diff --git a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90 b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
index 205788e200250c50aa5686176dc792977edccae1..1e1cbf74b546f14a96753ee129038803b75079e6 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ MODULE globalData
   ! define fixed dimensions
   integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nBand=2          ! number of spectral bands
-  integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nTimeDelay=2000  ! number of hours in the time delay histogram (default: ~1 season = 24*365/4)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nTimeDelay=3000  ! number of hours in the time delay histogram (default: ~1 season = 24*365/4)
   character(len=1024),public,save                 :: fname                         ! temporary filename
diff --git a/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90 b/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
index c2be017999a60896dd330974dc1be1471e726344..9d443f370006e5729d674ef5d31a5e2230ba3df1 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
@@ -620,6 +620,10 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
   ! check the need to compute liquid water fluxes through snow
+    ! print*, "scalarThroughfallRain = ", scalarThroughfallRain
+    ! print*, "scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = ", scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
+    ! print*, "mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1) =", mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1)
     ! compute liquid fluxes through snow
     call snowLiqFlx(&
                     ! input: model control
@@ -655,6 +659,7 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
     ! compute drainage from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
     scalarSnowDrainage = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(nSnow)
+    ! print*, "scalarSnowDrainage = ", scalarSnowDrainage
       ! save bottom layer of snow derivatives
     above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(nSnow) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at bottom snow layer interface
diff --git a/build/source/engine/coupled_em.f90 b/build/source/engine/coupled_em.f90
index 76f05fe29ad340c2d84126a4295cbb1d767b8141..c93d332cdbc9587a2f36164d51e9b218a66da601 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/coupled_em.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/coupled_em.f90
@@ -253,6 +253,14 @@ subroutine coupled_em(&
   ! initialize error control
   err=0; message="coupled_em/"
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyWat"
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracWat"
+  ! print*, "mLayerMatricHead"
+  ! print*, ""
+  ! print*, ""
+  ! print*, ""
+  ! print*, ""
   ! check that the decision is supported
   if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision==bigBucket .and. &
@@ -1355,22 +1363,32 @@ subroutine coupled_em(&
     newSWE      = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarSWE)%dat(1)
     delSWE      = newSWE - (oldSWE - sfcMeltPond)
     massBalance = delSWE - (effSnowfall + effRainfall + averageSnowSublimation - averageSnowDrainage*iden_water)*data_step
-    if(abs(massBalance) > 1.d-6)then
-    print*,                  'nSnow       = ', nSnow
-    print*,                  'nSub        = ', nSub
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'data_step   = ', data_step
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'oldSWE      = ', oldSWE
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'newSWE      = ', newSWE
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'delSWE      = ', delSWE
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'effRainfall = ', effRainfall*data_step
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'effSnowfall = ', effSnowfall*data_step
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'sublimation = ', averageSnowSublimation*data_step
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'snwDrainage = ', averageSnowDrainage*iden_water*data_step
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'sfcMeltPond = ', sfcMeltPond
-    write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'massBalance = ', massBalance
-    message=trim(message)//'SWE does not balance'
-    print*,message
-    err=20; return
+    ! print*, "effSnowfall = ", effSnowfall
+    ! print*, "effRainfall = ", effRainfall
+    ! print*, "averageSnowSublimation = ", averageSnowSublimation
+    ! print*, "averageSnowDrainage = ", averageSnowDrainage
+    ! print*, "iden_water = ", iden_water
+    ! print*, "newSWE = ", newSWE
+    ! print*, "delSWE = ", delSWE
+    ! print*, "massBalance = ", massBalance
+    if(abs(massBalance) > absConvTol_liquid*iden_water*10._dp)then
+      print*,                  'nSnow       = ', nSnow
+      print*,                  'nSub        = ', nSub
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'data_step   = ', data_step
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'oldSWE      = ', oldSWE
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'newSWE      = ', newSWE
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'delSWE      = ', delSWE
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'effRainfall = ', effRainfall*data_step
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'effSnowfall = ', effSnowfall*data_step
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'sublimation = ', averageSnowSublimation*data_step
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'snwDrainage = ', averageSnowDrainage*iden_water*data_step
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'sfcMeltPond = ', sfcMeltPond
+      write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'massBalance = ', massBalance
+      message=trim(message)//'SWE does not balance'
+      print*,message
+      err=20; return
     endif  ! if failed mass balance check
   endif  ! if snow layers exist
diff --git a/build/source/engine/opSplittin.f90 b/build/source/engine/opSplittin.f90
index c22a32ecf3b0ac97a5c2aeba998fa71a05f4d736..90393b6254f160b20dc66a900cb2067c56b8eeff 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/opSplittin.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/opSplittin.f90
