diff --git a/build/launch_apptainer.sh b/build/launch_apptainer.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b74d3b2da9c3320df3ba94b28e1967ccfda10b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/launch_apptainer.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module load singularity
-singularity shell --bind /globalhome/kck540/HPC/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors:/Summa-Actors \
-    --bind /scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/SummaOutput/SummaActors:/output \
-    --bind /project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/settings/SUMMA:/SUMMA \
-    --bind /project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/forcing/SummaChunkedData/:/forcing \
-    summa-actors.sif
diff --git a/utils/StatisticsScripts/UsageStatsCSV.py b/utils/StatisticsScripts/UsageStatsCSV.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd90464ef2be5e7e1835578057ef6280e021bb7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/StatisticsScripts/UsageStatsCSV.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import statistics as stat
+import csv
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+def time_convert(x):
+    h,m,s = map(int,x.split(':'))
+    return (h*60+m)*60+s
+def ramUsage():
+    data_set_1_actors = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jul-08-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_63007640_Filled_failed.csv")
+    # data_set_2_actors = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jun-17-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_62270590.csv")
+    # data_set_3_actors = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/May-26-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_61263427.csv")
+    data_set_1_original = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/utils/StatisticsScripts/SummaOriginal_jobStats_63155456.csv")
+    # data_set_2_original = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-27-2022/SummaOriginal_jobStats_61377500.csv")
+    # data_set_3_original = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-30-2022/SummaOriginal_jobStats_61415123.csv")
+    df1_actors = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1_actors)
+    # df2_actors = pd.DataFrame(data_set_2_actors)
+    # df3_actors = pd.DataFrame(data_set_3_actors)
+    df1_original = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1_original)
+    # df2_original = pd.DataFrame(data_set_2_original)
+    # df3_original = pd.DataFrame(data_set_3_original)
+    actors_stat1 = []
+    for x in df1_actors["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+        actors_stat1.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    # actors_stat2 = []
+    # for x in df2_actors["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+    #     actors_stat2.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    # actors_stat3 = []
+    # for x in df3_actors["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+    #     actors_stat3.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    print("SUMMA-Actors Array Job 1 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(actors_stat1))
+    # print("SUMMA-Actors Array Job 2 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(actors_stat2))
+    # print("SUMMA-Actors Array Job 3 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(actors_stat3))
+    original_stat1 = []
+    for x in df1_original["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+        original_stat1.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    # original_stat2 = []
+    # for x in df2_original["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+    #     original_stat2.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    # original_stat3 = []
+    # for x in df3_original["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+    #     original_stat3.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    print()
+    print("SUMMA-Original Array Job 1 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(original_stat1))
+    # print("SUMMA-Original Array Job 2 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(original_stat2))
+    # print("SUMMA-Original Array Job 3 Total Wall-Clock =", sum(original_stat3))
+    # usageStat4 = []
+    # for x in df4["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+    #     usageStat4.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    # print("Total Time Actor = ", sum(usageStat1))
+    # print("Max Actor = ", max(usageStat1))
+    # print("Min Actor = ", min(usageStat1))
+    # print("----------------------------------------")
+    # print("Total Time Original = ", sum(usageStat2))
+    # print("Max Original = ", max(usageStat2))
+    # print("Min Original = ", min(usageStat2))
+    # # totalRam = [sum(usageStat1), sum(usageStat2), sum(usageStat4)]
+    # print("usageStat1 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat1))
+    # # print("usageStat1 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat1))
+    # print("usageStat2 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat2))
+    # print("usageStat2 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat2))
+    # print("usageStat4 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat4))
+    # print("usageStat4 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat4))
+    # print()
+    # print("variation = ", stat.stdev(totalRam) / stat.mean(totalRam))
+    # csvFile = open("VarationStats.csv", 'w')
+    # header = ["relative standard deviation"]
+    # csvFile.write("{}\n".format("relative standard deviation"))
+    # for i in range(0, len(usageStat1)):
+    #     l = [usageStat1[i], usageStat2[i], usageStat4[i]]
+    #     csvFile.write("{}\n".format(stat.stdev(l) / stat.mean(l)))
+def scatterPlot():
+    data_set_1 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/utils/StatisticsScripts/VarationStats.csv")
+    df = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
+    d = df["relative standard deviation"].values
+    x = []
+    for i in range(1, 515):
+        x.append(i)
+    print(len(x))
+    print(len(d))
+    plt.scatter(x, d)
+    plt.title("Coefficient of Variation Plot")
+    plt.xlabel("Job number")
+    plt.ylabel("Relative Standard Deviation")
+    plt.savefig("RSD-Actors.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
+    plt.show()
+def initDuration():
+    data_set_1 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jun-06-2022/csv/Success1.csv")
+    df = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
+    print(sum(df["initDuration"].values))
+def findRow(df, startHRU):
+    bool_val = False
+    for row in df.iterrows():
+        if row[1].iloc[0] == startHRU:
+            bool_val = True
+            break
+    if (bool_val):
+        print("found", startHRU)
+    else:
+        print("did not find", startHRU)
+def compareCompleted():
+    data_actor = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/utils/StatisticsScripts/SummaActors_jobStats_62666948.csv", index_col=False)
+    data_original = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/utils/StatisticsScripts/SummaOriginal_jobStats_62667162.csv", index_col=False)
+    df_actors = pd.DataFrame(data_actor)
+    df_original = pd.DataFrame(data_original)
+    df_actors = df_actors.drop(df_actors[df_actors.Status == "TIMEOUT"].index)
+    # df_actors = df_actors.drop(columns=["Status","#-CPU","CPU Efficiency","Memory Used"])
+    df_original = df_original.drop(df_original[df_original.Status == "TIMEOUT"].index)
+    # df_original = df_original.drop(columns=["Status","#-CPU","CPU Efficiency","Memory Used"])
+    for row in df_original.iterrows():
+        # print(row[1].iloc[0])
+        findRow(df_actors, row[1].iloc[0])
+    # df_actors.to_csv("actors_no_timeout.csv", index=False)
+    # df_original.to_csv("original_no_timeout.csv", index=False)
+# compareCompleted()
+# initDuration()
diff --git a/utils/StatisticsScripts/ramUsage.py b/utils/StatisticsScripts/ramUsage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bb03fa1d08ef0b98daf98cdeab34338d7982bd7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/StatisticsScripts/ramUsage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import statistics as stat
-import csv
-import matplotlib as mpl
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-def time_convert(x):
-    h,m,s = map(int,x.split(':'))
-    return (h*60+m)*60+s
-def ramUsage():
-    data_set_1 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jun-06-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_61721504.csv")
-    data_set_2 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/May-13-2022/SummaActors_jobStatistics_60829543.csv")
-    data_set_4 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/May-26-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_61263427.csv")
-    # data_set_1 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/Apr-28-2022/SummaOrginal-60232429_jobStatistics.csv")
-    # data_set_2 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-27-2022/SummaOriginal_jobStats_61377500.csv")
-    # data_set_4 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-30-2022/SummaOriginal_jobStats_61415123.csv")
-    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
-    df2 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_2)
-    df4 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_4)
-    usageStat1 = []
-    for x in df1["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
-        usageStat1.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
-    usageStat2 = []
-    for x in df2["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
-        usageStat2.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
-    usageStat4 = []
-    for x in df4["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
-        usageStat4.append(round((time_convert(x) / 60) / 60, 2))
-    totalRam = [sum(usageStat1), sum(usageStat2), sum(usageStat4)]
-    print("usageStat1 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat1))
-    print("usageStat1 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat1))
-    print("usageStat2 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat2))
-    print("usageStat2 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat2))
-    print("usageStat4 Total Ram Used = ", sum(usageStat4))
-    print("usageStat4 Mean Ram Used = ", stat.mean(usageStat4))
-    print()
-    print("variation = ", stat.stdev(totalRam) / stat.mean(totalRam))
-    csvFile = open("VarationStats.csv", 'w')
-    header = ["relative standard deviation"]
-    csvFile.write("{}\n".format("relative standard deviation"))
-    for i in range(0, len(usageStat1)):
-        l = [usageStat1[i], usageStat2[i], usageStat4[i]]
-        csvFile.write("{}\n".format(stat.stdev(l) / stat.mean(l)))
-def scatterPlot():
-    data_set_1 = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/utils/StatisticsScripts/VarationStats.csv")
-    df = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
-    d = df["relative standard deviation"].values
-    x = []
-    for i in range(1, 515):
-        x.append(i)
-    print(len(x))
-    print(len(d))
-    plt.scatter(x, d)
-    plt.title("Coefficient of Variation Plot")
-    plt.xlabel("Job number")
-    plt.ylabel("Relative Standard Deviation")
-    plt.savefig("RSD-Actors.pdf", format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
-    plt.show()
-# ramUsage()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py b/utils/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py
index 5a824bee53e662f1fe0ed9e51a4616499c7f5175..49e9e8ef8a88a98606799dbe2750ed3cd30fd71b 100644
--- a/utils/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py
+++ b/utils/StatisticsScripts/resourageUsage.py
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ This function uses the seff command and can get the following data:
  - CPU-Efficiency
  - Wall-Clock Time
  - Memory Used
+ - Completion Status
-def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs):
+def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs, gru_per_job):
     input_prompt = "SummaActors: a\nSummaOriginal: o\n"
     # Get input from the user
     user_response = input(input_prompt)
@@ -27,14 +28,14 @@ def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs):
         raise Exception("Something went wrong")
     csvFile = open(output_csv_name, 'w')
-    header = ["startHRU", "numHRU", "#-CPU", "CPU Efficiency", "Wall-Clock Time", "Memory Used"]
+    header = ["startHRU", "numHRU", "#-CPU", "CPU Efficiency", "Wall-Clock Time", "Memory Used", "Status"]
     writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
-    numHRU = 1000
-    for i in range(0, int(numJobs)):
+    numHRU = gru_per_job
+    for i in range(0, numJobs):
         print("Job", i)
         rowData = []
         rowData = [numHRU * i + 1, numHRU]
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs):
             if b'CPU Efficiency:' in line:
                 effeciency = line.decode().split(" ")[2]
                 effeciency = effeciency.strip()
+                effeciency = effeciency.replace('%', '')
             if b'Job Wall-clock time:' in line:
                 wallClock = line.decode().split(" ")[-1]
@@ -56,11 +58,16 @@ def seffCommand(jobId, numJobs):
             if b'Memory Utilized:' in line:
                 memory = line.decode().split(" ")[2]
                 memory = memory.strip()
+            if b'State:' in line:
+                status = line.decode().split(" ")[1]
+                status = status.strip()
+        rowData.append(status)
@@ -71,6 +78,9 @@ print(jobId)
 numJobs = argv[2]
-seffCommand(jobId, numJobs)
+gru_per_job = argv[3]
+seffCommand(jobId, int(numJobs), int(gru_per_job))
diff --git a/utils/StatisticsScripts/stats.py b/utils/StatisticsScripts/stats.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c64b27995ab751ce5f996886255c846cc90ffb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/StatisticsScripts/stats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import statistics as stat
+import csv
+import matplotlib as mpl
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+def time_convert(x):
+    h,m,s = map(int,x.split(':'))
+    return (h*60+m)*60+s
+def wallClockTime(data_set_1, data_set_2):
+    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
+    df2 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_2)
+    df1_stat = []
+    for time in df1["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+        df1_stat.append(round((time_convert(time) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    print("Total Wall Clock for data_set_1 =", sum(df1_stat))
+    df2_stat = []
+    for time in df2["Wall-Clock Time"].values:
+        df2_stat.append(round((time_convert(time) / 60) / 60, 2))
+    print("Total Wall Clock for data_set_2 =", sum(df2_stat))
+def cpuEfficiency(data_set_1, data_set_2):
+    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_1)
+    df2 = pd.DataFrame(data_set_2)
+    df1_stat = []
+    for cpu_e in df1["CPU Efficiency"].values:
+        df1_stat.append(cpu_e)
+    print("Average CPU Efficiency for data_set_1 =", sum(df1_stat) / len(df1_stat))
+    df2_stat = []
+    for cpu_e in df2["CPU Efficiency"].values:
+        df2_stat.append(cpu_e)
+    print("Average CPU Efficiency for data_set_2 =", sum(df2_stat) / len(df1_stat))
+data_set_actors = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jul-13-2022/SummaActors_jobStats_63221110.csv")
+data_set_original = pd.read_csv("/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/Jul-09-2022/SummaOriginal_jobStats_63155456.csv")
+wallClockTime(data_set_actors, data_set_original)
+cpuEfficiency(data_set_actors, data_set_original)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/containers/apptainer/build_apptainer_container.sh b/utils/containers/apptainer/build_apptainer_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc9e567c6c5f29e0fdfd06dd26e152daaa947608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/containers/apptainer/build_apptainer_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+sudo apptainer build summa_actors.sif summa_actors.def
diff --git a/utils/containers/apptainer/summa-actors.def b/utils/containers/apptainer/summa-actors.def
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/containers/apptainer/summa_actors.def b/utils/containers/apptainer/summa_actors.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e016b25b5d5f8481b68708cfd6a42f28c5762b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/containers/apptainer/summa_actors.def
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Bootstrap: docker
+From: ubuntu:20.04
+    apt-get update
+    # need to install locales and set to en_CA.UTF-8
+    # this causes issues if not done
+    apt-get install locales
+    locale-gen en_CA.UTF-8
+    apt-get upgrade -y && \
+    DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y software-properties-common \
+    libnetcdf-dev \
+    libnetcdff-dev \
+    liblapack-dev \
+    libopenblas-dev \
+    cmake \
+    g++ \
+    git \
+    libssl-dev \
+    make \
+    gfortran \
+    python3-pip \
+    gdb &&\
+    apt-get autoclean
+    pip3 install xarray
+    pip3 install netcdf4
+    cd /opt
+    git clone https://github.com/actor-framework/actor-framework.git
+    cd actor-framework
+    ./configure
+    cd build
+    make
+    make test
+    make install
diff --git a/utils/extra_scripts/build_container.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/build_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc65a05c128655e452f3f2ed8ec625723ac12173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/extra_scripts/build_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if test -f "summa_actors.sif"; then
+    echo "Conatiner exists"
+    sudo apptainer build summa_actors.sif summa_actors.def
