From cb145f827d1d22fbd62442b426e77e665cc3d8e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 18:36:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] copied from non-actors

 .../engine/sundials/computSnowDepth.f90       | 160 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/computSnowDepth.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/computSnowDepth.f90
index c86fe51..552020e 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/computSnowDepth.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/sundials/computSnowDepth.f90
@@ -39,45 +39,45 @@ real(rkind),parameter     :: verySmall=1.e-6_rkind   ! used as an additive const
- ! ************************************************************************************************
- ! public subroutine computSnowDepth: compute snow depth for one sub timestep
- ! ************************************************************************************************
- subroutine computSnowDepth(&
-                dt_sub,                  &
-                nSnow,                   & ! intent(in)
-                scalarSnowSublimation,   & ! intent(in)
-                mLayerVolFracLiq,        & ! intent(inout)
-                mLayerVolFracIce,        & ! intent(inout)
-                mLayerTemp,              & ! intent(in)
-                mLayerMeltFreeze,        & ! intent(in)
-                mpar_data,               & ! intent(in)
-                ! output
-                tooMuchSublim,           & ! intent(out): flag to denote that there was too much sublimation in a given time step
-                mLayerDepth,             & ! intent(inout)
-                ! error control
-                err,message)               ! intent(out):   error control
- USE snwDensify_module,only:snwDensify      ! snow densification (compaction and cavitation)
- implicit none
- real(qp),intent(in)                  :: dt_sub
- integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow                  ! number of snow layers
- real(rkind),intent(in)               :: scalarSnowSublimation
- real(rkind),intent(inout)            :: mLayerVolFracLiq(:)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)            :: mLayerVolFracIce(:)
- real(rkind),intent(in)               :: mLayerTemp(:)
- real(rkind),intent(in)               :: mLayerMeltFreeze(:)
- type(var_dlength),intent(in)         :: mpar_data              ! model parameters
- logical(lgt)                         :: tooMuchSublim          ! flag to denote that there was too much sublimation in a given time step
- real(rkind),intent(inout)            :: mLayerDepth(:)
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err                    ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)             :: message                ! error message
- ! local variables
- character(len=256)                   :: cmessage               ! error message
- integer(i4b)                         :: iSnow                  ! index of snow layers
- real(rkind)                          :: massLiquid             ! mass liquid water (kg m-2)
+! ************************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine computSnowDepth: compute snow depth for one sub timestep
+! ************************************************************************************************
+subroutine computSnowDepth(&
+                        dt_sub,					&
+                        nSnow,					& ! intent(in)
+                        scalarSnowSublimation,  & ! intent(in)
+                        mLayerVolFracLiq,   	& ! intent(inout)
+                        mLayerVolFracIce,		& ! intent(inout)
+                        mLayerTemp,				& ! intent(in)
+                        mLayerMeltFreeze,		& ! intent(in)
+                        mpar_data,				& ! intent(in)
+                        ! output
+                        tooMuchSublim,          & ! intent(out): flag to denote that there was too much sublimation in a given time step
+                        mLayerDepth,			& ! intent(inout)
+                        ! error control
+                        err,message)         ! intent(out):   error control
+  USE snwDensify_module,only:snwDensify      ! snow densification (compaction and cavitation)
+  implicit none
+  real(qp),intent(in)			      :: dt_sub
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: nSnow                  ! number of snow layers
+  real(rkind),intent(in)			      :: scalarSnowSublimation
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)		      :: mLayerVolFracLiq(:)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)		      :: mLayerVolFracIce(:)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)			      :: mLayerTemp(:)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)			      :: mLayerMeltFreeze(:)
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)         :: mpar_data              ! model parameters
+  logical(lgt)                         :: tooMuchSublim          ! flag to denote that there was too much sublimation in a given time step
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)			  :: mLayerDepth(:)
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err                    ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)             :: message                ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  character(len=256)                   :: cmessage               ! error message
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iSnow                  ! index of snow layers
+  real(rkind)                          :: massLiquid             ! mass liquid water (kg m-2)
   ! * compute change in ice content of the top snow layer due to sublimation...
