diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 611b96aa2caf3725eda6510e9168543015c4b888..0c86fb3c424825f601e85083c8b5f0909fa71c55 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ found [here](https://github.com/CH-Earth/summa#readme). SUMMA-Actors is a modifi
 of SUMMA that uses the Actor Model to increase scalability and fault-tolerance. The actor which is known as the basic unit of concurrent computation is at the heart of this 
 software. SUMMA-Actors is built using the [C++ Actor Framework](https://github.com/actor-framework/actor-framework). 
+## Documentation
+A more in-depth documentation can be found [here](https://summa-actors.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
 ## Compiling Summa-Actors
 SUMMA-Actors is written in C++ and FORTRAN and can be compiled with a C++ and FORTRAN 
 compiler from the GNU Compiler Collection. We have compiled SUMMA-Actors with the 
diff --git a/build/makefile b/build/makefile
index 94e0ae83833e9a61693b125b9f8cc8feb243d08a..1b3442e5ed5c9f0f4422389888ea0fd6ea9ca4d8 100644
--- a/build/makefile
+++ b/build/makefile
@@ -14,34 +14,20 @@
-# gfortran compiler flags
-ifeq "$(FC)" "gfortran"
 # Production runs
-# FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
-# FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
-# FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
 # # Debug runs
-FLAGS_NOAH = -p -g -O0 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -fPIC
-FLAGS_COMM = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
-FLAGS_SUMMA = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
-FLAGS_ACTORS = -g -O0 -Wall
-# ifort compiler flags
-ifeq "$(FC)" "ifort"
-# define compiler flags
-# FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -autodouble -warn nounused -noerror_limit -FR -auto -fltconsistency -fPIC
-# FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -FR -auto -warn nounused -fltconsistency -fpe0 -fPIC
-# FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -FR -auto -warn nounused -fltconsistency -fpe0 -fPIC
-# debug runs
-FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -g -autodouble -warn nounused -noerror_limit -FR -auto -fltconsistency -fPIC
-FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -g -FR -auto -warn nounused -fltconsistency -fpe0 -fPIC
-FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -g -FR -auto -warn nounused -fltconsistency -fpe0 -fPIC
+# FLAGS_NOAH = -p -g -O0 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -fPIC
+# FLAGS_COMM = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+# FLAGS_SUMMA = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+# FLAGS_ACTORS = -g -O0 -Wall
 # PART 1: Define directory paths
diff --git a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
index d805659f60158d6c6fb1b4bd3d143e4e7cbe8bd8..c8d51e6f245b18297d1fc0ddc4dddadd5c6d18db 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ behavior file_access_actor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self, int startGRU
     self->state.numGRU = numGRU;
     self->state.startGRU = startGRU;
     self->state.outputStrucSize = outputStrucSize;
+    aout(self) << "\nFile Access Actor Started\n";
     return {
-        [=](initalize_outputStrucure) {
+        [=](initalize_outputStructure) {
+            aout(self) << "Initalizing Output Structure" << std::endl;
             Init_OutputStruct(self->state.handle_forcFileInfo, &self->state.outputStrucSize, 
                 &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.err);
@@ -152,30 +155,47 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self) {
     // aout(self) << "Set Up the forcing file" << std::endl;
     ffile_info_C(&indx, self->state.handle_forcFileInfo, &self->state.numFiles, &err);
     if (err != 0) {
-        aout(self) << "Error: ffile_info_C - HRU = " << indx <<
-        " - indxGRU = " << indx << " - refGRU = " << std::endl;
+        aout(self) << "Error: ffile_info_C - File_Access_Actor \n";
+        std::string function = "ffile_info_C";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        return;
     mDecisions_C(&self->state.num_steps, &err);
     if (err != 0) {
-        aout(self) << "Error: mDecisions - FileAccess Actor " << std::endl;
+        aout(self) << "Error: mDecisions - FileAccess Actor \n";
+        std::string function = "mDecisions_C";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        return;
     if (err != 0) {
