diff --git a/build/source/engine/soilLiqFlx.f90 b/build/source/engine/soilLiqFlx.f90
index 06cf0bfcba9f4307315cc24ef2013ceb954fc1a3..520e9c37626e7f5288faae9c5b7bd7fb1ad5eb3f 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/soilLiqFlx.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/soilLiqFlx.f90
@@ -19,384 +19,376 @@
 ! along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 module soilLiqFlx_module
-    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! data types
-    USE nrtype
-    USE data_types,only:var_d                  ! x%var(:)       (rkind)
-    USE data_types,only:var_ilength            ! x%var(:)%dat   (i4b)
-    USE data_types,only:var_dlength            ! x%var(:)%dat   (rkind)
-    ! missing values
-    USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-    USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing real number
-    ! physical constants
-    USE multiconst,only:&
-                        LH_fus,  & ! latent heat of fusion         (J kg-1)
-                        LH_vap,  & ! latent heat of vaporization   (J kg-1)
-                        LH_sub,  & ! latent heat of sublimation    (J kg-1)
-                        gravity, & ! gravitational acceleteration  (m s-2)
-                        Tfreeze, & ! freezing point of pure water  (K)
-                        iden_air,& ! intrinsic density of air      (kg m-3)
-                        iden_ice,& ! intrinsic density of ice      (kg m-3)
-                        iden_water ! intrinsic density of water    (kg m-3)
-    ! named variables
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG              ! named variables for structure elements
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG              ! named variables for structure elements
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX              ! named variables for structure elements
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM             ! named variables for structure elements
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX             ! named variables for structure elements
-    ! model decisions
-    USE globalData,only:model_decisions        ! model decision structure
-    USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS         ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
-    ! provide access to look-up values for model decisions
-    USE mDecisions_module,only:  &
-     ! look-up values for method used to compute derivative
-     numerical,                  & ! numerical solution
-     analytical,                 & ! analytical solution
-     ! look-up values for the form of Richards' equation
-     moisture,                   & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-     mixdform,                   & ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-     ! look-up values for the type of hydraulic conductivity profile
-     constant,                   & ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
-     powerLaw_profile,           & ! power-law profile
-     ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
-     qbaseTopmodel,              & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
-     bigBucket,                  & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
-     noExplicit,                 & ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-     ! look-up values for the choice of boundary conditions for hydrology
-     prescribedHead,             & ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
-     funcBottomHead,             & ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
-     freeDrainage,               & ! free drainage
-     liquidFlux,                 & ! liquid water flux
-     zeroFlux                      ! zero flux
-    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    implicit none
-    private
-    public::soilLiqFlx
-    ! constant parameters
-    real(rkind),parameter     :: verySmall=1.e-12_rkind       ! a very small number (used to avoid divide by zero)
-    real(rkind),parameter     :: dx=1.e-8_rkind               ! finite difference increment
-    contains
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     ! public subroutine soilLiqFlx: compute liquid water fluxes and their derivatives
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     subroutine soilLiqFlx(&
-                           ! input: model control
-                           nSoil,                        & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
-                           doInfiltrate,                 & ! intent(in): flag to compute infiltration
-                           scalarSolution,               & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                           deriv_desired,                & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                           ! input: trial state variables
-                           mLayerTempTrial,              & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
-                           mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,     & ! intent(in): liquid matric head (m)
-                           mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                           mLayerVolFracIceTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                           ! input: pre-computed derivatives
-                           mLayerdTheta_dTk,             & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                           dPsiLiq_dTemp,                & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                           dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-                           dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                           dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                           dCanopyTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                           above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,       & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-                           above_soildLiq_dTk,           & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-                           above_soilFracLiq,            & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
-                           ! input: fluxes
-                           scalarCanopyTranspiration,    & ! intent(in): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-                           scalarGroundEvaporation,      & ! intent(in): ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
-                           scalarRainPlusMelt,           & ! intent(in): rain plus melt (m s-1)
-                           ! input-output: data structures
-                           mpar_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                           indx_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model indices
-                           prog_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                           diag_data,                    & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                           flux_data,                    & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                           ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
-                           xMaxInfilRate,                & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-                           scalarInfilArea,              & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-                           scalarFrozenArea,             & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-                           scalarSurfaceRunoff,          & ! intent(out): surface runoff (m s-1)
-                           ! output: diagnostic variables for model layers
-                           mLayerdTheta_dPsi,            & ! intent(out): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-                           mLayerdPsi_dTheta,            & ! intent(out): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-                           dHydCond_dMatric,             & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-                           ! output: fluxes
-                           scalarSurfaceInfiltration,    & ! intent(out): surface infiltration rate (m s-1)
-                           iLayerLiqFluxSoil,            & ! intent(out): liquid fluxes at layer interfaces (m s-1)
-                           mLayerTranspire,              & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
-                           mLayerHydCond,                & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. hydrology state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           dq_dHydStateAbove,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above (m s-1)
-                           dq_dHydStateBelow,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer below (m s-1)
-                           dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec,     & ! intent(out): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateAbove,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateBelow,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec,     & ! intent(out): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-                           mLayerdTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-                           mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-                           mLayerdTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-                           mLayerdTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
-                           ! output: error control
-                           err,message)                    ! intent(out): error control
-     ! utility modules
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead      ! compute matric head (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dPsi     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCondMP_liq   ! compute hydraulic conductivity of macropores as a function of volumetric liquid water content
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     implicit none
-     ! input: model control
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nSoil                         ! number of soil layers
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: doInfiltrate                  ! flag to compute infiltration
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: deriv_desired                 ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-     ! input: trial model state variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerTempTrial(:)            ! temperature in each layer at the current iteration (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)   ! liquid matric head in each layer at the current iteration (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of ice at the current iteration (-)
-     ! input: pre-computed derivatves
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerdTheta_dTk(:)           ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dPsiLiq_dTemp(:)              ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dCanWat          ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanair         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTGround         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv        ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soildLiq_dTk            ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soilFracLiq             ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
-     ! input: model fluxes
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarCanopyTranspiration     ! canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarGroundEvaporation       ! ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarRainPlusMelt            ! rain plus melt (m s-1)
-     ! input-output: data structures
-     type(var_dlength),intent(in)        :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
-     type(var_ilength),intent(in)        :: indx_data                     ! state vector geometry
-     type(var_dlength),intent(in)        :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-     type(var_dlength),intent(inout)     :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-     type(var_dlength),intent(inout)     :: flux_data                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-     ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: xMaxInfilRate                 ! maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarInfilArea               ! fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarFrozenArea              ! fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarSurfaceRunoff           ! surface runoff (m s-1)
-     ! output: diagnostic variables for each layer
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTheta_dPsi(:)          ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:)          ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dHydCond_dMatric(:)           ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-     ! output: liquid fluxes
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarSurfaceInfiltration     ! surface infiltration rate (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0:)         ! liquid flux at soil layer interfaces (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerTranspire(:)            ! transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerHydCond(:)              ! hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables in the layer above and layer below (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateAbove(0:)         ! derivative in the flux in layer interfaces w.r.t. state variables in the layer above
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateBelow(0:)         ! derivative in the flux in layer interfaces w.r.t. state variables in the layer below
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(0:)  ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateAbove(0:)         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateBelow(0:)         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec(0:)  ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. temperature in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTCanair(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTGround(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dCanWat(:)       ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
-     ! output: error control
-     integer(i4b),intent(out)         :: err                           ! error code
-     character(*),intent(out)         :: message                       ! error message
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! local variables: general
-     character(LEN=256)               :: cmessage                     ! error message of downwind routine
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ibeg,iend                    ! start and end indices of the soil layers in concatanated snow-soil vector
-     logical(lgt)                     :: desireAnal                   ! flag to identify if analytical derivatives are desired
-     integer(i4b)                     :: iLayer,iSoil                 ! index of soil layer
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixLayerDesired(1)            ! layer desired (scalar solution)
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixTop                        ! top layer in subroutine call
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixBot                        ! bottom layer in subroutine call
-     ! additional variables to compute numerical derivatives
-     integer(i4b)                     :: nFlux                        ! number of flux calculations required (>1 = numerical derivatives with one-sided finite differences)
-     integer(i4b)                     :: itry                         ! index of different flux calculations
-     integer(i4b),parameter           :: unperturbed=0                ! named variable to identify the case of unperturbed state variables
-     integer(i4b),parameter           :: perturbState=1               ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state in the current layer
-     integer(i4b),parameter           :: perturbStateAbove=2          ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state layer above
-     integer(i4b),parameter           :: perturbStateBelow=3          ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state layer below
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixPerturb                    ! index of element in 2-element vector to perturb
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixOriginal                   ! index of perturbed element in the original vector
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarVolFracLiqTrial        ! trial value of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial     ! trial value of liquid matric head (m)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondMicro           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity of micropores (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondMacro           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity of macropores (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux                   ! vertical flux (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux_dStateAbove       ! vertical flux with perturbation to the state above (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux_dStateBelow       ! vertical flux with perturbation to the state below (m s-1)
-     ! transpiration sink term
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: mLayerTranspireFrac          ! fraction of transpiration allocated to each soil layer (-)
-     ! diagnostic variables
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: iceImpedeFac                 ! ice impedence factor at layer mid-points (-)
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: mLayerDiffuse                ! diffusivity at layer mid-point (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: dHydCond_dVolLiq             ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq             ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)        :: dHydCond_dTemp               ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)      :: iLayerHydCond                ! hydraulic conductivity at layer interface (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)      :: iLayerDiffuse                ! diffusivity at layer interface (m2 s-1)
-     ! compute surface flux
-     integer(i4b)                     :: nRoots                       ! number of soil layers with roots
-     integer(i4b)                     :: ixIce                        ! index of the lowest soil layer that contains ice
-     real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)      :: iLayerHeight                 ! height of the layer interfaces (m)
-     ! compute fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces
-     real(rkind),dimension(2)            :: vectorVolFracLiqTrial        ! trial value of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     real(rkind),dimension(2)            :: vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial     ! trial value of liquid matric head (m)
-     real(rkind),dimension(2)            :: vectorHydCondTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),dimension(2)            :: vectorDiffuseTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic diffusivity (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind)                         :: scalardPsi_dTheta            ! derivative in soil water characteristix, used for perturbations when computing numerical derivatives
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! initialize error control
-     err=0; message='soilLiqFlx/'
-     ! get indices for the data structures
-     ibeg = indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1) + 1
-     iend = indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1) + indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)
-     ! get a copy of iLayerHeight
-     ! NOTE: performance hit, though cannot define the shape (0:) with the associate construct
-     iLayerHeight(0:nSoil) = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%iLayerHeight)%dat(ibeg-1:iend)  ! height of the layer interfaces (m)
-     ! make association between local variables and the information in the data structures
-     associate(&
-      ! input: model control
-      ixDerivMethod          => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%fDerivMeth)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the method used to calculate flux derivatives
-      ixRichards             => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%f_Richards)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the form of Richards' equation
-      ixBcUpperSoilHydrology => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%bcUpprSoiH)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-      ixBcLowerSoilHydrology => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%bcLowrSoiH)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
-      ! input: model indices
-      ixMatricHead           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMatricHead)%dat,             & ! intent(in): indices of soil layers where matric head is the state variable
-      ixSoilOnlyHyd          => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat,            & ! intent(in): index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the soil domain
-      ! input: model coordinate variables -- NOTE: use of ibeg and iend
-      mLayerDepth            => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat(ibeg:iend),    & ! intent(in): depth of the layer (m)
-      mLayerHeight           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerHeight)%dat(ibeg:iend),   & ! intent(in): height of the layer mid-point (m)
-      ! input: upper boundary conditions
-      upperBoundHead         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%upperBoundHead)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition for matric head (m)
-      upperBoundTheta        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTheta)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
-      ! input: lower boundary conditions
-      lowerBoundHead         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundHead)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition for matric head (m)
-      lowerBoundTheta        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTheta)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
-      ! input: vertically variable soil parameters
-      vGn_m                  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarVGn_m)%dat,               & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-      vGn_n                  => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_n)%dat,                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-      vGn_alpha              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_alpha)%dat,                & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-      theta_sat              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat,                & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-      theta_res              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat,                & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-      ! input: vertically constant soil parameters
-      wettingFrontSuction    => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%wettingFrontSuction)%dat(1),   & ! intent(in): Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
-      rootingDepth           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%rootingDepth)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): rooting depth (m)
-      kAnisotropic           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%kAnisotropic)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
-      zScale_TOPMODEL        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%zScale_TOPMODEL)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
-      qSurfScale             => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%qSurfScale)%dat(1),            & ! intent(in): scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
-      f_impede               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%f_impede)%dat(1),              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor (-)
-      soilIceScale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%soilIceScale)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction (m)
-      soilIceCV              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%soilIceCV)%dat(1),             & ! intent(in): CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction (-)
-      theta_mp               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_mp)%dat(1),              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
-      mpExp                  => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%mpExp)%dat(1),                 & ! intent(in): empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
-      ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
-      mLayerSatHydCondMP     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCondMP)%dat,        & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of each layer (m s-1)
-      mLayerSatHydCond       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCond)%dat,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of each layer (m s-1)
-      iLayerSatHydCond       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerSatHydCond)%dat,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the interface of each layer (m s-1)
-      ! input: factors limiting transpiration (from vegFlux routine)
-      mLayerRootDensity      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerRootDensity)%dat,         & ! intent(in): root density in each layer (-)
-      scalarTranspireLim     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)%dat(1),     & ! intent(in): weighted average of the transpiration limiting factor (-)
-      mLayerTranspireLim     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerTranspireLim)%dat         & ! intent(in): transpiration limiting factor in each layer (-)
-     )  ! associating local variables with the information in the data structures
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! preliminaries
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! define the pethod to compute derivatives
-     !print*, 'numerical derivatives = ', (ixDerivMethod==numerical)
-     ! numerical derivatives are not implemented yet
-     if(ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! data types
+USE nrtype
+USE data_types,only:var_d                  ! x%var(:)       (rkind)
+USE data_types,only:var_ilength            ! x%var(:)%dat   (i4b)
+USE data_types,only:var_dlength            ! x%var(:)%dat   (rkind)
+! missing values
+USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
+USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing real number
+! physical constants
+USE multiconst,only:&
+                    LH_fus,  & ! latent heat of fusion         (J kg-1)
+                    LH_vap,  & ! latent heat of vaporization   (J kg-1)
+                    LH_sub,  & ! latent heat of sublimation    (J kg-1)
+                    gravity, & ! gravitational acceleteration  (m s-2)
+                    Tfreeze, & ! freezing point of pure water  (K)
+                    iden_air,& ! intrinsic density of air      (kg m-3)
+                    iden_ice,& ! intrinsic density of ice      (kg m-3)
+                    iden_water ! intrinsic density of water    (kg m-3)
+! named variables
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG              ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG              ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX              ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM             ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX             ! named variables for structure elements
+! model decisions
+USE globalData,only:model_decisions        ! model decision structure
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS         ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
+! provide access to look-up values for model decisions
+USE mDecisions_module,only:  &
+  ! look-up values for method used to compute derivative
+  numerical,                  & ! numerical solution
+  analytical,                 & ! analytical solution
+  ! look-up values for the form of Richards' equation
+  moisture,                   & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+  mixdform,                   & ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+  ! look-up values for the type of hydraulic conductivity profile
+  constant,                   & ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+  powerLaw_profile,           & ! power-law profile
+  ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
+  qbaseTopmodel,              & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
+  bigBucket,                  & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+  noExplicit,                 & ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+  ! look-up values for the choice of boundary conditions for hydrology
+  prescribedHead,             & ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+  funcBottomHead,             & ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+  freeDrainage,               & ! free drainage
+  liquidFlux,                 & ! liquid water flux
+  zeroFlux                      ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+implicit none
+! constant parameters
+real(rkind),parameter     :: verySmall=1.e-12_rkind       ! a very small number (used to avoid divide by zero)
+real(rkind),parameter     :: dx=1.e-8_rkind               ! finite difference increment
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine soilLiqFlx: compute liquid water fluxes and their derivatives
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+subroutine soilLiqFlx(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      nSoil,                        & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
+                      doInfiltrate,                 & ! intent(in): flag to compute infiltration
