From fe69fe8efacfb5a3a352d599ab503942bf122995 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: KyleKlenk <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:06:34 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Made changes to output File Creation and Parameter Writing No
 more booleans are requried to ensure files have been created and HRUs have
 had their pamarameters written

 build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h         | 110 ++--
 build/source/actors/HRUActor.h                |  18 +-
 build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h            |   1 +
 build/source/dshare/data_types.f90            |   3 -
 build/source/engine/alloc_file_access.f90     | 562 +++++++++---------
 .../file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90  | 175 ++++--
 .../deallocateOutputStruc.f90                 |   2 -
 .../fileAccess_subroutine_wrappers.h          |   8 +-
 .../file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90     |  13 -
 .../interface/hru_actor/cppwrap_hru.f90       |  65 +-
 .../hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h       |   5 +
 build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90      |  30 +-
 utils/netcdf/                 |   6 +-
 13 files changed, 574 insertions(+), 424 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
index 387728f..d805659 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self);
 int writeOutput(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int indxGRU, int indxHRU, int numStepsToWrite);
 int readForcing(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int currentFile);
 behavior file_access_actor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU, 
     int outputStrucSize, actor parent) {
     // Set File_Access_Actor variables
@@ -24,46 +23,79 @@ behavior file_access_actor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int startGRU
                 &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.err);
-        [=](access_forcing, int currentFile, caf::actor refToRespondTo) {
+        [=](write_param, int indxGRU, int indxHRU) {
             int err;
-            // Check if this file is greater than what we expect
-            if (currentFile > self->state.numFiles) {
-                aout(self) << "\nERROR: FILE_ACCESS_ACTOR - Current File is Larger than the Number of Files\n";
-            } else {
-                err = readForcing(self, currentFile);
-                if (err != 0) 
-                    aout(self) << "\nERROR: FILE_ACCESS_ACTOR - READING_FORCING FAILED\n";
+            err = 0;
+            Write_HRU_Param(self->state.handle_ncid, &indxGRU, &indxHRU, &err);
+            if (err != 0) {
+                aout(self) << "ERROR: Write_HRU_PARAM -- For HRU = " << indxHRU << "\n"; 
+        },
-            // Check if we have loaded all forcing files, if no read more data
-            if(self->state.filesLoaded != self->state.numFiles) {
-                self->send(self, access_forcing_internal_v, currentFile + 1);
+        [=](access_forcing, int currentFile, caf::actor refToRespondTo) {
+            // aout(self) << "Received Current FIle = " << currentFile << std::endl;
+            if (currentFile <= self->state.numFiles) {
+                if(self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].isFileLoaded()) { // C++ starts at 0 Fortran starts at 1
+                    // aout(self) << "ForcingFile Already Loaded \n";
+                    self->send(refToRespondTo, run_hru_v, 
+                        self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].getNumSteps());
+                } else {
+                    self->state.readStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+                    // Load the file
+                    FileAccessActor_ReadForcing(self->state.handle_forcFileInfo, &currentFile,
+                        &self->state.stepsInCurrentFile, &self->state.startGRU, 
+                        &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.err);
+                    if (self->state.err != 0) {
+                        aout(self) << "ERROR: Reading Forcing" << std::endl;
+                    }
+                    self->state.filesLoaded += 1;
+                    self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].updateNumSteps(self->state.stepsInCurrentFile);
+                    self->state.readEnd = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+                    self->state.readDuration += calculateTime(self->state.readStart, self->state.readEnd);
+                    // Check if we have loaded all forcing files
+                    if(self->state.filesLoaded <= self->state.numFiles) {
+                        self->send(self, access_forcing_internal_v, currentFile + 1);
+                    }
+                    self->send(refToRespondTo, run_hru_v, 
+                        self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].getNumSteps());
+                }
+            } else {
+                aout(self) << currentFile << "is larger than expected" << std::endl;
-            // Respond to HRU
-            self->send(refToRespondTo, run_hru_v, 
-                self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].getNumSteps());
         [=](access_forcing_internal, int currentFile) {
             if (self->state.filesLoaded <= self->state.numFiles &&
                 currentFile <= self->state.numFiles) {
+                // aout(self) << "Loading in background, File:" << currentFile << "\n";
+                if (self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].isFileLoaded()) {
+                    aout(self) << "File Loaded when shouldn't be \n";
+                }
+                self->state.readStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+                FileAccessActor_ReadForcing(self->state.handle_forcFileInfo, &currentFile,
+                    &self->state.stepsInCurrentFile, &self->state.startGRU, 
+                    &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.err);
+                if (self->state.err != 0) {
+                    aout(self) << "ERROR: Reading Forcing" << std::endl;
+                }
+                self->state.filesLoaded += 1;
+                self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].updateNumSteps(self->state.stepsInCurrentFile);
-                readForcing(self, currentFile);
+                self->state.readEnd = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+                self->state.readDuration += calculateTime(self->state.readStart, self->state.readEnd);
                 self->send(self, access_forcing_internal_v, currentFile + 1);
             } else {
-                if (debug) 
-                    aout(self) << "All Forcing Files Loaded \n";
+                aout(self) << "All Forcing Files Loaded \n";
         [=](write_output, int indxGRU, int indxHRU, int numStepsToWrite,
             caf::actor refToRespondTo) {
             int err;
@@ -95,7 +127,6 @@ behavior file_access_actor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int startGRU