         aout(self) << "ERROR: read_pinit_C\n";
+        std::string function = "read_pinit_C";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        self->quit();
+        return;
     if (err != 0) {
         aout(self) << "ERROR: read_vegitationTables\n";
+        std::string function = "read_vegitationTables";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        self->quit();
+        return;
     Create_Output_File(self->state.handle_ncid, &self->state.numGRU, &self->state.startGRU, &err);
     if (err != 0) {
         aout(self) << "ERROR: Create_OutputFile\n";
+        std::string function = "Create_Output_File";
+        self->send(self->state.parent, file_access_actor_err_v, function);
+        self->quit();
+        return;
diff --git a/build/source/actors/JobActor.h b/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
index ac00049d41d0b0e3e9183a86f8e2ddc5ebb7fcc4..63abb30f67f79f70dfc0212574a6b4ca819b4115 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
@@ -43,16 +43,20 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
     aout(self) << "Job Actor Initalized \n";
     return {
-        [=](done_file_access_actor_init) {
-            // Init GRU Actors and the Output Structure
-            self->send(self->state.file_access_actor, initalize_outputStrucure_v);
-            self->send(self, init_hru_v);
-        },
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+    // *********************************** INTERFACE WITH HRU ************************************
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+        /**
+         * 
+         */
         [=](init_hru) {
+        /**
+         * 
+         */
         [=](done_init_hru) {
             if (debug) {
                 aout(self) << "Done Init\n";
@@ -68,17 +72,12 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
-        /**
-         * Message from HRUActor, HRU is done the current forcing file but is not
-         * done its simulation and needs the next file
-         * indxGRU - Index into the actor array so we know which HRU this is.
-         * NOTE: Naming of GRU and HRU is confusing as the plan is to further seperate
-         * NOTE: For NA_Domain GRU is used as that is how we index the forcing file
-         */ 
         [=](done_hru, int indxGRU, double totalDuration, double initDuration, 
             double forcingDuration, double runPhysicsDuration, double writeOutputDuration) {
-            aout(self) << "GRU " << indxGRU << " Done\n";
+            aout(self) << "GRU:" << self->state.GRUList[indxGRU - 1]->getRefGRU()
+                << "indxGRU = " << indxGRU << "Done \n";
             self->state.GRUList[indxGRU - 1]->doneRun(totalDuration, initDuration, forcingDuration,
                 runPhysicsDuration, writeOutputDuration);
@@ -100,6 +99,38 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
+        [=](run_failure, int indxGRU, int err) {
+            aout(self) << "GRU:" << self->state.GRUList[indxGRU - 1]->getRefGRU()
+                << "indxGRU = " << indxGRU << "Failed \n"
+                << "Will have to wait until all GRUs are done before it can be re-tried\n";
+            self->state.numGRUFailed++;
+            self->state.numGRUDone++;
+            self->state.GRUList[indxGRU - 1]->updateFailed();
+            // check if we are the last hru to complete
+            if (self->state.numGRUDone >= self->state.numGRU) {
+                restartFailures(self);
+            }
+        },
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+    // ******************************* END INTERFACE WITH HRU ************************************
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+    // ****************************** INTERFACE WITH FileAccessActor *****************************
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+        /**
+         * 
+         */
+        [=](done_file_access_actor_init) {
+            // Init GRU Actors and the Output Structure
+            self->send(self->state.file_access_actor, initalize_outputStructure_v);
+            self->send(self, init_hru_v);
+        },
         [=](file_access_actor_done, double readDuration, double writeDuration) {
             int err = 0;
             if (debug) {
@@ -135,18 +166,15 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
-        [=](run_failure, int indxGRU, int err) {
-            aout(self) << "GRU:" << indxGRU << "Failed \n" <<