@@ -365,6 +365,18 @@ subroutine opSplittin(&
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ! initialize error control
   err=0; message="opSplittin/"
+  ! print*, "BEFORE******"
+  ! print*, "scalarCanairTemp = ", scalarCanairTemp
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyTemp = ", scalarCanopyTemp
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyIce = ", scalarCanopyIce
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyLiq = ", scalarCanopyLiq
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyWat = ", scalarCanopyWat
+  ! print*, "mLayerTemp = ", mLayerTemp(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracIce = ", mLayerVolFracIce(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracLiq = ", mLayerVolFracLiq(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracWat = ", mLayerVolFracWat(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerMatricHead = ", mLayerMatricHead(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerMatricHeadLiq = ", mLayerMatricHeadLiq(1)
   ! we just solve the fully coupled problem by ida
   select case(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%diffEqSolv)%iDecision)
@@ -919,9 +931,9 @@ subroutine opSplittin(&
                 if(err>0) return
               endif  ! (check for errors)
-              !    print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: scalarSnowDrainage = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)%dat
-              !    print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: iLayerLiqFluxSnow  = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat
-              !    print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: iLayerLiqFluxSoil  = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat
+              ! print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: scalarSnowDrainage = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)%dat
+              ! print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: iLayerLiqFluxSnow  = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat
+              ! print*, trim(message)//'after varSubstep: iLayerLiqFluxSoil  = ', flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat
               ! check
@@ -1069,20 +1081,9 @@ subroutine opSplittin(&
     ! ==========================================================================================================================================
     ! success = exit the coupling loop
-    ! terminate DO loop early if fullyCoupled returns a solution,
-    ! so that the loop does not proceed to ixCoupling = stateTypeSplit
     if(ixCoupling==fullyCoupled .and. .not. failure) exit coupling
-    ! if we reach stateTypeSplit, terminating the DO loop here is cleaner 
-    ! than letting the loop complete, because in the latter case the coupling 
-    ! loop will end with ixCoupling = nCoupling+1 = 3 (a FORTRAN loop 
-    ! increments the index variable at the end of each iteration and stops 
-    ! the loop if the index > specified stop value). Variable ixCoupling is 
-    ! used for error reporting in coupled_em.f90 in the balance checks and 
-    ! we thus need to make sure ixCoupling is not incremented to be larger 
-    ! than nCoupling.
-    if(ixCoupling==stateTypeSplit .and. .not. failure) exit coupling  
   end do coupling ! coupling method
   ! check that all state variables were updated
@@ -1105,9 +1106,24 @@ subroutine opSplittin(&
   if(ixCoupling/=fullyCoupled .or. nSubsteps>1) dtMultiplier=0.5_dp
   ! compute the melt in each snow and soil layer
-  if(nSnow>0) mLayerMeltFreeze(      1:nSnow  ) = -(mLayerVolFracIce(      1:nSnow  ) - mLayerVolFracIceInit(      1:nSnow  ))*iden_ice
-              mLayerMeltFreeze(nSnow+1:nLayers) = -(mLayerVolFracIce(nSnow+1:nLayers) - mLayerVolFracIceInit(nSnow+1:nLayers))*iden_water
+  if(nSnow>0) then
+      diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMeltFreeze)%dat(1:nSnow) = -( mLayerVolFracIce(1:nSnow) - mLayerVolFracIceInit(1:nSnow) ) * iden_ice
+      diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMeltFreeze)%dat(nSnow+1:nLayers) = -(mLayerVolFracIce(nSnow+1:nLayers) - mLayerVolFracIceInit(nSnow+1:nLayers))*iden_water
+  endif
+  ! print*, "After******"
+  ! print*, "scalarCanairTemp = ", scalarCanairTemp
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyTemp = ", scalarCanopyTemp
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyIce = ", scalarCanopyIce
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyLiq = ", scalarCanopyLiq
+  ! print*, "scalarCanopyWat = ", scalarCanopyWat
+  ! print*, "mLayerTemp = ", mLayerTemp(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracIce = ", mLayerVolFracIce(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracLiq = ", mLayerVolFracLiq(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerVolFracWat = ", mLayerVolFracWat(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerMatricHead = ", mLayerMatricHead(1)
+  ! print*, "mLayerMatricHeadLiq = ", mLayerMatricHeadLiq(1)
   ! end associate statements
   end associate globalVars
diff --git a/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx.f90 b/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx.f90
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 53b4fb29a127dbf68ccc95dffe65986000de8a88..6778561f876a97ebb584ba918c37c4373be3a9da
--- a/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx.f90
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
 USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
 ! data types
-USE data_types,only:var_d           ! x%var(:)       (dp)
-USE data_types,only:var_dlength     ! x%var(:)%dat   (dp)
+USE data_types,only:var_d           ! x%var(:)       (rkind)
+USE data_types,only:var_dlength     ! x%var(:)%dat   (rkind)
 USE data_types,only:var_ilength     ! x%var(:)%dat   (i4b)
 ! privacy
 implicit none
@@ -75,18 +76,18 @@ contains
  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstFluxCall              ! the first flux call
  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution             ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
  ! input: forcing for the snow domain
