diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/solveByIDA.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/solveByIDA.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index d3939f2eaf0363f81c3c013d4c8b5e3bc56204e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/solveByIDA.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
-module solveByIDA_module
-!======= Inclusions ===========
-USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-USE nrtype
-USE type4IDA
-! access the global print flag
-USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
-! access missing values
-USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
-USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
-! access matrix information
-USE globalData,only: nBands         ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
-USE globalData,only: ixFullMatrix   ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
-USE globalData,only: ixBandMatrix   ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
-USE globalData,only: iJac1          ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
-USE globalData,only: iJac2          ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
-USE globalData,only: ku             ! number of super-diagonal bands
-USE globalData,only: kl             ! number of sub-diagonal bands
-! domain types
-USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
-USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
-USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
-! state variable type
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:model_decisions ! model decision structure
-! global metadata
-USE globalData,only:flux_meta       ! metadata on the model fluxes
-USE globalData,only:diag_meta       ! metadata on the model diagnostic variables
-USE globalData,only:prog_meta       ! metadata on the model prognostic variables
-USE globalData,only:deriv_meta      ! metadata on the model derivatives
-! constants
-USE multiconst,only:&
-                    LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J K-1)
-                    LH_sub,       & ! latent heat of sublimation           (J kg-1)
-                    Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
-                    iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
-! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS  ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV     ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
-! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    zLookup         ! data vector
-! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
-USE mDecisions_module,only:  qbaseTopmodel ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
-! privacy
- implicit none
- private::setInitialCondition
- private::setSolverParams
- public::solveByIDA
-! * public subroutine solveByIDA: solve F(y,y') = 0 by IDA (y is the state vector)
-! ------------------
-subroutine solveByIDA(                         &
-                      dt,                      & ! intent(in):    data time step
-                      atol,                    & ! intent(in):    absolute telerance
-                      rtol,                    & ! intent(in):    relative tolerance
-                      nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                      nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                      nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                      nStat,                   & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
-                      ixMatrix,                & ! intent(in):    type of matrix (dense or banded)
-                      firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                      computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                      scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                      ! input: state vectors
-                      stateVecInit,            & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
-                      sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (USEd in the residual calculations)
-                      dMat,                    & ! intent(inout): diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
-                      ! input: data structures
-                      lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
-                      type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                      attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                      mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                      forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                      bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                      prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                      ! input-output: data structures
-                      indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    index data
-                      diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                      flux_temp,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                      flux_data,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                      flux_sum,                & ! intent(inout): sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
-                      deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                      ! output
-                      ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout) index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                      idaSucceeds,             & ! intent(out):   flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
-                      tooMuchMelt,             & ! intent(inout):   flag to denote that there was too much melt
-                      mLayerCmpress_sum,       & ! intent(out):   sum of compression of the soil matrix
-                      dt_out,                  & ! intent(out):   time step
-                      stateVec,                & ! intent(out):   model state vector
-                      stateVecPrime,           & ! intent(out):   derivative of model state vector
-                      err,message              & ! intent(out):   error control
-                      )
-  !======= Inclusions ===========
-  USE fida_mod                                    ! Fortran interface to IDA
-  USE fnvector_serial_mod                         ! Fortran interface to serial N_Vector
-  USE fsunmatrix_dense_mod                        ! Fortran interface to dense SUNMatrix
-  USE fsunlinsol_dense_mod                        ! Fortran interface to dense SUNLinearSolver
-  USE fsunmatrix_band_mod                         ! Fortran interface to banded SUNMatrix
-  USE fsunlinsol_band_mod                         ! Fortran interface to banded SUNLinearSolver
-  USE fsunnonlinsol_newton_mod                    ! Fortran interface to Newton SUNNonlinearSolver
-  USE fsundials_matrix_mod                        ! Fortran interface to generic SUNMatrix
-  USE fsundials_nvector_mod                       ! Fortran interface to generic N_Vector
-  USE fsundials_linearsolver_mod                  ! Fortran interface to generic SUNLinearSolver
-  USE fsundials_nonlinearsolver_mod               ! Fortran interface to generic SUNNonlinearSolver
-  USE allocspace4chm_module,only:allocLocal                ! allocate local data structures
-  USE evalDAE4IDA_module,only:evalDAE4IDA         ! DAE/ODE functions
-  USE evalJac4IDA_module,only:evalJac4IDA         ! system Jacobian
-  USE tol4IDA_module,only:computWeight4IDA        ! weigth required for tolerances
-  USE eval8DAE_module,only:eval8DAE               ! residual of DAE
-  USE var_derive_module,only:calcHeight           ! height at layer interfaces and layer mid-point
-  !======= Declarations =========
-  implicit none
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! calling variables
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! input: model control
-  real(qp),intent(in)             :: dt                     ! data time step
-  real(qp),intent(inout)          :: atol(:)                ! vector of absolute tolerances
-  real(qp),intent(inout)          :: rtol(:)                ! vector of relative tolerances
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                  ! number of snow layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSoil                  ! number of soil layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nLayers                ! total number of layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nStat                  ! total number of state variables
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: ixMatrix               ! form of matrix (dense or banded)
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep           ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux         ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution         ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-  ! input: state vectors
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVecInit(:)        ! model state vector
-  real(qp),intent(in)             :: sMul(:)                ! state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-  real(rkind), intent(inout)      :: dMat(:)
-  ! input: data structures
-  type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data            ! lookup tables
-  type(var_i),        intent(in)  :: type_data              ! type of vegetation and soil
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: attr_data              ! spatial attributes
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: mpar_data              ! model parameters
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: forc_data              ! model forcing data
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: bvar_data              ! model variables for the local basin
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: prog_data              ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_ilength),  intent(in)  :: indx_data              ! indices defining model states and layers
-  ! input-output: data structures
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data              ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_temp              ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data              ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_sum               ! sum of fluxes
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data             ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-  real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: mLayerCmpress_sum(:)   ! sum of soil compress
-  ! output: state vectors
-  integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation           ! index of the lowest saturated layer
-  real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: stateVec(:)            ! model state vector (y)
-  real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: stateVecPrime(:)       ! model state vector (y')
-  logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: idaSucceeds            ! flag to indicate if IDA is successful
-  logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that there was too much melt
-  real(qp),intent(out)            :: dt_out                 ! time step
-  ! output: error control
-  integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                    ! error code
-  character(*),intent(out)        :: message                ! error message
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! local variables
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  type(N_Vector),           pointer :: sunvec_y             ! sundials solution vector
-  type(N_Vector),           pointer :: sunvec_yp            ! sundials derivative vector
-  type(SUNMatrix),          pointer :: sunmat_A             ! sundials matrix
-  type(SUNLinearSolver),    pointer :: sunlinsol_LS         ! sundials linear solver
-  type(SUNNonLinearSolver), pointer :: sunnonlin_NLS        ! sundials nonlinear solver
-  type(c_ptr)                       :: ida_mem              ! IDA memory
-  type(eqnsData),           target  :: eqns_data            ! IDA type
-  integer(i4b)                      :: retval, retvalr      ! return value
-  logical(lgt)                      :: feasible             ! feasibility flag
-  real(qp)                          :: t0                   ! staring time
-  real(qp)                          :: dt_last(1)           ! last time step
-  integer(kind = 8)                 :: mu, lu               ! in banded matrix mode
-  integer(i4b)                      :: iVar
-  logical(lgt)                      :: startQuadrature
-  real(rkind)                       :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(nSoil)
-  real(qp)                          :: h_init
-  integer(c_long)                    :: nState               ! total number of state variables
-  real(rkind)                       :: rVec(nStat)
-  real(qp)                          :: tret(1)
-  logical(lgt)                      :: mergedLayers
-  logical(lgt),parameter            :: offErrWarnMessage = .false.