-                "Will have to wait until all GRUs are done before it can be re-tried\n";
-            self->state.numGRUFailed++;
-            self->state.numGRUDone++;
-            self->state.GRUList[indxGRU - 1]->updateFailed();
-            // check if we are the last hru to complete
-            if (self->state.numGRUDone >= self->state.numGRU) {
-                restartFailures(self);
-            }
-        },
+        [=](file_access_actor_err, std::string function) {
+            aout(self) << "Failure in File Access Actor in function" << function << "\n";
+            aout(self) << "Letting Parent Know we are quitting\n";
+            self->send(self->state.parent, err_v);
+            self->quit();
+        }
+    // *******************************************************************************************
+    // ************************** END INTERFACE WITH FileAccessActor *****************************
+    // *******************************************************************************************
@@ -260,8 +288,6 @@ void restartFailures(stateful_actor<job_state>* self) {
             self->send(gru->getActor(), dt_init_factor_v, gru->getDt_init());
-        } else {
-            aout(self) << "We are done \n";
diff --git a/build/source/actors/SummaActor.h b/build/source/actors/SummaActor.h
index a9840effc2d660d9427c440fb291e52cf5b2c935..4bfe0e9e8e85cfd742804e9500e1fe533654259e 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/SummaActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/SummaActor.h
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ behavior summa_actor(stateful_actor<summa_manager>* self, int startGRU, int numG
+		[=](err) {
+			aout(self) << "Unrecoverable Error: Attempting To Fail Gracefully\n";
+			self->quit();
+		}
@@ -57,6 +62,7 @@ void spawnJob(stateful_actor<summa_manager>* self) {
 	// Ensure we do not start a job with too many GRUs
 	if (self->state.numGRU > self->state.maxGRUPerJob) {
 		// spawn the job actor
+		aout(self) << "\n Starting Job with startGRU = " << self->state.startGRU << "\n";
 		self->state.currentJob = self->spawn(job_actor, self->state.startGRU, self->state.maxGRUPerJob, 
 			self->state.configPath, self->state.outputStrucSize, self);
@@ -83,8 +89,8 @@ void parseSettings(stateful_actor<summa_manager>* self, std::string configPath)
 		json SummaActorConfig = settings["SummaActor"];
 		// Find the desired OutputStrucSize
-		if (SummaActorConfig.find("OuputStrucureSize") != SummaActorConfig.end()) {
-			self->state.outputStrucSize = SummaActorConfig["OuputStrucureSize"];
+		if (SummaActorConfig.find("OuputStructureSize") != SummaActorConfig.end()) {
+			self->state.outputStrucSize = SummaActorConfig["OuputStructureSize"];
 		} else {
 			aout(self) << "Error Finding OutputStructureSize in JOSN - Reverting to default value\n";
 			self->state.outputStrucSize = 250;
diff --git a/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h b/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
index f31f3196c9ea81f802903022df69def99d0d33e6..d845c798b85d32847a9bb074c388616737636a37 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/messageAtoms.h
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ CAF_BEGIN_TYPE_ID_BLOCK(summa, first_custom_type_id)
     // Summa Actor
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, start_summa)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, done_job)
+    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, err)
     // Job Actor
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, done_reading_forcingFile)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, done_reading_first_forcing_file)
@@ -17,8 +18,9 @@ CAF_BEGIN_TYPE_ID_BLOCK(summa, first_custom_type_id)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, run_failure)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, done_file_access_actor_init)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, file_access_actor_done)
+    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, file_access_actor_err)
     // FileAccess Actor
-    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, initalize_outputStrucure)
+    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, initalize_outputStructure)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, access_forcing)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, access_first_forcing_file)
     CAF_ADD_ATOM(summa, access_forcing_internal)
