From 39571faf1e90627193cf5515ab032f2959dff418 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Thulani Hewavithana (qnm481)" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:05:51 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Upload New File

 .../    | 2912 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 2912 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/

diff --git a/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/ b/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14de00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/Heatmap_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,2912 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+import warnings
+import sys
+import pickle
+import csv
+import seaborn as sns
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import time
+import os
+import wandb
+# os.environ["WANDB_NOTEBOOK_NAME"] = "wandb.ipynb"
+# os.environ["WANDB_SILENT"] = "true"
+# time_stamp = time.strftime("%m%d-%H%M")
+# # start a new wandb run to track this script
+# wandb.init(project="brassica_parameters_gt_mbl", name=str(time_stamp))
+# function for finding gaps in each columns
+def find_gaps(col, gap_threshold, m):
+    """
+    Finds the gaps in the each column of the matrix
+    col: column of the matrix
+    gap_threshold: threshold for the gap
+    m: number of rows in the matrix
+    returns: indices of the beginning and end of the gaps
+    """
+    # indices for ones in given column
+    indices_one = np.where(col == 1)[0]
+    # print(indices_one)
+    # calculate difference between consective indices
+    d = np.diff(indices_one)
+    # print(d)
+    # if the difference is bigger than the gap threshold then store them
+    initial_gaps = np.where(d > gap_threshold)[0]
+    # print(initial_gaps)
+    # number of gaps
+    r = len(initial_gaps)
+    # calculate gaps
+    gaps = np.zeros((r, 2))
+    # find the indices of beginning and end of gaps
+    gaps[:, 0] = indices_one[initial_gaps] + 1
+    gaps[:, 1] = indices_one[initial_gaps + 1] - 1
+    # fix the end of gap index for the last gap
+    if r > 0 and indices_one[-1] + 1 < m:
+        gaps = np.append(gaps, np.array([[indices_one[-1] + 1, m]]), axis=0)
+    return gaps
+#get the input file as an argument (collinear file)
+input_file = sys.argv[1]
+#convert the collinear file to a dataframe
+C_df_csv = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = '\t', header=None)
+#make a copy of the dataframe
+C_df = C_df_csv.copy() 
+C_df_with_head = pd.read_csv(input_file, sep = '\t')
+C_df_head = C_df_with_head.iloc[0:, 1:-3]
+#convert all the 'x' to 0 and all the other entries which are not equal to 'x' to 1 omitting first column and last three columns and first row
+# C_df_head = C_df_head.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+# #convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+# C_df_head = C_df_head.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+C_df_updated = C_df.iloc[1:, 1:-3]
+#convert all the 'x' to 0 and all the other entries which are not equal to 'x' to 1 omitting first column and last three columns and first row
+C_df_updated = C_df_updated.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+#convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+C_df_updated = C_df_updated.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+#set first row index starts from 0
+C_df_updated.index = C_df_updated.index - 1
+C_df_updated_copy = C_df.iloc[1:, 1:-3]
+C_df_updated_copy.columns = C_df.iloc[0,1:-3]
+C_df_updated_copy.index = C_df_updated_copy.index - 1
+GT = sys.argv[5]
+#get the number of subgenomes as a comand line argument
+n_subgenomes = int(sys.argv[4])
+# Split the dataframe based on the first letter of column names
+dfs = {}
+for column in C_df_head.columns:
+    print(column)
+    first_letter = column[0]
+    if first_letter not in dfs:
+        dfs[first_letter] = pd.DataFrame()
+    dfs[first_letter][column] = C_df_head[column]
+# Print the resulting dataframes
+for key, value in dfs.items():
+    if key == 'A':
+        continue
+    if key == 'S':
+        print(f"Dataframe with columns starting with '{key}':")
+        first_letter_get = key
+        print(first_letter_get)
+        print(value)
+        print()
+        #make C_df_new empty first
+        C_df_new = pd.DataFrame()
+        C_df_new = C_df_with_head.iloc[:, [0]].join(value).join(C_df_with_head.iloc[:, -3:])
+        value = value.replace(r'^x$', 0, regex=True)
+        #convert all the other entries starts with a letter to 1
+        value = value.replace(r'^[a-zA-Z]', 1, regex=True)
+        # Convert the dataframe to a numpy array
+        C = value.to_numpy()
+        print(C)
+        m, n = C.shape
+        print(m, n)
+        # print(m, n)
+        # gap_threshold is the threshold to determine if there is a gap or not
+        # min_block_length is the minimum length of the signal blocks
+        def gap_calculation(C, gap_threshold, min_block_length):
+            # get all gaps in all columns
+            gaps_cell = [find_gaps(C[:, i], gap_threshold, m) for i in range(n)]
+            break_point_indices = np.zeros(10000)
+            # for the first iteration, we only look at the best two columns
+            col_ind = np.argpartition(np.sum(C[:min_block_length, :], axis=0), -2)[-2:]
+            # print(col_ind)
+            if gaps_cell[col_ind[0]][0][0] <= gaps_cell[col_ind[1]][0][0]:
+                i = int(gaps_cell[col_ind[0]][0][0])
+            else:
+                i = int(gaps_cell[col_ind[1]][0][0])
+            # the first gap is our first breakpoint
+            break_point_indices[0] = i
+            # we have one break point, so count=1
+            count = 1
+            while i <= m - 1:
+                i = int(i)
+                col_ind = np.argpartition(
+                    np.sum(C[i: min(m, i + min_block_length), :], axis=0), -3
+                )[-3:]
+                i_0 = gaps_cell[col_ind[0]][gaps_cell[col_ind[0]][:, 0] > i]
+                i_1 = gaps_cell[col_ind[1]][gaps_cell[col_ind[1]][:, 0] > i]
+                i_2 = gaps_cell[col_ind[2]][gaps_cell[col_ind[2]][:, 0] > i]
+                if len(i_0) == 0:
+                    i_0 = [m]
+                if len(i_1) == 0:
+                    i_1 = [m]
+                if len(i_2) == 0:
+                    i_2 = [m]
+                i = min(np.min(i_0), np.min(i_1), np.min(i_2))
+                if abs(i - break_point_indices[count - 1]) > gap_threshold:
+                    break_point_indices[count] = i
+                    count += 1
+            break_point_indices = np.resize(break_point_indices, count)
+            if break_point_indices[-1]!= m-2 and break_point_indices[-1]!= m-1 and break_point_indices[-1]!= m:
+                break_point_indices = np.append(break_point_indices, m-2)
+            if break_point_indices[-1]== m-1 or break_point_indices[-1]== m:
+                break_point_indices = break_point_indices[:-1] + 1
+            if break_point_indices[-1]!= m-1 or break_point_indices[-1]!= m:
+                break_point_indices = break_point_indices + 1
+            return break_point_indices
+        def get_densities(C, break_point_indices, n , m):
+            # calculate densities of each block
+            b = len(break_point_indices)  # number of breakpoints
+            densities = np.zeros((b, n))  # densities for each blocks
+            for i in range(b):
+                if i == 0:  # for block one
+                    densities[i, :] = (
+                        np.sum(C[: int(break_point_indices[i]), :], axis=0)
+                        / int(break_point_indices[i])
+                    ).astype(float)
+                elif i == b:  # for last block
+                    densities[i, :] = (
+                        np.sum(C[int(break_point_indices[i - 1]+1): m, :], axis=0)
+                        / int(m - break_point_indices[i - 1]+1)
+                    ).astype(float)
+                else:  # for all else
+                    densities[i, :] = (
+                        np.sum(
+                            C[int(break_point_indices[i - 1]+1): int(break_point_indices[i]), :],
+                            axis=0,
+                        )
+                        / int(break_point_indices[i] - break_point_indices[i - 1]+1)
+                    ).astype(float)
+            return densities
+        def create_excel_sheet(C_df, break_point_indices, densities):
+            # calculate row_end indices as in excel sheet
+            row_end = (break_point_indices[: len(break_point_indices)]
+            ).astype(int)
+            # row_end=np.append(row_end[:-1]+1)
+            # calculate row_start indices as in excel sheet
+            row_start = (
+                np.append(0, break_point_indices[: len(break_point_indices)-1] + 1)
+            ).astype(int)
+            # calculate number of genes
+            number_genes = (row_end - row_start+1).astype(int)
+            # read gene IDs from the given file
+            gene_id = C_df.iloc[:,0]
+            gene_id = gene_id.to_numpy()
+            # prepare data for gene_start and gene_end columns for excel sheet
+            gene_start = []
+            gene_end = []
+            b = len(break_point_indices)
+            for i in range(b):
+                gene_start.append(gene_id[row_start[i]])
+                gene_end.append(gene_id[row_end[i]])
+            E = pd.DataFrame()
+            # prepare data matrix for excel sheet
+            E = np.column_stack(
+                (np.arange(1, b + 1),
+                    gene_start,
+                    gene_end,
+                    row_start,
+                    row_end,
+                    number_genes,
+                    densities,
+                )
+            )
+            # Initialize the header list with the fixed column names
+            header = ["Block no.",
+                "Block_start",
+                "Block_end",
+                "Row start #",
+                "Row end #",
+                "# genes in block",
+            ]
+            # Extract the prefix letter from the column names using regex
+            prefixes = set((re.findall(r'^[A-Za-z]', col)[0], int(re.findall(r'\d+', col)[0])) for col in value.columns)
+            prefixes = sorted(set([f'N{suffix}' if suffix % 2 == 1 else f'N{suffix}.r' for _, suffix in prefixes]))
+            # Sort the columns by the letter prefix and the number following the letter
+            cols = sorted(value.columns, key=lambda col: (re.findall(r'^[A-Za-z]', col)[0], int(re.findall(r'\d+', col)[0])))
+            # Loop through the columns and update the header list
