From 9a12001e2fa526fef0e21d002ff13e9652cd0226 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Klenk <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:42:55 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] moved some deallocation subroutines to the job_actor.

 build/makefile                                |   16 +-
 build/source/actors/JobActor.h                |    3 +-
 build/source/driver/summaActors_init.f90      |   41 +-
 build/source/dshare/globalData.f90            |  510 ++---
 build/source/dshare/popMetadat.f90            | 1955 ++++++++---------
 build/source/engine/read_attribute.f90        |  230 +-
 .../file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90  |   38 +-
 .../interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90       |  131 +-
 .../job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h       |    1 +
 build/source/testing/Test/HRUTest.h           |  257 +++
 build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h           |  117 +
 build/source/testing/Test/makefile            |  281 +++
 build/source/testing/Test/messageAtoms.h      |    7 +
 build/source/testing/Test/     |   20 +
 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest1.txt     |   20 -
 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest2.txt     |   20 -
 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest3.txt     |   20 -
 build/source/testing/forcingTest1.txt         |    1 -
 build/source/testing/forcingTest2.txt         |    2 -
 build/source/testing/forcingTest3.txt         |    5 -
 build/source/testing/          |    2 +-
 config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json             |    6 +-
 utils/netcdf/                 |    4 +-
 23 files changed, 2169 insertions(+), 1518 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 build/source/testing/Test/HRUTest.h
 create mode 100644 build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h
 create mode 100644 build/source/testing/Test/makefile
 create mode 100644 build/source/testing/Test/messageAtoms.h
 create mode 100644 build/source/testing/Test/
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest1.txt
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest2.txt
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/fileManagerTest3.txt
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/forcingTest1.txt
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/forcingTest2.txt
 delete mode 100644 build/source/testing/forcingTest3.txt

diff --git a/build/makefile b/build/makefile
index b20c9bf..94e0ae8 100644
--- a/build/makefile
+++ b/build/makefile
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
 # gfortran compiler flags
 ifeq "$(FC)" "gfortran"
 # Production runs
-FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
-FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
-FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+# FLAGS_NOAH = -O3 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+# FLAGS_COMM = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
+# FLAGS_SUMMA = -O3 -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fPIC
 # # Debug runs
-# FLAGS_NOAH = -p -g -O0 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -fPIC
-# FLAGS_COMM = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
-# FLAGS_SUMMA = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
-# FLAGS_ACTORS = -g -O0 -Wall
+FLAGS_NOAH = -p -g -O0 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -fPIC
+FLAGS_COMM = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+FLAGS_SUMMA = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+FLAGS_ACTORS = -g -O0 -Wall
 # ifort compiler flags
diff --git a/build/source/actors/JobActor.h b/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
index 25832cb..ac00049 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/JobActor.h
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
         [=](file_access_actor_done, double readDuration, double writeDuration) {
+            int err = 0;
             if (debug) {
                 aout(self) << "\n********************************\n";
                 aout(self) << "Outputing Timing Info for HRUs\n";
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, int startGRU, int numGRU,
             aout(self) << "\nWriting Duration:\n";
             aout(self) << "     " << writeDuration << " Seconds\n\n";
+            cleanUpJobActor(&err);
             // Tell Parent we are done
             self->send(self->state.parent, done_job_v, self->state.numGRUFailed);
diff --git a/build/source/driver/summaActors_init.f90 b/build/source/driver/summaActors_init.f90
index 35a7f23..b9b26e5 100755
--- a/build/source/driver/summaActors_init.f90
+++ b/build/source/driver/summaActors_init.f90
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ contains
   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
   end do  ! looping through time structures
-  ! copy the time variables set up by the file_access_actor
+  ! copy the time variables set up by the job_actor
   startTime_hru%var(:) = startTime%var(:)
   finishTime_hru%var(:) = finshTime%var(:)
   refTime_hru%var(:) = refTime%var(:)
@@ -212,36 +212,29 @@ contains
   ! *****************************************************************************
   ! *** allocate space for output statistics data structures
   ! *****************************************************************************
   ! loop through data structures
   do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
-  ! allocate space
-  select case(trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
-    case('forc'); call allocLocal(statForc_meta(:)%var_info,forcStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model forcing data
-    case('prog'); call allocLocal(statProg_meta(:)%var_info,progStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model prognostic 
-    case('diag'); call allocLocal(statDiag_meta(:)%var_info,diagStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model diagnostic
-    case('flux'); call allocLocal(statFlux_meta(:)%var_info,fluxStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model fluxes
-    case('indx'); call allocLocal(statIndx_meta(:)%var_info,indxStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! index vars
-    case('bvar'); call allocLocal(statBvar_meta(:)%var_info,bvarStat,nSnow=0,nSoil=0,err=err,message=cmessage);  ! basin-average variables
-    case default; cycle
-  end select
-  ! check errors
-  if(err/=0)then
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'[statistics for =  '//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'
-    return
-  endif
+    ! allocate space
+    select case(trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
+      case('forc'); call allocLocal(statForc_meta(:)%var_info,forcStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model forcing data
+      case('prog'); call allocLocal(statProg_meta(:)%var_info,progStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model prognostic 
+      case('diag'); call allocLocal(statDiag_meta(:)%var_info,diagStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model diagnostic
+      case('flux'); call allocLocal(statFlux_meta(:)%var_info,fluxStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! model fluxes
+      case('indx'); call allocLocal(statIndx_meta(:)%var_info,indxStat,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage);    ! index vars
+      case('bvar'); call allocLocal(statBvar_meta(:)%var_info,bvarStat,nSnow=0,nSoil=0,err=err,message=cmessage);  ! basin-average variables
+      case default; cycle
+    end select
+    ! check errors
+    if(err/=0)then
+      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'[statistics for =  '//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'
+      return
+    endif
   end do ! iStruct
   ! identify the end of the initialization
   call date_and_time(values=endInit)
-  ! aggregate the elapsed time for the initialization
-  !  elapsedInit = elapsedSec(startInit, endInit)
-    ! end association to info in data structures
+  ! end association to info in data structures
   end associate
  end subroutine summa4chm_initialize
diff --git a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90 b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
index 5b26893..e29a40f 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/globalData.f90
@@ -23,134 +23,134 @@
 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 MODULE globalData
- ! data types
- USE nrtype
- USE netcdf
- USE,intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic    ! IEEE arithmetic
- USE data_types,only:gru2hru_map     ! mapping between the GRUs and HRUs
- USE data_types,only:hru2gru_map     ! mapping between the GRUs and HRUs
- USE data_types,only:model_options   ! the model decision structure
- USE data_types,only:file_info       ! metadata for model forcing datafile
- USE data_types,only:par_info        ! default parameter values and parameter bounds
- USE data_types,only:var_info        ! metadata for variables in each model structure
- USE data_types,only:flux2state      ! extended metadata to define flux-to-state mapping
- USE data_types,only:extended_info   ! extended metadata for variables in each model structure
- USE data_types,only:struct_info     ! summary information on all data structures
- USE data_types,only:var_i           ! vector of integers
- USE data_types,only:var_dlength
- USE data_types,only:var_dlength_array
- USE data_types,only:var_forc
- USE data_types,only:dlength
- USE data_types,only:ilength
- USE data_types,only:summa_output_type               ! master summa data type
- ! number of variables in each data structure
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarTime      ! time:                     maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarForc      ! forcing data:             maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarAttr      ! attributes:               maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarType      ! type index:               maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarId        ! IDs index:                maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarProg      ! prognostic variables:     maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDiag      ! diagnostic variables:     maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFlux      ! model fluxes:             maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDeriv     ! model derivatives:        maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarIndx      ! model indices:            maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarMpar      ! model parameters:         maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarBvar      ! basin-average variables:  maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarBpar      ! basin-average parameters: maximum number variables
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDecisions ! maximum number of decisions
- USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFreq      ! maximum number of output files
- implicit none
- private
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * part 1: parameters that are fixed across multiple instantiations
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define missing values                      ! master summa data type
- ! define missing values
- real(rkind),parameter,public                :: quadMissing    = nr_quadMissing    ! (from nrtype) missing quadruple precision number
- real(rkind),parameter,public                :: realMissing    = nr_realMissing    ! (from nrtype) missing double precision number
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: integerMissing = nr_integerMissing ! (from nrtype) missing integer
- ! define run modes
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeFull=1          ! named variable defining running mode as full run (all GRUs)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeGRU=2           ! named variable defining running mode as GRU-parallelization run (GRU subset)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeHRU=3           ! named variable defining running mode as single-HRU run (ONE HRU)
- ! define progress modes
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_im=1000      ! named variable to print progress once per month
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_id=1001      ! named variable to print progress once per day
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_ih=1002      ! named variable to print progress once per hour
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_never=1003   ! named variable to print progress never
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_it=1004      ! named variable to print progress every timestep
- ! define restart frequency
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_iy=1000       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per year
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_im=1001       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per month
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_id=1002       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per day
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_end=1003      ! named variable to print a re-start file at the end of a run
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_never=1004    ! named variable to print a re-start file never
- ! define output file frequency
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: noNewFiles=1001         ! no new output files
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: newFileEveryOct1=1002   ! create a new file on Oct 1 every year (start of the USA water year)
-! =======-------
- type(var_dlength),pointer,public            :: fluxStructLateralFlow(:)   !  model fluxes
- ! define named variables for "yes" and "no"
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: no=0                    ! .false.
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: yes=1                   ! .true.
- ! define named variables to describe the domain type
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_cas =1000         ! named variable to denote a canopy air space state variable
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_veg =1001         ! named variable to denote a vegetation state variable
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_soil=1002         ! named variable to denote a soil layer
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_snow=1003         ! named variable to denote a snow layer
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_aquifer=1004      ! named variable to denote a snow layer
- ! define named variables to describe the state variable type
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgCanair=2001    ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgCanopy=2002    ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watCanopy=2003    ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_liqCanopy=2004    ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgLayer=3001     ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watLayer=3002     ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_liqLayer=3003     ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_matLayer=3004     ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_lmpLayer=3005     ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watAquifer=3006   ! named variable defining the water storage in the aquifer
- ! define named variables to describe the form and structure of the band-diagonal matrices used in the numerical solver
- ! NOTE: This indexing scheme provides the matrix structure expected by lapack. Specifically, lapack requires kl extra rows for additional storage.
- !       Consequently, all indices are offset by kl and the total number of bands for storage is 2*kl+ku+1 instead of kl+ku+1.
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: nRHS=1                  ! number of unknown variables on the RHS of the linear system A.X=B
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ku=3                    ! number of super-diagonal bands
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: kl=4                    ! number of sub-diagonal bands
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixDiag=kl+ku+1          ! index for the diagonal band
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: nBands=2*kl+ku+1        ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
- ! define named variables for the type of matrix used in the numerical solution.
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixFullMatrix=1001       ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixBandMatrix=1002       ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
- ! define indices describing the first and last layers of the Jacobian to print (for debugging)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iJac1=16                ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
- integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iJac2=20                ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
- ! define limit checks
- real(rkind),parameter,public                :: verySmall=tiny(1.0_dp)  ! a very small number
- real(rkind),parameter,public                :: veryBig=1.e+20_dp       ! a very big number
- ! define algorithmic control parameters
- real(rkind),parameter,public                :: dx = 1.e-8_dp           ! finite difference increment
- ! define summary information on all data structures
- integer(i4b),parameter                      :: nStruct=13              ! number of data structures
- type(struct_info),parameter,public,dimension(nStruct) :: structInfo=(/&
-                   struct_info('time',  'TIME' , maxvarTime ), &        ! the time data structure
+  ! data types
+  USE nrtype
+  USE netcdf
+  USE,intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic    ! IEEE arithmetic
+  USE data_types,only:gru2hru_map     ! mapping between the GRUs and HRUs
+  USE data_types,only:hru2gru_map     ! mapping between the GRUs and HRUs
+  USE data_types,only:model_options   ! the model decision structure
+  USE data_types,only:file_info       ! metadata for model forcing datafile
+  USE data_types,only:par_info        ! default parameter values and parameter bounds
+  USE data_types,only:var_info        ! metadata for variables in each model structure
+  USE data_types,only:flux2state      ! extended metadata to define flux-to-state mapping
+  USE data_types,only:extended_info   ! extended metadata for variables in each model structure
+  USE data_types,only:struct_info     ! summary information on all data structures
+  USE data_types,only:var_i           ! vector of integers
+  USE data_types,only:var_dlength
+  USE data_types,only:var_dlength_array
+  USE data_types,only:var_forc
+  USE data_types,only:dlength
+  USE data_types,only:ilength
+  USE data_types,only:summa_output_type               ! master summa data type
+  ! number of variables in each data structure
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarTime      ! time:                     maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarForc      ! forcing data:             maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarAttr      ! attributes:               maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarType      ! type index:               maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarId        ! IDs index:                maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarProg      ! prognostic variables:     maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDiag      ! diagnostic variables:     maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFlux      ! model fluxes:             maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDeriv     ! model derivatives:        maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarIndx      ! model indices:            maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarMpar      ! model parameters:         maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarBvar      ! basin-average variables:  maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarBpar      ! basin-average parameters: maximum number variables
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarDecisions ! maximum number of decisions
+  USE var_lookup,only:maxvarFreq      ! maximum number of output files
+  implicit none
+  private
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * part 1: parameters that are fixed across multiple instantiations
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! define missing values                      ! master summa data type
+  ! define missing values
+  real(rkind),parameter,public                :: quadMissing    = nr_quadMissing    ! (from nrtype) missing quadruple precision number
+  real(rkind),parameter,public                :: realMissing    = nr_realMissing    ! (from nrtype) missing double precision number
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: integerMissing = nr_integerMissing ! (from nrtype) missing integer
+  ! define run modes
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeFull=1          ! named variable defining running mode as full run (all GRUs)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeGRU=2           ! named variable defining running mode as GRU-parallelization run (GRU subset)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iRunModeHRU=3           ! named variable defining running mode as single-HRU run (ONE HRU)
+  ! define progress modes
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_im=1000      ! named variable to print progress once per month
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_id=1001      ! named variable to print progress once per day
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_ih=1002      ! named variable to print progress once per hour
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_never=1003   ! named variable to print progress never
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixProgress_it=1004      ! named variable to print progress every timestep
+  ! define restart frequency
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_iy=1000       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per year
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_im=1001       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per month
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_id=1002       ! named variable to print a re-start file once per day
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_end=1003      ! named variable to print a re-start file at the end of a run
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixRestart_never=1004    ! named variable to print a re-start file never
+  ! define output file frequency
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: noNewFiles=1001         ! no new output files
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: newFileEveryOct1=1002   ! create a new file on Oct 1 every year (start of the USA water year)
+  ! =======-------
+  type(var_dlength),pointer,public            :: fluxStructLateralFlow(:)   !  model fluxes
+  ! define named variables for "yes" and "no"
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: no=0                    ! .false.
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: yes=1                   ! .true.
+  ! define named variables to describe the domain type
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_cas =1000         ! named variable to denote a canopy air space state variable
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_veg =1001         ! named variable to denote a vegetation state variable
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_soil=1002         ! named variable to denote a soil layer
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_snow=1003         ! named variable to denote a snow layer
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_aquifer=1004      ! named variable to denote a snow layer
+  ! define named variables to describe the state variable type
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgCanair=2001    ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgCanopy=2002    ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watCanopy=2003    ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_liqCanopy=2004    ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_nrgLayer=3001     ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watLayer=3002     ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_liqLayer=3003     ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_matLayer=3004     ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_lmpLayer=3005     ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iname_watAquifer=3006   ! named variable defining the water storage in the aquifer
+  ! define named variables to describe the form and structure of the band-diagonal matrices used in the numerical solver
+  ! NOTE: This indexing scheme provides the matrix structure expected by lapack. Specifically, lapack requires kl extra rows for additional storage.
+  !       Consequently, all indices are offset by kl and the total number of bands for storage is 2*kl+ku+1 instead of kl+ku+1.
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: nRHS=1                  ! number of unknown variables on the RHS of the linear system A.X=B
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ku=3                    ! number of super-diagonal bands
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: kl=4                    ! number of sub-diagonal bands
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixDiag=kl+ku+1          ! index for the diagonal band
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: nBands=2*kl+ku+1        ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
+  ! define named variables for the type of matrix used in the numerical solution.
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixFullMatrix=1001       ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: ixBandMatrix=1002       ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
+  ! define indices describing the first and last layers of the Jacobian to print (for debugging)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iJac1=16                ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public               :: iJac2=20                ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
+  ! define limit checks
+  real(rkind),parameter,public                :: verySmall=tiny(1.0_dp)  ! a very small number
+  real(rkind),parameter,public                :: veryBig=1.e+20_dp       ! a very big number
+  ! define algorithmic control parameters
+  real(rkind),parameter,public                :: dx = 1.e-8_dp           ! finite difference increment
+  ! define summary information on all data structures
+  integer(i4b),parameter                      :: nStruct=13              ! number of data structures
+  type(struct_info),parameter,public,dimension(nStruct) :: structInfo=(/&
+                    struct_info('time',  'TIME' , maxvarTime ), &        ! the time data structure
                    struct_info('forc',  'FORCE', maxvarForc ), &        ! the forcing data structure
                    struct_info('attr',  'ATTR' , maxvarAttr ), &        ! the attribute data structure
                    struct_info('type',  'TYPE' , maxvarType ), &        ! the type data structure
@@ -164,117 +164,117 @@ MODULE globalData
                    struct_info('flux',  'FLUX' , maxvarFlux ), &        ! the flux data structure
                    struct_info('deriv', 'DERIV', maxvarDeriv) /)        ! the model derivative data structure
- ! fixed model decisions
- logical(lgt)          , parameter, public   :: overwriteRSMIN=.false.  ! flag to overwrite RSMIN
- integer(i4b)          , parameter, public   :: maxSoilLayers=10000     ! Maximum Number of Soil Layers
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * part 2: globally constant variables/structures that require initialization
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define Indian bread (NaN)
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: dNaN
- ! define default parameter values and parameter bounds
- type(par_info),save,public                  :: localParFallback(maxvarMpar) ! local column default parameters
- type(par_info),save,public                  :: basinParFallback(maxvarBpar) ! basin-average default parameters
- ! define vectors of metadata
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: time_meta(maxvarTime)        ! model time information
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: forc_meta(maxvarForc)        ! model forcing data
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: attr_meta(maxvarAttr)        ! local attributes
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: type_meta(maxvarType)        ! local classification of veg, soil, etc.
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: id_meta(maxvarId)            ! local classification of veg, soil, etc.
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: mpar_meta(maxvarMpar)        ! local model parameters for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: indx_meta(maxvarIndx)        ! local model indices for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: prog_meta(maxvarProg)        ! local state variables for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: diag_meta(maxvarDiag)        ! local diagnostic variables for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: flux_meta(maxvarFlux)        ! local model fluxes for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: deriv_meta(maxvarDeriv)      ! local model derivatives for each HRU
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: bpar_meta(maxvarBpar)        ! basin parameters for aggregated processes
- type(var_info),save,public                  :: bvar_meta(maxvarBvar)        ! basin variables for aggregated processes
- ! ancillary metadata structures
- type(flux2state),   save,public             :: flux2state_orig(maxvarFlux)  ! named variables for the states affected by each flux (original)
- type(flux2state),   save,public             :: flux2state_liq(maxvarFlux)   ! named variables for the states affected by each flux (liquid water)
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: averageFlux_meta(:)          ! timestep-average model fluxes
- ! mapping from original to child structures
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: forcChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats forc
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: progChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats prog
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: diagChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats diag
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: fluxChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats flux
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: indxChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats indx
- integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: bvarChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats bvar
- ! child metadata structures
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statForc_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statProg_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statDiag_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statFlux_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statIndx_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statBvar_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * part 3: run time variables
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! define the model decisions
- type(model_options),save,public                :: model_decisions(maxvarDecisions)  ! the model decision structure
- ! define index variables describing the indices of the first and last HRUs in the forcing file
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixHRUfile_min                     ! minimum index
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixHRUfile_max                     ! maximum index
- ! define mapping structures
- type(gru2hru_map),allocatable,save,public      :: gru_struc(:)                      ! gru2hru map
- type(hru2gru_map),allocatable,save,public      :: index_map(:)                      ! hru2gru map
- ! define variables used for the vegetation phenology
- real(rkind),dimension(12),save,public          :: greenVegFrac_monthly              ! fraction of green vegetation in each month (0-1)
- ! define the model output file
- character(len=256),save,public                 :: fileout=''                        ! output filename
- character(len=256),save,public                 :: output_fileSuffix=''              ! suffix for the output file
- ! define controls on model output
- type(ilength),allocatable,save,public          :: outputTimeStep(:)               ! timestep in output files
- logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public :: finalizeStats=.false.          ! flags to reset statistics
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: maxLayers                      ! maximum number of layers
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: maxSnowLayers                  ! maximum number of snow layers
- ! define control variables
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: startGRU                          ! index of the starting GRU for parallelization run
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: checkHRU                          ! index of the HRU for a single HRU run
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: iRunMode                          ! define the current running mode
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nThreads=1                        ! number of threads
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixProgress=ixProgress_id          ! define frequency to write progress
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixRestart=ixRestart_never         ! define frequency to write restart files
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: newOutputFile=noNewFiles          ! define option for new output files
- ! define common variables
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: numtim                      ! number of time steps
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nHRUrun                     ! number of HRUs in the run domain
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nGRUrun                     ! number of GRUs in the run domain
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: data_step                   ! length of the time_step
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: dJulianStart                ! julian day of start time of simulation
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: dJulianFinsh                ! julian day of end time of simulation
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: refJulday                   ! reference time in fractional julian days
- real(rkind),save,public                        :: refJulday_data              ! reference time in fractional julian days (data files)
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nHRUfile                    ! number of HRUs in the file
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: urbanVegCategory            ! vegetation category for urban areas
- logical(lgt),save,public                       :: doJacobian=.false.          ! flag to compute the Jacobian
- logical(lgt),save,public                       :: globalPrintFlag=.false.     ! flag to compute the Jacobian
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: chunksize=1024              ! chunk size for the netcdf read/write
- integer(i4b),save,public                       :: outputPrecision=nf90_double ! variable type
- ! define result from the time calls
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startInit,endInit       ! date/time for the start and end of the initialization
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startSetup,endSetup     ! date/time for the start and end of the parameter setup
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startRestart,endRestart ! date/time for the start and end to read restart data
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startRead,endRead       ! date/time for the start and end of the data read
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startWrite,endWrite     ! date/time for the start and end of the stats/write
- integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startPhysics,endPhysics ! date/time for the start and end of the physics
+  ! fixed model decisions
+  logical(lgt)          , parameter, public   :: overwriteRSMIN=.false.  ! flag to overwrite RSMIN
+  integer(i4b)          , parameter, public   :: maxSoilLayers=10000     ! Maximum Number of Soil Layers
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * part 2: globally constant variables/structures that require initialization
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! define Indian bread (NaN)
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: dNaN
+  ! define default parameter values and parameter bounds
+  type(par_info),save,public                  :: localParFallback(maxvarMpar) ! local column default parameters
+  type(par_info),save,public                  :: basinParFallback(maxvarBpar) ! basin-average default parameters
+  ! define vectors of metadata
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: time_meta(maxvarTime)        ! model time information
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: forc_meta(maxvarForc)        ! model forcing data
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: attr_meta(maxvarAttr)        ! local attributes
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: type_meta(maxvarType)        ! local classification of veg, soil, etc.
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: id_meta(maxvarId)            ! local classification of veg, soil, etc.