diff --git a/build/source/engine/conv_funcs.f90 b/build/source/engine/conv_funcs.f90
index 2a07b7cdfe68583e2788e5f3d1a81d400f4e987c..b4bc8f27042cb414bb75555ed7683f2c5dcd690a 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/conv_funcs.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/conv_funcs.f90
@@ -341,8 +341,7 @@ do iter=1,maxiter
  ! check if achieved tolerance
  if(abs(f0) < Xtol) exit
  ! check convergence
- ! TODO: Changed the below to continue the hru computation
- ! if(iter==maxiter)stop 'failed to converge in WETBULBTMP'
+!  if(iter==maxiter)stop 'failed to converge in WETBULBTMP'
  if(iter==maxiter)print*, 'failed to converge in WETBULBTMP'
 end do  ! (iterating)
diff --git a/build/source/engine/derivforce.f90 b/build/source/engine/derivforce.f90
index 8fb7905e3e39ef1ed464ab456616d512e195bb13..a2d75e72653c55c16646e6613a916d1ff9a625cc 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/derivforce.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/derivforce.f90
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ contains
  ! ensure wind speed is above a prescribed minimum value
  if(windspd < minwind) windspd=minwind
  ! compute relative humidity (-)
  relhum   = SPHM2RELHM(spechum, airpres, airtemp)
  ! if relative humidity exceeds saturation, then set relative and specific humidity to saturation
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
index 0c5341360de5ea9a15311bded3291f99b8f07a99..8b7225225085526ca4104d274885ca0906e89fc3 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ subroutine FileAccessActor_WriteOutput(&
                                 indxGRU,          & ! index of GRU we are currently writing for
                                 indxHRU,          & ! index of HRU we are currently writing for
                                 err) bind(C, name="FileAccessActor_WriteOutput")
+  USE def_output_module,only:def_output                       ! module to define model output
   USE globalData,only:gru_struc
   USE var_lookup,only:maxVarFreq                               ! # of available output frequencies
   USE writeOutput_module,only:writeBasin,writeTime,writeData
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
index 29895e7c39e39d71c6fb0f9c7dd20aa6a6713438..f9d48fd3ef4018dad57353b2ac2fcba7835ab4fa 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/initOutputStruc.f90
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ subroutine initalizeOutput(forcFileInfo, maxSteps, nGRU, err)
   USE multiconst,only:secprday               ! number of seconds in a day
   USE data_types,only:file_info_array
   USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFreq                ! maximum number of output files
   implicit none
   type(file_info_array), pointer        :: forcFileInfo
diff --git a/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90 b/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
index 84227646dd359fe478a1fec9ede7c37a29dfd15d..8ece46e9231f10f37655b5edfcffa77b11e38a7c 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ subroutine cleanUpJobActor(err) bind(C, name='cleanUpJobActor')
   implicit none
   integer(c_int), intent(inout)     :: err
-  err = 0
+  err=0
   ! Deallocate Time Varaibles
diff --git a/config/caf-application.conf b/config/caf-application.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 83aa9138023a1e80e5120e7d8dd6c301cb3abf98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/config/caf-application.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-caf {
-  # Parameters selecting a default scheduler.
-  scheduler {
-    max-threads = 4
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/configuration.py b/config/configuration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..063fbc6bf336fedf54f37108e938042e342190ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/configuration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+from distutils.command.config import config
+import json
+import os
+import math
+from os.path import exists
+from datetime import date
+def actor_setting(actor_id, setting_name, setting_value):
+    new_dic = {actor_id: {}}
+Function to create the inital summa_actors_settings file
+def create_init_config():
+    Settings_file = { 
+        "JobSubmissionParams": {
+            "cpus-per-task": 1,
+            "memory": "",
+            "job-name": "",
+            "account": "",
+            "numHRUs": 1,
+            "maxNumberOfJobs": 1,
