From 96efe1dc167b8d97c2df2ee28be0fad27308bd08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Thulani Hewavithana (qnm481)" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:05:42 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Upload New File

 .../            | 141 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/

diff --git a/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/ b/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c314812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+import warnings
+import sys
+import pickle
+import csv
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import itertools
+import os
+import wandb
+import time
+import SyntenyLink_mbp as mbp
+import accuracy_heatmap_weight_comb as acc
+import weight_comb_Calc as wcc
+# os.environ["WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME"] = "wandb.ipynb"
+os.environ["WANDB_SILENT"] = "true"
+time_stamp = time.strftime("%m%d-%H%M")
+# start a new wandb run to track this script
+wandb.init(project="brassica_parameters_sinapis", name=str(time_stamp))
+def main(gap_thresholds, min_block_lengths, y = 0):
+    #get the input file as an argument (collinear file)
+    input_file = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-i') + 1]
+    #take gap_threshold and min_block_length which are numbers as arguments
+    # gap_threshold = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-g') + 1])
+    # min_block_length = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-m') + 1])
+    #Get the number of subgenomes as an argument
+    n_subgenomes = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-n') + 1])
+    #convert the collinear file to a dataframe
+    C_df_csv = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = '\t', header=None)
+    #make a copy of the dataframe
+    C_df = C_df_csv.copy() 
+    C_df_with_head = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = '\t')
+    C_df_head = C_df_with_head.iloc[0:, 1:-3]
+    #convert all the 'x' to 0 and all the other entries which are not equal to 'x' to 1 omitting first column and last three columns and first row
+    # C_df_head = C_df_head.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+    # #convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+    # C_df_head = C_df_head.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+    C_df_updated = C_df.iloc[1:, 1:-3]
+    #convert all the 'x' to 0 and all the other entries which are not equal to 'x' to 1 omitting first column and last three columns and first row
+    C_df_updated = C_df_updated.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+    #convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+    C_df_updated = C_df_updated.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+    #set first row index starts from 0
+    C_df_updated.index = C_df_updated.index - 1
+    C_df_updated_copy = C_df.iloc[1:, 1:-3]
+    C_df_updated_copy.columns = C_df.iloc[0,1:-3]
+    C_df_updated_copy.index = C_df_updated_copy.index - 1
+    #If there exist a ground truth file, then compare the results with the ground truth
+    GT = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-gt') + 1]
+    # Split the dataframe based on the first letter of column names
+    dfs = {}
+    for column in C_df_head.columns:
+        print(column)
+        first_letter = column[0]
+        if first_letter not in dfs:
+            dfs[first_letter] = pd.DataFrame()
+        dfs[first_letter][column] = C_df_head[column]
+    # Print the resulting dataframes
+    for key, value in dfs.items():
+        print(f"Dataframe with columns starting with '{key}':")
+        first_letter_get = key
+        print(first_letter_get)
+        print(value)
+        print()
+        #make C_df_new empty first
+        C_df_new = pd.DataFrame()
+        C_df_new = C_df_with_head.iloc[:, [0]].join(value).join(C_df_with_head.iloc[:, -3:])
+        value = value.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+        #convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+        value = value.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+        # Convert the dataframe to a numpy array
+        C = value.to_numpy()
+        print(C)
+        m, n = C.shape
+        print(m, n)
+        print(y)
+        gap_threshold = gap_thresholds[y]
+        print(f"Gap threshold for dataframe {y+1}: {gap_threshold}")
+        min_block_length = min_block_lengths[y]
+        print(f"Minimum block length for dataframe {y+1}: {min_block_length}")
+        y += 1
+        # print(m, n)
+        break_point_indices = mbp.gap_calculation(C, gap_threshold, min_block_length, n, m)
+        densities = mbp.get_densities(C, break_point_indices, n, m)
+        mbp.create_excel_sheet(C_df_new, break_point_indices, densities, value)
+        df_temp = mbp.get_subgenomes("Super_synteny_block_output.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        df = mbp.assign_subgenomes(df_temp, f"Super_synteny_block_output.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        df.to_excel(f"Super_synteny_bl_sub_placement_density.xlsx")
+        # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+        column_names = df.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+        # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+        df_synteny = C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].rename(columns={C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+        #append the first column of C_df to the first column of df_synteny
+        df_synteny.insert(0, "locus_id", C_df_new.iloc[0:,0])
+        #update first row index starting from 0
+        # df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+        # acc.subgenome_overlap(GT,"Super_synteny_bl_sub_placement_density.xlsx", df_synteny, 3, first_letter_get)
+        #Input the file for chains generated in DagChainer as a command line argument
+        chains_file = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-c') + 1]
+        #Input the file for blastn generated in DagChainer as a command line argument
+        blastn_file = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-bl') + 1] 
+        num_blocks_main = len(pd.read_excel("Super_synteny_bl_sub_placement_density.xlsx"))      
+        max_parameters = wcc.get_weight_accuracy(n_subgenomes,"Super_synteny_bl_sub_placement_density.xlsx", "Super_synteny_graph_nodes_sub.xlsx", GT, df_synteny, chains_file, blastn_file, C_df_new)
+        print(max_parameters)
+# Get the gap thresholds as command line arguments
+gap_thresholds = []
+if '-g' in sys.argv:
+    index = sys.argv.index('-g')
+    for i in range(index+1, len(sys.argv)):
+        if sys.argv[i].startswith('-'):
+            break
+        gap_thresholds.append(float(sys.argv[i]))
+# Get the block size thresholds as command line arguments
+min_block_lengths = []
+if '-m' in sys.argv:
+    index = sys.argv.index('-m')
+    for i in range(index+1, len(sys.argv)):
+        if sys.argv[i].startswith('-'):
+            break
+        min_block_lengths.append(int(sys.argv[i]))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(gap_thresholds, min_block_lengths, y=0)
\ No newline at end of file