                 self->state.forcFileList[currentFile - 1].getNumSteps());
         [=](deallocate_structures) {
             aout(self) << "Deallocating Structure" << std::endl;
             FileAccessActor_DeallocateStructures(self->state.handle_forcFileInfo, self->state.handle_ncid);
@@ -132,11 +163,20 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self) {
-    aout(self) << "\n\nNumber of timesteps for the simulation = " << self->state.num_steps << "\n";
+    if (err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "ERROR: read_pinit_C\n";
+    }
+    if (err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "ERROR: read_vegitationTables\n";
+    }
+    Create_Output_File(self->state.handle_ncid, &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.startGRU, &err);
+    if (err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "ERROR: Create_OutputFile\n";
+    }
     // initalize vector for knowing if HRU output has init'd
@@ -154,14 +194,11 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self) {
 int writeOutput(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int indxGRU, int indxHRU, 
     int numStepsToWrite) {
-    int err = 0;
-    bool hruInit = self->state.outputFileInitHRU[indxGRU - 1];
     self->state.writeStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
-    FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(self->state.handle_ncid, &self->state.outputFileExists, 
-        &numStepsToWrite, &self->state.startGRU, &self->state.numGRU, 
-        &hruInit, &indxGRU, &indxHRU, &err);
-    self->state.outputFileInitHRU[indxGRU - 1] = true;
+    int err = 0;
+    FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(self->state.handle_ncid,
+        &numStepsToWrite, &indxGRU, &indxHRU, &err);
     self->state.writeEnd = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
     self->state.writeDuration += calculateTime(self->state.writeStart, self->state.writeEnd);
@@ -203,4 +240,7 @@ int readForcing(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int currentFile) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h b/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
index ca94bad..bd0b999 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
@@ -61,7 +61,20 @@ behavior hru_actor(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int refGRU, int indxGRU,
         // Starts the HRU and tells it to ask for data from the file_access_actor
         [=](start_hru) {
             self->state.start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+            int err;
+            err = 0;
+            // Write Paramaters to OutputStruc
+            Write_Param_C(&self->state.indxGRU, &self->state.indxHRU, 
+                self->state.handle_attrStruct, self->state.handle_typeStruct,
+                self->state.handle_mparStruct, self->state.handle_bparStruct, 
+                &err);
+            // ask file_access_actor to write paramaters
+            self->send(self->state.file_access_actor, write_param_v, self->state.indxGRU, self->state.indxHRU);
             self->send(self->state.file_access_actor, access_forcing_v, self->state.iFile, self);
             self->state.end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
             self->state.duration += calculateTime(self->state.start, self->state.end);
@@ -113,7 +126,7 @@ behavior hru_actor(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int refGRU, int indxGRU,
                 self->state.outputStep += 1;
                 self->state.forcingStep += 1;
-                keepRunning = check_HRU(self, err);
+                keepRunning = check_HRU(self, err); // check if we are done, need to write
@@ -205,7 +218,6 @@ void Initialize_HRU(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self) {
-    // aout(self) << "Setup Param" << std::endl;
diff --git a/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h b/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
index 7b25bf6..f31f319 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ CAF_BEGIN_TYPE_ID_BLOCK(summa, first_custom_type_id)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, update_failed)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, reset_outputCounter)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, read_and_write)
+    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, write_param)
     // HRU Actor
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, run_hru)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, start_hru)
diff --git a/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90 b/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
index 1c34efd..c2551e0 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
@@ -440,9 +440,6 @@ type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: fluxStruct(:)
 type(gru_double),allocatable                      :: bparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%var(:)                   -- basin-average parameters, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
 type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: bvarStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- basin-average variables
-! define the ancillary data structures
-type(gru_hru_time_double),allocatable             :: dparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- default model parameters
 ! finalize stats structure
 type(gru_hru_time_flagVec),allocatable            :: finalizeStats(:)              ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%tim(:)%dat -- flags on when to write to file
diff --git a/build/source/engine/alloc_file_access.f90 b/build/source/engine/alloc_file_access.f90
index e73bb01..7a9a024 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/alloc_file_access.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/alloc_file_access.f90
@@ -1,310 +1,310 @@
 module alloc_file_access
-    USE nrtype
-    USE data_types,only:var_time_dlength
-    USE data_types,only:var_time_ilength
-    USE data_types,only:var_time_i
-    USE data_types,only:var_time_d
-    USE data_types,only:var_time_i8
-    USE data_types,only:var_d
-    USE data_types,only:var_i
-    USE data_types,only:var_dlength
-    USE data_types,only:var_info
-    USE globalData,only:nBand                 ! number of spectral bands
-    USE globalData,only:nTimeDelay            ! number of timesteps in the time delay histogram
-    USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFreq             ! allocation dimension (output frequency)
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType           ! look up structure for variable typed
+USE nrtype
+USE data_types,only:var_time_dlength
+USE data_types,only:var_time_ilength
+USE data_types,only:var_time_i
+USE data_types,only:var_time_d
+USE data_types,only:var_time_i8
+USE data_types,only:var_d
+USE data_types,only:var_i
+USE data_types,only:var_dlength
+USE data_types,only:var_info
+USE globalData,only:nBand                 ! number of spectral bands
+USE globalData,only:nTimeDelay            ! number of timesteps in the time delay histogram
+USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFreq             ! allocation dimension (output frequency)
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType           ! look up structure for variable typed
-    implicit none
-    private
-    public::alloc_outputStruc
-    public::allocateDat_rkind
-    public::allocateDat_int
-    ! public::allocateDat_flag
-    contains
+implicit none
+! public::allocateDat_flag
-    subroutine alloc_outputStruc(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-        implicit none
-        type(var_info),intent(in)        :: metaStruct(:)
-        class(*),intent(inout)           :: dataStruct
-        ! optional input
-        integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSteps
-        integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSnow          ! number of snow layers
-        integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSoil          ! number of soil layers
-        ! output
-        integer(i4b),intent(inout)       :: err            ! error code
-        character(*),intent(out)         :: message        ! error message
-        ! local
-        logical(lgt)                     :: check          ! .true. if the variables are allocated
-        integer(i4b)                     :: nVars          ! number of variables in the metadata structure
-        integer(i4b)                     :: nLayers        ! total number of layers
-        integer(i4b)                     :: iVar
-        character(len=256)               :: cmessage       ! error message of the downwind routine
-        ! initalize error control
-        err=0; message='alloc_outputStruc'
+subroutine alloc_outputStruc(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+  implicit none
+  type(var_info),intent(in)        :: metaStruct(:)
+  class(*),intent(inout)           :: dataStruct
+  ! optional input
+  integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSteps
+  integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSnow          ! number of snow layers
+  integer(i4b),intent(in),optional :: nSoil          ! number of soil layers
+  ! output
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)       :: err            ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)         :: message        ! error message
+  ! local
+  logical(lgt)                     :: check          ! .true. if the variables are allocated
+  integer(i4b)                     :: nVars          ! number of variables in the metadata structure
+  integer(i4b)                     :: nLayers        ! total number of layers
+  integer(i4b)                     :: iVar
+  character(len=256)               :: cmessage       ! error message of the downwind routine
+  ! initalize error control
+  err=0; message='alloc_outputStruc'
-        nVars = size(metaStruct)
-        if(present(nSnow) .or. present(nSoil))then
-            ! check both are present
-            if(.not.present(nSoil))then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect nSoil to be present when nSnow is present'; return; end if
-            if(.not.present(nSnow))then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect nSnow to be present when nSoil is present'; return; end if
-            nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
-           ! It is possible that nSnow and nSoil are actually needed here, so we return an error if the optional arguments are missing when needed
-        else
-            select type(dataStruct)
-                ! class is (var_flagVec); err=20
-                class is (var_time_ilength); err=20
-                class is (var_time_dlength); err=20
-            end select
-            if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//'expect nSnow and nSoil to be present for variable-length data structures'; return; end if
-        end if
-        check=.false.
-         ! allocate the dimension for model variables
-        select type(dataStruct)
+  nVars = size(metaStruct)
+  if(present(nSnow) .or. present(nSoil))then
+      ! check both are present
+      if(.not.present(nSoil))then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect nSoil to be present when nSnow is present'; return; end if
+      if(.not.present(nSnow))then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect nSnow to be present when nSoil is present'; return; end if
+      nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
-            class is (var_time_i)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else 
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-                do iVar=1, nVars
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
-                end do
-                return
+      ! It is possible that nSnow and nSoil are actually needed here, so we return an error if the optional arguments are missing when needed
+  else
+      select type(dataStruct)
+          ! class is (var_flagVec); err=20
+          class is (var_time_ilength); err=20
+          class is (var_time_dlength); err=20
+      end select
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//'expect nSnow and nSoil to be present for variable-length data structures'; return; end if
+  end if
-            class is (var_time_i8)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then 
-                    check=.true.
-                else 
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err) 
-                end if 
-                do iVar=1, nVars
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
-                end do
-                return
+  check=.false.
+    ! allocate the dimension for model variables
+  select type(dataStruct)
-            class is (var_time_d)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-                do iVar=1, nVars
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
-                end do
-                return
-            class is (var_d)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-                return
-            class is (var_i)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-                return
-            class is (var_dlength)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-            ! class is (var_flagVec);      if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then; check=.true.; else; allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err); end if
+      class is (var_time_i)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else 
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+          do iVar=1, nVars
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
+          end do
+          return
-            class is (var_time_ilength)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true. 
-                else 
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err) 
-                end if
-                do iVar=1, nVars
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
-                end do
+      class is (var_time_i8)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then 
+              check=.true.