- real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarThroughfallRain      ! computed throughfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
- real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqDrainage    ! computed drainage of liquid water (kg m-2 s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarThroughfallRain      ! computed throughfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqDrainage    ! computed drainage of liquid water (kg m-2 s-1)
  ! input: model state vector
- real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)   ! trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)   ! trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
  ! input-output: data structures
  type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                  ! model indices
  type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                  ! model parameters
  type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: prog_data                  ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                  ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
  ! output: fluxes and derivatives
- real(dp),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:)      ! vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
- real(dp),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:)      ! vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
  ! output: error control
  integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                        ! error code
  character(*),intent(out)        :: message                    ! error message
@@ -96,12 +97,12 @@ contains
  integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                     ! layer index
  integer(i4b)                    :: ixTop                      ! top layer in subroutine call
  integer(i4b)                    :: ixBot                      ! bottom layer in subroutine call
- real(dp)                        :: multResid                  ! multiplier for the residual water content (-)
- real(dp),parameter              :: residThrs=550._dp          ! ice density threshold to reduce residual liquid water content (kg m-3)
- real(dp),parameter              :: residScal=10._dp           ! scaling factor for residual liquid water content reduction factor (kg m-3)
- real(dp),parameter              :: maxVolIceContent=0.7_dp    ! maximum volumetric ice content to store water (-)
- real(dp)                        :: availCap                   ! available storage capacity [0,1] (-)
- real(dp)                        :: relSaturn                  ! relative saturation [0,1] (-)
+ real(rkind)                        :: multResid                  ! multiplier for the residual water content (-)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: residThrs=550._rkind          ! ice density threshold to reduce residual liquid water content (kg m-3)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: residScal=10._rkind           ! scaling factor for residual liquid water content reduction factor (kg m-3)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: maxVolIceContent=0.7_rkind    ! maximum volumetric ice content to store water (-)
+ real(rkind)                        :: availCap                   ! available storage capacity [0,1] (-)
+ real(rkind)                        :: relSaturn                  ! relative saturation [0,1] (-)
  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ! make association of local variables with information in the data structures
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ contains
  end if
  ! check the meltwater exponent is >=1
- if(mw_exp<1._dp)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'meltwater exponent < 1'; return; end if
+ if(mw_exp<1._rkind)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'meltwater exponent < 1'; return; end if
  ! get the indices for the snow+soil layers
  ixTop = integerMissing
@@ -159,16 +160,16 @@ contains
  ! define the liquid flux at the upper boundary (m s-1)
  iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0)      = (scalarThroughfallRain + scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)/iden_water
- iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0) = 0._dp
+ iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0) = 0._rkind !computed inside computJacDAE_module
  ! compute properties fixed over the time step
   ! loop through snow layers
   do iLayer=1,nSnow
    ! compute the reduction in liquid water holding capacity at high snow density (-)
-   multResid = 1._dp / ( 1._dp + exp( (mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*iden_ice - residThrs) / residScal) )
+   multResid = 1._rkind / ( 1._rkind + exp( (mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*iden_ice - residThrs) / residScal) )
    ! compute the pore space (-)
-   mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer)  = 1._dp - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)
+   mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer)  = 1._rkind - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)
    ! compute the residual volumetric liquid water content (-)
    mLayerThetaResid(iLayer) = Fcapil*mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) * multResid
   end do  ! (looping through snow layers)
@@ -182,14 +183,14 @@ contains
    availCap  = mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)                 ! available capacity
    relSaturn = (mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)) / availCap    ! relative saturation
    iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = k_snow*relSaturn**mw_exp
-   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = ( (k_snow*mw_exp)/availCap ) * relSaturn**(mw_exp - 1._dp)
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = ( (k_snow*mw_exp)/availCap ) * relSaturn**(mw_exp - 1._rkind)
    if(mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer) > maxVolIceContent)then ! NOTE: use start-of-step ice content, to avoid convergence problems
      ! ** allow liquid water to pass through under very high ice density
      iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) + iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1) !NOTE: derivative may need to be updated in future.