+            "maxGRUsPerSubmission": 1,
+            "executablePath": ""
+            },
+        "Configuration": {
+            "controlVersion": "",
+            "simStartTime": "",
+            "simEndTime": "",
+            "tmZoneInfo": "",
+            "settingsPath": "",
+            "forcingPath": "",
+            "outputPath": "",
+            "forcingFreq": "",
+            "forcingStart": "",
+            "decisionsFile": "",
+            "outputControlFile": "",
+            "globalHruParamFile": "",
+            "globalGruParamFile": "",
+            "attributeFile": "",
+            "trialParamFile": "",
+            "forcingListFile": "",
+            "initConditionFile": "",
+            "outFilePrefix": "",
+            "vegTableFile": "",
+            "soilTableFile": "",
+            "generalTableFile": "",
+            "noahmpTableFile": ""
+        },
+        "SummaActor": {
+            "OuputStructureSize": 1,
+            "maxGRUPerJob": 1
+        },
+        "JobActor": {
+            "FileManagerPath": "",
+            "outputCSV": "",
+            "csvPath": ""
+        },
+        "HRUActor": {
+            "printOutput": "",
+            "outputFrequency": 1
+        }
+    }
+    with open('Summa_Actors_Settings.json', 'w') as outfile:
+        json.dump(Settings_file, outfile, indent=2)
+Function that creates the paths for the slurm output and the netCDF data
+def create_output_path(outputPath):
+    print("The output path exists, now seperating this run by today's date")
+    today = date.today()
+    todays_date = today.strftime("%b-%d-%Y")
+    outputPath += "{}/".format(todays_date)
+    if not exists(outputPath):
+        os.mkdir(outputPath)
+    print("Directory Created. Now Creating sub directories for SLURM Data and NetCDF data")
+    outputNetCDF = outputPath + "netcdf/"
+    outputSlurm = outputPath + "slurm/"
+    if not exists(outputNetCDF):
+        os.mkdir(outputNetCDF)
+    if not exists(outputSlurm):
+        os.mkdir(outputSlurm)
+    # need to add the file name to outputSlurm
+    # The job will not be submitted without a file name
+    outputSlurm += "slurm-%A_%a.out"
+    return outputNetCDF, outputSlurm
+def create_file_manager():
+    json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json")
+    fileManagerSettings = json.load(json_file)
+    json_file.close()
+    # add the date for the run
+    outputPath = fileManagerSettings["Configuration"]["outputPath"]
+    if exists(outputPath):
+        outputNetCDF, outputSlurm = create_output_path(outputPath)
+        fileManagerSettings["Configuration"]["outputPath"] = outputNetCDF
+    else:
+        print("Output path does not exist, Ensure it exists before running this setup")
+        return -1
+    fileManager = open("fileManager.txt", "w")
+    for key,value in fileManagerSettings["Configuration"].items():
+        fileManager.write(key + "    \'{}\'\n".format(value))
+    fileManager.close()
+    with open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json") as settings_file:
+        data = json.load(settings_file)
+        data["JobActor"]["FileManagerPath"] = os.getcwd() + "/" + "fileManager.txt"
+    with open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json", "w") as updated_settings:
+        json.dump(data, updated_settings, indent=2) 
+    print("File Manager for this job has been created")
+    return outputSlurm
+def create_caf_config():
+    json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json")
+    SummaSettings = json.load(json_file)
+    json_file.close()
+    numCPUs = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["cpus-per-task"]
+    caf_config_name = "caf-application.conf"
+    caf_config = open(caf_config_name, "w")
+    caf_config.write("caf {{ \n  scheduler {{\n   max-threads = {}\n    }}\n}}".format(numCPUs))
+    caf_config.close()
+    caf_config_path = os.getcwd()
+    caf_config_path += "/"
+    caf_config_path += caf_config_name
+    return caf_config_path
+Function to create the a list of the jobs will run
+This is used for submitting the array job
+def create_job_list():
+    json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json")
+    SummaSettings = json.load(json_file)
+    json_file.close()
+    numberOfTasks = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["numHRUs"]
+    GRUPerJob = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["maxGRUsPerSubmission"]
