diff --git a/build/includes/file_access_actor/file_access_actor_subroutine_wrappers.hpp b/build/includes/file_access_actor/file_access_actor_subroutine_wrappers.hpp
index a510b9239cffaebda0b45611ea11267cd21b39c0..2b633826ef4d52ea68cd892695af06aeb3e11cfc 100644
--- a/build/includes/file_access_actor/file_access_actor_subroutine_wrappers.hpp
+++ b/build/includes/file_access_actor/file_access_actor_subroutine_wrappers.hpp
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ extern "C" {
   void Write_HRU_Param(void* handle_ncid, int* indxGRU, int* indxHRU, int* err);
   void readAttributeFileAccessActor(int* num_gru, int* err);
+  void overwriteParam(int* num_gru, int* err);
   void readParamFileAccessActor(int* start_gru, int* num_gru, int* err);
diff --git a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/file_access_actor.cpp b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/file_access_actor.cpp
index 7086276a02eba636406beb375ce51f998f171a27..de077002a53a73b4c0ff1b207a4bb6980da60c18 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/file_access_actor.cpp
+++ b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/file_access_actor.cpp
@@ -250,6 +250,16 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self) {
+    overwriteParam(&self->state.numGRU, &err);
+    if (err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "ERROR: FILE_ACCESS_ACTOR overwriteParam() \n";
+        std::string function = "overwriteParam";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        self->quit();
+        return;
+    }
     // Read in all of the parmeters for the number of GRUs in the run Domain
     readParamFileAccessActor(&self->state.startGRU, &self->state.numGRU, &err);
     if (err != 0) {
diff --git a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90 b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
index cc2090af3da5a5200e9daae50d0f73a316edd017..dfed3e0fafb7ace87c0a57f906410ad858274187 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
+++ b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module summaActors_initOutputStruct
-subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
+subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, num_gru, err)
   USE globalData,only:outputStructure
   USE globalData,only:time_meta,forc_meta,attr_meta,type_meta ! metadata structures
   USE globalData,only:prog_meta,diag_meta,flux_meta,id_meta   ! metadata structures
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
   implicit none
   type(file_info_array), pointer        :: forcFileInfo
   integer(i4b), intent(in)              :: maxSteps
-  integer(i4b), intent(in)              :: nGRU
+  integer(i4b), intent(in)              :: num_gru
   integer(i4b), intent(inout)           :: err 
   ! local variables
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
   integer(i4b)                          :: nSoil
   integer(i4b)                          :: iStruct
   character(len=256)                    :: message
+  integer(i4b)                          :: num_hru
   ! Allocate structure to hold output files
   if (.not.allocated(outputStructure))then
@@ -51,12 +52,12 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStat(1)%gru(nGRU))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStat(1)%gru(num_gru))
   ! Primary Data Structures (scalars)
@@ -64,11 +65,11 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%timeStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%idStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%timeStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%idStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
   ! Primary Data Structures (variable length vectors)
@@ -76,55 +77,63 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
   ! Basin-Average structures
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStruct(1)%gru(nGRU))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
+  ! define the ancillary data structures
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(num_gru))
   ! Finalize Stats for writing
-  allocate(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(nGRU))
+  allocate(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(num_gru))
-  do iGRU = 1, nGRU
+  do iGRU = 1, num_gru
+    num_hru = gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
     ! Statistics Structures
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStat(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
     ! Primary Data Structures (scalars)
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%timeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%idStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%timeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%forcStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%attrStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%idStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
     ! Primary Data Structures (variable length vectors)
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%indxStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%progStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%diagStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%fluxStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
     ! Basin-Average structures
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%bvarStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
+   ! define the ancillary data structures
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
     ! Finalize Stats for writing
-    allocate(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))
+    allocate(outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(num_hru))
   end do
-  do iGRU=1,nGRU
+  do iGRU=1,num_gru
     do iHRU=1,gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
       ! Get the maximum number of steps needed to initalize the output structure
@@ -154,9 +163,12 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
             case('id'  )
               call alloc_outputStruc(id_meta,outputStructure(1)%idStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU), &
                             maxSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message);        ! local values of hru gru IDs
-            case('mpar')
+            case('mpar') ! model parameters
               call alloc_outputStruc(mpar_meta,outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU), &
-                            maxSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message);    ! model parameters
+                            maxSteps,nSnow,nSoil,err,message); 
+              call alloc_outputStruc(mpar_meta, outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU), &
+                            maxSteps,err=err,message=message)
               ! Structure
               call alloc_outputStruc(indx_meta,outputStructure(1)%indxStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU), &
diff --git a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/read_param_all_hru.f90 b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/read_param_all_hru.f90
index 31ff21b34ad189417b49655ff444584c045ac4e3..10bc4b388414a4650b4d9ac70475ab82b833272a 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/read_param_all_hru.f90
+++ b/build/source/actors/file_access_actor/read_param_all_hru.f90
@@ -4,7 +4,53 @@ module read_param_all_hru
     implicit none
+    public::overwriteParam
+subroutine overwriteParam(num_gru, err) bind(C, name="overwriteParam")
+    USE globalData,only:outputStructure
+    USE pOverwrite_module,only:pOverwrite                       ! module to overwrite default parameter values with info from the Noah tables
+    USE globalData,only:gru_struc
+    USE globalData,only:localParFallback                        ! local column default parameters
+    USE globalData,only:basinParFallback                        ! basin-average default parameter
+    USE var_lookup,only:iLookTYPE                               ! look-up values for classification of veg, soils etc.