diff --git a/utils/extra_scripts/build_summa_actors_container.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/build_summa_actors_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06626809129981407a74a4ef33124f1f64bb4566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/extra_scripts/build_summa_actors_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cd /Summa-Actors/build
+make -f /Summa-Actors/build/makefile-container all
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/compile_summa.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/compile_summa.sh
similarity index 83%
rename from build/compile_summa.sh
rename to utils/extra_scripts/compile_summa.sh
index e8535b0e3cafc6ad45a09b34f390b76dfc61eaee..77ce42b45a077b06c4677b353dd9cec44bedffab 100644
--- a/build/compile_summa.sh
+++ b/utils/extra_scripts/compile_summa.sh
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module load openblas
 module load caf
 #### Specifiy Master Directory, parent of build directory
-export ROOT_DIR=/globalhome/kck540/HPC/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors
+export F_MASTER=/home/kklenk/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors
 #### Specifiy Compilers ####
 export FC=gfortran
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ export ACTORS_LIBRARIES="-L$EBROOTCAF/lib\
-    -L$ROOT_DIR/bin\
+    -L$F_MASTER/bin\
     -lcaf_core -lcaf_io -lsumma -lopenblas -lnetcdff"
 #### Compile with the Makefile ####
-make -f ${ROOT_DIR}/build/makefile all
+make -f ${F_MASTER}/build/makefile
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/extra_scripts/launch_summa_actors_build_process.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/launch_summa_actors_build_process.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a537f51d4c3ed1a1e926b3bcdc338abf66f07ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/extra_scripts/launch_summa_actors_build_process.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## File in the path that SUMMA-Actors top level directory is located in
+SUMMA_ACTORS=/home/kklenk/Summa-Projects/Summa-Actors # top level directory
+apptainer exec --bind $SUMMA_ACTORS:/Summa-Actors summa_actors.sif /Summa-Actors/build/build_summa_actors_container.sh
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/makefile-container b/utils/extra_scripts/makefile-container
similarity index 100%
rename from build/makefile-container
rename to utils/extra_scripts/makefile-container
diff --git a/build/module_load.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/module_load.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from build/module_load.sh
rename to utils/extra_scripts/module_load.sh
diff --git a/build/run_script.sh b/utils/extra_scripts/run_script.sh
similarity index 74%
rename from build/run_script.sh
rename to utils/extra_scripts/run_script.sh
index e06abf741305ed0defbc90aea59e7aa0a2c6caed..06e4b8284a4c456803cc40dcd783abd1ee3028d2 100755
--- a/build/run_script.sh
+++ b/utils/extra_scripts/run_script.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 cd /Summa-Actors/build
-make -f /Summa-Actors/build/makefile-container all
+# make -f /Summa-Actors/build/makefile-container all
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Summa-Actors/bin
 cd /Summa-Actors/bin
 ./summaMain -c /gladwell/kck540/Summa-Distributed/herschel/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt
index 0fb846b9dd8b00d41150efe03496908681b8bf59..3bdf9dca0db5e67d7f65e281dd9aad18332981d9 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=15 - hh=02 - mi=49 - ss=46.316
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=21 - mi=31 - ss=01.667
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verify_celia.py b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verify_celia.py
index e319c807c1e805bc4d7e9a825d6dab629468a0de..227b7a1f1f0a9e6fa120efe14cc04e4824b13856 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verify_celia.py
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verify_celia.py
@@ -102,11 +102,7 @@ for iHRU in range(0, numHRU):
                     print("     verified_hru = ", verified_data[elem])
                     print("     hru_to_compare = ", to_verify_data[elem])
-            # if (verified_hru[var].values != hru_to_compare[var].values).all():
-            #     print("ERROR: Output data is not the same in",var)
-            #     print("     verified_hru = ", verified_hru[var].values)
-            #     print("     hru_to_compare = ", hru_to_compare[var].values)
         except TypeError:
             print("variable - ", var, "Cannot be compared with len")
             print("     verified_hru = ",verified_hru[var].values)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4471c5d259c64404a349f32844b54fcd779504df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": false,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 1
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c463fa224e7fbe6e12b5e007df55857c3c601765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": false,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 1
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c18a9282d9c2368603b94073b26dd4a4d6463897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": false,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 1
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c4b9adb2d00c716208b87546a6e3806fe85208f
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce00720f1b5a90c8340bd4de76367f035f977b60
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cee21d14a88c0a1c36adf2d91b369fcf84eea934
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/colbeck1976-exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..390c561e4cf795063e2f5bec9066ba19b30a6de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=21 - mi=31 - ss=26.957
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4ed0cce1905d174b2e7642ff4a20f24c8d04444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27be92c0c34b633daae21832d34cf17d39bf416b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp1
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp2
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/exp3
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_defineModelOutput.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_defineModelOutput.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfca6f739507af8bb97caa0bd26997d2c42758e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_defineModelOutput.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+! ---------
+! model variables
+! ---------
+scalarRainfall         | 1
+scalarSnowfall         | 1
+scalarRainPlusMelt     | 1
+mLayerVolFracLiq       | 1
+mLayerVolFracIce       | 1
+iLayerNrgFlux          | 1
+iLayerHeight           | 1
+mLayerDepth            | 1
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc2ee6efbcf874861630fb567cb1adc13977ddeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' ! 
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' ! 
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp1.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp1.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp1' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ede30b91a02e43f1acfad1f741e3b71686fc7321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01'
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp2.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp2.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp2' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5edc0ba40d167ef0d9a16e9678a859636f5f23fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/output/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01'
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp3.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp3.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp3' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp2.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c649253189665863086c5918ac3eefdecd601cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp2.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp2.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp2' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp3.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3fa77602274bdd44da3e7aab80e7e78ae219ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp3.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp3.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp3' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1979-exp1.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1979-exp1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0621c14aca3d7d6616d8173af398aec3a182348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_colbeck1979-exp1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' ! 
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:01' ! 
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 10:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/' !  SETNGS_PATH
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/' !  INPUT_PATH
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/' !  OUTPUT_PATH
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt' !  M_DECISIONS      = definition of model decisions
+outputControlFile    'summa_defineModelOutput.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  LOCALPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for local model parameters
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  BASINPARAM_INFO  = default values and constraints for basin-average parameters
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = local attributes
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp1.nc' !  PARAMETER_TRIAL  = trial values for model parameters
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  FORCING_FILELIST = list of files used in each HRU
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp1.nc' !  MODEL_INITCOND   = model initial conditions
+outFilePrefix        'colbeck1976-exp1' !  OUTPUT_PREFIX    = prefix for the output file
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5ac1fa2017c484c54809ff8a92f921a4af24451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zDecisions_colbeck1976.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA         ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS            ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType        ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry       ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive        ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic        ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      monTable        ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform        ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      noXplict        ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      constant        ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      liq_flux        ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      drainage        ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988    ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      difTrans        ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow       ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy  ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv        ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream     ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay        ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson        ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      jrdn1991        ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      smnv2000        ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      mixConstit      ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn     ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay        ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1988     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a3f73ef9c62fd5227b1f204b25f215fd903aded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'colbeck1976_forcing.nc'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_colbeck1976.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_colbeck1976.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b6d3f15142165983cc8aa9c2a36608f9ebb77c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_colbeck1976.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | colbeck1976_forcing.txt  ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                       ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                        ! year
+im             | 2                        ! month
+id             | 3                        ! day
+ih             | 4                        ! hour
+imin           | 5                        ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                        ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                        ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                        ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                       ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                       ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                       ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                       ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 60                       ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp1.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp1.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6328ec1c30d23d1b13a6e01c207a86dc273940dc
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp1.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp2.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp2.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9859d7f3847bd47a442074287cac74e3796fd4fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp2.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp3.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp3.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9859d7f3847bd47a442074287cac74e3796fd4fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zInitialCond_colbeck1976-exp3.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..010c8d745e57d7a4b3ccba3834bc0869f23e9b81
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9972fc424d7061cc81eb546548c06f009289d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |      -0.7500 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |     -10.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.1600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0600 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.0150 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       3.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       0.5000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.0750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |      20.0000 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       2.0000 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |       5.5000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.2000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.4010 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1390 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.8400 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.3000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    |      7.5d-06 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               |      1.0d-03 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       2.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |      50.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-09 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |     100.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp1.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp2.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/colbeck1976/summa_fileManager_colbeck1976-exp3.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp1.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp1.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe66f1b13a4f825edc5398e43ad096e6bd3bee97
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp1.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp2.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp2.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70ccad244580e69de9da40f2aba6fec61bf7be6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp2.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp3.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp3.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80c48dbdbea74010383403f94c4d543020df597f
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/summa_zParamTrial_colbeck1976-exp3.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e6ae158fabce58a11b81c45cffc294b752b523c
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbfcc80186ef1b1a3a3ed88542dfe8e85c07f865
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5244415ba0820a75a87db973f9ef0b05bc6c6627
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ffb0dd15662a7bbe474e0cf29bcc9d66997b6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=15 - hh=21 - mi=53 - ss=23.550
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0394fb583cad070f25de0435eda4477de119be88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verify_colbeck.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from pathlib import Path
+import xarray as xr
+import numpy as np
+def verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU):
+    try:
+        verified_dataset = xr.open_dataset(verified_data_path)
+        to_compare_dataset = xr.open_dataset(data_to_compare_path)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print("Check the variables \'verified_data_path\' and \'data_to_compare_path\'. They may not point to the correct output files or the output filenames may have changed.")