    end if
   else  ! flow does not occur
-   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = 0._dp
-   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = 0._dp
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = 0._rkind
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = 0._rkind
   endif  ! storage above residual content
  end do  ! loop through snow layers
@@ -199,4 +200,159 @@ contains
  end subroutine snowLiqFlx
+ ! ************************************************************************************************
+ ! public subroutine snowLiqFlxSundials: compute liquid water flux through the snowpack
+ ! ************************************************************************************************
+ subroutine snowLiqFlxSundials(&
+                       ! input: model control
+                       nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                       firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(in):    the first flux call
+                       scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                       ! input: forcing for the snow domain
+                       scalarThroughfallRain,   & ! intent(in):    rain that reaches the snow surface without ever touching vegetation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                       scalarCanopyLiqDrainage, & ! intent(in):    liquid drainage from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+                       ! input: model state vector
+                       mLayerVolFracIce,		& ! intent(in)
+                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,   & ! intent(in):    trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+                       ! input-output: data structures
+                       indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                       mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                       prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                       diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                       ! output: fluxes and derivatives
+                       iLayerLiqFluxSnow,       & ! intent(inout): vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                       iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv,  & ! intent(inout): derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                       ! output: error control
+                       err,message)               ! intent(out):   error control
+ implicit none
+ ! input: model control
+ integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                      ! number of snow layers
+ logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstFluxCall              ! the first flux call
+ logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution             ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+ ! input: forcing for the snow domain
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarThroughfallRain      ! computed throughfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqDrainage    ! computed drainage of liquid water (kg m-2 s-1)
+ ! input: model state vector
+ real(rkind),intent(in)			 :: mLayerVolFracIce(:)
+ real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)   ! trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+ ! input-output: data structures
+ type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                  ! model indices
+ type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                  ! model parameters
+ type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: prog_data                  ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+ type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                  ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+ ! output: fluxes and derivatives
+ real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:)      ! vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ ! output: error control
+ integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                        ! error code
+ character(*),intent(out)        :: message                    ! error message
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! local variables
+ integer(i4b)                    :: i                          ! search index for scalar solution
+ integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                     ! layer index
+ integer(i4b)                    :: ixTop                      ! top layer in subroutine call
+ integer(i4b)                    :: ixBot                      ! bottom layer in subroutine call
+ real(rkind)                        :: multResid                  ! multiplier for the residual water content (-)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: residThrs=550._rkind          ! ice density threshold to reduce residual liquid water content (kg m-3)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: residScal=10._rkind           ! scaling factor for residual liquid water content reduction factor (kg m-3)
+ real(rkind),parameter              :: maxVolIceContent=0.7_rkind    ! maximum volumetric ice content to store water (-)
+ real(rkind)                        :: availCap                   ! available storage capacity [0,1] (-)
+ real(rkind)                        :: relSaturn                  ! relative saturation [0,1] (-)
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! make association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ associate(&
+  ! input: layer indices
+  ixLayerState     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixLayerState)%dat,             & ! intent(in): list of indices for all model layers
+  ixSnowOnlyHyd    => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyHyd)%dat,            & ! intent(in): index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the snow domain
+  ! input: snow properties and parameters
+  Fcapil           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%Fcapil)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): capillary retention as a fraction of the total pore volume (-)
+  k_snow           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%k_snow)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity of snow (m s-1), 0.0055 = approx. 20 m/hr, from UEB
+  mw_exp           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%mw_exp)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): exponent for meltwater flow (-)
+  ! input/output: diagnostic variables -- only computed for the first iteration
+  mLayerPoreSpace  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerPoreSpace)%dat,           & ! intent(inout): pore space in each snow layer (-)
+  mLayerThetaResid => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerThetaResid)%dat           & ! intent(inout): esidual volumetric liquid water content in each snow layer (-)
+ ) ! association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! initialize error control
+ err=0; message='snowLiqFlxSundials/'
+ ! check that the input vectors match nSnow
+ if(size(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial)/=nSnow .or. size(mLayerVolFracIce)/=nSnow .or. &
+    size(iLayerLiqFluxSnow)/=nSnow+1 .or. size(iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv)/=nSnow+1) then
+  err=20; message=trim(message)//'size mismatch of input/output vectors'; return
+ end if
+ ! check the meltwater exponent is >=1
+ if(mw_exp<1._rkind)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'meltwater exponent < 1'; return; end if
+ ! get the indices for the snow+soil layers
+ ixTop = integerMissing
+ if(scalarSolution)then
+  ! WARNING: Previously this was implemented as:
+  !    ixLayerDesired = pack(ixLayerState, ixSnowOnlyHyd/=integerMissing)
+  !    ixTop = ixLayerDesired(1)
+  !    ixBot = ixLayerDesired(1)
+  ! This implementation can result in a segfault when using JRDN layering.
+  ! The segfault occurs when trying to access `mw_exp` in:
+  !    iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = k_snow*relSaturn**mw_exp
+  ! Debugging found that the `pack` statement caused `mw_exp` to no longer be accessible.
+  ! We have not been able to determine the underlying reason for this segfault.