+    implicit none
+    integer(c_int),intent(in)             :: num_gru          ! number of GRUs in the run_domain
+    integer(c_int),intent(out)            :: err              ! error code
+    ! local
+    integer(i4b)                          :: iGRU
+    integer(i4b)                          :: iHRU
+    integer(i4b)                          :: iVar
+    integer(i4b)                          :: iDat
+    character(len=256)                    :: message
+    err=0; message="overwriteParam"
+    ! Need to set the basin parameters with the default values for when we copy
+    do iGRU=1,num_gru
+        do iHRU=1,gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
+            do iVar=1, size(localParFallback)
+                outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iVar) = localParFallback(iVar)%default_val
+            end do
+            ! overwrite default model parameters with information from the Noah-MP tables
+            call pOverwrite(outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),  &  ! vegetation category
+                            outputStructure(1)%typeStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iLookTYPE%soilTypeIndex), &  ! soil category
+                            outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(:), &                              ! default model parameters
+                            err,message)
+            do iVar=1, size(localParFallback)
+                do iDat=1, size(outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iVar)%dat)
+                    outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iVar)%dat(iDat) = outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%hru(iHRU)%var(iVar)
+                end do
+            end do
+        end do
+        do iVar=1,size(basinParFallback)
+            outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%var(iVar) = basinParFallback(iVar)%default_val
+        end do
+    end do
+end subroutine
 subroutine read_param_file_access_actor(startGRU,num_gru,err) bind(C, name="readParamFileAccessActor")
    ! used to read model initial conditions
     USE summaActors_FileManager,only:SETTINGS_PATH             ! path for metadata files
@@ -56,10 +102,9 @@ subroutine read_param_file_access_actor(startGRU,num_gru,err) bind(C, name="read
     integer(i4b)                          :: fHRU             ! index of HRU in input file
     integer(i4b)                          :: iGRU
     integer(i4b)                          :: iHRU
+    integer(i4b)                          :: iVar
-    err=0; message="read_param_all_hru.f90/"
+    err=0; message="read_param_all_hru.f90/"    
     ! **********************************************************************************************
     ! * open files, etc.
     ! **********************************************************************************************
@@ -234,7 +279,7 @@ subroutine read_param_file_access_actor(startGRU,num_gru,err) bind(C, name="read
         ! get the basin parameters
-                  ! get the parameter index
+            ! get the parameter index
             ixParam = get_ixbpar( trim(parName) )
             ! allow extra variables in the file that are not used
@@ -254,7 +299,7 @@ subroutine read_param_file_access_actor(startGRU,num_gru,err) bind(C, name="read
             ! populate parameter structures
             do iGRU=1, num_gru
-                outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(1)%var(ixParam) = parVector(iGRU+startGRU-1)
+                outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(iGRU)%var(ixParam) = parVector(iGRU+startGRU-1)
             end do
             ! deallocate space for model parameters
diff --git a/build/source/driver/SummaActors_setup.f90 b/build/source/driver/SummaActors_setup.f90
index 7789608515c27fa5e52f7b273821170937069e0d..52fbfe95ac3e3356ec1a4d9156f2ea2a0c818d4f 100755
--- a/build/source/driver/SummaActors_setup.f90
+++ b/build/source/driver/SummaActors_setup.f90
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ public::setupHRUParam
- ! initializes parameter data structures (e.g. vegetation and soil parameters).
- subroutine setupHRUParam(&
+! initializes parameter data structures (e.g. vegetation and soil parameters).
+subroutine setupHRUParam(&
                   indxHRU,                 & ! ID of hru
                   indxGRU,                 & ! Index of the parent GRU of the HRU 
                   ! primary data structures (scalars)
@@ -83,201 +83,229 @@ contains
                   ! miscellaneous variables
                   upArea,                  & ! area upslope of each HRU,
                   err) bind(C, name='setupHRUParam')
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * desired modules
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- USE nrtype                                                  ! variable types, etc.
- ! subroutines and functions
- use time_utils_module,only:elapsedSec                       ! calculate the elapsed time
- USE mDecisions_module,only:mDecisions                       ! module to read model decisions
- USE ffile_info_module,only:ffile_info                       ! module to read information on forcing datafile
- USE read_attribute_module,only:read_attribute               ! module to read local attributes
- USE paramCheck_module,only:paramCheck                       ! module to check consistency of model parameters
- USE pOverwrite_module,only:pOverwrite                       ! module to overwrite default parameter values with info from the Noah tables
- USE read_param4chm_module,only:read_param                       ! module to read model parameter sets
- USE ConvE2Temp_module,only:E2T_lookup                       ! module to calculate a look-up table for the temperature-enthalpy conversion
- USE var_derive_module,only:fracFuture                       ! module to calculate the fraction of runoff in future time steps (time delay histogram)
- USE module_sf_noahmplsm,only:read_mp_veg_parameters         ! module to read NOAH vegetation tables
- ! global data structures
- USE globalData,only:gru_struc                               ! gru-hru mapping structures
- USE globalData,only:localParFallback                        ! local column default parameters
- USE globalData,only:basinParFallback                        ! basin-average default parameters
- USE globalData,only:model_decisions                         ! model decision structure
- USE globalData,only:greenVegFrac_monthly                    ! fraction of green vegetation in each month (0-1)
- ! USE globalData,only:numtim                                  ! number of time steps in the simulation
- ! run time options
- USE globalData,only:startGRU                                ! index of the starting GRU for parallelization run
- USE globalData,only:iRunMode                                ! define the current running mode
- ! output constraints
- USE globalData,only:maxLayers                               ! maximum number of layers
- USE globalData,only:maxSnowLayers                           ! maximum number of snow layers
- ! timing variables
- USE globalData,only:startSetup,endSetup                     ! date/time for the start and end of the parameter setup
- USE globalData,only:elapsedSetup                            ! elapsed time for the parameter setup
- ! Noah-MP parameters
- USE NOAHMP_VEG_PARAMETERS,only:SAIM,LAIM                    ! 2-d tables for stem area index and leaf area index (vegType,month)
- USE NOAHMP_VEG_PARAMETERS,only:HVT,HVB                      ! height at the top and bottom of vegetation (vegType)
- ! USE globalData,only:startTime
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * variables
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implicit none
- ! dummy variables
-  ! calling variables
- integer(c_int),intent(in)                :: indxGRU              ! Index of the parent GRU of the HRU
- integer(c_int),intent(in)                :: indxHRU              ! ID to locate correct HRU from netcdf file  
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_attrStruct    ! local attributes for each HRU
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_typeStruct    ! local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_idStruct      !  