-  integer(i4b)                      :: i
-  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialize error control
-  err=0; message="solveByIDA/"
-  nState = nStat
-  idaSucceeds = .true.
-  ! fill eqns_data which will be required later to call eval8DAE
-  eqns_data%dt                      = dt
-  eqns_data%nSnow                   = nSnow
-  eqns_data%nSoil                   = nSoil
-  eqns_data%nLayers                 = nLayers
-  eqns_data%nState                  = nState
-  eqns_data%ixMatrix                = ixMatrix
-  eqns_data%firstSubStep            = firstSubStep
-  eqns_data%computeVegFlux          = computeVegFlux
-  eqns_data%scalarSolution          = scalarSolution
-  allocate( eqns_data%atol(nState) )
-  eqns_data%atol = atol
-  allocate( eqns_data%rtol(nState) )
-  eqns_data%rtol = rtol
-  allocate( eqns_data%sMul(nState) )
-  eqns_data%sMul                    = sMul
-  allocate( eqns_data%dMat(nState) )
-  eqns_data%dMat                   = dMat
-  ! allocate space for the temporary prognostic variable structure
-  call allocLocal(prog_meta(:),eqns_data%prog_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-  if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
-  eqns_data%prog_data               = prog_data
-  ! allocate space for the temporary diagnostic variable structure
-  call allocLocal(diag_meta(:),eqns_data%diag_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-  if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
-  eqns_data%diag_data               = diag_data
-  ! allocate space for the temporary flux variable structure
-  call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),eqns_data%flux_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-  if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
-  eqns_data%flux_data               = flux_data
-  ! allocate space for the derivative structure
-  call allocLocal(deriv_meta(:),eqns_data%deriv_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
-  if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; end if
-  eqns_data%deriv_data              = deriv_data
-  eqns_data%lookup_data             = lookup_data
-  eqns_data%type_data               = type_data
-  eqns_data%attr_data               = attr_data
-  eqns_data%mpar_data               = mpar_data
-  eqns_data%forc_data               = forc_data
-  eqns_data%bvar_data               = bvar_data
-  eqns_data%indx_data               = indx_data
-  ! allocate space
-  if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision==qbaseTopmodel)then
-    allocate(eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric(nSoil,nSoil),stat=err)
-  else
-    allocate(eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric(0,0),stat=err)
-  end if
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial(nSoil) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev(nSoil) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev(nLayers) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%fluxVec(nState) )
-  allocate( eqns_data%resSink(nState) )
-  startQuadrature = .true.
-  ! create serial vectors
-  sunvec_y => FN_VMake_Serial(nState, stateVec)
-  if (.not. associated(sunvec_y)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunvec = NULL'; return; endif
-  sunvec_yp => FN_VMake_Serial(nState, stateVecPrime)
-  if (.not. associated(sunvec_yp)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunvec = NULL'; return; endif
-  ! Initialize solution vectors
-  call setInitialCondition(nState, stateVecInit, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp)
-  ! Create memory
-  ida_mem = FIDACreate()
-  if (.not. c_associated(ida_mem)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: ida_mem = NULL'; return; endif
-  ! Attach user data to memory
-  eqns_data%ida_mem = ida_mem
-  retval = FIDASetUserData(ida_mem, c_loc(eqns_data))
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDASetUserData'; return; endif
-  ! Initialize memory
-  t0 = 0._rkind
-  retval = FIDAInit(ida_mem, c_funloc(evalDAE4IDA), t0, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp)
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDAInit'; return; endif
-  ! set tolerances
-  retval = FIDAWFtolerances(ida_mem, c_funloc(computWeight4IDA))
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDAWFtolerances'; return; endif
-  ! define the form of the matrix
-  select case(ixMatrix)
-    case(ixBandMatrix)
-      mu = ku; lu = kl;
-      ! Create banded SUNMatrix for use in linear solves
-      sunmat_A => FSUNBandMatrix(nState, mu, lu)
-      if (.not. associated(sunmat_A)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunmat = NULL'; return; endif
-      ! Create banded SUNLinearSolver object
-      sunlinsol_LS => FSUNLinSol_Band(sunvec_y, sunmat_A)
-      if (.not. associated(sunlinsol_LS)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
-    case(ixFullMatrix)
-      ! Create dense SUNMatrix for use in linear solves
-      sunmat_A => FSUNDenseMatrix(nState, nState)
-      if (.not. associated(sunmat_A)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunmat = NULL'; return; endif
-      ! Create dense SUNLinearSolver object
-      sunlinsol_LS => FSUNDenseLinearSolver(sunvec_y, sunmat_A)
-      if (.not. associated(sunlinsol_LS)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
-      ! check
-    case default;  err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in type of matrix'; return
-  end select  ! form of matrix
-  ! Attach the matrix and linear solver
-  retval = FIDASetLinearSolver(ida_mem, sunlinsol_LS, sunmat_A);
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDASetLinearSolver'; return; endif
-  if(ixMatrix == ixFullMatrix)then
-    ! Set the user-supplied Jacobian routine
-    !comment this line out to use FD Jacobian
-    retval = FIDASetJacFn(ida_mem, c_funloc(evalJac4IDA))
-    if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDASetJacFn'; return; endif
-  endif
-  ! Create Newton SUNNonlinearSolver object
-  sunnonlin_NLS => FSUNNonlinSol_Newton(sunvec_y)
-  if (.not. associated(sunnonlin_NLS)) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: sunnonlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
-  ! Attach the nonlinear solver
-  retval = FIDASetNonlinearSolver(ida_mem, sunnonlin_NLS)
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDASetNonlinearSolver'; return; endif
-  ! Enforce the solver to stop at end of the time step
-  retval = FIDASetStopTime(ida_mem, dt)
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in FIDASetStopTime'; return; endif
-  ! Set solver parameters such as maximum order, number of iterations, ...