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: mpar_meta(maxvarMpar)        ! local model parameters for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: indx_meta(maxvarIndx)        ! local model indices for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: prog_meta(maxvarProg)        ! local state variables for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: diag_meta(maxvarDiag)        ! local diagnostic variables for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: flux_meta(maxvarFlux)        ! local model fluxes for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: deriv_meta(maxvarDeriv)      ! local model derivatives for each HRU
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: bpar_meta(maxvarBpar)        ! basin parameters for aggregated processes
+  type(var_info),save,public                  :: bvar_meta(maxvarBvar)        ! basin variables for aggregated processes
+  ! ancillary metadata structures
+  type(flux2state),   save,public             :: flux2state_orig(maxvarFlux)  ! named variables for the states affected by each flux (original)
+  type(flux2state),   save,public             :: flux2state_liq(maxvarFlux)   ! named variables for the states affected by each flux (liquid water)
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: averageFlux_meta(:)          ! timestep-average model fluxes
+  ! mapping from original to child structures
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: forcChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats forc
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: progChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats prog
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: diagChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats diag
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: fluxChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats flux
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: indxChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats indx
+  integer(i4b),save,public,allocatable        :: bvarChild_map(:)             ! index of the child data structure: stats bvar
+  ! child metadata structures
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statForc_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statProg_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statDiag_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statFlux_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statIndx_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  type(extended_info),save,public,allocatable :: statBvar_meta(:)             ! child metadata for stats
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * part 3: run time variables
+  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! define the model decisions
+  type(model_options),save,public                :: model_decisions(maxvarDecisions)  ! the model decision structure
+  ! define index variables describing the indices of the first and last HRUs in the forcing file
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixHRUfile_min                     ! minimum index
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixHRUfile_max                     ! maximum index
+  ! define mapping structures
+  type(gru2hru_map),allocatable,save,public      :: gru_struc(:)                      ! gru2hru map
+  type(hru2gru_map),allocatable,save,public      :: index_map(:)                      ! hru2gru map
+  ! define variables used for the vegetation phenology
+  real(rkind),dimension(12),save,public          :: greenVegFrac_monthly              ! fraction of green vegetation in each month (0-1)
+  ! define the model output file
+  character(len=256),save,public                 :: fileout=''                        ! output filename
+  character(len=256),save,public                 :: output_fileSuffix=''              ! suffix for the output file
+  ! define controls on model output
+  type(ilength),allocatable,save,public          :: outputTimeStep(:)               ! timestep in output files
+  logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public :: finalizeStats=.false.          ! flags to reset statistics
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: maxLayers                      ! maximum number of layers
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: maxSnowLayers                  ! maximum number of snow layers
+  ! define control variables
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: startGRU                          ! index of the starting GRU for parallelization run
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: checkHRU                          ! index of the HRU for a single HRU run
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: iRunMode                          ! define the current running mode
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nThreads=1                        ! number of threads
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixProgress=ixProgress_id          ! define frequency to write progress
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: ixRestart=ixRestart_never         ! define frequency to write restart files
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: newOutputFile=noNewFiles          ! define option for new output files
+  ! define common variables
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: numtim                      ! number of time steps
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nHRUrun                     ! number of HRUs in the run domain
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nGRUrun                     ! number of GRUs in the run domain
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: data_step                   ! length of the time_step
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: dJulianStart                ! julian day of start time of simulation
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: dJulianFinsh                ! julian day of end time of simulation
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: refJulday                   ! reference time in fractional julian days
+  real(rkind),save,public                        :: refJulday_data              ! reference time in fractional julian days (data files)
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: nHRUfile                    ! number of HRUs in the file
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: urbanVegCategory            ! vegetation category for urban areas
+  logical(lgt),save,public                       :: doJacobian=.false.          ! flag to compute the Jacobian
+  logical(lgt),save,public                       :: globalPrintFlag=.false.     ! flag to compute the Jacobian
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: chunksize=1024              ! chunk size for the netcdf read/write
+  integer(i4b),save,public                       :: outputPrecision=nf90_double ! variable type
+  ! define result from the time calls
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startInit,endInit       ! date/time for the start and end of the initialization
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startSetup,endSetup     ! date/time for the start and end of the parameter setup
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startRestart,endRestart ! date/time for the start and end to read restart data
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startRead,endRead       ! date/time for the start and end of the data read
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startWrite,endWrite     ! date/time for the start and end of the stats/write
+  integer(i4b),dimension(8),save,public          :: startPhysics,endPhysics ! date/time for the start and end of the physics
@@ -293,28 +293,28 @@ MODULE globalData
   type(var_i),save,public                        :: oldTime                 ! time for the previous model time step
- ! output file information
- logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public  :: outFreq              ! true if the output frequency is desired
- integer(i4b),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public  :: ncid                 ! netcdf output file id
+  ! output file information
+  logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public  :: outFreq              ! true if the output frequency is desired
+  integer(i4b),dimension(maxvarFreq),save,public  :: ncid                 ! netcdf output file id
- ! look-up values for the choice of the time zone information (formerly in modelDecisions module)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: ncTime=1                ! time zone information from NetCDF file (timeOffset = longitude/15. - ncTimeOffset)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: utcTime=2               ! all times in UTC (timeOffset = longitude/15. hours)
- integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: localTime=3             ! all times local (timeOffset = 0)
+  ! look-up values for the choice of the time zone information (formerly in modelDecisions module)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: ncTime=1                ! time zone information from NetCDF file (timeOffset = longitude/15. - ncTimeOffset)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: utcTime=2               ! all times in UTC (timeOffset = longitude/15. hours)
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                  :: localTime=3             ! all times local (timeOffset = 0)
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL DATA STRUCTURES THAT ARE MANAGED BY FILEACCESSACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- type(var_forc),allocatable,save,public          :: forcingDataStruct(:)            ! forcingDataStruct(:)%var(:)%dataFromFile(:,:)
- type(dlength),allocatable,save,public           :: vecTime(:)
- type(summa_output_type),allocatable,save,public :: outputStructure(:)             ! summa_OutputStructure(iFile)%struc%var(:)%dat(nTimeSteps) 
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL DATA STRUCTURES THAT ARE MANAGED BY FILEACCESSACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL DATA STRUCTURES THAT ARE MANAGED BY FILEACCESSACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  type(var_forc),allocatable,save,public          :: forcingDataStruct(:)            ! forcingDataStruct(:)%var(:)%dataFromFile(:,:)
+  type(dlength),allocatable,save,public           :: vecTime(:)
+  type(summa_output_type),allocatable,save,public :: outputStructure(:)             ! summa_OutputStructure(iFile)%struc%var(:)%dat(nTimeSteps) 
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GLOBAL DATA STRUCTURES THAT ARE MANAGED BY FILEACCESSACTOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! define fixed dimensions
- integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nBand=2          ! number of spectral bands
- integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nTimeDelay=2000  ! number of hours in the time delay histogram (default: ~1 season = 24*365/4)
+  ! define fixed dimensions
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nBand=2          ! number of spectral bands
+  integer(i4b),parameter,public                   :: nTimeDelay=2000  ! number of hours in the time delay histogram (default: ~1 season = 24*365/4)
- character(len=1024),public,save                 :: fname                         ! temporary filename
+  character(len=1024),public,save                 :: fname                         ! temporary filename
 END MODULE globalData
diff --git a/build/source/dshare/popMetadat.f90 b/build/source/dshare/popMetadat.f90
index 76775ef..cec88e3 100755
--- a/build/source/dshare/popMetadat.f90
+++ b/build/source/dshare/popMetadat.f90
@@ -15,1002 +15,1001 @@ private
- subroutine popMetadat(err,message)
- ! data structures
- USE data_types, only: var_info        ! data type for metadata structure
- USE globalData, only: time_meta       ! data structure for time metadata
- USE globalData, only: forc_meta       ! data structure for forcing metadata
- USE globalData, only: type_meta       ! data structure for categorical metadata
- USE globalData, only: id_meta         ! data structure for hru and gru ID metadata
- USE globalData, only: attr_meta       ! data structure for attribute metadata
- USE globalData, only: mpar_meta       ! data structure for local parameter metadata
- USE globalData, only: bpar_meta       ! data structure for basin parameter metadata
- USE globalData, only: bvar_meta       ! data structure for basin model variable metadata
- USE globalData, only: indx_meta       ! data structure for index metadata
- USE globalData, only: prog_meta       ! data structure for local prognostic (state) variables
- USE globalData, only: diag_meta       ! data structure for local diagnostic variables
- USE globalData, only: flux_meta       ! data structure for local flux variables
- USE globalData, only: deriv_meta      ! data structure for local flux derivatives
- ! structures of named variables
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookTIME  ! named variables for time data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookFORCE ! named variables for forcing data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookTYPE  ! named variables for categorical attribute data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookID    ! named variables for hru and gru ID metadata
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookATTR  ! named variables for real valued attribute data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookPARAM ! named variables for local parameter data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookBPAR  ! named variables for basin parameter data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookBVAR  ! named variables for basin model variable data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookINDEX ! named variables for index variable data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookPROG  ! named variables for local state variables
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookDIAG  ! named variables for local diagnostic variables
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookFLUX  ! named variables for local flux variables
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookDERIV ! named variables for local flux derivatives
- USE var_lookup, only: maxvarFreq ! number of output frequencies
- USE var_lookup, only: maxvarStat ! number of statistics
- USE get_ixName_module,only:get_ixVarType ! to turn vartype strings to integers
- implicit none
- ! dummy variables
- integer(i4b),intent(out)       :: err           ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)       :: message       ! error message
- ! internals
- character(256)                 :: cmessage      ! error message
- integer,dimension(maxVarFreq)  :: iMissVec      ! vector of missing integers
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='popMetadat/'
- ! init arrays for structure constructors
- iMissVec(:) = integerMissing
- ! -----
- ! * model time structures...
- ! --------------------------
- time_meta(iLookTIME%iyyy)                   = var_info('iyyy'   , 'year'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%im)                     = var_info('im'     , 'month'                      , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%id)                     = var_info('id'     , 'day'                        , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%ih)                     = var_info('ih'     , 'hour'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%imin)                   = var_info('imin'   , 'minute'                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%ih_tz)                  = var_info('ih_tz'  , 'hour for time zone offset'  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- time_meta(iLookTIME%imin_tz)                = var_info('imin_tz', 'minute for time zone offset', '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * model forcing data...
- ! -----------------------
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)                  = var_info('time'    , 'time since time reference'                         , 'seconds since 1990-1-1 0:0:0.0 -0:00', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%pptrate)               = var_info('pptrate' , 'precipitation rate'                                , 'kg m-2 s-1'                          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%SWRadAtm)              = var_info('SWRadAtm', 'downward shortwave radiation at the upper boundary', 'W m-2'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%LWRadAtm)              = var_info('LWRadAtm', 'downward longwave radiation at the upper boundary' , 'W m-2'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%airtemp)               = var_info('airtemp' , 'air temperature at the measurement height'         , 'K'                                   , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%windspd)               = var_info('windspd' , 'wind speed at the measurement height'              , 'm s-1'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%airpres)               = var_info('airpres' , 'air pressure at the the measurement height'        , 'Pa'                                  , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%spechum)               = var_info('spechum' , 'specific humidity at the measurement height'       , 'g g-1'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * categorical data...
- ! ---------------------
- type_meta(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)           = var_info('vegTypeIndex'  , 'index defining vegetation type'             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- type_meta(iLookTYPE%soilTypeIndex)          = var_info('soilTypeIndex' , 'index defining soil type'                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- type_meta(iLookTYPE%slopeTypeIndex)         = var_info('slopeTypeIndex', 'index defining slope'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- type_meta(iLookTYPE%downHRUindex)           = var_info('downHRUindex'  , 'index of downslope HRU (0 = basin outlet)'  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- type_meta(iLookTYPE%downkHRU)               = var_info('downkHRU'      , 'real index of downslope HRU'                , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * hru and gru ID data...
- ! ---------------------
- id_meta(iLookID%hruId)                      = var_info('hruId'         , 'ID defining the hydrologic response unit'   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * site characteristics...
- ! -------------------------
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%latitude)               = var_info('latitude'      , 'latitude'                                              , 'degrees north', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%longitude)              = var_info('longitude'     , 'longitude'                                             , 'degrees east' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%elevation)              = var_info('elevation'     , 'elevation'                                             , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%tan_slope)              = var_info('tan_slope'     , 'tan water table slope (tan local ground surface slope)', '-'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%contourLength)          = var_info('contourLength' , 'length of contour at downslope edge of HRU'            , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%HRUarea)                = var_info('HRUarea'       , 'area of each HRU'                                      , 'm2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%mHeight)                = var_info('mHeight'       , 'measurement height above bare ground'                  , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- attr_meta(iLookATTR%aspect)                 = var_info('aspect'        , 'mean azimuth of HRU in degrees East of North (0)'      , 'degrees'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * local parameter data...
- ! -------------------------
- ! boundary conditions
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundHead)        = var_info('upperBoundHead'        , 'matric head at the upper boundary'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundHead)        = var_info('lowerBoundHead'        , 'matric head at the lower boundary'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTheta)       = var_info('upperBoundTheta'       , 'volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTheta)       = var_info('lowerBoundTheta'       , 'volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTemp)        = var_info('upperBoundTemp'        , 'temperature of the upper boundary'                                , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTemp)        = var_info('lowerBoundTemp'        , 'temperature of the lower boundary'                                , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! precipitation partitioning
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempCritRain)          = var_info('tempCritRain'          , 'critical temperature where precipitation is rain'                 , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempRangeTimestep)     = var_info('tempRangeTimestep'     , 'temperature range over the time step'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frozenPrecipMultip)    = var_info('frozenPrecipMultip'    , 'frozen precipitation multiplier'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! snow properties
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)         = var_info('snowfrz_scale'         , 'scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow'                , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fixedThermalCond_snow) = var_info('fixedThermalCond_snow' , 'temporally constant thermal conductivity for snow'                , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! snow albedo
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMax)             = var_info('albedoMax'             , 'maximum snow albedo (single spectral band)'                       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinWinter)       = var_info('albedoMinWinter'       , 'minimum snow albedo during winter (single spectral band)'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinSpring)       = var_info('albedoMinSpring'       , 'minimum snow albedo during spring (single spectral band)'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMaxVisible)      = var_info('albedoMaxVisible'      , 'maximum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum'          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinVisible)      = var_info('albedoMinVisible'      , 'minimum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum'          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMaxNearIR)       = var_info('albedoMaxNearIR'       , 'maximum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinNearIR)       = var_info('albedoMinNearIR'       , 'minimum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoDecayRate)       = var_info('albedoDecayRate'       , 'albedo decay rate'                                                , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoSootLoad)        = var_info('albedoSootLoad'        , 'soot load factor'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoRefresh)         = var_info('albedoRefresh'         , 'critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment'                   , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! radiation transfer
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%radExt_snow)           = var_info('radExt_snow'           , 'extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack'   , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%directScale)           = var_info('directScale'           , 'scaling factor for fractional driect radiaion parameterization'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Frad_direct)           = var_info('Frad_direct'           , 'fraction direct solar radiation'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Frad_vis)              = var_info('Frad_vis'              , 'fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum'                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! new snow density
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMin)         = var_info('newSnowDenMin'         , 'minimum new snow density'                                         , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMult)        = var_info('newSnowDenMult'        , 'multiplier for new snow density'                                  , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenScal)        = var_info('newSnowDenScal'        , 'scaling factor for new snow density'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%constSnowDen)          = var_info('constSnowDen'          , 'Constant new snow density'                                        , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenAdd)         = var_info('newSnowDenAdd'         , 'Pahaut 1976, additive factor for new snow density'                , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultTemp)    = var_info('newSnowDenMultTemp'    , 'Pahaut 1976, multiplier for new snow density for air temperature' , 'kg m-3 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultWind)    = var_info('newSnowDenMultWind'    , 'Pahaut 1976, multiplier for new snow density for wind speed'      , 'kg m-7/2 s-1/2'  , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultAnd)     = var_info('newSnowDenMultAnd'     , 'Anderson 1976, multiplier for new snow density (Anderson func)'   , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenBase)        = var_info('newSnowDenBase'        , 'Anderson 1976, base value that is rasied to the (3/2) power'      , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! snow compaction
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%densScalGrowth)        = var_info('densScalGrowth'        , 'density scaling factor for grain growth'                          , 'kg-1 m3'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempScalGrowth)        = var_info('tempScalGrowth'        , 'temperature scaling factor for grain growth'                      , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%grainGrowthRate)       = var_info('grainGrowthRate'       , 'rate of grain growth'                                             , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%densScalOvrbdn)        = var_info('densScalOvrbdn'        , 'density scaling factor for overburden pressure'                   , 'kg-1 m3'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempScalOvrbdn)        = var_info('tempScalOvrbdn'        , 'temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure'               , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%baseViscosity )        = var_info('baseViscosity '        , 'viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0'              , 'kg s m-2'        , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! water flow through snow
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Fcapil)                = var_info('Fcapil'                , 'capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_snow)                = var_info('k_snow'                , 'hydraulic conductivity of snow'                                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%mw_exp)                = var_info('mw_exp'                , 'exponent for meltwater flow'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! turbulent heat fluxes
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Snow)                = var_info('z0Snow'                , 'roughness length of snow'                                         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Soil)                = var_info('z0Soil'                , 'roughness length of bare soil below the canopy'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Canopy)              = var_info('z0Canopy'              , 'roughness length of the canopy'                                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zpdFraction)           = var_info('zpdFraction'           , 'zero plane displacement / canopy height'                          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critRichNumber)        = var_info('critRichNumber'        , 'critical value for the bulk Richardson number'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Louis79_bparam)        = var_info('Louis79_bparam'        , 'parameter in Louis (1979) stability function'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Louis79_cStar)         = var_info('Louis79_cStar'         , 'parameter in Louis (1979) stability function'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Mahrt87_eScale)        = var_info('Mahrt87_eScale'        , 'exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function', '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%leafExchangeCoeff)     = var_info('leafExchangeCoeff'     , 'turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air'   , 'm s-(1/2)'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%windReductionParam)    = var_info('windReductionParam'    , 'canopy wind reduction parameter'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! stomatal conductance
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Kc25)                  = var_info('Kc25'                  , 'Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 at 25 degrees C'                , 'umol mol-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Ko25)                  = var_info('Ko25'                  , 'Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 at 25 degrees C'                 , 'mol mol-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Kc_qFac)               = var_info('Kc_qFac'               , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on Kc'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Ko_qFac)               = var_info('Ko_qFac'               , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on Ko'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%kc_Ha)                 = var_info('kc_Ha'                 , 'activation energy for the Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2'      , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%ko_Ha)                 = var_info('ko_Ha'                 , 'activation energy for the Michaelis-Menten constant for O2'       , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax25_canopyTop)     = var_info('vcmax25_canopyTop'     , 'potential carboxylation rate at 25 degrees C at the canopy top'   , 'umol co2 m-2 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_qFac)            = var_info('vcmax_qFac'            , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on vcmax', '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Ha)              = var_info('vcmax_Ha'              , 'activation energy in the vcmax function'                          , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Hd)              = var_info('vcmax_Hd'              , 'deactivation energy in the vcmax function'                        , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Sv)              = var_info('vcmax_Sv'              , 'entropy term in the vcmax function'                               , 'J mol-1 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Kn)              = var_info('vcmax_Kn'              , 'foliage nitrogen decay coefficient'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax25_scale)          = var_info('jmax25_scale'          , 'scaling factor to relate jmax25 to vcmax25'                       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Ha)               = var_info('jmax_Ha'               , 'activation energy in the jmax function'                           , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Hd)               = var_info('jmax_Hd'               , 'deactivation energy in the jmax function'                         , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Sv)               = var_info('jmax_Sv'               , 'entropy term in the jmax function'                                , 'J mol-1 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fractionJ)             = var_info('fractionJ'             , 'fraction of light lost by other than the chloroplast lamellae'    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%quantamYield)          = var_info('quantamYield'          , 'quantam yield'                                                    , 'mol e mol-1 q'   , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vpScaleFactor)         = var_info('vpScaleFactor'         , 'vapor pressure scaling factor in stomatal conductance function'   , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%cond2photo_slope)      = var_info('cond2photo_slope'      , 'slope of conductance-photosynthesis relationship'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minStomatalConductance)= var_info('minStomatalConductance', 'minimum stomatal conductance'                                     , 'umol H2O m-2 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! vegetation properties
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%winterSAI)             = var_info('winterSAI'             , 'stem area index prior to the start of the growing season'         , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%summerLAI)             = var_info('summerLAI'             , 'maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season'        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootScaleFactor1)      = var_info('rootScaleFactor1'      , '1st scaling factor (a) in Y = 1 - 0.5*( exp(-aZ) + exp(-bZ) )'    , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootScaleFactor2)      = var_info('rootScaleFactor2'      , '2nd scaling factor (b) in Y = 1 - 0.5*( exp(-aZ) + exp(-bZ) )'    , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootingDepth)          = var_info('rootingDepth'          , 'rooting depth'                                                    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootDistExp)           = var_info('rootDistExp'           , 'exponent for the vertical distribution of root density'           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%plantWiltPsi)          = var_info('plantWiltPsi'          , 'matric head at wilting point'                                     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilStressParam)       = var_info('soilStressParam'       , 'parameter in the exponential soil stress function'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critSoilWilting)       = var_info('critSoilWilting'       , 'critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critSoilTranspire)     = var_info('critSoilTranspire'     , 'critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critAquiferTranspire)  = var_info('critAquiferTranspire'  , 'critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited'     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minStomatalResistance) = var_info('minStomatalResistance' , 'minimum stomatal resistance'                                      , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%leafDimension)         = var_info('leafDimension'         , 'characteristic leaf dimension'                                    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyTop)       = var_info('heightCanopyTop'       , 'height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface'      , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyBottom)    = var_info('heightCanopyBottom'    , 'height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface'   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificHeatVeg)       = var_info('specificHeatVeg'       , 'specific heat of vegetation'                                      , 'J kg-1 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxMassVegetation)     = var_info('maxMassVegetation'     , 'maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage)'                        , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%throughfallScaleSnow)  = var_info('throughfallScaleSnow'  , 'scaling factor for throughfall (snow)'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%throughfallScaleRain)  = var_info('throughfallScaleRain'  , 'scaling factor for throughfall (rain)'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%refInterceptCapSnow)   = var_info('refInterceptCapSnow'   , 'reference canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (snow)' , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%refInterceptCapRain)   = var_info('refInterceptCapRain'   , 'canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (rain)'           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%snowUnloadingCoeff)    = var_info('snowUnloadingCoeff'    , 'time constant for unloading of snow from the forest canopy'       , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyDrainageCoeff)   = var_info('canopyDrainageCoeff'   , 'time constant for drainage of liquid water from the forest canopy', 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%ratioDrip2Unloading)   = var_info('ratioDrip2Unloading'   , 'ratio of canopy drip to unloading of snow from the forest canopy' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyWettingFactor)   = var_info('canopyWettingFactor'   , 'maximum wetted fraction of the canopy'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyWettingExp)      = var_info('canopyWettingExp'      , 'exponent in canopy wetting function'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minTempUnloading)      = var_info('minTempUnloading'      , 'min temp for unloading in windySnow'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rateTempUnloading)     = var_info('rateTempUnloading'     , 'how quickly to unload due to temperature'                         , 'K s'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minWindUnloading)      = var_info('minWindUnloading'      , 'min wind speed for unloading in windySnow'                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rateWindUnloading)     = var_info('rateWindUnloading'     , 'how quickly to unload due to wind'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! soil properties
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soil_dens_intr)        = var_info('soil_dens_intr'        , 'intrinsic soil density'                                           , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%thCond_soil)           = var_info('thCond_soil'           , 'thermal conductivity of soil (includes quartz and other minerals)', 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_sand)             = var_info('frac_sand'             , 'fraction of sand'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_silt)             = var_info('frac_silt'             , 'fraction of silt'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_clay)             = var_info('frac_clay'             , 'fraction of clay'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)             = var_info('theta_sat'             , 'soil porosity'                                                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_res)             = var_info('theta_res'             , 'volumetric residual water content'                                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vGn_alpha)             = var_info('vGn_alpha'             , 'van Genuchten "alpha" parameter'                                  , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vGn_n)                 = var_info('vGn_n'                 , 'van Genuchten "n" parameter'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_soil)                = var_info('k_soil'                , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity'                                 , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_macropore)           = var_info('k_macropore'           , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity for macropores'                  , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! scalar soil properties
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fieldCapacity)         = var_info('fieldCapacity'         , 'soil field capacity (vol liq water content when baseflow begins)' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%wettingFrontSuction)   = var_info('wettingFrontSuction'   , 'Green-Ampt wetting front suction'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_mp)              = var_info('theta_mp'              , 'volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins'       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%mpExp)                 = var_info('mpExp'                 , 'empirical exponent in macropore flow equation'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%kAnisotropic)          = var_info('kAnisotropic'          , 'anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zScale_TOPMODEL)       = var_info('zScale_TOPMODEL'       , 'TOPMODEL scaling factor used in lower boundary condition for soil', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%compactedDepth)        = var_info('compactedDepth'        , 'depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78'     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowRate)   = var_info('aquiferBaseflowRate'   , 'baseflow rate when aquifer storage = aquiferScaleFactor'          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferScaleFactor)    = var_info('aquiferScaleFactor'    , 'scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket'             , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowExp)    = var_info('aquiferBaseflowExp'    , 'baseflow exponent'                                                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%qSurfScale)            = var_info('qSurfScale'            , 'scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificYield)         = var_info('specificYield'         , 'specific yield'                                                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificStorage)       = var_info('specificStorage'       , 'specific storage coefficient'                                     , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%f_impede)              = var_info('f_impede'              , 'ice impedence factor'                                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilIceScale)          = var_info('soilIceScale'          , 'scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilIceCV)             = var_info('soilIceCV'             , 'CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! algorithmic control parameters
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minwind)               = var_info('minwind'               , 'minimum wind speed'                                               , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minstep)               = var_info('minstep'               , 'minimum length of the time step'                                  , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxstep)               = var_info('maxstep'               , 'maximum length of the time step'                                  , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%wimplicit)             = var_info('wimplicit'             , 'weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxiter)               = var_info('maxiter'               , 'maximum number of iterations'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_liquid)     = var_info('relConvTol_liquid'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_liquid)     = var_info('absConvTol_liquid'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_matric)     = var_info('relConvTol_matric'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for matric head'                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_matric)     = var_info('absConvTol_matric'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for matric head'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_energy)     = var_info('relConvTol_energy'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for energy'                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_energy)     = var_info('absConvTol_energy'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for energy'                        , 'J m-3'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_aquifr)     = var_info('relConvTol_aquifr'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage'               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_aquifr)     = var_info('absConvTol_aquifr'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage'               , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmin)                  = var_info('zmin'                  , 'minimum layer depth'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmax)                  = var_info('zmax'                  , 'maximum layer depth'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer1)            = var_info('zminLayer1'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer'                      , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer2)            = var_info('zminLayer2'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer3)            = var_info('zminLayer3'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer4)            = var_info('zminLayer4'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 4th layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer5)            = var_info('zminLayer5'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer1_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer1_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer'    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer2_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer2_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer3_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer3_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer4_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer4_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer1_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer1_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer'       , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer2_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer2_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer3_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer3_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer4_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer4_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * basin parameter data...
- ! -------------------------
- bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferHydCond)           = var_info('basin__aquiferHydCond'    , 'hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer'                          , 'm s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferScaleFactor)       = var_info('basin__aquiferScaleFactor', 'scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket'           , 'm'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferBaseflowExp)       = var_info('basin__aquiferBaseflowExp', 'baseflow exponent for the big bucket'                           , '-'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%routingGammaShape)               = var_info('routingGammaShape'        , 'shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing', '-'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%routingGammaScale)               = var_info('routingGammaScale'        , 'scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing', 's'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * local model prognostic (state) variables...