+        exit()
+    # Get the HRUs from the dataset into a list
+    for iHRU in range(0, numHRU):
+        verified_hru = verified_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        hru_to_compare = to_compare_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        for var in output_variables:
+            try:
+                if len(verified_hru[var].values) != len(hru_to_compare[var].values):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_hru[var].values))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(hru_to_compare[var].values))
+                verified_data = []
+                to_verify_data = []
+                if (verified_hru[var].values.ndim > 1):
+                    # 2D output case
+                    for list in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            verified_data.append(data)
+                    for list in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            to_verify_data.append(data)
+                else:
+                    # 1D output case
+                    for data in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        verified_data.append(data)
+                    for data in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        to_verify_data.append(data)
+                # check length
+                if len(verified_data) != len(to_verify_data):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_data))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(to_verify_data))
+                # check values
+                for elem in range(0, len(verified_data)):
+                    if verified_data[elem] != to_verify_data[elem]:
+                        print("variable -",var, "has different values at", elem)
+                        print("     verified_hru = ", verified_data[elem])
+                        print("     hru_to_compare = ", to_verify_data[elem])
+                        break
+            except TypeError:
+                print("variable - ", var, "Cannot be compared with len")
+                print("     verified_hru = ",verified_hru[var].values)
+                print("     hru_to_compare = ", hru_to_compare[var].values)
+numHRU = 1
+scalarRainfall = "scalarRainfall"
+scalarSnowfall = "scalarSnowfall"
+scalarRainPlusMelt = "scalarRainPlusMelt"
+mLayerVolFracLiq = "mLayerVolFracLiq"
+mLayerVolFracIce = "mLayerVolFracIce"
+iLayerNrgFlux = "iLayerNrgFlux"
+iLayerHeight = "iLayerHeight"
+mLayerDepth = "mLayerDepth"
+output_variables = [scalarRainfall, scalarSnowfall, scalarRainPlusMelt, mLayerVolFracLiq, \
+    mLayerVolFracIce, iLayerNrgFlux, iLayerHeight, mLayerDepth]
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/colbeck1976-exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/colbeck1976-exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/clay/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
similarity index 72%
rename from utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
rename to utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/clay/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3..ccf6c4ac6c5fedcbd3a2dc028797926fd12ce17c 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/clay/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "DistributedSettings": {
-      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "distributed-mode": false,
       "host": "localhost",
       "port": 4444
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
   "JobActor": {
-      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt",
       "outputCSV": false,
       "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
   "HRUActor": {
       "printOutput": true,
-      "outputFrequency": 500
+      "outputFrequency": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/loam/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
similarity index 72%
rename from utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
rename to utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/loam/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3..c54ea844cf533f2b955e615f9b7120c5c62a106b 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/loam/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "DistributedSettings": {
-      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "distributed-mode": false,
       "host": "localhost",
       "port": 4444
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
   "JobActor": {
-      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt",
       "outputCSV": false,
       "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
   "HRUActor": {
       "printOutput": true,
-      "outputFrequency": 500
+      "outputFrequency": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/sand/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
similarity index 72%
rename from utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
rename to utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/sand/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3..37fc2967464269d2d244021cd734715399748dc5 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/sand/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "DistributedSettings": {
-      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "distributed-mode": false,
       "host": "localhost",
       "port": 4444
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
   "JobActor": {
-      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt",
       "outputCSV": false,
       "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
   "HRUActor": {
       "printOutput": true,
-      "outputFrequency": 500
+      "outputFrequency": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerClayGRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerClayGRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d300d43aca06babe931ddc2ad3e57c26be239f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerClayGRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerLoamGRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerLoamGRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa63590c28a5d07dd82904425de6e93e002a85b8
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerLoamGRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerSandGRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerSandGRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a11227dc290f563ca87bc949bf9c0a3550fb64a3
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/millerSandGRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57d180b81da4d5169ffc62f88f3673fcef30e9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=21 - mi=32 - ss=00.868
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afe4927125202154f9eed9373db8c8264c2dc8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerClay.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerLoam.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerSand.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..864e583b8aa024e5655c409fd77279f2a00b6088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/clay
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/loam
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/sand
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/Model_Output.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/Model_Output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19ed37469f9d3860b3414756a551cb850ab9955b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/Model_Output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+! ---------
+! model variables
+! ---------
+time                      | 1
+nSnow                     | 1
+nSoil                     | 1
+nLayers                   | 1
+mLayerHeight              | 1
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil         | 1
+mLayerDepth               | 1
+mLayerVolFracIce          | 1
+mLayerVolFracLiq          | 1
+mLayerMatricHead          | 1
+mLayerTranspire           | 1
+mLayerBaseflow            | 1
+mLayerCompress            | 1
+iLayerNrgFlux             | 1
+basin__TotalArea          | 1
+scalarGroundEvaporation   | 1
+scalarSoilBaseflow        | 1
+scalarSoilDrainage        | 1
+scalarInfiltration        | 1
+scalarSnowDrainage        | 1
+scalarSnowSublimation     | 1
+scalarThroughfallRain     | 1
+scalarThroughfallSnow     | 1
+scalarRainfall            | 1
+scalarSnowfall            | 1
+scalarRainPlusMelt        | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
+pptrate                   | 1
+averageRoutedRunoff       | 1
+scalarSWE                 | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6fe3abfafa97673c8add526f9c0f30956c161d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '2000-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerClay' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab888a3f726ada3b55119674a17f6184408cae8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' !
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '2000-01-01'
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerLoam' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..936e25a1462daf32f74bf1c099991e3bdf64a185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' !
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '2000-01-01'
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerSand' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerClay.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerClay.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc458a0711bb6c262c84e0af327f533a7d300f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerClay.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerClay' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerLoam.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerLoam.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb94073e6bab85248ba7197604e3ba6c114122f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerLoam.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' !
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerLoam' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerSand.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerSand.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f09dc37a9ca504826ee8775dedf8a6158d1f0c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerSand.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' !
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'millerSand' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d17071ceff8b467be5120db09ec0df8c69d7a2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zDecisions_miller1998.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA        ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS           ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType       ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry      ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive       ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic       ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      monTable       ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform       ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      noXplict       ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      constant       ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      zeroFlux       ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux       ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      presHead       ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      presHead       ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988   ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      difTrans       ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow      ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv       ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream    ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay       ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson       ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      CLM_2010       ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      jrdn1991       ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      mixConstit     ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn    ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay       ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1988     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9ef914a0df0262176396e2c2af5fbaab330db61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'miller1998_forcing.nc'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9019c76a5bc0758b954f3949c5eb145e1c5f8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_miller1998.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | miller1998_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                     ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                      ! year
+im             | 2                      ! month
+id             | 3                      ! day
+ih             | 4                      ! hour
+imin           | 5                      ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                      ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                      ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                      ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                     ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                     ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                     ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                     ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 900                    ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d52d1c91a222681f9dc6e525a7f1eec014535ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_miller1998.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INITIAL CONDITIONS **************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! -------------------------------
+! Variable name followed by the value
+! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! --------------------------------
+dt_init                   10.000000000000
+scalarCanopyIce            0.000000000000
+scalarCanopyLiq            0.000000000000
+scalarCanairTemp         286.000000000000
+scalarCanopyTemp         290.000000000000
+scalarSnowAlbedo           0.820000000000
+scalarSWE                  0.000000000000
+scalarSnowDepth            0.000000000000
+scalarSfcMeltPond          0.000000000000
+scalarAquiferStorage       0.000000000000
+! --------------------------------
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! -------------------------------
+! Variable names followed by values
+! The variable names are important, as they must match the variable names in the code
+! -------------------------------
+! layerType        = snow or soil (4-character string)
+! iLayerHeight     = height of the layer interface; top of soil = 0 (m)
+! mLayerDepth      = depth of the layer (m)
+! mLayerTemp       = temperature of the layer (K)
+! mLayerVolFracIce = volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+! mLayerVolFracLiq = volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+! mLayerMatricHead = matric head (m)
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! -------------------------------
+ layerType iLayerHeight  mLayerDepth mLayerTemp  mLayerVolFracIce mLayerVolFracLiq mLayerMatricHead
+      soil    0.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093000        -9.950000
+      soil    0.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093000        -9.850000
+      soil    0.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093000        -9.750000
+      soil    0.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093000        -9.650000
+      soil    0.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.550000
+      soil    0.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.450000
+      soil    0.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.350000
+      soil    0.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.250000
+      soil    0.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.150000
+      soil    0.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -9.050000
+      soil    1.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.950000
+      soil    1.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.850000
+      soil    1.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.750000
+      soil    1.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.650000
+      soil    1.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.550000
+      soil    1.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.450000
+      soil    1.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.350000
+      soil    1.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.250000
+      soil    1.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.150000
+      soil    1.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -8.050000
+      soil    2.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.950000
+      soil    2.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.850000
+      soil    2.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.750000
+      soil    2.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.650000
+      soil    2.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.550000
+      soil    2.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.450000
+      soil    2.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.350000
+      soil    2.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.250000
+      soil    2.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.150000
+      soil    2.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -7.050000
+      soil    3.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093001        -6.950000
+      soil    3.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.850000
+      soil    3.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.750000
+      soil    3.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.650000
+      soil    3.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.550000
+      soil    3.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.450000
+      soil    3.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.350000
+      soil    3.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.250000
+      soil    3.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.150000
+      soil    3.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -6.050000
+      soil    4.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093002        -5.950000
+      soil    4.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.850000
+      soil    4.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.750000
+      soil    4.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.650000
+      soil    4.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.550000
+      soil    4.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.450000
+      soil    4.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093003        -5.350000
+      soil    4.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093004        -5.250000
+      soil    4.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093004        -5.150000
+      soil    4.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093004        -5.050000
+      soil    5.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093004        -4.950000
+      soil    5.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093005        -4.850000
+      soil    5.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093005        -4.750000
+      soil    5.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093005        -4.650000
+      soil    5.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093006        -4.550000
+      soil    5.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093006        -4.450000
+      soil    5.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093007        -4.350000
+      soil    5.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093007        -4.250000
+      soil    5.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093008        -4.150000
+      soil    5.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093008        -4.050000
+      soil    6.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093009        -3.950000
+      soil    6.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093010        -3.850000
+      soil    6.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093011        -3.750000
+      soil    6.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093012        -3.650000
+      soil    6.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093013        -3.550000
+      soil    6.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093014        -3.450000
+      soil    6.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093016        -3.350000
+      soil    6.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093017        -3.250000
+      soil    6.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093019        -3.150000
+      soil    6.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093021        -3.050000
+      soil    7.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093024        -2.950000
+      soil    7.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093027        -2.850000
+      soil    7.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093030        -2.750000
+      soil    7.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093034        -2.650000
+      soil    7.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093038        -2.550000
+      soil    7.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093044        -2.450000
+      soil    7.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093050        -2.350000
+      soil    7.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093058        -2.250000
+      soil    7.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093067        -2.150000
+      soil    7.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093078        -2.050000
+      soil    8.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093092        -1.950000
+      soil    8.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093109        -1.850000
+      soil    8.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093131        -1.750000
+      soil    8.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093158        -1.650000
+      soil    8.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093194        -1.550000
+      soil    8.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093241        -1.450000
+      soil    8.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093305        -1.350000
+      soil    8.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093392        -1.250000
+      soil    8.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093514        -1.150000
+      soil    8.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093692        -1.050000
+      soil    9.0000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.093959        -0.950000
+      soil    9.1000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.094378        -0.850000
+      soil    9.2000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.095071        -0.750000
+      soil    9.3000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.096299        -0.650000
+      soil    9.4000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.098672        -0.550000
+      soil    9.5000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.103817        -0.450000
+      soil    9.6000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.116835        -0.350000
+      soil    9.7000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.155619        -0.250000
+      soil    9.8000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.251168        -0.150000
+      soil    9.9000000    0.1000000    285.160          0.000000         0.300370        -0.050000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02eac15d2ed210a218bfecffb849272ec03058ce
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerClay.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c34b8216eeb21898cf7dd65f975911103b96248
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerLoam.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..889c1256311175016075a46043d03c0c3c2d9908
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zInitialCond_millerSand.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..751bf3c5fb15cb326c4ca75c3f3e236ce3a0c26c
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7dcd36cb83eee0bac6edcf76168e96e6d82bd46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |       0.1000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |       0.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.1600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0600 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.0150 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       3.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       0.5000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.0750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |      20.0000 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       2.0000 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |       5.5000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.2000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.4010 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1390 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.8400 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.3000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    |      7.5d-06 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               |      1.0d-03 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       2.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |      50.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-09 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       0.1000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |     100.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-1 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-1 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerClay.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerLoam.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/miller1998/summa_fileManager_millerSand.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19fcb53d7ed275d6a9b59016aedc8e67fef3c145
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerClay.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c39f7ca18238d0acf0d8bdfaa012351dbed9124c
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerLoam.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92a3d683aff94a80dd02f599430bd9f5ffe452d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_zParamTrial_millerSand.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerClay_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerClay_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a7d14bb8b9dc39c7fe3c43249431a71b0c4e277
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerClay_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerLoam_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerLoam_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6e693fa20823fc0662ab456a69b49a596fe4ea0
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerLoam_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerSand_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerSand_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fadc7a011eb7da163d48b515316973419a08666f
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/millerSand_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3db320081a2c880461b00611d781f7fd29026a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=18 - mi=39 - ss=02.545
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verify_miller.py b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verify_miller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c55f14611b16e36dff9869c85047e95888acb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/verify_miller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from pathlib import Path
+import xarray as xr
+import numpy as np
+def verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU):
+    try:
+        verified_dataset = xr.open_dataset(verified_data_path)
+        to_compare_dataset = xr.open_dataset(data_to_compare_path)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print("Check the variables \'verified_data_path\' and \'data_to_compare_path\'. They may not point to the correct output files or the output filenames may have changed.")