-  call setSolverParams(dt, ida_mem, retval)
-  if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='solveByIDA: error in setSolverParams'; return; endif
-  ! Disable error messages and warnings
-  if(offErrWarnMessage) then
-    retval = FIDASetErrFile(ida_mem, c_null_ptr)
-    retval = FIDASetNoInactiveRootWarn(ida_mem)
-  endif
-  ! need the following values for the first substep
-  eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempPrev     = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)
-  eqns_data%scalarCanopyIcePrev      = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)
-  eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqPrev      = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)
-  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev(:)  = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev(:)        = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev(:)  = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev(:)  = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev(:)  = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%scalarAquiferStoragePrev = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarAquiferStorage)%dat(1)
-  eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev(:)    = diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev = diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)
-  mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(:)         = diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat(:)
-  eqns_data%ixSaturation             = ixSaturation
-  !**********************************************************************************
-  !****************************** Main Solver ***************************************
-  !************************* loop on one_step mode **********************************
-  !**********************************************************************************
-  tret(1) = t0           ! intial time
-  do while(tret(1) < dt)
-    eqns_data%firstFluxCall = .false.
-    eqns_data%firstSplitOper = .true.
-    ! call IDASolve, advance solver just one internal step
-    retvalr = FIDASolve(ida_mem, dt, tret, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp, IDA_ONE_STEP)
-    if( retvalr < 0 )then
-      idaSucceeds = .false.
-      exit
-    endif
-    tooMuchMelt = .false.
-    feasible = .true.
-    ! loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow domain to see if need to merge
-    do concurrent (i=1:nSnow,indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat(i)/=integerMissing)
-      if (stateVec(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat(i)) > Tfreeze) tooMuchMelt = .true. !need to merge
-    end do
-    if(tooMuchMelt)exit
-    ! get the last stepsize
-    retval = FIDAGetLastStep(ida_mem, dt_last)
-    ! compute the flux and the residual vector for a given state vector
-    call eval8DAE(&
-                  ! input: model control
-                  dt_last(1),                         & ! intent(in):    current stepsize
-                  eqns_data%dt,                       & ! intent(in):    total data step
-                  eqns_data%nSnow,                    & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                  eqns_data%nSoil,                    & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                  eqns_data%nLayers,                  & ! intent(in):    number of layers
-                  eqns_data%nState,                   & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
-                  .true.,                             & ! intent(in):    check for feasibility once outside Sundials loop
-                  eqns_data%firstSubStep,             & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                  eqns_data%firstFluxCall,            & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                  eqns_data%firstSplitOper,           & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                  eqns_data%computeVegFlux,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                  eqns_data%scalarSolution,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                  .true.,                             & ! intent(in):    require that longwave is balanced once outside Sundials loop
-                  ! input: state vectors
-                  stateVec,                           & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                  stateVecPrime,                      & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                  eqns_data%sMul,                     & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                  ! input: data structures
-                  model_decisions,                    & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                  eqns_data%lookup_data,              & ! intent(in):    lookup data
-                  eqns_data%type_data,                & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                  eqns_data%attr_data,                & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                  eqns_data%mpar_data,                & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                  eqns_data%forc_data,                & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                  eqns_data%bvar_data,                & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                  eqns_data%prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                  ! input-output: data structures
-                  eqns_data%indx_data,                & ! intent(inout): index data
-                  eqns_data%diag_data,                & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  eqns_data%flux_data,                & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
-                  eqns_data%deriv_data,               & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                  ! input-output
-                  eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric,        & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1), we will use it later for Jacobian
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempPrev,     & ! intent(in):    previous value of canopy temperature (K)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyIceTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyIcePrev,      & ! intent(in):    value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqPrev,      & ! intent(in):    value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,& ! intent(out):  trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                  eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev, & ! intent(in):   value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(out):  trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev,           & ! intent(in):   vector of layer temperature (K)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(out):  trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(out):  trial value for total water matric potential (m)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev,     & ! intent(in):   value for total water matric potential (m)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial,    & ! intent(out):  trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev,     & ! intent(in):   vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial,    & ! intent(out):  trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev,     & ! intent(in):   vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):  trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev,     & ! intent(in):   vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  eqns_data%scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out): trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                  eqns_data%scalarAquiferStoragePrev, & ! intent(in):   value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev,       & ! intent(in):   vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                  eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial,      & ! intent(out):  trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                  eqns_data%ixSaturation,             & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer
-                  ! output
-                  feasible,                           & ! intent(out):   flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
-                  eqns_data%fluxVec,                  & ! intent(out):   flux vector
-                  eqns_data%resSink,                  & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
-                  rVec,                               & ! intent(out):   residual vector
-                  eqns_data%err,eqns_data%message)      ! intent(out):   error control
-    ! sum of fluxes
-    do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
-      flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) + eqns_data%flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) *  dt_last(1)
-    end do
-    ! do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
-    !  flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) = ( flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) ) /  tret(1)
-    ! end do
-    ! sum of mLayerCmpress
-    mLayerCmpress_sum(:) = mLayerCmpress_sum(:) + eqns_data%deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi)%dat(:) &
-                                    * ( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:) - mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(:) )
-    ! save required quantities for next step
-    eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempPrev     = eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempTrial
-    eqns_data%scalarCanopyIcePrev      = eqns_data%scalarCanopyIceTrial
-    eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqPrev      = eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqTrial
-    eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev(:)        = eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial(:)
-    mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(:)         = eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev(:)  = eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev(:)  = eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev(:)  = eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev(:)  = eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%scalarAquiferStoragePrev = eqns_data%scalarAquiferStorageTrial
-    eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev(:)    = eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial(:)
-    eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev = eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial
-  end do ! while loop on one_step mode until time dt
-  !****************************** End of Main Solver ***************************************
-  err               = eqns_data%err
-  message           = eqns_data%message
-  if( .not. feasible) idaSucceeds = .false.
-  if(idaSucceeds)then
-    ! copy to output data
-    diag_data%var(:)     = eqns_data%diag_data%var(:)
-    flux_data%var(:)     = eqns_data%flux_data%var(:)
-    deriv_data%var(:)    = eqns_data%deriv_data%var(:)
-    ixSaturation         = eqns_data%ixSaturation
-    dt_out               = tret(1)
-  endif
-  ! free memory
-  deallocate( eqns_data%sMul )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%dMat )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%fluxVec )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%resSink )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial )
-  deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev )
-  call FIDAFree(ida_mem)
-  retval = FSUNNonlinSolFree(sunnonlin_NLS)
-  retval = FSUNLinSolFree(sunlinsol_LS)
-  call FSUNMatDestroy(sunmat_A)
-  call FN_VDestroy(sunvec_y)
-  call FN_VDestroy(sunvec_yp)
-end subroutine solveByIDA
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-! SetInitialCondition: routine to initialize u and up vectors.