+    numCPUs = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["cpus-per-task"]
+    print(numberOfTasks)
+    print(GRUPerJob)
+    print(numCPUs)
+    # we need to get the full path of the summa binary
+    os.chdir("../build")
+    summaPath = os.getcwd()
+    summaPath += "/summaMain"
+    os.chdir("../config")
+    config_dir = os.getcwd()
+    caf_config_path = create_caf_config(numCPUs)
+    # we want to assemble the job list
+    job_list = open("job_list.txt", "w")
+    gruStart = 1
+    jobCount = 0
+    while gruStart < numberOfTasks:
+        if (numberOfTasks - gruStart < GRUPerJob):
+            job_list.write("{} -g {} -n {} -c {} --config-file={}\n".format(summaPath,\
+                gruStart, numberOfTasks - gruStart, config_dir, caf_config_path))
+        else:
+            job_list.write("{} -g {} -n {} -c {} --config-file={}\n".format(summaPath,\
+                gruStart, GRUPerJob, config_dir, caf_config_path))
+        gruStart += GRUPerJob
+        jobCount += 1
+    return jobCount
+def create_sbatch_file(outputSlurm, configFile):
+    json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json")
+    SummaSettings = json.load(json_file)
+    json_file.close()
+    numCPUs = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["cpus-per-task"]
+    memory = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["memory"]
+    jobName = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["job-name"]
+    account = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["account"]
+    numberOfTasks = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["numHRUs"]
+    GRUPerJob = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["maxGRUsPerSubmission"]
+    executablePath = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["executablePath"]
+    jobCount = math.ceil(numberOfTasks / GRUPerJob - 1)
+    configPath = os.getcwd()
+    sbatch = open("run_summa.sh", "w")
+    sbatch.write("#!/bin/bash\n")
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={}\n".format(numCPUs))
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --time=24:00:00\n")
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --mem={}\n".format(memory))
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --job-name={}\n".format(jobName))
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --account={}\n".format(account))
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --output={}\n".format(outputSlurm))
+    sbatch.write("#SBATCH --array=0-{}\n\n".format(jobCount))
+    sbatch.write("gruMax={}\n".format(numberOfTasks))
+    sbatch.write("gruCount={}\n".format(GRUPerJob))
+    sbatch.write("offset=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\n")
+    sbatch.write("gruStart=$(( 1 + gruCount*offset ))\n")
+    sbatch.write("check=$(( $gruStart + $gruCount ))\n")
+    sbatch.write("if [ $check -gt $gruMax ]\n")
+    sbatch.write("then\n")
+    sbatch.write("    gruCount=$(( gruMax-gruStart+1 ))\n")
+    sbatch.write("fi\n\n")
+    sbatch.write("{} -g ${{gruStart}} -n ${{gruCount}} -c {} --config-file={}".format(executablePath, configPath, configFile))
+Funciton checks if the Summa_Actors_Settings.json file exists.
+If yes:
+    move on
+If no:
+    create it
+def init_run():
+    Summa_Settings_Path = './Summa_Actors_Settings.json'
+    if exists('./Summa_Actors_Settings.json'):
+        print("File Exists, What do we do next")
+        outputSlurm = create_file_manager()
+        # jobCount = create_job_list()
+        configFile = create_caf_config()
+        create_sbatch_file(outputSlurm, configFile)
+    else:
+        print("File Does not Exist and we need to create it")
+        create_init_config()       
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/SUMMA-Actors_documentation.md b/docs/SUMMA-Actors_documentation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a62bb59b123f469bab4aa1dbbe5eb57e54ef4c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/SUMMA-Actors_documentation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# SUMMA-Actors Documentation Guide
+SUMMA-Actors is a beta software that currently does not have the full capabilities of the original version of SUMMA. The most notable 
+feature not currently implemented is the simulation of lateral flows. SUMMA-Actors can solve for HRUs that do not have any dependencies on other HRUs. Although we are working to implement the full functionality of SUMMA into SUMMA-Actors.