+        exit()
+    # Get the HRUs from the dataset into a list
+    for iHRU in range(0, numHRU):
+        verified_hru = verified_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        hru_to_compare = to_compare_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        for var in output_variables:
+            try:
+                if len(verified_hru[var].values) != len(hru_to_compare[var].values):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_hru[var].values))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(hru_to_compare[var].values))
+                verified_data = []
+                to_verify_data = []
+                if (verified_hru[var].values.ndim > 1):
+                    # 2D output case
+                    for list in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            verified_data.append(data)
+                    for list in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            to_verify_data.append(data)
+                else:
+                    # 1D output case
+                    for data in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        verified_data.append(data)
+                    for data in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        to_verify_data.append(data)
+                # check length
+                if len(verified_data) != len(to_verify_data):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_data))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(to_verify_data))
+                # check values
+                for elem in range(0, len(verified_data)):
+                    if verified_data[elem] != to_verify_data[elem]:
+                        print("variable -",var, "has different values at", elem)
+                        print("     verified_hru = ", verified_data[elem])
+                        print("     hru_to_compare = ", to_verify_data[elem])
+                        break
+            except TypeError:
+                print("variable - ", var, "Cannot be compared with len")
+                print("     verified_hru = ",verified_hru[var].values)
+                print("     hru_to_compare = ", hru_to_compare[var].values)
+numHRU = 1
+time = "time" 
+nSnow = "nSnow" 
+nSoil = "nSoil" 
+nLayers = "nLayers" 
+mLayerHeight = "mLayerHeight" 
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil = "iLayerLiqFluxSoil" 
+mLayerDepth = "mLayerDepth" 
+mLayerVolFracIce = "mLayerVolFracIce" 
+mLayerVolFracLiq = "mLayerVolFracLiq" 
+mLayerMatricHead = "mLayerMatricHead" 
+mLayerTranspire = "mLayerTranspire" 
+mLayerBaseflow = "mLayerBaseflow" 
+mLayerCompress = "mLayerCompress" 
+iLayerNrgFlux = "iLayerNrgFlux" 
+basin__TotalArea = "basin__TotalArea" 
+scalarGroundEvaporation = "scalarGroundEvaporation" 
+scalarSoilBaseflow = "scalarSoilBaseflow" 
+scalarSoilDrainage = "scalarSoilDrainage" 
+scalarInfiltration = "scalarInfiltration" 
+scalarSnowDrainage = "scalarSnowDrainage" 
+scalarSnowSublimation = "scalarSnowSublimation" 
+scalarThroughfallRain = "scalarThroughfallRain" 
+scalarThroughfallSnow = "scalarThroughfallSnow" 
+scalarRainfall = "scalarRainfall" 
+scalarSnowfall = "scalarSnowfall" 
+scalarRainPlusMelt = "scalarRainPlusMelt" 
+pptrate = "pptrate" 
+averageRoutedRunoff = "averageRoutedRunoff" 
+scalarSWE = "scalarSWE"
+fieldCapacity = "fieldCapacity"
+output_variables = [time, nSnow, nSoil, nLayers, mLayerHeight, iLayerLiqFluxSoil, \
+    mLayerDepth, mLayerVolFracIce, mLayerVolFracLiq, mLayerMatricHead, mLayerTranspire, \
+    mLayerBaseflow, mLayerCompress, iLayerNrgFlux, basin__TotalArea, scalarGroundEvaporation, \
+    scalarSoilBaseflow, scalarSoilDrainage, scalarInfiltration, scalarSnowDrainage, \
+    scalarSnowSublimation, scalarThroughfallRain, scalarThroughfallSnow, scalarRainfall, \
+    scalarSnowfall, scalarRainPlusMelt, pptrate, averageRoutedRunoff, \
+    scalarSWE, fieldCapacity]
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/millerClay_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/millerClayGRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/millerLoam_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/millerLoamGRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+# verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/millerSand_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+# data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/millerSandGRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+# verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3..7ebcd5557fbe5bb71ecee0dee16b3b3547d1fbd9 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-  "DistributedSettings": {
-      "distributed-mode": true,
-      "host": "localhost",
-      "port": 4444
-  },
-  "SimulationSettings": {
-      "total_hru_count": 100000,
-      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
-  },
-  "SummaActor": {
-      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
-      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
-  },
-  "FileAccessActor": {
-      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
-  },
+    "DistributedSettings": {
+        "distributed-mode": false,
+        "host": "localhost",
+        "port": 4444
+    },
-  "JobActor": {
-      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
-      "outputCSV": false,
-      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
-  },
-  "HRUActor": {
-      "printOutput": true,
-      "outputFrequency": 500
-  }
+    "SimulationSettings": {
+        "total_hru_count": 100000,
+        "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+    },
+    "SummaActor": {
+        "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+    },
+    "FileAccessActor": {
+        "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+    },
+    "JobActor": {
+        "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt",
+        "outputCSV": false,
+        "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+    },
+    "HRUActor": {
+        "printOutput": true,
+        "outputFrequency": 1
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/mizoguchi1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/mizoguchi1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80d2ac17f8e003d6c6e59a7d165dd59cec28c438
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/mizoguchi1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..816ded9a32347f2ef8854d0783aa1d4fa704e0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=21 - mi=32 - ss=42.965
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fa83eb73993c0c92fc2bdac3823ffd79211e2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_mizoguchi.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3334a9bfb01816ba7e9520fd0fe36faa44259177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/Model_Output.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/Model_Output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19ed37469f9d3860b3414756a551cb850ab9955b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/Model_Output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+! ---------
+! model variables
+! ---------
+time                      | 1
+nSnow                     | 1
+nSoil                     | 1
+nLayers                   | 1
+mLayerHeight              | 1
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil         | 1
+mLayerDepth               | 1
+mLayerVolFracIce          | 1
+mLayerVolFracLiq          | 1
+mLayerMatricHead          | 1
+mLayerTranspire           | 1
+mLayerBaseflow            | 1
+mLayerCompress            | 1
+iLayerNrgFlux             | 1
+basin__TotalArea          | 1
+scalarGroundEvaporation   | 1
+scalarSoilBaseflow        | 1
+scalarSoilDrainage        | 1
+scalarInfiltration        | 1
+scalarSnowDrainage        | 1
+scalarSnowSublimation     | 1
+scalarThroughfallRain     | 1
+scalarThroughfallSnow     | 1
+scalarRainfall            | 1
+scalarSnowfall            | 1
+scalarRainPlusMelt        | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
+pptrate                   | 1
+averageRoutedRunoff       | 1
+scalarSWE                 | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f220a316ee3c053e860e62697095bffa265b321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:01' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '2000-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'mizoguchi1990' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_mizoguchi.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_mizoguchi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69517be0971ed8e23b1db287b8b118c6ca9596e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_mizoguchi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:01' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'mizoguchi1990' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32ebccac5a0c549881def40f2c71c35b005c1652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_mizoguchi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA         ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS            ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType        ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry       ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive        ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic        ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      monTable        ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform        ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      noXplict        ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      constant        ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      presTemp        ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      liq_flux        ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      zeroFlux        ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988    ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      difTrans        ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow       ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy  ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv        ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream     ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay        ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson        ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      jrdn1991        ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      jrdn1991        ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      hanssonVZJ      ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn     ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay        ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1988     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:18 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54cd59448427e605213d73854a4b8e61e3095756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'mizoguchi_forcing.nc'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..268d17423c5d9a2f5dd828010d30fbc7426b60bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_mizoguchi.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | mizoguchi_forcing.txt ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                    ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                     ! year
+im             | 2                     ! month
+id             | 3                     ! day
+ih             | 4                     ! hour
+imin           | 5                     ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                     ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                     ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                     ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                    ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                    ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                    ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                    ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 60                    ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ff2e3ffc4b70f3d8993cb916c0a900e504f4329
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_mizoguchi.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2909cb14bbbb1eaae1398976dacd601d039143af
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ce9d46a0120e95c9d49733d3e534e0e92ededac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |      -0.7500 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |       0.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.1600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.1979 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       3.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       0.1000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.0750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |      20.0000 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       2.0000 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |      28.0000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.2000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.4010 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1390 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.8400 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.3000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    |      7.5d-06 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               |      1.0d-03 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       2.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |      50.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-09 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |      20.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:18 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/mizoguchi1990/summa_fileManager_mizoguchi.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fd038b542c8c656ca15554a1b65cf8f1f18063f
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_mizoguchi.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d093bfd5df8ed7896fc35dc10852885bc3a5906
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cb0c6864c9416849bb5eb3648b44940ab387d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=19 - mi=08 - ss=48.977
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verify_mizoguchi.py b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verify_mizoguchi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..738119a37751c662d0193ae9c617edd256815f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verify_mizoguchi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from pathlib import Path
+import xarray as xr
+import numpy as np
+def verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU):
+    try:
+        verified_dataset = xr.open_dataset(verified_data_path)
+        to_compare_dataset = xr.open_dataset(data_to_compare_path)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print("Check the variables \'verified_data_path\' and \'data_to_compare_path\'. They may not point to the correct output files or the output filenames may have changed.")