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -86,33 +86,33 @@ contains
   ! NOTE: this is done BEFORE densification
   if(nSnow > 0)then ! snow layers exist
-   ! try to remove ice from the top layer
-   iSnow=1
+    ! try to remove ice from the top layer
+    iSnow=1
-   ! save the mass of liquid water (kg m-2)
-   massLiquid = mLayerDepth(iSnow)*mLayerVolFracLiq(iSnow)*iden_water
+    ! save the mass of liquid water (kg m-2)
+    massLiquid = mLayerDepth(iSnow)*mLayerVolFracLiq(iSnow)*iden_water
-   ! add/remove the depth of snow gained/lost by frost/sublimation (m)
-   ! NOTE: assume constant density
-   mLayerDepth(iSnow) = mLayerDepth(iSnow) + dt_sub*scalarSnowSublimation/(mLayerVolFracIce(iSnow)*iden_ice)
+    ! add/remove the depth of snow gained/lost by frost/sublimation (m)
+    ! NOTE: assume constant density
+    mLayerDepth(iSnow) = mLayerDepth(iSnow) + dt_sub*scalarSnowSublimation/(mLayerVolFracIce(iSnow)*iden_ice)
-   ! check that we did not remove the entire layer
-   if(mLayerDepth(iSnow) < verySmall)then
-    tooMuchSublim=.true.
-    return
-   endif
+    ! check that we did not remove the entire layer
+    if(mLayerDepth(iSnow) < verySmall)then
+      tooMuchSublim=.true.
+      return
+    endif
-   ! update the volumetric fraction of liquid water
-   mLayerVolFracLiq(iSnow) = massLiquid / (mLayerDepth(iSnow)*iden_water)
+    ! update the volumetric fraction of liquid water
+    mLayerVolFracLiq(iSnow) = massLiquid / (mLayerDepth(iSnow)*iden_water)
   ! no snow
-   ! no snow: check that sublimation is zero
-   if(abs(scalarSnowSublimation) > verySmall)then
-    message=trim(message)//'sublimation of snow has been computed when no snow exists'
-    err=20; return
-   end if
+    ! no snow: check that sublimation is zero
+    if(abs(scalarSnowSublimation) > verySmall)then
+      message=trim(message)//'sublimation of snow has been computed when no snow exists'
+      err=20; return
+    end if
   end if  ! (if snow layers exist)
@@ -121,31 +121,27 @@ contains
   ! ------------------------------------------------------------
     call snwDensify(&
-                   ! intent(in): variables
-                   dt_sub,                                                  & ! intent(in): time step (s)
-                   nSnow,                                                   & ! intent(in): number of snow layers
-                   mLayerTemp(1:nSnow),                                     & ! intent(in): temperature of each layer (K)
-                   mLayerMeltFreeze(1:nSnow),                               & ! intent(in): volumetric melt in each layer (kg m-3)
-                   ! intent(in): parameters
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%densScalGrowth)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): density scaling factor for grain growth (kg-1 m3)
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%tempScalGrowth)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): temperature scaling factor for grain growth (K-1)
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%grainGrowthRate)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): rate of grain growth (s-1)
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%densScalOvrbdn)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): density scaling factor for overburden pressure (kg-1 m3)
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%tempScalOvrbdn)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure (K-1)
-                   mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%baseViscosity)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0 (kg m-2 s)
-                   ! intent(inout): state variables
-                   mLayerDepth(1:nSnow),                                    & ! intent(inout): depth of each layer (m)
-                   mLayerVolFracLiq(1:nSnow),                               & ! intent(inout):  volumetric fraction of liquid water after itertations (-)
-                   mLayerVolFracIce(1:nSnow),                               & ! intent(inout):  volumetric fraction of ice after itertations (-)
-                   ! output: error control
-                   err,cmessage)                                              ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then
-      err=55
-      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-      print*, message
-      return
-    end if
+                    ! intent(in): variables
+                    dt_sub,                                                  & ! intent(in): time step (s)
+                    nSnow,                 									& ! intent(in): number of snow layers
+                    mLayerTemp(1:nSnow),       								& ! intent(in): temperature of each layer (K)
+                    mLayerMeltFreeze(1:nSnow),							 	& ! intent(in): volumetric melt in each layer (kg m-3)
+                    ! intent(in): parameters
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%densScalGrowth)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): density scaling factor for grain growth (kg-1 m3)
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%tempScalGrowth)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): temperature scaling factor for grain growth (K-1)
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%grainGrowthRate)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): rate of grain growth (s-1)
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%densScalOvrbdn)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): density scaling factor for overburden pressure (kg-1 m3)
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%tempScalOvrbdn)%dat(1),         & ! intent(in): temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure (K-1)
+                    mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%baseViscosity)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0 (kg m-2 s)
+                    ! intent(inout): state variables
+                    mLayerDepth(1:nSnow),      								& ! intent(inout): depth of each layer (m)
+                    mLayerVolFracLiq(1:nSnow), 								& ! intent(inout):  volumetric fraction of liquid water after itertations (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracIce(1:nSnow), 								& ! intent(inout):  volumetric fraction of ice after itertations (-)
+                    ! output: error control
+                    err,cmessage)                     ! intent(out): error control
+    if(err/=0)then; err=55; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
   end if  ! if snow layers exist
 end subroutine computSnowDepth