- ! ---------------------------------------------
- ! define variables for time stepping
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%dt_init)                         = var_info('dt_init'                        , 'length of initial time step at start of next data interval'       , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! state variables for vegetation
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyIce'                , 'mass of ice on the vegetation canopy'                             , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyLiq'                , 'mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy'                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyWat'                , 'mass of total water on the vegetation canopy'                     , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)                = var_info('scalarCanairTemp'               , 'temperature of the canopy air space'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)                = var_info('scalarCanopyTemp'               , 'temperature of the vegetation canopy'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! state variables for snow
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse)       = var_info('spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse'      , 'diffuse snow albedo for individual spectral bands'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSnowAlbedo)                = var_info('scalarSnowAlbedo'               , 'snow albedo for the entire spectral band'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSnowDepth)                 = var_info('scalarSnowDepth'                , 'total snow depth'                                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSWE)                       = var_info('scalarSWE'                      , 'snow water equivalent'                                            , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSfcMeltPond)               = var_info('scalarSfcMeltPond'              , 'ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer"'        , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! define state variables for the snow+soil domain
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)                      = var_info('mLayerTemp'                     , 'temperature of each layer'                                        , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracIce'               , 'volumetric fraction of ice in each layer'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracLiq'               , 'volumetric fraction of liquid water in each layer'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracWat'               , 'volumetric fraction of total water in each layer'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)                = var_info('mLayerMatricHead'               , 'matric head of water in the soil'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! other state variables
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarAquiferStorage)            = var_info('scalarAquiferStorage'           , 'water required to bring aquifer to the bottom of the soil profile', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSurfaceTemp)               = var_info('scalarSurfaceTemp'              , 'surface temperature (just a copy of the upper-layer temperature)' , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! define coordinate variables
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)                     = var_info('mLayerDepth'                    , 'depth of each layer'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerHeight)                    = var_info('mLayerHeight'                   , 'height of the layer mid-point (top of soil = 0)'                  , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- prog_meta(iLookPROG%iLayerHeight)                    = var_info('iLayerHeight'                   , 'height of the layer interface (top of soil = 0)'                  , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * local model diagnostic variables...
- ! -------------------------------------
- ! local properties
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)               = var_info('scalarCanopyDepth'              , 'canopy depth'                                                     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGreenVegFraction)          = var_info('scalarGreenVegFraction'         , 'green vegetation fraction (used to compute LAI)'                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg)         = var_info('scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg'        , 'bulk volumetric heat capacity of vegetation'                      , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEmissivity)          = var_info('scalarCanopyEmissivity'         , 'effective canopy emissivity'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRootZoneTemp)              = var_info('scalarRootZoneTemp'             , 'average temperature of the root zone'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLAI)                       = var_info('scalarLAI'                      , 'one-sided leaf area index'                                        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSAI)                       = var_info('scalarSAI'                      , 'one-sided stem area index'                                        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarExposedLAI)                = var_info('scalarExposedLAI'               , 'exposed leaf area index (after burial by snow)'                   , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarExposedSAI)                = var_info('scalarExposedSAI'               , 'exposed stem area index (after burial by snow)'                   , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAdjMeasHeight)             = var_info('scalarAdjMeasHeight'            , 'adjusted measurement height for cases snowDepth>mHeight'          , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyIceMax)              = var_info('scalarCanopyIceMax'             , 'maximum interception storage capacity for ice'                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyLiqMax)              = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqMax'             , 'maximum interception storage capacity for liquid water'           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGrowingSeasonIndex)        = var_info('scalarGrowingSeasonIndex'       , 'growing season index (0=off, 1=on)'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_air)              = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_air'             , 'volumetric heat capacity air'                                     , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_ice)              = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_ice'             , 'volumetric heat capacity ice'                                     , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_soil)             = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_soil'            , 'volumetric heat capacity dry soil'                                , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_water)            = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_water'           , 'volumetric heat capacity liquid wat'                              , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolHtCapBulk)              = var_info('mLayerVolHtCapBulk'             , 'volumetric heat capacity in each layer'                           , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLambda_drysoil)            = var_info('scalarLambda_drysoil'           , 'thermal conductivity of dry soil'                                 , 'W m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLambda_wetsoil)            = var_info('scalarLambda_wetsoil'           , 'thermal conductivity of wet soil'                                 , 'W m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerThermalC)                  = var_info('mLayerThermalC'                 , 'thermal conductivity at the mid-point of each layer'              , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%iLayerThermalC)                  = var_info('iLayerThermalC'                 , 'thermal conductivity at the interface of each layer'              , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! forcing
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVPair)                     = var_info('scalarVPair'                    , 'vapor pressure of the air above the vegetation canopy'            , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVP_CanopyAir)              = var_info('scalarVP_CanopyAir'             , 'vapor pressure of the canopy air space'                           , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTwetbulb)                  = var_info('scalarTwetbulb'                 , 'wet bulb temperature'                                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSnowfallTemp)              = var_info('scalarSnowfallTemp'             , 'temperature of fresh snow'                                        , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarNewSnowDensity)            = var_info('scalarNewSnowDensity'           , 'density of fresh snow'                                            , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarO2air)                     = var_info('scalarO2air'                    , 'atmospheric o2 concentration'                                     , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCO2air)                    = var_info('scalarCO2air'                   , 'atmospheric co2 concentration'                                    , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! shortwave radiation
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCosZenith)                 = var_info('scalarCosZenith'                , 'cosine of the solar zenith angle'                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFractionDirect)            = var_info('scalarFractionDirect'           , 'fraction of direct radiation (0-1)'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopySunlitFraction)      = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitFraction'     , 'sunlit fraction of canopy'                                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopySunlitLAI)           = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitLAI'          , 'sunlit leaf area'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyShadedLAI)           = var_info('scalarCanopyShadedLAI'          , 'shaded leaf area'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralAlbGndDirect)            = var_info('spectralAlbGndDirect'           , 'direct  albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band'      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralAlbGndDiffuse)           = var_info('spectralAlbGndDiffuse'          , 'diffuse albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band'      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundAlbedo)              = var_info('scalarGroundAlbedo'             , 'albedo of the ground surface'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! turbulent heat transfer
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy)       = var_info('scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy'      , 'latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for veg canopy'      , 'J kg-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLatHeatSubVapGround)       = var_info('scalarLatHeatSubVapGround'      , 'latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for ground surface'  , 'J kg-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp)          = var_info('scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp'         , 'saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of vegetation canopy', 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSatVP_GroundTemp)          = var_info('scalarSatVP_GroundTemp'         , 'saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the ground'       , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarZ0Canopy)                  = var_info('scalarZ0Canopy'                 , 'roughness length of the canopy'                                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarWindReductionFactor)       = var_info('scalarWindReductionFactor'      , 'canopy wind reduction factor'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement)     = var_info('scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement'    , 'zero plane displacement'                                          , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRiBulkCanopy)              = var_info('scalarRiBulkCanopy'             , 'bulk Richardson number for the canopy'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRiBulkGround)              = var_info('scalarRiBulkGround'             , 'bulk Richardson number for the ground surface'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection) = var_info('scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection', 'stability correction for the canopy'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundStabilityCorrection) = var_info('scalarGroundStabilityCorrection', 'stability correction for the ground surface'                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! evapotranspiration
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarIntercellularCO2Sunlit)    = var_info('scalarIntercellularCO2Sunlit'   , 'carbon dioxide partial pressure of leaf interior (sunlit leaves)' , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarIntercellularCO2Shaded)    = var_info('scalarIntercellularCO2Shaded'   , 'carbon dioxide partial pressure of leaf interior (shaded leaves)' , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)              = var_info('scalarTranspireLim'             , 'aggregate soil moisture and aquifer control on transpiration'     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLimAqfr)          = var_info('scalarTranspireLimAqfr'         , 'aquifer storage control on transpiration'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor)     = var_info('scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor'    , 'foliage nitrogen concentration (1=saturated)'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilRelHumidity)           = var_info('scalarSoilRelHumidity'          , 'relative humidity in the soil pores in the upper-most soil layer' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerTranspireLim)              = var_info('mLayerTranspireLim'             , 'soil moist & veg limit on transpiration for each layer'           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerRootDensity)               = var_info('mLayerRootDensity'              , 'fraction of roots in each soil layer'                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferRootFrac)           = var_info('scalarAquiferRootFrac'          , 'fraction of roots below the soil profile (in the aquifer)'        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! canopy hydrology
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFracLiqVeg)                = var_info('scalarFracLiqVeg'               , 'fraction of liquid water on vegetation'                           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyWetFraction)         = var_info('scalarCanopyWetFraction'        , 'fraction canopy that is wet'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! snow hydrology
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSnowAge)                   = var_info('scalarSnowAge'                  , 'non-dimensional snow age'                                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundSnowFraction)        = var_info('scalarGroundSnowFraction'       , 'fraction ground that is covered with snow'                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralSnowAlbedoDirect)        = var_info('spectralSnowAlbedoDirect'       , 'direct snow albedo for individual spectral bands'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerFracLiqSnow)               = var_info('mLayerFracLiqSnow'              , 'fraction of liquid water in each snow layer'                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerThetaResid)                = var_info('mLayerThetaResid'               , 'residual volumetric water content in each snow layer'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerPoreSpace)                 = var_info('mLayerPoreSpace'                , 'total pore space in each snow layer'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerMeltFreeze)                = var_info('mLayerMeltFreeze'               , 'ice content change from melt/freeze in each layer'                , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! soil hydrology
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarInfilArea)                 = var_info('scalarInfilArea'                , 'fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFrozenArea)                = var_info('scalarFrozenArea'               , 'fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice'  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilControl)               = var_info('scalarSoilControl'              , 'soil control on infiltration (1=controlling; 0=not)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolFracAir)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracAir'               , 'volumetric fraction of air in each layer'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerTcrit)                     = var_info('mLayerTcrit'                    , 'critical soil temperature above which all water is unfrozen'      , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)                  = var_info('mLayerCompress'                 , 'change in volumetric water content due to compression of soil'    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)              = var_info('scalarSoilCompress'             , 'change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix'   , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)             = var_info('mLayerMatricHeadLiq'            , 'matric potential of liquid water'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! mass balance check
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilWatBalError)           = var_info('scalarSoilWatBalError'          , 'error in the total soil water balance'                            , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferBalError)           = var_info('scalarAquiferBalError'          , 'error in the aquifer water balance'                               , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilLiq)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilLiq'             , 'total mass of liquid water in the soil'                           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilIce)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilIce'             , 'total mass of ice in the soil'                                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilWat)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilWat'             , 'total mass of water in the soil'                                  , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! variable shortcuts
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVGn_m)                     = var_info('scalarVGn_m'                    , 'van Genuchten "m" parameter'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarKappa)                     = var_info('scalarKappa'                    , 'constant in the freezing curve function'                          , 'm K-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolLatHt_fus)              = var_info('scalarVolLatHt_fus'             , 'volumetric latent heat of fusion'                                 , 'J m-3'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! number of function evaluations
- diag_meta(iLookDIAG%numFluxCalls)                    = var_info('numFluxCalls'                   , 'number of flux calls'                                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * local model fluxes...
- ! -----------------------
- ! net energy and mass fluxes for the vegetation domain
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanairNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanairNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the canopy air space'                         , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the vegetation canopy'                        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarGroundNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the ground surface'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux'         , 'net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy'                  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! forcing
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)                  = var_info('scalarRainfall'                 , 'computed rainfall rate'                                           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowfall)                  = var_info('scalarSnowfall'                 , 'computed snowfall rate'                                           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! shortwave radiation
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralIncomingDirect)          = var_info('spectralIncomingDirect'         , 'incoming direct solar radiation in each wave band'                , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralIncomingDiffuse)         = var_info('spectralIncomingDiffuse'        , 'incoming diffuse solar radiation in each wave band'               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySunlitPAR)           = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitPAR'          , 'average absorbed par for sunlit leaves'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyShadedPAR)           = var_info('scalarCanopyShadedPAR'          , 'average absorbed par for shaded leaves'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralBelowCanopyDirect)       = var_info('spectralBelowCanopyDirect'      , 'downward direct flux below veg layer for each spectral band'      , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse)      = var_info('spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse'     , 'downward diffuse flux below veg layer for each spectral band'     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarBelowCanopySolar)          = var_info('scalarBelowCanopySolar'         , 'solar radiation transmitted below the canopy'                     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar)       = var_info('scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar'      , 'solar radiation absorbed by canopy'                               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar)       = var_info('scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar'      , 'solar radiation absorbed by ground'                               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! longwave radiation
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy)               = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy'              , 'longwave radiation emitted from the canopy'                       , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround)               = var_info('scalarLWRadGround'              , 'longwave radiation emitted at the ground surface'                 , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy'       , 'downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy'   , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Ground)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Ground'       , 'downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the ground'   , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound'       , 'atmospheric radiation refl by ground + lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from canopy lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from canopy absorbed by the ground'    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy'       , 'canopy longwave reflected from ground and absorbed by the canopy' , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadGround2Ubound'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from ground lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadGround2Canopy'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from ground and absorbed by the canopy', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetCanopy)               = var_info('scalarLWNetCanopy'              , 'net longwave radiation at the canopy'                             , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetGround)               = var_info('scalarLWNetGround'              , 'net longwave radiation at the ground surface'                     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetUbound)               = var_info('scalarLWNetUbound'              , 'net longwave radiation at the upper atmospheric boundary'         , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! turbulent heat transfer
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop)       = var_info('scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop'      , 'eddy diffusivity for heat at the top of the canopy'               , 'm2 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarFrictionVelocity)          = var_info('scalarFrictionVelocity'         , 'friction velocity (canopy momentum sink)'                         , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarWindspdCanopyTop)          = var_info('scalarWindspdCanopyTop'         , 'windspeed at the top of the canopy'                               , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarWindspdCanopyBottom)       = var_info('scalarWindspdCanopyBottom'      , 'windspeed at the height of the bottom of the canopy'              , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundResistance)          = var_info('scalarGroundResistance'         , 'below canopy aerodynamic resistance'                              , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyResistance)          = var_info('scalarCanopyResistance'         , 'above canopy aerodynamic resistance'                              , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLeafResistance)            = var_info('scalarLeafResistance'           , 'mean leaf boundary layer resistance per unit leaf area'           , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilResistance)            = var_info('scalarSoilResistance'           , 'soil surface resistance'                                          , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatTotal)              = var_info('scalarSenHeatTotal'             , 'sensible heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere'        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)             = var_info('scalarSenHeatCanopy'            , 'sensible heat from the canopy to the canopy air space'            , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatGround)             = var_info('scalarSenHeatGround'            , 'sensible heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)'    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatTotal)              = var_info('scalarLatHeatTotal'             , 'latent heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere'          , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)         = var_info('scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap'        , 'evaporation latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans)        = var_info('scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans'       , 'transpiration latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatGround)             = var_info('scalarLatHeatGround'            , 'latent heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)'      , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux)   = var_info('scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux'  , 'heat advected to the canopy with precipitation (snow + rain)'     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux)   = var_info('scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux'  , 'heat advected to the ground with throughfall + unloading/drainage', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySublimation)         = var_info('scalarCanopySublimation'        , 'canopy sublimation/frost'                                         , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowSublimation)           = var_info('scalarSnowSublimation'          , 'snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated)'           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! liquid water fluxes associated with evapotranspiration
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarStomResistSunlit)          = var_info('scalarStomResistSunlit'         , 'stomatal resistance for sunlit leaves'                            , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarStomResistShaded)          = var_info('scalarStomResistShaded'         , 'stomatal resistance for shaded leaves'                            , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit)      = var_info('scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit'     , 'sunlit photosynthesis'                                            , 'umolco2 m-2 s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarPhotosynthesisShaded)      = var_info('scalarPhotosynthesisShaded'     , 'shaded photosynthesis'                                            , 'umolco2 m-2 s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)       = var_info('scalarCanopyTranspiration'      , 'canopy transpiration'                                             , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)         = var_info('scalarCanopyEvaporation'        , 'canopy evaporation/condensation'                                  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundEvaporation)         = var_info('scalarGroundEvaporation'        , 'ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated)'  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)                 = var_info('mLayerTranspire'                , 'transpiration loss from each soil layer'                          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! liquid and solid water fluxes through the canopy
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallSnow)           = var_info('scalarThroughfallSnow'          , 'snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy'    , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)           = var_info('scalarThroughfallRain'          , 'rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy'    , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySnowUnloading)       = var_info('scalarCanopySnowUnloading'      , 'unloading of snow from the vegetation canopy'                     , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)         = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDrainage'        , 'drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy'              , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyMeltFreeze)          = var_info('scalarCanopyMeltFreeze'         , 'melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy'                        , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! energy fluxes and for the snow and soil domains
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerConductiveFlux)            = var_info('iLayerConductiveFlux'           , 'conductive energy flux at layer interfaces'                       , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerAdvectiveFlux)             = var_info('iLayerAdvectiveFlux'            , 'advective energy flux at layer interfaces'                        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)                   = var_info('iLayerNrgFlux'                  , 'energy flux at layer interfaces'                                  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)                   = var_info('mLayerNrgFlux'                  , 'net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain'       , 'J m-3 s-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! liquid water fluxes for the snow domain
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)              = var_info('scalarSnowDrainage'             , 'drainage from the bottom of the snow profile'                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)               = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSnow'              , 'liquid flux at snow layer interfaces'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSnow)               = var_info('mLayerLiqFluxSnow'              , 'net liquid water flux for each snow layer'                        , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! liquid water fluxes for the soil domain
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarRainPlusMelt)              = var_info('scalarRainPlusMelt'             , 'rain plus melt, used as input to soil before surface runoff'      , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarMaxInfilRate)              = var_info('scalarMaxInfilRate'             , 'maximum infiltration rate'                                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarInfiltration)              = var_info('scalarInfiltration'             , 'infiltration of water into the soil profile'                      , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarExfiltration)              = var_info('scalarExfiltration'             , 'exfiltration of water from the top of the soil profile'           , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSurfaceRunoff)             = var_info('scalarSurfaceRunoff'            , 'surface runoff'                                                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCondMP)              = var_info('mLayerSatHydCondMP'             , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores in each layer'     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCond)                = var_info('mLayerSatHydCond'               , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer'                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerSatHydCond)                = var_info('iLayerSatHydCond'               , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer interface'         , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerHydCond)                   = var_info('mLayerHydCond'                  , 'hydraulic conductivity in each layer'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)               = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSoil'              , 'liquid flux at soil layer interfaces'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSoil)               = var_info('mLayerLiqFluxSoil'              , 'net liquid water flux for each soil layer'                        , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)                  = var_info('mLayerBaseflow'                 , 'baseflow from each soil layer'                                    , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnInflow)              = var_info('mLayerColumnInflow'             , 'total inflow to each layer in a given soil column'                , 'm3 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnOutflow)             = var_info('mLayerColumnOutflow'            , 'total outflow from each layer in a given soil column'             , 'm3 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilBaseflow)              = var_info('scalarSoilBaseflow'             , 'total baseflow from the soil profile'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilDrainage)              = var_info('scalarSoilDrainage'             , 'drainage from the bottom of the soil profile'                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferRecharge)           = var_info('scalarAquiferRecharge'          , 'recharge to the aquifer'                                          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferTranspire)          = var_info('scalarAquiferTranspire'         , 'transpiration loss from the aquifer'                              , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferBaseflow)           = var_info('scalarAquiferBaseflow'          , 'baseflow from the aquifer'                                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derived variables
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalET)                   = var_info('scalarTotalET'                  , 'total ET'                                                         , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalRunoff)               = var_info('scalarTotalRunoff'              , 'total runoff'                                                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarNetRadiation)              = var_info('scalarNetRadiation'             , 'net radiation'                                                    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * local flux derivatives...
- ! ---------------------------
- ! derivatives in net vegetation energy fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature', 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'    , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature'    , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature'          , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanLiq)        = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanLiq'       , 'derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'   , 'J kg-1 s-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature'          , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanLiq)        = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanLiq'       , 'derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'   , 'J kg-1 s-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivatives in evaporative fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature'       , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dCanLiq)    = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dCanLiq'   , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'  , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature'       , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTGround)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTGround'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dCanLiq)    = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dCanLiq'   , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'  , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivatives in canopy water w.r.t canopy temperature
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dTheta_dTkCanopy)              = var_info('dTheta_dTkCanopy'             , 'derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature'     , 'K-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanLiq_dTcanopy)              = var_info('dCanLiq_dTcanopy'             , 'derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature'               , 'kg m-2 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivatives in canopy liquid fluxes w.r.t. canopy water
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDeriv)          = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDeriv'         , 'derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water'    , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarThroughfallRainDeriv)    = var_info('scalarThroughfallRainDeriv'   , 'derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water'                 , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv)  = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv' , 'derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water'             , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. temperature in layers above and below
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempAbove)           = var_info('dNrgFlux_dTempAbove'          , 'derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above'        , 'J m-2 s-1 K-1'  , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempBelow)           = var_info('dNrgFlux_dTempBelow'          , 'derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below'        , 'J m-2 s-1 K-1'  , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivative in liquid water fluxes at the interface of snow layers w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv)        = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv'       , 'derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces'         , 'm s-1'          , get_ixVarType('ifcSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t hydrology state variables
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0)                 = var_info('dVolTot_dPsi0'                , 'derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential', 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi)                = var_info('dCompress_dPsi'               , 'derivative in compressibility w.r.t matric head'                      , 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dPsi)             = var_info('mLayerdTheta_dPsi'            , 'derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi'               , 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdPsi_dTheta)             = var_info('mLayerdPsi_dTheta'            , 'derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta'             , 'm'              , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateAbove)             = var_info('dq_dHydStateAbove'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateBelow)             = var_info('dq_dHydStateBelow'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dBaseflow_dAquifer)            = var_info('dBaseflow_dAquifer'           , 'derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage'                   , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t energy state variables
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateAbove)             = var_info('dq_dNrgStateAbove'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateBelow)             = var_info('dq_dNrgStateBelow'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dTk)              = var_info('mLayerdTheta_dTk'             , 'derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature'     , 'K-1'            , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dTemp)                 = var_info('dPsiLiq_dTemp'                , 'derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature'   , 'm K-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dPsi0)                 = var_info('dPsiLiq_dPsi0'                , 'derivative in liquid matric potential w.r.t. total  matric potential' , '-'              , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * basin-wide runoff and aquifer fluxes...
- ! -----------------------------------------
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__TotalArea)        = var_info('basin__TotalArea'       , 'total basin area'                                       , 'm2'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__SurfaceRunoff)    = var_info('basin__SurfaceRunoff'   , 'surface runoff'                                         , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__ColumnOutflow)    = var_info('basin__ColumnOutflow'   , 'outflow from all "outlet" HRUs (with no downstream HRU)', 'm3 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferStorage)   = var_info('basin__AquiferStorage'  , 'aquifer storage'                                        , 'm'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferRecharge)  = var_info('basin__AquiferRecharge' , 'recharge to the aquifer'                                , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferBaseflow)  = var_info('basin__AquiferBaseflow' , 'baseflow from the aquifer'                              , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferTranspire) = var_info('basin__AquiferTranspire', 'transpiration loss from the aquifer'                    , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__SoilDrainage)     = var_info('basin__SoilDrainage'    , 'soil drainage'                                          , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%routingRunoffFuture)     = var_info('routingRunoffFuture'    , 'runoff in future time steps'                            , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('routing'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%routingFractionFuture)   = var_info('routingFractionFuture'  , 'fraction of runoff in future time steps'                , '-'     , get_ixVarType('routing'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%averageInstantRunoff)    = var_info('averageInstantRunoff'   , 'instantaneous runoff'                                   , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%averageRoutedRunoff)     = var_info('averageRoutedRunoff'    , 'routed runoff'                                          , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! -----
- ! * model indices...