+The documentation is organized as follows. We provide information for installing SUMMA-Actors on your system as well as some information for how to install SUMMA-Actors on Clusters such as the ones provided by Compute Canada.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/contact.md b/docs/contact.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d910e09ec3a65150749e8c2a67461a4741b54a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+site_name: SUMMA-Actors
+site_description: Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives - With Actors
+site_author: Numerical Simulations Laboratory - University of Saskatchewan
+repo_url: https://github.com/KyleKlenk/Summa-Actors
+site_url: https://summa-actors.readthedocs.io
+docs_dir: docs
+theme: readthedocs
+- Home:
+  - SUMMA-Actors Overview: 'index.md'
+  - SUMMA-Actors Documentation: 'SUMMA-Actors_documentation.md'
+- Contact:
+  - Contact Information: "contact.md"
diff --git a/config/fileManager_example.txt b/utils/fileManager_example.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from config/fileManager_example.txt
rename to utils/fileManager_example.txt
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking.py b/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3d40c5868e808706b09b6aa895ec8d317ab037d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# nccopy -c spechum:744,1000 -c airtemp:744,1000 -c pptrate:744,1000 -c SWRadAtm:744,1000 -c LWRadAtm:744,1000 -c airpres:744,1000 
+# -c windspd:744,1000 NorthAmerica_remapped_1979-01-01-00-00-00.nc NorthAmerica_remapped_1979-01-01-00-00-00-chunked.nc
+def chunkCommand(timesteps, infile, outfile):
+    bashCommand = subprocess.run(["nccopy", "-c", "spechum:{},1000".format(timesteps), "-c", "airtemp:{},1000".format(timesteps), \
+        "-c", "pptrate:{},1000".format(timesteps), "-c", "SWRadAtm:{},1000".format(timesteps), "-c", "LWRadAtm:{},1000".format(timesteps), \
+        "-c", "airpres:{},1000".format(timesteps), "-c", "windspd:{},1000".format(timesteps), "{}".format(infile), "{}".format(outfile)])
+    print("Exit Code = %d" % bashCommand.returncode)
+def checkTimeSteps(year, month):
+    if month == 1 or month == 3 or month == 5 or month == 7 or month == 8 or \
+        month == 10 or month == 12:
+        return str(744)
+    elif month == 2:
+        if year % 4 == 0:
+            return str(696)
+        else:
+            return str(672)
+    elif month == 4 or month == 6 or month == 9 or month == 11:
+        return str(720)
+def chunkYear(year):
+    year = sys.argv[1]
+    month = 1
+    year = int(year)
+    while month != 13:
+        infile = "/project/6008034/kklenk/forcing/NorthAmerica_remapped_{}-{monthS}-01-00-00-00.nc".format(str(year), monthS=(str(0)+str(month)) if month < 10 else str(month))
+        outfile = "/home/kklenk/scratch/corruptionTest/NorthAmerica_remapped_{}-{monthS}-01-00-00-00-chunked.nc".format(str(year), monthS=(str(0)+str(month)) if month < 10 else str(month))
+        timesteps = checkTimeSteps(year, month)
+        print(infile)
+        print(outfile)
+        chunkCommand(timesteps, infile, outfile)
+        month += 1
+def chunkSpecificFile(year, month):
+    infile = "/project/6008034/kklenk/forcing/NorthAmerica_remapped_{}-{monthS}-01-00-00-00.nc".format(str(year), monthS=(str(0)+str(month)) if month < 10 else str(month))
+    outfile = "/home/kklenk/scratch/forcingData/NorthAmerica_remapped_{}-{monthS}-01-00-00-00-chunked.nc".format(str(year), monthS=(str(0)+str(month)) if month < 10 else str(month))
+    timesteps = checkTimeSteps(year, month)
+    print(infile)
+    print(outfile)
+    chunkCommand(timesteps, infile, outfile)
+chunkSpecificFile(1983, 5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking_Script.sh b/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking_Script.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ac6cdbc66e44e978ee99b7dd379348556b59167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/netcdf/ChunkingScripts/NA_Domain_Chunking_Script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
+#SBATCH --time=1:15:00
+#SBATCH --mem=20G
+#SBATCH --job-name=Forcing_dataConversion
+#SBATCH --mail-user=kyle.klenk@usask.ca
+#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
+#SBATCH --output=/home/kklenk/scratch/SummaActorsOutput/slurm/forcingdata-%A_%a.out
+#SBATCH --account=def-spiteri_cpu
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# sbatch --array1-[number of jobs] [script name]
+# sbatch --array=0-100 run_all.sh
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+start=$(( YEAR + offset ))
+python3 /project/6008034/kklenk/NA_Domain_Chunking.py ${start}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/checkOutput.py b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/checkOutput.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9d4718db8e4bf1d501fe45dcef3ce76d59929c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/checkOutput.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import xarray as xr 