+        exit()
+    # Get the HRUs from the dataset into a list
+    for iHRU in range(0, numHRU):
+        verified_hru = verified_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        hru_to_compare = to_compare_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        for var in output_variables:
+            try:
+                if len(verified_hru[var].values) != len(hru_to_compare[var].values):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_hru[var].values))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(hru_to_compare[var].values))
+                verified_data = []
+                to_verify_data = []
+                if (verified_hru[var].values.ndim > 1):
+                    # 2D output case
+                    for list in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            verified_data.append(data)
+                    for list in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            to_verify_data.append(data)
+                else:
+                    # 1D output case
+                    for data in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        verified_data.append(data)
+                    for data in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        to_verify_data.append(data)
+                # check length
+                if len(verified_data) != len(to_verify_data):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_data))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(to_verify_data))
+                # check values
+                for elem in range(0, len(verified_data)):
+                    if verified_data[elem] != to_verify_data[elem]:
+                        print("variable -",var, "has different values at", elem)
+                        print("     verified_hru = ", verified_data[elem])
+                        print("     hru_to_compare = ", to_verify_data[elem])
+                        break
+            except TypeError:
+                print("variable - ", var, "Cannot be compared with len")
+                print("     verified_hru = ",verified_hru[var].values)
+                print("     hru_to_compare = ", hru_to_compare[var].values)
+numHRU = 1
+time = "time" 
+nSnow = "nSnow" 
+nSoil = "nSoil" 
+nLayers = "nLayers" 
+mLayerHeight = "mLayerHeight" 
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil = "iLayerLiqFluxSoil" 
+mLayerDepth = "mLayerDepth" 
+mLayerVolFracIce = "mLayerVolFracIce" 
+mLayerVolFracLiq = "mLayerVolFracLiq" 
+mLayerMatricHead = "mLayerMatricHead" 
+mLayerTranspire = "mLayerTranspire" 
+mLayerBaseflow = "mLayerBaseflow" 
+mLayerCompress = "mLayerCompress" 
+iLayerNrgFlux = "iLayerNrgFlux" 
+basin__TotalArea = "basin__TotalArea" 
+scalarGroundEvaporation = "scalarGroundEvaporation" 
+scalarSoilBaseflow = "scalarSoilBaseflow" 
+scalarSoilDrainage = "scalarSoilDrainage" 
+scalarInfiltration = "scalarInfiltration" 
+scalarSnowDrainage = "scalarSnowDrainage" 
+scalarSnowSublimation = "scalarSnowSublimation" 
+scalarThroughfallRain = "scalarThroughfallRain" 
+scalarThroughfallSnow = "scalarThroughfallSnow" 
+scalarRainfall = "scalarRainfall" 
+scalarSnowfall = "scalarSnowfall" 
+scalarRainPlusMelt = "scalarRainPlusMelt" 
+pptrate = "pptrate" 
+averageRoutedRunoff = "averageRoutedRunoff" 
+scalarSWE = "scalarSWE"
+fieldCapacity = "fieldCapacity"
+output_variables = [time, nSnow, nSoil, nLayers, mLayerHeight, iLayerLiqFluxSoil, \
+    mLayerDepth, mLayerVolFracIce, mLayerVolFracLiq, mLayerMatricHead, mLayerTranspire, \
+    mLayerBaseflow, mLayerCompress, iLayerNrgFlux, basin__TotalArea, scalarGroundEvaporation, \
+    scalarSoilBaseflow, scalarSoilDrainage, scalarInfiltration, scalarSnowDrainage, \
+    scalarSnowSublimation, scalarThroughfallRain, scalarThroughfallSnow, scalarRainfall, \
+    scalarSnowfall, scalarRainPlusMelt, pptrate, averageRoutedRunoff, \
+    scalarSWE, fieldCapacity]
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/mizoguchi1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffded0d780cf2e769d791e5e4ea6fbc5e80d672b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp1/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+    "DistributedSettings": {
+        "distributed-mode": false,
+        "host": "localhost",
+        "port": 4444
+    },
+    "SimulationSettings": {
+        "total_hru_count": 100000,
+        "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+    },
+    "SummaActor": {
+        "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+    },
+    "FileAccessActor": {
+        "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+    },
+    "JobActor": {
+        "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt",
+        "outputCSV": false,
+        "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+    },
+    "HRUActor": {
+        "printOutput": true,
+        "outputFrequency": 1
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02070005214c2425b46f389847b08b5c5b196f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp2/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+    "DistributedSettings": {
+        "distributed-mode": false,
+        "host": "localhost",
+        "port": 4444
+    },
+    "SimulationSettings": {
+        "total_hru_count": 100000,
+        "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+    },
+    "SummaActor": {
+        "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+    },
+    "FileAccessActor": {
+        "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+    },
+    "JobActor": {
+        "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt",
+        "outputCSV": false,
+        "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+    },
+    "HRUActor": {
+        "printOutput": true,
+        "outputFrequency": 1
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32e926578fc8e95c832cdc400c2e3d7ac1c76633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp3/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+    "DistributedSettings": {
+        "distributed-mode": false,
+        "host": "localhost",
+        "port": 4444
+    },
+    "SimulationSettings": {
+        "total_hru_count": 100000,
+        "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+    },
+    "SummaActor": {
+        "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+    },
+    "FileAccessActor": {
+        "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+    },
+    "JobActor": {
+        "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt",
+        "outputCSV": false,
+        "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+    },
+    "HRUActor": {
+        "printOutput": true,
+        "outputFrequency": 1
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5151e7cd7c083f6e6f2ec66c000ccd868bb86520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=21 - mi=33 - ss=47.978
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..389efb9d6fdd3efa2fce4c47f99dbb34e9164bbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ed72de5cbe91cc37bbea9af33127f011e576243
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06a160724b61e8833821c158c2d00e720e21db49
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/vanderborght2005_exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afdec1fddfbb3ac82ee20da754ae290f2ee64782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..632f2091eb64db4bd2c9758f4cd88002441ec98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp1
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp2
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/exp3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/Model_Output.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/Model_Output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d27936ba2357ecbd9a594ab0b9dcca44917333ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/Model_Output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+! ---------
+! model variables
+! ---------
+nSnow                     | 1
+nSoil                     | 1
+pptrate                   | 1
+airtemp                   | 1
+scalarRainPlusMelt        | 1
+scalarSWE                 | 1
+scalarThroughfallSnow     | 1
+scalarThroughfallRain     | 1
+scalarSnowSublimation     | 1
+scalarInfiltration        | 1
+scalarExfiltration        | 1
+scalarSurfaceRunoff       | 1
+scalarSurfaceTemp         | 1
+scalarSenHeatTotal        | 1
+scalarLatHeatTotal        | 1
+mLayerHeight              | 1
+iLayerHeight              | 1
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil         | 1
+mLayerTemp                | 1
+mLayerDepth               | 1
+mLayerLiqFluxSoil         | 1
+mLayerVolFracIce          | 1
+mLayerVolFracLiq          | 1
+mLayerVolFracWat          | 1
+mLayerMatricHead          | 1
+basin__TotalArea          | 1
+basin__SurfaceRunoff      | 1
+basin__ColumnOutflow      | 1
+basin__AquiferStorage     | 1
+basin__AquiferRecharge    | 1
+basin__AquiferBaseflow    | 1
+basin__AquiferTranspire   | 1
+averageInstantRunoff      | 1
+averageRoutedRunoff       | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
+scalarLAI                 | 1
+scalarSAI                 | 1
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc9df573e90b6a5691fb24618a620dd82d262011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' ! 
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp1.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp1' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95d7d4ce7ea59822d000c65cfcfd50b5df5e137e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp2.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp2' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0ef7a680830413df0c824370fca27b35393acb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/output/' !  output_path
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '1990-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp3.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp3' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a62a876978d4834839e90d158b3a4c9fff35366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' ! 
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp1.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp1' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6491b089bdfdbdd1a0546ca767b88eac3271b25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp2.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp2' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c6bbe1aec9d3fb4685529d20673c7fdbf4c5508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '1990-01-01 00:00' !
+simEndTime           '1990-01-01 01:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  ouput_file
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp3.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'vanderborght2005_exp3' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d50dc7f44b4b52a93dc23ff7a0e971910cb467e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zDecisions_vanderborght2005.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA         ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS            ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType        ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry       ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive        ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic        ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      monTable        ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform        ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      noXplict        ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      constant        ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      liq_flux        ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      drainage        ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988    ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      difTrans        ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow       ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy  ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv        ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream     ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay        ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson        ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      CLM_2010        ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      jrdn1991        ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      mixConstit      ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn     ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay        ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1998     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..449994a2c271f68eab1f4430eb769ec08e16e1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'vanderborght2005_forcing.nc'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_vanderborght2005.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_vanderborght2005.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6163dd00baaa63551343468719b645529ad92479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_vanderborght2005.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | celia1990_forcing.txt  ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                     ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                      ! year
+im             | 2                      ! month
+id             | 3                      ! day
+ih             | 4                      ! hour
+imin           | 5                      ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                      ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                      ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                      ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                     ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                     ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                     ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                     ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 1800                   ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7f98a1926eb620c1e93e39efc21ee1f1177903f
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zInitialCond_vanderborght2005.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9f04385edc2e453fa0a7df385ac1a1fe9c991d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f716d75d7b89700b973fcb3d121513883ab4d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |      -0.7500 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |     -10.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.1600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0600 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.0150 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       3.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       0.5000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.0750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |      20.0000 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       2.0000 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |       5.5000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.2000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.4010 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1390 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.8400 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.3000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    |      7.5d-06 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               |      1.0d-03 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       2.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |      50.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-09 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |     100.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp1.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp2.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/vanderborght2005/summa_fileManager_vanderborght2005_exp3.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp1.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp1.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03884900e57967574005d2c8ad9f3654f6d28a22
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp1.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp2.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp2.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24168048fb4fc80caa1fbfc17f61367b87da1d2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp2.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp3.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp3.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7961568d210b5c7e983dde3dd5049c41ee5fd72
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/summa_zParamTrial_vanderborght2005_exp3.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10e395043691fd103d4ac68239f4c0768d68f00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=16 - hh=19 - mi=29 - ss=48.969
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12092bcbc3c3c44661bfaee121ab38d412ac58ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf0d8df63e5154522394c43bd4c8b22317f82ca2
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13cf977cc83ad4ddde41d01206abd8ee0f310842
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verify_vanderborght.py b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verify_vanderborght.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9d1104d9a473ccfc1f15322366f609f42b6d104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/verify_vanderborght.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isfile, join
+from pathlib import Path
+import xarray as xr
+import numpy as np
+def verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU):
+    try:
+        verified_dataset = xr.open_dataset(verified_data_path)
+        to_compare_dataset = xr.open_dataset(data_to_compare_path)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print("Check the variables \'verified_data_path\' and \'data_to_compare_path\'. They may not point to the correct output files or the output filenames may have changed.")