+            for i in range(0, len(cols), 2):
+                n = (i // 2) + 1
+                header.extend([f"N{n}", f"N{n}.r"])
+            # write matrix to excel sheet
+            df = pd.DataFrame(E, columns=header)
+            df.to_excel(f"{first_letter_get}_gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx",
+                        sheet_name="Output", startrow = 0, startcol=0)
+        def get_subgenomes(filepath, num_subgenomes):
+            '''
+            This function takes the filepath of the excel sheet generated by the previous function and the number of subgenomes as input and returns a list of subgenomes
+            Parameters:
+            filepath (str): The filepath of the excel sheet generated by the previous function
+            num_subgenomes (int): The number of subgenomes
+            Returns:
+            subgenomes (list): A list of subgenomes
+            '''
+            # Read the generated break point output
+            df_temp = pd.read_excel(filepath, usecols="H:AA")
+            # Get the number of cells in each row where it doesn't contain a value equals to zero and store it as a value in the next column of df
+            df_temp["Non_zero"] = df_temp.iloc[:, :].apply(lambda x: x[x != 0].count(), axis=1)
+            # Iterate over each row and get the columnname with max and have it as a value in the next column of df disregarding the last column
+            df_temp["subgenome1"] = df_temp.iloc[:, :-1].apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).index[0], axis=1)
+            # Iterate over each row and get the second highest value's column name disregarding the last column of each row as the second highest value in the next column of df
+            df_temp["subgenome2"] = df_temp.iloc[:, :-2].apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).index[1], axis=1)
+            if num_subgenomes > 2:
+                for i in range(3, num_subgenomes+1):
+                    # Iterate over each row and get the i-th highest value's column name disregarding the last (i-1) columns of each row as the i-th highest value in the next column of df
+                    df_temp[f"subgenome{i}"] = df_temp.iloc[:, :-i].apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).index[i-1], axis=1)
+            return df_temp
+        # df_temp = get_subgenomes("gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        def assign_subgenomes(df_temp, file_path, num_subgenomes):
+            '''
+            Assigns the subgenomes to the blocks based on the gene density inside the blocks
+            Parameters
+            ----------
+            df_temp: pd.DataFrame
+                The dataframe with the gene density inside the blocks
+            file_path: str
+                The path of the file to be read
+            num_subgenomes: int
+                The number of subgenomes to be assigned to the blocks
+            Returns
+            -------
+            df: pd.DataFrame
+                The dataframe with the subgenomes assigned to the blocks
+            '''
+            # Columns with density lower than 0.1 inside a block has been removed
+            for col in df_temp.columns[:-4]:
+                for i in range(len(df_temp)):
+                    if df_temp[col][i] < 0.1:
+              [i, col] = 0
+            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+            # Remove last four columns
+            df = df_temp[df_temp.columns[:-4]]
+            # Assignment of the columns into subgenomes depending on gene density inside blocks
+            df.loc[:, "Non_zero"] = df.iloc[:, :].apply(
+                lambda x: x[x != 0].count(), axis=1)
+            for i in range(1, num_subgenomes+1):
+                df.loc[:, f"subgenome{i}"] = df.iloc[:, :-i].apply(
+                    lambda x: x.sort_values(ascending=False).index[i-1], axis=1
+                )
+            # Read the generated break point output
+            df_new = pd.read_excel(file_path, usecols="A:G")
+            df = pd.concat([df_new.reset_index(drop=True), df], axis=1)
+        # Assignment of the columns into subgenomes depending on gene density inside blocks
+            for i in range(len(df)):
+                if i == 0 and df["Non_zero"][i] == num_subgenomes - 1:
+                    if df["Non_zero"][i + 1] == num_subgenomes - 1:
+              [i, f"subgenome{num_subgenomes}"] =[i + 2, f"subgenome{num_subgenomes}"]
+                    if df["Non_zero"][i + 1] > num_subgenomes - 1:
+              [i, f"subgenome{num_subgenomes}"] =[i + 1, f"subgenome{num_subgenomes}"]
+                elif df["Non_zero"][i] <= num_subgenomes - 1:
+                    if df["Non_zero"][i] == num_subgenomes - 1:
+                        if[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] and[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]:
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                        elif[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] ==[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] and[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]:
+                            if[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] !=[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]:
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                            elif[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] ==[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]:
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                        elif[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] ==[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] and[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]:
+                            if[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] !=[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]:
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                            elif[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] ==[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]:
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+                      [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                    if df["Non_zero"][i] == num_subgenomes - 2:
+                        if[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] and[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] !=[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]:
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                        elif[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] ==[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]:
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                        elif[i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] ==[i-1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]:
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+                  [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+                    if df["Non_zero"][i] == num_subgenomes - 3:
+              [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-2}"]
+              [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes-1}"]
+              [i, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"] =[i - 1, f"subgenome{n_subgenomes}"]
+            return df
+        # df = assign_subgenomes(df_temp, "gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        # # Saving the file
+        # df.to_excel("subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+        #get another input file for groundtruth as a command line argument
+        # # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+        # column_names = df.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+        # # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+        # df_synteny = C_df_csv.iloc[1:,1:-3].rename(columns={C_df_csv.iloc[1:,1:-3].columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+        # #append the first column of C_df to the first column of df_synteny
+        # df_synteny.insert(0, "locus_id", C_df_csv.iloc[1:,0])
+        # #update first row index starting from 0
+        # df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+        def subgenome_overlap(GT_file_path, df_subgenome_density_file_path, df_synteny, num_subgenomes, sub_no):
+            # Read the data
+            df_subgenome_density = pd.read_excel(df_subgenome_density_file_path)
+            # Create a list of subgenomes
+            subgenomes = [[] for _ in range(num_subgenomes)]
+            for i in range(len(df_subgenome_density["Row start #"])):
+                for j in range(df_subgenome_density["Row start #"].values[i], df_subgenome_density["Row end #"].values[i] + 1):
+                    for k in range(num_subgenomes):
+                        subgenomes[k].append(df_synteny[df_subgenome_density[f"subgenome{k+1}"].values[i]][j])
+            # Create a dataframe of subgenomes
+            df_subgenome = pd.DataFrame(subgenomes).transpose()
+            # Change the column names
+            df_subgenome.columns = [f"subgenome{i+1}" for i in range(num_subgenomes)]
+            # Load the dataframes
+            df_groundtruth = pd.read_excel(GT_file_path) # dataframe for groundtruth
+            # Check for exact matches of gene ids and 'x' between subgenome1 of both dataframes
+            exact_matches = 0
+            total_genes = 0
+            missing_genes = 0
+            missing_genes_list = []
+            for i, row_groundtruth in df_groundtruth.iterrows():
+                if i < len(df_groundtruth) - 1:
+                        gene_id_groundtruth = row_groundtruth[f"{first_letter_get}_subgenome{sub_no+1}"]
+                        if gene_id_groundtruth != "x":
+                            total_genes += 1
+                            if i < len(df_subgenome):
+                                row_subgenome = df_subgenome.iloc[i]
+                                gene_id_subgenome = row_subgenome[f"subgenome{sub_no+1}"]
+                                if gene_id_groundtruth == gene_id_subgenome:
+                                    exact_matches += 1
+                                else:
+                                    missing_genes += 1
+                                    missing_genes_list.append(gene_id_groundtruth)
+            # Calculate the overlap percentage for each subgenome
+            overlaps = exact_matches / total_genes
+            print(overlaps, sub_no+1)
+            return overlaps
+        #take gap_threshold and min_block_length which are numbers as arguments
+        gap_threshold = int(sys.argv[2])