+                      scalarSolution,               & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                      deriv_desired,                & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ! input: trial state variables
+                      mLayerTempTrial,              & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,     & ! intent(in): liquid matric head (m)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+                      ! input: pre-computed derivatives
+                      mLayerdTheta_dTk,             & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+                      dPsiLiq_dTemp,                & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,       & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+                      above_soildLiq_dTk,           & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+                      above_soilFracLiq,            & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+                      ! input: fluxes
+                      scalarCanopyTranspiration,    & ! intent(in): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarGroundEvaporation,      & ! intent(in): ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarRainPlusMelt,           & ! intent(in): rain plus melt (m s-1)
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      mpar_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      indx_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                      prog_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                    & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,                    & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
+                      xMaxInfilRate,                & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+                      scalarInfilArea,              & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+                      scalarFrozenArea,             & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+                      scalarSurfaceRunoff,          & ! intent(out): surface runoff (m s-1)
+                      ! output: diagnostic variables for model layers
+                      mLayerdTheta_dPsi,            & ! intent(out): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+                      mLayerdPsi_dTheta,            & ! intent(out): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+                      dHydCond_dMatric,             & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+                      ! output: fluxes
+                      scalarSurfaceInfiltration,    & ! intent(out): surface infiltration rate (m s-1)
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSoil,            & ! intent(out): liquid fluxes at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                      mLayerTranspire,              & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
+                      mLayerHydCond,                & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. hydrology state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateAbove,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above (m s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateBelow,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer below (m s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec,     & ! intent(out): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateAbove,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateBelow,            & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec,     & ! intent(out): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)                    ! intent(out): error control
+  ! utility modules
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead      ! compute matric head (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dPsi     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCondMP_liq   ! compute hydraulic conductivity of macropores as a function of volumetric liquid water content
+  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  implicit none
+  ! input: model control
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nSoil                         ! number of soil layers
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: doInfiltrate                  ! flag to compute infiltration
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: deriv_desired                 ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+  ! input: trial model state variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerTempTrial(:)            ! temperature in each layer at the current iteration (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)   ! liquid matric head in each layer at the current iteration (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of ice at the current iteration (-)
+  ! input: pre-computed derivatves
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: mLayerdTheta_dTk(:)           ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dPsiLiq_dTemp(:)              ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dCanWat          ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanair         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: dCanopyTrans_dTGround         ! derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv        ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soildLiq_dTk            ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: above_soilFracLiq             ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+  ! input: model fluxes
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarCanopyTranspiration     ! canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarGroundEvaporation       ! ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)              :: scalarRainPlusMelt            ! rain plus melt (m s-1)
+  ! input-output: data structures
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)        :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
+  type(var_ilength),intent(in)        :: indx_data                     ! state vector geometry
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)        :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)     :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)     :: flux_data                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+  ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: xMaxInfilRate                 ! maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarInfilArea               ! fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarFrozenArea              ! fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarSurfaceRunoff           ! surface runoff (m s-1)
+  ! output: diagnostic variables for each layer
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTheta_dPsi(:)          ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:)          ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dHydCond_dMatric(:)           ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+  ! output: liquid fluxes
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: scalarSurfaceInfiltration     ! surface infiltration rate (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0:)         ! liquid flux at soil layer interfaces (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerTranspire(:)            ! transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerHydCond(:)              ! hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables in the layer above and layer below (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateAbove(0:)         ! derivative in the flux in layer interfaces w.r.t. state variables in the layer above
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateBelow(0:)         ! derivative in the flux in layer interfaces w.r.t. state variables in the layer below
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(0:)  ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateAbove(0:)         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateBelow(0:)         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec(0:)  ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. temperature in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTCanair(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dTGround(:)      ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)           :: mLayerdTrans_dCanWat(:)       ! derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+  ! output: error control
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)            :: err                           ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)            :: message                       ! error message
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! local variables: general
+  character(LEN=256)                  :: cmessage                     ! error message of downwind routine
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ibeg,iend                    ! start and end indices of the soil layers in concatanated snow-soil vector
+  logical(lgt)                        :: desireAnal                   ! flag to identify if analytical derivatives are desired
+  integer(i4b)                        :: iLayer,iSoil                 ! index of soil layer
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ixLayerDesired(1)            ! layer desired (scalar solution)
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ixTop                        ! top layer in subroutine call
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ixBot                        ! bottom layer in subroutine call
+  ! additional variables to compute numerical derivatives
+  integer(i4b)                        :: nFlux                        ! number of flux calculations required (>1 = numerical derivatives with one-sided finite differences)
+  integer(i4b)                        :: itry                         ! index of different flux calculations
+  integer(i4b),parameter              :: unperturbed=0                ! named variable to identify the case of unperturbed state variables
+  integer(i4b),parameter              :: perturbState=1               ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state in the current layer
+  integer(i4b),parameter              :: perturbStateAbove=2          ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state layer above
+  integer(i4b),parameter              :: perturbStateBelow=3          ! named variable to identify the case where we perturb the state layer below
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ixPerturb                    ! index of element in 2-element vector to perturb
+  integer(i4b)                        :: ixOriginal                   ! index of perturbed element in the original vector
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarVolFracLiqTrial        ! trial value of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial     ! trial value of liquid matric head (m)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondMicro           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity of micropores (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarHydCondMacro           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity of macropores (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux                   ! vertical flux (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux_dStateAbove       ! vertical flux with perturbation to the state above (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                         :: scalarFlux_dStateBelow       ! vertical flux with perturbation to the state below (m s-1)
+  ! transpiration sink term
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: mLayerTranspireFrac          ! fraction of transpiration allocated to each soil layer (-)
+  ! diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: iceImpedeFac                 ! ice impedence factor at layer mid-points (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: mLayerDiffuse                ! diffusivity at layer mid-point (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: dHydCond_dVolLiq             ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq             ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)         :: dHydCond_dTemp               ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)       :: iLayerHydCond                ! hydraulic conductivity at layer interface (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)       :: iLayerDiffuse                ! diffusivity at layer interface (m2 s-1)
+  ! compute surface flux
+  integer(i4b)                         :: nRoots                       ! number of soil layers with roots
+  integer(i4b)                         :: ixIce                        ! index of the lowest soil layer that contains ice
+  real(rkind),dimension(0:nSoil)       :: iLayerHeight                 ! height of the layer interfaces (m)
+  ! compute fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces
+  real(rkind),dimension(2)             :: vectorVolFracLiqTrial        ! trial value of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(2)             :: vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial     ! trial value of liquid matric head (m)
+  real(rkind),dimension(2)             :: vectorHydCondTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(2)             :: vectorDiffuseTrial           ! trial value of hydraulic diffusivity (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind)                          :: scalardPsi_dTheta            ! derivative in soil water characteristix, used for perturbations when computing numerical derivatives
+  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message='soilLiqFlx/'
+  ! get indices for the data structures
+  ibeg = indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1) + 1
+  iend = indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1) + indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)
+  ! get a copy of iLayerHeight
+  ! NOTE: performance hit, though cannot define the shape (0:) with the associate construct
+  iLayerHeight(0:nSoil) = prog_data%var(iLookPROG%iLayerHeight)%dat(ibeg-1:iend)  ! height of the layer interfaces (m)
+  ! make association between local variables and the information in the data structures
+  associate(&
+    ! input: model control
+    ixDerivMethod          => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%fDerivMeth)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the method used to calculate flux derivatives
+    ixRichards             => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%f_Richards)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the form of Richards' equation
+    ixBcUpperSoilHydrology => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%bcUpprSoiH)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+    ixBcLowerSoilHydrology => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%bcLowrSoiH)%iDecision,   & ! intent(in): index of the lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+    ! input: model indices
+    ixMatricHead           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMatricHead)%dat,             & ! intent(in): indices of soil layers where matric head is the state variable
+    ixSoilOnlyHyd          => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat,            & ! intent(in): index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the soil domain
+    ! input: model coordinate variables -- NOTE: use of ibeg and iend
+    mLayerDepth            => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat(ibeg:iend),    & ! intent(in): depth of the layer (m)
+    mLayerHeight           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerHeight)%dat(ibeg:iend),   & ! intent(in): height of the layer mid-point (m)
+    ! input: upper boundary conditions
+    upperBoundHead         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%upperBoundHead)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition for matric head (m)
+    upperBoundTheta        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%upperBoundTheta)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
+    ! input: lower boundary conditions
+    lowerBoundHead         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundHead)%dat(1),        & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition for matric head (m)
+    lowerBoundTheta        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%lowerBoundTheta)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
+    ! input: vertically variable soil parameters
+    vGn_m                  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarVGn_m)%dat,               & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+    vGn_n                  => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_n)%dat,                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+    vGn_alpha              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_alpha)%dat,                & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+    theta_sat              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat,                & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+    theta_res              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat,                & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+    ! input: vertically constant soil parameters
+    wettingFrontSuction    => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%wettingFrontSuction)%dat(1),   & ! intent(in): Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
+    rootingDepth           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%rootingDepth)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): rooting depth (m)
+    kAnisotropic           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%kAnisotropic)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
+    zScale_TOPMODEL        => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%zScale_TOPMODEL)%dat(1),       & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
+    qSurfScale             => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%qSurfScale)%dat(1),            & ! intent(in): scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
+    f_impede               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%f_impede)%dat(1),              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor (-)
+    soilIceScale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%soilIceScale)%dat(1),          & ! intent(in): scaling factor for depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction (m)
+    soilIceCV              => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%soilIceCV)%dat(1),             & ! intent(in): CV of depth of soil ice, used to get frozen fraction (-)
+    theta_mp               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_mp)%dat(1),              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
+    mpExp                  => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%mpExp)%dat(1),                 & ! intent(in): empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
+    ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
+    mLayerSatHydCondMP     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCondMP)%dat,        & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of each layer (m s-1)
+    mLayerSatHydCond       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerSatHydCond)%dat,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of each layer (m s-1)
+    iLayerSatHydCond       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerSatHydCond)%dat,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the interface of each layer (m s-1)
+    ! input: factors limiting transpiration (from vegFlux routine)
+    mLayerRootDensity      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerRootDensity)%dat,         & ! intent(in): root density in each layer (-)
+    scalarTranspireLim     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarTranspireLim)%dat(1),     & ! intent(in): weighted average of the transpiration limiting factor (-)
+    mLayerTranspireLim     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerTranspireLim)%dat         & ! intent(in): transpiration limiting factor in each layer (-)
+    )  ! associating local variables with the information in the data structures
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! preliminaries
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! numerical derivatives are not implemented yet
+    if(ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
       message=trim(message)//'numerical derivates do not account for the cross derivatives between hydrology and thermodynamics'
       err=20; return
-     end if
-     ! check the need to compute analytical derivatives
-     if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==analytical)then
+    end if
+    ! check the need to compute analytical derivatives
+    if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==analytical)then
       desireAnal = .true.
-     else
+    else
       desireAnal = .false.
-     end if
-     ! check the need to compute numerical derivatives
-     if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+    end if
+    ! check the need to compute numerical derivatives
+    if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
       nFlux=3  ! compute the derivatives using one-sided finite differences
-     else
+    else
       nFlux=0  ! compute analytical derivatives
-     end if
-     ! get the indices for the soil layers
-     if(scalarSolution)then
+    end if
+    ! get the indices for the soil layers
+    if(scalarSolution)then
       ixLayerDesired = pack(ixMatricHead, ixSoilOnlyHyd/=integerMissing)
       ixTop = ixLayerDesired(1)
       ixBot = ixLayerDesired(1)
-     else
+    else
       ixTop = 1
       ixBot = nSoil
-     endif
-     ! identify the number of layers that contain roots
-     nRoots = count(iLayerHeight(0:nSoil-1) < rootingDepth-verySmall)
-     if(nRoots==0)then
+    endif
+    ! identify the number of layers that contain roots
+    nRoots = count(iLayerHeight(0:nSoil-1) < rootingDepth-verySmall)
+    if(nRoots==0)then
       message=trim(message)//'no layers with roots'
       err=20; return
-     endif
-     ! identify lowest soil layer with ice
-     ! NOTE: cannot use count because there may be an unfrozen wedge
-     ixIce = 0  ! initialize the index of the ice layer (0 means no ice in the soil profile)
-     do iLayer=1,nSoil ! (loop through soil layers)
+    endif
+    ! identify lowest soil layer with ice
+    ! NOTE: cannot use count because there may be an unfrozen wedge
+    ixIce = 0  ! initialize the index of the ice layer (0 means no ice in the soil profile)
+    do iLayer=1,nSoil ! (loop through soil layers)
       if(mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer) > verySmall) ixIce = iLayer
-     end do
-     !if(ixIce==nSoil)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'ice extends to the bottom of the soil profile'; return; end if
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! compute the transpiration sink term
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! check the need to compute transpiration (NOTE: intent=inout)
-     if( .not. (scalarSolution .and. ixTop>1) )then
+    end do
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! compute the transpiration sink term
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! check the need to compute transpiration (NOTE: intent=inout)
+    if( .not. (scalarSolution .and. ixTop>1) )then
       ! compute the fraction of transpiration loss from each soil layer
       if(scalarTranspireLim > tiny(scalarTranspireLim))then ! (transpiration may be non-zero even if the soil moisture limiting factor is zero)
-       mLayerTranspireFrac(:) = mLayerRootDensity(:)*mLayerTranspireLim(:)/scalarTranspireLim
+        mLayerTranspireFrac(:) = mLayerRootDensity(:)*mLayerTranspireLim(:)/scalarTranspireLim
       else ! (possible for there to be non-zero conductance and therefore transpiration in this case)
-       mLayerTranspireFrac(:) = mLayerRootDensity(:) / sum(mLayerRootDensity)
+        mLayerTranspireFrac(:) = mLayerRootDensity(:) / sum(mLayerRootDensity)
       end if
       ! check fractions sum to one
       if(abs(sum(mLayerTranspireFrac) - 1._rkind) > verySmall)then
-       message=trim(message)//'fraction transpiration in soil layers does not sum to one'
-       err=20; return
+        message=trim(message)//'fraction transpiration in soil layers does not sum to one'
+        err=20; return
       ! compute transpiration loss from each soil layer (kg m-2 s-1 --> m s-1)
       mLayerTranspire(:) = mLayerTranspireFrac(:)*scalarCanopyTranspiration/iden_water
       ! derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
@@ -404,27 +396,24 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
       mLayerdTrans_dTCanair(:) = mLayerTranspireFrac(:)*dCanopyTrans_dTCanair/iden_water
       mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy(:) = mLayerTranspireFrac(:)*dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy/iden_water
       mLayerdTrans_dTGround(:) = mLayerTranspireFrac(:)*dCanopyTrans_dTGround/iden_water
       ! special case of prescribed head -- no transpiration
       if(ixBcUpperSoilHydrology==prescribedHead) then
-       mLayerTranspire(:)      = 0._rkind
-       ! derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-       mLayerdTrans_dCanWat(:) = 0._rkind
-       mLayerdTrans_dTCanair(:)= 0._rkind
-       mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy(:)= 0._rkind
-       mLayerdTrans_dTGround(:)= 0._rkind
+        mLayerTranspire(:)      = 0._rkind
+        ! derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+        mLayerdTrans_dCanWat(:) = 0._rkind
+        mLayerdTrans_dTCanair(:)= 0._rkind
+        mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy(:)= 0._rkind
+        mLayerdTrans_dTGround(:)= 0._rkind
-     endif  ! if need to compute transpiration
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! compute diagnostic variables at the nodes throughout the soil profile
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     do iSoil=ixTop,min(ixBot+1,nSoil) ! (loop through soil layers)
+    endif  ! if need to compute transpiration
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! compute diagnostic variables at the nodes throughout the soil profile
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    do iSoil=ixTop,min(ixBot+1,nSoil) ! (loop through soil layers)
       call diagv_node(&
                       ! input: model control
                       desireAnal,                      & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
@@ -464,60 +453,57 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
                       ! output: error control
                       err,cmessage)                      ! intent(out): error control
       if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-     end do  ! (looping through soil layers)
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! set derivative w.r.t. state above to zero (does not exist)
-     dq_dHydStateAbove(0) = 0._rkind
-     dq_dNrgStateAbove(0) = 0._rkind
-     ! either one or multiple flux calls, depending on if using analytical or numerical derivatives
-     do itry=nFlux,0,-1  ! (work backwards to ensure all computed fluxes come from the un-perturbed case)
+    end do  ! (looping through soil layers)
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! set derivative w.r.t. state above to zero (does not exist)
+    dq_dHydStateAbove(0) = 0._rkind
+    dq_dNrgStateAbove(0) = 0._rkind
+    ! either one or multiple flux calls, depending on if using analytical or numerical derivatives
+    do itry=nFlux,0,-1  ! (work backwards to ensure all computed fluxes come from the un-perturbed case)
       ! =====
       ! get input state variables...
       ! ============================
       ! identify the type of perturbation
       ! Currently we are ignoring the perturbations in the non-surface layers and with temperature
       select case(itry)
-       ! skip undesired perturbations
-       case(perturbStateAbove); cycle  ! cannot perturb state above (does not exist) -- so keep cycling
-       case(perturbState); cycle       ! perturbing the layer below the flux at the top interface
-       ! un-perturbed case
-       case(unperturbed)
-        scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1)
-        scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1)
-       ! perturb soil state (one-sided finite differences)
-       case(perturbStateBelow)
-        ! (perturbation depends on the form of Richards' equation)
-        select case(ixRichards)
-         case(moisture)
-          scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1) + dx
-          scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1)
-         case(mixdform)
+        ! skip undesired perturbations
+        case(perturbStateAbove); cycle  ! cannot perturb state above (does not exist) -- so keep cycling
+        case(perturbState); cycle       ! perturbing the layer below the flux at the top interface
+        ! un-perturbed case
+        case(unperturbed)
           scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1)
-          scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1) + dx
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-        end select ! (form of Richards' equation
-       ! check for an unknown perturbation
-       case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
+          scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1)
+        ! perturb soil state (one-sided finite differences)
+        case(perturbStateBelow)
+          ! (perturbation depends on the form of Richards' equation)
+          select case(ixRichards)
+            case(moisture)
+              scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1) + dx
+              scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1)
+            case(mixdform)
+              scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1)
+              scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1) + dx
+            case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          end select ! (form of Richards' equation
+        ! check for an unknown perturbation
+        case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
       end select ! (type of perturbation)
       ! =====
       ! compute surface flux and its derivative...