+        exit()
+    # Get the HRUs from the dataset into a list
+    for iHRU in range(0, numHRU):
+        verified_hru = verified_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        hru_to_compare = to_compare_dataset.isel(hru=iHRU).copy()
+        for var in output_variables:
+            try:
+                if len(verified_hru[var].values) != len(hru_to_compare[var].values):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_hru[var].values))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(hru_to_compare[var].values))
+                verified_data = []
+                to_verify_data = []
+                if (verified_hru[var].values.ndim > 1):
+                    # 2D output case
+                    for list in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            verified_data.append(data)
+                    for list in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        for data in list:
+                            to_verify_data.append(data)
+                else:
+                    # 1D output case
+                    for data in verified_hru[var].values:
+                        verified_data.append(data)
+                    for data in hru_to_compare[var].values:
+                        to_verify_data.append(data)
+                # check length
+                if len(verified_data) != len(to_verify_data):
+                    print("ERROR: output variable", var, "does not contain the same amount of data")
+                    print("     verified_hru = ", len(verified_data))
+                    print("     hru_to_compare = ", len(to_verify_data))
+                # check values
+                for elem in range(0, len(verified_data)):
+                    if verified_data[elem] != to_verify_data[elem]:
+                        print("variable -",var, "has different values at", elem)
+                        print("     verified_hru = ", verified_data[elem])
+                        print("     hru_to_compare = ", to_verify_data[elem])
+                        break
+            except TypeError:
+                print("variable - ", var, "Cannot be compared with len")
+                print("     verified_hru = ",verified_hru[var].values)
+                print("     hru_to_compare = ", hru_to_compare[var].values)
+numHRU = 1
+nSnow = "nSnow"
+nSoil = "nSoil"
+pptrate = "pptrate"
+airtemp = "airtemp"
+scalarRainPlusMelt = "scalarRainPlusMelt"
+scalarSWE = "scalarSWE"
+scalarThroughfallSnow = "scalarThroughfallSnow"
+scalarThroughfallRain = "scalarThroughfallRain"
+scalarSnowSublimation = "scalarSnowSublimation"
+scalarInfiltration = "scalarInfiltration"
+scalarExfiltration = "scalarExfiltration"
+scalarSurfaceRunoff = "scalarSurfaceRunoff"
+scalarSurfaceTemp = "scalarSurfaceTemp"
+scalarSenHeatTotal = "scalarSenHeatTotal"
+scalarLatHeatTotal = "scalarLatHeatTotal"
+mLayerHeight = "mLayerHeight"
+iLayerHeight = "iLayerHeight"
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil = "iLayerLiqFluxSoil"
+mLayerTemp = "mLayerTemp"
+mLayerDepth = "mLayerDepth"
+mLayerLiqFluxSoil = "mLayerLiqFluxSoil"
+mLayerVolFracIce = "mLayerVolFracIce"
+mLayerVolFracLiq = "mLayerVolFracLiq"
+mLayerVolFracWat = "mLayerVolFracWat"
+mLayerMatricHead = "mLayerMatricHead"
+basin__TotalArea = "basin__TotalArea"
+basin__SurfaceRunoff = "basin__SurfaceRunoff"
+basin__ColumnOutflow = "basin__ColumnOutflow"
+basin__AquiferStorage = "basin__AquiferStorage"
+basin__AquiferRecharge = "basin__AquiferRecharge"
+basin__AquiferBaseflow = "basin__AquiferBaseflow"
+basin__AquiferTranspire = "basin__AquiferTranspire"
+averageInstantRunoff = "averageInstantRunoff"
+averageRoutedRunoff = "averageRoutedRunoff"
+fieldCapacity = "fieldCapacity"
+scalarLAI = "scalarLAI"
+scalarSAI = "scalarSAI"
+output_variables = [nSnow,nSoil,pptrate,airtemp,scalarRainPlusMelt,scalarSWE,scalarThroughfallSnow, \
+    scalarThroughfallRain,scalarSnowSublimation,scalarInfiltration,scalarExfiltration,scalarSurfaceRunoff, \
+    scalarSurfaceTemp,scalarSenHeatTotal,scalarLatHeatTotal,mLayerHeight,iLayerHeight,iLayerLiqFluxSoil, \
+    mLayerTemp,mLayerDepth,mLayerLiqFluxSoil,mLayerVolFracIce,mLayerVolFracLiq,mLayerVolFracWat, \
+    mLayerMatricHead,basin__TotalArea,basin__SurfaceRunoff,basin__ColumnOutflow,basin__AquiferStorage, \
+    basin__AquiferRecharge,basin__AquiferBaseflow,basin__AquiferTranspire,averageInstantRunoff, \
+    averageRoutedRunoff,fieldCapacity,scalarLAI,scalarSAI]
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp1_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/vanderborght2005_exp1GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp2_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/vanderborght2005_exp2GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
+verified_data_path = Path("./verification_data/vanderborght2005_exp3_G1-1_timestep.nc")
+data_to_compare_path = Path("./output/vanderborght2005_exp3GRU1-1_timestep.nc")
+verify(verified_data_path, data_to_compare_path, output_variables, numHRU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3..85d67e14de7697397209c43e31815cf2312ce5a5 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-  "DistributedSettings": {
-      "distributed-mode": true,
-      "host": "localhost",
-      "port": 4444
-  },
-  "SimulationSettings": {
-      "total_hru_count": 100000,
-      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
-  },
-  "SummaActor": {
-      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
-      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
-  },
-  "FileAccessActor": {
-      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
-  },
+    "DistributedSettings": {
+        "distributed-mode": false,
+        "host": "localhost",
+        "port": 4444
+    },
-  "JobActor": {
-      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
-      "outputCSV": false,
-      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
-  },
-  "HRUActor": {
-      "printOutput": true,
-      "outputFrequency": 500
-  }
+    "SimulationSettings": {
+        "total_hru_count": 100000,
+        "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+    },
+    "SummaActor": {
+        "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+    },
+    "FileAccessActor": {
+        "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+    },
+    "JobActor": {
+        "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+        "outputCSV": false,
+        "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+    },
+    "HRUActor": {
+        "printOutput": true,
+        "outputFrequency": 1
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afe4927125202154f9eed9373db8c8264c2dc8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerClay.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerLoam.txt
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/summa_fileManager_verify_millerSand.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..864e583b8aa024e5655c409fd77279f2a00b6088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/clay
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/loam
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/sand
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..255507da5241e5c5df051dd37c3a6220e383712b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinModelVarMeta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! columns are:
+! 1: variable name
+! 2: variable description
+! 3: variable units
+! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
+! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)'    ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! define variables
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (runoff and aquifer fluxes)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+basin__totalArea                    | total basin area                                                  | m2              | scalarv | T
+basin__SurfaceRunoff                | surface runoff                                                    | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+basin__ColumnOutflow                | outflow from all "outlet" HRUs (those with no downstream HRU)     | m3 s-1          | scalarv | T
+basin__AquiferStorage               | aquifer storage                                                   | m               | scalarv | F
+basin__AquiferRecharge              | recharge to the aquifer                                           | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+basin__AquiferBaseflow              | baseflow from the aquifer                                         | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+basin__AquiferTranspire             | transpiration loss from the aquifer                               | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! runoff
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+routingRunoffFuture                 | runoff in future time steps                                       | m s-1           | routing | F
+routingFractionFuture               | fraction of runoff in future time steps                           | -               | routing | F
+averageInstantRunoff                | instantaneous runoff                                              | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+averageRoutedRunoff                 | routed runoff                                                     | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94257c0db81f8ba57e9c80ce68baedc4e9914ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zBasinParamMeta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! NOTES: 
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: parameter description
+! 3: parameter units
+! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
+! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     | hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer                             | m s-1      | scalarv | T
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket              | m          | scalarv | T
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp | baseflow exponent for the big bucket                              | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! sub-grid routing
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         | shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing   | -          | scalarv | T
+routingGammaScale         | scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing   | s          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b88778a4ed3b8d9f35afcce2cc97f2225f142718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelIndexMeta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL INDEX VARIABLES ******************************************************************
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! columns are:
+! 1: variable name
+! 2: variable description
+! 3: variable units
+! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
+! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! define format string for variable descriptions
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+'(a20,(1x,a1,1x),a60,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)'    ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+! define variables
+! ************************************************************************************************************
+nSnow                | number of snow layers                                        | -          | scalarv | T
+nSoil                | number of soil layers                                        | -          | scalarv | T
+nLayers              | total number of layers                                       | -          | scalarv | T
+midSnowStartIndex    | start index of the midSnow vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+midSoilStartIndex    | start index of the midSoil vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+midTotoStartIndex    | start index of the midToto vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+ifcSnowStartIndex    | start index of the ifcSnow vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+ifcSoilStartIndex    | start index of the ifcSoil vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+ifcTotoStartIndex    | start index of the ifcToto vector for a given timestep       | -          | scalarv | T
+layerType            | index defining type of layer (soil or snow)                  | -          | midToto | F
+! ************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6d8661c6dc7570d2ff1165c373772f87f6f542c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalModelVarMeta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL VARIABLES *************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! columns are:
+! 1: variable name
+! 2: variable description
+! 3: variable units
+! 4: variable type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
+! 5: write variable to output file? (T/F)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+'(a35,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a15,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),l1)'    ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! define variables
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! timestep-average fluxes for a few key variables
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+totalSoilCompress                   | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix    | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+averageThroughfallSnow              | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy     | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageThroughfallRain              | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy     | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopySnowUnloading          | unloading of snow from the vegetion canopy                        | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopyLiqDrainage            | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy               | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopyMeltFreeze             | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy                         | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopyTranspiration          | canopy transpiration                                              | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopyEvaporation            | canopy evaporation/condensation                                   | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageCanopySublimation            | canopy sublimation/frost                                          | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageSnowSublimation              | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated)            | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+averageGroundEvaporation            | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated)   | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | T
+averageRainPlusMelt                 | rain plus melt input to soil before calculating surface runoff    | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageSurfaceRunoff                | surface runoff                                                    | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageSoilInflux                   | influx of water at the top of the soil profile                    | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageSoilBaseflow                 | total baseflow from throughout the soil profile                   | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+averageSoilDrainage                 | drainage from the bottom of the soil profile                      | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageAquiferRecharge              | recharge to the aquifer                                           | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageAquiferBaseflow              | baseflow from the aquifer                                         | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageAquiferTranspire             | transpiration from the aquifer                                    | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+averageColumnOutflow                | outflow from each layer in the soil profile                       | m3 s-1          | midSoil | T
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (forcing)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarCosZenith                     | cosine of the solar zenith angle                                  | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarFractionDirect                | fraction of direct radiation (0-1)                                | -               | scalarv | F
+spectralIncomingDirect              | incoming direct solar radiation in each wave band                 | W m-2           | wLength | F
+spectralIncomingDiffuse             | incoming diffuse solar radiation in each wave band                | W m-2           | wLength | F
+scalarVPair                         | vapor pressure of the air above the vegetation canopy             | Pa              | scalarv | F
+scalarTwetbulb                      | wet bulb temperature                                              | K               | scalarv | F
+scalarRainfall                      | computed rainfall rate                                            | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarSnowfall                      | computed snowfall rate                                            | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarSnowfallTemp                  | temperature of fresh snow                                         | K               | scalarv | F
+scalarNewSnowDensity                | density of fresh snow (should snow be falling in this time step)  | kg m-3          | scalarv | F
+scalarO2air                         | atmospheric o2 concentration                                      | Pa              | scalarv | F
+scalarCO2air                        | atmospheric co2 concentration                                     | Pa              | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (state variables)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarCanopyIce                     | mass of ice on the vegetation canopy                              | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyLiq                     | mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy                     | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarCanairTemp                    | temperature of the canopy air space                               | K               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyTemp                    | temperature of the vegetation canopy                              | K               | scalarv | F 
+scalarSnowAge                       | non-dimensional snow age                                          | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarSnowAlbedo                    | snow albedo for the entire spectral band                          | -               | scalarv | F
+spectralSnowAlbedoDirect            | direct snow albedo for individual spectral bands                  | -               | wLength | F
+spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse           | diffuse snow albedo for individual spectral bands                 | -               | wLength | F
+scalarSnowDepth                     | total snow depth                                                  | m               | scalarv | F
+scalarSWE                           | snow water equivalent                                             | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarSfcMeltPond                   | ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer"         | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarAquiferStorage                | water required to bring aquifer to the bottom of the soil profile | m               | scalarv | F
+scalarSurfaceTemp                   | surface temperature (just a copy of the upper-layer temperature)  | K               | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (general)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarGreenVegFraction              | green vegetation fraction (used to compute LAI)                   | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg             | bulk volumetric heat capacity of vegetation                       | J m-3 K-1       | scalarv | F
+scalarRootZoneTemp                  | average temperature of the root zone                              | K               | scalarv | F
+scalarLAI                           | one-sided leaf area index                                         | m2 m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarSAI                           | one-sided stem area index                                         | m2 m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarExposedLAI                    | exposed leaf area index (after burial by snow)                    | m2 m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarExposedSAI                    | exposed stem area index (after burial by snow)                    | m2 m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyIceMax                  | maximum interception storage capacity for ice                     | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyLiqMax                  | maximum interception storage capacity for liquid water            | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarGrowingSeasonIndex            | growing season index (0=off, 1=on)                                | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarVP_CanopyAir                  | vapor pressure of the canopy air space                            | Pa              | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (shortwave radiation)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarCanopySunlitFraction          | sunlit fraction of canopy                                         | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopySunlitLAI               | sunlit leaf area                                                  | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyShadedLAI               | shaded leaf area                                                  | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopySunlitPAR               | average absorbed par for sunlit leaves                            | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyShadedPAR               | average absorbed par for shaded leaves                            | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+spectralBelowCanopyDirect           | downward direct flux below veg layer for each spectral band       | W m-2           | wLength | F
+spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse          | downward diffuse flux below veg layer for each spectral band      | W m-2           | wLength | F
+scalarBelowCanopySolar              | solar radiation transmitted below the canopy                      | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+spectralAlbGndDirect                | direct  albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band       | -               | wLength | F
+spectralAlbGndDiffuse               | diffuse albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band       | -               | wLength | F