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_mparStruct    ! model parameters
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_bparStruct    ! basin-average parameters
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_bvarStruct    ! basin-average variables
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_dparStruct    ! default model parameters
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_startTime     ! start time for the model simulation
- type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_oldTime       ! time for the previous model time step
- real(c_double),intent(inout)             :: upArea
- integer(c_int),intent(inout)             :: err
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! * desired modules
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   USE nrtype                                                  ! variable types, etc.
+   ! subroutines and functions
+   use time_utils_module,only:elapsedSec                       ! calculate the elapsed time
+   USE mDecisions_module,only:mDecisions                       ! module to read model decisions
+   USE ffile_info_module,only:ffile_info                       ! module to read information on forcing datafile
+   USE read_attribute_module,only:read_attribute               ! module to read local attributes
+   USE paramCheck_module,only:paramCheck                       ! module to check consistency of model parameters
+   USE pOverwrite_module,only:pOverwrite                       ! module to overwrite default parameter values with info from the Noah tables
+   USE read_param4chm_module,only:read_param                       ! module to read model parameter sets
+   USE ConvE2Temp_module,only:E2T_lookup                       ! module to calculate a look-up table for the temperature-enthalpy conversion
+   USE var_derive_module,only:fracFuture                       ! module to calculate the fraction of runoff in future time steps (time delay histogram)
+   USE module_sf_noahmplsm,only:read_mp_veg_parameters         ! module to read NOAH vegetation tables
+   ! global data structures
+   USE globalData,only:gru_struc                               ! gru-hru mapping structures
+   USE globalData,only:localParFallback                        ! local column default parameters
+   USE globalData,only:basinParFallback                        ! basin-average default parameters
+   USE globalData,only:model_decisions                         ! model decision structure
+   USE globalData,only:greenVegFrac_monthly                    ! fraction of green vegetation in each month (0-1)
+   ! USE globalData,only:numtim                                  ! number of time steps in the simulation
+   ! run time options
+   USE globalData,only:startGRU                                ! index of the starting GRU for parallelization run
+   USE globalData,only:iRunMode                                ! define the current running mode
+   ! output constraints
+   USE globalData,only:maxLayers                               ! maximum number of layers
+   USE globalData,only:maxSnowLayers                           ! maximum number of snow layers
+   ! timing variables
+   USE globalData,only:startSetup,endSetup                     ! date/time for the start and end of the parameter setup
+   USE globalData,only:elapsedSetup                            ! elapsed time for the parameter setup
+   ! Noah-MP parameters
+   USE NOAHMP_VEG_PARAMETERS,only:SAIM,LAIM                    ! 2-d tables for stem area index and leaf area index (vegType,month)
+   USE NOAHMP_VEG_PARAMETERS,only:HVT,HVB                      ! height at the top and bottom of vegetation (vegType)
+   ! USE globalData,only:startTime
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! * variables
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   implicit none
+   ! dummy variables
+   ! calling variables
+   integer(c_int),intent(in)                :: indxGRU              ! Index of the parent GRU of the HRU
+   integer(c_int),intent(in)                :: indxHRU              ! ID to locate correct HRU from netcdf file  
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_attrStruct    ! local attributes for each HRU
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_typeStruct    ! local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_idStruct      !  
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_mparStruct    ! model parameters
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_bparStruct    ! basin-average parameters
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_bvarStruct    ! basin-average variables
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_dparStruct    ! default model parameters
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_startTime     ! start time for the model simulation
+   type(c_ptr), intent(in), value           :: handle_oldTime       ! time for the previous model time step
+   real(c_double),intent(inout)             :: upArea
+   integer(c_int),intent(inout)             :: err
- ! local variables
- type(var_d),pointer                      :: attrStruct           ! local attributes for each HRU
- type(var_i),pointer                      :: typeStruct           ! local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU
- type(var_i8),pointer                     :: idStruct             !