+  do i=1,size(ixSnowOnlyHyd)
+    if(ixSnowOnlyHyd(i) /= integerMissing)then
+      ixTop=ixLayerState(i)
+      ixBot=ixTop
+      exit  ! break out of loop once found
+    endif
+  end do
+  if(ixTop == integerMissing)then
+    err=20; message=trim(message)//'Unable to identify snow layer for scalar solution!'; return
+  end if
+ else
+  ixTop = 1
+  ixBot = nSnow
+ endif
+ ! define the liquid flux at the upper boundary (m s-1)
+ iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0)      = (scalarThroughfallRain + scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)/iden_water
+ iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0) = 0._rkind
+ ! compute properties fixed over the time step
+ if(firstFluxCall)then
+  ! loop through snow layers
+  do iLayer=1,nSnow
+   ! compute the reduction in liquid water holding capacity at high snow density (-)
+   multResid = 1._rkind / ( 1._rkind + exp( (mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*iden_ice - residThrs) / residScal) )
+   ! compute the pore space (-)
+   mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer)  = 1._rkind - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)
+   ! compute the residual volumetric liquid water content (-)
+   mLayerThetaResid(iLayer) = Fcapil*mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) * multResid
+  end do  ! (looping through snow layers)
+ end if  ! (if the first flux call)
+ ! compute fluxes
+ do iLayer=ixTop,ixBot  ! (loop through snow layers)
+  ! check that flow occurs
+  if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) > mLayerThetaResid(iLayer))then
+   ! compute the relative saturation (-)
+   availCap  = mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)                 ! available capacity
+   relSaturn = (mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)) / availCap    ! relative saturation
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = k_snow*relSaturn**mw_exp
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = ( (k_snow*mw_exp)/availCap ) * relSaturn**(mw_exp - 1._rkind)
+   if(mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer) > maxVolIceContent)then ! NOTE: use start-of-step ice content, to avoid convergence problems
+     ! ** allow liquid water to pass through under very high ice density
+     iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) + iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1) !NOTE: derivative may need to be updated in future.
+   end if
+  else  ! flow does not occur
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = 0._rkind
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = 0._rkind
+  endif  ! storage above residual content
+ end do  ! loop through snow layers
+ ! end association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ end associate
+ end subroutine snowLiqFlxSundials
 end module snowLiqFlx_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx_old.f90 b/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx_old.f90
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53b4fb29a127dbf68ccc95dffe65986000de8a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/engine/snowLiqFlx_old.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+! SUMMA - Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives
+! Copyright (C) 2014-2020 NCAR/RAL; University of Saskatchewan; University of Washington
+! This file is part of SUMMA
+! For more information see: http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/summa
+! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+! along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+module snowLiqFlx_module
+! access modules
+USE nrtype                                    ! numerical recipes data types
+USE multiconst,only:iden_ice,iden_water       ! intrinsic density of ice and water (kg m-3)
+! access missing values
+USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
+USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing real number
+! named variables
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
+! data types
+USE data_types,only:var_d           ! x%var(:)       (dp)
+USE data_types,only:var_dlength     ! x%var(:)%dat   (dp)
+USE data_types,only:var_ilength     ! x%var(:)%dat   (i4b)
+! privacy
+implicit none
+ ! ************************************************************************************************
+ ! public subroutine snowLiqFlx: compute liquid water flux through the snowpack
+ ! ************************************************************************************************
+ subroutine snowLiqFlx(&
+                       ! input: model control
+                       nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                       firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(in):    the first flux call
+                       scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                       ! input: forcing for the snow domain
+                       scalarThroughfallRain,   & ! intent(in):    rain that reaches the snow surface without ever touching vegetation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                       scalarCanopyLiqDrainage, & ! intent(in):    liquid drainage from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+                       ! input: model state vector
+                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,   & ! intent(in):    trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+                       ! input-output: data structures
+                       indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                       mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                       prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                       diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                       ! output: fluxes and derivatives
+                       iLayerLiqFluxSnow,       & ! intent(inout): vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                       iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv,  & ! intent(inout): derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                       ! output: error control
+                       err,message)               ! intent(out):   error control
+ implicit none
+ ! input: model control
+ integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                      ! number of snow layers
+ logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstFluxCall              ! the first flux call
+ logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution             ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+ ! input: forcing for the snow domain
+ real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarThroughfallRain      ! computed throughfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+ real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqDrainage    ! computed drainage of liquid water (kg m-2 s-1)
+ ! input: model state vector
+ real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)   ! trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+ ! input-output: data structures
+ type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                  ! model indices
+ type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                  ! model parameters