+scalarGroundAlbedo                  | albedo of the ground surface                                      | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar           | solar radiation absorbed by canopy                                | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar           | solar radiation absorbed by ground                                | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (longwave radiation)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarCanopyEmissivity              | effective canopy emissivity                                       | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadCanopy                   | longwave radiation emitted from the canopy                        | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadGround                   | longwave radiation emitted at the ground surface                  | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy            | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy    | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadUbound2Ground            | downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the ground    | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound            | atmospheric radiation refl by ground + lost thru upper boundary   | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound            | longwave radiation emitted from canopy lost thru upper boundary   | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground            | longwave radiation emitted from canopy absorbed by the ground     | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy            | canopy longwave reflected from ground and absorbed by the canopy  | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadGround2Ubound            | longwave radiation emitted from ground lost thru upper boundary   | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWRadGround2Canopy            | longwave radiation emitted from ground and absorbed by the canopy | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWNetCanopy                   | net longwave radiation at the canopy                              | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWNetGround                   | net longwave radiation at the ground surface                      | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLWNetUbound                   | net longwave radiation at the upper atmospheric boundary          | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (turbulent heat transfer)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy           | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for veg canopy       | J kg-1          | scalarv | F
+scalarLatHeatSubVapGround           | latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for ground surface   | J kg-1          | scalarv | F
+scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp              | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of vegetation canopy | Pa              | scalarv | F
+scalarSatVP_GroundTemp              | saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the ground        | Pa              | scalarv | F
+scalarZ0Canopy                      | roughness length of the canopy                                    | m               | scalarv | F
+scalarWindReductionFactor           | canopy wind reduction factor                                      | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement         | zero plane displacement                                           | m               | scalarv | F
+scalarRiBulkCanopy                  | bulk Richardson number for the canopy                             | -               | scalarv | F     
+scalarRiBulkGround                  | bulk Richardson number for the ground surface                     | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection     | stability correction for the canopy                               | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundStabilityCorrection     | stability correction for the ground surface                       | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop           | eddy diffusivity for heat at the top of the canopy                | m2 s-1          | scalarv | F 
+scalarFrictionVelocity              | friction velocity (canopy momentum sink)                          | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarWindspdCanopyTop              | windspeed at the top of the canopy                                | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarWindspdCanopyBottom           | windspeed at the height of the bottom of the canopy               | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundResistance              | below canopy aerodynamic resistance                               | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyResistance              | above canopy aerodynamic resistance                               | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarLeafResistance                | mean leaf boundary layer resistance per unit leaf area            | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarSoilResistance                | soil surface resistance                                           | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarSoilRelHumidity               | relative humidity in the soil pores in the upper-most soil layer  | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarSenHeatTotal                  | sensible heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere         | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarSenHeatCanopy                 | sensible heat from the canopy to the canopy air space             | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarSenHeatGround                 | sensible heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)     | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLatHeatTotal                  | latent heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere           | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap             | evaporation latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space   | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans            | transpiration latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarLatHeatGround                 | latent heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)       | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux       | heat advected to the canopy with precipitation (snow + rain)      | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux       | heat advected to the ground with throughfall + unloading/drainage | W m-2           | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyTranspiration           | canopy transpiration                                              | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyEvaporation             | canopy evaporation/condensation                                   | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopySublimation             | canopy sublimation/frost                                          | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundEvaporation             | ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated)   | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarSnowSublimation               | snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated)            | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! NOAH-MP vegetation variables (transpiration)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarTranspireLim                  | aggregate soil moisture and aquifer control on transpiration      | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarTranspireLimAqfr              | aquifer storage control on transpiration                          | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor         | foliage nitrogen concentration (1=saturated)                      | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarStomResistSunlit              | stomatal resistance for sunlit leaves                             | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarStomResistShaded              | stomatal resistance for shaded leaves                             | s m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit          | sunlit photosynthesis                                             | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
+scalarPhotosynthesisShaded          | shaded photosynthesis                                             | umolco2 m-2 s-1 | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! vegetation variables (canopy water)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarCanopyWetFraction             | fraction canopy that is wet                                       | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarGroundSnowFraction            | fraction ground that is covered with snow                         | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarThroughfallSnow               | snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy     | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarThroughfallRain               | rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy     | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopySnowUnloading           | unloading of snow from the vegetation canopy                      | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyLiqDrainage             | drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy               | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+scalarCanopyMeltFreeze              | melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy                         | kg m-2 s-1      | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (soil and aquifer fluxes)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarRainPlusMelt                  | rain plus melt, used as input to soil before surface runoff       | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+scalarInfilArea                     | fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate              | -               | scalarv | T
+scalarFrozenArea                    | fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice   | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarInfiltration                  | infiltration of water into the soil profile                       | m s-1           | scalarv | T 
+scalarExfiltration                  | exfiltration of water from the top of the soil profile            | m s-1           | scalarv | T 
+scalarSurfaceRunoff                 | surface runoff                                                    | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+scalarInitAquiferRecharge           | recharge to the aquifer at the start-of-step                      | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarAquiferRecharge               | recharge to the aquifer at the end-of-step                        | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarInitAquiferTranspire          | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the start-of-step          | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarAquiferTranspire              | transpiration loss from the aquifer at the end-of-step            | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarInitAquiferBaseflow           | baseflow from the aquifer at the start-of-step                    | m s-1           | scalarv | F 
+scalarAquiferBaseflow               | baseflow from the aquifer at the end-of-step                      | m s-1           | scalarv | F 
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (sub-step average fluxes for the soil zone)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarSoilInflux                    | sub-step average: influx of water at the top of the soil profile  | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarSoilCompress                  | change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix    | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarSoilBaseflow                  | sub-step average: total baseflow from the soil profile            | m s-1           | scalarv | T
+scalarSoilDrainage                  | sub-step average: drainage from the bottom of the soil profile    | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarSoilTranspiration             | sub-step average: total transpiration from the soil               | m s-1           | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! scalar variables (mass balance check)
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarSoilWatBalError               | error in the total soil water balance                             | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarAquiferBalError               | error in the aquifer water balance                                | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+scalarTotalSoilLiq                  | total mass of liquid water in the soil                            | kg m-2          | scalarv | F 
+scalarTotalSoilIce                  | total mass of ice in the soil                                     | kg m-2          | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! variables at the mid-point of each layer -- domain geometry
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+mLayerDepth                         | depth of each layer                                               | m               | midToto | T
+mLayerHeight                        | height of the layer mid-point (top of soil = 0)                   | m               | midToto | T
+mLayerRootDensity                   | fraction of roots in each soil layer                              | -               | midSoil | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! variables at the mid-point of each layer coupled energy and mass
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+mLayerTemp                          | temperature of each layer                                         | K               | midToto | F
+mLayerVolFracAir                    | volumetric fraction of air in each layer                          | -               | midToto | F
+mLayerVolFracIce                    | volumetric fraction of ice in each layer                          | -               | midToto | F
+mLayerVolFracLiq                    | volumetric fraction of liquid water in each layer                 | -               | midToto | T
+mLayerVolHtCapBulk                  | volumetric heat capacity in each layer                            | J m-3 K-1       | midToto | F
+mLayerTcrit                         | critical soil temperature above which all water is unfrozen       | K               | midSoil | F
+mLayerdTheta_dTk                    | derivative in volumetric liquid water content wrt temperature     | K-1             | midToto | F
+mLayerThermalC                      | thermal conductivity at the mid-point of each layer               | W m-1 K-1       | midToto | F
+mLayerRadCondFlux                   | temporal derivative in energy of radiative and conductive flux    | J m-3 s-1       | midToto | F
+mLayerMeltFreeze                    | ice content change from melt/freeze in each layer                 | kg m-3          | midToto | F
+mLayerInfilFreeze                   | ice content change by freezing infiltrating flux                  | kg m-3          | midToto | F
+mLayerSatHydCond                    | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer                    | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerSatHydCondMP                  | saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores in each layer      | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerMatricHead                    | matric head of water in the soil                                  | m               | midSoil | F
+mLayerdTheta_dPsi                   | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi            | m-1             | midSoil | F
+mLayerdPsi_dTheta                   | derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta          | m               | midSoil | F
+mLayerThetaResid                    | residual volumetric water content in each snow layer              | -               | midSnow | F
+mLayerPoreSpace                     | total pore space in each snow layer                               | -               | midSnow | F
+mLayerCompress                      | change in volumetric water content due to compression of soil     | -               | midSoil | F
+mLayerTranspireLim                  | soil moist & veg limit on transpiration for each layer            | -               | midSoil | F
+mLayerInitTranspire                 | transpiration loss from each soil layer at the start-of-step      | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerTranspire                     | transpiration loss from each soil layer                           | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerInitQMacropore                | liquid flux from micropores to macropores at the start-of-step    | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerQMacropore                    | liquid flux from micropores to macropores                         | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerInitBaseflow                  | baseflow from each soil layer at the start of the time step       | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerBaseflow                      | baseflow from each soil layer                                     | m s-1           | midSoil | F
+mLayerColumnInflow                  | total inflow to each layer in a given soil column                 | m3 s-1          | midSoil | F
+mLayerColumnOutflow                 | total outflow from each layer in a given soil column              | m3 s-1          | midSoil | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! variables at the interface of each layer
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+iLayerHeight                        | height of the layer interface (top of soil = 0)                   | m               | ifcToto | T
+iLayerThermalC                      | thermal conductivity at the interface of each layer               | W m-1 K-1       | ifcToto | F
+iLayerConductiveFlux                | conductive energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step    | W m-2           | ifcToto | F
+iLayerAdvectiveFlux                 | advective energy flux at layer interfaces at end of time step     | W m-2           | ifcToto | F
+iLayerInitNrgFlux                   | energy flux at layer interfaces at the start of the time step     | W m-2           | ifcToto | F
+iLayerNrgFlux                       | energy flux at layer interfaces at end of the time step           | W m-2           | ifcToto | F
+iLayerSatHydCond                    | saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer interface          | m s-1           | ifcSoil | F
+iLayerInitLiqFluxSnow               | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at start of the time step    | m s-1           | ifcSnow | F
+iLayerInitLiqFluxSoil               | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at start of the time step    | m s-1           | ifcSoil | F
+iLayerInitFluxReversal              | start of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance | m s-1           | ifcSoil | F
+iLayerLiqFluxSnow                   | liquid flux at snow layer interfaces at end of the time step      | m s-1           | ifcSnow | F
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil                   | liquid flux at soil layer interfaces at end of the time step      | m s-1           | ifcSoil | F
+iLayerFluxReversal                  | end of step liquid flux at soil layer interfaces from impedance   | m s-1           | ifcSoil | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! time stepping
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+dt_init                             | length of initial time step at start of next data interval        | s               | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+! "short-cut" variables
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
+scalarVGn_m                         | van Genuchten "m" parameter                                       | -               | scalarv | F
+scalarKappa                         | constant in the freezing curve function                           | m K-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarVolHtCap_air                  | volumetric heat capacity air                                      | J m-3 K-1       | scalarv | F
+scalarVolHtCap_ice                  | volumetric heat capacity ice                                      | J m-3 K-1       | scalarv | F
+scalarVolHtCap_soil                 | volumetric heat capacity dry soil                                 | J m-3 K-1       | scalarv | F
+scalarVolHtCap_water                | volumetric heat capacity liquid wat                               | J m-3 K-1       | scalarv | F
+scalarLambda_drysoil                | thermal conductivity of dry soil                                  | W m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarLambda_wetsoil                | thermal conductivity of wet soil                                  | W m-1           | scalarv | F
+scalarVolLatHt_fus                  | volumetric latent heat of fusion                                  | J m-3           | scalarv | F
+scalarAquiferRootFrac               | fraction of roots below the soil profile (in the aquifer)         | -               | scalarv | F
+! *************************************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63709321bed33305dbc2efde6855bf744007edaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/meta/summa_zLocalParamMeta.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS *********************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! NOTES: 
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: parameter description
+! 3: parameter units
+! 4: parameter type (scalar, separate parameter for each model layer, separate parameter at the interface of layers)
+! 5: write parameter to output file? (T/F)
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+'(a25,(1x,a1,1x),a65,(1x,a1,1x),a10,(1x,a1,1x),a7,(1x,a1,1x),L1)' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! boundary conditions
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+upperBoundHead            | matric head at the upper boundary                                 | m          | scalarv | T
+lowerBoundHead            | matric head at the lower boundary                                 | m          | scalarv | T
+upperBoundTheta           | volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary             | -          | scalarv | T
+lowerBoundTheta           | volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary             | -          | scalarv | T
+upperBoundTemp            | temperature of the upper boundary                                 | K          | scalarv | T
+lowerBoundTemp            | temperature of the lower boundary                                 | K          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! precipitation partitioning
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+tempCritRain              | critical temperature where precipitation is rain                  | K          | scalarv | T
+tempRangeTimestep         | temperature range over the time step                              | K          | scalarv | T
+frozenPrecipMultip        | frozen precipitation multiplier                                   | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! freezing curve for snow 
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+snowfrz_scale             | scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow                 | K-1        | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! snow albedo 