+          else 
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err) 
+          end if 
+          do iVar=1, nVars
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
+          end do
+          return
-            class is (var_time_dlength)
-                if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
-                    check=.true.
-                else 
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
-                end if
-                do iVar=1, nVars
-                    allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
-                end do
-            class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify derived data type for the variable dimension'; return
-        end select
-        ! check errors
-        if(check) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'structure was unexpectedly allocated already'; return; end if
-        if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'problem allocating'; return; end if
+      class is (var_time_d)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+          do iVar=1, nVars
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
+          end do
+          return
+      class is (var_d)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+          return
+      class is (var_i)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+          return
+      class is (var_dlength)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+      ! class is (var_flagVec);      if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then; check=.true.; else; allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err); end if
-        ! allocate the dimension for model data
-        select type(dataStruct)
-            ! class is (var_flagVec); call allocateDat_flag(metaStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,dataStruct,err,cmessage)
-            class is (var_time_ilength); call allocateDat_int(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nSteps,err,cmessage)
-            class is (var_time_dlength); call allocateDat_rkind_nSteps(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nSteps,err,cmessage)
-            class is (var_dlength);      call allocateDat_rkind(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
-            class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify derived data type for the data dimension'; return
-        end select
+      class is (var_time_ilength)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true. 
+          else 
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err) 
+          end if
+          do iVar=1, nVars
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
+          end do
-        ! check errors
-        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+      class is (var_time_dlength)
+          if(allocated(dataStruct%var))then
+              check=.true.
+          else 
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(nVars),stat=err)
+          end if
+          do iVar=1, nVars
+              allocate(dataStruct%var(iVar)%tim(nSteps))
+          end do
+      class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify derived data type for the variable dimension'; return
+  end select
+  ! check errors
+  if(check) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'structure was unexpectedly allocated already'; return; end if
+  if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'problem allocating'; return; end if
+  ! allocate the dimension for model data
+  select type(dataStruct)
+      ! class is (var_flagVec); call allocateDat_flag(metaStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,dataStruct,err,cmessage)
+      class is (var_time_ilength); call allocateDat_int(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nSteps,err,cmessage)
+      class is (var_time_dlength); call allocateDat_rkind_nSteps(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,nSteps,err,cmessage)
+      class is (var_dlength);      call allocateDat_rkind(metaStruct,dataStruct,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
+      class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify derived data type for the data dimension'; return
+  end select
+  ! check errors
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-    end subroutine
-    subroutine allocateDat_rkind_nSteps(metadata,varData,nSnow, nSoil, &
-                                        nSteps,err,message)
-        USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
-        implicit none
-        type(var_info),intent(in)            :: metadata(:)
-        ! output variables
-        type(var_time_dlength),intent(inout)                :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSteps
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSoil
-        integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
-        character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
-        ! local variables
-        integer(i4b)                        :: iStep 
-        integer(i4b)                        :: nVars
-        integer(i4b)                        :: iVar
-        integer(i4b)                        :: nLayers
-        message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
+end subroutine
-        nVars = size(metaData)
-        nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
-        do iStep=1, nSteps
-            do iVar=1, nVars
-                select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
-                case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(1),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0),stat=err)
-                case default
-                    err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
-                    return
-                end select
-            end do
-        end do
-    end subroutine allocateDat_rkind_nSteps
-    subroutine allocateDat_rkind(metadata,varData,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+subroutine allocateDat_rkind_nSteps(metadata,varData,nSnow, nSoil, &
+                                  nSteps,err,message)
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
+  implicit none
+  type(var_info),intent(in)            :: metadata(:)
+  ! output variables
+  type(var_time_dlength),intent(inout)                :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSteps
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSoil
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
+  character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  integer(i4b)                        :: iStep 
+  integer(i4b)                        :: nVars
+  integer(i4b)                        :: iVar
+  integer(i4b)                        :: nLayers
+  message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
+  nVars = size(metaData)
+  nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
+  do iStep=1, nSteps
+      do iVar=1, nVars
+          select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
+          case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(1),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0),stat=err)
+          case default
+              err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
+              return
+          end select
+      end do
+  end do
+end subroutine allocateDat_rkind_nSteps
+subroutine allocateDat_rkind(metadata,varData,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-        USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
-        implicit none
-        type(var_info),intent(in)            :: metadata(:)
-        ! output variables
-        type(var_dlength),intent(inout)      :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSoil
-        integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
-        character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
-        ! local variables
-        integer(i4b)                        :: nVars
-        integer(i4b)                        :: iVar
-        integer(i4b)                        :: nLayers
-        message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
+  implicit none
+  type(var_info),intent(in)            :: metadata(:)
+  ! output variables
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)      :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSoil
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
+  character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  integer(i4b)                        :: nVars
+  integer(i4b)                        :: iVar
+  integer(i4b)                        :: nLayers
+  message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
-        nVars = size(metaData)
-        nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
-        do iVar=1, nVars
-            select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
-            case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(1),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
-            case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0),stat=err)
-            case default
-                err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
-                return
-            end select
-        end do
+  nVars = size(metaData)
+  nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
+  do iVar=1, nVars
+      select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
+      case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(1),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
+      case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%dat(0),stat=err)
+      case default
+          err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
+          return
+      end select
+  end do
-    end subroutine allocateDat_rkind
+end subroutine allocateDat_rkind
-    subroutine allocateDat_int(metadata,varData,nSnow, nSoil, &
-                                nSteps,err,message)
-        USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
+subroutine allocateDat_int(metadata,varData,nSnow, nSoil, &
+                          nSteps,err,message)
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName       ! to access type strings for error messages
-        implicit none
-        type(var_info),intent(in)         :: metadata(:)
-        ! output variables
-        type(var_time_ilength),intent(inout) :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSteps
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSnow
-        integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSoil
-        integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
-        character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
-        ! local variables
-        integer(i4b)                      :: iStep 
-        integer(i4b)                      :: nVars
-        integer(i4b)                      :: iVar
-        integer(i4b)                      :: nLayers
-        message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
-        nVars = size(metaData)
-        nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
-        do iStep=1, nSteps
-            do iVar=1, nVars
-                select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
-                case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(1),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
-                case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0),stat=err)
-                case default
-                    err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
-                    return
-                end select
-            end do
-        end do
+  implicit none
+  type(var_info),intent(in)         :: metadata(:)
+  ! output variables
+  type(var_time_ilength),intent(inout) :: varData     ! model variables for a local HRU
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSteps
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSnow
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: nSoil
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)          :: err         ! error code
+  character(*),intent(inout)          :: message     ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  integer(i4b)                      :: iStep 
+  integer(i4b)                      :: nVars
+  integer(i4b)                      :: iVar
+  integer(i4b)                      :: nLayers
+  message='allocateDat_rkindAccessActor'
+  nVars = size(metaData)
+  nLayers = nSnow+nSoil
+  do iStep=1, nSteps
+      do iVar=1, nVars
+          select case(metadata(iVar)%vartype)
+          case(iLookVarType%scalarv); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(1),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%wLength); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nBand),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSnow),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%midToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nLayers),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSnow),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0:nLayers),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%parSoil); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nSoil),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%routing); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(nTimeDelay),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%outstat); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(maxvarfreq*2),stat=err)
+          case(iLookVarType%unknown); allocate(varData%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(0),stat=err)
+          case default
+              err=40; message=trim(message)//"1. unknownVariableType[name='"//trim(metadata(iVar)%varname)//"'; type='"//trim(get_varTypeName(metadata(iVar)%vartype))//"']"
+              return
+          end select
+      end do
+  end do
-    end subroutine
+end subroutine
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
index 1c7592c..1f51add 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module cppwrap_fileAccess
+  public::Create_Output_File
@@ -184,13 +185,118 @@ subroutine FileAccessActor_ReadForcing(handle_forcFileInfo, currentFile, stepsIn
 end subroutine FileAccessActor_ReadForcing
+subroutine Create_Output_File(&
+            handle_ncid,      & ! ncid of the output file
+            numGRU,           & ! number of GRUs assigned to this job
+            startGRU,         & ! Starting GRU indx for the job
+            err) bind(C, name="Create_Output_File")
+  USE globalData,only:fileout
+  USE summaActors_FileManager,only:OUTPUT_PATH,OUTPUT_PREFIX ! define output file
+  USE def_output_module,only:def_output                      ! module to define model output
+  USE globalData,only:gru_struc
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxVarFreq                             ! number of available output frequencies
+  USE globalData,only:outputTimeStep
+  USE globalData,only:finalizeStats
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookFreq                              ! named variables for the frequency structure
+  implicit none
+  type(c_ptr),intent(in), value        :: handle_ncid       ! ncid of the output file
+  integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: numGRU            ! numGRUs for the entire job (for file creation)
+  integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: startGRU          ! startGRU for the entire job (for file creation)
+  integer(c_int),intent(inout)         :: err               ! Error code
+  ! local variables
+  type(var_i),pointer                  :: ncid              ! ncid of the output file
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: startGRUString    ! String Variable to convert startGRU
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: numGRUString      ! String Varaible to convert numGRU
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: message
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: cmessage
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iGRU
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iStruct
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iStep
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iFreq
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_ncid, ncid)
+  ! allocate space for the output file ID array
+  allocate(ncid%var(maxVarFreq))
+  ncid%var(:) = integerMissing
+  ! initialize finalizeStats for testing purposes
+  allocate(outputTimeStep(numGRU))
+  do iGRU = 1, numGRU
+    allocate(outputTimeStep(iGRU)%dat(maxVarFreq))
+    outputTimeStep(iGRU)%dat(:) = 1
+  end do 
+  finalizeStats(:) = .false.
+  finalizeStats(iLookFreq%timestep) = .true.