+        min_block_length = int(sys.argv[3])
+        # break_point_indices = gap_calculation(C, gap_threshold, min_block_length)
+        # densities = get_densities(C, break_point_indices, n, m)
+        # create_excel_sheet(C_df_new, break_point_indices, densities)
+        # df_temp = get_subgenomes(f"{first_letter_get}_gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        # df = assign_subgenomes(df_temp, f"{first_letter}_gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+        # df.to_excel(f"{first_letter_get}_subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+        # # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+        # column_names = df.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+        # # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+        # df_synteny = C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].rename(columns={C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+        # #append the first column of C_df to the first column of df_synteny
+        # df_synteny.insert(0, "locus_id", C_df_new.iloc[0:,0])
+        # #update first row index starting from 0
+        # df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+        #Input the file for chains generated in DagChainer as a command line argument
+        chains_file = sys.argv[6]
+        #Input the file for blastp generated in DagChainer as a command line argument
+        blastp_file = sys.argv[7]       
+        def generate_heatmap(acc_matrix, subgenome_index, gap_threshold, min_block_length):
+            sub_acc_matrix = acc_matrix[subgenome_index]
+            sns.set(font_scale=1.2)  # Increase the font scale to 1.2 or any desired value
+            plt.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
+            ax = sns.heatmap(sub_acc_matrix, cmap='YlGnBu', annot=True, fmt=".2f", cbar=False,
+                            xticklabels=range(10, gap_threshold+1, 5), yticklabels=range(50, min_block_length+1, 10))
+            plt.title("Subgenome " + str(subgenome_index + 1) + " Accuracy Matrix")
+            plt.xlabel("Gap Threshold")
+            plt.ylabel("Minimum Block Length")
+            plt.savefig("subgenome_" + str(subgenome_index+1) + str(first_letter_get)+"_heatmap.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
+        def get_breakpoints(C, C_df_new, gap_threshold, min_block_length, n_subgenomes, GT, n, m):
+            best_params = []
+            accuracies = []
+            for k in range(n_subgenomes):
+                row_k = []
+                for j in range(50, min_block_length+1, 10):
+                    row_j = []
+                    for i in range(10, gap_threshold+1, 5):
+                        break_point_indices = gap_calculation(C, i, j)
+                        densities = get_densities(C, break_point_indices, n, m)
+                        create_excel_sheet(C_df_new, break_point_indices, densities)
+                        df_temp = get_subgenomes(f"{first_letter_get}_gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+                        df = assign_subgenomes(df_temp, f"{first_letter_get}_gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", n_subgenomes)
+                        # Saving the file
+                        df.to_excel(f"{first_letter_get}_subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+                        df = pd.read_excel(f"{first_letter_get}_subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+                        # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+                        column_names = df.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+                        df_synteny = pd.DataFrame()
+                        # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+                        df_synteny = C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].rename(columns={C_df_new.iloc[0:,1:-3].columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+                        #append the first column of C_df to the first column of df_synteny
+                        df_synteny.insert(0, "locus_id", C_df_new.iloc[0:,0])
+                        #update first row index starting from 0
+                        # df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+                        acc = subgenome_overlap(GT, f"{first_letter_get}_subgenome_density_bra.xlsx", df_synteny, n_subgenomes, k)
+                        print(acc)
+                    # if k == 0:
+                    #     wandb.log({"acc_sub1": acc, "bl_sub1": j, "gt_sub1": i, "subgenome": k+1})
+                    # elif k == 1:
+                    #     wandb.log({"acc_sub2": acc, "bl_sub2": j, "gt_sub2": i, "subgenome": k+1})
+                    # elif k == 2:
+                    #     wandb.log({"acc_sub3": acc, "bl_sub3": j, "gt_sub3": i, "subgenome": k+1})
+                        row_j.append(acc)
+                    row_k.append(row_j)
+                accuracies.append(row_k)
+            print(accuracies)
+            # Generate heatmap for subgenome k
+            for l in range(n_subgenomes):
+                generate_heatmap(accuracies, l, gap_threshold, min_block_length)
+                print(accuracies)
+            # Get the highest accuracy value and its corresponding gap threshold and minimum block length values for subgenome k
+            max_acc = max([max(row) for row in accuracies[k]])
+            max_indices = [(i, j) for i, row in enumerate(accuracies[k]) for j, val in enumerate(row) if val == max_acc]
+            best_params.append((k, max_acc, max_indices))
+            return best_params
+        # df = pd.read_excel("subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+        # # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+        # column_names = df.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+        # # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+        # df_synteny = C_df_csv.iloc[1:,1:-3].rename(columns={C_df_csv.iloc[1:,1:-3].columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+        # #append the first column of C_df to the first column of df_synteny
+        # df_synteny.insert(0, "locus_id", C_df_csv.iloc[1:,0])
+        # #update first row index starting from 0
+        # df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+        max_parameters = get_breakpoints(C, C_df_new, gap_threshold, min_block_length, n_subgenomes, GT, n , m)
+        print(max_parameters)
+#call the function to get breakpoints
+# break_point_indices = get_breakpoints(C, gap_threshold, min_block_length)
+# def get_blocks(df_subgenome_density, df_synteny, num_blocks, num_subgenomes):
+#     '''
+#     This function takes in the subgenome density dataframe, the synteny dataframe, the number of blocks and the number of subgenomes
+#     and returns a dictionary with the blocks as the keys and the subgenomes as the values
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     df_subgenome_density: pandas dataframe
+#         The dataframe containing the subgenome density information
+#         df_synteny: pandas dataframe
+#         The dataframe containing the synteny information
+#         num_blocks: int
+#         The number of blocks
+#         num_subgenomes: int
+#         The number of subgenomes
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     blocks: dictionary
+#     The dictionary containing the blocks as the keys and the subgenomes as the values
+#     '''
+#     # store the blocks in a dictionary with the block number as the key
+#     blocks = {}
+#     for i in range(num_blocks):
+#         blocks[i] = {}
+#         for j in range(num_subgenomes):
+#             subgenome_col = "subgenome" + str(j+1)
+#             block_key = str(i) + "_" + df_subgenome_density[subgenome_col].values[i]
+#             start_row = df_subgenome_density.loc[i, "Row start #"]
+#             end_row = df_subgenome_density.loc[i, "Row end #"]
+#             block_val = df_synteny.loc[start_row:end_row, df_subgenome_density.loc[i, subgenome_col]]
+#             genes = df_synteny.loc[start_row:end_row, 'gene_id'].tolist()
+#             block_val_dict = {}
+#             for k in range(len(genes)):
+#                 sub_key = genes[k]
+#                 block_val_dict[sub_key] = block_val.iloc[k]
+#             blocks[i][block_key] = block_val_dict
+#     return blocks
+# def create_chains_dict(df_chains):
+#     """
+#     Creates a dictionary with keys as the zeroth column in df_chains and values as the list of values belonging to the same
+#     keys in the fourth column values in df_chains.
+#     Args:
+#     df_chains: pandas dataframe containing four columns
+#     Returns:
+#     chains: dictionary with keys as the zeroth column in df_chains and values as the list of values belonging to the same
+#     keys in the fourth column values in df_chains.
+#     """
+#     chains = {}
+#     for i in range(len(df_chains[0])):
+#         chains[df_chains[0][i]] = []
+#     for i in range(len(df_chains[0])):
+#         chains[df_chains[0][i]].append(df_chains[2][i])
+#     return chains
+# def calculate_density(blocks_dict, num_blocks):
+#     """
+#     Calculates the density of each block in each subgenome.
+#     Parameters:
+#         blocks_dict (dict): A dictionary containing all the blocks and their genes for each subgenome.
+#         num_blocks (int): The total number of blocks.
+#     Returns:
+#         dict: A dictionary containing the density of each block for each subgenome.
+#     """
+#     density_dict = {}
+#     for i in range(num_blocks):
+#         density_dict[i] = {}
+#         for j in range(len(blocks_dict[i])):
+#             subgenome_blocks = list(blocks_dict[i].values())[j]
+#             num_genes = len([gene for gene in subgenome_blocks.values() if gene != "x"])
+#             block_size = len(subgenome_blocks)
+#             density_dict[i][list(blocks_dict[i].keys())[j]] = (
+#                 num_genes / block_size if block_size > 0 else 0
+#             )
+#     return density_dict
+# def calculate_pid(blocks, df, num_blocks, pickle_file):
+#     '''
+#     Calculates the PID of each block in each subgenome.
+#     Parameters:
+#         blocks (dict): A dictionary containing all the blocks and their genes for each subgenome.
+#         df (pandas dataframe): A dataframe containing the PID values for each gene pair.
+#         num_blocks (int): The total number of blocks.
+#         pickle_file (str): The path to the pickle file containing the PID values for each gene pair.
+#     Returns:
+#     dict: A dictionary containing the PID of each block for each subgenome.