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-subroutine setInitialCondition(neq, y, sunvec_u, sunvec_up)
-  !======= Inclusions ===========
-  USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-  USE fsundials_nvector_mod
-  USE fnvector_serial_mod
-  !======= Declarations =========
-  implicit none
-  ! calling variables
-  type(N_Vector)  :: sunvec_u  ! solution N_Vector
-  type(N_Vector)  :: sunvec_up ! derivative N_Vector
-  integer(c_long) :: neq
-  real(rkind)        :: y(neq)
-  ! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
-  real(c_double), pointer :: uu(:)
-  real(c_double), pointer :: up(:)
-  ! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
-  uu(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_u)
-  up(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_up)
-  uu = y
-  up = 0._rkind
-end subroutine setInitialCondition
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-! setSolverParams: private routine to set parameters in ida solver
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------
- subroutine setSolverParams(dt,ida_mem,retval)
- !======= Inclusions ===========
- USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
- USE fida_mod   ! Fortran interface to IDA
- !======= Declarations =========
- implicit none
- ! calling variables
- real(rkind),intent(in)      :: dt                 ! time step
- type(c_ptr),intent(inout)   :: ida_mem            ! IDA memory
- integer(i4b),intent(out)    :: retval             ! return value
- !======= Internals ============
- real(qp),parameter          :: coef_nonlin = 0.33 ! Coeff. in the nonlinear convergence test, default = 0.33
- integer,parameter           :: max_order = 1      ! maximum BDF order,  default = 5
- integer,parameter           :: nonlin_iter = 100  ! maximun number of nonliear iterations, default = 4
- integer,parameter           :: acurtest_fail = 50 ! maximum number of error test failures, default = 10
- integer,parameter           :: convtest_fail = 50 ! maximum number of convergence test failures, default = 10
- integer(kind = 8),parameter :: max_step = 999999  ! maximum number of steps,  dafault = 500
- real(qp),parameter          :: h_init = 0         ! initial stepsize
- real(qp)                    :: h_max              ! maximum stepsize,  dafault = infinity
- ! Set the maximum BDF order
- retval = FIDASetMaxOrd(ida_mem, max_order)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! Set Coeff. in the nonlinear convergence test
- retval = FIDASetNonlinConvCoef(ida_mem, coef_nonlin)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! Set maximun number of nonliear iterations
- retval = FIDASetMaxNonlinIters(ida_mem, nonlin_iter)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- !  Set maximum number of convergence test failures
- retval = FIDASetMaxConvFails(ida_mem, convtest_fail)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- !  Set maximum number of error test failures
- retval = FIDASetMaxErrTestFails(ida_mem, acurtest_fail)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! Set maximum number of steps
- retval = FIDASetMaxNumSteps(ida_mem, max_step)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! Set maximum stepsize
- h_max = dt
- retval = FIDASetMaxStep(ida_mem, h_max)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! Set initial stepsize
- retval = FIDASetInitStep(ida_mem, h_init)
- if (retval /= 0) return
- ! scaling on 1 and off 0
- ! retval = FIDASetLinearSolutionScaling(ida_mem, 0)
- ! if (retval /= 0) return
- end subroutine setSolverParams
- ! *********************************************************************************************************
- ! private subroutine implctMelt: compute melt of the "snow without a layer"
- ! *********************************************************************************************************
- subroutine implctMelt(&
-                       ! input/output: integrated snowpack properties
-                       scalarSWE,         & ! intent(inout): snow water equivalent (kg m-2)
-                       scalarSnowDepth,   & ! intent(inout): snow depth (m)
-                       scalarSfcMeltPond, & ! intent(inout): surface melt pond (kg m-2)
-                       ! input/output: properties of the upper-most soil layer
-                       soilTemp,          & ! intent(inout): surface layer temperature (K)
-                       soilDepth,         & ! intent(inout): surface layer depth (m)
-                       soilHeatcap,       & ! intent(inout): surface layer volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,message        ) ! intent(out): error control
- implicit none
- ! input/output: integrated snowpack properties
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSWE          ! snow water equivalent (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSnowDepth    ! snow depth (m)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSfcMeltPond  ! surface melt pond (kg m-2)
- ! input/output: properties of the upper-most soil layer
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilTemp           ! surface layer temperature (K)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilDepth          ! surface layer depth (m)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilHeatcap        ! surface layer volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
- ! output: error control
- integer(i4b),intent(out)  :: err                ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)  :: message            ! error message
- ! local variables
- real(rkind)                  :: nrgRequired        ! energy required to melt all the snow (J m-2)
- real(rkind)                  :: nrgAvailable       ! energy available to melt the snow (J m-2)
- real(rkind)                  :: snwDensity         ! snow density (kg m-3)
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='implctMelt/'
- if(scalarSWE > 0._rkind)then
-  ! only melt if temperature of the top soil layer is greater than Tfreeze
-  if(soilTemp > Tfreeze)then
-   ! compute the energy required to melt all the snow (J m-2)
-   nrgRequired     = scalarSWE*LH_fus
-   ! compute the energy available to melt the snow (J m-2)
-   nrgAvailable    = soilHeatcap*(soilTemp - Tfreeze)*soilDepth
-   ! compute the snow density (not saved)
-   snwDensity      = scalarSWE/scalarSnowDepth
-   ! compute the amount of melt, and update SWE (kg m-2)
-   if(nrgAvailable > nrgRequired)then
-    scalarSfcMeltPond  = scalarSWE
-    scalarSWE          = 0._rkind
-   else
-    scalarSfcMeltPond  = nrgAvailable/LH_fus
-    scalarSWE          = scalarSWE - scalarSfcMeltPond
-   end if
-   ! update depth
-   scalarSnowDepth = scalarSWE/snwDensity
-   ! update temperature of the top soil layer (K)
-   soilTemp =  soilTemp - (LH_fus*scalarSfcMeltPond/soilDepth)/soilHeatcap
-  else  ! melt is zero if the temperature of the top soil layer is less than Tfreeze
-   scalarSfcMeltPond = 0._rkind  ! kg m-2
-  end if ! (if the temperature of the top soil layer is greater than Tfreeze)
- else  ! melt is zero if the "snow without a layer" does not exist
-  scalarSfcMeltPond = 0._rkind  ! kg m-2
- end if ! (if the "snow without a layer" exists)
- end subroutine implctMelt
-end module solveByIDA_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/summaSolveSundialsIDA.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/summaSolveSundialsIDA.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f2fbb1f21ef1a534dce215618a501a7cf8ddb1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/engine/sundials/summaSolveSundialsIDA.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+module summaSolveSundialsIDA_module
+  !======= Inclusions ===========
+  USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+  USE nrtype
+  USE type4IDA
+  ! access the global print flag
+  USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
+  ! access missing values
+  USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
+  USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
+  USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
+  ! access matrix information
+  USE globalData,only: nBands         ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
+  USE globalData,only: ixFullMatrix   ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
+  USE globalData,only: ixBandMatrix   ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
+  USE globalData,only: iJac1          ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
+  USE globalData,only: iJac2          ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
+  USE globalData,only: ku             ! number of super-diagonal bands
+  USE globalData,only: kl             ! number of sub-diagonal bands
+  ! domain types
+  USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
+  USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
+  USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
+  ! state variable type
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_liqCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:model_decisions ! model decision structure
+  ! global metadata
+  USE globalData,only:flux_meta       ! metadata on the model fluxes
+  USE globalData,only:diag_meta       ! metadata on the model diagnostic variables
+  USE globalData,only:prog_meta       ! metadata on the model prognostic variables
+  USE globalData,only:deriv_meta      ! metadata on the model derivatives
+  ! constants
+  USE multiconst,only:&
+                      LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J K-1)
+                      LH_sub,       & ! latent heat of sublimation           (J kg-1)
+                      Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
+                      iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
+                      iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
+  ! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS  ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV     ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
+  ! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
+  USE data_types,only:&
+                      var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
+                      var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
+                      var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
+                      var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
+                      zLookup         ! data vector
+  ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
+  USE mDecisions_module,only:  qbaseTopmodel ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
+  ! privacy
+   implicit none
+   private::setInitialCondition
+   private::setSolverParams
+   public::summaSolveSundialsIDA
+  contains
+   !-------------------