- ! ------------------
- ! number of model layers, and layer indices
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnow)                 = var_info('nSnow'                , 'number of snow layers'                                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoil)                 = var_info('nSoil'                , 'number of soil layers'                                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nLayers)               = var_info('nLayers'              , 'total number of layers'                                                  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%layerType)             = var_info('layerType'            , 'index defining type of layer (snow or soil)'                             , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! number of state variables of different type
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nCasNrg)               = var_info('nCasNrg'              , 'number of energy state variables for the canopy air space'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegNrg)               = var_info('nVegNrg'              , 'number of energy state variables for the vegetation canopy'              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegMass)              = var_info('nVegMass'             , 'number of hydrology states for vegetation (mass of water)'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegState)             = var_info('nVegState'            , 'number of vegetation state variables'                                    , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nNrgState)             = var_info('nNrgState'            , 'number of energy state variables'                                        , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nWatState)             = var_info('nWatState'            , 'number of "total water" states (vol. total water content)'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nMatState)             = var_info('nMatState'            , 'number of matric head state variables'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nMassState)            = var_info('nMassState'           , 'number of hydrology state variables (mass of water)'                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nState)                = var_info('nState'               , 'total number of model state variables'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! number of state variables within different domains in the snow+soil system
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilNrg)          = var_info('nSnowSoilNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the snow+soil domain'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyNrg)          = var_info('nSnowOnlyNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the snow domain'                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyNrg)          = var_info('nSoilOnlyNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the soil domain'                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilHyd)          = var_info('nSnowSoilHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the snow+soil domain'                      , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyHyd)          = var_info('nSnowOnlyHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the snow domain'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd)          = var_info('nSoilOnlyHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the soil domain'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! type of model state variables
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)       = var_info('ixControlVolume'      , 'index of the control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)'     , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType)          = var_info('ixDomainType'         , 'index of the type of domain (iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil)'         , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixStateType)           = var_info('ixStateType'          , 'index of the type of every state variable (iname_nrgCanair, ...)'        , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydType)             = var_info('ixHydType'            , 'index of the type of hydrology states in snow+soil domain'               , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! type of model state variables (state subset)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType_subset)   = var_info('ixDomainType_subset'  , '[state subset] id of domain for desired model state variables'           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixStateType_subset)    = var_info('ixStateType_subset'   , '[state subset] type of desired model state variables'                    , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! mapping between state subset and the full state vector
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)      = var_info('ixMapFull2Subset'     , 'list of indices of the state subset in the full state vector'            , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMapSubset2Full)      = var_info('ixMapSubset2Full'     , 'list of indices of the full state vector in the state subset'            , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! indices of model specific state variables
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)              = var_info('ixCasNrg'             , 'index of canopy air space energy state variable'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)              = var_info('ixVegNrg'             , 'index of canopy energy state variable'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)              = var_info('ixVegHyd'             , 'index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixTopNrg)              = var_info('ixTopNrg'             , 'index of upper-most energy state in the snow+soil subdomain'             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixTopHyd)              = var_info('ixTopHyd'             , 'index of upper-most hydrology state in the snow+soil subdomain'          , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixAqWat)               = var_info('ixAqWat'              , 'index of storage of water in the aquifer'                                , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! vectors of indices for specific state types
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgOnly)             = var_info('ixNrgOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydOnly)             = var_info('ixHydOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain', '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMatOnly)             = var_info('ixMatOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for matric head state variables'             , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMassOnly)            = var_info('ixMassOnly'           , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states (mass of water)'        , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! vectors of indices for specific state types within specific sub-domains
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)         = var_info('ixSnowSoilNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the snow+soil domain'   , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)         = var_info('ixSnowOnlyNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the snow domain'        , '-', get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyNrg)         = var_info('ixSoilOnlyNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the soil domain'        , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)         = var_info('ixSnowSoilHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain', '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyHyd)         = var_info('ixSnowOnlyHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow domain'     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)         = var_info('ixSoilOnlyHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the soil domain'     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! vectors of indices for specfic state types within specific sub-domains
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanair)           = var_info('ixNrgCanair'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in canopy air space domain' , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanopy)           = var_info('ixNrgCanopy'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the canopy domain'       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydCanopy)           = var_info('ixHydCanopy'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the canopy domain'    , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgLayer)            = var_info('ixNrgLayer'           , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the snow+soil domain'    , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydLayer)            = var_info('ixHydLayer'           , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain' , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixWatAquifer)          = var_info('ixWatAquifer'         , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for storage of water in the aquifer'          , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! vectors of indices for specific state types IN SPECIFIC SUB-DOMAINS
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVolFracWat)          = var_info('ixVolFracWat'         , 'indices IN THE SNOW+SOIL VECTOR for hyd states'                          , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMatricHead)          = var_info('ixMatricHead'         , 'indices IN THE SOIL VECTOR for hyd states'                               , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! indices within state vectors
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixAllState)            = var_info('ixAllState'           , 'list of indices for all model state variables'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilState)           = var_info('ixSoilState'          , 'list of indices for all soil layers'                                     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixLayerState)          = var_info('ixLayerState'         , 'list of indices for all model layers'                                    , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixLayerActive)         = var_info('ixLayerActive'        , 'list of indices for active model layers (inactive=integerMissing)'       , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! number of trials
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberFluxCalc)        = var_info('numberFluxCalc'       , 'number of flux calculations'                                             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberStateSplit)      = var_info('numberStateSplit'     , 'number of state splitting solutions'                                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberDomainSplitNrg)  = var_info('numberDomainSplitNrg' , 'number of domain splitting solutions for energy'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberDomainSplitMass) = var_info('numberDomainSplitMass', 'number of domain splitting solutions for mass'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberScalarSolutions) = var_info('numberScalarSolutions', 'number of scalar solutions'                                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
- ! read file to define model output (modifies metadata structures)
- call read_output_file(err,cmessage)
- if ( message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
- end subroutine popMetadat
- ! ------------------------------------------------
- ! subroutine to populate write commands from file input
- ! ------------------------------------------------
- subroutine read_output_file(err,message)
- USE netcdf
- ! to get name of output control file from user
- USE summaActors_FileManager,only:SETTINGS_PATH       ! path for metadata files
- USE summaActors_FileManager,only:OUTPUT_CONTROL      ! file with output controls
- ! some dimensional parameters
- USE globalData, only:outFreq                  ! output frequencies
- USE var_lookup, only:maxvarFreq               ! maximum # of output files
- USE var_lookup, only:maxvarStat               ! maximum # of statistics
- ! metadata structures
- USE globalData, only: time_meta               ! data structure for time metadata
- USE globalData, only: forc_meta               ! data structure for forcing metadata
- USE globalData, only: type_meta               ! data structure for categorical metadata
- USE globalData, only: attr_meta               ! data structure for attribute metadata
- USE globalData, only: mpar_meta               ! data structure for local parameter metadata
- USE globalData, only: bpar_meta               ! data structure for basin parameter metadata
- USE globalData, only: bvar_meta               ! data structure for basin model variable metadata
- USE globalData, only: indx_meta               ! data structure for index metadata
- USE globalData, only: prog_meta               ! data structure for local prognostic (state) variables
- USE globalData, only: diag_meta               ! data structure for local diagnostic variables
- USE globalData, only: flux_meta               ! data structure for local flux variables
- USE globalData, only: deriv_meta              ! data structure for local flux derivatives
- USE globalData, only: outputPrecision         ! data structure for output precision
- ! structures of named variables
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookTYPE               ! named variables for categorical data
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookID                 ! named variables for hru and gru ID metadata
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookFORCE              ! named variables for forcing data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookINDEX              ! named variables for index variable data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookSTAT               ! named variables for statitics variable data structure
- USE var_lookup, only: iLookFREQ               ! named variables for model output frequencies
- ! identify indices within structures
- USE get_ixName_module,only:get_ixUnknown      ! identify index in any structure
- USE get_ixname_module,only:get_ixFreq         ! identify index of model output frequency
- USE get_ixname_module,only:get_ixStat         ! identify index in ststistics structure
- USE get_ixname_module,only:get_statName       ! identify statistics name from the index
- ! modules to read ASCII data
- USE ascii_util_module,only:file_open          ! open file
- USE ascii_util_module,only:linewidth          ! match character number for one line
- USE ascii_util_module,only:get_vlines         ! get a vector of non-comment lines
- USE ascii_util_module,only:split_line         ! split a line into words
- implicit none
- ! dummy variables
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err          ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)             :: message      ! error message
- ! define file format
- integer(i4b),parameter               :: noStatsDesired=1001   ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
- integer(i4b),parameter               :: provideStatName=1002  ! provide the name of the desired statistic
- integer(i4b),parameter               :: provideStatFlags=1003 ! provide flags defining the desired statistic
- integer(i4b)                         :: fileFormat   ! the file format
- ! define statistics flags
- logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarStat)   :: statFlag     ! vector of statistics flags
- character(len=32)                    :: statName     ! name of desired statistic
- integer(i4b)                         :: iStat        ! index of statistics vector
- ! define frequency of model output
- character(len=64)                    :: freqName     ! name of desired output frequency
- integer(i4b)                         :: iFreq        ! index of frequency vector
- ! general local variables
- character(LEN=256)                   :: cmessage     ! error message of downwind routine
- character(LEN=256)                   :: outfile      ! full path of model output file
- integer(i4b)                         :: unt          ! file unit
- character(LEN=linewidth),allocatable :: charlines(:) ! vector of character strings
- character(LEN=64),allocatable        :: lineWords(:) ! vector to parse textline
- integer(i4b)                         :: nWords       ! number of words in line
- character(LEN=128)                   :: varName      ! variable name
- character(LEN=5)                     :: structName   ! name of structure
- integer(i4b)                         :: vLine        ! index for loop through variables
- integer(i4b)                         :: vDex         ! index into type lists
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='read_output_file/'
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! (1) open file and read variable data
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- outfile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(OUTPUT_CONTROL) ! build filename
- print *, outfile
- call file_open(trim(outfile),unt,err,cmessage)      ! open file
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! (2) read variable data (continue reading from previous point in the file)
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! read the rest of the lines
- call get_vlines(unt,charLines,err,cmessage) ! get a list of character strings from non-comment lines
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
- close(unt) ! close the file
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! (3) loop to parse individual file lines
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! initialize output frequency
- outFreq(:) = .false.
- ! loop through the lines in the file
- do vLine = 1,size(charLines)
-  ! parse the current line
-  call split_line(charLines(vLine),lineWords,err,cmessage)
+subroutine popMetadat(err,message)
+  ! data structures
+  USE data_types, only: var_info        ! data type for metadata structure
+  USE globalData, only: time_meta       ! data structure for time metadata
+  USE globalData, only: forc_meta       ! data structure for forcing metadata
+  USE globalData, only: type_meta       ! data structure for categorical metadata
+  USE globalData, only: id_meta         ! data structure for hru and gru ID metadata
+  USE globalData, only: attr_meta       ! data structure for attribute metadata
+  USE globalData, only: mpar_meta       ! data structure for local parameter metadata
+  USE globalData, only: bpar_meta       ! data structure for basin parameter metadata
+  USE globalData, only: bvar_meta       ! data structure for basin model variable metadata
+  USE globalData, only: indx_meta       ! data structure for index metadata
+  USE globalData, only: prog_meta       ! data structure for local prognostic (state) variables
+  USE globalData, only: diag_meta       ! data structure for local diagnostic variables
+  USE globalData, only: flux_meta       ! data structure for local flux variables
+  USE globalData, only: deriv_meta      ! data structure for local flux derivatives
+  ! structures of named variables
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookTIME  ! named variables for time data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookFORCE ! named variables for forcing data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookTYPE  ! named variables for categorical attribute data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookID    ! named variables for hru and gru ID metadata
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookATTR  ! named variables for real valued attribute data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookPARAM ! named variables for local parameter data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookBPAR  ! named variables for basin parameter data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookBVAR  ! named variables for basin model variable data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookINDEX ! named variables for index variable data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookPROG  ! named variables for local state variables
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookDIAG  ! named variables for local diagnostic variables
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookFLUX  ! named variables for local flux variables
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookDERIV ! named variables for local flux derivatives
+  USE var_lookup, only: maxvarFreq ! number of output frequencies
+  USE var_lookup, only: maxvarStat ! number of statistics
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_ixVarType ! to turn vartype strings to integers
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)       :: err           ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)       :: message       ! error message
+  ! internals
+  character(256)                 :: cmessage      ! error message
+  integer,dimension(maxVarFreq)  :: iMissVec      ! vector of missing integers
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message='popMetadat/'
+  ! init arrays for structure constructors
+  iMissVec(:) = integerMissing
+  ! -----
+  ! * model time structures...
+  ! --------------------------
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%iyyy)                   = var_info('iyyy'   , 'year'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%im)                     = var_info('im'     , 'month'                      , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%id)                     = var_info('id'     , 'day'                        , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%ih)                     = var_info('ih'     , 'hour'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%imin)                   = var_info('imin'   , 'minute'                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%ih_tz)                  = var_info('ih_tz'  , 'hour for time zone offset'  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  time_meta(iLookTIME%imin_tz)                = var_info('imin_tz', 'minute for time zone offset', '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * model forcing data...
+  ! -----------------------
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)                  = var_info('time'    , 'time since time reference'                         , 'seconds since 1990-1-1 0:0:0.0 -0:00', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%pptrate)               = var_info('pptrate' , 'precipitation rate'                                , 'kg m-2 s-1'                          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%SWRadAtm)              = var_info('SWRadAtm', 'downward shortwave radiation at the upper boundary', 'W m-2'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%LWRadAtm)              = var_info('LWRadAtm', 'downward longwave radiation at the upper boundary' , 'W m-2'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%airtemp)               = var_info('airtemp' , 'air temperature at the measurement height'         , 'K'                                   , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%windspd)               = var_info('windspd' , 'wind speed at the measurement height'              , 'm s-1'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%airpres)               = var_info('airpres' , 'air pressure at the the measurement height'        , 'Pa'                                  , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%spechum)               = var_info('spechum' , 'specific humidity at the measurement height'       , 'g g-1'                               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * categorical data...
+  ! ---------------------
+  type_meta(iLookTYPE%vegTypeIndex)           = var_info('vegTypeIndex'  , 'index defining vegetation type'             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  type_meta(iLookTYPE%soilTypeIndex)          = var_info('soilTypeIndex' , 'index defining soil type'                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  type_meta(iLookTYPE%slopeTypeIndex)         = var_info('slopeTypeIndex', 'index defining slope'                       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  type_meta(iLookTYPE%downHRUindex)           = var_info('downHRUindex'  , 'index of downslope HRU (0 = basin outlet)'  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  type_meta(iLookTYPE%downkHRU)               = var_info('downkHRU'      , 'real index of downslope HRU'                , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * hru and gru ID data...
+  ! ---------------------
+  id_meta(iLookID%hruId)                      = var_info('hruId'         , 'ID defining the hydrologic response unit'   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * site characteristics...
+  ! -------------------------
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%latitude)               = var_info('latitude'      , 'latitude'                                              , 'degrees north', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%longitude)              = var_info('longitude'     , 'longitude'                                             , 'degrees east' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%elevation)              = var_info('elevation'     , 'elevation'                                             , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%tan_slope)              = var_info('tan_slope'     , 'tan water table slope (tan local ground surface slope)', '-'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%contourLength)          = var_info('contourLength' , 'length of contour at downslope edge of HRU'            , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%HRUarea)                = var_info('HRUarea'       , 'area of each HRU'                                      , 'm2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%mHeight)                = var_info('mHeight'       , 'measurement height above bare ground'                  , 'm'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  attr_meta(iLookATTR%aspect)                 = var_info('aspect'        , 'mean azimuth of HRU in degrees East of North (0)'      , 'degrees'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * local parameter data...
+  ! -------------------------
+  ! boundary conditions
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundHead)        = var_info('upperBoundHead'        , 'matric head at the upper boundary'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundHead)        = var_info('lowerBoundHead'        , 'matric head at the lower boundary'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTheta)       = var_info('upperBoundTheta'       , 'volumetric liquid water content at the upper boundary'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTheta)       = var_info('lowerBoundTheta'       , 'volumetric liquid water content at the lower boundary'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTemp)        = var_info('upperBoundTemp'        , 'temperature of the upper boundary'                                , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTemp)        = var_info('lowerBoundTemp'        , 'temperature of the lower boundary'                                , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! precipitation partitioning
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempCritRain)          = var_info('tempCritRain'          , 'critical temperature where precipitation is rain'                 , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempRangeTimestep)     = var_info('tempRangeTimestep'     , 'temperature range over the time step'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frozenPrecipMultip)    = var_info('frozenPrecipMultip'    , 'frozen precipitation multiplier'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! snow properties
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)         = var_info('snowfrz_scale'         , 'scaling parameter for the freezing curve for snow'                , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fixedThermalCond_snow) = var_info('fixedThermalCond_snow' , 'temporally constant thermal conductivity for snow'                , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! snow albedo
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMax)             = var_info('albedoMax'             , 'maximum snow albedo (single spectral band)'                       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinWinter)       = var_info('albedoMinWinter'       , 'minimum snow albedo during winter (single spectral band)'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinSpring)       = var_info('albedoMinSpring'       , 'minimum snow albedo during spring (single spectral band)'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMaxVisible)      = var_info('albedoMaxVisible'      , 'maximum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum'          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinVisible)      = var_info('albedoMinVisible'      , 'minimum snow albedo in the visible part of the spectrum'          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMaxNearIR)       = var_info('albedoMaxNearIR'       , 'maximum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoMinNearIR)       = var_info('albedoMinNearIR'       , 'minimum snow albedo in the near infra-red part of the spectrum'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoDecayRate)       = var_info('albedoDecayRate'       , 'albedo decay rate'                                                , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoSootLoad)        = var_info('albedoSootLoad'        , 'soot load factor'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%albedoRefresh)         = var_info('albedoRefresh'         , 'critical mass necessary for albedo refreshment'                   , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! radiation transfer
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%radExt_snow)           = var_info('radExt_snow'           , 'extinction coefficient for radiation penetration into snowpack'   , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%directScale)           = var_info('directScale'           , 'scaling factor for fractional driect radiaion parameterization'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Frad_direct)           = var_info('Frad_direct'           , 'fraction direct solar radiation'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Frad_vis)              = var_info('Frad_vis'              , 'fraction radiation in visible part of spectrum'                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! new snow density
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMin)         = var_info('newSnowDenMin'         , 'minimum new snow density'                                         , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMult)        = var_info('newSnowDenMult'        , 'multiplier for new snow density'                                  , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenScal)        = var_info('newSnowDenScal'        , 'scaling factor for new snow density'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%constSnowDen)          = var_info('constSnowDen'          , 'Constant new snow density'                                        , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenAdd)         = var_info('newSnowDenAdd'         , 'Pahaut 1976, additive factor for new snow density'                , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultTemp)    = var_info('newSnowDenMultTemp'    , 'Pahaut 1976, multiplier for new snow density for air temperature' , 'kg m-3 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultWind)    = var_info('newSnowDenMultWind'    , 'Pahaut 1976, multiplier for new snow density for wind speed'      , 'kg m-7/2 s-1/2'  , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenMultAnd)     = var_info('newSnowDenMultAnd'     , 'Anderson 1976, multiplier for new snow density (Anderson func)'   , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%newSnowDenBase)        = var_info('newSnowDenBase'        , 'Anderson 1976, base value that is rasied to the (3/2) power'      , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! snow compaction
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%densScalGrowth)        = var_info('densScalGrowth'        , 'density scaling factor for grain growth'                          , 'kg-1 m3'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempScalGrowth)        = var_info('tempScalGrowth'        , 'temperature scaling factor for grain growth'                      , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%grainGrowthRate)       = var_info('grainGrowthRate'       , 'rate of grain growth'                                             , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%densScalOvrbdn)        = var_info('densScalOvrbdn'        , 'density scaling factor for overburden pressure'                   , 'kg-1 m3'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%tempScalOvrbdn)        = var_info('tempScalOvrbdn'        , 'temperature scaling factor for overburden pressure'               , 'K-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%baseViscosity )        = var_info('baseViscosity '        , 'viscosity coefficient at T=T_frz and snow density=0'              , 'kg s m-2'        , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! water flow through snow
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Fcapil)                = var_info('Fcapil'                , 'capillary retention (fraction of total pore volume)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_snow)                = var_info('k_snow'                , 'hydraulic conductivity of snow'                                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%mw_exp)                = var_info('mw_exp'                , 'exponent for meltwater flow'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! turbulent heat fluxes
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Snow)                = var_info('z0Snow'                , 'roughness length of snow'                                         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Soil)                = var_info('z0Soil'                , 'roughness length of bare soil below the canopy'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%z0Canopy)              = var_info('z0Canopy'              , 'roughness length of the canopy'                                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zpdFraction)           = var_info('zpdFraction'           , 'zero plane displacement / canopy height'                          , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critRichNumber)        = var_info('critRichNumber'        , 'critical value for the bulk Richardson number'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Louis79_bparam)        = var_info('Louis79_bparam'        , 'parameter in Louis (1979) stability function'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Louis79_cStar)         = var_info('Louis79_cStar'         , 'parameter in Louis (1979) stability function'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Mahrt87_eScale)        = var_info('Mahrt87_eScale'        , 'exponential scaling factor in the Mahrt (1987) stability function', '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%leafExchangeCoeff)     = var_info('leafExchangeCoeff'     , 'turbulent exchange coeff between canopy surface and canopy air'   , 'm s-(1/2)'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%windReductionParam)    = var_info('windReductionParam'    , 'canopy wind reduction parameter'                                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! stomatal conductance
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Kc25)                  = var_info('Kc25'                  , 'Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2 at 25 degrees C'                , 'umol mol-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Ko25)                  = var_info('Ko25'                  , 'Michaelis-Menten constant for O2 at 25 degrees C'                 , 'mol mol-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Kc_qFac)               = var_info('Kc_qFac'               , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on Kc'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%Ko_qFac)               = var_info('Ko_qFac'               , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on Ko'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%kc_Ha)                 = var_info('kc_Ha'                 , 'activation energy for the Michaelis-Menten constant for CO2'      , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%ko_Ha)                 = var_info('ko_Ha'                 , 'activation energy for the Michaelis-Menten constant for O2'       , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax25_canopyTop)     = var_info('vcmax25_canopyTop'     , 'potential carboxylation rate at 25 degrees C at the canopy top'   , 'umol co2 m-2 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_qFac)            = var_info('vcmax_qFac'            , 'factor in the q10 function defining temperature controls on vcmax', '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Ha)              = var_info('vcmax_Ha'              , 'activation energy in the vcmax function'                          , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Hd)              = var_info('vcmax_Hd'              , 'deactivation energy in the vcmax function'                        , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Sv)              = var_info('vcmax_Sv'              , 'entropy term in the vcmax function'                               , 'J mol-1 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vcmax_Kn)              = var_info('vcmax_Kn'              , 'foliage nitrogen decay coefficient'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax25_scale)          = var_info('jmax25_scale'          , 'scaling factor to relate jmax25 to vcmax25'                       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Ha)               = var_info('jmax_Ha'               , 'activation energy in the jmax function'                           , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Hd)               = var_info('jmax_Hd'               , 'deactivation energy in the jmax function'                         , 'J mol-1'         , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%jmax_Sv)               = var_info('jmax_Sv'               , 'entropy term in the jmax function'                                , 'J mol-1 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fractionJ)             = var_info('fractionJ'             , 'fraction of light lost by other than the chloroplast lamellae'    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%quantamYield)          = var_info('quantamYield'          , 'quantam yield'                                                    , 'mol e mol-1 q'   , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vpScaleFactor)         = var_info('vpScaleFactor'         , 'vapor pressure scaling factor in stomatal conductance function'   , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%cond2photo_slope)      = var_info('cond2photo_slope'      , 'slope of conductance-photosynthesis relationship'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minStomatalConductance)= var_info('minStomatalConductance', 'minimum stomatal conductance'                                     , 'umol H2O m-2 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! vegetation properties
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%winterSAI)             = var_info('winterSAI'             , 'stem area index prior to the start of the growing season'         , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%summerLAI)             = var_info('summerLAI'             , 'maximum leaf area index at the peak of the growing season'        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootScaleFactor1)      = var_info('rootScaleFactor1'      , '1st scaling factor (a) in Y = 1 - 0.5*( exp(-aZ) + exp(-bZ) )'    , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootScaleFactor2)      = var_info('rootScaleFactor2'      , '2nd scaling factor (b) in Y = 1 - 0.5*( exp(-aZ) + exp(-bZ) )'    , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootingDepth)          = var_info('rootingDepth'          , 'rooting depth'                                                    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rootDistExp)           = var_info('rootDistExp'           , 'exponent for the vertical distribution of root density'           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%plantWiltPsi)          = var_info('plantWiltPsi'          , 'matric head at wilting point'                                     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilStressParam)       = var_info('soilStressParam'       , 'parameter in the exponential soil stress function'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critSoilWilting)       = var_info('critSoilWilting'       , 'critical vol. liq. water content when plants are wilting'         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critSoilTranspire)     = var_info('critSoilTranspire'     , 'critical vol. liq. water content when transpiration is limited'   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%critAquiferTranspire)  = var_info('critAquiferTranspire'  , 'critical aquifer storage value when transpiration is limited'     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minStomatalResistance) = var_info('minStomatalResistance' , 'minimum stomatal resistance'                                      , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%leafDimension)         = var_info('leafDimension'         , 'characteristic leaf dimension'                                    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyTop)       = var_info('heightCanopyTop'       , 'height of top of the vegetation canopy above ground surface'      , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%heightCanopyBottom)    = var_info('heightCanopyBottom'    , 'height of bottom of the vegetation canopy above ground surface'   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificHeatVeg)       = var_info('specificHeatVeg'       , 'specific heat of vegetation'                                      , 'J kg-1 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxMassVegetation)     = var_info('maxMassVegetation'     , 'maximum mass of vegetation (full foliage)'                        , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%throughfallScaleSnow)  = var_info('throughfallScaleSnow'  , 'scaling factor for throughfall (snow)'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%throughfallScaleRain)  = var_info('throughfallScaleRain'  , 'scaling factor for throughfall (rain)'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%refInterceptCapSnow)   = var_info('refInterceptCapSnow'   , 'reference canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (snow)' , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%refInterceptCapRain)   = var_info('refInterceptCapRain'   , 'canopy interception capacity per unit leaf area (rain)'           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%snowUnloadingCoeff)    = var_info('snowUnloadingCoeff'    , 'time constant for unloading of snow from the forest canopy'       , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyDrainageCoeff)   = var_info('canopyDrainageCoeff'   , 'time constant for drainage of liquid water from the forest canopy', 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%ratioDrip2Unloading)   = var_info('ratioDrip2Unloading'   , 'ratio of canopy drip to unloading of snow from the forest canopy' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyWettingFactor)   = var_info('canopyWettingFactor'   , 'maximum wetted fraction of the canopy'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%canopyWettingExp)      = var_info('canopyWettingExp'      , 'exponent in canopy wetting function'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minTempUnloading)      = var_info('minTempUnloading'      , 'min temp for unloading in windySnow'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rateTempUnloading)     = var_info('rateTempUnloading'     , 'how quickly to unload due to temperature'                         , 'K s'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minWindUnloading)      = var_info('minWindUnloading'      , 'min wind speed for unloading in windySnow'                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%rateWindUnloading)     = var_info('rateWindUnloading'     , 'how quickly to unload due to wind'                                , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! soil properties
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soil_dens_intr)        = var_info('soil_dens_intr'        , 'intrinsic soil density'                                           , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%thCond_soil)           = var_info('thCond_soil'           , 'thermal conductivity of soil (includes quartz and other minerals)', 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_sand)             = var_info('frac_sand'             , 'fraction of sand'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_silt)             = var_info('frac_silt'             , 'fraction of silt'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%frac_clay)             = var_info('frac_clay'             , 'fraction of clay'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)             = var_info('theta_sat'             , 'soil porosity'                                                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_res)             = var_info('theta_res'             , 'volumetric residual water content'                                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vGn_alpha)             = var_info('vGn_alpha'             , 'van Genuchten "alpha" parameter'                                  , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%vGn_n)                 = var_info('vGn_n'                 , 'van Genuchten "n" parameter'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_soil)                = var_info('k_soil'                , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity'                                 , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%k_macropore)           = var_info('k_macropore'           , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity for macropores'                  , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('parSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! scalar soil properties
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%fieldCapacity)         = var_info('fieldCapacity'         , 'soil field capacity (vol liq water content when baseflow begins)' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%wettingFrontSuction)   = var_info('wettingFrontSuction'   , 'Green-Ampt wetting front suction'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%theta_mp)              = var_info('theta_mp'              , 'volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins'       , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%mpExp)                 = var_info('mpExp'                 , 'empirical exponent in macropore flow equation'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%kAnisotropic)          = var_info('kAnisotropic'          , 'anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zScale_TOPMODEL)       = var_info('zScale_TOPMODEL'       , 'TOPMODEL scaling factor used in lower boundary condition for soil', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%compactedDepth)        = var_info('compactedDepth'        , 'depth where k_soil reaches the compacted value given by CH78'     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowRate)   = var_info('aquiferBaseflowRate'   , 'baseflow rate when aquifer storage = aquiferScaleFactor'          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferScaleFactor)    = var_info('aquiferScaleFactor'    , 'scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket'             , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%aquiferBaseflowExp)    = var_info('aquiferBaseflowExp'    , 'baseflow exponent'                                                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%qSurfScale)            = var_info('qSurfScale'            , 'scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificYield)         = var_info('specificYield'         , 'specific yield'                                                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%specificStorage)       = var_info('specificStorage'       , 'specific storage coefficient'                                     , 'm-1'             , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%f_impede)              = var_info('f_impede'              , 'ice impedence factor'                                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilIceScale)          = var_info('soilIceScale'          , 'scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%soilIceCV)             = var_info('soilIceCV'             , 'CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! algorithmic control parameters
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minwind)               = var_info('minwind'               , 'minimum wind speed'                                               , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%minstep)               = var_info('minstep'               , 'minimum length of the time step'                                  , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxstep)               = var_info('maxstep'               , 'maximum length of the time step'                                  , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%wimplicit)             = var_info('wimplicit'             , 'weight assigned to the start-of-step fluxes (alpha)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%maxiter)               = var_info('maxiter'               , 'maximum number of iterations'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_liquid)     = var_info('relConvTol_liquid'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_liquid)     = var_info('absConvTol_liquid'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water'            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_matric)     = var_info('relConvTol_matric'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for matric head'                   , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_matric)     = var_info('absConvTol_matric'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for matric head'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_energy)     = var_info('relConvTol_energy'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for energy'                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_energy)     = var_info('absConvTol_energy'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for energy'                        , 'J m-3'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%relConvTol_aquifr)     = var_info('relConvTol_aquifr'     , 'relative convergence tolerance for aquifer storage'               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_aquifr)     = var_info('absConvTol_aquifr'     , 'absolute convergence tolerance for aquifer storage'               , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmin)                  = var_info('zmin'                  , 'minimum layer depth'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmax)                  = var_info('zmax'                  , 'maximum layer depth'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer1)            = var_info('zminLayer1'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer'                      , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer2)            = var_info('zminLayer2'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 2nd layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer3)            = var_info('zminLayer3'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 3rd layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer4)            = var_info('zminLayer4'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 4th layer'                            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zminLayer5)            = var_info('zminLayer5'            , 'minimum layer depth for the 5th (bottom) layer'                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer1_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer1_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when only 1 layer'    , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer2_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer2_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when only 2 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer3_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer3_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when only 3 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer4_lower)      = var_info('zmaxLayer4_lower'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when only 4 layers'         , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer1_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer1_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 1st (top) layer when > 1 layer'       , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer2_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer2_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 2nd layer when > 2 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer3_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer3_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 3rd layer when > 3 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  mpar_meta(iLookPARAM%zmaxLayer4_upper)      = var_info('zmaxLayer4_upper'      , 'maximum layer depth for the 4th layer when > 4 layers'            , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * basin parameter data...
