As Michelle Teamseeker I want to find & join a sports team, so I can meet new people and relive my glory days as a soccer player."
* User can search up particular sports to see leagues/teams that play that sport **(Discontinued, searching by sport wasn't deemed an essential feature for our product, users can still see all leagues and teams within these leagues, each league has a sport so the user could do this search manually)**
* User Story a: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to see all available sports teams for a particular sport that I am eligible to join, so I can easily find and learn about new teams to join."
* User can filter to either see teams or leagues playing a particular sport **(Discontinued, searching by sport wasn't deemed essential, users can still search for leagues or teams within a league)**
* **Original Acceptance Criteria:**
* User can see all sports leagues and filter by sport **(Partially met, users can see all leagues but cannot filter by sport, filtering by sport wasn't deemed an essential feature for our product)**
* User can search up particular sports to see leagues/teams that play that sport
* User can see sports teams within a particular league **(Met)**
* User can filter to either see teams or leagues playing that sport
* User can see team and league capacity so they know if the team or league can accept new players **(Discontinued, we decided not to restrict teams or leagues with capacities, team owners can still delete teams or kick users from their team to enforce capacities if they wish)**
* User can see all sports leagues and filter by sport
* User can filter searches by eligibility, for example Michelle may filter to see women's only leagues or filter by some age range **(Discontinued due to complexity, we decided to simplify league/team creation and management by leaving out eligibility restrictions)**
* User can see sports teams within a particular league
* User Story b. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to see information about the leagues and teams that I could join, so I can get a better idea of whether or not a particular team is a good fit for me."
* User can see team and league capacity so they know if the team or league can accept new players
* User can see descriptions about teams and leagues **(Partially met, users can see descriptions for leagues, but we decided descriptions for individual teams were unnecessary and caused too much clutter)**
* User can filter searches by eligibility, for example, Michelle may filter to see women's only leagues or filter by some age range
* User can see players on a team or in a league **(Met)**
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* User can see win-loss records and rankings of a team **(Met)**
* Users can see all leagues that have been created.
* User can see league/team requirements if any exist, for example some leagues may only accept players from a certain age range. **(Discontinued as we decided eligibility requirements for leagues/teams unnecessarily restricts users and complicates league/team creation and management, team owners can still enforce these restrictions by kicking users from their team if they choose)**
* Users can see the teams within a league when navigating to a particular league.
* User Story c. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to join a sports team easily by sending a request or receiving an invitation to/from team or league administrators, so that I can easily join teams without having to deal with too many people."
* Users can see the sport of a particular league.
* User can send a request to a team/league owner to join that team or league **(Discontinued due to complexity and time required to implement, users can instead join teams, or create their own team with the click of a button)**
* Users can search for leagues by name and can search for teams within a league and members within a team by name.
* User can receive invitations to join a team/league **(Discontinued due to complexity and time required to implement, users themselves can join teams at the click of a button however)**
* User Story b: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to see information about the leagues and teams that I could join, so I can get a better idea of whether or not a particular team is a good fit for me."
* If user sends a request to join a team, a request is also sent to join the league that team is in, as a player must be in both the league and team. **(Discontinued as invitations were deemed too complex)**
* **Acceptance Criteria:**
* User can see descriptions about teams and leagues
2. As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to easily communicate with users of the app, so I can easily meet new people and learn about various teams and sports. **(This epic was deemed out of scope as our app focuses on planning/scheduling games, managing teams/league and keeping track of teams, not chat. So the below stories aren't implemented. In lieu of a built in chat functionality, users can see the phone number and email address of another user on a this user's profile, these can be used for communication instead of a built in chat functionality).**
* User can see players on a team or in a league
* User Story a. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to chat with teammates, so I can make friends and schedule events with the team."
* User can see win-loss records and rankings of a team
* Users on the same team can send and receive text messages through a team chat room. **(Not met)**
* User can see league/team requirements if any exist, for example, some leagues may only accept players from a certain age range.
* Users receive notifications describing the message sender and which chat room the message is from when they receive a message. **(Not met)**
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* Team chatroom is available as soon as a new team is created. **(Not met)**
* Users can see team descriptions.
* User Story b. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to directly chat with another user, so I can talk directly to a friend."
* Users can see the players of a team upon navigating to that team.
* Users can send a text message directly to another user. **(Not met)**
* Users can see the owner of a team upon navigating to that team.
* Users have the option to send a message to another user when clicking on a user's profile. **(Not met)**
* Users can see team standings within a league.
* Users can chat with other users even if they aren't on the same team or on the same league. **(Not met)**
* Users can see the wins/losses/ties of teams in numerical and graphical format.
* User Story c. "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to communicate with the owners or administrators of a league or team, so I can get more information about the sport they're playing or the team/league itself."
* User Story c: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to join a sports team easily by sending a request or receiving an invitation to/from a team or league administrators, so that I can easily join teams without having to deal with too many people."
* Users and team/league owners can communicate via text chat. **(Not met)**
* **Acceptance Criteria:**
* Users can see owners of a team/league and have the option to send a message to these owners when they click on the owner's user profile. **(Not met)**
* User can send a request to a team/league owner to join that team or league
* Users receive notifications describing the owner and the team/league they own when they receive a message from a team/league owner. **(Not met)**
* User can receive invitations to join a team/league
* If a user sends a request to join a team, a request is also sent to join the league that team is in, as a player must be in both the league and team.
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* Users can join teams at the press of a button.
* Team owners can kick/remove users from their team at the press of a button
* Users can see the contact information ie email and phone number of team owners and team members.
EPIC 2: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to easily communicate with users of the app, so I can easily meet new people and learn about various teams and sports."
* User Story a: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to chat with teammates, so I can make friends and schedule events with the team."
* **Acceptance Criteria**
* Users on the same team can send and receive text messages through a team chat room
* Users receive notifications describing the message sender and which chat room the message is from when they receive a message
* Team chatroom is available as soon as a new team is created
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* Users can see the contact information ie phone number and email of team members, and players on other teams.
* User Story b: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to directly chat with another user, so I can talk directly to a friend."
* **Acceptance Criteria**
* Users can send a text message directly to another user
* Users have the option to send a message to another user when clicking on a user's profile
* Users can chat with other users even if they aren't on the same team or on the same league
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* Users can see the contact information ie phone number and email of team members, and players on other teams.
* User Story c: "As Michelle Teamseeker, I want to be able to communicate with the owners or administrators of a league or team, so I can get more information about the sport they're playing or the team/league itself."
* **Acceptance Criteria:**
* Users and team/league owners can communicate via text chat
* Users can see owners of a team/league and have the option to send a message to these owners when they click on the owner's user profile
* Users receive notifications describing the owner and the team/league they own when they receive a message from a team/league owner
* **Final specific features implemented:**
* Users can see the contact information ie phone number and email of team members/owners, and players/owners of other teams.
| Acceptance Criteria | Test Instructions | Example |
| Acceptance Criteria | Test Instructions | Example |
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