+   ! * public subroutine summaSolveSundialsIDA: solve F(y,y') = 0 by IDA (y is the state vector)
+   ! ------------------
+   subroutine summaSolveSundialsIDA(                         &
+                         dt,                      & ! intent(in):    data time step
+                         atol,                    & ! intent(in):    absolute telerance
+                         rtol,                    & ! intent(in):    relative tolerance
+                         nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                         nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                         nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
+                         nStat,                   & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
+                         ixMatrix,                & ! intent(in):    type of matrix (dense or banded)
+                         firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                         computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                         scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                         ! input: state vectors
+                         stateVecInit,            & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
+                         sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (USEd in the residual calculations)
+                         dMat,                    & ! intent(inout): diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
+                         ! input: data structures
+                         lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
+                         type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                         attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                         mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                         forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                         bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
+                         prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                         ! input-output: data structures
+                         indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    index data
+                         diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                         flux_temp,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                         flux_data,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                         flux_sum,                & ! intent(inout): sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
+                         deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                         ! output
+                         ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout) index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                         idaSucceeds,             & ! intent(out):   flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
+                         tooMuchMelt,             & ! intent(inout):   flag to denote that there was too much melt
+                         mLayerCmpress_sum,       & ! intent(out):   sum of compression of the soil matrix
+                         dt_out,                  & ! intent(out):   time step
+                         stateVec,                & ! intent(out):   model state vector
+                         stateVecPrime,           & ! intent(out):   derivative of model state vector
+                         err,message              & ! intent(out):   error control
+                        )
+   !======= Inclusions ===========
+   USE fida_mod                                    ! Fortran interface to IDA
+   USE fnvector_serial_mod                         ! Fortran interface to serial N_Vector
+   USE fsunmatrix_dense_mod                        ! Fortran interface to dense SUNMatrix
+   USE fsunlinsol_dense_mod                        ! Fortran interface to dense SUNLinearSolver
+   USE fsunmatrix_band_mod                         ! Fortran interface to banded SUNMatrix
+   USE fsunlinsol_band_mod                         ! Fortran interface to banded SUNLinearSolver
+   USE fsunnonlinsol_newton_mod                    ! Fortran interface to Newton SUNNonlinearSolver
+   USE fsundials_matrix_mod                        ! Fortran interface to generic SUNMatrix
+   USE fsundials_nvector_mod                       ! Fortran interface to generic N_Vector
+   USE fsundials_linearsolver_mod                  ! Fortran interface to generic SUNLinearSolver
+   USE fsundials_nonlinearsolver_mod               ! Fortran interface to generic SUNNonlinearSolver
+   USE allocspace_module,only:allocLocal           ! allocate local data structures
+   USE eval8summaSundials_module,only:eval8summa4IDA         ! DAE/ODE functions
+   USE computJacobSundials_module,only:computJacob4IDA         ! system Jacobian
+   USE tol4IDA_module,only:computWeight4IDA        ! weight required for tolerances
+   USE eval8summaSundials_module,only:eval8summaSundials ! residual of DAE
+   USE var_derive_module,only:calcHeight           ! height at layer interfaces and layer mid-point
+   !======= Declarations =========
+   implicit none
+   ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! calling variables
+   ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! input: model control
+   real(qp),intent(in)             :: dt                     ! data time step
+   real(qp),intent(inout)          :: atol(:)                ! vector of absolute tolerances
+   real(qp),intent(inout)          :: rtol(:)                ! vector of relative tolerances
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                  ! number of snow layers
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSoil                  ! number of soil layers
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nLayers                ! total number of layers
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nStat                  ! total number of state variables
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: ixMatrix               ! form of matrix (dense or banded)
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep           ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux         ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution         ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+   ! input: state vectors
+   real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVecInit(:)        ! model state vector
+   real(qp),intent(in)             :: sMul(:)                ! state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
+   real(rkind), intent(inout)      :: dMat(:)
+   ! input: data structures
+   type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data            ! lookup tables
+   type(var_i),        intent(in)  :: type_data              ! type of vegetation and soil
+   type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: attr_data              ! spatial attributes
+   type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: mpar_data              ! model parameters
+   type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: forc_data              ! model forcing data
+   type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: bvar_data              ! model variables for the local basin
+   type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: prog_data              ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+   type(var_ilength),  intent(in)  :: indx_data              ! indices defining model states and layers
+   ! input-output: data structures
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data              ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_temp              ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data              ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_sum               ! sum of fluxes
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data             ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: mLayerCmpress_sum(:)   ! sum of soil compress
+   ! output: state vectors
+   integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation           ! index of the lowest saturated layer
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: stateVec(:)            ! model state vector (y)
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)       :: stateVecPrime(:)       ! model state vector (y')
+   logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: idaSucceeds            ! flag to indicate if IDA is successful
+   logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that there was too much melt
+   real(qp),intent(out)            :: dt_out                 ! time step
+   ! output: error control
+   integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                    ! error code
+   character(*),intent(out)        :: message                ! error message
+   ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! local variables
+   ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   type(N_Vector),           pointer :: sunvec_y             ! sundials solution vector
+   type(N_Vector),           pointer :: sunvec_yp            ! sundials derivative vector
+   type(N_Vector),           pointer :: sunvec_av            ! sundials tolerance vector
+   type(SUNMatrix),          pointer :: sunmat_A             ! sundials matrix
+   type(SUNLinearSolver),    pointer :: sunlinsol_LS         ! sundials linear solver
+   type(SUNNonLinearSolver), pointer :: sunnonlin_NLS        ! sundials nonlinear solver
+   type(c_ptr)                       :: ida_mem              ! IDA memory
+   type(eqnsData),           target  :: eqns_data            ! IDA type
+   integer(i4b)                      :: retval, retvalr      ! return value
+   integer(i4b)                      :: rootsfound(3)        ! crossing direction of discontinuities
+   logical(lgt)                      :: feasible             ! feasibility flag
+   real(qp)                          :: t0                   ! staring time
+   real(qp)                          :: dt_last(1)           ! last time step
+   integer(kind = 8)                 :: mu, lu               ! in banded matrix mode
+   integer(i4b)                      :: iVar
+   logical(lgt)                      :: startQuadrature
+   real(rkind)                       :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(nSoil)
+   real(qp)                          :: h_init
+   integer(c_long)                   :: nState               ! total number of state variables
+   real(rkind)                       :: rVec(nStat)
+   real(qp)                          :: tret(1)
+   logical(lgt)                      :: mergedLayers
+   logical(lgt),parameter            :: offErrWarnMessage = .false.