+  ! -------------------------
+  bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferHydCond)           = var_info('basin__aquiferHydCond'    , 'hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer'                          , 'm s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferScaleFactor)       = var_info('basin__aquiferScaleFactor', 'scaling factor for aquifer storage in the big bucket'           , 'm'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%basin__aquiferBaseflowExp)       = var_info('basin__aquiferBaseflowExp', 'baseflow exponent for the big bucket'                           , '-'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%routingGammaShape)               = var_info('routingGammaShape'        , 'shape parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing', '-'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bpar_meta(iLookBPAR%routingGammaScale)               = var_info('routingGammaScale'        , 'scale parameter in Gamma distribution used for sub-grid routing', 's'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * local model prognostic (state) variables...
+  ! ---------------------------------------------
+  ! define variables for time stepping
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%dt_init)                         = var_info('dt_init'                        , 'length of initial time step at start of next data interval'       , 's'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! state variables for vegetation
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyIce'                , 'mass of ice on the vegetation canopy'                             , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyLiq'                , 'mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy'                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)                 = var_info('scalarCanopyWat'                , 'mass of total water on the vegetation canopy'                     , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)                = var_info('scalarCanairTemp'               , 'temperature of the canopy air space'                              , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)                = var_info('scalarCanopyTemp'               , 'temperature of the vegetation canopy'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! state variables for snow
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse)       = var_info('spectralSnowAlbedoDiffuse'      , 'diffuse snow albedo for individual spectral bands'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSnowAlbedo)                = var_info('scalarSnowAlbedo'               , 'snow albedo for the entire spectral band'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSnowDepth)                 = var_info('scalarSnowDepth'                , 'total snow depth'                                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSWE)                       = var_info('scalarSWE'                      , 'snow water equivalent'                                            , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSfcMeltPond)               = var_info('scalarSfcMeltPond'              , 'ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer"'        , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! define state variables for the snow+soil domain
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)                      = var_info('mLayerTemp'                     , 'temperature of each layer'                                        , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracIce'               , 'volumetric fraction of ice in each layer'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracLiq'               , 'volumetric fraction of liquid water in each layer'                , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracWat'               , 'volumetric fraction of total water in each layer'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)                = var_info('mLayerMatricHead'               , 'matric head of water in the soil'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! other state variables
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarAquiferStorage)            = var_info('scalarAquiferStorage'           , 'water required to bring aquifer to the bottom of the soil profile', 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%scalarSurfaceTemp)               = var_info('scalarSurfaceTemp'              , 'surface temperature (just a copy of the upper-layer temperature)' , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! define coordinate variables
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)                     = var_info('mLayerDepth'                    , 'depth of each layer'                                              , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%mLayerHeight)                    = var_info('mLayerHeight'                   , 'height of the layer mid-point (top of soil = 0)'                  , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  prog_meta(iLookPROG%iLayerHeight)                    = var_info('iLayerHeight'                   , 'height of the layer interface (top of soil = 0)'                  , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * local model diagnostic variables...
+  ! -------------------------------------
+  ! local properties
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)               = var_info('scalarCanopyDepth'              , 'canopy depth'                                                     , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGreenVegFraction)          = var_info('scalarGreenVegFraction'         , 'green vegetation fraction (used to compute LAI)'                  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg)         = var_info('scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg'        , 'bulk volumetric heat capacity of vegetation'                      , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEmissivity)          = var_info('scalarCanopyEmissivity'         , 'effective canopy emissivity'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRootZoneTemp)              = var_info('scalarRootZoneTemp'             , 'average temperature of the root zone'                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLAI)                       = var_info('scalarLAI'                      , 'one-sided leaf area index'                                        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSAI)                       = var_info('scalarSAI'                      , 'one-sided stem area index'                                        , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarExposedLAI)                = var_info('scalarExposedLAI'               , 'exposed leaf area index (after burial by snow)'                   , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarExposedSAI)                = var_info('scalarExposedSAI'               , 'exposed stem area index (after burial by snow)'                   , 'm2 m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAdjMeasHeight)             = var_info('scalarAdjMeasHeight'            , 'adjusted measurement height for cases snowDepth>mHeight'          , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyIceMax)              = var_info('scalarCanopyIceMax'             , 'maximum interception storage capacity for ice'                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyLiqMax)              = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqMax'             , 'maximum interception storage capacity for liquid water'           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGrowingSeasonIndex)        = var_info('scalarGrowingSeasonIndex'       , 'growing season index (0=off, 1=on)'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_air)              = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_air'             , 'volumetric heat capacity air'                                     , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_ice)              = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_ice'             , 'volumetric heat capacity ice'                                     , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_soil)             = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_soil'            , 'volumetric heat capacity dry soil'                                , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolHtCap_water)            = var_info('scalarVolHtCap_water'           , 'volumetric heat capacity liquid wat'                              , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolHtCapBulk)              = var_info('mLayerVolHtCapBulk'             , 'volumetric heat capacity in each layer'                           , 'J m-3 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLambda_drysoil)            = var_info('scalarLambda_drysoil'           , 'thermal conductivity of dry soil'                                 , 'W m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLambda_wetsoil)            = var_info('scalarLambda_wetsoil'           , 'thermal conductivity of wet soil'                                 , 'W m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerThermalC)                  = var_info('mLayerThermalC'                 , 'thermal conductivity at the mid-point of each layer'              , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%iLayerThermalC)                  = var_info('iLayerThermalC'                 , 'thermal conductivity at the interface of each layer'              , 'W m-1 K-1'       , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! forcing
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVPair)                     = var_info('scalarVPair'                    , 'vapor pressure of the air above the vegetation canopy'            , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVP_CanopyAir)              = var_info('scalarVP_CanopyAir'             , 'vapor pressure of the canopy air space'                           , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTwetbulb)                  = var_info('scalarTwetbulb'                 , 'wet bulb temperature'                                             , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSnowfallTemp)              = var_info('scalarSnowfallTemp'             , 'temperature of fresh snow'                                        , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarNewSnowDensity)            = var_info('scalarNewSnowDensity'           , 'density of fresh snow'                                            , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarO2air)                     = var_info('scalarO2air'                    , 'atmospheric o2 concentration'                                     , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCO2air)                    = var_info('scalarCO2air'                   , 'atmospheric co2 concentration'                                    , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! shortwave radiation
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCosZenith)                 = var_info('scalarCosZenith'                , 'cosine of the solar zenith angle'                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFractionDirect)            = var_info('scalarFractionDirect'           , 'fraction of direct radiation (0-1)'                               , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopySunlitFraction)      = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitFraction'     , 'sunlit fraction of canopy'                                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopySunlitLAI)           = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitLAI'          , 'sunlit leaf area'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyShadedLAI)           = var_info('scalarCanopyShadedLAI'          , 'shaded leaf area'                                                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralAlbGndDirect)            = var_info('spectralAlbGndDirect'           , 'direct  albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band'      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralAlbGndDiffuse)           = var_info('spectralAlbGndDiffuse'          , 'diffuse albedo of underlying surface for each spectral band'      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundAlbedo)              = var_info('scalarGroundAlbedo'             , 'albedo of the ground surface'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! turbulent heat transfer
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy)       = var_info('scalarLatHeatSubVapCanopy'      , 'latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for veg canopy'      , 'J kg-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarLatHeatSubVapGround)       = var_info('scalarLatHeatSubVapGround'      , 'latent heat of sublimation/vaporization used for ground surface'  , 'J kg-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp)          = var_info('scalarSatVP_CanopyTemp'         , 'saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of vegetation canopy', 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSatVP_GroundTemp)          = var_info('scalarSatVP_GroundTemp'         , 'saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the ground'       , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarZ0Canopy)                  = var_info('scalarZ0Canopy'                 , 'roughness length of the canopy'                                   , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarWindReductionFactor)       = var_info('scalarWindReductionFactor'      , 'canopy wind reduction factor'                                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement)     = var_info('scalarZeroPlaneDisplacement'    , 'zero plane displacement'                                          , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRiBulkCanopy)              = var_info('scalarRiBulkCanopy'             , 'bulk Richardson number for the canopy'                            , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarRiBulkGround)              = var_info('scalarRiBulkGround'             , 'bulk Richardson number for the ground surface'                    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection) = var_info('scalarCanopyStabilityCorrection', 'stability correction for the canopy'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundStabilityCorrection) = var_info('scalarGroundStabilityCorrection', 'stability correction for the ground surface'                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! evapotranspiration
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarIntercellularCO2Sunlit)    = var_info('scalarIntercellularCO2Sunlit'   , 'carbon dioxide partial pressure of leaf interior (sunlit leaves)' , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarIntercellularCO2Shaded)    = var_info('scalarIntercellularCO2Shaded'   , 'carbon dioxide partial pressure of leaf interior (shaded leaves)' , 'Pa'              , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)              = var_info('scalarTranspireLim'             , 'aggregate soil moisture and aquifer control on transpiration'     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLimAqfr)          = var_info('scalarTranspireLimAqfr'         , 'aquifer storage control on transpiration'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor)     = var_info('scalarFoliageNitrogenFactor'    , 'foliage nitrogen concentration (1=saturated)'                     , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilRelHumidity)           = var_info('scalarSoilRelHumidity'          , 'relative humidity in the soil pores in the upper-most soil layer' , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerTranspireLim)              = var_info('mLayerTranspireLim'             , 'soil moist & veg limit on transpiration for each layer'           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerRootDensity)               = var_info('mLayerRootDensity'              , 'fraction of roots in each soil layer'                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferRootFrac)           = var_info('scalarAquiferRootFrac'          , 'fraction of roots below the soil profile (in the aquifer)'        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! canopy hydrology
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFracLiqVeg)                = var_info('scalarFracLiqVeg'               , 'fraction of liquid water on vegetation'                           , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyWetFraction)         = var_info('scalarCanopyWetFraction'        , 'fraction canopy that is wet'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! snow hydrology
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSnowAge)                   = var_info('scalarSnowAge'                  , 'non-dimensional snow age'                                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarGroundSnowFraction)        = var_info('scalarGroundSnowFraction'       , 'fraction ground that is covered with snow'                        , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%spectralSnowAlbedoDirect)        = var_info('spectralSnowAlbedoDirect'       , 'direct snow albedo for individual spectral bands'                 , '-'               , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerFracLiqSnow)               = var_info('mLayerFracLiqSnow'              , 'fraction of liquid water in each snow layer'                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerThetaResid)                = var_info('mLayerThetaResid'               , 'residual volumetric water content in each snow layer'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerPoreSpace)                 = var_info('mLayerPoreSpace'                , 'total pore space in each snow layer'                              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerMeltFreeze)                = var_info('mLayerMeltFreeze'               , 'ice content change from melt/freeze in each layer'                , 'kg m-3'          , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! soil hydrology
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarInfilArea)                 = var_info('scalarInfilArea'                , 'fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate'             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarFrozenArea)                = var_info('scalarFrozenArea'               , 'fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice'  , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilControl)               = var_info('scalarSoilControl'              , 'soil control on infiltration (1=controlling; 0=not)'              , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolFracAir)                = var_info('mLayerVolFracAir'               , 'volumetric fraction of air in each layer'                         , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerTcrit)                     = var_info('mLayerTcrit'                    , 'critical soil temperature above which all water is unfrozen'      , 'K'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)                  = var_info('mLayerCompress'                 , 'change in volumetric water content due to compression of soil'    , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)              = var_info('scalarSoilCompress'             , 'change in total soil storage due to compression of soil matrix'   , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)             = var_info('mLayerMatricHeadLiq'            , 'matric potential of liquid water'                                 , 'm'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! mass balance check
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilWatBalError)           = var_info('scalarSoilWatBalError'          , 'error in the total soil water balance'                            , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarAquiferBalError)           = var_info('scalarAquiferBalError'          , 'error in the aquifer water balance'                               , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilLiq)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilLiq'             , 'total mass of liquid water in the soil'                           , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilIce)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilIce'             , 'total mass of ice in the soil'                                    , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarTotalSoilWat)              = var_info('scalarTotalSoilWat'             , 'total mass of water in the soil'                                  , 'kg m-2'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! variable shortcuts
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVGn_m)                     = var_info('scalarVGn_m'                    , 'van Genuchten "m" parameter'                                      , '-'               , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarKappa)                     = var_info('scalarKappa'                    , 'constant in the freezing curve function'                          , 'm K-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%scalarVolLatHt_fus)              = var_info('scalarVolLatHt_fus'             , 'volumetric latent heat of fusion'                                 , 'J m-3'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! number of function evaluations
+  diag_meta(iLookDIAG%numFluxCalls)                    = var_info('numFluxCalls'                   , 'number of flux calls'                                             , '-'               , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * local model fluxes...
+  ! -----------------------
+  ! net energy and mass fluxes for the vegetation domain
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanairNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanairNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the canopy air space'                         , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the vegetation canopy'                        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundNetNrgFlux)          = var_info('scalarGroundNetNrgFlux'         , 'net energy flux for the ground surface'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux)          = var_info('scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux'         , 'net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy'                  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! forcing
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)                  = var_info('scalarRainfall'                 , 'computed rainfall rate'                                           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowfall)                  = var_info('scalarSnowfall'                 , 'computed snowfall rate'                                           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! shortwave radiation
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralIncomingDirect)          = var_info('spectralIncomingDirect'         , 'incoming direct solar radiation in each wave band'                , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralIncomingDiffuse)         = var_info('spectralIncomingDiffuse'        , 'incoming diffuse solar radiation in each wave band'               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySunlitPAR)           = var_info('scalarCanopySunlitPAR'          , 'average absorbed par for sunlit leaves'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyShadedPAR)           = var_info('scalarCanopyShadedPAR'          , 'average absorbed par for shaded leaves'                           , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralBelowCanopyDirect)       = var_info('spectralBelowCanopyDirect'      , 'downward direct flux below veg layer for each spectral band'      , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse)      = var_info('spectralBelowCanopyDiffuse'     , 'downward diffuse flux below veg layer for each spectral band'     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('wLength'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarBelowCanopySolar)          = var_info('scalarBelowCanopySolar'         , 'solar radiation transmitted below the canopy'                     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar)       = var_info('scalarCanopyAbsorbedSolar'      , 'solar radiation absorbed by canopy'                               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar)       = var_info('scalarGroundAbsorbedSolar'      , 'solar radiation absorbed by ground'                               , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! longwave radiation
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy)               = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy'              , 'longwave radiation emitted from the canopy'                       , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround)               = var_info('scalarLWRadGround'              , 'longwave radiation emitted at the ground surface'                 , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Canopy'       , 'downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the canopy'   , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Ground)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Ground'       , 'downward atmospheric longwave radiation absorbed by the ground'   , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadUbound2Ubound'       , 'atmospheric radiation refl by ground + lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Ubound'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from canopy lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Ground'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from canopy absorbed by the ground'    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadCanopy2Canopy'       , 'canopy longwave reflected from ground and absorbed by the canopy' , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround2Ubound)        = var_info('scalarLWRadGround2Ubound'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from ground lost thru upper boundary'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWRadGround2Canopy)        = var_info('scalarLWRadGround2Canopy'       , 'longwave radiation emitted from ground and absorbed by the canopy', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetCanopy)               = var_info('scalarLWNetCanopy'              , 'net longwave radiation at the canopy'                             , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetGround)               = var_info('scalarLWNetGround'              , 'net longwave radiation at the ground surface'                     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLWNetUbound)               = var_info('scalarLWNetUbound'              , 'net longwave radiation at the upper atmospheric boundary'         , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! turbulent heat transfer
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop)       = var_info('scalarEddyDiffusCanopyTop'      , 'eddy diffusivity for heat at the top of the canopy'               , 'm2 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarFrictionVelocity)          = var_info('scalarFrictionVelocity'         , 'friction velocity (canopy momentum sink)'                         , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarWindspdCanopyTop)          = var_info('scalarWindspdCanopyTop'         , 'windspeed at the top of the canopy'                               , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarWindspdCanopyBottom)       = var_info('scalarWindspdCanopyBottom'      , 'windspeed at the height of the bottom of the canopy'              , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundResistance)          = var_info('scalarGroundResistance'         , 'below canopy aerodynamic resistance'                              , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyResistance)          = var_info('scalarCanopyResistance'         , 'above canopy aerodynamic resistance'                              , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLeafResistance)            = var_info('scalarLeafResistance'           , 'mean leaf boundary layer resistance per unit leaf area'           , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilResistance)            = var_info('scalarSoilResistance'           , 'soil surface resistance'                                          , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatTotal)              = var_info('scalarSenHeatTotal'             , 'sensible heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere'        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)             = var_info('scalarSenHeatCanopy'            , 'sensible heat from the canopy to the canopy air space'            , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatGround)             = var_info('scalarSenHeatGround'            , 'sensible heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)'    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatTotal)              = var_info('scalarLatHeatTotal'             , 'latent heat from the canopy air space to the atmosphere'          , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)         = var_info('scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap'        , 'evaporation latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space'  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans)        = var_info('scalarLatHeatCanopyTrans'       , 'transpiration latent heat from the canopy to the canopy air space', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatGround)             = var_info('scalarLatHeatGround'            , 'latent heat from the ground (below canopy or non-vegetated)'      , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux)   = var_info('scalarCanopyAdvectiveHeatFlux'  , 'heat advected to the canopy with precipitation (snow + rain)'     , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux)   = var_info('scalarGroundAdvectiveHeatFlux'  , 'heat advected to the ground with throughfall + unloading/drainage', 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySublimation)         = var_info('scalarCanopySublimation'        , 'canopy sublimation/frost'                                         , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowSublimation)           = var_info('scalarSnowSublimation'          , 'snow sublimation/frost (below canopy or non-vegetated)'           , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! liquid water fluxes associated with evapotranspiration
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarStomResistSunlit)          = var_info('scalarStomResistSunlit'         , 'stomatal resistance for sunlit leaves'                            , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarStomResistShaded)          = var_info('scalarStomResistShaded'         , 'stomatal resistance for shaded leaves'                            , 's m-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit)      = var_info('scalarPhotosynthesisSunlit'     , 'sunlit photosynthesis'                                            , 'umolco2 m-2 s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarPhotosynthesisShaded)      = var_info('scalarPhotosynthesisShaded'     , 'shaded photosynthesis'                                            , 'umolco2 m-2 s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)       = var_info('scalarCanopyTranspiration'      , 'canopy transpiration'                                             , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)         = var_info('scalarCanopyEvaporation'        , 'canopy evaporation/condensation'                                  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundEvaporation)         = var_info('scalarGroundEvaporation'        , 'ground evaporation/condensation (below canopy or non-vegetated)'  , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)                 = var_info('mLayerTranspire'                , 'transpiration loss from each soil layer'                          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! liquid and solid water fluxes through the canopy
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallSnow)           = var_info('scalarThroughfallSnow'          , 'snow that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy'    , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)           = var_info('scalarThroughfallRain'          , 'rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy'    , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySnowUnloading)       = var_info('scalarCanopySnowUnloading'      , 'unloading of snow from the vegetation canopy'                     , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)         = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDrainage'        , 'drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy'              , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyMeltFreeze)          = var_info('scalarCanopyMeltFreeze'         , 'melt/freeze of water stored in the canopy'                        , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! energy fluxes and for the snow and soil domains
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerConductiveFlux)            = var_info('iLayerConductiveFlux'           , 'conductive energy flux at layer interfaces'                       , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerAdvectiveFlux)             = var_info('iLayerAdvectiveFlux'            , 'advective energy flux at layer interfaces'                        , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)                   = var_info('iLayerNrgFlux'                  , 'energy flux at layer interfaces'                                  , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)                   = var_info('mLayerNrgFlux'                  , 'net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain'       , 'J m-3 s-1'       , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! liquid water fluxes for the snow domain
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)              = var_info('scalarSnowDrainage'             , 'drainage from the bottom of the snow profile'                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)               = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSnow'              , 'liquid flux at snow layer interfaces'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSnow)               = var_info('mLayerLiqFluxSnow'              , 'net liquid water flux for each snow layer'                        , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! liquid water fluxes for the soil domain
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarRainPlusMelt)              = var_info('scalarRainPlusMelt'             , 'rain plus melt, used as input to soil before surface runoff'      , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarMaxInfilRate)              = var_info('scalarMaxInfilRate'             , 'maximum infiltration rate'                                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarInfiltration)              = var_info('scalarInfiltration'             , 'infiltration of water into the soil profile'                      , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarExfiltration)              = var_info('scalarExfiltration'             , 'exfiltration of water from the top of the soil profile'           , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSurfaceRunoff)             = var_info('scalarSurfaceRunoff'            , 'surface runoff'                                                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCondMP)              = var_info('mLayerSatHydCondMP'             , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores in each layer'     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCond)                = var_info('mLayerSatHydCond'               , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer'                   , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerSatHydCond)                = var_info('iLayerSatHydCond'               , 'saturated hydraulic conductivity in each layer interface'         , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerHydCond)                   = var_info('mLayerHydCond'                  , 'hydraulic conductivity in each layer'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)               = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSoil'              , 'liquid flux at soil layer interfaces'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSoil)               = var_info('mLayerLiqFluxSoil'              , 'net liquid water flux for each soil layer'                        , 's-1'             , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)                  = var_info('mLayerBaseflow'                 , 'baseflow from each soil layer'                                    , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnInflow)              = var_info('mLayerColumnInflow'             , 'total inflow to each layer in a given soil column'                , 'm3 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnOutflow)             = var_info('mLayerColumnOutflow'            , 'total outflow from each layer in a given soil column'             , 'm3 s-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilBaseflow)              = var_info('scalarSoilBaseflow'             , 'total baseflow from the soil profile'                             , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilDrainage)              = var_info('scalarSoilDrainage'             , 'drainage from the bottom of the soil profile'                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferRecharge)           = var_info('scalarAquiferRecharge'          , 'recharge to the aquifer'                                          , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferTranspire)          = var_info('scalarAquiferTranspire'         , 'transpiration loss from the aquifer'                              , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferBaseflow)           = var_info('scalarAquiferBaseflow'          , 'baseflow from the aquifer'                                        , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derived variables
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalET)                   = var_info('scalarTotalET'                  , 'total ET'                                                         , 'kg m-2 s-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalRunoff)               = var_info('scalarTotalRunoff'              , 'total runoff'                                                     , 'm s-1'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  flux_meta(iLookFLUX%scalarNetRadiation)              = var_info('scalarNetRadiation'             , 'net radiation'                                                    , 'W m-2'           , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * local flux derivatives...