+#     '''
+#     # #Remove dot and number after dot in gene_id_AT
+#     # df["gene_id_AT"] = [re.sub(r"\.\d+", "", gene_id) for gene_id in df["gene_id_AT"]]
+#     # # Initialize the dictionary "pid"
+#     # pid = {}
+#     # for i in range(num_blocks):
+#     #     pid[i] = {}
+#     #     for j in range(len(blocks[i])):
+#     #         key = list(blocks[i].keys())[j]
+#     #         block = blocks[i][key]
+#     #         pid_values = []
+#     #         for sub_key in block.keys():
+#     #             if sub_key in df["gene_id_AT"].tolist():
+#     #                 val = block[sub_key]
+#     #                 # Create a dictionary to store gene_id as keys and PID as values
+#     #                 gene_id_to_pid = dict(zip(zip(df["gene_id_Brassica"], df["gene_id_AT"]), df["PID"]))
+#     #                 if val!="x":
+#     #                     brassica_id = df.loc[(df["gene_id_AT"] == sub_key) & (df["gene_id_Brassica"] == val), "gene_id_Brassica"].values
+#     #                     pid_val = gene_id_to_pid.get((brassica_id[0], sub_key), "x") if len(brassica_id) > 0 and val != "x" else "x"
+#     #                 else:
+#     #                     pid_val = "x"
+#     #                 pid_values.append(pid_val)
+#     #         pid[i][key] = pid_values
+#     # #save in pickle file
+#     # with open(pickle_file, "wb") as f:
+#     #     pickle.dump(pid, f)
+#     #load from pickle file
+#     with open(pickle_file, "rb") as f:
+#         pid = pickle.load(f)
+#     return pid
+# def calculate_avg_pid(num_blocks, blocks, pid):
+#     avg_pid = {}
+#     for i in range(num_blocks):
+#         avg_pid[i] = {}
+#         for j in range(len(blocks[i])):
+#             avg_pid[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[j]] = 0
+#             if len([x for x in pid[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[j]] if x != "x"]) != 0:
+#                 avg_pid[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[j]] = (
+#                     sum([x for x in pid[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[j]] if x != "x"])
+#                     / len([x for x in pid[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[j]]])
+#                 ) / 100
+#     return avg_pid
+# def process_files_weight_cal(chains_file, blastp_file, df_subgenome_density_file_path, df_subgenomes_file_path, synteny_file, pickle_file):
+#     '''
+#     Processes the files and returns the required dataframes.
+#     Parameters:
+#         chains_file (str): Path to the chains file.
+#         blastp_file (str): Path to the blastp file.
+#         df_subgenome_density_file_path (str): Path to the subgenome density file.
+#         synteny_file (str): Path to the synteny file.
+#         pickle_file (str): Path to the pickle file.
+#     Returns:
+#     blocks_dict: A dictionary containing all the blocks and their genes for each subgenome.
+#     density_dict: A dictionary containing the density of each block for each subgenome.
+#     chains_dict: A dictionary containing the chains of each block for each subgenome.
+#     pid_dict: A dictionary containing the PID of each block for each subgenome.
+#     avg_pid_dict: A dictionary containing the average PID of each block for each subgenome.
+#     '''
+#     # read the blastp file
+#     blastp = pd.read_csv(blastp_file, sep="\t", header=None)
+#     df_blastp = blastp.iloc[:, 0:3]
+#     #have column names for the blastp file as gene_id_Brassica, gene_id_AT, PID
+#     df_blastp.columns = ["gene_id_Brassica", "gene_id_AT", "PID"]
+#     # read the chains file
+#     df_chains = pd.read_csv(chains_file, sep="\t", header=None)
+#     # get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+#     df_subgenome = pd.read_excel(df_subgenome_density_file_path)
+#     column_names = ['gene_id'] + df_subgenome.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+#     df_subgenome_density = pd.read_excel(df_subgenomes_file_path)
+#     df_synteny = synteny_file.rename(columns={synteny_file.columns[i]: column_names[i] if i > 0 else "gene_id" for i in range(len(column_names))})
+#     # Start the index from 0
+#     df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+#     # number of blocks
+#     num_blocks = len(df_subgenome_density)
+#     print("===========================================")
+#     print(f"Number of blocks: {num_blocks}")
+#     print("===========================================")
+#     blocks= get_blocks(df_subgenome_density, df_synteny, num_blocks, n_subgenomes)
+#     density = calculate_density(blocks, num_blocks)
+#     chains_dict = create_chains_dict(df_chains)
+#     pid = calculate_pid(blocks, df_blastp, num_blocks, pickle_file)
+#     avg_pid = calculate_avg_pid(num_blocks, blocks, pid)
+#     return (blocks, density, chains_dict, pid, avg_pid)
+# graph_input = process_files_weight_cal(chains_file, blastp_file, "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx", "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx", C_df_csv.iloc[1:,:-3], "pid_genes_removed_blastn.pickle")
+# def create_block_graph(blocks, density, chains, avg_pid, num_subgenomes):
+#     '''
+#     Creates a graph of blocks.
+#     Parameters:
+#         blocks (dict): A dictionary containing all the blocks and their genes for each subgenome.
+#         density (dict): A dictionary containing the density of each block for each subgenome.
+#         chains (dict): A dictionary containing the chains of each block for each subgenome.
+#         avg_pid (dict): A dictionary containing the average PID of each block for each subgenome.
+#         num_subgenomes (int): Number of subgenomes.
+#     Returns:
+#     graph (dict): A dictionary containing the graph of blocks.
+#     '''
+#     graph = {}
+#     num_blocks = len(blocks)
+#     for i in range(num_blocks - 1):
+#         for k in range(num_subgenomes):
+#             graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[k]] = {}
+#         for s in range(num_subgenomes):
+#             graph[list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[s]] = {}
+#         for j in range(len(chains)):
+#             for l in range(num_subgenomes):
+#                 for m in range(num_subgenomes):
+#                     if (
+#                         list(blocks[i].keys())[l].split("_")[1]
+#                         == list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m].split("_")[1]
+#                         or list(blocks[i].keys())[l].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                         == list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[l].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                     ):
+#                         graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]][
+#                             list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]
+#                         ] = (
+#                             list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(density[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         ) + (
+#                             list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(avg_pid[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         ) 
+#                         new_list = (
+#                             list(blocks[i][list(blocks[i].keys())[l]].values())
+#                             + list(blocks[i + 1][list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]].values())
+#                         )
+#                         new_list = list(filter(lambda a: a != "x", new_list))
+#                         # concatenate the two blocks
+#                         if (
+#                             list(blocks[i].keys())[l].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                             == list(chains.keys())[j].split("_")[0]
+#                             or list(blocks[i].keys())[l].split("_")[1]
+#                             == list(chains.keys())[j].split("_")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             if (
+#                                 len(set(new_list) & set(
+#                                     chains[list(chains.keys())[j]]))
+#                                 / float(
+#                                     len(set(new_list) | set(
+#                                         chains[list(chains.keys())[j]]))
+#                                 )
+#                                 * 100
+#                                 > 20
+#                             ):
+#                                 graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]][
+#                                     list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]
+#                                 ] = 2
+#                             elif len(graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]]) != num_subgenomes:
+#                                 graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]][
+#                                     list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]
+#                                 ] = (
+#                                     list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                                     - (
+#                                         list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                                         - list(density[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                                     )
+#                                 ) + (
+#                                     list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                                     - (
+#                                         list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                                         - list(avg_pid[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                                     )
+#                                 )
+#                     elif (
+#                         list(blocks[i].keys())[l].split("_")[1]
+#                         == list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                         or list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[l].split("_")[1]
+#                         == list(blocks[i].keys())[m].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                     ):
+#                         graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]][
+#                             list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]
+#                         ] = (
+#                             list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(density[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         ) + (
+#                             list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(avg_pid[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         ) 
+#                     else:
+#                         graph[list(blocks[i].keys())[l]][list(blocks[i + 1].keys())[m]] = (
+#                             list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(density[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(density[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         ) + (
+#                             list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                             - (
+#                                 list(avg_pid[i].values())[l]
+#                                 - list(avg_pid[i + 1].values())[m]
+#                             )
+#                         )
+#     return graph
+# # function for finding gaps in each columns
+# def add_edge_weights(blocks, graph, weight, num_blocks):
+#     '''
+#     This function adds edge weights to the graph
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     blocks : list
+#         list of blocks
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks
+#     weight : int
+#         weight of the edge
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks with edge weights
+#     '''
+#     for i in range(num_blocks - 1):
+#         for node in blocks[i].keys():
+#             max_value = -1
+#             max_next_node = None
+#             for next_node in blocks[i + 1].keys():
+#                 if (
+#                     node.split("_")[1] == next_node.split("_")[1]
+#                     or node.split("_")[1] == next_node.split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                     or next_node.split("_")[1] == node.split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                 ):
+#                     if graph[node][next_node] > max_value:
+#                         max_value = graph[node][next_node]
+#                         max_next_node = next_node
+#             if max_next_node is not None:
+#                 current_edge_value = max_value
+#                 new_edge_value = current_edge_value + weight
+#                 graph[node][max_next_node] = new_edge_value
+#     return graph
+# def get_nodes(start_node, end_node, num_blocks, graph):
+#     '''
+#     This function returns the nodes between the start and end node
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     start_node : str
+#         start node
+#     end_node : str
+#         end node
+#     num_blocks : int
+#         number of blocks
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     nodes_sub : list
+#         list of nodes between the start and end node
+#     '''
+#     nodes_sub = []
+#     for i in range(num_blocks - 1):
+#         while start_node != end_node:
+#             nodes_sub.append(start_node)
+#             start_node = list(list(graph.values())[list(graph.keys()).index(start_node)])[
+#                 list(
+#                     list(graph.values())[
+#                         list(graph.keys()).index(start_node)].values()
+#                 ).index(
+#                     max(
+#                         list(
+#                             list(graph.values())[
+#                                 list(graph.keys()).index(start_node)
+#                             ].values()
+#                         )
+#                     )
+#                 )
+#             ]
+#             break
+#     nodes_sub.append(end_node)
+#     return nodes_sub
+# def remove_nodes_from_graph(nodes_sub, graph, blocks):
+#     '''
+#     This function removes the nodes from the graph
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     nodes_sub : list
+#         list of nodes between the start and end node
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks
+#     blocks : list
+#         list of blocks
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks with nodes removed
+#     blocks : list
+#         list of blocks with nodes removed
+#     '''
+#     for i in range(len(nodes_sub)):
+#         graph.pop(nodes_sub[i], None)
+#         for j in range(len(graph)):
+#             graph[list(graph.keys())[j]].pop(nodes_sub[i], None)
+#     # remove blocks in blocks[] matching the nodes in nodes[]
+#     for i in range(len(nodes_sub)):
+#         for j in range(len(blocks)):
+#             blocks[j].pop(nodes_sub[i], None)
+#     return graph, blocks
+# def update_graph_edges(num_blocks, blocks, graph, weight):
+#     '''
+#     This function updates the graph edges
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     num_blocks : int
+#         number of blocks
+#     blocks : list
+#         list of blocks
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks
+#     weight : int
+#         weight of the edge
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     graph : dict
+#         graph of blocks with updated edges
+#     '''
+#     for i in range(num_blocks - 1):
+#         for node in blocks[i].keys():
+#             max_value = -1
+#             max_next_node = None
+#             for next_node in blocks[i + 1].keys():
+#                 if (
+#                     node.split("_")[1] == next_node.split("_")[1]
+#                     or node.split("_")[1] == next_node.split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                     or next_node.split("_")[1] == node.split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
+#                 ):
+#                     if graph[node][next_node] > max_value:
+#                         max_value = graph[node][next_node]
+#                         max_next_node = next_node
+#             if max_next_node is not None:
+#                 current_edge_value = max_value
+#                 new_edge_value = current_edge_value - weight
+#                 graph[node][max_next_node] = new_edge_value
+#     return graph
+# def node_traverse_most_weighted_path(n_subgenomes, subgenome_density_file_path, nodes, W1, W2):
+#     '''
+#     This function traverses the graph to find the most weighted path
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     n_subgenomes : int
+#         number of subgenomes
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     nodes_df : pandas dataframe
+#         dataframe with the nodes_sub lists as columns
+#     '''
+#     # Get input from command line
+#     weight_1 = float(W1)
+#     weight_2 = float(W2)
+#     # Get input from files
+#     subgenome_density = pd.read_excel(subgenome_density_file_path)
+#     # Create graph with edge weights and get nodes for first subgenome
+#     graph = add_edge_weights(graph_input[0], create_block_graph(graph_input[0], graph_input[1], graph_input[2], graph_input[4], n_subgenomes), weight_1, len(graph_input[0]))
+#     #get the first value in subgenome1 column (first row) in subgenome_density file as start node
+#     start_node = f"0_{subgenome_density.iloc[0]['subgenome1']}"
+#     #get the last value in subgenome1 column (last row) in subgenome_density file as end node
+#     end_node = f"{len(subgenome_density)-1}_{subgenome_density.iloc[-1]['subgenome1']}"
+#     nodes_sub1 = get_nodes(start_node, end_node, len(graph_input[0]), graph)
+#     # Remove nodes from graph and get nodes for remaining subgenomes
+#     blocks = graph_input[0]
+#     nodes_df = pd.DataFrame({"nodes_sub1": nodes_sub1}) # Define the nodes_df variable here
+#     for i in range(n_subgenomes - 1):
+#         graph, blocks = remove_nodes_from_graph(nodes_sub1, graph, blocks)
+#         graph = update_graph_edges(len(blocks), blocks, graph, weight_2)
+#         start_node = f"0_{subgenome_density.iloc[0][f'subgenome{i+2}']}"
+#         end_node = f"{len(subgenome_density)-1}_{subgenome_density.iloc[-1][f'subgenome{i+2}']}"
+#         nodes_sub = get_nodes(start_node, end_node, len(blocks), graph)
+#         nodes_sub_name = f"nodes_sub{i+2}"
+#         nodes_df[nodes_sub_name] = nodes_sub
+#         remove_nodes_from_graph(nodes_sub, graph, blocks)
+#     # rename the columns as subgenomes
+#     nodes_df.columns = [f"subgenome{i}" for i in range(1, n_subgenomes+1)]
+#     #Append Row start # and Row end # columns from subgenome_density_bra as first two columns of the dataframe
+#     nodes_df.insert(0, "Row start #", subgenome_density["Row start #"])
+#     nodes_df.insert(1, "Row end #", subgenome_density["Row end #"])
+#     #remove everything before _ in the nodes_df subgenome columns
+#     for i in range(1, n_subgenomes+1):
+#         column_name = f"subgenome{i}"
+#         nodes_df[column_name] = nodes_df[column_name].str.split("_", n=1, expand=True)[1]
+#     nodes_df.to_excel(nodes, index=False)
+#     return nodes_df
+# node_traverse_most_weighted_path(n_subgenomes, "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx", "nodes.xlsx", sys.argv[8], sys.argv[9])
+# print("===========================================")
+# print("Accuracy of subgenome assignment(Weighted_Graph_Approach(Main_BP)):")
+# print("===========================================")
+# subgenome_overlap(GT, "nodes.xlsx", df_synteny, 3)
+# def find_small_gaps(col, gap_threshold, m, row_start):
+#     """
+#     Finds the gaps in the each column of the matrix
+#     col: column of the matrix
+#     gap_threshold: threshold for the gap
+#     m: number of rows in the matrix
+#     returns: indices of the beginning and end of the gaps
+#     """
+#     # indices for ones in given column
+#     indices_one = np.where(col == 1)[0]
+#     # calculate difference between consective indices
+#     d = np.diff(indices_one)
+#     # if the difference is bigger than the gap threshold then store them
+#     initial_gaps = np.where(d > gap_threshold)[0]
+#     # number of gaps
+#     r = len(initial_gaps)
+#     # calculate gaps
+#     gaps = np.zeros((r, 2))
+#     # find the indices of beginning and end of gaps
+#     gaps[:, 0] = indices_one[initial_gaps] + 1 + row_start
+#     gaps[:, 1] = indices_one[initial_gaps + 1] - 1 + row_start
+#     # add row_start as the 1st column and indices_one[initial_gaps[0]] + 1 + row_start-1 as the second column for the first entry in gaps[]
+#     if r == 1:
+#         gaps[0, 0] = row_start
+#         gaps[0, 1] = (indices_one[initial_gaps[0]] + 1 + row_start) - 2
+#     if r > 1:
+#         # add without replacing the first entry
+#         gaps = np.insert(gaps, 0, np.array(
+#             [[row_start, gaps[0, 0] - 2]]), axis=0)
+#         gaps = np.insert(gaps, 1, np.array(
+#             [[gaps[1, 0] - 1, gaps[1, 0] - 1]]), axis=0)
+#     # fix the end of gap index for the last gap
+#     if r > 0 and indices_one[-1] + 1 < m:
+#         gaps = np.append(
+#             gaps,
+#             np.array([[indices_one[-1] + 1 + row_start, m + row_start - 1]]),
+#             axis=0,
+#         )
+#     if r > 0 and indices_one[-1] + 1 == m:
+#         gaps = np.append(
+#             gaps, np.array([[m + row_start - 1, m + row_start - 1]]), axis=0
+#         )
+#     return gaps
+# def get_gaps(breakpoints_file, sub_density_file, C, num_subgenomes, gap_threshold=1):
+#     '''
+#     Returns the gaps in the blocks
+#     breakpoints_file: file containing the main breakpoints
+#     sub_density_file: file containing the subgenome density and chromosome blocks
+#     num_subgenomes: number of subgenomes
+#     gap_threshold: threshold for the gap
+#     returns: list of gaps
+#     '''
+#     breakpoints_main = pd.read_excel(breakpoints_file, usecols="H:AA")
+#     sub_density = pd.read_excel(sub_density_file)
+#     gaps = []
+#     for i in range(len(breakpoints_main)):
+#         for j in range(len(breakpoints_main.columns)):
+#             if breakpoints_main.iloc[i, j] < 0.1 and breakpoints_main.iloc[i, j] != 0:
+#                 # subgenome_names = [sub_density[f"subgenome{k+1}"][i].split(".")[0] for k in range(num_subgenomes)]
+#                 # subgenome_combinations = [[subgenome_names[k], subgenome_names[l]] for k in range(num_subgenomes-1) for l in range(k+1, num_subgenomes)]
+#                 if (
+#                 (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome1"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome2"][i]
+#                 )
+#                 and (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome1"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome3"][i]
+#                 )
+#                 and (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome3"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome2"][i]
+#                 )
+#                 and (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome2"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome1"][i]
+#                 )
+#                 and (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome3"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome1"][i]
+#                 )
+#                 and (
+#                     sub_density["subgenome2"][i].split(".")[0]
+#                     != sub_density["subgenome3"][i]
+#                 )
+#             ):
+#                     # print("Block no.:", i+1, "Row no.:", sub_density['Row start #'][i], "Subgenome:", breakpoints_main.columns [j], "Density:", breakpoints_main.iloc[i,j])
+#                     # gap_threshold is the threshold to determine if there is a gap or not
+#                     # min_block_length is the minimum length of the signal blocks
+#                     gap_threshold = 1
+#                     # min_block_length = 10
+#                     # get all gaps in all columns
+#                     gaps_cell = [
+#                         find_small_gaps(
+#                             C[
+#                                 sub_density["Row start #"][i]: sub_density["Row end #"][i]
+#                                 + 1,
+#                                 j,
+#                             ],
+#                             gap_threshold,
+#                             sub_density["# genes in block"][i],
+#                             sub_density["Row start #"][i],
+#                         )
+#                     ]
+#                     if len(gaps_cell[0]) != 0:
+#                         gaps.append((gaps_cell, i, j))
+#     return gaps
+# def merge_gaps(gaps):
+#     '''
+#     Merges gaps that are adjacent to each other.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     gaps : list
+#         A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a list of arrays, the row number of the gap, and the column number of the gap.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     merged_gaps : list
+#         A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a list of arrays, the row number of the gap, and the column number of the gap.
+#     '''
+#     merged_gaps = []
+#     i = 0
+#     while i < len(gaps) - 1:
+#         if gaps[i][1] == gaps[i + 1][1]:
+#             merged_row = []
+#             j = 0
+#             k = 0
+#             while j < len(gaps[i][0][0]) and k < len(gaps[i + 1][0][0]):
+#                 if j == 0 and k == 0:
+#                     if gaps[i][0][0][0][1] > gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                         k += 1
+#                     elif gaps[i][0][0][0][1] < gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                         j += 1
+#                     elif gaps[i][0][0][0][1] == gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                         j += 1
+#                         k += 1
+#                 elif (
+#                     j > 0
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] == gaps[i][0][0][j][1] + 1
+#                     and k > 0
+#                 ):
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                     k += 1
+#                 elif (
+#                     j > 0
+#                     and k > 0
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] != gaps[i][0][0][j][1] + 1
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] < gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][1] < gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                 ):
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                     k += 1
+#                 else:
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                     j += 1
+#             while j < len(gaps[i][0][0]):
+#                 merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                 j += 1
+#             while k < len(gaps[i + 1][0][0]):
+#                 merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                 k += 1
+#             merged_gaps.append(([np.array(merged_row)], gaps[i][1]))
+#             i += 3
+#         elif (
+#             gaps[i][1] == gaps[i + 1][1]
+#             and gaps[i][1] != gaps[i + 2][1]
+#             and gaps[i][1] != gaps[i - 1][1]
+#         ):
+#             merged_row = []
+#             j = 0
+#             k = 0
+#             while j < len(gaps[i][0][0]) and k < len(gaps[i + 1][0][0]):
+#                 if j == 0 and k == 0:
+#                     if gaps[i][0][0][0][1] > gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                         k += 1
+#                     elif gaps[i][0][0][0][1] < gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                         j += 1
+#                     elif gaps[i][0][0][0][1] == gaps[i + 1][0][0][0][1]:
+#                         merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                         j += 1
+#                         k += 1
+#                 elif (
+#                     j > 0
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] == gaps[i][0][0][j][1] + 1
+#                     and k > 0
+#                 ):
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                     k += 1
+#                 elif (
+#                     j > 0
+#                     and k > 0
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] != gaps[i][0][0][j][1] + 1
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][0] < gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                     and gaps[i + 1][0][0][k][1] < gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                 ):
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                     k += 1
+#                 else:
+#                     merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                     j += 1
+#             while j < len(gaps[i][0][0]):
+#                 merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i][0][0][j]))
+#                 j += 1
+#             while k < len(gaps[i + 1][0][0]):
+#                 merged_row.append(np.array(gaps[i + 1][0][0][k]))
+#                 k += 1
+#             merged_gaps.append(
+#                 ([np.array(merged_row)], gaps[i][1], gaps[i][2]))
+#             i += 2
+#         else:
+#             merged_gaps.append(gaps[i])
+#             i += 1
+#     if i == len(gaps) - 1:
+#         merged_gaps.append(gaps[i])
+#     return merged_gaps
+# def sort_gaps(gaps):
+#     '''
+#     Sort the gaps in each row of the gap list
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     gaps : list
+#         A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a list of arrays and a string.
+#         The list of arrays contains the gaps in each row of the gene matrix.
+#         The string is the name of the chromosome.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     sorted_gaps : list
+#         A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a list of arrays and a string.
+#         The list of arrays contains the gaps in each row of the gene matrix.
+#         The string is the name of the chromosome.
+#         The gaps in each row are sorted by the start position of the gap.
+#     '''
+#     sorted_gaps = []
+#     for gap in gaps:
+#         sorted_gap = []
+#         for row in gap[0]:
+#             sorted_gap.append(row[row[:, 0].argsort()])
+#         sorted_gaps.append((sorted_gap, gap[1]))
+#     return sorted_gaps
+# def find_small_breakpoints(gaps, sub_density):
+#     '''
+#     Find the breakpoints that are smaller than the minimum gap size.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     gaps : list
+#         A list of tuples. Each tuple contains a list of arrays and a string.
+#         The list of arrays contains the gaps in each row of the gene matrix.
+#         The string is the name of the chromosome.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     small_breakpoints : dict
+#         A dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are the index of the gap
+#         and the index of the row in the gap. The values are dictionaries
+#         containing the start and end positions of the breakpoint and the
+#         main breakpoint.
+#     '''
+#     sub_density = pd.read_excel(sub_density)
+#     small_breakpoints = {}
+#     for i in range(len(gaps)):
+#         for j in range(len(gaps[i][0][0])):
+#             if len(gaps[i][0][0]) == 2:
+#                 rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                 row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                 if j == 0:
+#                     max_bp = sub_density["subgenome1"][gaps[i][1]]
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#                 if j == 1 and rowstart > gaps[i][0][0][0][1] + 1:
+#                     rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j - 1][1] + 1
+#                     row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][0] - 1
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#                 if j == len(gaps[i][0][0]) - 1:
+#                     rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                     row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j + 1] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#             if len(gaps[i][0][0]) > 2:
+#                 rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                 row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                 if j == 0:
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#                 if j == 1 and rowstart == gaps[i][0][0][0][1] + 1:
+#                     rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                     row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#                 if (j <= (len(gaps[i][0][0]) - 1)) and (j >= 1):
+#                     if gaps[i][0][0][j][0] > gaps[i][0][0][j - 1][1] + 1:
+#                         rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j - 1][1] + 1
+#                         row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][0] - 1
+#                         small_breakpoints[i, j] = {
+#                             "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                             "Row end #": row_end,
+#                             "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                         }
+#                     rowstart = gaps[i][0][0][j][0]
+#                     row_end = gaps[i][0][0][j][1]
+#                     small_breakpoints[i, j, 0] = {
+#                         "Row start #": rowstart,
+#                         "Row end #": row_end,
+#                         "main_bp": gaps[i][1],
+#                     }
+#     return small_breakpoints
+# def update_small_breakpoints(small_breakpoints):
+#     '''
+#     Update the small breakpoints.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     small_breakpoints : dict
+#         A dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are the index of the gap
+#         and the index of the row in the gap. The values are dictionaries
+#         containing the start and end positions of the breakpoint and the
+#         main breakpoint.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     small_breakpoints_new : dict
+#         A dictionary of dictionaries. The keys are the index of the gap
+#         and the index of the row in the gap. The values are dictionaries
+#         containing the start and end positions of the breakpoint and the
+#         main breakpoint.
+#     '''
+#     small_breakpoints = {
+#         i: small_breakpoints[key] for i, key in enumerate(small_breakpoints)
+#     }
+#     small_breakpoints
+#     # Check if the row start and row end numbers are like row start number = from the previous row end number + 1 and row end number = from the next row start number - 1, if not, update the row start and row end numbers.
+#     small_breakpoints_new = small_breakpoints.copy()
+#     for i in range(len(small_breakpoints) - 1):
+#         if i == 0:
+#             small_breakpoints_new[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#         if i == len(small_breakpoints) - 1:
+#             small_breakpoints_new[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#         if i > 0 and i < len(small_breakpoints) - 1:
+#             # if small_breakpoints[i]['Row end #'] == small_breakpoints[i+1]['Row end #'] and small_breakpoints[i]['Row start #'] == small_breakpoints[i+1]['Row start #']:
+#             #     continue
+#             if (
+#                 small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                 != small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"] - 1
+#             ):
+#                 # Check whether you can find this row end number in any of the row end numbers coming in upcoming rows.
+#                 if (
+#                     small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                     != small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"]
+#                     and small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                     != small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row end #"]
+#                 ):
+#                     row_end_list = []
+#                     for s in range(i + 1, len(small_breakpoints)):
+#                         row_end_list.append(small_breakpoints[s]["Row end #"])
+#                     if small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] in row_end_list:
+#                         # If you can find this row end number in any of the row end numbers coming in upcoming rows, then update the current row's end number.
+#                         small_breakpoints_new[i] = {
+#                             "Row start #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"],
+#                             "Row end #": small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"] - 1,
+#                             "main_bp": small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"],
+#                         }
+#                     elif (
+#                         small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] not in row_end_list
+#                         and small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                         > small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"]
+#                     ):
+#                         small_breakpoints_new[i] = {
+#                             "Row start #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"],
+#                             "Row end #": small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"] - 1,
+#                             "main_bp": small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"],
+#                         }
+#                         # If you can't find this row end number in any of the row end numbers coming in upcoming rows, then add it where row end number < row end number of next row but row end number > row end number of the row of focus and row start number of next row < row end number.
+#                         for j in range(i + 1, len(small_breakpoints) - 1):
+#                             if (
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                                 < small_breakpoints[j + 1]["Row start #"]
+#                                 and small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                                 > small_breakpoints[j]["Row start #"]
+#                             ):
+#                                 # Add this row end number and row start number of next row as a new row.
+#                                 new_row = {
+#                                     "Row start #": small_breakpoints[j]["Row start #"],
+#                                     "Row end #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"],
+#                                     "main_bp": small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"],
+#                                 }
+#                                 small_breakpoints_new[i + 1, j] = new_row
+#                 if (
+#                     small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                     == small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"]
+#                     and small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                     != small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row end #"]
+#                     and small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                     <= small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row end #"]
+#                 ):
+#                     small_breakpoints_new[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#                     small_breakpoints_new[i + 1] = {
+#                         "Row start #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] + 1,
+#                         "Row end #": small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row end #"],
+#                         "main_bp": small_breakpoints[i + 1]["main_bp"],
+#                     }
+#                 else:
+#                     continue
+#             if (
+#                 small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]
+#                 == small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"] - 1
+#             ):
+#                 if i < len(small_breakpoints) - 2:
+#                     if (
+#                         small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row start #"]
+#                         == small_breakpoints[i + 2]["Row start #"]
+#                         and small_breakpoints[i + 1]["Row end #"]
+#                         > small_breakpoints[i + 2]["Row start #"]
+#                     ):
+#                         small_breakpoints_new[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#                         small_breakpoints_new[i + 1] = small_breakpoints[i + 2]
+#     small_breakpoints = {
+#         i: small_breakpoints_new[key] for i, key in enumerate(small_breakpoints_new)
+#     }
+#     return small_breakpoints
+# def merge_main_small_breakpoints(small_breakpoints_new, sub_density_file):
+#     '''
+#     This function merges the main breakpoints and small breakpoints.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     small_breakpoints_new : dict
+#         Dictionary of small breakpoints.
+#         sub_density_file : str
+#         Path to the sub density file.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     small_breakpoints_copy : dict
+#     Dictionary of merged breakpoints.
+#     '''
+#     sub_density = pd.read_excel(sub_density_file)
+#     small_breakpoints = {
+#         i: small_breakpoints_new[key] for i, key in enumerate(small_breakpoints_new)
+#     }
+#     sub_density = (
+#         sub_density.copy()
+#     )  # make a copy to avoid modifying the original DataFrame
+#     small_breakpoints_copy = {}  # make a copy to avoid modifying the original dictionary
+#     for i in range(len(small_breakpoints) - 1):
+#         if i == 0:
+#             small_breakpoints_copy[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#         if i == len(small_breakpoints) - 1:
+#             small_breakpoints_copy[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#         for j in range(len(sub_density)):
+#             if i > 0 and i < len(small_breakpoints) - 1:
+#                 if (
+#                     small_breakpoints[i - 1]["Row end #"] + 1
+#                     == small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                 ):
+#                     small_breakpoints_copy[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#                 if (
+#                     small_breakpoints[i - 1]["Row end #"] + 1
+#                     != small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                     and small_breakpoints[i - 1]["Row start #"]
+#                     == sub_density["Row start #"][j]
+#                 ):
+#                     small_breakpoints_copy[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#                 elif (
+#                     small_breakpoints[i - 1]["Row end #"] + 1
+#                     != small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                     and small_breakpoints[i - 1]["Row end #"] + 1
+#                     == sub_density["Row start #"][j]
+#                 ):
+#                     small_breakpoints_copy[i] = {
+#                         "Row start #": sub_density["Row start #"][j],
+#                         "Row end #": sub_density["Row end #"][j],
+#                         "main_bp": j,
+#                     }
+#                     for k in range(j, small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub_density["Row end #"][k] + 1
+#                             == small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                         ):
+#                             small_breakpoints_copy[i, k] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#                             break
+#                         elif (
+#                             sub_density["Row end #"][k] + 1
+#                             != small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#                         ):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub_density["Row end #"][k] + 1
+#                                 == sub_density["Row start #"][k + 1]
+#                             ):
+#                                 small_breakpoints_copy[i, k] = {
+#                                     "Row start #": sub_density["Row start #"][k + 1],
+#                                     "Row end #": sub_density["Row end #"][k + 1],
+#                                     "main_bp": k + 1,
+#                                 }
+#     small_breakpoints_copy = {
+#         i: small_breakpoints_copy[key] for i, key in enumerate(small_breakpoints_copy)
+#     }
+#     small_breakpoints = small_breakpoints_copy
+#     return small_breakpoints
+# def modify_small_breakpoints(small_breakpoints):
+#     '''
+#     This function modifies the small breakpoints.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     small_breakpoints : dict
+#         Dictionary of small breakpoints.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     small_breakpoints : dict
+#     Dictionary of modified small breakpoints.
+#     '''
+#     # update row start of current row start # == row end of previous row end # +1 in small_breakpoints
+#     for i in range(len(small_breakpoints) - 1):
+#         if i == 0:
+#             small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"] = small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#         elif i > 0 and i < len(small_breakpoints) - 1:
+#             small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"] = small_breakpoints[i -
+#                                                                     1]["Row end #"] + 1
+#         else:
+#             small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"] = small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]
+#     return small_breakpoints
+# def remove_invalid_entries(small_breakpoints):
+#     '''
+#     This function removes invalid entries from the small breakpoints.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     small_breakpoints : dict
+#         Dictionary of small breakpoints.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     small_breakpoints_new : dict
+#     Dictionary of small breakpoints with invalid entries removed.
+#     '''
+#     # remove entries from small_breakpoints that have ['Row end #'] < ['Row start #']
+#     small_breakpoints_new = {}
+#     for i in range(len(small_breakpoints)):
+#         if small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] >= small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]:
+#             small_breakpoints_new[i] = small_breakpoints[i]
+#             # rename keys in small_breakpoints_new
+#             small_breakpoints_new = {
+#                 i: small_breakpoints_new[key] for i, key in enumerate(small_breakpoints_new)
+#             }
+#     small_breakpoints = small_breakpoints_new
+#     return small_breakpoints
+# small_BP = remove_invalid_entries(modify_small_breakpoints(merge_main_small_breakpoints(update_small_breakpoints(find_small_breakpoints(sort_gaps(merge_gaps(merge_gaps(get_gaps( "gene_matrix_output_Bra.xlsx", "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx", C, n_subgenomes,1)))), "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")), "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")))
+# # print(small_BP)
+# def update_df_synteny(C_df,synteny_file, df_subgenome_density_file_path):
+#     '''
+#     This function updates the df_synteny dataframe.
+#     Parameters
+#     ----------
+#     df_synteny : dataframe
+#         Dataframe of synteny.
+#     Returns
+#     -------
+#     df_synteny : dataframe
+#         Dataframe of synteny with chromosome names where the gene belongs.
+#     '''
+#         # Read the data
+#     df_subgenome_density = pd.read_excel(df_subgenome_density_file_path)
+#     # Get the column names from df_subgenome_density that start with N followed by a number
+#     column_names = df_subgenome_density.filter(regex=r'^N\d+').columns.tolist()
+#     # Replace the columns starting from the second column until the end of C_df_updated with the selected column names
+#     df_synteny = synteny_file.rename(columns={synteny_file.columns[i-1]: column_names[i-1] for i in range(1, len(column_names)+1)})
+#     # Start the index from 0
+#     df_synteny.index = df_synteny.index - 1
+#     for i in range(len(df_synteny)):
+#         for j in range(len(df_synteny.columns)):
+#             if df_synteny.iloc[i, j] == 1:
+#                 df_synteny.iloc[i, j] = df_synteny.columns[j]
+#     #append the first column of the C_df to the df_synteny as first column
+#     df_synteny.insert(0, "Gene_id", C_df.iloc[1:, 0])
+#     df_synteny.to_excel("modified_synteny_chromosome_names.xlsx")
+#     return df_synteny
+# update_df_synteny(C_df, C_df_updated, "subgenome_density_bra.xlsx")
+# def check_gaps(final_gaps_df):
+#     for i in range(len(final_gaps_df) - 2):
+#         if (final_gaps_df.iloc[i]["Row end #"] + 1 != final_gaps_df.iloc[i + 1]["Row start #"]):
+#             # print("error1", i)
+#             if (final_gaps_df.iloc[i-1]["Row end #"] + 1 == final_gaps_df.iloc[i + 1]["Row start #"]):
+#                 final_gaps_df.drop(i, inplace=True)
+#                 final_gaps_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
+#             else:
+#                 final_gaps_df.iloc[i, final_gaps_df.columns.get_loc("Row end #")] = final_gaps_df.iloc[i + 1]["Row start #"] - 1
+#         if final_gaps_df.iloc[i]["Row end #"] < final_gaps_df.iloc[i]["Row start #"]:
+#             print("error2", i)
+#     return final_gaps_df
+# def subgenome_assignment_all_BP(sub_density, main_breakpoints, small_breakpoints):
+#         sub_density = pd.read_excel(sub_density)
+#         synteny_df = pd.read_excel(main_breakpoints, usecols="C:V")
+#         # print(synteny_df)
+#         final_gaps_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Row start #", "Row end #"])
+#         sub1 = sub2 = sub3 = 0
+#         for i in range(len(small_breakpoints)):
+#             sub1_found = False
+#             sub2_found = False
+#             sub3_found = False
+#             # final_gaps_df = final_gaps_df.append({'Row start #': small_breakpoints [i]['Row start #'], 'Row end #': small_breakpoints [i]['Row end #'], 'Subgenome1': sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']], 'Subgenome2': sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']], 'Subgenome3': sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]}, ignore_index=True)
+#             # break out of outer loop as well
+#             # break
+#             if small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"] != small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]:
+#                 gaps_list_sub1 = []
+#                 gaps_list_sub2 = []
+#                 gaps_list_sub3 = []
+#                 for l in range(
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]),
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] + 1),
+#                 ):
+#                     if (
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                         ]
+#                         != 0
+#                         and synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                         ]
+#                         == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                     ):
+#                         gaps_list_sub1.append(
+#                             synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                                 sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                                 ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                             ]
+#                         )
+#                     if (
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                         ]
+#                         != 0
+#                         and synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                         ]
+#                         == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                     ):
+#                         gaps_list_sub2.append(
+#                             synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                                 sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                                 ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                             ]
+#                         )
+#                     if (
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                         ]
+#                         != 0
+#                         and synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                         ]
+#                         == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                     ):
+#                         gaps_list_sub3.append(
+#                             synteny_df.iloc[l][
+#                                 sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                                 ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                             ]
+#                         )
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub1) > 0:
+#                     sub1_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub1_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub1[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome1"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub1_found = True
+#                         # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub1) == 0:
+#                     sub1_found = False
+#                     for l in range(
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]),
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] + 1),
+#                 ):
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub1_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 == sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 # break
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub1_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub1_found = True
+#                                 # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub2) > 0:
+#                     sub2_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub2_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub2[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome2"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub2_found = True
+#                         # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 elif len(gaps_list_sub2) == 0:
+#                     sub2_found = False
+#                     for l in range(
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]),
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] + 1),
+#                 ):
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub2_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 == sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # break
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub2_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub2_found = True
+#                                 # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub3) > 0:
+#                     sub3_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub3_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub3[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome3"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub3_found = True
+#                         # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub3) == 0:
+#                     sub3_found = False
+#                     for l in range(
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"]),
+#                     int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"] + 1),
+#                 ):
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub3_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 == sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 # break
+#                         for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                             if (
+#                                 sub3_found == False
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b] != 0
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                                 and synteny_df.iloc[l][b].split(".")[0]
+#                                 != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ].split(".")[0]
+#                             ):
+#                                 # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]:
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == True:
+#                                     if (
+#                                         sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         and sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                     ):
+#                                         sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                     else:
+#                                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                             small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                         ]
+#                                         sub3_found = True
+#                                 # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                                 #     break
+#                                 # break
+#             if small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"] == small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"]:
+#                 gaps_list_sub1 = []
+#                 gaps_list_sub2 = []
+#                 gaps_list_sub3 = []
+#                 if (
+#                     synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                     ]
+#                     != 0
+#                     and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                     ]
+#                     == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                 ):
+#                     gaps_list_sub1.append(
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome1"]
+#                         ]
+#                     )
+#                 if (
+#                     synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                     ]
+#                     != 0
+#                     and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                     ]
+#                     == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                 ):
+#                     gaps_list_sub2.append(
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome2"]
+#                         ]
+#                     )
+#                 if (
+#                     synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                     ]
+#                     != 0
+#                     and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                         sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                         ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                     ]
+#                     == sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                 ):
+#                     gaps_list_sub3.append(
+#                         synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][
+#                             sub_density.iloc[small_breakpoints[i]
+#                                             ["main_bp"]]["subgenome3"]
+#                         ]
+#                     )
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub1) > 0:
+#                     sub1_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub1_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub1[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome1"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub1_found = True
+#                         # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub1) == 0:
+#                     sub1_found = False
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub1_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             == sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             # break
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub1_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub1 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub1_found = True
+#                             # if sub2_found and sub3_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub2) > 0:
+#                     sub2_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub2_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub2[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome2"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                             sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub2_found = True
+#                         # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 elif len(gaps_list_sub2) == 0:
+#                     sub2_found = False
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub2_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             == sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # break
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub2_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # sub3=sub_density['subgenome3'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[l][b]
+#                                 sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == False and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == False:
+#                                 sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             if sub1_found == True and sub3_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub3 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub2 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub2_found = True
+#                             # if sub1_found and sub3_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub3) > 0:
+#                     sub3_found = False
+#                     if (
+#                         sub3_found == False
+#                         and gaps_list_sub3[0]
+#                         == sub_density["subgenome3"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                     ):
+#                         # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                         sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                             sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                             sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ]
+#                         sub3_found = True
+#                         # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                         #     break
+#                         # break
+#                 if len(gaps_list_sub3) == 0:
+#                     sub3_found = False
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub3_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             == sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             # break
+#                     for b in range(len(synteny_df.columns)):
+#                         if (
+#                             sub3_found == False
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b] != 0
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                             and synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b].split(".")[0]
+#                             != sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                 small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                             ].split(".")[0]
+#                         ):
+#                             # sub1=sub_density['subgenome1'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             # sub2=sub_density['subgenome2'][small_breakpoints[i]['main_bp']]
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == False:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == False and sub1_found == True:
+#                                 sub2 = sub_density["subgenome2"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == False:
+#                                 sub1 = sub_density["subgenome1"][
+#                                     small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                 ]
+#                                 if sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]:
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             if sub2_found == True and sub1_found == True:
+#                                 if (
+#                                     sub1 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     and sub2 != synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                 ):
+#                                     sub3 = synteny_df.iloc[int(small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"])][b]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                                 else:
+#                                     sub3 = sub_density["subgenome3"][
+#                                         small_breakpoints[i]["main_bp"]
+#                                     ]
+#                                     sub3_found = True
+#                             # if sub1_found and sub2_found:
+#                             #     break
+#                             # break
+#             final_gaps_df = final_gaps_df.append(
+#                 {
+#                     "Row start #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row start #"],
+#                     "Row end #": small_breakpoints[i]["Row end #"],
+#                     "subgenome1": sub1,
+#                     "subgenome2": sub2,
+#                     "subgenome3": sub3,
+#                 },
+#                 ignore_index=True,
+#             )
+#                 # break
+#         #save the final dataframe to excel
+#         final_gaps_df = check_gaps(final_gaps_df)
+#         final_gaps_df.to_excel("final_gaps_df.xlsx")
+#         print("=========================================")
+#         print("Number of small + main blocks:" , len(final_gaps_df))
+#         print("=========================================")
+#         return final_gaps_df
+# final_BP = subgenome_assignment_all_BP("nodes.xlsx", "modified_synteny_chromosome_names.xlsx", small_BP)
+# # print(final_BP)
+# print("===========================================")
+# print("Accuracy of subgenome assignment(Main BP + Small BP):")
+# print("===========================================")
+# subgenome_overlap(GT, "final_gaps_df.xlsx", df_synteny, 3)