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+albedoMax                 | maximum snow albedo (single spectral band)                        | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMinWinter           | minimum snow albedo during winter (single spectral band)          | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMinSpring           | minimum snow albedo during spring (single spectral band)          | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMaxVisible          | maximum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum           | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMinVisible          | minimum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum           | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMaxNearIR           | maximum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum    | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoMinNearIR           | minimum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum    | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoDecayRate           | albedo decay rate                                                 | s          | scalarv | T
+albedoSootLoad            | soot load factor                                                  | -          | scalarv | T
+albedoRefresh             | critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment                    | kg m-2     | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! radiation transfer
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+radExt_snow               | extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack    | m-1        | scalarv | T
+directScale               | scaling factor for fractional driect radiaion parameterization    | -          | scalarv | T
+Frad_direct               | fraction direct solar radiation                                   | -          | scalarv | T
+Frad_vis                  | fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum                    | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! new snow density
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+newSnowDenMin             | minimum new snow density                                          | kg m-3     | scalarv | T
+newSnowDenMult            | multiplier for new snow density                                   | kg m-3     | scalarv | T
+newSnowDenScal            | scaling factor for new snow density                               | K          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! snow compaction
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+densScalGrowth            | density scaling factor for grain growth                           | kg-1 m3    | scalarv | T
+tempScalGrowth            | temperature scaling factor for grain growth                       | K-1        | scalarv | T
+grainGrowthRate           | rate of grain growth                                              | s-1        | scalarv | T
+densScalOvrbdn            | density scaling factor for overburden pressure                    | kg-1 m3    | scalarv | T
+tempScalOvrbdn            | temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure                | K-1        | scalarv | T
+base_visc                 | viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0               | kg s m-2   | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! water flow through snow
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+Fcapil                    | capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume)               | -          | scalarv | T
+k_snow                    | hydraulic conductivity of snow                                    | m s-1      | scalarv | T
+mw_exp                    | exponent for meltwater flow                                       | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+z0Snow                    | roughness length of snow                                          | m          | scalarv | T
+z0Soil                    | roughness length of bare soil below the canopy                    | m          | scalarv | T
+z0Canopy                  | roughness length of the canopy                                    | m          | scalarv | T
+zpdFraction               | zero plane displacement / canopy height                           | -          | scalarv | T
+critRichNumber            | critical value for the bulk Richardson number                     | -          | scalarv | T
+Louis79_bparam            | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function                      | -          | scalarv | T
+Louis79_cStar             | parameter in Louis (1979) stability function                      | -          | scalarv | T
+Mahrt87_eScale            | exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function | -          | scalarv | T
+leafExchangeCoeff         | turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air    | m s-(1/2)  | scalarv | T
+windReductionParam        | canopy wind reduction parameter                                   | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! vegetation properties
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+winterSAI                 | stem area index prior to the start of the growing season          | m2 m-2     | scalarv | T
+summerLAI                 | maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season         | m2 m-2     | scalarv | T
+rootingDepth              | rooting depth                                                     | m          | scalarv | T
+rootDistExp               | exponent for the vertical distribution of root density            | -          | scalarv | T
+plantWiltPsi              | matric head at wilting point                                      | m          | scalarv | T
+soilStressParam           | parameter in the exponential soil stress function                 | -          | scalarv | T
+critSoilWilting           | critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting          | -          | scalarv | T
+critSoilTranspire         | critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited    | -          | scalarv | T
+critAquiferTranspire      | critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited      | m          | scalarv | T
+minStomatalResistance     | minimum stomatal resistance                                       | s m-1      | scalarv | T
+leafDimension             | characteristic leaf dimension                                     | m          | scalarv | T
+heightCanopyTop           | height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface       | m          | scalarv | T
+heightCanopyBottom        | height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface    | m          | scalarv | T
+specificHeatVeg           | specific heat of vegetation                                       | J kg-1 K-1 | scalarv | T
+maxMassVegetation         | maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage)                         | kg m-2     | scalarv | T
+throughfallScaleSnow      | scaling factor for throughfall (snow)                             | -          | scalarv | T
+throughfallScaleRain      | scaling factor for throughfall (rain)                             | -          | scalarv | T
+refInterceptCapSnow       | reference canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (snow)  | kg m-2     | scalarv | T
+refInterceptCapRain       | canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (rain)            | kg m-2     | scalarv | T
+snowUnloadingCoeff        | time constant for unloading of snow from the forest canopy        | s-1        | scalarv | T
+canopyDrainageCoeff       | time constant for drainage of liquid water from the forest canopy | s-1        | scalarv | T
+ratioDrip2Unloading       | ratio of canopy drip to unloading of snow from the forest canopy  | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! soil properties
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+soil_dens_intr            | intrinsic soil density                                            | kg m-3     | scalarv | T
+thCond_soil               | thermal conductivity of soil (includes quartz and other minerals) | W m-1 K-1  | scalarv | T
+frac_sand                 | fraction of sand                                                  | -          | scalarv | T
+frac_silt                 | fraction of silt                                                  | -          | scalarv | T
+frac_clay                 | fraction of clay                                                  | -          | scalarv | T
+fieldCapacity             | soil field capacity (vol liq water content when baseflow begins)  | -          | scalarv | T
+wettingFrontSuction       | Green-Ampt wetting front suction                                  | m          | scalarv | T
+theta_mp                  | volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins        | -          | scalarv | T
+theta_sat                 | soil porosity                                                     | -          | scalarv | T
+theta_res                 | volumetric residual water content                                 | -          | scalarv | T
+vGn_alpha                 | van Genuchten "alpha" parameter                                   | m-1        | scalarv | T
+vGn_n                     | van Genuchten "n" parameter                                       | -          | scalarv | T
+mpExp                     | empirical exponent in macropore flow equation                     | -          | scalarv | T
+k_soil                    | saturated hydraulic conductivity                                  | m s-1      | scalarv | T
+k_macropore               | saturated hydraulic conductivity for macropores                   | m s-1      | scalarv | T
+kAnisotropic              | anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity              | -          | scalarv | T
+zScale_TOPMODEL           | TOPMODEL scaling factor used in lower boundary condition for soil | m          | scalarv | T
+compactedDepth            | depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78      | m          | scalarv | T
+aquiferScaleFactor        | scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket              | m          | scalarv | T
+aquiferBaseflowExp        | baseflow exponent                                                 | -          | scalarv | T
+qSurfScale                | scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization             | -          | scalarv | T
+specificYield             | specific yield                                                    | -          | scalarv | T
+specificStorage           | specific storage coefficient                                      | m-1        | scalarv | T
+f_impede                  | ice impedence factor                                              | -          | scalarv | T
+soilIceScale              | scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction | m          | scalarv | T
+soilIceCV                 | CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction              | -          | scalarv | T
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
+minwind                   | minimum wind speed                                                | m s-1      | scalarv | F
+minstep                   | minimum length of the time step                                   | s          | scalarv | F
+maxstep                   | maximum length of the time step                                   | s          | scalarv | F
+wimplicit                 | weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha)               | -          | scalarv | T
+maxiter                   | maximum number of iterations                                      | -          | scalarv | F
+relConvTol_liquid         | relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water             | -          | scalarv | F
+absConvTol_liquid         | absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water             | -          | scalarv | F
+relConvTol_matric         | relative convergence tolerance for matric head                    | -          | scalarv | F
+absConvTol_matric         | absolute convergence tolerance for matric head                    | m          | scalarv | F
+relConvTol_energy         | relative convergence tolerance for energy                         | -          | scalarv | F
+absConvTol_energy         | absolute convergence tolerance for energy                         | J m-3      | scalarv | F
+relConvTol_aquifr         | relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage                | -          | scalarv | F
+absConvTol_aquifr         | absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage                | m          | scalarv | F
+zmin                      | minimum layer depth                                               | m          | scalarv | F
+zmax                      | maximum layer depth                                               | m          | scalarv | F
+zminLayer1                | minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer                       | m          | scalarv | F
+zminLayer2                | minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer                             | m          | scalarv | F
+zminLayer3                | minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer                             | m          | scalarv | F
+zminLayer4                | minimum layer depth for the 4th layer                             | m          | scalarv | F
+zminLayer5                | minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer                    | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer1_lower          | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer     | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer2_lower          | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers          | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer3_lower          | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers          | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer4_lower          | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers          | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer1_upper          | maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer        | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer2_upper          | maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers             | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer3_upper          | maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers             | m          | scalarv | F
+zmaxLayer4_upper          | maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers             | m          | scalarv | F
+! **********************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17a108a7d25ac2c09f180de3e8fce5a4f4c606d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 01:00' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-02-11 23:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/code/summaTestCases/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/code/summaTestCases/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/wigmosta1999/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/code/summaTestCases/output/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'meta/Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'syntheticHillslope-exp1' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63600322b5418f4e55665e55075cec4ec6c5d23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 01:00' !
+simEndTime           '2000-02-11 23:00' !
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! Time zone info
+settingsPath         '/home/stiff/summaTestCases_3.0/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/home/stiff/summaTestCases_3.0/testCases_data/inputData/syntheticData/wigmosta1999/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/home/stiff/summaTestCases_3.0/output/syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/' !  output_path
+decisionsFile        'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zDecisions.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'meta/Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_zInitialCond.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'syntheticHillslope-exp2' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' !
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' !
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' !
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' !
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zDecisions.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zDecisions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3548441f737f8fe5c4036ae6092ea814099e63b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zDecisions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA         ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS            ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType        ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry       ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive        ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic        ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      specified       ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform        ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      qTopmodl        ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      pow_prof        ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      nrg_flux        ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      liq_flux        ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      zeroFlux        ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988    ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      simplExp        ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow	    ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy  ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv        ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream     ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay        ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson        ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      CLM_2010        ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      jrdn1991        ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      mixConstit      ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn     ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay        ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1988     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58407becc29c6c84acb4bd7d5b9a93e7e76a5b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'wigmosta_forcing.nc'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f06e5c1a49fcf1f549e8e8123e9077782d07cc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zForcingInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | wigmosta_forcing.txt               ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                                 ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                                  ! year
+im             | 2                                  ! month
+id             | 3                                  ! day
+ih             | 4                                  ! hour
+imin           | 5                                  ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                                  ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                                  ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                                  ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                                 ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                                 ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                                 ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                                 ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 3600                               ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zInitialCond.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zInitialCond.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1a9223e7e039a637a7665700609828ac5f381a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zInitialCond.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8ead995c9d1b1a2f2286c24f5f4760ddb35c421
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e501f363b443358a7f4cb06906cdd3e66e1da278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |      -0.7500 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |       0.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.6600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0600 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.0150 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       0.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       0.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.3500 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |       0.0100 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       0.0010 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      14.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       1.3d-6 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |       5.5000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.1000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.3750 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.3500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.5000 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.5000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    | 0.0008333333 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               | 0.0008333333 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       3.0000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |     100.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-06 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       0.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |      20.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp1.txt! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:17 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/wigmosta1999/summa_fileManager-exp2.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4dd01a1221d97fe1e39e9002dffe93bae7779fba
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp1.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..675ae086f8ce79897076a7e72dd813cb4cc2ccd5
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/summa_zParamTrial-exp2.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py
index 2bc563e48d1aa7871bab4dd4b34428f77b2d6a17..8f4d3adea1ec3c377890ebc37eb47f063e151846 100644
--- a/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py
+++ b/utils/netcdf/OutputVerification/compareOutput.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from os.path import isfile, join
 from pathlib import Path
 import xarray as xr 
-numHRU = 25
+numHRU = 125
 time = 'time'
 scalarSWE = 'scalarSWE'
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ varList = [time, scalarSWE, scalarCanopyWat, scalarAquiferStorage, scalarTotalSo
     scalarTotalET, scalarTotalRunoff, scalarNetRadiation]
 filename = "out.txt"
-originalPath = Path('/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-13-2022/netcdf/SummaBE_G000001-000125_day.nc')
-actorsPath = Path('/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/May-26-2022/netcdf/SummaActorsGRU1-500_day.nc')
+originalPath = Path('/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaOriginalOuput/May-30-2022/netcdf/SummaBE_G001001-001125_day.nc')
+actorsPath = Path('/home/kklenk/projects/rpp-kshook/kklenk/SummaActorsOutput/Jun-18-2022/netcdf/SummaActorsGRU1001-1000_day.nc')
 originalDataset = xr.open_dataset(originalPath)
 actorsDataset = xr.open_dataset(actorsPath)
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ for i in range(0, numHRU):
     print("Original", len(dataOrig))
     print("Actors", len(dataAct))
+    print("HRU = ", i)
     marginOfError = 0
     if var == time:
       for a in range(0, len(dataAct)):