+ type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: prog_data                  ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+ type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                  ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+ ! output: fluxes and derivatives
+ real(dp),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:)      ! vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ real(dp),intent(inout)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+ ! output: error control
+ integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                        ! error code
+ character(*),intent(out)        :: message                    ! error message
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! local variables
+ integer(i4b)                    :: i                          ! search index for scalar solution
+ integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                     ! layer index
+ integer(i4b)                    :: ixTop                      ! top layer in subroutine call
+ integer(i4b)                    :: ixBot                      ! bottom layer in subroutine call
+ real(dp)                        :: multResid                  ! multiplier for the residual water content (-)
+ real(dp),parameter              :: residThrs=550._dp          ! ice density threshold to reduce residual liquid water content (kg m-3)
+ real(dp),parameter              :: residScal=10._dp           ! scaling factor for residual liquid water content reduction factor (kg m-3)
+ real(dp),parameter              :: maxVolIceContent=0.7_dp    ! maximum volumetric ice content to store water (-)
+ real(dp)                        :: availCap                   ! available storage capacity [0,1] (-)
+ real(dp)                        :: relSaturn                  ! relative saturation [0,1] (-)
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! make association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ associate(&
+  ! input: layer indices
+  ixLayerState     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixLayerState)%dat,             & ! intent(in): list of indices for all model layers
+  ixSnowOnlyHyd    => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyHyd)%dat,            & ! intent(in): index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the snow domain
+  ! input: snow properties and parameters
+  mLayerVolFracIce => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat(1:nSnow), & ! intent(in): volumetric ice content at the start of the time step (-)
+  Fcapil           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%Fcapil)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): capillary retention as a fraction of the total pore volume (-)
+  k_snow           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%k_snow)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity of snow (m s-1), 0.0055 = approx. 20 m/hr, from UEB
+  mw_exp           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%mw_exp)%dat(1),                & ! intent(in): exponent for meltwater flow (-)
+  ! input/output: diagnostic variables -- only computed for the first iteration
+  mLayerPoreSpace  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerPoreSpace)%dat,           & ! intent(inout): pore space in each snow layer (-)
+  mLayerThetaResid => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerThetaResid)%dat           & ! intent(inout): esidual volumetric liquid water content in each snow layer (-)
+ ) ! association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! initialize error control
+ err=0; message='snowLiqFlx/'
+ ! check that the input vectors match nSnow
+ if(size(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial)/=nSnow .or. size(mLayerVolFracIce)/=nSnow .or. &
+    size(iLayerLiqFluxSnow)/=nSnow+1 .or. size(iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv)/=nSnow+1) then
+  err=20; message=trim(message)//'size mismatch of input/output vectors'; return
+ end if
+ ! check the meltwater exponent is >=1
+ if(mw_exp<1._dp)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'meltwater exponent < 1'; return; end if
+ ! get the indices for the snow+soil layers
+ ixTop = integerMissing
+ if(scalarSolution)then
+  ! WARNING: Previously this was implemented as:
+  !    ixLayerDesired = pack(ixLayerState, ixSnowOnlyHyd/=integerMissing)
+  !    ixTop = ixLayerDesired(1)
+  !    ixBot = ixLayerDesired(1)
+  ! This implementation can result in a segfault when using JRDN layering.
+  ! The segfault occurs when trying to access `mw_exp` in:
+  !    iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = k_snow*relSaturn**mw_exp
+  ! Debugging found that the `pack` statement caused `mw_exp` to no longer be accessible.
+  ! We have not been able to determine the underlying reason for this segfault.
+  do i=1,size(ixSnowOnlyHyd)
+    if(ixSnowOnlyHyd(i) /= integerMissing)then
+      ixTop=ixLayerState(i)
+      ixBot=ixTop
+      exit  ! break out of loop once found
+    endif
+  end do
+  if(ixTop == integerMissing)then
+    err=20; message=trim(message)//'Unable to identify snow layer for scalar solution!'; return
+  end if
+ else
+  ixTop = 1
+  ixBot = nSnow
+ endif
+ ! define the liquid flux at the upper boundary (m s-1)
+ iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0)      = (scalarThroughfallRain + scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)/iden_water
+ iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0) = 0._dp
+ ! compute properties fixed over the time step
+ if(firstFluxCall)then
+  ! loop through snow layers
+  do iLayer=1,nSnow
+   ! compute the reduction in liquid water holding capacity at high snow density (-)
+   multResid = 1._dp / ( 1._dp + exp( (mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*iden_ice - residThrs) / residScal) )
+   ! compute the pore space (-)
+   mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer)  = 1._dp - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)
+   ! compute the residual volumetric liquid water content (-)
+   mLayerThetaResid(iLayer) = Fcapil*mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) * multResid
+  end do  ! (looping through snow layers)
+ end if  ! (if the first flux call)
+ ! compute fluxes
+ do iLayer=ixTop,ixBot  ! (loop through snow layers)
+  ! check that flow occurs
+  if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) > mLayerThetaResid(iLayer))then
+   ! compute the relative saturation (-)
+   availCap  = mLayerPoreSpace(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)                 ! available capacity
+   relSaturn = (mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) - mLayerThetaResid(iLayer)) / availCap    ! relative saturation
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = k_snow*relSaturn**mw_exp
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = ( (k_snow*mw_exp)/availCap ) * relSaturn**(mw_exp - 1._dp)
+   if(mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer) > maxVolIceContent)then ! NOTE: use start-of-step ice content, to avoid convergence problems
+     ! ** allow liquid water to pass through under very high ice density
+     iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) + iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1) !NOTE: derivative may need to be updated in future.