- type(var_dlength),pointer                :: mparStruct           ! model parameters
- type(var_d),pointer                      :: bparStruct           ! basin-average parameters
- type(var_dlength),pointer                :: bvarStruct           ! basin-average variables
- type(var_d),pointer                      :: dparStruct           ! default model parameters
- type(var_i),pointer                      :: startTime            ! start time for the model simulation
- type(var_i),pointer                      :: oldTime              ! time for the previous model time step
- character(len=256)                       :: message            ! error message
- character(len=256)                       :: cmessage           ! error message of downwind routine
- integer(i4b)                             :: iVar               ! looping variables
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='setupHRUParam/'
- ! initialize the start of the initialization
- call date_and_time(values=startSetup)
- ! convert to fortran pointer from C++ pointer
- call c_f_pointer(handle_attrStruct, attrStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_typeStruct, typeStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_idStruct, idStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_mparStruct, mparStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_bparStruct, bparStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_bvarStruct, bvarStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_dparStruct, dparStruct)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_startTime, startTime)
- call c_f_pointer(handle_oldTime, oldTime)
- ! ffile_info and mDecisions moved to their own seperate subroutine call
- !numTimeSteps = numtim
- oldTime%var(:) = startTime%var(:)
- ! get the maximum number of snow layers
- select case(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%snowLayers)%iDecision)
-  case(sameRulesAllLayers);    maxSnowLayers = 100
-  case(rulesDependLayerIndex); maxSnowLayers = 5
-  case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify option to combine/sub-divide snow layers'; return
- end select ! (option to combine/sub-divide snow layers)
- ! get the maximum number of layers
- maxLayers = gru_struc(1)%hruInfo(1)%nSoil + maxSnowLayers
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! *** read local attributes for each HRU
- ! *****************************************************************************
- call read_attribute(indxHRU,indxGRU,attrStruct,typeStruct,idStruct,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! define monthly fraction of green vegetation
- greenVegFrac_monthly = (/0.01_dp, 0.02_dp, 0.03_dp, 0.07_dp, 0.50_dp, 0.90_dp, 0.95_dp, 0.96_dp, 0.65_dp, 0.24_dp, 0.11_dp, 0.02_dp/)
- ! define urban vegetation category
- select case(trim(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%vegeParTbl)%cDecision))
-  case('USGS');                     urbanVegCategory =    1
-  case('MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH'); urbanVegCategory =   13
-  case('plumberCABLE');             urbanVegCategory = -999
-  case('plumberCHTESSEL');          urbanVegCategory = -999
-  case('plumberSUMMA');             urbanVegCategory = -999
-  case default; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify vegetation category'; return
- end select
- ! set default model parameters
- ! set parmameters to their default value
- dparStruct%var(:) = localParFallback(:)%default_val         ! x%var(:)
-   ! overwrite default model parameters with information from the Noah-MP tables
- call pOverwrite(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),  &  ! vegetation category
-                 typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%soilTypeIndex), &  ! soil category
-                 dparStruct%var,                          &  ! default model parameters
-                 err,cmessage)                                                   ! error control
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+   ! local variables
+   type(var_d),pointer                      :: attrStruct           ! local attributes for each HRU
+   type(var_i),pointer                      :: typeStruct           ! local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU
+   type(var_i8),pointer                     :: idStruct             !
+   type(var_dlength),pointer                :: mparStruct           ! model parameters
+   type(var_d),pointer                      :: bparStruct           ! basin-average parameters
+   type(var_dlength),pointer                :: bvarStruct           ! basin-average variables
+   type(var_d),pointer                      :: dparStruct           ! default model parameters
+   type(var_i),pointer                      :: startTime            ! start time for the model simulation
+   type(var_i),pointer                      :: oldTime              ! time for the previous model time step
+   character(len=256)                       :: message            ! error message
+   character(len=256)                       :: cmessage           ! error message of downwind routine
+   integer(i4b)                             :: iVar               ! looping variables
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! initialize error control
+   err=0; message='setupHRUParam/'
+   ! initialize the start of the initialization
+   call date_and_time(values=startSetup)
+   ! convert to fortran pointer from C++ pointer
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_attrStruct, attrStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_typeStruct, typeStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_idStruct, idStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_mparStruct, mparStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_bparStruct, bparStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_bvarStruct, bvarStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_dparStruct, dparStruct)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_startTime, startTime)
+   call c_f_pointer(handle_oldTime, oldTime)
+   ! ffile_info and mDecisions moved to their own seperate subroutine call
+   !numTimeSteps = numtim
+   oldTime%var(:) = startTime%var(:)
+   ! get the maximum number of snow layers
+   select case(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%snowLayers)%iDecision)
+      case(sameRulesAllLayers);    maxSnowLayers = 100
+      case(rulesDependLayerIndex); maxSnowLayers = 5
+      case default; err=20; 
+         message=trim(message)//'unable to identify option to combine/sub-divide snow layers'
+         print*, message
+         return
+   end select ! (option to combine/sub-divide snow layers)
+   ! get the maximum number of layers
+   maxLayers = gru_struc(1)%hruInfo(1)%nSoil + maxSnowLayers
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   ! *** read local attributes for each HRU
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   call read_attribute(indxHRU,indxGRU,attrStruct,typeStruct,idStruct,err,cmessage)
+   if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+      print*, message
+      return
+   endif
+   ! define monthly fraction of green vegetation
+   greenVegFrac_monthly = (/0.01_dp, 0.02_dp, 0.03_dp, 0.07_dp, 0.50_dp, 0.90_dp, 0.95_dp, 0.96_dp, 0.65_dp, 0.24_dp, 0.11_dp, 0.02_dp/)
+   ! define urban vegetation category
+   select case(trim(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%vegeParTbl)%cDecision))
+      case('USGS');                     urbanVegCategory =    1
+      case('MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH'); urbanVegCategory =   13
+      case('plumberCABLE');             urbanVegCategory = -999
+      case('plumberCHTESSEL');          urbanVegCategory = -999
+      case('plumberSUMMA');             urbanVegCategory = -999
+      case default
+         message=trim(message)//'unable to identify vegetation category'
+         print*, message
+         return
+   end select
+   ! set default model parameters
+   ! ! set parmameters to their default value
+   ! dparStruct%var(:) = localParFallback(:)%default_val         ! x%var(:)
+   ! ! overwrite default model parameters with information from the Noah-MP tables
+   ! call pOverwrite(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),  &  ! vegetation category
+   !               typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%soilTypeIndex), &  ! soil category
+   !               dparStruct%var,                          &  ! default model parameters
+   !               err,cmessage)                                                   ! error control
+   ! if(err/=0)then
+   !    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+   !    print*, message
+   !    return
+   ! endif
- ! copy over to the parameter structure
- ! NOTE: constant for the dat(:) dimension (normally depth)
- do ivar=1,size(localParFallback)
-  mparStruct%var(ivar)%dat(:) = dparStruct%var(ivar)
- end do  ! looping through variables
+   ! ! copy over to the parameter structure
+   ! ! NOTE: constant for the dat(:) dimension (normally depth)
+   ! do ivar=1,size(localParFallback)
+   !    mparStruct%var(ivar)%dat(:) = dparStruct%var(ivar)
+   ! end do  ! looping through variables
-  ! set default for basin-average parameters
- bparStruct%var(:) = basinParFallback(:)%default_val
+   ! set default for basin-average parameters
+   ! bparStruct%var(:) = basinParFallback(:)%default_val ! moved to read_param
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! *** read trial model parameter values for each HRU, and populate initial data structures
- ! *****************************************************************************
- call read_param(indxHRU,indxGRU,iRunMode,startGRU, &
-                     mparStruct,bparStruct,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! *** compute derived model variables that are pretty much constant for the basin as a whole
- ! *****************************************************************************
-  ! calculate the fraction of runoff in future time steps
- call fracFuture(bparStruct%var,    &  ! vector of basin-average model parameters
-                 bvarStruct,        &  ! data structure of basin-average variables
-                 err,cmessage)                   ! error control
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! check that the parameters are consistent
- call paramCheck(mparStruct,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! calculate a look-up table for the temperature-enthalpy conversion
- call E2T_lookup(mparStruct,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! overwrite the vegetation height
- HVT(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyTop)%dat(1)
- HVB(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyBottom)%dat(1)
- ! overwrite the tables for LAI and SAI
- if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%LAI_method)%iDecision == specified)then
-  SAIM(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),:) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%winterSAI)%dat(1)
-  LAIM(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),:) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%summerLAI)%dat(1)*greenVegFrac_monthly
- endif
- ! compute total area of the upstream HRUS that flow into each HRU
- upArea = 0._dp
- ! Check if lateral flows exists within the HRU
- if(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%downHRUindex)==typeStruct%var(iLookID%hruId))then
-  upArea = upArea + attrStruct%var(iLookATTR%HRUarea)
- endif
-  ! identify the total basin area for a GRU (m2)
- associate(totalArea => bvarStruct%var(iLookBVAR%basin__totalArea)%dat(1) )
-  totalArea = 0._dp
-  totalArea = totalArea + attrStruct%var(iLookATTR%HRUarea)
- end associate
- ! identify the end of the initialization
- call date_and_time(values=endSetup)
- ! aggregate the elapsed time for the initialization
- elapsedSetup = elapsedSec(startSetup, endSetup)
- end subroutine setupHRUParam
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   ! *** read trial model parameter values for each HRU, and populate initial data structures
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   call read_param(indxHRU,indxGRU,mparStruct,bparStruct,dparStruct,err)
+   if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+      return
+   endif
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   ! *** compute derived model variables that are pretty much constant for the basin as a whole
+   ! *****************************************************************************
+   ! calculate the fraction of runoff in future time steps
+   call fracFuture(bparStruct%var,    &  ! vector of basin-average model parameters
+                   bvarStruct,        &  ! data structure of basin-average variables
+                   err,cmessage)                   ! error control
+   if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+      print*, message
+      return
+   endif
+   ! check that the parameters are consistent
+   call paramCheck(mparStruct,err,cmessage)
+   if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+      print*, message
+      return
+   endif
+   ! calculate a look-up table for the temperature-enthalpy conversion
+   call E2T_lookup(mparStruct,err,cmessage)
+   if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+      print*, message
+      return
+   endif
+   ! overwrite the vegetation height
+   HVT(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyTop)%dat(1)
+   HVB(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyBottom)%dat(1)
+   ! overwrite the tables for LAI and SAI
+   if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%LAI_method)%iDecision == specified)then
+      SAIM(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),:) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%winterSAI)%dat(1)
+      LAIM(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex),:) = mparStruct%var(iLookPARAM%summerLAI)%dat(1)*greenVegFrac_monthly
+   endif
+   ! compute total area of the upstream HRUS that flow into each HRU
+   upArea = 0._dp
+   ! Check if lateral flows exists within the HRU
+   if(typeStruct%var(iLookTYPE%downHRUindex)==typeStruct%var(iLookID%hruId))then
+      upArea = upArea + attrStruct%var(iLookATTR%HRUarea)
+   endif
+   ! identify the total basin area for a GRU (m2)
+   associate(totalArea => bvarStruct%var(iLookBVAR%basin__totalArea)%dat(1) )
+      totalArea = 0._dp
+      totalArea = totalArea + attrStruct%var(iLookATTR%HRUarea)
+   end associate
+   ! identify the end of the initialization
+   call date_and_time(values=endSetup)
+   ! aggregate the elapsed time for the initialization
+   elapsedSetup = elapsedSec(startSetup, endSetup)
+end subroutine setupHRUParam
  ! =================================================================================================
diff --git a/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90 b/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
index 0cf403a3d8f60dace77d8629207231c0e8687eb0..1d5d2246aa51d8090e4a115450a19f6daf6067eb 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/data_types.f90
@@ -414,37 +414,39 @@ endtype var_time_ilength
 type, public :: summa_output_type
-! define the statistics structures
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: forcStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model forcing data
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: progStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model prognostic (state) variables
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: diagStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model diagnostic variables
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: fluxStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model fluxes
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: indxStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model indices
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: bvarStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- basin-average variabl
-! define the primary data structures (scalars)
-type(gru_hru_time_int),allocatable                :: timeStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- model time data
-type(gru_hru_time_double),allocatable             :: forcStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- model forcing data
-type(gru_hru_double),allocatable                  :: attrStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)            -- local attributes for each HRU, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
-type(gru_hru_int),allocatable                     :: typeStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
-! type(gru_hru_time_int8),allocatable               :: idStruct(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     --
-type(gru_hru_int8),allocatable                    :: idStruct(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)
-! define the primary data structures (variable length vectors)
-type(gru_hru_time_intVec),allocatable             :: indxStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model indices
-type(gru_hru_doubleVec),allocatable               :: mparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%dat        -- model parameters, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS TODO: MAYBE
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: progStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model prognostic (state) variables
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: diagStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model diagnostic variables
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: fluxStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model fluxes
-! define the basin-average structures
-type(gru_double),allocatable                      :: bparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%var(:)                   -- basin-average parameters, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
-type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: bvarStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- basin-average variables
-! finalize stats structure
-type(gru_hru_time_flagVec),allocatable            :: finalizeStats(:)              ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%tim(:)%dat -- flags on when to write to file
-integer(i4b)                          :: nTimeSteps
+  ! define the statistics structures
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: forcStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model forcing data
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: progStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model prognostic (state) variables
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: diagStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model diagnostic variables
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: fluxStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model fluxes
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: indxStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model indices
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: bvarStat(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- basin-average variabl
+  ! define the primary data structures (scalars)
+  type(gru_hru_time_int),allocatable                :: timeStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- model time data
+  type(gru_hru_time_double),allocatable             :: forcStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- model forcing data
+  type(gru_hru_double),allocatable                  :: attrStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)            -- local attributes for each HRU, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
+  type(gru_hru_int),allocatable                     :: typeStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)     -- local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
+  type(gru_hru_int8),allocatable                    :: idStruct(:)                   ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)
+  ! define the primary data structures (variable length vectors)
+  type(gru_hru_time_intVec),allocatable             :: indxStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model indices
+  type(gru_hru_doubleVec),allocatable               :: mparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%dat        -- model parameters, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS TODO: MAYBE
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: progStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model prognostic (state) variables
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: diagStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model diagnostic variables
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: fluxStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- model fluxes
+  ! define the basin-average structures
+  type(gru_double),allocatable                      :: bparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%var(:)                   -- basin-average parameters, DOES NOT CHANGE OVER TIMESTEPS
+  type(gru_hru_time_doubleVec),allocatable          :: bvarStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)%tim(:)%dat -- basin-average variables
+  ! define the ancillary data structures
+  type(gru_hru_double),allocatable                  :: dparStruct(:)                 ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%var(:)
+  ! finalize stats structure
+  type(gru_hru_time_flagVec),allocatable            :: finalizeStats(:)              ! x%gru(:)%hru(:)%tim(:)%dat -- flags on when to write to file
+  integer(i4b)                                      :: nTimeSteps
 end type summa_output_type
 END MODULE data_types
diff --git a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90 b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
index eb26ac31d61bb80327ede372a34974f55dee015c..b1dc1ee5b560396e43e46c8a1d949d4371e35bfe 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ MODULE globalData
   ! define summary information on all data structures
   integer(i4b),parameter                      :: nStruct=13              ! number of data structures
   type(struct_info),parameter,public,dimension(nStruct) :: structInfo=(/&
-                    struct_info('time',  'TIME' , maxvarTime ), &        ! the time data structure
+                   struct_info('time',  'TIME' , maxvarTime ), &        ! the time data structure
                    struct_info('forc',  'FORCE', maxvarForc ), &        ! the forcing data structure
                    struct_info('attr',  'ATTR' , maxvarAttr ), &        ! the attribute data structure
                    struct_info('type',  'TYPE' , maxvarType ), &        ! the type data structure
diff --git a/build/source/engine/read_paramActors.f90 b/build/source/engine/read_paramActors.f90
index 93f4a95e0db14a5f3e63df0218042993da926900..661ffe63d577a98c83ac7a03b138d5dcb9a1723e 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/read_paramActors.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/read_paramActors.f90
@@ -48,291 +48,42 @@ contains
 ! ************************************************************************************************
 ! public subroutine read_param4chm: read trial model parameter values
 ! ************************************************************************************************
-subroutine read_param(indxHRU,indxGRU,iRunMode,startGRU,mparStruct,bparStruct,err,message)
-   ! used to read model initial conditions
-   USE summaActors_FileManager,only:SETTINGS_PATH             ! path for metadata files
-   USE summaActors_FileManager,only:PARAMETER_TRIAL           ! file with parameter trial values
-   USE get_ixname_module,only:get_ixparam,get_ixbpar   ! access function to find index of elements in structure
-   USE globalData,only:index_map,gru_struc             ! mapping from global HRUs to the elements in the data structures
-   USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM,iLookTYPE,iLookID    ! named variables to index elements of the data vectors
+subroutine read_param(indxHRU,indxGRU,mparStruct,bparStruct,dparStruct,err)
+   USE globalData,only:outputStructure
+   USE globalData,only:mpar_meta,bpar_meta
+   USE globalData,only:localParFallback                        ! local column default parameters
    implicit none
    ! define input
    integer(i4b),intent(in)               :: indxHRU   
    integer(i4b),intent(in)               :: indxGRU
-   integer(i4b),intent(in)               :: iRunMode         ! run mode
-   integer(i4b),intent(in)               :: startGRU         ! index of single GRU if runMode = startGRU
-   !  type(var_i8),intent(in)               :: idStruct         ! local labels for hru and gru IDs
    ! define output
    type(var_dlength),intent(inout)       :: mparStruct       ! model parameters
    type(var_d),intent(inout)             :: bparStruct       ! basin parameters
+   type(var_d),intent(inout)             :: dparStruct       ! default model parameters
    integer(i4b),intent(out)              :: err              ! error code
-   character(*),intent(out)              :: message          ! error message
-   ! define local variables
-   character(len=1024)                   :: cmessage         ! error message for downwind routine
-   character(LEN=1024)                   :: infile           ! input filename
-   integer(i4b)                          :: localHRU_ix      ! index of HRU within data structure
-   integer(i4b)                          :: ixParam          ! index of the model parameter in the data structure
-   ! indices/metadata in the NetCDF file
-   integer(i4b)                          :: ncid             ! netcdf id
-   integer(i4b)                          :: nDims            ! number of dimensions
-   integer(i4b)                          :: nVars            ! number of variables
-   integer(i4b)                          :: idimid           ! dimension index
-   integer(i4b)                          :: ivarid           ! variable index
-   character(LEN=64)                     :: dimName          ! dimension name
-   character(LEN=64)                     :: parName          ! parameter name
-   integer(i4b)                          :: dimLength        ! dimension length
-   integer(i4b)                          :: nHRU_file        ! number of HRUs in the parafile
-   integer(i4b)                          :: nGRU_file        ! number of GRUs in the parafile
-   integer(i4b)                          :: nSoil_file       ! number of soil layers in the file
-   integer(i4b)                          :: idim_list(2)     ! list of dimension ids
-   ! data in the netcdf file
-   integer(i4b)                          :: parLength        ! length of the parameter data
-   integer(8),allocatable                :: hruId(:)         ! HRU identifier in the file
-   real(dp),allocatable                  :: parVector(:)     ! model parameter vector
-   logical                               :: fexist           ! inquire whether the parmTrial file exists
-   integer(i4b)                          :: fHRU             ! index of HRU in input file
+   ! 
+   character(len=256)                    :: message          ! error message
+   integer(i4b)                          :: iVar             ! 
    ! Start procedure here
-   err=0; message="read_param4chm/"
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! * open files, etc.
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! build filename
-   infile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(PARAMETER_TRIAL)
-   ! check whether the user-specified file exists and warn if it does not
-   inquire(file=trim(infile),exist=fexist)
-   if (.not.fexist) then
-      write(*,'(A)') NEW_LINE('A')//'!! WARNING:  trial parameter file not found; proceeding instead with other default parameters; check path in file manager input if this was not the desired behavior'//NEW_LINE('A')
-      return
-   endif
-   ! open trial parameters file if it exists
-   call nc_file_open(trim(infile),nf90_nowrite,ncid,err,cmessage)
-   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-   ! get the number of variables in the parameter file
-   err=nf90_inquire(ncid, nDimensions=nDims, nVariables=nVars)
-   call netcdf_err(err,message); if (err/=0) then; err=20; return; end if
-   ! initialize the number of HRUs
-   nHRU_file=integerMissing
-   nGRU_file=integerMissing
-   ! get the length of the dimensions
-   do idimid=1,nDims
-      ! get the dimension name and length
-      err=nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, idimid, name=dimName, len=dimLength)
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-      ! get the number of HRUs
-      if(trim(dimName)=='hru') nHRU_file=dimLength
-      if(trim(dimName)=='gru') nGRU_file=dimLength
+   err=0; message="read_paramActors.f90/"
+   ! do iVar=1, size(mpar_meta)
+      dparStruct%var(:) = outputStructure(1)%dparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU)%var(:)
+   ! end do
+   ! do iVar=1, size(localParFallback)
+   !    mparStruct%var(iVar)%dat(:) = dparStruct%var(iVar)
+   ! end do
+   ! populate parameter structures
+   do iVar=1, size(mpar_meta)
+      mparStruct%var(iVar)%dat(:) = outputStructure(1)%mparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU)%var(iVar)%dat(:)
    end do
-   ! allocate hruID vector
-   allocate(hruId(nHRU_file))
-   ! check HRU dimension exists
-   if(nHRU_file==integerMissing)then
-   message=trim(message)//'unable to identify HRU dimension in file '//trim(infile)
-   err=20; return
-   endif
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! * read the HRU index
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! loop through the parameters in the NetCDF file
-   do ivarid=1,nVars
-      ! get the parameter name
-      err=nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, ivarid, name=parName)
-      call netcdf_err(err,message); if (err/=0) then; err=20; return; end if
-      ! special case of the HRU id
-      if(trim(parName)=='hruIndex' .or. trim(parName)=='hruId')then
-         ! read HRUs
-         err=nf90_get_var(ncid, ivarid, hruId)
-         if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-         ! check HRUs  -- expect HRUs to be in the same order as the local attributes
-         !    if (iRunMode==iRunModeFull) then
-         !      !iGRU=index_map(indxHRU)%gru_ix
-         !      localHRU_ix=index_map(indxHRU)%localHRU_ix
-         !      if((hruId(indxHRU)>0).and.(hruId(indxHRU)/=idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId)))then