+   real(rkind)                       :: superflousSub        ! superflous sublimation (kg m-2 s-1)
+   real(rkind)                       :: superflousNrg        ! superflous energy that cannot be used for sublimation (W m-2 [J m-2 s-1])
+   integer(i4b)                      :: i
+   ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! initialize error control
+   err=0; message="summaSolveSundialsIDA/"
+   nState = nStat
+   idaSucceeds = .true.
+   ! fill eqns_data which will be required later to call eval8summaSundials
+   eqns_data%dt                      = dt
+   eqns_data%nSnow                   = nSnow
+   eqns_data%nSoil                   = nSoil
+   eqns_data%nLayers                 = nLayers
+   eqns_data%nState                  = nState
+   eqns_data%ixMatrix                = ixMatrix
+   eqns_data%firstSubStep            = firstSubStep
+   eqns_data%computeVegFlux          = computeVegFlux
+   eqns_data%scalarSolution          = scalarSolution
+   allocate( eqns_data%atol(nState) )
+   eqns_data%atol = atol
+   allocate( eqns_data%rtol(nState) )
+   eqns_data%rtol = rtol
+   allocate( eqns_data%sMul(nState) )
+   eqns_data%sMul                    = sMul
+   allocate( eqns_data%dMat(nState) )
+   eqns_data%dMat                   = dMat
+   ! allocate space for the temporary prognostic variable structure
+   call allocLocal(prog_meta(:),eqns_data%prog_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
+   eqns_data%prog_data               = prog_data
+   ! allocate space for the temporary diagnostic variable structure
+   call allocLocal(diag_meta(:),eqns_data%diag_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
+   eqns_data%diag_data               = diag_data
+   ! allocate space for the temporary flux variable structure
+   call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),eqns_data%flux_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; endif
+   eqns_data%flux_data               = flux_data
+   ! allocate space for the derivative structure
+   call allocLocal(deriv_meta(:),eqns_data%deriv_data,nSnow,nSoil,err,message)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(message); return; end if
+   eqns_data%deriv_data              = deriv_data
+   eqns_data%lookup_data             = lookup_data
+   eqns_data%type_data               = type_data
+   eqns_data%attr_data               = attr_data
+   eqns_data%mpar_data               = mpar_data
+   eqns_data%forc_data               = forc_data
+   eqns_data%bvar_data               = bvar_data
+   eqns_data%indx_data               = indx_data
+   ! allocate space
+   if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision==qbaseTopmodel)then
+    allocate(eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric(nSoil,nSoil),stat=err)
+   else
+    allocate(eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric(0,0),stat=err)
+   end if
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial(nLayers) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial(nSoil) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial(nLayers) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nLayers) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial(nLayers) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%fluxVec(nState) )
+   allocate( eqns_data%resSink(nState) )
+   startQuadrature = .true.
+   ! create serial vectors
+   sunvec_y => FN_VMake_Serial(nState, stateVec)
+   if (.not. associated(sunvec_y)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunvec = NULL'; return; endif
+   sunvec_yp => FN_VMake_Serial(nState, stateVecPrime)
+   if (.not. associated(sunvec_yp)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunvec = NULL'; return; endif
+   ! Initialize solution vectors
+   call setInitialCondition(nState, stateVecInit, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp)
+   ! Create memory
+   ida_mem = FIDACreate()
+   if (.not. c_associated(ida_mem)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: ida_mem = NULL'; return; endif
+   ! Attach user data to memory
+   eqns_data%ida_mem = ida_mem
+   retval = FIDASetUserData(ida_mem, c_loc(eqns_data))
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDASetUserData'; return; endif
+   ! Initialize memory
+   t0 = 0._rkind
+   retval = FIDAInit(ida_mem, c_funloc(eval8summa4IDA), t0, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp)
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDAInit'; return; endif
+   ! set tolerances
+   retval = FIDAWFtolerances(ida_mem, c_funloc(computWeight4IDA))
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDAWFtolerances'; return; endif
+   ! define the form of the matrix
+   select case(ixMatrix)
+    case(ixBandMatrix)
+     mu = ku; lu = kl;
+     ! Create banded SUNMatrix for use in linear solves
+     sunmat_A => FSUNBandMatrix(nState, mu, lu)
+     if (.not. associated(sunmat_A)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunmat = NULL'; return; endif
+     ! Create banded SUNLinearSolver object
+     sunlinsol_LS => FSUNLinSol_Band(sunvec_y, sunmat_A)
+     if (.not. associated(sunlinsol_LS)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
+    case(ixFullMatrix)
+     ! Create dense SUNMatrix for use in linear solves
+     sunmat_A => FSUNDenseMatrix(nState, nState)
+     if (.not. associated(sunmat_A)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunmat = NULL'; return; endif
+     ! Create dense SUNLinearSolver object
+     sunlinsol_LS => FSUNDenseLinearSolver(sunvec_y, sunmat_A)
+     if (.not. associated(sunlinsol_LS)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
+   ! check
+    case default;  err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in type of matrix'; return
+   end select  ! form of matrix
+   ! Attach the matrix and linear solver
+   retval = FIDASetLinearSolver(ida_mem, sunlinsol_LS, sunmat_A);
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDASetLinearSolver'; return; endif
+   if(ixMatrix == ixFullMatrix)then
+    ! Set the user-supplied Jacobian routine
+    !comment this line out to use FD Jacobian
+    retval = FIDASetJacFn(ida_mem, c_funloc(computJacob4IDA))
+    if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDASetJacFn'; return; endif
+   endif
+   ! Create Newton SUNNonlinearSolver object
+   sunnonlin_NLS => FSUNNonlinSol_Newton(sunvec_y)
+   if (.not. associated(sunnonlin_NLS)) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: sunnonlinsol = NULL'; return; endif
+   ! Attach the nonlinear solver
+   retval = FIDASetNonlinearSolver(ida_mem, sunnonlin_NLS)
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDASetNonlinearSolver'; return; endif
+   ! Enforce the solver to stop at end of the time step
+   retval = FIDASetStopTime(ida_mem, dt)
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in FIDASetStopTime'; return; endif
+   ! Set solver parameters such as maximum order, number of iterations, ...