+  ! ---------------------------
+  ! derivatives in net vegetation energy fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature', 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'    , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature'    , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature'          , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanLiq)        = var_info('dCanopyNetFlux_dCanLiq'       , 'derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'   , 'J kg-1 s-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature'          , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp)    = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp'   , 'derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature'              , 'W m-2 K-1'      , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanLiq)        = var_info('dGroundNetFlux_dCanLiq'       , 'derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'   , 'J kg-1 s-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivatives in evaporative fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature'       , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround)   = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround'  , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dCanLiq)    = var_info('dCanopyEvaporation_dCanLiq'   , 'derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'  , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature'       , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTGround)   = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dTGround'  , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature'           , 'kg m-2 s-1 K-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dCanLiq)    = var_info('dGroundEvaporation_dCanLiq'   , 'derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content'  , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivatives in canopy water w.r.t canopy temperature
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dTheta_dTkCanopy)              = var_info('dTheta_dTkCanopy'             , 'derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature'     , 'K-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCanLiq_dTcanopy)              = var_info('dCanLiq_dTcanopy'             , 'derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature'               , 'kg m-2 K-1'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivatives in canopy liquid fluxes w.r.t. canopy water
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDeriv)          = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDeriv'         , 'derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water'    , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarThroughfallRainDeriv)    = var_info('scalarThroughfallRainDeriv'   , 'derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water'                 , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv)  = var_info('scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv' , 'derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water'             , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. temperature in layers above and below
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempAbove)           = var_info('dNrgFlux_dTempAbove'          , 'derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above'        , 'J m-2 s-1 K-1'  , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempBelow)           = var_info('dNrgFlux_dTempBelow'          , 'derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below'        , 'J m-2 s-1 K-1'  , get_ixVarType('ifcToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes at the interface of snow layers w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv)        = var_info('iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv'       , 'derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces'         , 'm s-1'          , get_ixVarType('ifcSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t hydrology state variables
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0)                 = var_info('dVolTot_dPsi0'                , 'derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential', 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi)                = var_info('dCompress_dPsi'               , 'derivative in compressibility w.r.t matric head'                      , 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dPsi)             = var_info('mLayerdTheta_dPsi'            , 'derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi'               , 'm-1'            , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdPsi_dTheta)             = var_info('mLayerdPsi_dTheta'            , 'derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta'             , 'm'              , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateAbove)             = var_info('dq_dHydStateAbove'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateBelow)             = var_info('dq_dHydStateBelow'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dBaseflow_dAquifer)            = var_info('dBaseflow_dAquifer'           , 'derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage'                   , 's-1'            , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t energy state variables
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateAbove)             = var_info('dq_dNrgStateAbove'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateBelow)             = var_info('dq_dNrgStateBelow'            , 'change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below'  , 'unknown'        , get_ixVarType('ifcSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dTk)              = var_info('mLayerdTheta_dTk'             , 'derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature'     , 'K-1'            , get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dTemp)                 = var_info('dPsiLiq_dTemp'                , 'derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature'   , 'm K-1'          , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  deriv_meta(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dPsi0)                 = var_info('dPsiLiq_dPsi0'                , 'derivative in liquid matric potential w.r.t. total  matric potential' , '-'              , get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * basin-wide runoff and aquifer fluxes...
+  ! -----------------------------------------
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__TotalArea)        = var_info('basin__TotalArea'       , 'total basin area'                                       , 'm2'    , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__SurfaceRunoff)    = var_info('basin__SurfaceRunoff'   , 'surface runoff'                                         , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__ColumnOutflow)    = var_info('basin__ColumnOutflow'   , 'outflow from all "outlet" HRUs (with no downstream HRU)', 'm3 s-1', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferStorage)   = var_info('basin__AquiferStorage'  , 'aquifer storage'                                        , 'm'     , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferRecharge)  = var_info('basin__AquiferRecharge' , 'recharge to the aquifer'                                , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferBaseflow)  = var_info('basin__AquiferBaseflow' , 'baseflow from the aquifer'                              , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__AquiferTranspire) = var_info('basin__AquiferTranspire', 'transpiration loss from the aquifer'                    , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%basin__SoilDrainage)     = var_info('basin__SoilDrainage'    , 'soil drainage'                                          , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%routingRunoffFuture)     = var_info('routingRunoffFuture'    , 'runoff in future time steps'                            , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('routing'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%routingFractionFuture)   = var_info('routingFractionFuture'  , 'fraction of runoff in future time steps'                , '-'     , get_ixVarType('routing'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%averageInstantRunoff)    = var_info('averageInstantRunoff'   , 'instantaneous runoff'                                   , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  bvar_meta(iLookBVAR%averageRoutedRunoff)     = var_info('averageRoutedRunoff'    , 'routed runoff'                                          , 'm s-1' , get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! -----
+  ! * model indices...
+  ! ------------------
+  ! number of model layers, and layer indices
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnow)                 = var_info('nSnow'                , 'number of snow layers'                                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoil)                 = var_info('nSoil'                , 'number of soil layers'                                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nLayers)               = var_info('nLayers'              , 'total number of layers'                                                  , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%layerType)             = var_info('layerType'            , 'index defining type of layer (snow or soil)'                             , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! number of state variables of different type
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nCasNrg)               = var_info('nCasNrg'              , 'number of energy state variables for the canopy air space'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegNrg)               = var_info('nVegNrg'              , 'number of energy state variables for the vegetation canopy'              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegMass)              = var_info('nVegMass'             , 'number of hydrology states for vegetation (mass of water)'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nVegState)             = var_info('nVegState'            , 'number of vegetation state variables'                                    , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nNrgState)             = var_info('nNrgState'            , 'number of energy state variables'                                        , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nWatState)             = var_info('nWatState'            , 'number of "total water" states (vol. total water content)'               , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nMatState)             = var_info('nMatState'            , 'number of matric head state variables'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nMassState)            = var_info('nMassState'           , 'number of hydrology state variables (mass of water)'                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nState)                = var_info('nState'               , 'total number of model state variables'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! number of state variables within different domains in the snow+soil system
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilNrg)          = var_info('nSnowSoilNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the snow+soil domain'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyNrg)          = var_info('nSnowOnlyNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the snow domain'                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyNrg)          = var_info('nSoilOnlyNrg'         , 'number of energy states in the soil domain'                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilHyd)          = var_info('nSnowSoilHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the snow+soil domain'                      , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyHyd)          = var_info('nSnowOnlyHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the snow domain'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd)          = var_info('nSoilOnlyHyd'         , 'number of hydrology states in the soil domain'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! type of model state variables
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)       = var_info('ixControlVolume'      , 'index of the control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)'     , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType)          = var_info('ixDomainType'         , 'index of the type of domain (iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil)'         , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixStateType)           = var_info('ixStateType'          , 'index of the type of every state variable (iname_nrgCanair, ...)'        , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydType)             = var_info('ixHydType'            , 'index of the type of hydrology states in snow+soil domain'               , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! type of model state variables (state subset)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType_subset)   = var_info('ixDomainType_subset'  , '[state subset] id of domain for desired model state variables'           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixStateType_subset)    = var_info('ixStateType_subset'   , '[state subset] type of desired model state variables'                    , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! mapping between state subset and the full state vector
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)      = var_info('ixMapFull2Subset'     , 'list of indices of the state subset in the full state vector'            , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMapSubset2Full)      = var_info('ixMapSubset2Full'     , 'list of indices of the full state vector in the state subset'            , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! indices of model specific state variables
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)              = var_info('ixCasNrg'             , 'index of canopy air space energy state variable'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)              = var_info('ixVegNrg'             , 'index of canopy energy state variable'                                   , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)              = var_info('ixVegHyd'             , 'index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixTopNrg)              = var_info('ixTopNrg'             , 'index of upper-most energy state in the snow+soil subdomain'             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixTopHyd)              = var_info('ixTopHyd'             , 'index of upper-most hydrology state in the snow+soil subdomain'          , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixAqWat)               = var_info('ixAqWat'              , 'index of storage of water in the aquifer'                                , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! vectors of indices for specific state types
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgOnly)             = var_info('ixNrgOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydOnly)             = var_info('ixHydOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain', '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMatOnly)             = var_info('ixMatOnly'            , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for matric head state variables'             , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMassOnly)            = var_info('ixMassOnly'           , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states (mass of water)'        , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! vectors of indices for specific state types within specific sub-domains
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)         = var_info('ixSnowSoilNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the snow+soil domain'   , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)         = var_info('ixSnowOnlyNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the snow domain'        , '-', get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyNrg)         = var_info('ixSoilOnlyNrg'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for energy states in the soil domain'        , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)         = var_info('ixSnowSoilHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain', '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyHyd)         = var_info('ixSnowOnlyHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the snow domain'     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSnow'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)         = var_info('ixSoilOnlyHyd'        , 'indices IN THE STATE SUBSET for hydrology states in the soil domain'     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! vectors of indices for specfic state types within specific sub-domains
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanair)           = var_info('ixNrgCanair'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in canopy air space domain' , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanopy)           = var_info('ixNrgCanopy'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the canopy domain'       , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydCanopy)           = var_info('ixHydCanopy'          , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the canopy domain'    , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixNrgLayer)            = var_info('ixNrgLayer'           , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the snow+soil domain'    , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixHydLayer)            = var_info('ixHydLayer'           , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain' , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixWatAquifer)          = var_info('ixWatAquifer'         , 'indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for storage of water in the aquifer'          , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! vectors of indices for specific state types IN SPECIFIC SUB-DOMAINS
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixVolFracWat)          = var_info('ixVolFracWat'         , 'indices IN THE SNOW+SOIL VECTOR for hyd states'                          , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixMatricHead)          = var_info('ixMatricHead'         , 'indices IN THE SOIL VECTOR for hyd states'                               , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! indices within state vectors
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixAllState)            = var_info('ixAllState'           , 'list of indices for all model state variables'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('unknown'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixSoilState)           = var_info('ixSoilState'          , 'list of indices for all soil layers'                                     , '-', get_ixVarType('midSoil'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixLayerState)          = var_info('ixLayerState'         , 'list of indices for all model layers'                                    , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%ixLayerActive)         = var_info('ixLayerActive'        , 'list of indices for active model layers (inactive=integerMissing)'       , '-', get_ixVarType('midToto'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! number of trials
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberFluxCalc)        = var_info('numberFluxCalc'       , 'number of flux calculations'                                             , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberStateSplit)      = var_info('numberStateSplit'     , 'number of state splitting solutions'                                     , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberDomainSplitNrg)  = var_info('numberDomainSplitNrg' , 'number of domain splitting solutions for energy'                         , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberDomainSplitMass) = var_info('numberDomainSplitMass', 'number of domain splitting solutions for mass'                           , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  indx_meta(iLookINDEX%numberScalarSolutions) = var_info('numberScalarSolutions', 'number of scalar solutions'                                              , '-', get_ixVarType('scalarv'), iMissVec, iMissVec, .false.)
+  ! read file to define model output (modifies metadata structures)
+  call read_output_file(err,cmessage)
+  if ( message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+end subroutine popMetadat
+! ------------------------------------------------
+! subroutine to populate write commands from file input
+! ------------------------------------------------
+subroutine read_output_file(err,message)
+  USE netcdf
+  ! to get name of output control file from user
+  USE summaActors_FileManager,only:SETTINGS_PATH       ! path for metadata files
+  USE summaActors_FileManager,only:OUTPUT_CONTROL      ! file with output controls
+  ! some dimensional parameters
+  USE globalData, only:outFreq                  ! output frequencies
+  USE var_lookup, only:maxvarFreq               ! maximum # of output files
+  USE var_lookup, only:maxvarStat               ! maximum # of statistics
+  ! metadata structures
+  USE globalData, only: time_meta               ! data structure for time metadata
+  USE globalData, only: forc_meta               ! data structure for forcing metadata
+  USE globalData, only: type_meta               ! data structure for categorical metadata
+  USE globalData, only: attr_meta               ! data structure for attribute metadata
+  USE globalData, only: mpar_meta               ! data structure for local parameter metadata
+  USE globalData, only: bpar_meta               ! data structure for basin parameter metadata
+  USE globalData, only: bvar_meta               ! data structure for basin model variable metadata
+  USE globalData, only: indx_meta               ! data structure for index metadata
+  USE globalData, only: prog_meta               ! data structure for local prognostic (state) variables
+  USE globalData, only: diag_meta               ! data structure for local diagnostic variables
+  USE globalData, only: flux_meta               ! data structure for local flux variables
+  USE globalData, only: deriv_meta              ! data structure for local flux derivatives
+  USE globalData, only: outputPrecision         ! data structure for output precision
+  ! structures of named variables
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookTYPE               ! named variables for categorical data
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookID                 ! named variables for hru and gru ID metadata
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookFORCE              ! named variables for forcing data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookINDEX              ! named variables for index variable data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookSTAT               ! named variables for statitics variable data structure
+  USE var_lookup, only: iLookFREQ               ! named variables for model output frequencies
+  ! identify indices within structures
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_ixUnknown      ! identify index in any structure
+  USE get_ixname_module,only:get_ixFreq         ! identify index of model output frequency
+  USE get_ixname_module,only:get_ixStat         ! identify index in ststistics structure
+  USE get_ixname_module,only:get_statName       ! identify statistics name from the index
+  ! modules to read ASCII data
+  USE ascii_util_module,only:file_open          ! open file
+  USE ascii_util_module,only:linewidth          ! match character number for one line
+  USE ascii_util_module,only:get_vlines         ! get a vector of non-comment lines
+  USE ascii_util_module,only:split_line         ! split a line into words
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err          ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)             :: message      ! error message
+  ! define file format
+  integer(i4b),parameter               :: noStatsDesired=1001   ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
+  integer(i4b),parameter               :: provideStatName=1002  ! provide the name of the desired statistic
+  integer(i4b),parameter               :: provideStatFlags=1003 ! provide flags defining the desired statistic
+  integer(i4b)                         :: fileFormat   ! the file format
+  ! define statistics flags
+  logical(lgt),dimension(maxvarStat)   :: statFlag     ! vector of statistics flags
+  character(len=32)                    :: statName     ! name of desired statistic
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iStat        ! index of statistics vector
+  ! define frequency of model output
+  character(len=64)                    :: freqName     ! name of desired output frequency
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iFreq        ! index of frequency vector
+  ! general local variables
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: cmessage     ! error message of downwind routine
+  character(LEN=256)                   :: outfile      ! full path of model output file
+  integer(i4b)                         :: unt          ! file unit
+  character(LEN=linewidth),allocatable :: charlines(:) ! vector of character strings
+  character(LEN=64),allocatable        :: lineWords(:) ! vector to parse textline
+  integer(i4b)                         :: nWords       ! number of words in line
+  character(LEN=128)                   :: varName      ! variable name
+  character(LEN=5)                     :: structName   ! name of structure
+  integer(i4b)                         :: vLine        ! index for loop through variables
+  integer(i4b)                         :: vDex         ! index into type lists
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message='read_output_file/'
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! (1) open file and read variable data
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  outfile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(OUTPUT_CONTROL) ! build filename
+  print *, outfile
+  call file_open(trim(outfile),unt,err,cmessage)      ! open file
   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-  nWords = size(lineWords)
-  ! define variable name
-  varName = trim(lineWords(nameIndex))
-  ! user cannot control time output
-  if (trim(varName)=='time') cycle
-  ! set precision if it is given
-  if (trim(varName)=='outputPrecision') then
-    statName = trim(lineWords(nWords))
-    if (statName=='single' .or. statName=='float') then
-      outputPrecision = nf90_float
-    else if (statName=='double') then
-      outputPrecision = nf90_double
-    else
-      err=20
-      cmessage='outputPrecision must be single, float, or double'
-      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//trim(varName);
-      return
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! (2) read variable data (continue reading from previous point in the file)
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! read the rest of the lines
+  call get_vlines(unt,charLines,err,cmessage) ! get a list of character strings from non-comment lines
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+  close(unt) ! close the file
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! (3) loop to parse individual file lines
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! initialize output frequency
+  outFreq(:) = .false.
+  ! loop through the lines in the file
+  do vLine = 1,size(charLines)
+    ! parse the current line
+    call split_line(charLines(vLine),lineWords,err,cmessage)
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+    nWords = size(lineWords)
+    ! define variable name
+    varName = trim(lineWords(nameIndex))
+    ! user cannot control time output
+    if (trim(varName)=='time') cycle
+    ! set precision if it is given
+    if (trim(varName)=='outputPrecision') then
+      statName = trim(lineWords(nWords))
+      if (statName=='single' .or. statName=='float') then
+        outputPrecision = nf90_float
+      else if (statName=='double') then
+        outputPrecision = nf90_double
+      else
+        err=20
+        cmessage='outputPrecision must be single, float, or double'
+        message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//trim(varName);
+        return
+      end if
+      cycle
     end if
-    cycle
-  end if
-  ! --- variables with multiple statistics options --------------------------
+    ! --- variables with multiple statistics options --------------------------
-  ! identify the data structure for the given variable (structName) and the variable index (vDex)
-  call get_ixUnknown(trim(varName),structName,vDex,err,cmessage)
-  if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//trim(varName); return; end if;
+    ! identify the data structure for the given variable (structName) and the variable index (vDex)
+    call get_ixUnknown(trim(varName),structName,vDex,err,cmessage)
+    if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//trim(varName); return; end if;
-  ! id variables should not be specified in output control file
-  if (trim(structName)=='id')then
-   print*,'id variable requested in outputControl, will be skipped: variable='//trim(varName)
-   cycle
-  end if
+    ! id variables should not be specified in output control file
+    if (trim(structName)=='id')then
+    print*,'id variable requested in outputControl, will be skipped: variable='//trim(varName)
+    cycle
+    end if
-  ! --- identify the desired frequency in the metadata structure  -----------
+    ! --- identify the desired frequency in the metadata structure  -----------
+    ! process time-varying variables
+    select case(trim(structName))
+      case('indx','forc','prog','diag','flux','bvar','deriv')
+        ! * ensure that the frequency index exists for time varying variables
+        if(nWords<freqIndex)then
+          message=trim(message)//'must define desired output frequency for time-varing output: variable='//trim(varName)
+          err=20; return
+        endif
+        ! * define the frequency name
+        freqName = trim(lineWords(freqIndex))
+        ! * identify index in  vector
+        select case(freqName)
+          ! define cases where temporal aggregation is numeric
+          case('1');    iFreq = iLookFreq%timestep  ! assume timestep-level output
+          case('24');   iFreq = iLookFreq%day       ! assume daily output
+          ! define cases where temporal aggregation is defined using a text string
+          case default; iFreq = get_ixfreq(freqName)
+        end select
+        ! * check that we could find the index
+        if(iFreq<0 .or. iFreq>maxvarFreq)then
+          message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired output frequency for variable '//trim(varName)&
+                              //' [entered "'//trim(freqName)//'"]'
+          err=20; return
+        endif
+        ! temporally constant variables use timestep-level output (no aggregation)
+      case default
+        iFreq    = iLookFREQ%timestep
+        freqName = 'timestep'
+        message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired output frequency for variable '//trim(varName)&
+                          //' [entered "'//trim(freqName)//'"]; outputting variable in timestep file'
+    end select
+    ! --- identify the desired statistic in the metadata structure  -----------
+    ! * check the definition of statistics
+    ! there are three options to define the statistic:
+    ! option 0: file format = varName
+    ! option 0: file format = varName | outFreq
+    ! option 1: file format = varName | outFreq | statisticName
+    ! option 2: file format = varName | outFreq | inst | sum | mean | var | min | max | mode
+    select case(nWords)
+    case(nameIndex + 2, nameIndex); fileFormat=noStatsDesired   ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
+    case(freqIndex + 2           ); fileFormat=provideStatName  ! provide the name of the desired statistic
+    case(freqIndex + 2*maxVarStat); fileFormat=provideStatFlags ! provide flags defining the desired statistic
+    case default
+      message=trim(message)//'unexpected format for variable '//trim(varName)&
+                          //' (format = "'//trim(charLines(vLine))//'")'
+      err=20; return
+    end select
-  ! process time-varying variables
-  select case(trim(structName))
-   case('indx','forc','prog','diag','flux','bvar','deriv')
+    ! * extract the statistic name
+    select case(fileFormat)
+    ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
+    case(noStatsDesired); statName = 'instant'  ! use instantaneous values
+    ! provide the name of the desired statistic
+    case(provideStatName); statName = trim(lineWords(freqIndex+2))
+    ! extract the statistic name from the flags
+    ! NOTE: cannot imagine why someone would want to do this now since the other option is easier
+    !         --> included for backwards compatibility
+    case(provideStatFlags)
+      ! get statistic name
+      statFlag(:) = .false.
+      do iStat = 1,maxVarStat
+      if (lineWords(freqIndex + 2*iStat)=='1') then
+        statFlag(iStat)=.true.
+        statName = get_statName(istat)
+      end if
+      end do
+      ! check actually defined the statistic (and only defined one statistic)
+      if(count(statFlag)/=1)then
+      message=trim(message)//'expect only one statistic is defined when using flags to define statistics'&
+                            //': entered "'//trim(charLines(vLine))//'"'
+      err=20; return
+      endif
+    ! check: should not get here since checked above
+    case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unexpected file format'; return
+    end select
-    ! * ensure that the frequency index exists for time varying variables
-    if(nWords<freqIndex)then
-     message=trim(message)//'must define desired output frequency for time-varing output: variable='//trim(varName)
-     err=20; return
+    ! * get the statistics index
+    iStat = get_ixStat(trim(statName))
+    if(iStat<0 .or. iStat>maxvarStat)then
+    message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired statistic for variable '//trim(varName)&
+                          //' [evaluating '//trim(statName)//']'
+    err=20; return
-    ! * define the frequency name
-    freqName = trim(lineWords(freqIndex))
+    ! --- populate the metadata that controls the model output  ---------------
-    ! * identify index in  vector
-    select case(freqName)
-     ! define cases where temporal aggregation is numeric
-     case('1');    iFreq = iLookFreq%timestep  ! assume timestep-level output
-     case('24');   iFreq = iLookFreq%day       ! assume daily output
-     ! define cases where temporal aggregation is defined using a text string
-     case default; iFreq = get_ixfreq(freqName)
-    end select
+    ! identify data structure
+    select case (trim(structName))
-    ! * check that we could find the index
-    if(iFreq<0 .or. iFreq>maxvarFreq)then
-     message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired output frequency for variable '//trim(varName)&
-                          //' [entered "'//trim(freqName)//'"]'
-     err=20; return
-    endif
+    ! temporally constant structures -- request instantaneous timestep-level output (no aggregation)
+    case('time' ); time_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; time_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! timing data
+    case('bpar' ); bpar_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; bpar_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! basin parameters
+    case('attr' ); attr_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; attr_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! local attributes
+    case('type' ); type_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; type_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! local classification
+    case('mpar' ); mpar_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; mpar_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! model parameters
-   ! temporally constant variables use timestep-level output (no aggregation)
-   case default
-    message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired output frequency for variable '//trim(varName)&
-                         //' [entered "'//trim(freqName)//'"]; outputting variable in timestep file'
-    iFreq    = iLookFREQ%timestep
-    freqName = 'timestep'
-  end select
-  ! --- identify the desired statistic in the metadata structure  -----------
-  ! * check the definition of statistics
-  ! there are three options to define the statistic:
-  ! option 0: file format = varName
-  ! option 0: file format = varName | outFreq
-  ! option 1: file format = varName | outFreq | statisticName
-  ! option 2: file format = varName | outFreq | inst | sum | mean | var | min | max | mode
-  select case(nWords)
-   case(nameIndex + 2, nameIndex); fileFormat=noStatsDesired   ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
-   case(freqIndex + 2           ); fileFormat=provideStatName  ! provide the name of the desired statistic
-   case(freqIndex + 2*maxVarStat); fileFormat=provideStatFlags ! provide flags defining the desired statistic
-   case default
-    message=trim(message)//'unexpected format for variable '//trim(varName)&
-                         //' (format = "'//trim(charLines(vLine))//'")'
-    err=20; return
-  end select
-  ! * extract the statistic name
-  select case(fileFormat)
-   ! no statistic desired (temporally constant variables)
-   case(noStatsDesired); statName = 'instant'  ! use instantaneous values
-   ! provide the name of the desired statistic
-   case(provideStatName); statName = trim(lineWords(freqIndex+2))
-   ! extract the statistic name from the flags
-   ! NOTE: cannot imagine why someone would want to do this now since the other option is easier
-   !         --> included for backwards compatibility
-   case(provideStatFlags)
-    ! get statistic name
-    statFlag(:) = .false.
-    do iStat = 1,maxVarStat
-     if (lineWords(freqIndex + 2*iStat)=='1') then
-      statFlag(iStat)=.true.
-      statName = get_statName(istat)
-     end if
-    end do
-    ! check actually defined the statistic (and only defined one statistic)
-    if(count(statFlag)/=1)then
-     message=trim(message)//'expect only one statistic is defined when using flags to define statistics'&
-                          //': entered "'//trim(charLines(vLine))//'"'
-     err=20; return
+    ! index structures -- can only be output at the model time step
+    case('indx' ); indx_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; indx_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.
+    if(iFreq/=iLookFREQ%timestep)then
+      message=trim(message)//'index variables can only be output at model timestep'&
+                          //' [evaluating variable "'//trim(varName)//'" for output frequency "'//trim(freqName)//'"]'
+      err=20; return
-   ! check: should not get here since checked above
-   case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unexpected file format'; return
-  end select
-  ! * get the statistics index
-  iStat = get_ixStat(trim(statName))
-  if(iStat<0 .or. iStat>maxvarStat)then
-   message=trim(message)//'unable to identify desired statistic for variable '//trim(varName)&
-                        //' [evaluating '//trim(statName)//']'
-   err=20; return
+    ! temporally varying structures
+    case('forc' ); call popStat(forc_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model forcing data
+    case('prog' ); call popStat(prog_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model prognostics
+    case('diag' ); call popStat(diag_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model diagnostics
+    case('flux' ); call popStat(flux_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model fluxes
+    case('bvar' ); call popStat(bvar_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! basin variables
+    case('deriv'); call popStat(deriv_meta(vDex), iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model derivs
+    ! error control
+    case default;  err=20;message=trim(message)//'unable to identify lookup structure';return
+    end select  ! select data structure
+    ! error control from popStat
+    if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage);return; end if
+    ! ensure that time is turned on
+    forc_meta(iLookForce%time)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst
+    ! set desired output frequency
+    outFreq(iFreq) = .true.
+    ! print output (debugging)
+    !write(*,'(a)') 'freqName = '//trim(freqName)//'; statName = '//trim(statName)//'; charLines(vLine) = '//trim(charLines(vLine))
+  end do ! loop through file lines with vline
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! (4) include time variable
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! force time to be written in every file
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)%varDesire    = .true.
+  forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)%statIndex(:) = iLookSTAT%inst
+end subroutine read_output_file
+! ********************************************************************************************
+! Subroutine popStat for populating the meta_data structures with information read in from file.
+! This routine is called by read_output_file
+! ********************************************************************************************
+subroutine popStat(meta, iFreq, iStat, err, message)
+  USE data_types,only:var_info                  ! meta_data type declaration
+  USE get_ixname_module,only:get_freqName       ! get name of frequency from frequency index (error control)
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  class(var_info),intent(inout)                 :: meta         ! dummy meta_data structure
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)                       :: iFreq        ! index in output frequency vector
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)                       :: iStat        ! index in output statistics vector
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)                      :: err          ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)                      :: message      ! error message
+  ! initiate error handling
+  err=0; message='popStat/'
+  ! check that the variable is not already defined for a given frequency
+  if(meta%statIndex(iFreq)/=integerMissing)then
+    message=trim(message)//'variable "'//trim(meta%varName)//'" is already defined '&
+                        //'for output frequency "'//trim(get_freqName(iFreq))//'"'
+    err=20; return
-  ! --- populate the metadata that controls the model output  ---------------
+  ! identify desired variabe
+  meta%varDesire = .true.
-  ! identify data structure
-  select case (trim(structName))
+  ! populate structure
+  meta%statIndex(iFreq) = iStat
-   ! temporally constant structures -- request instantaneous timestep-level output (no aggregation)
-   case('time' ); time_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; time_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! timing data
-   case('bpar' ); bpar_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; bpar_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! basin parameters
-   case('attr' ); attr_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; attr_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! local attributes
-   case('type' ); type_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; type_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! local classification
-   case('mpar' ); mpar_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; mpar_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.   ! model parameters
-   ! index structures -- can only be output at the model time step
-   case('indx' ); indx_meta(vDex)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst; indx_meta(vDex)%varDesire=.true.
-   if(iFreq/=iLookFREQ%timestep)then
-    message=trim(message)//'index variables can only be output at model timestep'&
-                         //' [evaluating variable "'//trim(varName)//'" for output frequency "'//trim(freqName)//'"]'
-    err=20; return
-   endif
-   ! temporally varying structures
-   case('forc' ); call popStat(forc_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model forcing data
-   case('prog' ); call popStat(prog_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model prognostics
-   case('diag' ); call popStat(diag_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model diagnostics
-   case('flux' ); call popStat(flux_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model fluxes
-   case('bvar' ); call popStat(bvar_meta(vDex) , iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! basin variables
-   case('deriv'); call popStat(deriv_meta(vDex), iFreq, iStat, err, cmessage)    ! model derivs
-   ! error control
-   case default;  err=20;message=trim(message)//'unable to identify lookup structure';return
-  end select  ! select data structure
-  ! error control from popStat
-  if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage);return; end if
-  ! ensure that time is turned on
-  forc_meta(iLookForce%time)%statIndex(iLookFREQ%timestep) = iLookSTAT%inst
-  ! set desired output frequency
-  outFreq(iFreq) = .true.
-  ! print output (debugging)
-  !write(*,'(a)') 'freqName = '//trim(freqName)//'; statName = '//trim(statName)//'; charLines(vLine) = '//trim(charLines(vLine))
- end do ! loop through file lines with vline
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! (4) include time variable
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! force time to be written in every file
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)%varDesire    = .true.
- forc_meta(iLookFORCE%time)%statIndex(:) = iLookSTAT%inst
- end subroutine read_output_file
- ! ********************************************************************************************
- ! Subroutine popStat for populating the meta_data structures with information read in from file.
- ! This routine is called by read_output_file
- ! ********************************************************************************************
- subroutine popStat(meta, iFreq, iStat, err, message)
- USE data_types,only:var_info                  ! meta_data type declaration
- USE get_ixname_module,only:get_freqName       ! get name of frequency from frequency index (error control)
- implicit none
- ! dummy variables
- class(var_info),intent(inout)                 :: meta         ! dummy meta_data structure
- integer(i4b),intent(in)                       :: iFreq        ! index in output frequency vector
- integer(i4b),intent(in)                       :: iStat        ! index in output statistics vector
- integer(i4b),intent(out)                      :: err          ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)                      :: message      ! error message
- ! initiate error handling
- err=0; message='popStat/'
- ! check that the variable is not already defined for a given frequency
- if(meta%statIndex(iFreq)/=integerMissing)then
-  message=trim(message)//'variable "'//trim(meta%varName)//'" is already defined '&
-                       //'for output frequency "'//trim(get_freqName(iFreq))//'"'
-  err=20; return
- endif
- ! identify desired variabe
- meta%varDesire = .true.
- ! populate structure
- meta%statIndex(iFreq) = iStat
- end subroutine popStat
+end subroutine popStat
 end module popMetadat_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/read_attribute.f90 b/build/source/engine/read_attribute.f90
index f8dd292..1c74a54 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/read_attribute.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/read_attribute.f90
@@ -30,122 +30,121 @@ contains
 ! public subroutine read_dimension: read HRU and GRU dimension information on local attributes
 ! ************************************************************************************************
 subroutine read_dimension(attrFile,fileGRU,fileHRU,numGRUs,numHRUs,startGRU,err,message)
- USE netcdf
- USE netcdf_util_module,only:nc_file_open                   ! open netcdf file
- USE netcdf_util_module,only:nc_file_close                  ! close netcdf file
- USE nr_utility_module ,only:arth
- ! provide access to global data
- USE globalData,only:gru_struc                              ! gru->hru mapping structure
- USE globalData,only:index_map                              ! hru->gru mapping structure
- implicit none
- ! Dummy Variables
- character(*),intent(in)              :: attrFile           ! name of attributed file
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: fileGRU            ! number of GRUs in the input file
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: fileHRU            ! number of HRUs in the input file
- integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: numGRUs            ! number of GRUs for the run domain
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: numHRUs            ! number of HRUs for the run domain (value filled in this subroutine)
- integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: startGRU           ! Index of the starting GRU
- integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err                ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)             :: message            ! error message
- ! Local Variables
- integer(i4b)                         :: iHRU               ! HRU couinting index
- integer(i4b)                         :: iGRU               ! GRU loop index
- integer(8),allocatable               :: gru_id(:),hru_id(:)! read gru/hru IDs in from attributes file
- integer(8),allocatable               :: hru2gru_id(:)      ! read hru->gru mapping in from attributes file
- integer(i4b),allocatable             :: hru_ix(:)          ! hru index for search
- ! define variables for NetCDF file operation
- integer(i4b)                         :: ncID               ! NetCDF file ID
- integer(i4b)                         :: varID              ! NetCDF variable ID
- integer(i4b)                         :: gruDimId           ! variable id of GRU dimension from netcdf file
- integer(i4b)                         :: hruDimId           ! variable id of HRU dimension from netcdf file
- character(len=256)                   :: cmessage           ! error message for downwind routine
- err=0; message="read_dimension/"
- ! open nc file
- call nc_file_open(trim(attrFile),nf90_noWrite,ncID,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
- ! *********************************************************************************************
- ! read and set GRU dimensions
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! get gru dimension of whole file
- err = nf90_inq_dimid(ncID,"gru",gruDimId);                   if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding gru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
- err = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncID, gruDimId, len = fileGRU); if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading gru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
- ! get hru dimension of whole file
- err = nf90_inq_dimid(ncID,"hru",hruDimId);                   if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
- err = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncID, hruDimId, len = fileHRU); if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
- ! check dimensions
- if(numGRUs > fileGRU .or. numGRUs < 1) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//"numGRUs is out of range"; return; end if
- ! *********************************************************************************************
- ! read mapping vectors and populate mapping structures
- ! **********************************************************************************************
- ! allocate space for GRU indices and HRU indices
- allocate(gru_id(fileGRU))
- allocate(hru_ix(fileHRU),hru_id(fileHRU),hru2gru_id(fileHRU))
- ! read gru_id from netcdf file
- err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"gruId",varID);     if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding gruId'; return; end if
- err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,gru_id);        if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading gruId'; return; end if
- ! read hru_id from netcdf file
- err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"hruId",varID);     if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hruId'; return; end if
- err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,hru_id);        if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hruId'; return; end if
- ! read hru2gru_id from netcdf file
- err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"hru2gruId",varID); if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hru2gruId'; return; end if
- err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,hru2gru_id);    if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hru2gruId'; return; end if
- ! array from 1 to total # of HRUs in attributes file
- hru_ix=arth(1,1,fileHRU)
- ! check that the mappings are not alreaday allocated
- if (allocated(gru_struc)) then
-   deallocate(gru_struc)
- endif
- if (allocated(index_map)) then
-   deallocate(index_map)
- endif
- ! allocate first level of gru to hru mapping
- allocate(gru_struc(numGRUs))
- ! allocate space for the run
- iHRU = 1
- do iGRU = 1,numGRUs
-  if (count(hru2gru_Id == gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1)) < 1) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'problem finding HRUs belonging to GRU'; return; end if
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount          = count(hru2gru_Id == gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1))                 ! number of HRUs in each GRU
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_id            = gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1)                                  ! set gru id
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_nc            = iGRU+startGRU-1                                          ! set gru index in the netcdf file
-  allocate(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))                                  ! allocate second level of gru to hru map
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_nc = pack(hru_ix,hru2gru_id == gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_id)        ! set hru id in attributes netcdf file
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix = arth(iHRU,1,gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount)                    ! set index of hru in run domain
-  gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_id = hru_id(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_nc)                ! set id of hru
-  iHRU = iHRU + gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
- end do ! iGRU = 1,nGRU
- ! set hru to gru mapping
- numHRUs = sum(gru_struc%hruCount)   ! Total number of HRUs
- allocate(index_map(numHRUs))        ! allocate first level of hru to gru mapping
- do iGRU = 1, numGRUs
-  index_map(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix)%gru_ix   = iGRU                                 ! index of gru in run domain to which the hru belongs
-  index_map(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix)%localHRU_ix = hru_ix(1:gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount)! index of hru within the gru
- end do ! iGRU =1, numGRUs
- deallocate(gru_id, hru_ix, hru_id, hru2gru_id)
+  USE netcdf
+  USE netcdf_util_module,only:nc_file_open                   ! open netcdf file
+  USE netcdf_util_module,only:nc_file_close                  ! close netcdf file
+  USE nr_utility_module ,only:arth
+  ! provide access to global data
+  USE globalData,only:gru_struc                              ! gru->hru mapping structure
+  USE globalData,only:index_map                              ! hru->gru mapping structure
+  implicit none
+  ! Dummy Variables
+  character(*),intent(in)              :: attrFile           ! name of attributed file
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: fileGRU            ! number of GRUs in the input file
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: fileHRU            ! number of HRUs in the input file
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: numGRUs            ! number of GRUs for the run domain
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: numHRUs            ! number of HRUs for the run domain (value filled in this subroutine)
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)              :: startGRU           ! Index of the starting GRU
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)             :: err                ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)             :: message            ! error message
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iHRU               ! HRU couinting index
+  integer(i4b)                         :: iGRU               ! GRU loop index
+  integer(8),allocatable               :: gru_id(:),hru_id(:)! read gru/hru IDs in from attributes file
+  integer(8),allocatable               :: hru2gru_id(:)      ! read hru->gru mapping in from attributes file
+  integer(i4b),allocatable             :: hru_ix(:)          ! hru index for search
+  ! define variables for NetCDF file operation
+  integer(i4b)                         :: ncID               ! NetCDF file ID
+  integer(i4b)                         :: varID              ! NetCDF variable ID
+  integer(i4b)                         :: gruDimId           ! variable id of GRU dimension from netcdf file
+  integer(i4b)                         :: hruDimId           ! variable id of HRU dimension from netcdf file
+  character(len=256)                   :: cmessage           ! error message for downwind routine
+  err=0; message="read_dimension/"
+  ! open nc file
+  call nc_file_open(trim(attrFile),nf90_noWrite,ncID,err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+  ! *********************************************************************************************
+  ! read and set GRU dimensions
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! get gru dimension of whole file
+  err = nf90_inq_dimid(ncID,"gru",gruDimId);                   if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding gru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
+  err = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncID, gruDimId, len = fileGRU); if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading gru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
+  ! get hru dimension of whole file
+  err = nf90_inq_dimid(ncID,"hru",hruDimId);                   if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
+  err = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncID, hruDimId, len = fileHRU); if(err/=nf90_noerr)then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hru dimension/'//trim(nf90_strerror(err)); return; end if
+  ! check dimensions
+  if(numGRUs > fileGRU .or. numGRUs < 1) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//"numGRUs is out of range"; return; end if
+  ! *********************************************************************************************
+  ! read mapping vectors and populate mapping structures
+  ! **********************************************************************************************
+  ! allocate space for GRU indices and HRU indices
+  allocate(gru_id(fileGRU))
+  allocate(hru_ix(fileHRU),hru_id(fileHRU),hru2gru_id(fileHRU))
+  ! read gru_id from netcdf file
+  err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"gruId",varID);     if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding gruId'; return; end if
+  err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,gru_id);        if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading gruId'; return; end if
+  ! read hru_id from netcdf file
+  err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"hruId",varID);     if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hruId'; return; end if
+  err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,hru_id);        if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hruId'; return; end if
+  ! read hru2gru_id from netcdf file
+  err = nf90_inq_varid(ncID,"hru2gruId",varID); if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem finding hru2gruId'; return; end if
+  err = nf90_get_var(ncID,varID,hru2gru_id);    if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//'problem reading hru2gruId'; return; end if
+  ! array from 1 to total # of HRUs in attributes file
+  hru_ix=arth(1,1,fileHRU)
+  ! check that the mappings are not alreaday allocated
+  if (allocated(gru_struc)) then
+    deallocate(gru_struc)
+  endif
+  if (allocated(index_map)) then
+    deallocate(index_map)
+  endif
+  ! allocate first level of gru to hru mapping
+  allocate(gru_struc(numGRUs))
+  ! allocate space for the run
+  iHRU = 1
+  do iGRU = 1,numGRUs
+    if (count(hru2gru_Id == gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1)) < 1) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'problem finding HRUs belonging to GRU'; return; end if
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount          = count(hru2gru_Id == gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1))                 ! number of HRUs in each GRU
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_id            = gru_id(iGRU+startGRU-1)                                  ! set gru id
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_nc            = iGRU+startGRU-1                                          ! set gru index in the netcdf file
+    allocate(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount))                                  ! allocate second level of gru to hru map
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_nc = pack(hru_ix,hru2gru_id == gru_struc(iGRU)%gru_id)        ! set hru id in attributes netcdf file
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix = arth(iHRU,1,gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount)                    ! set index of hru in run domain
+    gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_id = hru_id(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_nc)                ! set id of hru
+    iHRU = iHRU + gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
+  end do ! iGRU = 1,nGRU
+  ! set hru to gru mapping
+  numHRUs = sum(gru_struc%hruCount)   ! Total number of HRUs
+  allocate(index_map(numHRUs))        ! allocate first level of hru to gru mapping
+  do iGRU = 1, numGRUs
+    index_map(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix)%gru_ix   = iGRU                                 ! index of gru in run domain to which the hru belongs
+    index_map(gru_struc(iGRU)%hruInfo(:)%hru_ix)%localHRU_ix = hru_ix(1:gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount)! index of hru within the gru
+  end do ! iGRU =1, numGRUs
+  deallocate(gru_id, hru_ix, hru_id, hru2gru_id)
   ! close netcdf file
- call nc_file_close(ncID,err,cmessage)
- if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+  call nc_file_close(ncID,err,cmessage)
+  if (err/=0) then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
 end subroutine read_dimension
@@ -332,6 +331,7 @@ subroutine read_attribute(indxHRU, indxGRU, attrFile, attrStruct, typeStruct, id
  ! **********************************************************************************************
  ! (5) close netcdf file
  ! **********************************************************************************************
  call nc_file_close(ncID,err,cmessage)
  if (err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
diff --git a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90 b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
index 1f51add..8173c57 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/file_access_actor/cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ subroutine ffile_info_C(indxGRU, handle_forcFileInfo, numFiles, err) bind(C, nam
 end subroutine ffile_info_C
+! THis subroutine needs to be called after the ffile_info_C subroutine
+! It might make more sense to have this in the global data inialization 
+! subroutine. But here it sits
 subroutine mDecisions_C(num_steps,err) bind(C, name='mDecisions_C')
   USE mDecisions_module,only:mDecisions ! module to read model decisions
-  USE allocspace4chm_module,only:allocLocal
-  USE globalData,only:startTime,finshTime,refTime,oldTime
-  USE globalData,only:time_meta
   implicit none
   ! dummy variables
@@ -58,17 +58,6 @@ subroutine mDecisions_C(num_steps,err) bind(C, name='mDecisions_C')
   integer(i4b)                        :: iStruct
   character(len=256)                  :: message            ! error message 
   character(LEN=256)                  :: cmessage           ! error message of downwind routine
-  ! We need to initalize these time variables for the global variables that the hrus will copy
-  ! allocate time structures
-  do iStruct=1,4
-    select case(iStruct)
-    case(1); call allocLocal(time_meta, startTime, err=err, message=cmessage)  ! start time for the model simulation
-    case(2); call allocLocal(time_meta, finshTime, err=err, message=cmessage)  ! end time for the model simulation
-    case(3); call allocLocal(time_meta, refTime,   err=err, message=cmessage)  ! reference time for the model simulation
-    case(4); call allocLocal(time_meta, oldTime,   err=err, message=cmessage)  ! time from the previous step
-    end select
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-  end do  ! looping through time structures
   call mDecisions(num_steps,err,cmessage)
@@ -449,29 +438,10 @@ subroutine FileAccessActor_DeallocateStructures(handle_forcFileInfo, handle_ncid
+  deallocate(outputStructure)
-  deallocate(startTime%var);
-  deallocate(finshTime%var);
-  deallocate(refTime%var);
-  deallocate(oldTime%var);
   if(allocated(vecTime)) then; deallocate(vecTime); endif
-  if(allocated(averageFlux_meta)) then; deallocate(averageFlux_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statForc_meta)) then; deallocate(statForc_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statProg_meta)) then; deallocate(statProg_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statDiag_meta)) then; deallocate(statDiag_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statFlux_meta)) then; deallocate(statFlux_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statIndx_meta)) then; deallocate(statIndx_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(statBvar_meta)) then; deallocate(statBvar_meta); endif
-  if(allocated(forcChild_map)) then; deallocate(forcChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(progChild_map)) then; deallocate(progChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(diagChild_map)) then; deallocate(diagChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(fluxChild_map)) then; deallocate(fluxChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(indxChild_map)) then; deallocate(indxChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(bvarChild_map)) then; deallocate(bvarChild_map); endif
-  if(allocated(childFLUX_MEAN))then; deallocate(childFLUX_MEAN);endif
-  if(allocated(gru_struc))then; deallocate(gru_struc);endif
-  if(allocated(index_map))then; deallocate(index_map);endif
 end subroutine FileAccessActor_DeallocateStructures
diff --git a/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90 b/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
index 4eb777d..fdb62f7 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
+++ b/build/source/interface/job_actor/cppwrap_job.f90
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ module cppwrap_job
   implicit none
+  public::cleanUpJobActor
+  private::allocTime
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
@@ -75,37 +77,108 @@ subroutine initGlobals(file_manager, totalGRUs, totalHRUs, numGRUs, numHRUs, sta
   ! Set the index of the start GRU
   startGRU = startGRUIndex
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! *** read the number of GRUs and HRUs
- ! *****************************************************************************
- attrFile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES)
- call read_dimension(trim(attrFile),fileGRU,fileHRU,numGRUs,numHRUs,startGRUIndex,err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then
-  message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-  print*, cmessage
-  return
- endif
- totalGRUs = fileGRU
- totalHRUs = fileHRU
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! *** read the number of snow and soil layers
- ! *****************************************************************************
- ! set restart filename and read the number of snow and soil layers from the initial conditions (restart) file
- if(STATE_PATH == '') then
-  restartFile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(MODEL_INITCOND)
- else
-  restartFile = trim(STATE_PATH)//trim(MODEL_INITCOND)
- endif
- call read_icond_nlayers(trim(restartFile),numGRUs,indx_meta,err,cmessage)
-!  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif;
- if(err/=0)then
-  message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-  print*, cmessage
+  ! *****************************************************************************
+  ! *** read the number of GRUs and HRUs
+  ! *****************************************************************************
+  attrFile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES)
+  call read_dimension(trim(attrFile),fileGRU,fileHRU,numGRUs,numHRUs,startGRUIndex,err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then
+    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+    print*, cmessage
- endif
+  endif
+  totalGRUs = fileGRU
+  totalHRUs = fileHRU
+  ! *****************************************************************************
+  ! *** read the number of snow and soil layers
+  ! *****************************************************************************
+  !  set restart filename and read the number of snow and soil layers from the initial conditions (restart) file
+  if(STATE_PATH == '') then
+    restartFile = trim(SETTINGS_PATH)//trim(MODEL_INITCOND)
+  else
+    restartFile = trim(STATE_PATH)//trim(MODEL_INITCOND)
+  endif
+  call read_icond_nlayers(trim(restartFile),numGRUs,indx_meta,err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then
+    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+    print*, cmessage
+    return
+  endif
+  ! Initalize time structures
+  call allocTime(err)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
 end subroutine initGlobals
+subroutine allocTime(err)
+  USE globalData,only:startTime,finshTime,refTime,oldTime
+  USE allocspace4chm_module,only:allocLocal
+  USE globalData,only:time_meta
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: err
+  ! local variables
+  character(len=256)              :: cmessage
+  call allocLocal(time_meta, startTime, err=err, message=cmessage)
+  call allocLocal(time_meta, finshTime, err=err, message=cmessage)
+  call allocLocal(time_meta, refTime,   err=err, message=cmessage)
+  call allocLocal(time_meta, oldTime,   err=err, message=cmessage)
+end subroutine allocTime
+subroutine cleanUpJobActor(err) bind(C, name='cleanUpJobActor')
+  USE globalData,only:structInfo                              ! information on the data structures
+  USE globalData,only:statForc_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:statProg_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:statDiag_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:statFlux_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:statIndx_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:statBvar_meta                           ! child metadata for stats
+  USE globalData,only:forcChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats forc
+  USE globalData,only:progChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats prog
+  USE globalData,only:diagChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats diag
+  USE globalData,only:fluxChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats flux
+  USE globalData,only:indxChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats indx
+  USE globalData,only:bvarChild_map                           ! index of the child data structure: stats bvar
+  USE globalData,only:gru_struc                               ! gru->hru mapping structure
+  USE globalData,only:index_map
+  USE globalData,only:startTime,finshTime,refTime,oldTime
+  USE var_lookup,only:childFLUX_MEAN                          ! look-up values for timestep-average model fluxes
+  implicit none
+  integer(c_int), intent(inout)     :: err
+  ! Deallocate Time Varaibles
+  deallocate(startTime%var);
+  deallocate(finshTime%var);
+  deallocate(refTime%var);
+  deallocate(oldTime%var);
+  if(allocated(averageFlux_meta)) then; deallocate(averageFlux_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statForc_meta)) then; deallocate(statForc_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statProg_meta)) then; deallocate(statProg_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statDiag_meta)) then; deallocate(statDiag_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statFlux_meta)) then; deallocate(statFlux_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statIndx_meta)) then; deallocate(statIndx_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(statBvar_meta)) then; deallocate(statBvar_meta); endif
+  if(allocated(forcChild_map)) then; deallocate(forcChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(progChild_map)) then; deallocate(progChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(diagChild_map)) then; deallocate(diagChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(fluxChild_map)) then; deallocate(fluxChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(indxChild_map)) then; deallocate(indxChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(bvarChild_map)) then; deallocate(bvarChild_map); endif
+  if(allocated(childFLUX_MEAN))then; deallocate(childFLUX_MEAN);endif
+  if(allocated(gru_struc))then; deallocate(gru_struc);endif
+  if(allocated(index_map))then; deallocate(index_map);endif
+end subroutine cleanUpJobActor
 end module cppwrap_job
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/interface/job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h b/build/source/interface/job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h
index e56ce6c..8326cb0 100644
--- a/build/source/interface/job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h
+++ b/build/source/interface/job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ extern "C" {
     void initGlobals(char const*str1, int* totalGRUs, int* totalHRUs, 
         int* numGRUs, int* numHRUs, int* startGRUIndex, int* err);
+    void cleanUpJobActor(int* err);
diff --git a/build/source/testing/Test/HRUTest.h b/build/source/testing/Test/HRUTest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e30de4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/testing/Test/HRUTest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#ifndef HRUTEST_H_
+#define HRUTEST_H_
+#include "caf/all.hpp"
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/interface/fortran_dataTypes.h"
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/interface/hru_actor/hru_subroutine_wrappers.h"
+#include "messageAtoms.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/actors/global.h"
+using namespace caf;
+struct hru_state {
+	// Actor References
+	caf::actor file_access_actor;
+	caf::actor parent;
+    // Info about which HRU we are and our indexes
+    // into global structures in Fortran
+    int indxHRU; 	    // index for hru part of derived types in FORTRAN
+    int indxGRU; 		// index for gru part of derived types in FORTRAN
+    int refGRU;			// The actual ID of the GRU we are
+    // Variables for output/forcing structures
+    int outputStrucSize;
+	int outputStep;
+	int stepsInCurrentFFile;
+	int forcingFileStep;
+	int currentForcingFile = 1;
+    // statistics structures
+    void *handle_forcStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model forcing data	
+    void *handle_progStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model prognostic (state) variables                   
+    void *handle_diagStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model diagnostic variables                  
+    void *handle_fluxStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model fluxes                 
+    void *handle_indxStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model indices            
+    void *handle_bvarStat = new_handle_var_dlength();	// basin-average variables  
+    // primary data structures (scalars)
+    void *handle_timeStruct = new_handle_var_i();       // model time data
+    void *handle_forcStruct = new_handle_var_d();       // model forcing data
+    void *handle_attrStruct = new_handle_var_d();       // local attributes for each HRU
+    void *handle_typeStruct = new_handle_var_i();       // local classification of soil veg etc. for each HRU
+    void *handle_idStruct   = new_handle_var_i8();		
+    // primary data structures (variable length vectors)
+    void *handle_indxStruct = new_handle_var_ilength();	// model indices
+    void *handle_mparStruct = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model parameters
+    void *handle_progStruct = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model prognostic (state) variables
+    void *handle_diagStruct = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model diagnostic variables
+    void *handle_fluxStruct = new_handle_var_dlength();	// model fluxes
+	// basin-average structures
+    void *handle_bparStruct = new_handle_var_d();		// basin-average parameters
+    void *handle_bvarStruct = new_handle_var_dlength(); // basin-average variables
+    // ancillary data structures
+    void *handle_dparStruct = new_handle_var_d();		// default model parameters
+   // Local hru data
+    void *handle_ncid = new_handle_var_i();             // output file ids
+    void *handle_statCounter = new_handle_var_i();
+    void *handle_outputTimeStep = new_handle_var_i();
+    void *handle_resetStats = new_handle_flagVec();
+    void *handle_finalizeStats = new_handle_flagVec();
+    void *handle_oldTime = new_handle_var_i();
+    void *handle_refTime = new_handle_var_i();
+    void *handle_finshTime = new_handle_var_i();
+    void *handle_startTime = new_handle_var_i();
+    // Misc Variables
+	int 		timestep = 1;	    // Current Timestep of HRU simulation
+    int         computeVegFlux;     // flag to indicate if we are computing fluxes over vegetation
+    double      dt_init;            // used to initialize the length of the sub-step for each HRU
+    double		upArea;             // area upslope of each HRU
+    int         num_steps = 0;      // number of time steps
+    int         forcingStep;    // index of current time step in current forcing file
+    int         iFile;          // index of current forcing file from forcing file list
+    int         dt_init_factor = 1; // factor of dt_init (coupled_em)
+    bool        printOutput;
+    int         outputFrequency;
+    // Julian Day variables
+    double      fracJulDay;
+    double      tmZoneOffsetFracDay;
+    int         yearLength;
+    int         err = 0;			            // error conotrol
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end;
+    double duration = 0.0;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> initStart;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> initEnd;
+    double initDuration = 0.0;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> forcingStart;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> forcingEnd;
+    double forcingDuration = 0.0;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> runPhysicsStart;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> runPhysicsEnd;
+    double runPhysicsDuration = 0.0;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> writeOutputStart;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> writeOutputEnd;
+    double writeOutputDuration = 0.0;
+ * @brief Get the settings from the settings JSON file
+ * 
+ * @param self Actor State
+ * @param configPath Path to the directory that contains the settings file
+ */
+void parseSettings(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, std::string configPath);
+ Function to initalize the HRU for running
+ */
+void Initialize_HRU(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+ Function runs all of the hru time_steps
+ */
+int Run_HRU(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+bool check_HRU(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int err);
+void initalizeTimeVars(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+void finalizeTimeVars(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+void deallocateHRUStructures(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+void printOutput(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self);
+ * @brief HRU Actor is reponsible for carrying out the computation component of SUMMA
+ * 
+ * @param self The Actor Ref
+ * @param refGRU The GRU we are computing in reference to the forcingFile
+ * @param indxGRU The GRU we are computing's index in gru_struc
+ * @param parent 
+ * @return behavior 
+ */
+behavior hru_actor(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int refGRU, int indxGRU,
+    std::string configPath,
+    int outputStrucSize, caf::actor parent) {
+    // Timing Information
+    self->state.start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    self->state.duration            = 0.0;
+    self->state.initDuration        = 0.0;
+    // Actor References
+    self->state.parent      = parent;
+    // Indexes into global structures
+    self->state.indxHRU     = 1;
+    self->state.indxGRU     = indxGRU;
+    self->state.refGRU      = refGRU;
+    // OutputStructure Size (how many timesteps we can compute before we need to write)
+    self->state.outputStrucSize = outputStrucSize;
+    // initialize counters 
+    self->state.timestep   = 1;     // Timestep of total simulation
+    self->state.outputStep = 1;     // Index of the output structure
+    self->state.forcingStep = 1;    // Index into the forcing file
+    self->state.iFile = 1;
+    Initialize_HRU(self);
+    DeallocateStructures(self->state.handle_forcStat, 
+        self->state.handle_progStat,
+        self->state.handle_diagStat,
+        self->state.handle_fluxStat,
+        self->state.handle_indxStat,
+        self->state.handle_bvarStat,
+        self->state.handle_timeStruct,
+        self->state.handle_forcStruct,
+        self->state.handle_attrStruct,
+        self->state.handle_typeStruct,
+        self->state.handle_idStruct,
+        self->state.handle_indxStruct,
+        self->state.handle_mparStruct,
+        self->state.handle_progStruct,
+        self->state.handle_diagStruct,
+        self->state.handle_fluxStruct,
+        self->state.handle_bparStruct,
+        self->state.handle_bvarStruct,
+        self->state.handle_dparStruct,
+        self->state.handle_startTime,
+        self->state.handle_finshTime,
+        self->state.handle_refTime,
+        self->state.handle_oldTime,
+        self->state.handle_ncid,
+        self->state.handle_statCounter,
+        self->state.handle_outputTimeStep,
+        self->state.handle_resetStats,
+        self->state.handle_finalizeStats,
+        &self->state.err);
+    self->state.end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    self->state.duration += calculateTime(self->state.start, self->state.end);
+    self->send(self->state.parent, done_init_hru_v);
+    return {
+    };
+    /*********************************************************************************************************
+     *********************************** END ACTOR MESSAGE HANDLERS ******************************************
+     *********************************************************************************************************/
+void Initialize_HRU(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self) {
+    self->state.initStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    // aout(self) << "Initalizing HRU" << std::endl;
+    aout(self) << "Entering Initalize \n"; 
+    Initialize(&self->state.indxGRU,
+            &self->state.num_steps, 
+            self->state.handle_forcStat, 
+            self->state.handle_progStat, 
+            self->state.handle_diagStat, 
+            self->state.handle_fluxStat, 
+            self->state.handle_indxStat, 
+            self->state.handle_bvarStat, 
+            self->state.handle_timeStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_forcStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_attrStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_typeStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_idStruct,
+            self->state.handle_indxStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_mparStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_progStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_diagStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_fluxStruct,
+            self->state.handle_bparStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_bvarStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_dparStruct, 
+            self->state.handle_startTime, 
+            self->state.handle_finshTime, 
+            self->state.handle_refTime,
+            self->state.handle_oldTime, &self->state.err);
+    if (self->state.err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "Error: Initialize - HRU = " << self->state.indxHRU << 
+        " - indxGRU = " << self->state.indxGRU << " - refGRU = "<< self->state.refGRU << std::endl;
+        aout(self) << "Error = " << self->state.err << "\n";
+        self->quit();
+        return;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h b/build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2630777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#ifndef JOBTEST_H_
+#define JOBTEST_H_
+#include "caf/all.hpp"
+#include "caf/io/all.hpp"
+#include "string.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/interface/job_actor/job_subroutine_wrappers.h"
+#include "HRUTest.h"
+#include <chrono>
+#include "messageAtoms.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/actors/global.h"
+struct job_state {
+    // Actor References
+    caf::actor parent;            // actor reference to the top-level SummaActor
+    // Job Parameters
+    int startGRU;                 // Starting GRU for this job
+    int numGRU;                   // Number of GRUs for this job
+    std::string configPath;
+    std::string fileManager;      // Path of the fileManager.txt file
+    // Variables for GRU monitoring
+    int dt_init_start_factor = 1;   // Initial Factor for dt_init (coupled_em)
+    int maxRunAttempts = 3;         // Max number of attemtps to solve a GRU
+    int numGRUDone = 0;             // The number of GRUs that have completed
+    int GRUInit = 0;                // Number of GRUs initalized 
+    int err = 0;                    // Error Code
+    int numGRUFailed = 0;           // Number of GRUs that have failed
+    int outputStrucSize;
+    // Timing Variables
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> end;
+    double duration;
+    // Output File Names for Timings
+    bool outputCSV;
+    std::string csvOut;
+    std::string csvPath;
+    std::string successOutputFile;
+    std::string failedOutputFile = "failedHRU";
+    std::string fileAccessActorStats = "fileAccessActor.csv";
+int parseSettings(stateful_actor<job_state>* self, std::string configPath);
+void initJob(stateful_actor<job_state>* self);
+void initalizeGRU(stateful_actor<job_state>* self);
+void runGRUs(stateful_actor<job_state>* self);
+void restartFailures(stateful_actor<job_state>* self);
+behavior job_actor(stateful_actor<job_state>* self) {
+    self->state.start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
+    // Set Job Variables
+    self->state.startGRU = 1;
+    self->state.numGRU = 500;
+    self->state.configPath = "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/config";
+    self->state.outputStrucSize = 100;
+    self->state.fileManager = "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt";
+    // Initalize global variables
+    initJob(self);
+    // // spawn HRU test actor
+    auto gru = self->spawn(hru_actor, 1, 1, 
+        self->state.configPath, 
+        self->state.outputStrucSize, self);
+    return {
+        [=](done_init_hru) {
+            // Dealocate the structure
+            aout(self) << "Received done from HRU\n";
+            int err = 0;
+            cleanUpJobActor(&err);
+        }
+    };
+void initJob(stateful_actor<job_state>* self) {
+    std::string success = "Success"; // allows us to build the string
+    int totalGRUs           = 0;
+    int totalHRUs           = 0;
+    int numHRUs             = 0;
+    int err                 = 0;
+    // aout(self) << "Initalizing Globals \n";
+    initGlobals(self->state.fileManager.c_str(), 
+        &totalGRUs,    
+        &totalHRUs, 
+        &self->state.numGRU, 
+        &numHRUs,
+        &self->state.startGRU, 
+        &err);
+    if (err != 0) {
+        aout(self) << "Error: initGlobals" << std::endl;
+        self->quit();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/testing/Test/makefile b/build/source/testing/Test/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a7eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/testing/Test/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+F_MASTER = /home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors
+FC = gfortran
+CC = g++
+INCLUDES = -I/usr/include
+LIBRARIES = -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lopenblas
+ACTORS_INCLUDES = -I/home/k13nk/actorLib/include
+ACTORS_LIBRARIES = -L/home/k13nk/actorLib/lib \
+-L/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/testing/Test/ \
+-lcaf_core -lcaf_io -lsumma -lnetcdff -lopenblas
+# # Debug runs
+FLAGS_NOAH = -p -g -O0 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -fPIC
+FLAGS_COMM = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+FLAGS_SUMMA = -p -g -O0 -Wall -ffree-line-length-none -fmax-errors=0 -fbacktrace -fcheck=bounds -fPIC
+FLAGS_ACTORS = -g -O0 -Wall
+# PART 1: Define directory paths
+# Core directory that contains source code
+F_KORE_DIR = $(F_MASTER)/build/source
+# Location of the compiled modules
+MOD_PATH = $(F_MASTER)/build
+# Define the directory for the executables
+# Define directories
+DRIVER_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/driver
+HOOKUP_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/hookup
+NETCDF_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/netcdf
+DSHARE_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/dshare
+NUMREC_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/numrec
+NOAHMP_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/noah-mp
+ENGINE_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/engine
+INTERFACE_DIR = $(F_KORE_DIR)/interface
+FILE_ACCESS_DIR = $(INTERFACE_DIR)/file_access_actor
+#  utilities
+		nrtype.f90 \
+		f2008funcs.f90 \
+		nr_utility.f90
+NRUTIL = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_NRUTIL))
+# Numerical recipes procedures
+# NOTE: all numerical recipes procedures are now replaced with free versions
+		expIntegral.f90 \
+		spline_int.f90
+NRPROC = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_NRPROC))
+# Hook-up modules (set files and directory paths)
+		ascii_util.f90 \
+		summaActors_FileManager.f90
+HOOKUP = $(patsubst %, $(HOOKUP_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_HOOKUP))
+# Data modules
+		multiconst.f90 \
+		var_lookup.f90 \
+		data_types.f90 \
+		globalData.f90 \
+		flxMapping.f90 \
+		get_ixname.f90 \
+		popMetadat.f90 \
+		outpt_stat.f90
+DATAMS = $(patsubst %, $(DSHARE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_DATAMS))
+# utility modules
+		time_utils.f90 \
+		mDecisions.f90 \
+		snow_utils.f90 \
+		soil_utils.f90 \
+		updatState.f90 \
+		matrixOper.f90
+UTILMS = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_UTILMS))
+# Model guts
+		MODGUT = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_MODGUT))
+# Solver
+		vegPhenlgy.f90 \
+		diagn_evar.f90 \
+		stomResist.f90 \
+		groundwatr.f90 \
+		vegSWavRad.f90 \
+		vegNrgFlux.f90 \
+		ssdNrgFlux.f90 \
+		vegLiqFlux.f90 \
+		snowLiqFlx.f90 \
+		soilLiqFlx.f90 \
+		bigAquifer.f90 \
+		computFlux.f90 \
+		computResid.f90 \
+		computJacob.f90 \
+		eval8summa.f90 \
+		summaSolve.f90 \
+		systemSolv.f90 \
+		varSubstep.f90 \
+		opSplittin.f90 \
+		coupled_em.f90
+SOLVER = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_SOLVER))
+# Interface code for Fortran-C++
+		cppwrap_datatypes.f90 \
+		cppwrap_auxiliary.f90 \
+		cppwrap_metadata.f90 \
+		initOutputStruc.f90 \
+		deallocateOutputStruc.f90 \
+		cppwrap_fileAccess.f90
+		cppwrap_job.f90
+		cppwrap_hru.f90
+# Define routines for SUMMA preliminaries
+		conv_funcs.f90 \
+		sunGeomtry.f90 \
+		convE2Temp.f90 \
+		allocspaceActors.f90 \
+		alloc_file_access.f90\
+		checkStruc.f90 \
+		childStruc.f90 \
+		ffile_info.f90 \
+		read_attribute.f90 \
+		read_pinit.f90 \
+		pOverwrite.f90 \
+		read_paramActors.f90 \
+		paramCheck.f90 \
+		check_icondActors.f90 \
+		# allocspace.f90
+PRELIM = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_PRELIM))
+		module_model_constants.F \
+		module_sf_noahutl.F \
+		module_sf_noahlsm.F \
+		module_sf_noahmplsm.F
+NOAHMP = $(patsubst %, $(NOAHMP_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_NOAHMP))
+# Define routines for the SUMMA model runs
+		indexState.f90 \
+		getVectorz.f90 \
+		updateVars.f90 \
+		var_derive.f90 \
+		read_forcingActors.f90 \
+		access_forcing.f90\
+		access_write.f90 \
+		derivforce.f90 \
+		snowAlbedo.f90 \
+		canopySnow.f90 \
+		tempAdjust.f90 \
+		snwCompact.f90 \
+		layerMerge.f90 \
+		layerDivide.f90 \
+		volicePack.f90 \
+		qTimeDelay.f90
+MODRUN = $(patsubst %, $(ENGINE_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_MODRUN))
+# Define NetCDF routines
+# OutputStrucWrite is not a netcdf subroutine and should be
+# moved
+		netcdf_util.f90 \
+		def_output.f90 \
+		outputStrucWrite.f90 \
+		writeOutput.f90	\
+		read_icondActors.f90
+NETCDF = $(patsubst %, $(NETCDF_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_NETCDF))
+# ... stitch together common programs
+# ... stitch together SUMMA programs
+# Define the driver routine
+		summaActors_type.f90 \
+		summaActors_util.f90 \
+		summaActors_globalData.f90 \
+		summaActors_init.f90 \
+		SummaActors_setup.f90 \
+		summaActors_restart.f90 \
+		summaActors_forcing.f90 \
+		SummaActors_modelRun.f90 \
+		summaActors_alarms.f90 \
+		summaActors_wOutputStruc.f90
+DRIVER = $(patsubst %, $(DRIVER_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_DRIVER))
+ACTORC = $(F_KORE_DIR)/testing/Test/
+ACTOR_TEST = $(F_KORE_DIR)/testing/
+# PART 3: compilation
+# Compile
+all: lib main
+lib: compile_noah compile_comm compile_summa link clean
+main: actors actorsLink actorsClean
+test: actors_test actors_testLink actorsClean
+# compile Noah-MP routines
+# compile common routines
+# compile SUMMA routines
+# generate library
+	$(FC) -shared *.o -o  
+# compile the c++ portion of SummaActors
+	$(CC) $(FLAGS_ACTORS) -c $(ACTORC) -std=c++17 $(ACTORS_INCLUDES)
+	$(CC) -o summaMain *.o $(ACTORS_LIBRARIES)
+	$(CC) -o summaTest *.o $(ACTORS_LIBRARIES)
+	rm *.o
+# Remove object files
+	rm -f *.o *.mod soil_veg_gen_parm__genmod.f90
+	rm *.so
diff --git a/build/source/testing/Test/messageAtoms.h b/build/source/testing/Test/messageAtoms.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f72dcc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/testing/Test/messageAtoms.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+CAF_BEGIN_TYPE_ID_BLOCK(summaTest, first_custom_type_id)
+    CAF_ADD_ATOM(summaTest, done_init_hru)
diff --git a/build/source/testing/Test/ b/build/source/testing/Test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ff3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/source/testing/Test/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "caf/all.hpp"
+#include "caf/io/all.hpp"
+#include "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/Summa-Actors/build/source/testing/Test/JobTest.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "messageAtoms.h"
+#include <bits/stdc++.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace caf;
+void caf_main(actor_system& sys) {
+    scoped_actor self{sys};
+    // start SUMMA
+   auto job = self->spawn(job_actor);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest1.txt b/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fdb800..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  file manager version 
-simStartTime         '1979-01-01 00:00' ! 
-simEndTime           '1979-01-31 23:00' ! 
-tmZoneInfo           'utcTime' ! 
-settingsPath         '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/settings/SUMMA/' ! 
-forcingPath          '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/forcing/SummaChunkedData/' !           
-outputPath           '/scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/summaActors/netcdf/' ! 
-decisionsFile        'modelDecisions.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath
-outputControlFile    'outputControl.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalHruParamFile   'localParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalGruParamFile   'basinParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPatho 
-attributeFile        '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-trialParamFile       '' ! Relative to settingsPath
-forcingListFile      'forcingTest1.txt' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-initConditionFile    '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-outFilePrefix        'SummaActors' ! 
-vegTableFile         'TBL_VEGPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-soilTableFile        'TBL_SOILPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-generalTableFile     'TBL_GENPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-noahmpTableFile      'TBL_MPTABLE.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
diff --git a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest2.txt b/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ed7f9e..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  file manager version 
-simStartTime         '1979-01-01 00:00' ! 
-simEndTime           '1979-02-28 23:00' ! 
-tmZoneInfo           'utcTime' ! 
-settingsPath         '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/settings/SUMMA/' ! 
-forcingPath          '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/forcing/SummaChunkedData/' !           
-outputPath           '/scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/summaActors/netcdf/' ! 
-decisionsFile        'modelDecisions.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath
-outputControlFile    'outputControl.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalHruParamFile   'localParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalGruParamFile   'basinParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPatho 
-attributeFile        '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-trialParamFile       '' ! Relative to settingsPath
-forcingListFile      'forcingTest2.txt' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-initConditionFile    '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-outFilePrefix        'SummaActors' ! 
-vegTableFile         'TBL_VEGPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-soilTableFile        'TBL_SOILPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-generalTableFile     'TBL_GENPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-noahmpTableFile      'TBL_MPTABLE.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
diff --git a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest3.txt b/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a32c24e..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/fileManagerTest3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  file manager version 
-simStartTime         '1979-01-01 00:00' ! 
-simEndTime           '1979-05-31 23:00' ! 
-tmZoneInfo           'utcTime' ! 
-settingsPath         '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/settings/SUMMA/' ! 
-forcingPath          '/project/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/domain_NorthAmerica/forcing/SummaChunkedData/' !           
-outputPath           '/scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/summaActors/netcdf/' ! 
-decisionsFile        'modelDecisions.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath
-outputControlFile    'outputControl.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalHruParamFile   'localParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPath 
-globalGruParamFile   'basinParamInfo.txt' !  Relative to settingsPatho 
-attributeFile        '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-trialParamFile       '' ! Relative to settingsPath
-forcingListFile      'forcingTest3.txt' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-initConditionFile    '' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-outFilePrefix        'SummaActors' ! 
-vegTableFile         'TBL_VEGPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-soilTableFile        'TBL_SOILPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-generalTableFile     'TBL_GENPARM.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
-noahmpTableFile      'TBL_MPTABLE.TBL' ! Relative to settingsPath 
diff --git a/build/source/testing/forcingTest1.txt b/build/source/testing/forcingTest1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3cedd..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/forcingTest1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/source/testing/forcingTest2.txt b/build/source/testing/forcingTest2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 35caa21..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/forcingTest2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/testing/forcingTest3.txt b/build/source/testing/forcingTest3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d82b1a..0000000
--- a/build/source/testing/forcingTest3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/source/testing/ b/build/source/testing/
index f77700e..74ea6a3 100644
--- a/build/source/testing/
+++ b/build/source/testing/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ bool calcTimeTest(int sleepTime) {
     end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
     duration = calculateTime(start, end);
     if (duration != sleepTime) {
-        std::cout << "Error: calculatTime, value is " << duration << std::endl; 
+        std::cout << "Error: calculateTime, value is " << duration << std::endl; 
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
diff --git a/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
index 5011998..b20a2ee 100644
--- a/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
+++ b/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
     "SummaActor": {
         "OuputStrucureSize": 250,
-        "maxGRUPerJob": 500
+        "maxGRUPerJob": 1
     "JobActor": {
-        "FileManagerPath": "",
+        "FileManagerPath": "/home/k13nk/SummaProject/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
         "outputCSV": false,
         "csvPath": ""
     "HRUActor": {
         "printOutput": true,
-        "outputFrequency": 100000
+        "outputFrequency": 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/ b/utils/netcdf/
index 399bf81..f476a53 100644
--- a/utils/netcdf/
+++ b/utils/netcdf/
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ varList = [time, scalarSWE, scalarCanopyWat, scalarAquiferStorage, scalarTotalSo
     scalarTotalET, scalarTotalRunoff, scalarNetRadiation]
 filename = "out.txt"
-originalPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaOriginal/Apr-13-2022/')
-actorsPath = Path('/u1/kck540/output/SummaActors/Apr-13-2022/')
+originalPath = Path('/home/k13nk/SummaProject/output/originalBench/')
+actorsPath = Path('/home/k13nk/SummaProject/output/testOutput/')
 originalDataset = xr.open_dataset(originalPath)
 actorsDataset = xr.open_dataset(actorsPath)