+   end if
+  else  ! flow does not occur
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)      = 0._dp
+   iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(iLayer) = 0._dp
+  endif  ! storage above residual content
+ end do  ! loop through snow layers
+ ! end association of local variables with information in the data structures
+ end associate
+ end subroutine snowLiqFlx
+end module snowLiqFlx_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/var_derive.f90 b/build/source/engine/var_derive.f90
index 0432a41cadbe4be71faeb68ac354ebc5a6ed7b36..7e3eed052a7330c6ae2d2989ea795b01d6aa90a6 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/var_derive.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/var_derive.f90
@@ -458,6 +458,10 @@ contains
    if(abs(1._dp - sumFrac) > tolerFrac)then
     write(*,*) 'fraction of basin runoff histogram being accounted for by time delay vector is ', sumFrac
     write(*,*) 'this is less than allowed by tolerFrac = ', tolerFrac
+    write(*,*) 'Solutions:'
+    write(*,*) ' (1) Check that the values of routingGammaShape and routingGammaScale are appropriate (and fix if necessary); or'
+    write(*,*) ' (2) Increase the hard coded parameter nTimeDelay in globalData.f90 (currently nTimeDelay is set to ', nTDH, ')'
+    write(*,*) '       -- note that nTimeDelay defines the number of time steps in the time delay histogram'
     message=trim(message)//'not enough bins for the time delay histogram -- fix hard-coded parameter in globalData.f90'
     err=20; return
    end if
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 2e294c3db47c5c2e65b97fb0ec50b4f6c9bf0658..4f7e767fdcbbaa6083334e085da26299ed886975 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=08 - hh=18 - mi=34 - ss=44.626
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=08 - hh=18 - mi=40 - ss=09.307
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/actors_out.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/actors_out.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fe835e32740d3f165c31c89b51a1a9ed761ca11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/actors_out.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+Output Structure Size = 250
+Max GRUs Per Job = 250
+File Manager Path = /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
+output_csv = false
+Job Actor Initalized 
+----------File_Access_Actor Started----------
+Initalizing Output Structure
+GRU Actor Has Started
+Print Output = true
+Print Output every 1 timesteps
+All Forcing Files Loaded 
+1 - Timestep = 1
+1 - Timestep = 2
+1 - Timestep = 3
+1 - Timestep = 4
+1 - Timestep = 5
+1 - Timestep = 6
+1 - Timestep = 7
+1 - Timestep = 8
+1 - Timestep = 9
+1 - Timestep = 10
+1 - Timestep = 11
+ /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_defineModelOutput.txt                                                                                                                                                                                
+INFO: aspect not found in the input attribute file, continuing ...
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    0.0000000000000000     
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    300.60000000000002     
+ delSWE =   0.60000000000002274     
+ massBalance =    2.2759572004815709E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    4.9587017904807871E-017
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    301.19999999999783     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999999780584     
+ massBalance =    7.8104189782379763E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    3.9772892257868010E-016
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    301.79999999997375     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999997592113     
+ massBalance =   -2.1516122217235534E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.3458248922576075E-015
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    302.39999999989305     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999991930508     
+ massBalance =    5.4511950509095186E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    3.1983853384144842E-015
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    302.99999999970117     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999980811936     
+ massBalance =    2.2537527399890678E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    6.2630410898092297E-015
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    303.59999999932541     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999962423090     
+ massBalance =    1.3322676295501878E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.0850552546761924E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    304.19999999867446     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999934905190     
+ massBalance =    8.5043083686286991E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.7274818811323277E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    304.79999999763805     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999896359668     
+ massBalance =    8.5820239803524601E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    2.5852886556788660E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    305.39999999608659     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999844853846     
+ massBalance =   -2.8843594179761567E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    3.6904959605757223E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    305.99999999387285     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999778625579     
+ massBalance =    5.5333515547317802E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    5.0754385602336477E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    306.59999999082720     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999695435235     
+ massBalance =   -3.8458125573015423E-013
+1 - Timestep = 12
+1 - Timestep = 13
+1 - Timestep = 14
+1 - Timestep = 15
+1 - Timestep = 16
+1 - Timestep = 17
+1 - Timestep = 18
+1 - Timestep = 19
+1 - Timestep = 20
+1 - Timestep = 21
+1 - Timestep = 22
+1 - Timestep = 23
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    6.7727690522882357E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    307.19999998676326     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999593605935     
+ massBalance =   -2.7933211299568939E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    8.8154616957988339E-014
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    307.79999998147423     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999471096999     
+ massBalance =    2.4702462297909733E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.1236808114754007E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    308.39999997473200     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999325776798     
+ massBalance =   -1.4710455076283324E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.4070416063307484E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    308.99999996628952     
+ delSWE =   0.59999999155752448     
+ massBalance =   -2.2593038551121936E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.7350215945493872E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    309.59999995587907     
+ delSWE =   0.59999998958954848     
+ massBalance =   -3.2196467714129540E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    2.1110465794128700E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    310.19999994321324     