+   call setSolverParams(dt, ida_mem, retval)
+   if (retval /= 0) then; err=20; message='summaSolveSundialsIDA: error in setSolverParams'; return; endif
+   ! Disable error messages and warnings
+   if(offErrWarnMessage) then
+     retval = FIDASetErrFile(ida_mem, c_null_ptr)
+     retval = FIDASetNoInactiveRootWarn(ida_mem)
+   endif
+   ! need the following values for the first substep
+   eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempTrial      = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)
+   eqns_data%scalarCanopyIceTrial       = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)
+   eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial  = diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)
+   eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial(:)         = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)= diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)   = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial(:)   = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)   = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial(:)     = diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat(:)
+   eqns_data%ixSaturation               = ixSaturation
+   !**********************************************************************************
+   !****************************** Main Solver ***************************************
+   !************************* loop on one_step mode **********************************
+   !**********************************************************************************
+   tret(1) = t0           ! intial time
+   do while(tret(1) < dt)
+    eqns_data%firstFluxCall = .false.
+    eqns_data%firstSplitOper = .true.
+    ! call IDASolve, advance solver just one internal step
+    retvalr = FIDASolve(ida_mem, dt, tret, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp, IDA_ONE_STEP)
+    if( retvalr < 0 )then
+     idaSucceeds = .false.
+     exit
+    endif
+    tooMuchMelt = .false.
+    feasible = .true.
+    ! loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow domain to see if need to merge
+    do concurrent (i=1:nSnow,indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat(i)/=integerMissing)
+     if (stateVec(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat(i)) > Tfreeze) tooMuchMelt = .true. !need to merge
+    enddo
+    if(tooMuchMelt)exit
+    ! get the last stepsize
+    retval = FIDAGetLastStep(ida_mem, dt_last)
+    ! save previous step
+    mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(:)         = eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)
+    ! compute the flux and the residual vector for a given state vector
+    call eval8summaSundials(&
+                   ! input: model control
+                   dt_last(1),                         & ! intent(in):    current stepsize
+                   eqns_data%dt,                       & ! intent(in):    total data step
+                   eqns_data%nSnow,                    & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                   eqns_data%nSoil,                    & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                   eqns_data%nLayers,                  & ! intent(in):    number of layers
+                   eqns_data%nState,                   & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
+                   .false.,                            & ! intent(in):    outside Sundials solverå
+                   eqns_data%firstSubStep,             & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                   eqns_data%firstFluxCall,            & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                   eqns_data%firstSplitOper,           & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+                   eqns_data%computeVegFlux,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                   eqns_data%scalarSolution,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                   ! input: state vectors
+                   stateVec,                           & ! intent(in):    model state vector
+                   stateVecPrime,                      & ! intent(in):    model state vector
+                   eqns_data%sMul,                     & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
+                   ! input: data structures
+                   model_decisions,                    & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                   eqns_data%lookup_data,              & ! intent(in):    lookup data
+                   eqns_data%type_data,                & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                   eqns_data%attr_data,                & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                   eqns_data%mpar_data,                & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                   eqns_data%forc_data,                & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                   eqns_data%bvar_data,                & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
+                   eqns_data%prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                   ! input-output: data structures
+                   eqns_data%indx_data,                & ! intent(inout): index data
+                   eqns_data%diag_data,                & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                   eqns_data%flux_data,                & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
+                   eqns_data%deriv_data,               & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                   ! input-output: here we need to pass some extra variables that do not get updated in in the Sundials loops
+                   eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                   eqns_data%scalarCanopyIceTrial,	 & ! intent(inout): trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                   eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,& ! intent(inout): trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(inout): trial value for total water matric potential (m)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(inout):   trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial,    & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial,    & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
+                   eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial,      & ! intent(inout): trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
+                   ! input-output: baseflow
+                   eqns_data%ixSaturation,             & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer
+                   eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric,        & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                   ! output: flux and residual vectors
+                   feasible,                           & ! intent(out):   flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
+                   eqns_data%fluxVec,                  & ! intent(out):   flux vector
+                   eqns_data%resSink,                  & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
+                   rVec,                               & ! intent(out):   residual vector
+                   eqns_data%err,eqns_data%message)      ! intent(out):   error control
+    ! sum of fluxes
+    do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
+     flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) + eqns_data%flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) *  dt_last(1)
+    end do
+    ! do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
+    !  flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) = ( flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) ) /  tret(1)
+    ! end do
+    ! sum of mLayerCmpress
+    mLayerCmpress_sum(:) = mLayerCmpress_sum(:) + eqns_data%deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi)%dat(:) &
+                                     * ( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:) - mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrev(:) )
+   enddo ! while loop on one_step mode until time dt
+   !****************************** End of Main Solver ***************************************
+   err               = eqns_data%err
+   message           = eqns_data%message
+   if( .not. feasible) idaSucceeds = .false.
+   if(idaSucceeds)then
+    ! copy to output data
+    diag_data     = eqns_data%diag_data
+    flux_data     = eqns_data%flux_data
+    deriv_data    = eqns_data%deriv_data
+    ixSaturation  = eqns_data%ixSaturation
+    dt_out        = tret(1)
+   endif
+   ! free memory
+   deallocate( eqns_data%sMul )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%dMat )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%fluxVec )
+   deallocate( eqns_data%resSink )
+   call FIDAFree(ida_mem)
+   retval = FSUNNonlinSolFree(sunnonlin_NLS)
+   retval = FSUNLinSolFree(sunlinsol_LS)
+   call FSUNMatDestroy(sunmat_A)
+   call FN_VDestroy(sunvec_y)
+   call FN_VDestroy(sunvec_yp)
+   end subroutine summaSolveSundialsIDA
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! SetInitialCondition: routine to initialize u and up vectors.