-         !       write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') trim(message)//'mismatch for HRU ', idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId), '(param HRU = ', hruId(indxHRU), ')'
-         !       err=20; return
-         !      endif 
-         !    else if (iRunMode==iRunModeGRU) then
-         !     ! do iHRU=1,nHRU
-         !      !iGRU=index_map(indxHRU)%gru_ix
-         !      localHRU_ix=index_map(indxHRU)%localHRU_ix
-            !      fHRU = gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(localHRU_ix)%hru_nc
-            !      if(hruId(fHRU)/=idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId))then
-         !      write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') trim(message)//'mismatch for HRU ', idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId), '(param HRU = ', hruId(indxHRU), ')'
-         !      err=20; return
-         !     endif
-         !    ! enddo
-         !    else if (iRunMode==iRunModeHRU) then
-         !     !iGRU=index_map(1)%gru_ix
-         !     localHRU_ix=index_map(indxHRU)%localHRU_ix
-         !     if(hruId(checkHRU)/=idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId))then
-         !      write(message,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') trim(message)//'mismatch for HRU ', idStruct%var(iLookID%hruId), '(param HRU = ', hruId(indxHRU), ')'
-         !      err=20; return
-         !     endif
-         ! error check
-         !    else
-         !     err = 20; message = 'run mode not recognized'; return;
-         !    end if
-      endif   ! if the HRU id
-   end do  ! looping through variables in the file
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! * read the local parameters and the basin parameters
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! loop through the parameters in the NetCDF file
-   do ivarid=1,nVars
-   ! get the parameter name
-   err=nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, ivarid, name=parName)
-   call netcdf_err(err,message); if (err/=0) then; err=20; return; end if
-   ! get the local parameters
-   ixParam = get_ixparam( trim(parName) )
-   if(ixParam/=integerMissing)then
-      ! **********************************************************************************************
-      ! * read the local parameters
-      ! **********************************************************************************************
-      ! get the variable shape
-      err=nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, ivarid, nDims=nDims, dimids=idim_list)
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-      ! get the length of the depth dimension (if it exists)
-      if(nDims==2)then
-         ! get the information on the 2nd dimension for 2-d variables
-         err=nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, idim_list(2), dimName, nSoil_file)
-         if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-         ! check that it is the depth dimension
-         if(trim(dimName)/='depth')then
-            message=trim(message)//'expect 2nd dimension of 2-d variable to be depth (dimension name = '//trim(dimName)//')'
-            err=20; return
-         endif
-         ! check that the dimension length is correct
-         if(size(mparStruct%var(ixParam)%dat) /= nSoil_file)then
-            message=trim(message)//'unexpected number of soil layers in parameter file'
-            err=20; return
-         endif
-         ! define parameter length
-         parLength = nSoil_file
-      else
-         parLength = 1
-      endif  ! if two dimensions
-      ! allocate space for model parameters
-      allocate(parVector(parLength),stat=err)
-      if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//'problem allocating space for parameter vector'
-      err=20; return
-      endif
-      ! map to the GRUs and HRUs
-      !iGRU=index_map(indxHRU)%gru_ix
-      localHRU_ix=index_map(indxHRU)%localHRU_ix
-      fHRU = gru_struc(indxGRU)%hruInfo(localHRU_ix)%hru_nc
-      ! read parameter data
-      select case(nDims)
-      case(1); err=nf90_get_var(ncid, ivarid, parVector, start=(/fHRU/), count=(/1/) )
-      case(2); err=nf90_get_var(ncid, ivarid, parVector, start=(/fHRU,1/), count=(/1,nSoil_file/) )
-      case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unexpected number of dimensions for parameter '//trim(parName)
-      end select
-      ! error check for the parameter read
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-      ! populate parameter structures
-      select case(nDims)
-      case(1); mparStruct%var(ixParam)%dat(:) = parVector(1)  ! also distributes scalar across depth dimension
-      case(2); mparStruct%var(ixParam)%dat(:) = parVector(:)
-      case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unexpected number of dimensions for parameter '//trim(parName)
-      end select
-      ! end do  ! looping through HRUs
-      ! deallocate space for model parameters
-      deallocate(parVector,stat=err)
-      if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//'problem deallocating space for parameter vector'
-      err=20; return
-      endif
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! * read the basin parameters
-   ! **********************************************************************************************
-   ! get the basin parameters
-   else
-      ! get the parameter index
-      ixParam = get_ixbpar( trim(parName) )
-      ! allow extra variables in the file that are not used
-      if(ixParam==integerMissing) cycle
-      ! allocate space for model parameters
-      allocate(parVector(nGRU_file),stat=err)
-      if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//'problem allocating space for parameter vector'
-      err=20; return
-      endif
-      ! read parameter data
-      err=nf90_get_var(ncid, ivarid, parVector )
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-      ! populate parameter structures
-      if (iRunMode==iRunModeGRU) then
-      !do iGRU=1,nGRU
-      bparStruct%var(ixParam) = parVector(indxGRU+startGRU-1)
-      !end do  ! looping through GRUs
-      else if (iRunMode==iRunModeFull) then
-      !do iGRU=1,nGRU
-      bparStruct%var(ixParam) = parVector(indxGRU)
-      !end do  ! looping through GRUs
-      else if (iRunMode==iRunModeHRU) then
-      err = 20; message='checkHRU run mode not working'; return;
-      endif
-      ! deallocate space for model parameters
-      deallocate(parVector,stat=err)
-      if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//'problem deallocating space for parameter vector'
-      err=20; return
-      endif
-   endif  ! reading the basin parameters
-   end do ! (looping through the parameters in the NetCDF file)
-   ! Now we must close the netcdf file
-   call nc_file_close(ncid,err,message)
-   if(err/=0)then;message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage);return;end if
+   do iVar=1, size(bpar_meta)
+      bparStruct%var(iVar) = outputStructure(1)%bparStruct(1)%gru(indxGRU)%var(iVar) 
+   end do
  end subroutine read_param
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 35a452764aef58d5f193ea251c9810e6a19c32f9..574fdb56d4b33a696b760382653f40e2c96981a1 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=24 - hh=02 - mi=58 - ss=32.515
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=26 - hh=18 - mi=33 - ss=52.626
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc
index e1319892d362595775ea3f6668ad8dd00667cf1e..cd79685a54999fab4f36ba2dc1327cbe8781f026 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc differ