+ delSWE =   0.59999998733417215     
+ massBalance =    4.5163872641751368E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    2.5385736837767799E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    310.79999992798213     
+ delSWE =   0.59999998476888550     
+ massBalance =    3.2762681456688370E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    3.0210926319812266E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    311.39999990985564     
+ delSWE =   0.59999998187350911     
+ massBalance =    6.4837024638109142E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    3.5621257403774553E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    311.99999988848282     
+ delSWE =   0.59999997862718146     
+ massBalance =   -6.4170890823334048E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    4.1652276488339124E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    312.59999986349135     
+ delSWE =   0.59999997500852942     
+ massBalance =   -1.0469403122215226E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    4.8339858993693743E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    313.19999983448764     
+ delSWE =   0.59999997099629354     
+ massBalance =    2.0894397323445446E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    5.5720191270652321E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    313.79999980105532     
+ delSWE =   0.59999996656767962     
+ massBalance =   -2.0561330416057899E-013
+1 - Timestep = 24
+1 - Timestep = 25
+1 - Timestep = 26
+1 - Timestep = 27
+1 - Timestep = 28
+1 - Timestep = 29
+1 - Timestep = 30
+1 - Timestep = 31
+1 - Timestep = 32
+1 - Timestep = 33
+1 - Timestep = 34
+1 - Timestep = 35
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    6.3829798560848913E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    314.39999976275755     
+ delSWE =   0.59999996170222403     
+ massBalance =    1.0313971898767704E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    7.2705534112198951E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    314.99999971913411     
+ delSWE =   0.59999995637656411     
+ massBalance =   -1.1546319456101628E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    8.2384578888474908E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    315.59999966970321     
+ delSWE =   0.59999995056909938     
+ massBalance =   -1.5332179970073412E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    9.2904443946227717E-013
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    316.19999961396070     
+ delSWE =   0.59999994425749037     
+ massBalance =    1.5665246877460959E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.0430297137078835E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    316.79999955137873     
+ delSWE =   0.59999993741803337     
+ massBalance =   -1.8385293287792592E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.1661833323718264E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    317.39999948140763     
+ delSWE =   0.59999993002890051     
+ massBalance =   -9.9587005308876542E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.2988901893932967E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    317.99999940347448     
+ delSWE =   0.59999992206684283     
+ massBalance =    2.5424107263916085E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.4415385941891714E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    318.59999931698201     
+ delSWE =   0.59999991350753135     
+ massBalance =   -1.5309975509580909E-013
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.5945202341461499E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    319.19999922131086     
+ delSWE =   0.59999990432885397     
+ massBalance =    6.8056671409522096E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.7582301232143246E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    319.79999911581712     
+ delSWE =   0.59999989450625435     
+ massBalance =    6.1728400169158704E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    1.9330666721022761E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    320.39999899983303     
+ delSWE =   0.59999988401591509     
+ massBalance =   -8.4598994476436928E-014
+ effSnowfall =    0.0000000000000000     
+ effRainfall =    1.0000000000000000E-002
+ averageSnowSublimation =    0.0000000000000000     
+ averageSnowDrainage =    2.1194312945133812E-012
+ iden_water =    1000.0000000000000     
+ newSWE =    320.99999887266722     
+ delSWE =   0.59999987283418932     
+ massBalance =    6.6946448384896939E-014
+1 - Timestep = 36
+1 - Timestep = 37
+1 - Timestep = 38
+1 - Timestep = 39
+1 - Timestep = 40
+1 - Timestep = 41
+1 - Timestep = 42
+1 - Timestep = 43
+1 - Timestep = 44
+Error: RunPhysics - HRU = 1 - indxGRU = 1 - refGRU = 1 - Timestep = 44
+*** unexpected message [id: 10, name: user.scheduled-actor]: message(run_failure(), 11@38DDCD1CBB03D559767271D57A7B827F2487A98D#36110, 1, 20)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh
index 4b56489e34e4b2eb0b717c8bb33a4acb9c2a0173..00d3c26faa980899982615ee7c639ca3dacb7708 100755
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #! /bin/bash
-/SUMMA/bin/summa_sundials.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa_sundials.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1979-exp1.txt
 /SUMMA/bin/summa_sundials.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
 /SUMMA/bin/summa_sundials.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/summa_out.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/summa_out.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc
index 9e6ae158fabce58a11b81c45cffc294b752b523c..772be806da8b0d04af8fed0ed001a661552e6606 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc
index 27e99c3dc1da709bf1e3e307406e1804486f4feb..8752d3307f1284e7a2e875f0458895b4e388ab0d 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc
index 96eef89531f15d3d7649199e9d5dceedb46a74ae..c563189156bf58e2071bf9d4c33adbee91bd6cda 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 9ec6f2ad3e6b7c139f46cd38ed5365d905e58f52..4370b2e1c2243faa068074cccc4a2c33e4c1637d 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=08 - hh=15 - mi=27 - ss=10.981
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=08 - hh=22 - mi=30 - ss=05.308
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py
index 0394fb583cad070f25de0435eda4477de119be88..e690e9ed1a9cfd933eaa0f8f922a99d1f177a6fe 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ mLayerDepth = "mLayerDepth"
 output_variables = [scalarRainfall, scalarSnowfall, scalarRainPlusMelt, mLayerVolFracLiq, \
     mLayerVolFracIce, iLayerNrgFlux, iLayerHeight, mLayerDepth]
-verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc")
-data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
-verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+# verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+# data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+# verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
-verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc")
-data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
-verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+# verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+# data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+# verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
 verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc")
 data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc")