#!/bin/bash #### load modules if using Compute Canada or Copernicus #### # module load gcc/9.3.0 # module load netcdf-fortran # module load openblas # module load caf #### Specifiy Master Directory, parent of build directory # export F_MASTER=/path/to/summaActors #### Specifiy Compilers #### # export FC=gfortran # export CC=g++ #### Includes and Libraries #### # export INCLUDES = NETCDF and OPENBLAS # export LIBRARIES = NETCDF and OPENBLAS # export ACTORS_INCLUDES = C++ Actor Framework # export ACTORS_LIBRARIES = C++ Actor Framework and # The directory in which libsumma.so resides #### Compile with the Makefile #### # make -f ${F_MASTER}/build/makefile lib # libsumma.so part # mv libsumma.so ${F_MASTER}/bin # optional move of libsumma (just ensure that summaMain knows where to find it) # make -f ${F_MASTER}/build/makefile main # summaMain part # mv summaMain ${F_MASTER}/bin # optional move, cleans things up # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=Path/to/libsumma.so