+airtemp = "airtemp"
+filename = "outputChunked.txt"
+datasetPath = Path("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/forcingChunked/NorthAmerica_remapped_1983-05-01-00-00-00-chunked.nc")
+dataset = xr.open_dataset(datasetPath)
+data = []
+file = open(filename, "w")
+for i in data[0][airtemp].values:
+    file.write("{}\n".format(i))
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/checkbit4bit.py b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/checkbit4bit.py
similarity index 100%
rename from utils/netcdf/checkbit4bit.py
rename to utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/checkbit4bit.py
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/compareOutput.py b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py
similarity index 100%
rename from utils/netcdf/compareOutput.py
rename to utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py b/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9becc6dbba9c4e3e8b2e829405f3524f640dd2a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import subprocess
+import csv
+from sys import argv
+def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs):
+    csvFile = open('SummaActors_jobStatistics.csv', 'w')
+    header = ["startHRU", "numHRU", "CPU", "CPU Efficiency", "Wall-Clock Time", "Memory Used"]
+    writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
+    writer.writerow(header)
+    startHRU = 1
+    numHRU = 1000
+    for i in range(0, int(numJobs)):
+        print("Job", i)
+        rowData = []
+        rowData = [numHRU * i + 1, numHRU]
+        cmdString = "seff {}_{}".format(jobId, i)
+        cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdString, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        for line in cmd.stdout:
+            if b'Cores per node:' in line:
+                cores = line.decode().split(" ")[-1]
+                cores = cores.strip()
+            if b'CPU Efficiency:' in line:
+                effeciency = line.decode().split(" ")[2]
+                effeciency = effeciency.strip()
+            if b'Job Wall-clock time:' in line:
+                wallClock = line.decode().split(" ")[-1]
+                wallClock = wallClock.strip()
+            if b'Memory Utilized:' in line:
+                memory = line.decode().split(" ")[2]
+                memory = memory.strip()
+        rowData.append(cores)
+        rowData.append(effeciency)
+        rowData.append(wallClock)
+        rowData.append(memory)
+        writer.writerow(rowData)
+    csvFile.close()
+jobId = argv[1]
+numJobs = argv[2]
+seffCommand(jobId, numJobs)
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/summarize_summaActors.py b/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/summarize_summaActors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a629be59f7b60180c1121cd34b2e2777aff508c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/netcdf/StatisticsScripts/summarize_summaActors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+summaryFile = '_log_summaryActors.txt'
+ext = ".out"
+if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+	sys.exit('Error: no input folder specified')
+	folder = sys.argv[1]
+def determine_output(folder,file):
+	outFile = open(folder + file, 'r')
+	print(outFile)
+	try:
+		lines = outFile.readlines()
+	except UnicodeDecodeError:
+		outFile.close()
+		outFile = open(folder + file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
+		lines = outFile.readlines()
+	counter = 1
+	for line in reversed(lines):
+		if counter > 30:
+			return -1
+		else:
+			if "Hours" in line:
+				hours = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", line)
+				return hours
+			counter += 1
+	os.remove(folder + "/" + summaryFile)
+except OSError:
+	pass
+files = []
+for file in os.listdir(folder):
+	if file.endswith(ext):
+		files.append(file)
+total_success = []
+computation_time = []
+with open(folder + '/' + summaryFile, "w") as sf:
+	sf.write('Summarizing log files in ' + folder + '\n \n')
+	sf.write('Log files' + '\n')
+	for file in files:
+		value = determine_output(folder, file)
+		if value == -1:
+			sf.write("{} - Still Running or Failed\n".format(file))
+		else:
+			sf.write("{} - Success after {} hours \n".format(file, value[0]))
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/mergeNetcdf.py b/utils/netcdf/etc/mergeNetcdf.py
similarity index 100%
rename from utils/netcdf/mergeNetcdf.py
rename to utils/netcdf/etc/mergeNetcdf.py
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/resourageUsage.py b/utils/netcdf/resourageUsage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e524de141148e3d5bcb4a0cac56eedee636216e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/netcdf/resourageUsage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-cmd = subprocess.Popen('seff 59326149_1', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-for line in cmd.stdout:
-    if b'CPU Utilized:' in line:
-        print(line)
\ No newline at end of file