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   subroutine setInitialCondition(neq, y, sunvec_u, sunvec_up)
+   !======= Inclusions ===========
+   USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+   USE fsundials_nvector_mod
+   USE fnvector_serial_mod
+   !======= Declarations =========
+   implicit none
+   ! calling variables
+   type(N_Vector)  :: sunvec_u  ! solution N_Vector
+   type(N_Vector)  :: sunvec_up ! derivative N_Vector
+   integer(c_long) :: neq
+   real(rkind)        :: y(neq)
+   ! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
+   real(c_double), pointer :: uu(:)
+   real(c_double), pointer :: up(:)
+   ! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
+   uu(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_u)
+   up(1:neq) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_up)
+   uu = y
+   up = 0._rkind
+   end subroutine setInitialCondition
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! setSolverParams: private routine to set parameters in ida solver
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   subroutine setSolverParams(dt,ida_mem,retval)
+   !======= Inclusions ===========
+   USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+   USE fida_mod   ! Fortran interface to IDA
+   !======= Declarations =========
+   implicit none
+   ! calling variables
+   real(rkind),intent(in)      :: dt                 ! time step
+   type(c_ptr),intent(inout)   :: ida_mem            ! IDA memory
+   integer(i4b),intent(out)    :: retval             ! return value
+   !======= Internals ============
+   real(qp),parameter          :: coef_nonlin = 0.33 ! Coeff. in the nonlinear convergence test, default = 0.33
+   integer,parameter           :: max_order = 1      ! maximum BDF order,  default = 5
+   integer,parameter           :: nonlin_iter = 100  ! maximun number of nonliear iterations, default = 4
+   integer,parameter           :: acurtest_fail = 50 ! maximum number of error test failures, default = 10
+   integer,parameter           :: convtest_fail = 50 ! maximum number of convergence test failures, default = 10
+   integer(kind = 8),parameter :: max_step = 999999  ! maximum number of steps,  dafault = 500
+   real(qp),parameter          :: h_init = 0         ! initial stepsize
+   real(qp)                    :: h_max              ! maximum stepsize,  dafault = infinity
+   ! Set the maximum BDF order
+   retval = FIDASetMaxOrd(ida_mem, max_order)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! Set Coeff. in the nonlinear convergence test
+   retval = FIDASetNonlinConvCoef(ida_mem, coef_nonlin)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! Set maximun number of nonliear iterations
+   retval = FIDASetMaxNonlinIters(ida_mem, nonlin_iter)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   !  Set maximum number of convergence test failures
+   retval = FIDASetMaxConvFails(ida_mem, convtest_fail)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   !  Set maximum number of error test failures
+   retval = FIDASetMaxErrTestFails(ida_mem, acurtest_fail)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! Set maximum number of steps
+   retval = FIDASetMaxNumSteps(ida_mem, max_step)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! Set maximum stepsize
+   h_max = dt
+   retval = FIDASetMaxStep(ida_mem, h_max)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! Set initial stepsize
+   retval = FIDASetInitStep(ida_mem, h_init)
+   if (retval /= 0) return
+   ! scaling on 1 and off 0
+   ! retval = FIDASetLinearSolutionScaling(ida_mem, 0)
+   ! if (retval /= 0) return
+   end subroutine setSolverParams
+   ! *********************************************************************************************************
+   ! private subroutine implctMelt: compute melt of the "snow without a layer"
+   ! *********************************************************************************************************
+   subroutine implctMelt(&
+                         ! input/output: integrated snowpack properties
+                         scalarSWE,         & ! intent(inout): snow water equivalent (kg m-2)
+                         scalarSnowDepth,   & ! intent(inout): snow depth (m)
+                         scalarSfcMeltPond, & ! intent(inout): surface melt pond (kg m-2)
+                         ! input/output: properties of the upper-most soil layer
+                         soilTemp,          & ! intent(inout): surface layer temperature (K)
+                         soilDepth,         & ! intent(inout): surface layer depth (m)
+                         soilHeatcap,       & ! intent(inout): surface layer volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
+                         ! output: error control
+                         err,message        ) ! intent(out): error control
+   implicit none
+   ! input/output: integrated snowpack properties
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSWE          ! snow water equivalent (kg m-2)
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSnowDepth    ! snow depth (m)
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: scalarSfcMeltPond  ! surface melt pond (kg m-2)
+   ! input/output: properties of the upper-most soil layer
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilTemp           ! surface layer temperature (K)
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilDepth          ! surface layer depth (m)
+   real(rkind),intent(inout)    :: soilHeatcap        ! surface layer volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
+   ! output: error control
+   integer(i4b),intent(out)  :: err                ! error code
+   character(*),intent(out)  :: message            ! error message
+   ! local variables
+   real(rkind)                  :: nrgRequired        ! energy required to melt all the snow (J m-2)
+   real(rkind)                  :: nrgAvailable       ! energy available to melt the snow (J m-2)
+   real(rkind)                  :: snwDensity         ! snow density (kg m-3)
+   ! initialize error control
+   err=0; message='implctMelt/'
+   if(scalarSWE > 0._rkind)then
+    ! only melt if temperature of the top soil layer is greater than Tfreeze
+    if(soilTemp > Tfreeze)then
+     ! compute the energy required to melt all the snow (J m-2)
+     nrgRequired     = scalarSWE*LH_fus
+     ! compute the energy available to melt the snow (J m-2)
+     nrgAvailable    = soilHeatcap*(soilTemp - Tfreeze)*soilDepth
+     ! compute the snow density (not saved)
+     snwDensity      = scalarSWE/scalarSnowDepth
+     ! compute the amount of melt, and update SWE (kg m-2)
+     if(nrgAvailable > nrgRequired)then
+      scalarSfcMeltPond  = scalarSWE
+      scalarSWE          = 0._rkind
+     else
+      scalarSfcMeltPond  = nrgAvailable/LH_fus
+      scalarSWE          = scalarSWE - scalarSfcMeltPond
+     end if
+     ! update depth
+     scalarSnowDepth = scalarSWE/snwDensity
+     ! update temperature of the top soil layer (K)
+     soilTemp =  soilTemp - (LH_fus*scalarSfcMeltPond/soilDepth)/soilHeatcap
+    else  ! melt is zero if the temperature of the top soil layer is less than Tfreeze
+     scalarSfcMeltPond = 0._rkind  ! kg m-2
+    end if ! (if the temperature of the top soil layer is greater than Tfreeze)
+   else  ! melt is zero if the "snow without a layer" does not exist
+    scalarSfcMeltPond = 0._rkind  ! kg m-2
+   end if ! (if the "snow without a layer" exists)
+   end subroutine implctMelt
+  end module summaSolveSundialsIDA_module
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