+  ! initialize number of hru and gru in global data
+  nGRUrun = numGRU
+  nHRUrun = numGRU
+  write(unit=startGRUString,fmt=*)startGRU
+  write(unit=numGRUString,fmt=*)  numGRU
+  fileout = trim(OUTPUT_PATH)//trim(OUTPUT_PREFIX)//"GRU"&
+              //trim(adjustl(startGRUString))//"-"//trim(adjustl(numGRUString))
+  ! def_output call will need to change to allow for numHRUs in future
+  ! NA_Domain numGRU = numHRU, this is why we pass numGRU twice
+  call def_output("summaVersion","buildTime","gitBranch","gitHash",numGRU,numGRU,&
+    gru_struc(1)%hruInfo(1)%nSoil,fileout,ncid,err,cmessage)
+    print*, "Creating Output File "//trim(fileout)
+end subroutine Create_Output_File
+subroutine Write_HRU_Param(&
+        handle_ncid,       &
+        indxGRU,           &
+        indxHRU,           &
+        err) bind(C, name="Write_HRU_Param")
+  USE globalData,only:attr_meta,type_meta,mpar_meta,bpar_meta ! meta structures
+  USE globalData,only:gru_struc
+  USE globalData,only:outputStructure
+  USE writeOutput_module,only:writeParm                              
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  type(c_ptr),   intent(in), value  :: handle_ncid ! ncid of the output file
+  integer(c_int),intent(in)         :: indxGRU     ! index of GRU in outputStructure
+  integer(c_int),intent(in)         :: indxHRU     ! index of HRU in outputStructure
+  integer(c_int),intent(inout)      :: err         ! err value for error control
+  ! local variables
+  type(var_i),pointer               :: ncid
+  integer(i4b)                      :: iStruct
+  character(LEN=256)                :: cmessage
+  character(LEN=256)                :: message
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_ncid, ncid)
+  do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
+    select case(trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
+      case('attr'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+        outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),attr_meta,err,cmessage)
+      case('type'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+        outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),type_meta,err,cmessage)
+      case('mpar'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+        outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),mpar_meta,err,cmessage)
+    end select
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'['//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'; return; endif
+  end do
+  ! write GRU parameters
+  call writeParm(ncid,indxGRU,outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU),bpar_meta,err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+  ! set the outputTimestep variable so it is not reset every time we need to write to a file
+  outputTimeStep(indxGRU)%dat(:) = 1
+end subroutine
 subroutine FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(&
                                 handle_ncid,      & ! ncid of the output file
-                                outputFileExists, & ! flag to check if the output file exsists
                                 nSteps,           & ! number of steps to write
-                                startGRU,         & ! startGRU for the entire job (for file creation)
-                                numGRU,           & ! numGRUs for the entire job (for file creation)
-                                hruFileInit,      & ! flag to check if specific hru params have been written
                                 indxGRU,          & ! index of GRU we are currently writing for
                                 indxHRU,          & ! index of HRU we are currently writing for
                                 err) bind(C, name="FileAccessActor_WriteOutput")
@@ -218,11 +324,7 @@ subroutine FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(&
   implicit none
   ! dummy variables
   type(c_ptr),intent(in), value        :: handle_ncid       ! ncid of the output file
-  logical(c_bool),intent(inout)        :: outputFileExists  ! flag to check if the output file exsists
   integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: nSteps            ! number of steps to write
-  integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: startGRU          ! startGRU for the entire job (for file creation)
-  integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: numGRU            ! numGRUs for the entire job (for file creation)
-  logical(c_bool),intent(inout)        :: hruFileInit       ! flag to check if specific hru params have been written
   integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: indxGRU           ! index of GRU we are currently writing for
   integer(c_int),intent(in)            :: indxHRU           ! index of HRU we are currently writing for
   integer(c_int),intent(inout)         :: err               ! Error code
@@ -239,63 +341,6 @@ subroutine FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(&
   integer(i4b)                         :: iFreq
   call c_f_pointer(handle_ncid, ncid)
-  ! check if we have created the file, if no create it
-  if(.not.outputFileExists)then
-    ! allocate space for the output file ID array
-    allocate(ncid%var(maxVarFreq))
-    ncid%var(:) = integerMissing
-    ! initialize finalizeStats for testing purposes
-    allocate(outputTimeStep(numGRU))
-    do iGRU = 1, numGRU
-      allocate(outputTimeStep(iGRU)%dat(maxVarFreq))
-      outputTimeStep(iGRU)%dat(:) = 1
-    end do 
-    ! outputTimeStep(1:maxvarFreq) = 1    
-    finalizeStats(:) = .false.
-    finalizeStats(iLookFreq%timestep) = .true.
-    ! initialize number of hru and gru in global data
-    nGRUrun = numGRU
-    nHRUrun = numGRU
-    write(unit=startGRUString,fmt=*)startGRU
-    write(unit=numGRUString,fmt=*)  numGRU
-    fileout = trim(OUTPUT_PATH)//trim(OUTPUT_PREFIX)//"GRU"&
-                //trim(adjustl(startGRUString))//"-"//trim(adjustl(numGRUString))
-    ! def_output call will need to change to allow for numHRUs in future
-    ! NA_Domain numGRU = numHRU, this is why we pass numGRU twice
-    call def_output("summaVersion","buildTime","gitBranch","gitHash",numGRU,numGRU,&
-      gru_struc(1)%hruInfo(1)%nSoil,fileout,ncid,err,cmessage)
-      print*, "Creating Output File "//trim(fileout)
-    outputFileExists = .true.
-  endif
-      ! Write Parameters for each HRU
-  if (.not.hruFileInit)then
-    do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
-      select case(trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
-        case('attr'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
-          outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),attr_meta,err,cmessage)
-        case('type'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
-          outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),type_meta,err,cmessage)
-        case('mpar'); call writeParm(ncid,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
-          outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU),mpar_meta,err,cmessage)
-      end select
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'['//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'; return; endif
-    end do
-    hruFileInit = .true.
-    ! write GRU parameters
-    call writeParm(ncid,iGRU,outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU),bpar_meta,err,cmessage)
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-    ! set the outputTimestep variable so it is not reset every time we need to write to a file
-      outputTimeStep(indxGRU)%dat(:) = 1
-  endif
   ! ****************************************************************************
   ! *** write data
   ! ****************************************************************************
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/deallocateOutputStruc.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/deallocateOutputStruc.f90
index 65e6883..091c8ca 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/deallocateOutputStruc.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/deallocateOutputStruc.f90
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ subroutine deallocateOutputStruc(err)
   call deallocateData_output(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1));     deallocate(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct)
   ! bpar
   call deallocateData_output(outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1));     deallocate(outputStructure(1)%bparStruct)
-  ! dpar
-  call deallocateData_output(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1));     deallocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct)
   ! finalize stats
   call deallocateData_output(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1));  deallocate(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats)
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/fileAccess_subroutine_wrappers.h b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/fileAccess_subroutine_wrappers.h
index 3c59b3d..4f743e3 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/fileAccess_subroutine_wrappers.h
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/fileAccess_subroutine_wrappers.h
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ extern "C" {
   void FileAccessActor_ReadForcing(void* forcFileInfo, int* currentFile, int* stepsInFile,
          int* startGRU, int* numGRU, int* err);
-  void FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(void* handle_ncid, bool* fileExists,
-        int* stepsInCurrentFile, int* startGru, int* numGRUs, 
-        bool* outputFileInitHRU, int*indxGRU, int*indxHRU, int* err);
+  void FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(void* handle_ncid,
+        int* stepsInCurrentFile, int*indxGRU, int*indxHRU, int* err);
   void FileAccessActor_DeallocateStructures(void* handle_forcFileInfo, void* handle_ncid);
+  void Create_Output_File(void* handle_ncid, int* numGRU, int* startGRU, int* err);
+  void Write_HRU_Param(void* handle_ncid, int* indxGRU, int* indxHRU, int* err);
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
index 765b41f..29895e7 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
@@ -95,9 +95,6 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
-  ! Ancillary Data Structures
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(nGRU)) 
   ! Finalize Stats for writing
@@ -171,16 +168,6 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
     end do  ! looping through data structures
-    ! allocate space for default model parameters
-    ! NOTE: This is done here, rather than in the loop above, because dpar is not one of the "standard" data structures
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(1))
-    call alloc_outputStruc(mpar_meta,outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(1), &
-                    maxSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message);    ! default model parameters
-    if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//' [problem allocating dparStruct]'
-      return
-    endif
     do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
       ! allocate space for statistics structures
diff --git a/build/source/interface/hru_actor/cppwrap_hru.f90 b/build/source/interface/hru_actor/cppwrap_hru.f90
index b6909fb..87587d0 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/hru_actor/cppwrap_hru.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/hru_actor/cppwrap_hru.f90
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ public::Restart
@@ -191,7 +192,6 @@ subroutine Initialize(&
 end subroutine Initialize  
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
 ! public subroutine SetupParam: initializes parameter data structures (e.g. vegetation and soil parameters).
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
@@ -975,5 +975,68 @@ subroutine DeallocateData(metaStruct, dataStruct, err)
 end subroutine DeallocateData
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+! public Subroutine write_param_c: called from C to call the fortran subroutine
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+subroutine Write_Param_C(&
+      indxGRU,           &
+      indxHRU,           &
+      handle_attrStruct, &
+      handle_typeStruct, &
+      handle_mparStruct, &
+      handle_bparStruct, &
+      err) bind(C, name="Write_Param_C")
+  USE outputStrucWrite_module,only:writeParm ! module to write model parameters
+  USE globalData,only:attr_meta,type_meta,mpar_meta,bpar_meta ! meta structures needed for writeParam Call
+  USE globalData,only:structInfo
+  USE globalData,only:gru_struc
+  implicit none
+  ! Dummy Variables
+  integer(c_int), intent(in)      :: indxGRU
+  integer(c_int), intent(in)      :: indxHRU
+  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value  :: handle_attrStruct
+  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value  :: handle_typeStruct
+  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value  :: handle_mparStruct
+  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value  :: handle_bparStruct
+  integer(c_int)                  :: err
+  ! local variables
+  type(var_d),      pointer       :: attrStruct
+  type(var_i),      pointer       :: typeStruct
+  type(var_dlength),pointer       :: mparStruct
+  type(var_d),      pointer       :: bparStruct
+  integer(i4b)                    :: iStruct
+  character(len=256)              :: message
+  character(len=256)              :: cmessage
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_attrStruct, attrStruct)
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_typeStruct, typeStruct)
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_mparStruct, mparStruct)
+  call c_f_pointer(handle_bparStruct, bparStruct)
+  ! Error Control
+  err=0; message="cppwrap_Write_Param_C"
+  do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
+    select case(trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
+      case('attr'); call writeParm(indxGRU,indxHRU,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+                                  attrStruct,attr_meta,'attr',err,cmessage)
+      case('type'); call writeParm(indxGRU,indxHRU,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+                                  typeStruct,type_meta,'type',err,cmessage)
+      case('mpar'); call writeParm(indxGRU,indxHRU,gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(indxHRU)%hru_ix, &
+                                  mparStruct,mpar_meta,'mpar',err,cmessage)
+    end select
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'['//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'; return; endif
+  end do  ! (looping through structures)
+  ! write GRU parameters
+  call writeParm(indxGRU,indxHRU,integerMissing,bparStruct,bpar_meta,'bpar',err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif 
+end subroutine
 end module cppwrap_hru
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/interface/hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h b/build/source/interface/hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h
index 4ff9cef..638580d 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h
+++ b/build/source/interface/hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ extern "C" {
         void* handle_resetStats,
         void* handle_finalizeStats,
         int* err);
+  void Write_Param_C(
+        int* indxGRU, int* indxHRU,
+        void* handle_attrStruct, void* handle_typeStruct, void* handle_mparStruct, void* handle_bparStruct,
+        int* err);
diff --git a/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90 b/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
index 2859d94..ce67959 100755
--- a/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
+++ b/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ contains
   end do  ! looping through local column model parameters
-  end subroutine writeParm
+end subroutine writeParm
   ! **************************************************************************************
   ! public subroutine writeData: write model time-dependent data
   ! **************************************************************************************
-  subroutine writeData(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,structName,finalizeStats, &
+subroutine writeData(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,structName,finalizeStats, &
   USE data_types,only:var_info                       ! metadata type
   USE var_lookup,only:maxVarStat                     ! index into stats structure
@@ -307,12 +307,12 @@ contains
     end do ! iVar
   end do ! iFreq
- end subroutine writeData
+end subroutine writeData
- ! **************************************************************************************
- ! public subroutine writeBasin: write basin-average variables
- ! **************************************************************************************
- subroutine writeBasin(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,&
+! **************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine writeBasin: write basin-average variables
+! **************************************************************************************
+subroutine writeBasin(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,&
  USE data_types,only:var_info                       ! metadata type
  USE var_lookup,only:maxVarStat                     ! index into stats structure
@@ -381,12 +381,12 @@ contains
   end do ! iVar
  end do ! iFreq
- end subroutine writeBasin
+end subroutine writeBasin
  ! **************************************************************************************
  ! public subroutine writeTime: write current time to all files
  ! **************************************************************************************
- subroutine writeTime(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,meta,dat,err,message)
+subroutine writeTime(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,meta,dat,err,message)
  USE data_types,only:var_info                       ! metadata type
  USE var_lookup,only:iLookStat                      ! index into stat structure
  implicit none
@@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ contains
   end do ! iVar
  end do ! iFreq
- end subroutine writeTime
+end subroutine writeTime
- ! *********************************************************************************************************
- ! public subroutine printRestartFile: print a re-start file
- ! *********************************************************************************************************
- subroutine writeRestart(filename,         & ! intent(in): name of restart file
+! *********************************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine printRestartFile: print a re-start file
+! *********************************************************************************************************
+subroutine writeRestart(filename,         & ! intent(in): name of restart file
                          nGRU,             & ! intent(in): number of GRUs
                          nHRU,             & ! intent(in): number of HRUs
                          prog_meta,        & ! intent(in): prognostics metadata
@@ -699,6 +699,6 @@ contains
  ! cleanup
- end subroutine writeRestart
+end subroutine writeRestart
 end module outputStrucWrite_module
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/ b/utils/netcdf/
index 6846820..399bf81 100644
--- a/utils/netcdf/
+++ b/utils/netcdf/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from os.path import isfile, join
 from pathlib import Path
 import xarray as xr 
-numHRU = 1
+numHRU = 10
 time = 'time'
 scalarSWE = 'scalarSWE'
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ varList = [time, scalarSWE, scalarCanopyWat, scalarAquiferStorage, scalarTotalSo
     scalarTotalET, scalarTotalRunoff, scalarNetRadiation]
 filename = "out.txt"
-originalPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaOriginal/Apr-1-2022/')
-actorsPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaActors/Apr-1-2022/')
+originalPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaOriginal/Apr-13-2022/')
+actorsPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaActors/Apr-13-2022/')
 originalDataset = xr.open_dataset(originalPath)
 actorsDataset = xr.open_dataset(actorsPath)