       ! ==========================================
       call surfaceFlx(&
                       ! input: model control
                       doInfiltrate,                       & ! intent(in): flag indicating if desire to compute infiltration
@@ -580,519 +566,488 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
                       ! output: error control
                       err,cmessage)                         ! intent(out): error control
       if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
       ! include base soil evaporation as the upper boundary flux
       iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0) = scalarGroundEvaporation/iden_water + scalarSurfaceInfiltration
       ! get copies of surface flux to compute numerical derivatives
       if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
-       select case(itry)
-        case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0)
-        case(perturbStateBelow); scalarFlux_dStateBelow = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0)
-        case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
-       end select
+        select case(itry)
+          case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0)
+          case(perturbStateBelow); scalarFlux_dStateBelow = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0)
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
+        end select
       end if
-      !write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.15))') 'scalarRainPlusMelt, scalarSurfaceInfiltration = ', scalarRainPlusMelt, scalarSurfaceInfiltration
-     end do  ! (looping through different flux calculations -- one or multiple calls depending if desire for numerical or analytical derivatives)
-     dq_dHydStateBelow(0) = 0._rkind ! contribution will be in dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1)
-     dq_dNrgStateBelow(0) = 0._rkind ! contribution will be in dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec(1)
-     ! compute numerical derivatives
-     if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+    end do  ! (looping through different flux calculations -- one or multiple calls depending if desire for numerical or analytical derivatives)
+    dq_dHydStateBelow(0) = 0._rkind ! contribution will be in dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1)
+    dq_dNrgStateBelow(0) = 0._rkind ! contribution will be in dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec(1)
+    ! compute numerical derivatives
+    if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
       dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1) = (scalarFlux_dStateBelow - scalarFlux)/dx ! change in surface flux w.r.t. change in the soil moisture in the top soil layer (m s-1)
       dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1) = 0._rkind ! Did not yet compute this perturbation
-     end if
-     !print*, 'scalarSurfaceInfiltration, iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0) = ', scalarSurfaceInfiltration, iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0)
-     !print*, '(ixDerivMethod==numerical), dq_dHydStateBelow(0) = ', (ixDerivMethod==numerical), dq_dHydStateBelow(0)
-     !pause
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! * compute fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces...
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! NOTE: computing flux at the bottom of the layer
-     ! loop through soil layers
-     do iLayer=ixTop,min(ixBot,nSoil-1)
+    end if
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! * compute fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces...
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! NOTE: computing flux at the bottom of the layer
+    ! loop through soil layers
+    do iLayer=ixTop,min(ixBot,nSoil-1)
       ! either one or multiple flux calls, depending on if using analytical or numerical derivatives
       do itry=nFlux,0,-1  ! (work backwards to ensure all computed fluxes come from the un-perturbed case)
-       ! =====
-       ! determine layer to perturb
-       ! ============================
-       select case(itry)
-        ! skip undesired perturbations
-        case(perturbState); cycle       ! perturbing the layers above and below the flux at the interface
-        ! identify the index for the perturbation
-        case(unperturbed);       ixPerturb = 0
-        case(perturbStateAbove); ixPerturb = 1
-        case(perturbStateBelow); ixPerturb = 2
-        case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
-       end select ! (identifying layer to of perturbation)
-       ! determine the index in the original vector
-       ixOriginal = iLayer + (ixPerturb-1)
-       ! =====
-       ! get input state variables...
-       ! ============================
-       ! start with the un-perturbed case
-       vectorVolFracLiqTrial(1:2) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer:iLayer+1)
-       vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(1:2) = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(iLayer:iLayer+1)
-       ! make appropriate perturbations
-       if(ixPerturb > 0)then
-        select case(ixRichards)
-         case(moisture); vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb) = vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb) + dx
-         case(mixdform); vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb) = vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb) + dx
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-        end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
-       end if
-       ! =====
-       ! get hydraulic conductivty...
-       ! ============================
-       ! start with the un-perturbed case
-       vectorHydCondTrial(1:2) = mLayerHydCond(iLayer:iLayer+1)
-       vectorDiffuseTrial(1:2) = mLayerDiffuse(iLayer:iLayer+1)
-       ! make appropriate perturbations
-       if(ixPerturb > 0)then ! only recompute these if perturbed
-        select case(ixRichards)
-         case(moisture)
-          scalardPsi_dTheta             = dPsi_dTheta(vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb))
-          vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb) = hydCond_liq(vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb)) * iceImpedeFac(ixOriginal)
-          vectorDiffuseTrial(ixPerturb) = scalardPsi_dTheta * vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb)
-         case(mixdform)
-          scalarVolFracLiqTrial = volFracLiq(vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb))
-          scalarHydCondMicro    = hydCond_psi(vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb)) * iceImpedeFac(ixOriginal)
-          scalarHydCondMacro    = hydCondMP_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,theta_sat(ixPerturb),theta_mp,mpExp,mLayerSatHydCondMP(ixOriginal),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal))
-          vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb) = scalarHydCondMicro + scalarHydCondMacro
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-        end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
-       endif ! (recompute if perturbed)
-       ! =====
-       ! compute vertical flux at layer interface and its derivative w.r.t. the state above and the state below...
-       ! =========================================================================================================
-       ! NOTE: computing flux at the bottom of the layer
-       call iLayerFlux(&
-                       ! input: model control
-                       desireAnal,                         & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                       ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                       ! input: state variables (adjacent layers)
-                       vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial,           & ! intent(in): liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
-                       vectorVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content at the soil nodes (-)
-                       ! input: model coordinate variables (adjacent layers)
-                       mLayerHeight(iLayer:iLayer+1),      & ! intent(in): height of the soil nodes (m)
-                       ! input: temperature derivatives
-                       dPsiLiq_dTemp(iLayer:iLayer+1),     & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                       dHydCond_dTemp(iLayer:iLayer+1),    & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                       ! input: transmittance (adjacent layers)
-                       vectorHydCondTrial,                 & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the soil nodes (m s-1)
-                       vectorDiffuseTrial,                 & ! intent(in): hydraulic diffusivity at the soil nodes (m2 s-1)
-                       ! input: transmittance derivatives (adjacent layers)
-                       dHydCond_dVolLiq(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-                       dDiffuse_dVolLiq(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-                       dHydCond_dMatric(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in matric head (s-1)
-                       ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
-                       iLayerHydCond(iLayer),              & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
-                       iLayerDiffuse(iLayer),              & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
-                       ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
-                       iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
-                       ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                       dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
-                       dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                       ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                       dq_dNrgStateAbove(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-                       dq_dNrgStateBelow(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,cmessage)                         ! intent(out): error control
-       if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-       ! compute total vertical flux, to compute derivatives
-       if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+        ! =====
+        ! determine layer to perturb
+        ! ============================
         select case(itry)
-         case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
-         case(perturbStateAbove); scalarFlux_dStateAbove = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
-         case(perturbStateBelow); scalarFlux_dStateBelow = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
-        end select
-       end if
+          ! skip undesired perturbations
+          case(perturbState); cycle       ! perturbing the layers above and below the flux at the interface
+          ! identify the index for the perturbation
+          case(unperturbed);       ixPerturb = 0
+          case(perturbStateAbove); ixPerturb = 1
+          case(perturbStateBelow); ixPerturb = 2
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
+        end select ! (identifying layer to of perturbation)
+        ! determine the index in the original vector
+        ixOriginal = iLayer + (ixPerturb-1)
+        ! =====
+        ! get input state variables...
+        ! ============================
+        ! start with the un-perturbed case
+        vectorVolFracLiqTrial(1:2) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer:iLayer+1)
+        vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(1:2) = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(iLayer:iLayer+1)
+        ! make appropriate perturbations
+        if(ixPerturb > 0)then
+          select case(ixRichards)
+            case(moisture); vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb) = vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb) + dx
+            case(mixdform); vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb) = vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb) + dx
+            case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
+        end if
+        ! =====
+        ! get hydraulic conductivty...
+        ! ============================
+        ! start with the un-perturbed case
+        vectorHydCondTrial(1:2) = mLayerHydCond(iLayer:iLayer+1)
+        vectorDiffuseTrial(1:2) = mLayerDiffuse(iLayer:iLayer+1)
+        ! make appropriate perturbations
+        if(ixPerturb > 0)then ! only recompute these if perturbed
+          select case(ixRichards)
+            case(moisture)
+              scalardPsi_dTheta             = dPsi_dTheta(vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb))
+              vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb) = hydCond_liq(vectorVolFracLiqTrial(ixPerturb),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb)) * iceImpedeFac(ixOriginal)
+              vectorDiffuseTrial(ixPerturb) = scalardPsi_dTheta * vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb)
+            case(mixdform)
+              scalarVolFracLiqTrial = volFracLiq(vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),theta_res(ixPerturb),theta_sat(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb))
+              scalarHydCondMicro    = hydCond_psi(vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixPerturb),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal),vGn_alpha(ixPerturb),vGn_n(ixPerturb),vGn_m(ixPerturb)) * iceImpedeFac(ixOriginal)
+              scalarHydCondMacro    = hydCondMP_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,theta_sat(ixPerturb),theta_mp,mpExp,mLayerSatHydCondMP(ixOriginal),mLayerSatHydCond(ixOriginal))
+              vectorHydCondTrial(ixPerturb) = scalarHydCondMicro + scalarHydCondMacro
+            case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
+        endif ! (recompute if perturbed)
+        ! =====
+        ! compute vertical flux at layer interface and its derivative w.r.t. the state above and the state below...
+        ! =========================================================================================================
+        ! NOTE: computing flux at the bottom of the layer
+        call iLayerFlux(&
+                        ! input: model control
+                        desireAnal,                         & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                        ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                        ! input: state variables (adjacent layers)
+                        vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial,           & ! intent(in): liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
+                        vectorVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content at the soil nodes (-)
+                        ! input: model coordinate variables (adjacent layers)
+                        mLayerHeight(iLayer:iLayer+1),      & ! intent(in): height of the soil nodes (m)
+                        ! input: temperature derivatives
+                        dPsiLiq_dTemp(iLayer:iLayer+1),     & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+                        dHydCond_dTemp(iLayer:iLayer+1),    & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                        ! input: transmittance (adjacent layers)
+                        vectorHydCondTrial,                 & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the soil nodes (m s-1)
+                        vectorDiffuseTrial,                 & ! intent(in): hydraulic diffusivity at the soil nodes (m2 s-1)
+                        ! input: transmittance derivatives (adjacent layers)
+                        dHydCond_dVolLiq(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+                        dDiffuse_dVolLiq(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+                        dHydCond_dMatric(iLayer:iLayer+1),  & ! intent(in): change in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in matric head (s-1)
+                        ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
+                        iLayerHydCond(iLayer),              & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
+                        iLayerDiffuse(iLayer),              & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
+                        ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
+                        iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
+                        ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                        dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
+                        dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                        ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                        dq_dNrgStateAbove(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+                        dq_dNrgStateBelow(iLayer),          & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                        ! output: error control
+                        err,cmessage)                         ! intent(out): error control
+        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+        ! compute total vertical flux, to compute derivatives
+        if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+          select case(itry)
+            case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
+            case(perturbStateAbove); scalarFlux_dStateAbove = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
+            case(perturbStateBelow); scalarFlux_dStateBelow = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
+            case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
+          end select
+        end if
       end do  ! (looping through different flux calculations -- one or multiple calls depending if desire for numerical or analytical derivatives)
       ! compute numerical derivatives
       if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
-       dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer) = (scalarFlux_dStateAbove - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in the state in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-       dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer) = (scalarFlux_dStateBelow - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in the state in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+        dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer) = (scalarFlux_dStateAbove - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in the state in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+        dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer) = (scalarFlux_dStateBelow - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in the state in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
       end if
-      ! check
-      !if(iLayer==6) write(*,'(a,i4,1x,10(e25.15,1x))') 'iLayer, vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial, iLayerHydCond(iLayer), iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) = ',&
-      !                                                  iLayer, vectorMatricHeadLiqTrial, iLayerHydCond(iLayer), iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer)
-      !if(iLayer==1) write(*,'(a,i4,1x,L1,1x,2(e15.5,1x))') 'iLayer, (ixDerivMethod==numerical), dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer-1), dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer) = ', &
-      !                                                      iLayer, (ixDerivMethod==numerical), dq_dHydStateBelow(iLayer-1), dq_dHydStateAbove(iLayer)
-      !pause
-     end do  ! (looping through soil layers)
-     ! add infiltration to the upper-most unfrozen layer
-     ! NOTE: this is done here rather than in surface runoff
-     !iLayerLiqFluxSoil(ixIce) = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(ixIce) + scalarSurfaceInfiltration
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! * compute drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile, and its derivative
-     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! define the need to compute drainage
-     if( .not. (scalarSolution .and. ixTop<nSoil) )then
+    end do  ! (looping through soil layers)
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! * compute drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile, and its derivative
+    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! define the need to compute drainage
+    if( .not. (scalarSolution .and. ixTop<nSoil) )then
       ! either one or multiple flux calls, depending on if using analytical or numerical derivatives
       do itry=nFlux,0,-1  ! (work backwards to ensure all computed fluxes come from the un-perturbed case)
-       ! =====
-       ! get input state variables...
-       ! ============================
-       ! identify the type of perturbation
-       select case(itry)
-        ! skip undesired perturbations
-        case(perturbStateBelow); cycle   ! only perturb soil state at this time (perhaps perturb aquifer state later)
-        case(perturbState); cycle        ! here pertubing the state above the flux at the interface
-        ! un-perturbed case
-        case(unperturbed)
-         scalarVolFracLiqTrial   = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil)
-         scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial   = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil)
-        ! perturb soil state (one-sided finite differences)
-        case(perturbStateAbove)
-         select case(ixRichards)  ! (perturbation depends on the form of Richards' equation)
-          case(moisture)
-           scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil) + dx
-           scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil)
-          case(mixdform)
-           scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil)
-           scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil) + dx
-          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-         end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
-       end select ! (type of perturbation)
-       ! =====
-       ! get hydraulic conductivty...
-       ! ============================
-       select case(itry)
-        ! compute perturbed value of hydraulic conductivity
-        case(perturbStateAbove)
-         select case(ixRichards)
-          case(moisture); scalarHydCondTrial = hydCond_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,mLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),theta_res(nSoil),theta_sat(nSoil),vGn_m(nSoil)) * iceImpedeFac(nSoil)
-          case(mixdform); scalarHydCondTrial = hydCond_psi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,mLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),vGn_alpha(nSoil),vGn_n(nSoil),vGn_m(nSoil)) * iceImpedeFac(nSoil)
-         end select
-        ! (use un-perturbed value)
-        case default
-         scalarHydCondTrial = mLayerHydCond(nSoil)        ! hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m s-1)
-       end select ! (re-computing hydraulic conductivity)
-       ! =====
-       ! compute drainage flux and its derivative...
-       ! ===========================================
-       call qDrainFlux(&
-                       ! input: model control
-                       desireAnal,                      & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                       ixRichards,                      & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                       ixBcLowerSoilHydrology,          & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions
-                       ! input: state variables
-                       scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,        & ! intent(in): liquid matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
-                       scalarVolFracLiqTrial,           & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content the lowest unsaturated node (-)
-                       ! input: model coordinate variables
-                       mLayerDepth(nSoil),              & ! intent(in): depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
-                       mLayerHeight(nSoil),             & ! intent(in): height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
-                       ! input: boundary conditions
-                       lowerBoundHead,                  & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (m)
-                       lowerBoundTheta,                 & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (-)
-                       ! input: derivative in the soil water characteristic
-                       mLayerdPsi_dTheta(nSoil),        & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic
-                       ! input: transmittance
-                       iLayerSatHydCond(0),             & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-                       iLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
-                       scalarHydCondTrial,              & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
-                       iceImpedeFac(nSoil),             & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the lower-most soil layer (-)
-                       ! input: transmittance derivatives
-                       dHydCond_dVolLiq(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-                       dHydCond_dMatric(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                       dHydCond_dTemp(nSoil),           & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                       ! input: soil parameters
-                       vGn_alpha(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-                       vGn_n(nSoil),                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-                       vGn_m(nSoil),                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-                       theta_sat(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                       theta_res(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-                       kAnisotropic,                    & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
-                       zScale_TOPMODEL,                 & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
-                       ! output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
-                       iLayerHydCond(nSoil),            & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m s-1)
-                       iLayerDiffuse(nSoil),            & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
-                       ! output: drainage flux
-                       iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): drainage flux (m s-1)
-                       ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
-                       dq_dHydStateAbove(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in hydrology state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
-                       dq_dNrgStateAbove(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,cmessage)                ! intent(out): error control
-       if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-       ! get copies of drainage flux to compute derivatives
-       if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+        ! =====
+        ! get input state variables...
+        ! ============================
+        ! identify the type of perturbation
         select case(itry)
-         case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
-         case(perturbStateAbove); scalarFlux_dStateAbove = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
-         case(perturbStateBelow); err=20; message=trim(message)//'lower state should never be perturbed when computing drainage do not expect to get here'; return
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
-        end select
-       end if
+          ! skip undesired perturbations
+          case(perturbStateBelow); cycle   ! only perturb soil state at this time (perhaps perturb aquifer state later)
+          case(perturbState); cycle        ! here pertubing the state above the flux at the interface
+          ! un-perturbed case
+          case(unperturbed)
+            scalarVolFracLiqTrial   = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil)
+            scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial   = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil)
+          ! perturb soil state (one-sided finite differences)
+          case(perturbStateAbove)
+            select case(ixRichards)  ! (perturbation depends on the form of Richards' equation)
+              case(moisture)
+                scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil) + dx
+                scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil)
+              case(mixdform)
+                scalarVolFracLiqTrial = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSoil)
+                scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(nSoil) + dx
+              case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+            end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
+        end select ! (type of perturbation)
+        ! =====
+        ! get hydraulic conductivty...
+        ! ============================
+        select case(itry)
+          ! compute perturbed value of hydraulic conductivity
+          case(perturbStateAbove)
+            select case(ixRichards)
+              case(moisture); scalarHydCondTrial = hydCond_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,mLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),theta_res(nSoil),theta_sat(nSoil),vGn_m(nSoil)) * iceImpedeFac(nSoil)
+              case(mixdform); scalarHydCondTrial = hydCond_psi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,mLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),vGn_alpha(nSoil),vGn_n(nSoil),vGn_m(nSoil)) * iceImpedeFac(nSoil)
+            end select
+          ! (use un-perturbed value)
+          case default
+          s calarHydCondTrial = mLayerHydCond(nSoil)        ! hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m s-1)
+        end select ! (re-computing hydraulic conductivity)
+        ! =====
+        ! compute drainage flux and its derivative...
+        ! ===========================================
+        call qDrainFlux(&
+                        ! input: model control
+                        desireAnal,                      & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                        ixRichards,                      & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                        ixBcLowerSoilHydrology,          & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions
+                        ! input: state variables
+                        scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,        & ! intent(in): liquid matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
+                        scalarVolFracLiqTrial,           & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content the lowest unsaturated node (-)
+                        ! input: model coordinate variables
+                        mLayerDepth(nSoil),              & ! intent(in): depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
+                        mLayerHeight(nSoil),             & ! intent(in): height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
+                        ! input: boundary conditions
+                        lowerBoundHead,                  & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (m)
+                        lowerBoundTheta,                 & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (-)
+                        ! input: derivative in the soil water characteristic
+                        mLayerdPsi_dTheta(nSoil),        & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic
+                        ! input: transmittance
+                        iLayerSatHydCond(0),             & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+                        iLayerSatHydCond(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
+                        scalarHydCondTrial,              & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
+                        iceImpedeFac(nSoil),             & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the lower-most soil layer (-)
+                        ! input: transmittance derivatives
+                        dHydCond_dVolLiq(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+                        dHydCond_dMatric(nSoil),         & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                        dHydCond_dTemp(nSoil),           & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                        ! input: soil parameters
+                        vGn_alpha(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+                        vGn_n(nSoil),                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+                        vGn_m(nSoil),                    & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+                        theta_sat(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                        theta_res(nSoil),                & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+                        kAnisotropic,                    & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
+                        zScale_TOPMODEL,                 & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
+                        ! output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
+                        iLayerHydCond(nSoil),            & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m s-1)
+                        iLayerDiffuse(nSoil),            & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
+                        ! output: drainage flux
+                        iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): drainage flux (m s-1)
+                        ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
+                        dq_dHydStateAbove(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in hydrology state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
+                        dq_dNrgStateAbove(nSoil),        & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
+                        ! output: error control
+                        err,cmessage)                ! intent(out): error control
+        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
+        ! get copies of drainage flux to compute derivatives
+        if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
+          select case(itry)
+            case(unperturbed);       scalarFlux             = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
+            case(perturbStateAbove); scalarFlux_dStateAbove = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
+            case(perturbStateBelow); err=20; message=trim(message)//'lower state should never be perturbed when computing drainage do not expect to get here'; return
+            case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown perturbation"; return
+          end select
+        end if
       end do  ! (looping through different flux calculations -- one or multiple calls depending if desire for numerical or analytical derivatives)
       ! compute numerical derivatives
       ! NOTE: drainage derivatives w.r.t. state below are *actually* w.r.t. water table depth, so need to be corrected for aquifer storage
       !       (note also negative sign to account for inverse relationship between water table depth and aquifer storage)
       if(deriv_desired .and. ixDerivMethod==numerical)then
-       dq_dHydStateAbove(nSoil) = (scalarFlux_dStateAbove - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
+        dq_dHydStateAbove(nSoil) = (scalarFlux_dStateAbove - scalarFlux)/dx    ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in state in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
       end if
       ! no dependence on the aquifer for drainage
       dq_dHydStateBelow(nSoil) = 0._rkind  ! keep this here in case we want to couple some day....
       dq_dNrgStateBelow(nSoil) = 0._rkind  ! keep this here in case we want to couple some day....
-      ! print drainage
-      !print*, 'iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil) = ', iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
-     endif  ! if computing drainage
-     ! end of drainage section
-     ! *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! end association between local variables and the information in the data structures
-     end associate
-     end subroutine soilLiqFlx
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     ! private subroutine diagv_node: compute transmittance and derivatives for model nodes
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     subroutine diagv_node(&
-                           ! input: model control
-                           deriv_desired,         & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                           ixRichards,            & ! intent(in): index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                           ! input: state variables
-                           scalarTempTrial,       & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
-                           scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(in): liquid matric head in a given layer (m)
-                           scalarVolFracLiqTrial, & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in a given soil layer (-)
-                           scalarVolFracIceTrial, & ! intent(in): volumetric ice content in a given soil layer (-)
-                           ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
-                           dTheta_dTk,            & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                           dPsiLiq_dTemp,         & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                           ! input: soil parameters
-                           vGn_alpha,             & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-                           vGn_n,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-                           vGn_m,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-                           mpExp,                 & ! intent(in): empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
-                           theta_sat,             & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                           theta_res,             & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-                           theta_mp,              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
-                           f_impede,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor (-)
-                           ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
-                           scalarSatHydCond,      & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
-                           scalarSatHydCondMP,    & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
-                           ! output: derivative in the soil water characteristic
-                           scalardPsi_dTheta,     & ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
-                           scalardTheta_dPsi,     & ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
-                           ! output: transmittance
-                           scalarHydCond,         & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
-                           scalarDiffuse,         & ! intent(out): diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
-                           iceImpedeFac,          & ! intent(out): ice impedence factor in each layer (-)
-                           ! output: transmittance derivatives
-                           dHydCond_dVolLiq,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-                           dDiffuse_dVolLiq,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dMatric,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (m s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dTemp,        & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! output: error control
-                           err,message)             ! intent(out): error control
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:iceImpede           ! compute the ice impedence factor
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq          ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead          ! compute matric head (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi         ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq         ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCondMP_liq       ! compute hydraulic conductivity of macropores as a function of volumetric liquid water content
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dPsi         ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta         ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta2        ! compute derivative in dPsi_dTheta (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dHydCond_dLiq       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dHydCond_dPsi       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dIceImpede_dTemp    ! compute the derivative in the ice impedance factor w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-     ! compute hydraulic transmittance and derivatives for all layers
-     implicit none
-     ! input: model control
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired             ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-     ! input: state and diagnostic variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarTempTrial           ! temperature in each layer (K)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial  ! liquid matric head in each layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracLiqTrial     ! volumetric fraction of liquid water in a given layer (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracIceTrial     ! volumetric fraction of ice in a given layer (-)
-     ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dTk                ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dPsiLiq_dTemp             ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-     ! input: soil parameters
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mpExp                     ! empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_mp                  ! volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: f_impede                  ! ice impedence factor (-)
-     ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarSatHydCond          ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarSatHydCondMP        ! saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
-     ! output: derivative in the soil water characteristic
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalardPsi_dTheta         ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalardTheta_dPsi         ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
-     ! output: transmittance
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarHydCond             ! hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarDiffuse             ! diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in each layer (-)
-     ! output: transmittance derivatives
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dMatric          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! output: error control
-     integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                       ! error code
-     character(*),intent(out)      :: message                   ! error message
-     ! local variables
-     real(rkind)                      :: localVolFracLiq           ! local volumetric fraction of liquid water
-     real(rkind)                      :: scalarHydCondMP           ! hydraulic conductivity of macropores at layer mid-points (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dIceImpede_dT             ! derivative in ice impedance factor w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of macropores w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMacro_dMatric     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of macropores w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMicro_dMatric     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of micropores w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMicro_dTemp       ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of micropores w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dPsi_dTheta2a             ! derivative in dPsi_dTheta (analytical)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dIceImpede_dLiq           ! derivative in ice impedence factor w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: hydCond_noIce             ! hydraulic conductivity in the absence of ice (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dK_dLiq__noIce            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content, in the absence of ice (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dK_dPsi__noIce            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head, in the absence of ice (s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: relSatMP                  ! relative saturation of macropores (-)
-     ! local variables to test the derivative
-     logical(lgt),parameter        :: testDeriv=.false.         ! local flag to test the derivative
-     real(rkind)                      :: xConst                    ! LH_fus/(gravity*Tfreeze), used in freezing point depression equation (m K-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: vTheta                    ! volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: volLiq                    ! volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: volIce                    ! volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: volFracLiq1,volFracLiq2   ! different trial values of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: effSat                    ! effective saturation (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: psiLiq                    ! liquid water matric potential (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: hydCon                    ! hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: hydIce                    ! hydraulic conductivity after accounting for ice impedance (-)
-     real(rkind),parameter            :: dx = 1.e-8_rkind             ! finite difference increment (m)
-     ! initialize error control
-     err=0; message="diagv_node/"
-     ! *****
-     ! compute the derivative in the soil water characteristic
-     select case(ixRichards)
-      case(moisture)
-       scalardPsi_dTheta = dPsi_dTheta(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       scalardTheta_dPsi = realMissing  ! (deliberately cause problems if this is ever used)
-      case(mixdform)
-       scalardTheta_dPsi = dTheta_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       scalardPsi_dTheta = dPsi_dTheta(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       if(testDeriv)then
+    endif  ! if computing drainage
+  end associate
+end subroutine soilLiqFlx
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+! private subroutine diagv_node: compute transmittance and derivatives for model nodes
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+subroutine diagv_node(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      deriv_desired,         & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ixRichards,            & ! intent(in): index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                      ! input: state variables
+                      scalarTempTrial,       & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
+                      scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(in): liquid matric head in a given layer (m)
+                      scalarVolFracLiqTrial, & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in a given soil layer (-)
+                      scalarVolFracIceTrial, & ! intent(in): volumetric ice content in a given soil layer (-)
+                      ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
+                      dTheta_dTk,            & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+                      dPsiLiq_dTemp,         & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+                      ! input: soil parameters
+                      vGn_alpha,             & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+                      vGn_n,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+                      vGn_m,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+                      mpExp,                 & ! intent(in): empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
+                      theta_sat,             & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                      theta_res,             & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+                      theta_mp,              & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
+                      f_impede,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor (-)
+                      ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
+                      scalarSatHydCond,      & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
+                      scalarSatHydCondMP,    & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
+                      ! output: derivative in the soil water characteristic
+                      scalardPsi_dTheta,     & ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
+                      scalardTheta_dPsi,     & ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
+                      ! output: transmittance
+                      scalarHydCond,         & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
+                      scalarDiffuse,         & ! intent(out): diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
+                      iceImpedeFac,          & ! intent(out): ice impedence factor in each layer (-)
+                      ! output: transmittance derivatives
+                      dHydCond_dVolLiq,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+                      dDiffuse_dVolLiq,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dMatric,      & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (m s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dTemp,        & ! intent(out): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)             ! intent(out): error control
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:iceImpede           ! compute the ice impedence factor
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq          ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead          ! compute matric head (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi         ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq         ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCondMP_liq       ! compute hydraulic conductivity of macropores as a function of volumetric liquid water content
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dPsi         ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta         ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta2        ! compute derivative in dPsi_dTheta (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dHydCond_dLiq       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dHydCond_dPsi       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dIceImpede_dTemp    ! compute the derivative in the ice impedance factor w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+  ! compute hydraulic transmittance and derivatives for all layers
+  implicit none
+  ! input: model control
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired             ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+  ! input: state and diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarTempTrial           ! temperature in each layer (K)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial  ! liquid matric head in each layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracLiqTrial     ! volumetric fraction of liquid water in a given layer (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracIceTrial     ! volumetric fraction of ice in a given layer (-)
+  ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dTk                ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dPsiLiq_dTemp             ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+  ! input: soil parameters
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mpExp                     ! empirical exponent in macropore flow equation (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_mp                  ! volumetric liquid water content when macropore flow begins (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: f_impede                  ! ice impedence factor (-)
+  ! input: saturated hydraulic conductivity
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarSatHydCond          ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarSatHydCondMP        ! saturated hydraulic conductivity of macropores at the mid-point of a given layer (m s-1)
+  ! output: derivative in the soil water characteristic
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalardPsi_dTheta         ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalardTheta_dPsi         ! derivative in the soil water characteristic
+  ! output: transmittance
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarHydCond             ! hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarDiffuse             ! diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in each layer (-)
+  ! output: transmittance derivatives
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dMatric          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! output: error control
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                       ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)      :: message                   ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  real(rkind)                      :: localVolFracLiq           ! local volumetric fraction of liquid water
+  real(rkind)                      :: scalarHydCondMP           ! hydraulic conductivity of macropores at layer mid-points (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dIceImpede_dT             ! derivative in ice impedance factor w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of macropores w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMacro_dMatric     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of macropores w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMicro_dMatric     ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of micropores w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondMicro_dTemp       ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity of micropores w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dPsi_dTheta2a             ! derivative in dPsi_dTheta (analytical)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dIceImpede_dLiq           ! derivative in ice impedence factor w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: hydCond_noIce             ! hydraulic conductivity in the absence of ice (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dK_dLiq__noIce            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content, in the absence of ice (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dK_dPsi__noIce            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head, in the absence of ice (s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: relSatMP                  ! relative saturation of macropores (-)
+  ! local variables to test the derivative
+  logical(lgt),parameter        :: testDeriv=.false.         ! local flag to test the derivative
+  real(rkind)                      :: xConst                    ! LH_fus/(gravity*Tfreeze), used in freezing point depression equation (m K-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: vTheta                    ! volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: volLiq                    ! volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: volIce                    ! volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: volFracLiq1,volFracLiq2   ! different trial values of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: effSat                    ! effective saturation (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: psiLiq                    ! liquid water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: hydCon                    ! hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: hydIce                    ! hydraulic conductivity after accounting for ice impedance (-)
+  real(rkind),parameter            :: dx = 1.e-8_rkind             ! finite difference increment (m)
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message="diagv_node/"
+  ! *****
+  ! compute the derivative in the soil water characteristic
+  select case(ixRichards)
+    case(moisture)
+      scalardPsi_dTheta = dPsi_dTheta(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+      scalardTheta_dPsi = realMissing  ! (deliberately cause problems if this is ever used)
+    case(mixdform)
+      scalardTheta_dPsi = dTheta_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+      scalardPsi_dTheta = dPsi_dTheta(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+      if(testDeriv)then
         volFracLiq1 = volFracLiq(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,   vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
         volFracLiq2 = volFracLiq(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial+dx,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       end if  ! (testing the derivative)
-      case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-     end select
-     ! *****
-     ! compute hydraulic conductivity and its derivative in each soil layer
-     ! compute the ice impedence factor and its derivative w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     call iceImpede(scalarVolFracIceTrial,f_impede, &  ! input
-                    iceImpedeFac,dIceImpede_dLiq)      ! output
-     select case(ixRichards)
-      ! ***** moisture-based form of Richards' equation
-      case(moisture)
-       ! haven't included macropores yet
-       err=20; message=trim(message)//'still need to include macropores for the moisture-based form of Richards eqn'; return
-       ! compute the hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and diffusivity (m2 s-1) for a given layer
-       hydCond_noIce = hydCond_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m)
-       scalarHydCond = hydCond_noIce*iceImpedeFac
-       scalarDiffuse = scalardPsi_dTheta * scalarHydCond
-       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and hydraulic diffusivity (m2 s-1)
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end if  ! (testing the derivative)
+    case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+  end select
+  ! *****
+  ! compute hydraulic conductivity and its derivative in each soil layer
+  ! compute the ice impedence factor and its derivative w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  call iceImpede(scalarVolFracIceTrial,f_impede, &  ! input
+                  iceImpedeFac,dIceImpede_dLiq)      ! output
+  select case(ixRichards)
+    ! ***** moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+    case(moisture)
+      ! haven't included macropores yet
+      err=20; message=trim(message)//'still need to include macropores for the moisture-based form of Richards eqn'; return
+      ! compute the hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and diffusivity (m2 s-1) for a given layer
+      hydCond_noIce = hydCond_liq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m)
+      scalarHydCond = hydCond_noIce*iceImpedeFac
+      scalarDiffuse = scalardPsi_dTheta * scalarHydCond
+      ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and hydraulic diffusivity (m2 s-1)
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         if(scalarVolFracIceTrial > epsilon(iceImpedeFac))then
-         dK_dLiq__noIce   = dHydCond_dLiq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m,.true.)  ! [.true. = analytical]
-         dHydCond_dVolLiq = hydCond_noIce*dIceImpede_dLiq + dK_dLiq__noIce*iceImpedeFac
+          dK_dLiq__noIce   = dHydCond_dLiq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m,.true.)  ! [.true. = analytical]
+          dHydCond_dVolLiq = hydCond_noIce*dIceImpede_dLiq + dK_dLiq__noIce*iceImpedeFac
-         dHydCond_dVolLiq = dHydCond_dLiq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m,.true.)
+          dHydCond_dVolLiq = dHydCond_dLiq(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m,.true.)
         end if
-        dPsi_dTheta2a    = dPsi_dTheta2(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)   ! [.true. = analytical] compute derivative in dPsi_dTheta (m)
-        dDiffuse_dVolLiq = dHydCond_dVolLiq*scalardPsi_dTheta + scalarHydCond*dPsi_dTheta2a
-        dHydCond_dMatric = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-       end if
-      ! ***** mixed form of Richards' equation -- just compute hydraulic condictivity
-      case(mixdform)
-       ! compute the hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and diffusivity (m2 s-1) for a given layer
-       hydCond_noIce = hydCond_psi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       scalarDiffuse = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-       ! compute the hydraulic conductivity of macropores (m s-1)
-       localVolFracLiq = volFracLiq(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-       scalarHydCondMP = hydCondMP_liq(localVolFracLiq,theta_sat,theta_mp,mpExp,scalarSatHydCondMP,scalarSatHydCond)
-       scalarHydCond   = hydCond_noIce*iceImpedeFac + scalarHydCondMP
-       ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+          dPsi_dTheta2a    = dPsi_dTheta2(scalarVolFracLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)   ! [.true. = analytical] compute derivative in dPsi_dTheta (m)
+          dDiffuse_dVolLiq = dHydCond_dVolLiq*scalardPsi_dTheta + scalarHydCond*dPsi_dTheta2a
+          dHydCond_dMatric = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
+      end if
+    ! ***** mixed form of Richards' equation -- just compute hydraulic condictivity
+    case(mixdform)
+      ! compute the hydraulic conductivity (m s-1) and diffusivity (m2 s-1) for a given layer
+      hydCond_noIce = hydCond_psi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+      scalarDiffuse = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
+      ! compute the hydraulic conductivity of macropores (m s-1)
+      localVolFracLiq = volFracLiq(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+      scalarHydCondMP = hydCondMP_liq(localVolFracLiq,theta_sat,theta_mp,mpExp,scalarSatHydCondMP,scalarSatHydCond)
+      scalarHydCond   = hydCond_noIce*iceImpedeFac + scalarHydCondMP
+      ! compute derivative in hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         ! (compute derivative for macropores)
         if(localVolFracLiq > theta_mp)then
-         relSatMP              = (localVolFracLiq - theta_mp)/(theta_sat - theta_mp)
-         dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq = ((scalarSatHydCondMP - scalarSatHydCond)/(theta_sat - theta_mp))*mpExp*(relSatMP**(mpExp - 1._rkind))
-         dHydCondMacro_dMatric = scalardTheta_dPsi*dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq
+          relSatMP              = (localVolFracLiq - theta_mp)/(theta_sat - theta_mp)
+          dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq = ((scalarSatHydCondMP - scalarSatHydCond)/(theta_sat - theta_mp))*mpExp*(relSatMP**(mpExp - 1._rkind))
+          dHydCondMacro_dMatric = scalardTheta_dPsi*dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq
-         dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq = 0._rkind
-         dHydCondMacro_dMatric = 0._rkind
+          dHydCondMacro_dVolLiq = 0._rkind
+          dHydCondMacro_dMatric = 0._rkind
         end if
         ! (compute derivatives for micropores)
         if(scalarVolFracIceTrial > verySmall)then
-         dK_dPsi__noIce        = dHydCond_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)  ! analytical
-         dHydCondMicro_dTemp   = dPsiLiq_dTemp*dK_dPsi__noIce  ! m s-1 K-1
-         dHydCondMicro_dMatric = hydCond_noIce*dIceImpede_dLiq*scalardTheta_dPsi + dK_dPsi__noIce*iceImpedeFac
+          dK_dPsi__noIce        = dHydCond_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)  ! analytical
+          dHydCondMicro_dTemp   = dPsiLiq_dTemp*dK_dPsi__noIce  ! m s-1 K-1
+          dHydCondMicro_dMatric = hydCond_noIce*dIceImpede_dLiq*scalardTheta_dPsi + dK_dPsi__noIce*iceImpedeFac
-         dHydCondMicro_dTemp   = 0._rkind
-         dHydCondMicro_dMatric = dHydCond_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)
+          dHydCondMicro_dTemp   = 0._rkind
+          dHydCondMicro_dMatric = dHydCond_dPsi(scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m,.true.)
         end if
         ! (combine derivatives)
         dHydCond_dMatric = dHydCondMicro_dMatric + dHydCondMacro_dMatric
         ! (compute analytical derivative for change in ice impedance factor w.r.t. temperature)
         call dIceImpede_dTemp(scalarVolFracIceTrial, & ! intent(in): trial value of volumetric ice content (-)
                               dTheta_dTk,            & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
@@ -1102,310 +1057,303 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         dHydCond_dTemp = hydCond_noIce*dIceImpede_dT + dHydCondMicro_dTemp*iceImpedeFac
         ! (test derivative)
-         xConst = LH_fus/(gravity*Tfreeze)                            ! m K-1 (NOTE: J = kg m2 s-2)
-         vTheta = scalarVolFracIceTrial + scalarVolFracLiqTrial
-         volLiq = volFracLiq(xConst*(scalarTempTrial+dx - Tfreeze),vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-         volIce = vTheta - volLiq
-         effSat = (volLiq - theta_res)/(theta_sat - volIce - theta_res)
-         psiLiq = matricHead(effSat,vGn_alpha,0._rkind,1._rkind,vGn_n,vGn_m)  ! use effective saturation, so theta_res=0 and theta_sat=1
-         hydCon = hydCond_psi(psiLiq,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m)
-         call iceImpede(volIce,f_impede,iceImpedeFac,dIceImpede_dLiq)
-         hydIce = hydCon*iceImpedeFac
-         print*, 'test derivative: ', (psiLiq - scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial)/dx, dPsiLiq_dTemp
-         print*, 'test derivative: ', (hydCon - hydCond_noIce)/dx, dHydCondMicro_dTemp
-         print*, 'test derivative: ', (hydIce - scalarHydCond)/dx, dHydCond_dTemp
-         print*, 'press any key to continue'; read(*,*) ! (alternative to the deprecated 'pause' statement)
+          xConst = LH_fus/(gravity*Tfreeze)                            ! m K-1 (NOTE: J = kg m2 s-2)
+          vTheta = scalarVolFracIceTrial + scalarVolFracLiqTrial
+          volLiq = volFracLiq(xConst*(scalarTempTrial+dx - Tfreeze),vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+          volIce = vTheta - volLiq
+          effSat = (volLiq - theta_res)/(theta_sat - volIce - theta_res)
+          psiLiq = matricHead(effSat,vGn_alpha,0._rkind,1._rkind,vGn_n,vGn_m)  ! use effective saturation, so theta_res=0 and theta_sat=1
+          hydCon = hydCond_psi(psiLiq,scalarSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m)
+          call iceImpede(volIce,f_impede,iceImpedeFac,dIceImpede_dLiq)
+          hydIce = hydCon*iceImpedeFac
+          print*, 'test derivative: ', (psiLiq - scalarMatricHeadLiqTrial)/dx, dPsiLiq_dTemp
+          print*, 'test derivative: ', (hydCon - hydCond_noIce)/dx, dHydCondMicro_dTemp
+          print*, 'test derivative: ', (hydIce - scalarHydCond)/dx, dHydCond_dTemp
+          print*, 'press any key to continue'; read(*,*) ! (alternative to the deprecated 'pause' statement)
         end if  ! testing the derivative
         ! (set values that are not used to missing)
         dHydCond_dVolLiq = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
         dDiffuse_dVolLiq = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-       end if
-      case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-     end select
-     ! if derivatives are not desired, then set values to missing
-     if(.not.deriv_desired)then
-      dHydCond_dVolLiq   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-      dDiffuse_dVolLiq   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-      dHydCond_dMatric   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
-     end if
-     end subroutine diagv_node
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     ! private subroutine surfaceFlx: compute the surface flux and its derivative
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     subroutine surfaceFlx(&
-                           ! input: model control
-                           doInfiltration,            & ! intent(in): flag indicating if desire to compute infiltration
-                           deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                           ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                           bc_upper,                  & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions (neumann or diriclet)
-                           nRoots,                    & ! intent(in): number of layers that contain roots
-                           ixIce,                     & ! intent(in): index of lowest ice layer
-                           nSoil,                     & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
-                           ! input: state variables
-                           mLayerTemp,                & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
-                           scalarMatricHead,          & ! intent(in): matric head in the upper-most soil layer (m)
-                           mLayerMatricHead,          & ! intent(in): matric head in each soil layer (m)
-                           scalarVolFracLiq,          & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in the upper-most soil layer (-)
-                           mLayerVolFracLiq,          & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
-                           mLayerVolFracIce,          & ! intent(in): volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
-                           ! input: pre-computed derivatives
-                           dTheta_dTk,                & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                           dTheta_dPsi,               & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-                           mLayerdPsi_dTheta,         & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-                           above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,    & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-                           above_soildLiq_dTk,        & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-                           above_soilFracLiq,         & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
-                           ! input: depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
-                           mLayerDepth,               & ! intent(in): depth of each soil layer (m)
-                           iLayerHeight,              & ! intent(in): height at the interface of each layer (m)
-                           ! input: boundary conditions
-                           upperBoundHead,            & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition (m)
-                           upperBoundTheta,           & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition (-)
-                           ! input: flux at the upper boundary
-                           scalarRainPlusMelt,        & ! intent(in): rain plus melt (m s-1)
-                           ! input: transmittance
-                           surfaceSatHydCond,         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                           iceImpedeFac,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
-                           ! input: soil parameters
-                           vGn_alpha,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-                           vGn_n,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-                           vGn_m,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-                           theta_sat,                 & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                           theta_res,                 & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-                           qSurfScale,                & ! intent(in): scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
-                           zScale_TOPMODEL,           & ! intent(in): scaling factor used to describe decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth (m)
-                           rootingDepth,              & ! intent(in): rooting depth (m)
-                           wettingFrontSuction,       & ! intent(in): Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
-                           soilIceScale,              & ! intent(in): soil ice scaling factor in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (m)
-                           soilIceCV,                 & ! intent(in): soil ice CV in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (-)
-                           ! input-output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
-                           surfaceHydCond,            & ! intent(inout): hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-                           surfaceDiffuse,            & ! intent(inout): hydraulic diffusivity at the surface (m2 s-1)
-                           ! input-output: fluxes at layer interfaces and surface runoff
-                           xMaxInfilRate,             & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-                           scalarInfilArea,           & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-                           scalarFrozenArea,          & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-                           scalarSurfaceRunoff,       & ! intent(out): surface runoff (m s-1)
-                           scalarSurfaceInfiltration, & ! intent(out): surface infiltration (m s-1)
-                           ! input-output: deriavtives in surface infiltration w.r.t. volumetric liquid water (m s-1) and matric head (s-1) in the upper-most soil layer
-                           dq_dHydStateVec,           & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateVec,           & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! output: error control
-                           err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head (-)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head (m s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:crit_soilT      ! compute critical temperature below which ice exists
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:gammp           ! compute the cumulative probabilty based on the Gamma distribution
-     ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
-     implicit none
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! input: model control
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: doInfiltration            ! flag indicating if desire to compute infiltration
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: deriv_desired             ! flag to indicate if derivatives are desired
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: bc_upper                  ! index defining the type of boundary conditions
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nRoots                    ! number of layers that contain roots
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: ixIce                     ! index of lowest ice layer
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nSoil                     ! number of soil layers
-     ! input: state and diagnostic variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerTemp(:)             ! temperature (K)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarMatricHead          ! matric head in the upper-most soil layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerMatricHead(:)       ! matric head in each soil layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracLiq          ! volumetric liquid water content in the upper-most soil layer (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerVolFracLiq(:)       ! volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerVolFracIce(:)       ! volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
-     ! input: pre-computed derivatives, note all of these would need to be recomputed if wanted a numerical derivative
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dTk(:)             ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dPsi(:)            ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:)      ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv    ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soildLiq_dTk        ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soilFracLiq         ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
-     ! input: depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerDepth(:)            ! depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iLayerHeight(0:)          ! height at the interface of each layer (m)
-     ! input: diriclet boundary conditions
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: upperBoundHead            ! upper boundary condition for matric head (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: upperBoundTheta           ! upper boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     ! input: flux at the upper boundary
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarRainPlusMelt        ! rain plus melt, used as input to the soil zone before computing surface runoff (m s-1)
-     ! input: transmittance
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: surfaceSatHydCond         ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
-     ! input: soil parameters
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: qSurfScale                ! scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: zScale_TOPMODEL           ! scaling factor used to describe decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: rootingDepth              ! rooting depth (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: wettingFrontSuction       ! Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: soilIceScale              ! soil ice scaling factor in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: soilIceCV                 ! soil ice CV in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (-)
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! input-output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
-     ! NOTE: intent(inout) because infiltration may only be computed for the first iteration
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: surfaceHydCond            ! hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: surfaceDiffuse            ! hydraulic diffusivity at the surface (m
-     ! output: surface runoff and infiltration flux (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: xMaxInfilRate             ! maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: scalarInfilArea           ! fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: scalarFrozenArea          ! fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarSurfaceRunoff       ! surface runoff (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarSurfaceInfiltration ! surface infiltration (m s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in surface infiltration w.r.t. states in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateVec(0:)       ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 or s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateVec(0:)       ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! output: error control
-     integer(i4b),intent(out)         :: err                       ! error code
-     character(*),intent(out)         :: message                   ! error message
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! local variables
-     ! (general)
-     integer(i4b)                     :: iLayer                    ! index of soil layer
-     real(rkind)                      :: Tcrit                     ! temperature where all water is unfrozen (K)
-     real(rkind)                      :: fpart1,fpart2             ! different parts of a function
-     real(rkind)                      :: dpart1(1:nSoil),dpart2(1:nSoil)     ! derivatives for different parts of a function
-     real(rkind)                      :: dfracCap(1:nSoil),dfInfRaw(1:nSoil)  ! derivatives for different parts of a function
-    ! (head boundary condition)
-     real(rkind)                      :: cFlux                     ! capillary flux (m s-1)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dNum                      ! numerical derivative
-     ! (simplified Green-Ampt infiltration)
-     real(rkind)                      :: rootZoneLiq               ! depth of liquid water in the root zone (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: rootZoneIce               ! depth of ice in the root zone (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: availCapacity             ! available storage capacity in the root zone (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: depthWettingFront         ! depth to the wetting front (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: hydCondWettingFront       ! hydraulic conductivity at the wetting front (m s-1)
-     ! (saturated area associated with variable storage capacity)
-     real(rkind)                      :: fracCap                   ! fraction of pore space filled with liquid water and ice (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: fInfRaw                   ! infiltrating area before imposing solution constraints (-)
-     real(rkind),parameter            :: maxFracCap=0.995_rkind       ! maximum fraction capacity -- used to avoid numerical problems associated with an enormous derivative
-     real(rkind),parameter            :: scaleFactor=0.000001_rkind   ! scale factor for the smoothing function (-)
-     real(rkind),parameter            :: qSurfScaleMax=1000._rkind    ! maximum surface runoff scaling factor (-)
-     ! (fraction of impermeable area associated with frozen ground)
-     real(rkind)                      :: alpha                     ! shape parameter in the Gamma distribution
-     real(rkind)                      :: xLimg                     ! upper limit of the integral
-     ! (derivatives)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracLiq_dWat(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in vol fraction of liquid w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracIce_dWat(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in vol fraction of ice w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracLiq_dTk(1:nSoil)   ! derivative in vol fraction of liquid w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracIce_dTk(1:nSoil)   ! derivative in vol fraction of ice w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneLiq_dWat(1:nSoil)       ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone liquid w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneIce_dWat(1:nSoil)       ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone ice w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneLiq_dTk(1:nSoil)        ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone liquid w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneIce_dTk(1:nSoil)        ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone ice w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dDepthWettingFront_dWat(1:nSoil) ! derivative in scalar depth of wetting front w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dDepthWettingFront_dTk(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in scalar depth of wetting front w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dXMaxInfilRate_dWat(1:nSoil)     ! derivative in scalar max infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dXMaxInfilRate_dTk(1:nSoil)      ! derivative in scalar max infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dInfilArea_dWat(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dInfilArea_dTk(0:nSoil)          ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dFrozenArea_dWat(0:nSoil)        ! derivative in scalar frozen area w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dFrozenArea_dTk(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar frozen area w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dInfilRate_dWat(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
-     real(rkind)                      :: dInfilRate_dTk(0:nSoil)          ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
-     ! initialize error control
-     err=0; message="surfaceFlx/"
-     ! initialize derivatives
-     dq_dHydStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
-     dq_dNrgStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
-     ! *****
-     ! compute the surface flux and its derivative
-     select case(bc_upper)
-      ! *****
-      ! head condition
-      case(prescribedHead)
-       ! surface runoff iz zero for the head condition
-       scalarSurfaceRunoff = 0._rkind
-       ! compute transmission and the capillary flux
-       select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
+      end if
+    case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+  end select
+  ! if derivatives are not desired, then set values to missing
+  if(.not.deriv_desired)then
+    dHydCond_dVolLiq   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
+    dDiffuse_dVolLiq   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
+    dHydCond_dMatric   = realMissing ! not used, so cause problems
+  end if
+end subroutine diagv_node
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+! private subroutine surfaceFlx: compute the surface flux and its derivative
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+subroutine surfaceFlx(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      doInfiltration,            & ! intent(in): flag indicating if desire to compute infiltration
+                      deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                      bc_upper,                  & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions (neumann or diriclet)
+                      nRoots,                    & ! intent(in): number of layers that contain roots
+                      ixIce,                     & ! intent(in): index of lowest ice layer
+                      nSoil,                     & ! intent(in): number of soil layers
+                      ! input: state variables
+                      mLayerTemp,                & ! intent(in): temperature (K)
+                      scalarMatricHead,          & ! intent(in): matric head in the upper-most soil layer (m)
+                      mLayerMatricHead,          & ! intent(in): matric head in each soil layer (m)
+                      scalarVolFracLiq,          & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in the upper-most soil layer (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiq,          & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIce,          & ! intent(in): volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
+                      ! input: pre-computed derivatives
+                      dTheta_dTk,                & ! intent(in): derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+                      dTheta_dPsi,               & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+                      mLayerdPsi_dTheta,         & ! intent(in): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+                      above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,    & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+                      above_soildLiq_dTk,        & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+                      above_soilFracLiq,         & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+                      ! input: depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
+                      mLayerDepth,               & ! intent(in): depth of each soil layer (m)
+                      iLayerHeight,              & ! intent(in): height at the interface of each layer (m)
+                      ! input: boundary conditions
+                      upperBoundHead,            & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition (m)
+                      upperBoundTheta,           & ! intent(in): upper boundary condition (-)
+                      ! input: flux at the upper boundary
+                      scalarRainPlusMelt,        & ! intent(in): rain plus melt (m s-1)
+                      ! input: transmittance
+                      surfaceSatHydCond,         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                      iceImpedeFac,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
+                      ! input: soil parameters
+                      vGn_alpha,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+                      vGn_n,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+                      vGn_m,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+                      theta_sat,                 & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                      theta_res,                 & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+                      qSurfScale,                & ! intent(in): scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
+                      zScale_TOPMODEL,           & ! intent(in): scaling factor used to describe decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth (m)
+                      rootingDepth,              & ! intent(in): rooting depth (m)
+                      wettingFrontSuction,       & ! intent(in): Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
+                      soilIceScale,              & ! intent(in): soil ice scaling factor in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (m)
+                      soilIceCV,                 & ! intent(in): soil ice CV in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (-)
+                      ! input-output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
+                      surfaceHydCond,            & ! intent(inout): hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+                      surfaceDiffuse,            & ! intent(inout): hydraulic diffusivity at the surface (m2 s-1)
+                      ! input-output: fluxes at layer interfaces and surface runoff
+                      xMaxInfilRate,             & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+                      scalarInfilArea,           & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+                      scalarFrozenArea,          & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+                      scalarSurfaceRunoff,       & ! intent(out): surface runoff (m s-1)
+                      scalarSurfaceInfiltration, & ! intent(out): surface infiltration (m s-1)
+                      ! input-output: deriavtives in surface infiltration w.r.t. volumetric liquid water (m s-1) and matric head (s-1) in the upper-most soil layer
+                      dq_dHydStateVec,           & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateVec,           & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head (-)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head (m s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:crit_soilT      ! compute critical temperature below which ice exists
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:gammp           ! compute the cumulative probabilty based on the Gamma distribution
+  ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
+  implicit none
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! input: model control
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: doInfiltration            ! flag indicating if desire to compute infiltration
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)          :: deriv_desired             ! flag to indicate if derivatives are desired
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: bc_upper                  ! index defining the type of boundary conditions
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nRoots                    ! number of layers that contain roots
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: ixIce                     ! index of lowest ice layer
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)          :: nSoil                     ! number of soil layers
+  ! input: state and diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerTemp(:)             ! temperature (K)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarMatricHead          ! matric head in the upper-most soil layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerMatricHead(:)       ! matric head in each soil layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarVolFracLiq          ! volumetric liquid water content in the upper-most soil layer (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerVolFracLiq(:)       ! volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerVolFracIce(:)       ! volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
+  ! input: pre-computed derivatives, note all of these would need to be recomputed if wanted a numerical derivative
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dTk(:)             ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dTheta_dPsi(:)            ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:)      ! derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv    ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soildLiq_dTk        ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: above_soilFracLiq         ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+  ! input: depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: mLayerDepth(:)            ! depth of upper-most soil layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iLayerHeight(0:)          ! height at the interface of each layer (m)
+  ! input: diriclet boundary conditions
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: upperBoundHead            ! upper boundary condition for matric head (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: upperBoundTheta           ! upper boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  ! input: flux at the upper boundary
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: scalarRainPlusMelt        ! rain plus melt, used as input to the soil zone before computing surface runoff (m s-1)
+  ! input: transmittance
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: surfaceSatHydCond         ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
+  ! input: soil parameters
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: qSurfScale                ! scaling factor in the surface runoff parameterization (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: zScale_TOPMODEL           ! scaling factor used to describe decrease in hydraulic conductivity with depth (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: rootingDepth              ! rooting depth (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: wettingFrontSuction       ! Green-Ampt wetting front suction (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: soilIceScale              ! soil ice scaling factor in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: soilIceCV                 ! soil ice CV in Gamma distribution used to define frozen area (-)
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! input-output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
+  ! NOTE: intent(inout) because infiltration may only be computed for the first iteration
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: surfaceHydCond            ! hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: surfaceDiffuse            ! hydraulic diffusivity at the surface (m
+  ! output: surface runoff and infiltration flux (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: xMaxInfilRate             ! maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: scalarInfilArea           ! fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)        :: scalarFrozenArea          ! fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarSurfaceRunoff       ! surface runoff (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarSurfaceInfiltration ! surface infiltration (m s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in surface infiltration w.r.t. states in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateVec(0:)       ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 or s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateVec(0:)       ! derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! output: error control
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)         :: err                       ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)         :: message                   ! error message
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! local variables
+  ! (general)
+  integer(i4b)                     :: iLayer                    ! index of soil layer
+  real(rkind)                      :: Tcrit                     ! temperature where all water is unfrozen (K)
+  real(rkind)                      :: fpart1,fpart2             ! different parts of a function
+  real(rkind)                      :: dpart1(1:nSoil),dpart2(1:nSoil)     ! derivatives for different parts of a function
+  real(rkind)                      :: dfracCap(1:nSoil),dfInfRaw(1:nSoil)  ! derivatives for different parts of a function
+  ! (head boundary condition)
+  real(rkind)                      :: cFlux                     ! capillary flux (m s-1)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dNum                      ! numerical derivative
+  ! (simplified Green-Ampt infiltration)
+  real(rkind)                      :: rootZoneLiq               ! depth of liquid water in the root zone (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: rootZoneIce               ! depth of ice in the root zone (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: availCapacity             ! available storage capacity in the root zone (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: depthWettingFront         ! depth to the wetting front (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: hydCondWettingFront       ! hydraulic conductivity at the wetting front (m s-1)
+  ! (saturated area associated with variable storage capacity)
+  real(rkind)                      :: fracCap                   ! fraction of pore space filled with liquid water and ice (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: fInfRaw                   ! infiltrating area before imposing solution constraints (-)
+  real(rkind),parameter            :: maxFracCap=0.995_rkind       ! maximum fraction capacity -- used to avoid numerical problems associated with an enormous derivative
+  real(rkind),parameter            :: scaleFactor=0.000001_rkind   ! scale factor for the smoothing function (-)
+  real(rkind),parameter            :: qSurfScaleMax=1000._rkind    ! maximum surface runoff scaling factor (-)
+  ! (fraction of impermeable area associated with frozen ground)
+  real(rkind)                      :: alpha                     ! shape parameter in the Gamma distribution
+  real(rkind)                      :: xLimg                     ! upper limit of the integral
+  ! (derivatives)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracLiq_dWat(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in vol fraction of liquid w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracIce_dWat(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in vol fraction of ice w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracLiq_dTk(1:nSoil)   ! derivative in vol fraction of liquid w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dVolFracIce_dTk(1:nSoil)   ! derivative in vol fraction of ice w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneLiq_dWat(1:nSoil)       ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone liquid w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneIce_dWat(1:nSoil)       ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone ice w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneLiq_dTk(1:nSoil)        ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone liquid w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dRootZoneIce_dTk(1:nSoil)        ! derivative in vol fraction of scalar root zone ice w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dDepthWettingFront_dWat(1:nSoil) ! derivative in scalar depth of wetting front w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dDepthWettingFront_dTk(1:nSoil)  ! derivative in scalar depth of wetting front w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dXMaxInfilRate_dWat(1:nSoil)     ! derivative in scalar max infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dXMaxInfilRate_dTk(1:nSoil)      ! derivative in scalar max infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dInfilArea_dWat(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dInfilArea_dTk(0:nSoil)          ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dFrozenArea_dWat(0:nSoil)        ! derivative in scalar frozen area w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dFrozenArea_dTk(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar frozen area w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dInfilRate_dWat(0:nSoil)         ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. water state variable in canopy or snow and root layers
+  real(rkind)                      :: dInfilRate_dTk(0:nSoil)          ! derivative in scalar infiltration rate w.r.t. temperature in canopy or snow and root layers
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message="surfaceFlx/"
+  ! initialize derivatives
+  dq_dHydStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
+  dq_dNrgStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
+  ! *****
+  ! compute the surface flux and its derivative
+  select case(bc_upper)
+    ! *****
+    ! head condition
+    case(prescribedHead)
+      ! surface runoff iz zero for the head condition
+      scalarSurfaceRunoff = 0._rkind
+      ! compute transmission and the capillary flux
+      select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
-         surfaceHydCond = hydCond_liq(upperBoundTheta,surfaceSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
-         surfaceDiffuse = dPsi_dTheta(upperBoundTheta,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m) * surfaceHydCond
-         ! compute the capillary flux
-         cflux = -surfaceDiffuse*(scalarVolFracLiq - upperBoundTheta) / (mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind)
+          ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
+          surfaceHydCond = hydCond_liq(upperBoundTheta,surfaceSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
+          surfaceDiffuse = dPsi_dTheta(upperBoundTheta,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m) * surfaceHydCond
+          ! compute the capillary flux
+          cflux = -surfaceDiffuse*(scalarVolFracLiq - upperBoundTheta) / (mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind)
-         ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
-         surfaceHydCond = hydCond_psi(upperBoundHead,surfaceSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
-         surfaceDiffuse = realMissing
-         ! compute the capillary flux
-         cflux = -surfaceHydCond*(scalarMatricHead - upperBoundHead) / (mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind)
+          ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
+          surfaceHydCond = hydCond_psi(upperBoundHead,surfaceSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
+          surfaceDiffuse = realMissing
+          ! compute the capillary flux
+          cflux = -surfaceHydCond*(scalarMatricHead - upperBoundHead) / (mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind)
         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-       end select  ! (form of Richards' eqn)
-       ! compute the total flux
-       scalarSurfaceInfiltration = cflux + surfaceHydCond
-       ! compute the derivative
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end select  ! (form of Richards' eqn)
+      ! compute the total flux
+      scalarSurfaceInfiltration = cflux + surfaceHydCond
+      ! compute the derivative
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         ! compute the hydrology derivative at the surface
         select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         case(moisture); dq_dHydStateVec(1) = -surfaceDiffuse/(mLayerDepth(1)/2._rkind)
-         case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateVec(1) = -surfaceHydCond/(mLayerDepth(1)/2._rkind)
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          case(moisture); dq_dHydStateVec(1) = -surfaceDiffuse/(mLayerDepth(1)/2._rkind)
+          case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateVec(1) = -surfaceHydCond/(mLayerDepth(1)/2._rkind)
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
         end select
         ! compute the energy derivative at the surface
         dq_dNrgStateVec(1) = -(dHydCond_dTemp/2._rkind)*(scalarMatricHead - upperBoundHead)/(mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind) + dHydCond_dTemp/2._rkind
-        ! compute the numerical derivative
-        !cflux = -surfaceHydCond*((scalarMatricHead+dx) - upperBoundHead) / (mLayerDepth(1)*0.5_rkind)
-        !surfaceInfiltration1 = cflux + surfaceHydCond
-        !dNum  = (surfaceInfiltration1 - scalarSurfaceInfiltration)/dx
-       else
+      else
         dNum         = 0._rkind
-       end if
-       !write(*,'(a,1x,10(e30.20,1x))') 'scalarMatricHead, scalarSurfaceInfiltration, dq_dHydState, dNum = ', &
-       !                                 scalarMatricHead, scalarSurfaceInfiltration, dq_dHydState, dNum
-      ! *****
-      ! flux condition
-      case(liquidFlux)
-       ! force infiltration to be constant over the iterations
-       if(doInfiltration)then
+      end if
+    ! flux condition
+    case(liquidFlux)
+      ! force infiltration to be constant over the iterations
+      if(doInfiltration)then
         ! (process root layers only liquid and ice derivatives)
         dVolFracLiq_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
         dVolFracIce_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
         dVolFracLiq_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
         dVolFracIce_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
         if(deriv_desired .and. nRoots > 0)then
-         select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-          case(moisture)
-           dVolFracLiq_dWat(:) = 1._rkind
-           dVolFracIce_dWat(:) = mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:) - 1._rkind
-          case(mixdform)
-           do iLayer=1,nRoots
-            Tcrit = crit_soilT( mLayerMatricHead(iLayer) )
-            if(mLayerTemp(iLayer) < Tcrit)then
-             dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer) = 0._rkind
-             dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer) = dTheta_dPsi(iLayer)
-            else
-             dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer) = dTheta_dPsi(iLayer)
-             dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer) = 0._rkind
-            endif
-           enddo
-         end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         dVolFracLiq_dTk(:) = dTheta_dTk(:) !already zeroed out if not below critical temperature
-         dVolFracIce_dTk(:) = -dVolFracLiq_dTk(:) !often can and will simplify one of these terms out
-         endif
+          select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
+            case(moisture)
+              dVolFracLiq_dWat(:) = 1._rkind
+              dVolFracIce_dWat(:) = mLayerdPsi_dTheta(:) - 1._rkind
+            case(mixdform)
+              do iLayer=1,nRoots
+                Tcrit = crit_soilT( mLayerMatricHead(iLayer) )
+                if(mLayerTemp(iLayer) < Tcrit)then
+                  dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer) = 0._rkind
+                  dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer) = dTheta_dPsi(iLayer)
+                else
+                  dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer) = dTheta_dPsi(iLayer)
+                  dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer) = 0._rkind
+                endif
+              enddo
+          end select ! (form of Richards' equation)
+          dVolFracLiq_dTk(:) = dTheta_dTk(:) !already zeroed out if not below critical temperature
+          dVolFracIce_dTk(:) = -dVolFracLiq_dTk(:) !often can and will simplify one of these terms out
+        endif
         ! define the storage in the root zone (m) and derivatives
         rootZoneLiq = 0._rkind
         rootZoneIce = 0._rkind
@@ -1413,17 +1361,17 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         dRootZoneIce_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
         dRootZoneLiq_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
         dRootZoneIce_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
         ! (process layers where the roots extend to the bottom of the layer)
         if(nRoots > 1)then
-         do iLayer=1,nRoots-1
-          rootZoneLiq = rootZoneLiq + mLayerVolFracLiq(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-          rootZoneIce = rootZoneIce + mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-          dRootZoneLiq_dWat(iLayer) = dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-          dRootZoneIce_dWat(iLayer) = dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-          dRootZoneLiq_dTk(iLayer)  = dVolFracLiq_dTk(iLayer) *mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-          dRootZoneIce_dTk(iLayer)  = dVolFracIce_dTk(iLayer) *mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-         end do
+          do iLayer=1,nRoots-1
+            rootZoneLiq = rootZoneLiq + mLayerVolFracLiq(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+            rootZoneIce = rootZoneIce + mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+            dRootZoneLiq_dWat(iLayer) = dVolFracLiq_dWat(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+            dRootZoneIce_dWat(iLayer) = dVolFracIce_dWat(iLayer)*mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+            dRootZoneLiq_dTk(iLayer)  = dVolFracLiq_dTk(iLayer) *mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+            dRootZoneIce_dTk(iLayer)  = dVolFracIce_dTk(iLayer) *mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+          end do
         end if
         ! (process layers where the roots end in the current layer)
         rootZoneLiq = rootZoneLiq + mLayerVolFracLiq(nRoots)*(rootingDepth - iLayerHeight(nRoots-1))
@@ -1432,22 +1380,22 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         dRootZoneIce_dWat(nRoots) = dVolFracIce_dWat(nRoots)*(rootingDepth - iLayerHeight(nRoots-1))
         dRootZoneLiq_dTk(nRoots)  = dVolFracLiq_dTk(nRoots)* (rootingDepth - iLayerHeight(nRoots-1))
         dRootZoneIce_dTk(nRoots)  = dVolFracIce_dTk(nRoots)* (rootingDepth - iLayerHeight(nRoots-1))
         ! define available capacity to hold water (m)
         availCapacity = theta_sat*rootingDepth - rootZoneIce
         if(rootZoneLiq > availCapacity+verySmall)then
-         message=trim(message)//'liquid water in the root zone exceeds capacity'
-         err=20; return
+          message=trim(message)//'liquid water in the root zone exceeds capacity'
+          err=20; return
         end if
         ! define the depth to the wetting front (m) and derivatives
         depthWettingFront = (rootZoneLiq/availCapacity)*rootingDepth
         dDepthWettingFront_dWat(:)=( dRootZoneLiq_dWat(:)*rootingDepth + dRootZoneIce_dWat(:)*depthWettingFront )/availCapacity
         dDepthWettingFront_dTk(:) =( dRootZoneLiq_dTk(:)*rootingDepth  + dRootZoneIce_dTk(:)*depthWettingFront  )/availCapacity
         ! define the hydraulic conductivity at depth=depthWettingFront (m s-1)
         hydCondWettingFront =  surfaceSatHydCond * ( (1._rkind - depthWettingFront/sum(mLayerDepth))**(zScale_TOPMODEL - 1._rkind) )
         ! define the maximum infiltration rate (m s-1) and derivatives
         xMaxInfilRate = hydCondWettingFront*( (wettingFrontSuction + depthWettingFront)/depthWettingFront )  ! maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
         !write(*,'(a,1x,f9.3,1x,10(e20.10,1x))') 'depthWettingFront, surfaceSatHydCond, hydCondWettingFront, xMaxInfilRate = ', depthWettingFront, surfaceSatHydCond, hydCondWettingFront, xMaxInfilRate
@@ -1459,223 +1407,219 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         dPart1(:) = surfaceSatHydCond*(zScale_TOPMODEL - 1._rkind) * ( (1._rkind - depthWettingFront/sum(mLayerDepth))**(zScale_TOPMODEL - 2._rkind) ) * (-dDepthWettingFront_dTk(:))/sum(mLayerDepth)
         dPart2(:) = -dDepthWettingFront_dTk(:)*wettingFrontSuction / (depthWettingFront**2._rkind)
         dXMaxInfilRate_dTk(:)  = fPart1*dpart2(:) + fPart2*dPart1(:)
         ! define the infiltrating area and derivatives for the non-frozen part of the cell/basin
         if(qSurfScale < qSurfScaleMax)then
-         fracCap         = rootZoneLiq/(maxFracCap*availCapacity)                              ! fraction of available root zone filled with water
-         fInfRaw         = 1._rkind - exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))                          ! infiltrating area -- allowed to violate solution constraints
-         scalarInfilArea = min(0.5_rkind*(fInfRaw + sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor)), 1._rkind)   ! infiltrating area -- constrained
-         if (0.5_rkind*(fInfRaw + sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))< 1._rkind) then
-          dfracCap(:) = ( dRootZoneLiq_dWat(:)/maxFracCap + dRootZoneIce_dWat(:)*fracCap )/availCapacity
-          dfInfRaw(:) = -qSurfScale*dfracCap(:) * exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))
-          dInfilArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0.5_rkind*dfInfRaw(:) * (1._rkind + fInfRaw/sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))
-          dfracCap(:) = ( dRootZoneLiq_dTk(:)/maxFracCap + dRootZoneIce_dTk(:)*fracCap )/availCapacity
-          dfInfRaw(:) = -qSurfScale*dfracCap(:) * exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))
-          dInfilArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0.5_rkind*dfInfRaw(:) * (1._rkind + fInfRaw/sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))
-         else ! scalarInfilArea = 1._rkind
-          dInfilArea_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
-          dInfilArea_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
-         endif
+          fracCap         = rootZoneLiq/(maxFracCap*availCapacity)                              ! fraction of available root zone filled with water
+          fInfRaw         = 1._rkind - exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))                          ! infiltrating area -- allowed to violate solution constraints
+          scalarInfilArea = min(0.5_rkind*(fInfRaw + sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor)), 1._rkind)   ! infiltrating area -- constrained
+          if (0.5_rkind*(fInfRaw + sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))< 1._rkind) then
+            dfracCap(:) = ( dRootZoneLiq_dWat(:)/maxFracCap + dRootZoneIce_dWat(:)*fracCap )/availCapacity
+            dfInfRaw(:) = -qSurfScale*dfracCap(:) * exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))
+            dInfilArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0.5_rkind*dfInfRaw(:) * (1._rkind + fInfRaw/sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))
+            dfracCap(:) = ( dRootZoneLiq_dTk(:)/maxFracCap + dRootZoneIce_dTk(:)*fracCap )/availCapacity
+            dfInfRaw(:) = -qSurfScale*dfracCap(:) * exp(-qSurfScale*(1._rkind - fracCap))
+            dInfilArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0.5_rkind*dfInfRaw(:) * (1._rkind + fInfRaw/sqrt(fInfRaw**2._rkind + scaleFactor))
+          else ! scalarInfilArea = 1._rkind
+            dInfilArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0._rkind
+            dInfilArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0._rkind
+          endif
-         scalarInfilArea = 1._rkind
-         dInfilArea_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
-         dInfilArea_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
+          scalarInfilArea = 1._rkind
+          dInfilArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0._rkind
+          dInfilArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0._rkind
         dInfilArea_dWat(0) = 0._rkind
         dInfilArea_dTk(0)  = 0._rkind
         ! check to ensure we are not infiltrating into a fully saturated column
-         if(sum(mLayerVolFracLiq(ixIce+1:nRoots)*mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots)) > 0.9999_rkind*theta_sat*sum(mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots))) scalarInfilArea=0._rkind
-         !print*, 'ixIce, nRoots, scalarInfilArea = ', ixIce, nRoots, scalarInfilArea
-         !print*, 'sum(mLayerVolFracLiq(ixIce+1:nRoots)*mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots)) = ', sum(mLayerVolFracLiq(ixIce+1:nRoots)*mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots))
-         !print*, 'theta_sat*sum(mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots)) = ', theta_sat*sum(mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots))
+          if(sum(mLayerVolFracLiq(ixIce+1:nRoots)*mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots)) > 0.9999_rkind*theta_sat*sum(mLayerDepth(ixIce+1:nRoots))) scalarInfilArea=0._rkind
         ! define the impermeable area and derivatives due to frozen ground
         if(rootZoneIce > tiny(rootZoneIce))then  ! (avoid divide by zero)
-         alpha            = 1._rkind/(soilIceCV**2._rkind)        ! shape parameter in the Gamma distribution
-         xLimg            = alpha*soilIceScale/rootZoneIce  ! upper limit of the integral
-         !scalarFrozenArea = 1._rkind - gammp(alpha,xLimg)      ! fraction of frozen area
-         !if we use this, we will have a derivative of scalarFrozenArea w.r.t. water and temperature in each layer (through mLayerVolFracIce)
-         scalarFrozenArea = 0._rkind
-         dFrozenArea_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
-         dFrozenArea_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
+          alpha            = 1._rkind/(soilIceCV**2._rkind)        ! shape parameter in the Gamma distribution
+          xLimg            = alpha*soilIceScale/rootZoneIce  ! upper limit of the integral
+          !if we use this, we will have a derivative of scalarFrozenArea w.r.t. water and temperature in each layer (through mLayerVolFracIce)
+          scalarFrozenArea = 0._rkind
+          dFrozenArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0._rkind
+          dFrozenArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0._rkind
-         scalarFrozenArea = 0._rkind
-         dFrozenArea_dWat(:) = 0._rkind
-         dFrozenArea_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind
+          scalarFrozenArea = 0._rkind
+          dFrozenArea_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0._rkind
+          dFrozenArea_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0._rkind
         end if
         dFrozenArea_dWat(0) = 0._rkind
         dFrozenArea_dTk(0)  = 0._rkind
-        !print*, 'scalarFrozenArea, rootZoneIce = ', scalarFrozenArea, rootZoneIce
-       end if ! (if desire to compute infiltration)
-       ! compute infiltration (m s-1)
-       scalarSurfaceInfiltration = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
-       ! compute infiltration derivative for layers not at surface
-       if (xMaxInfilRate < scalarRainPlusMelt) then ! = dXMaxInfilRate_d
-        dInfilRate_dWat(1:nSoil) = dXMaxInfilRate_dWat(:)
-        dInfilRate_dTk(1:nSoil)  = dXMaxInfilRate_dTk(:)
-       else ! = dRainPlusMelt_d only dependent on canopy
-        dInfilRate_dWat(:) = 0._rkind !only calculate for layers that are not the surface
-        dInfilRate_dTk(:)  = 0._rkind !only calculate for layers that are not the surface
-        ! dependent on above layer (canopy or snow) water and temp
-        dInfilRate_dWat(0) = above_soilLiqFluxDeriv*above_soilFracLiq
-        dInfilRate_dTk(0) = above_soilLiqFluxDeriv*above_soildLiq_dTk
-       endif
-       ! dq w.r.t. infiltration only, scalarRainPlusMelt accounted for in computeJacDAE_module
-       dq_dHydStateVec(:) = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea) * ( dInfilArea_dWat(:)*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate) + scalarInfilArea*dInfilRate_dWat(:) ) +&
-                            (-dFrozenArea_dWat(:))*scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
-       dq_dNrgStateVec(:) = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea) * ( dInfilArea_dTk(:) *min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate) + scalarInfilArea*dInfilRate_dTk(:)  ) +&
-                            (-dFrozenArea_dTk(:)) *scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
-       ! compute surface runoff (m s-1)
-       scalarSurfaceRunoff = scalarRainPlusMelt - scalarSurfaceInfiltration
-       !print*, 'scalarRainPlusMelt, xMaxInfilRate = ', scalarRainPlusMelt, xMaxInfilRate
-       !print*, 'scalarSurfaceInfiltration, scalarSurfaceRunoff = ', scalarSurfaceInfiltration, scalarSurfaceRunoff
-       !print*, '(1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea), (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea = ', (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea), (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea
-       ! set surface hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity to missing (not used for flux condition)
-       surfaceHydCond = realMissing
-       surfaceDiffuse = realMissing
-      ! ***** error check
-      case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unknown upper boundary condition for soil hydrology'; return
-     end select  ! (type of upper boundary condition)
-     end subroutine surfaceFlx
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     ! private subroutine iLayerFlux: compute the fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     subroutine iLayerFlux(&
-                           ! input: model control
-                           deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                           ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                           ! input: state variables (adjacent layers)
-                           nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial,    & ! intent(in): liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
-                           nodeVolFracLiqTrial,       & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content at the soil nodes (-)
-                           ! input: model coordinate variables (adjacent layers)
-                           nodeHeight,                & ! intent(in): height of the soil nodes (m)
-                           ! input: temperature derivatives
-                           dPsiLiq_dTemp,             & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                           dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! input: transmittance (adjacent layers)
-                           nodeHydCondTrial,          & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the soil nodes (m s-1)
-                           nodeDiffuseTrial,          & ! intent(in): hydraulic diffusivity at the soil nodes (m2 s-1)
-                           ! input: transmittance derivatives (adjacent layers)
-                           dHydCond_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-                           dDiffuse_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dMatric,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in matric head (s-1)
-                           ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
-                           iLayerHydCond,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
-                           iLayerDiffuse,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
-                           ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
-                           iLayerLiqFluxSoil,         & ! intent(out): vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           dq_dHydStateAbove,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           dq_dHydStateBelow,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateAbove,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateBelow,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! output: error control
-                           err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
-     ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! input: model control
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired               ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                  ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-     ! input: state variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)   ! liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeVolFracLiqTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of liquid water at the soil nodes (-)
-     ! input: model coordinate variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHeight(:)               ! height at the mid-point of the lower layer (m)
-     ! input: temperature derivatives
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dPsiLiq_dTemp(:)            ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp(:)           ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! input: transmittance
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHydCondTrial(:)         ! hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeDiffuseTrial(:)         ! diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
-     ! input: transmittance derivatives
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dVolLiq(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dMatric(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (m s-1)
-     ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerHydCond               ! hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerDiffuse               ! hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
-     ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSoil           ! vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateAbove           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateBelow           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateAbove           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateBelow           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! output: error control
-     integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                         ! error code
-     character(*),intent(out)      :: message                     ! error message
-     ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! local variables (named variables to provide index of 2-element vectors)
-     integer(i4b),parameter        :: ixUpper=1                   ! index of upper node in the 2-element vectors
-     integer(i4b),parameter        :: ixLower=2                   ! index of lower node in the 2-element vectors
-     logical(lgt),parameter        :: useGeometric=.false.        ! switch between the arithmetic and geometric mean
-     ! local variables (Darcy flux)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dPsi                        ! spatial difference in matric head (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dLiq                        ! spatial difference in volumetric liquid water (-)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dz                          ! spatial difference in layer mid-points (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: cflux                       ! capillary flux (m s-1)
-     ! local variables (derivative in Darcy's flux)
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dVolLiqAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer above
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dVolLiqBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer below
-     real(rkind)                      :: dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer above
-     real(rkind)                      :: dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer below
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. matric head in layer above
-     real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. matric head in layer below
-     ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! initialize error control
-     err=0; message="iLayerFlux/"
-     ! *****
-     ! compute the vertical flux of liquid water
-     ! compute the hydraulic conductivity at the interface
-     if(useGeometric)then
-      iLayerHydCond   = (nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower)   * nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper))**0.5_rkind
-     else
-      iLayerHydCond   = (nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower)   + nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper))*0.5_rkind
-     end if
-     !write(*,'(a,1x,5(e20.10,1x))') 'in iLayerFlux: iLayerHydCond, iLayerHydCondMP = ', iLayerHydCond, iLayerHydCondMP
-     ! compute the height difference between nodes
-     dz = nodeHeight(ixLower) - nodeHeight(ixUpper)
-     ! compute the capillary flux
-     select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
+        if (xMaxInfilRate < scalarRainPlusMelt) then ! = dXMaxInfilRate_d, dependent on layers not at surface
+          dInfilRate_dWat(0) = 0._rkind
+          dInfilRate_dTk(0)  = 0._rkind
+          dInfilRate_dWat(1:nSoil) = dXMaxInfilRate_dWat(:)
+          dInfilRate_dTk(1:nSoil)  = dXMaxInfilRate_dTk(:)
+        else ! = dRainPlusMelt_d, dependent on above layer (canopy or snow) water and temp
+          dInfilRate_dWat(0) = above_soilLiqFluxDeriv*above_soilFracLiq
+          dInfilRate_dTk(0)  = above_soilLiqFluxDeriv*above_soildLiq_dTk
+          dInfilRate_dWat(1:nSoil) = 0._rkind
+          dInfilRate_dTk(1:nSoil)  = 0._rkind
+        endif
+        ! dq w.r.t. infiltration only, scalarRainPlusMelt accounted for in computeJacob module
+        dq_dHydStateVec(:) = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea) * ( dInfilArea_dWat(:)*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate) + scalarInfilArea*dInfilRate_dWat(:) ) +&
+                              (-dFrozenArea_dWat(:))*scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
+        dq_dNrgStateVec(:) = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea) * ( dInfilArea_dTk(:) *min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate) + scalarInfilArea*dInfilRate_dTk(:)  ) +&
+                              (-dFrozenArea_dTk(:)) *scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
+      else ! do not compute infiltration after first flux call in a splitting operation
+        dq_dHydStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
+        dq_dNrgStateVec(:) = 0._rkind
+      end if ! (if desire to compute infiltration)
+      ! compute infiltration (m s-1), if after first flux call in a splitting operation does not change
+      scalarSurfaceInfiltration = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea*min(scalarRainPlusMelt,xMaxInfilRate)
+      ! compute surface runoff (m s-1)
+      scalarSurfaceRunoff = scalarRainPlusMelt - scalarSurfaceInfiltration
+      ! set surface hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity to missing (not used for flux condition)
+      surfaceHydCond = realMissing
+      surfaceDiffuse = realMissing
+    ! ***** error check
+    case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unknown upper boundary condition for soil hydrology'; return
+  end select  ! (type of upper boundary condition)
+end subroutine surfaceFlx
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+! private subroutine iLayerFlux: compute the fluxes and derivatives at layer interfaces
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+subroutine iLayerFlux(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                      ! input: state variables (adjacent layers)
+                      nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial,    & ! intent(in): liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
+                      nodeVolFracLiqTrial,       & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content at the soil nodes (-)
+                      ! input: model coordinate variables (adjacent layers)
+                      nodeHeight,                & ! intent(in): height of the soil nodes (m)
+                      ! input: temperature derivatives
+                      dPsiLiq_dTemp,             & ! intent(in): derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+                      dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! input: transmittance (adjacent layers)
+                      nodeHydCondTrial,          & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the soil nodes (m s-1)
+                      nodeDiffuseTrial,          & ! intent(in): hydraulic diffusivity at the soil nodes (m2 s-1)
+                      ! input: transmittance derivatives (adjacent layers)
+                      dHydCond_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+                      dDiffuse_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t. change in volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dMatric,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. change in matric head (s-1)
+                      ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
+                      iLayerHydCond,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
+                      iLayerDiffuse,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
+                      ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSoil,         & ! intent(out): vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateAbove,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateBelow,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateAbove,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateBelow,         & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
+  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! input: model control
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired               ! flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                  ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+  ! input: state variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)   ! liquid matric head at the soil nodes (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeVolFracLiqTrial(:)      ! volumetric fraction of liquid water at the soil nodes (-)
+  ! input: model coordinate variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHeight(:)               ! height at the mid-point of the lower layer (m)
+  ! input: temperature derivatives
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dPsiLiq_dTemp(:)            ! derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp(:)           ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! input: transmittance
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHydCondTrial(:)         ! hydraulic conductivity at layer mid-points (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeDiffuseTrial(:)         ! diffusivity at layer mid-points (m2 s-1)
+  ! input: transmittance derivatives
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dVolLiq(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dDiffuse_dVolLiq(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity w.r.t volumetric liquid water content (m2 s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dMatric(:)         ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (m s-1)
+  ! output: tranmsmittance at the layer interface (scalars)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerHydCond               ! hydraulic conductivity at the interface between layers (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerDiffuse               ! hydraulic diffusivity at the interface between layers (m2 s-1)
+  ! output: vertical flux at the layer interface (scalars)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: iLayerLiqFluxSoil           ! vertical flux of liquid water at the layer interface (m s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateAbove           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer above (m s-1 or s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateBelow           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head or volumetric lquid water in the layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateAbove           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateBelow           ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! output: error control
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                         ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)      :: message                     ! error message
+  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! local variables (named variables to provide index of 2-element vectors)
+  integer(i4b),parameter        :: ixUpper=1                   ! index of upper node in the 2-element vectors
+  integer(i4b),parameter        :: ixLower=2                   ! index of lower node in the 2-element vectors
+  logical(lgt),parameter        :: useGeometric=.false.        ! switch between the arithmetic and geometric mean
+  ! local variables (Darcy flux)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dPsi                        ! spatial difference in matric head (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dLiq                        ! spatial difference in volumetric liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dz                          ! spatial difference in layer mid-points (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: cflux                       ! capillary flux (m s-1)
+  ! local variables (derivative in Darcy's flux)
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dVolLiqAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer above
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dVolLiqBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer below
+  real(rkind)                      :: dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer above
+  real(rkind)                      :: dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic diffusivity at layer interface w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in layer below
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. matric head in layer above
+  real(rkind)                      :: dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow  ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity at layer interface w.r.t. matric head in layer below
+  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message="iLayerFlux/"
+  ! *****
+  ! compute the vertical flux of liquid water
+  ! compute the hydraulic conductivity at the interface
+  if(useGeometric)then
+    iLayerHydCond   = (nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower)   * nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper))**0.5_rkind
+  else
+    iLayerHydCond   = (nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower)   + nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper))*0.5_rkind
+  end if
+  !write(*,'(a,1x,5(e20.10,1x))') 'in iLayerFlux: iLayerHydCond, iLayerHydCondMP = ', iLayerHydCond, iLayerHydCondMP
+  ! compute the height difference between nodes
+  dz = nodeHeight(ixLower) - nodeHeight(ixUpper)
+  ! compute the capillary flux
+  select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
+    case(moisture)
+    iLayerDiffuse = (nodeDiffuseTrial(ixLower) * nodeDiffuseTrial(ixUpper))**0.5_rkind
+    dLiq          = nodeVolFracLiqTrial(ixLower) - nodeVolFracLiqTrial(ixUpper)
+    cflux         = -iLayerDiffuse * dLiq/dz
+    case(mixdform)
+    iLayerDiffuse = realMissing
+    dPsi          = nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixLower) - nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixUpper)
+    cflux         = -iLayerHydCond * dPsi/dz
+    case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unable to identify option for Richards' equation"; return
+  end select
+  ! compute the total flux (add gravity flux, positive downwards)
+  iLayerLiqFluxSoil = cflux + iLayerHydCond
+  ! ** compute the derivatives
+  if(deriv_desired)then
+    select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-       iLayerDiffuse = (nodeDiffuseTrial(ixLower) * nodeDiffuseTrial(ixUpper))**0.5_rkind
-       dLiq          = nodeVolFracLiqTrial(ixLower) - nodeVolFracLiqTrial(ixUpper)
-       cflux         = -iLayerDiffuse * dLiq/dz
-      case(mixdform)
-       iLayerDiffuse = realMissing
-       dPsi          = nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixLower) - nodeMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixUpper)
-       cflux         = -iLayerHydCond * dPsi/dz
-      case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unable to identify option for Richards' equation"; return
-     end select
-     ! compute the total flux (add gravity flux, positive downwards)
-     iLayerLiqFluxSoil = cflux + iLayerHydCond
-     !write(*,'(a,1x,10(e20.10,1x))') 'iLayerLiqFluxSoil, dPsi, dz, cflux, iLayerHydCond = ', &
-     !                                 iLayerLiqFluxSoil, dPsi, dz, cflux, iLayerHydCond
-     ! ** compute the derivatives
-     if(deriv_desired)then
-      select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-       case(moisture)
         ! still need to implement arithmetric mean for the moisture-based form
-         message=trim(message)//'only currently implemented for geometric mean -- change local flag'
-         err=20; return
+          message=trim(message)//'only currently implemented for geometric mean -- change local flag'
+          err=20; return
         end if
         ! derivatives in hydraulic conductivity at the layer interface (m s-1)
         dHydCondIface_dVolLiqAbove = dHydCond_dVolLiq(ixUpper)*nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower) * 0.5_rkind/max(iLayerHydCond,verySmall)
@@ -1686,14 +1630,14 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content
         dq_dHydStateAbove = -dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqAbove*dLiq/dz + iLayerDiffuse/dz + dHydCondIface_dVolLiqAbove
         dq_dHydStateBelow = -dDiffuseIface_dVolLiqBelow*dLiq/dz - iLayerDiffuse/dz + dHydCondIface_dVolLiqBelow
-       case(mixdform)
+      case(mixdform)
         ! derivatives in hydraulic conductivity
-         dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove = dHydCond_dMatric(ixUpper)*nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower) * 0.5_rkind/max(iLayerHydCond,verySmall)
-         dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow = dHydCond_dMatric(ixLower)*nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper) * 0.5_rkind/max(iLayerHydCond,verySmall)
+          dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove = dHydCond_dMatric(ixUpper)*nodeHydCondTrial(ixLower) * 0.5_rkind/max(iLayerHydCond,verySmall)
+          dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow = dHydCond_dMatric(ixLower)*nodeHydCondTrial(ixUpper) * 0.5_rkind/max(iLayerHydCond,verySmall)
-         dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove = dHydCond_dMatric(ixUpper)/2._rkind
-         dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow = dHydCond_dMatric(ixLower)/2._rkind
+          dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove = dHydCond_dMatric(ixUpper)/2._rkind
+          dHydCondIface_dMatricBelow = dHydCond_dMatric(ixLower)/2._rkind
         end if
         ! derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head
         dq_dHydStateAbove = -dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove*dPsi/dz + iLayerHydCond/dz + dHydCondIface_dMatricAbove
@@ -1701,242 +1645,226 @@ module soilLiqFlx_module
         ! derivative in the flux w.r.t. temperature
         dq_dNrgStateAbove = -(dHydCond_dTemp(ixUpper)/2._rkind)*dPsi/dz + iLayerHydCond*dPsiLiq_dTemp(ixUpper)/dz + dHydCond_dTemp(ixUpper)/2._rkind
         dq_dNrgStateBelow = -(dHydCond_dTemp(ixLower)/2._rkind)*dPsi/dz - iLayerHydCond*dPsiLiq_dTemp(ixLower)/dz + dHydCond_dTemp(ixLower)/2._rkind
-       case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-      end select
-     else
-      dq_dHydStateAbove = realMissing
-      dq_dHydStateBelow = realMissing
-     end if
-     end subroutine iLayerFlux
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     ! private subroutine qDrainFlux: compute the drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile and its derivative
-     ! ***************************************************************************************************************
-     subroutine qDrainFlux(&
-                           ! input: model control
-                           deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                           ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-                           bc_lower,                  & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions
-                           ! input: state variables
-                           nodeMatricHead,            & ! intent(in): matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
-                           nodeVolFracLiq,            & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content the lowest unsaturated node (-)
-                           ! input: model coordinate variables
-                           nodeDepth,                 & ! intent(in): depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
-                           nodeHeight,                & ! intent(in): height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
-                           ! input: boundary conditions
-                           lowerBoundHead,            & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (m)
-                           lowerBoundTheta,           & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (-)
-                           ! input: derivative in soil water characteristix
-                           node_dPsi_dTheta,         & ! intent(in): derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-                           ! input: transmittance
-                           surfaceSatHydCond,         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-                           bottomSatHydCond,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
-                           nodeHydCond,               & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
-                           iceImpedeFac,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the lower-most soil layer (-)
-                           ! input: transmittance derivatives
-                           dHydCond_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dMatric,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                           dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! input: soil parameters
-                           vGn_alpha,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-                           vGn_n,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-                           vGn_m,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-                           theta_sat,                 & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                           theta_res,                 & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-                           kAnisotropic,              & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
-                           zScale_TOPMODEL,           & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
-                           ! output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
-                           bottomHydCond,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m s-1)
-                           bottomDiffuse,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
-                           ! output: drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile
-                           scalarDrainage,            & ! intent(out): drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile (m s-1)
-                           ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
-                           dq_dHydStateUnsat,         & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in hydrology state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
-                           dq_dNrgStateUnsat,         & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 K-1)
-                           ! output: error control
-                           err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head (-)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead      ! compute matric head as a function of volumetric fraction of liquid water (m)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head (m s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
-     implicit none
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! input: model control
-     logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired             ! flag to indicate if derivatives are desired
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
-     integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: bc_lower                  ! index defining the type of boundary conditions
-     ! input: state and diagnostic variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeMatricHead            ! matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeVolFracLiq            ! volumetric liquid water content in the lowest unsaturated node (-)
-     ! input: model coordinate variables
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeDepth                 ! depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHeight                ! height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
-     ! input: diriclet boundary conditions
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: lowerBoundHead            ! lower boundary condition for matric head (m)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: lowerBoundTheta           ! lower boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
-     ! input: derivative in soil water characteristix
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: node_dPsi_dTheta         ! derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-     ! input: transmittance
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: surfaceSatHydCond         ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: bottomSatHydCond          ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHydCond               ! hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
-     ! input: transmittance derivatives
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dMatric          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! input: soil parameters
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: kAnisotropic              ! anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
-     real(rkind),intent(in)           :: zScale_TOPMODEL           ! scale factor for TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization (m)
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! output: hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: bottomHydCond             ! hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: bottomDiffuse             ! hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
-     ! output: drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarDrainage            ! drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile (m s-1)
-     ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateUnsat         ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
-     real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateUnsat         ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 K-1)
-     ! output: error control
-     integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                       ! error code
-     character(*),intent(out)      :: message                   ! error message
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! local variables
-     real(rkind)                      :: zWater                    ! effective water table depth (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: nodePsi                   ! matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
-     real(rkind)                      :: cflux                     ! capillary flux (m s-1)
-     ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     ! initialize error control
-     err=0; message="qDrainFlux/"
-     ! determine lower boundary condition
-     select case(bc_lower)
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! * prescribed head
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      case(prescribedHead)
-       ! compute fluxes
-       select case(ixRichards)  ! (moisture-based form of Richards' equation)
+      case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+    end select
+  else
+    dq_dHydStateAbove = realMissing
+    dq_dHydStateBelow = realMissing
+  end if
+end subroutine iLayerFlux
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+! private subroutine qDrainFlux: compute the drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile and its derivative
+! ***************************************************************************************************************
+subroutine qDrainFlux(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      deriv_desired,             & ! intent(in): flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ixRichards,                & ! intent(in): index defining the form of Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+                      bc_lower,                  & ! intent(in): index defining the type of boundary conditions
+                      ! input: state variables
+                      nodeMatricHead,            & ! intent(in): matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
+                      nodeVolFracLiq,            & ! intent(in): volumetric liquid water content the lowest unsaturated node (-)
+                      ! input: model coordinate variables
+                      nodeDepth,                 & ! intent(in): depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
+                      nodeHeight,                & ! intent(in): height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
+                      ! input: boundary conditions
+                      lowerBoundHead,            & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (m)
+                      lowerBoundTheta,           & ! intent(in): lower boundary condition (-)
+                      ! input: derivative in soil water characteristix
+                      node_dPsi_dTheta,         & ! intent(in): derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+                      ! input: transmittance
+                      surfaceSatHydCond,         & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+                      bottomSatHydCond,          & ! intent(in): saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
+                      nodeHydCond,               & ! intent(in): hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
+                      iceImpedeFac,              & ! intent(in): ice impedence factor in the lower-most soil layer (-)
+                      ! input: transmittance derivatives
+                      dHydCond_dVolLiq,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dMatric,          & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                      dHydCond_dTemp,            & ! intent(in): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! input: soil parameters
+                      vGn_alpha,                 & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+                      vGn_n,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+                      vGn_m,                     & ! intent(in): van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+                      theta_sat,                 & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                      theta_res,                 & ! intent(in): soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+                      kAnisotropic,              & ! intent(in): anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
+                      zScale_TOPMODEL,           & ! intent(in): TOPMODEL scaling factor (m)
+                      ! output: hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the surface
+                      bottomHydCond,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m s-1)
+                      bottomDiffuse,             & ! intent(out): hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
+                      ! output: drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile
+                      scalarDrainage,            & ! intent(out): drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile (m s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
+                      dq_dHydStateUnsat,         & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in hydrology state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateUnsat,         & ! intent(out): change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)                 ! intent(out): error control
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water as a function of matric head (-)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead      ! compute matric head as a function of volumetric fraction of liquid water (m)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_psi     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of matric head (m s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:hydCond_liq     ! compute hydraulic conductivity as a function of volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta     ! compute derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  ! compute infiltraton at the surface and its derivative w.r.t. mass in the upper soil layer
+  implicit none
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! input: model control
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)       :: deriv_desired             ! flag to indicate if derivatives are desired
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: ixRichards                ! index defining the option for Richards' equation (moisture or mixdform)
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)       :: bc_lower                  ! index defining the type of boundary conditions
+  ! input: state and diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeMatricHead            ! matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeVolFracLiq            ! volumetric liquid water content in the lowest unsaturated node (-)
+  ! input: model coordinate variables
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeDepth                 ! depth of the lowest unsaturated soil layer (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHeight                ! height of the lowest unsaturated soil node (m)
+  ! input: diriclet boundary conditions
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: lowerBoundHead            ! lower boundary condition for matric head (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: lowerBoundTheta           ! lower boundary condition for volumetric liquid water content (-)
+  ! input: derivative in soil water characteristix
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: node_dPsi_dTheta         ! derivative of the soil moisture characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+  ! input: transmittance
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: surfaceSatHydCond         ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the surface (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: bottomSatHydCond          ! saturated hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: nodeHydCond               ! hydraulic conductivity at the node itself (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: iceImpedeFac              ! ice impedence factor in the upper-most soil layer (-)
+  ! input: transmittance derivatives
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dVolLiq          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dMatric          ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: dHydCond_dTemp            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t temperature (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! input: soil parameters
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_alpha                 ! van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_n                     ! van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: vGn_m                     ! van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_sat                 ! soil porosity (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: theta_res                 ! soil residual volumetric water content (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: kAnisotropic              ! anisotropy factor for lateral hydraulic conductivity (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)           :: zScale_TOPMODEL           ! scale factor for TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization (m)
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! output: hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: bottomHydCond             ! hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the unsaturated zone (m s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: bottomDiffuse             ! hydraulic diffusivity at the bottom of the unsatuarted zone (m2 s-1)
+  ! output: drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: scalarDrainage            ! drainage flux from the bottom of the soil profile (m s-1)
+  ! output: derivatives in drainage flux
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dHydStateUnsat         ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 or s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)          :: dq_dNrgStateUnsat         ! change in drainage flux w.r.t. change in energy state variable in lowest unsaturated node (m s-1 K-1)
+  ! output: error control
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)      :: err                       ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)      :: message                   ! error message
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! local variables
+  real(rkind)                      :: zWater                    ! effective water table depth (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: nodePsi                   ! matric head in the lowest unsaturated node (m)
+  real(rkind)                      :: cflux                     ! capillary flux (m s-1)
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message="qDrainFlux/"
+  ! determine lower boundary condition
+  select case(bc_lower)
+    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! * prescribed head
+    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    case(prescribedHead)
+      ! compute fluxes
+      select case(ixRichards)  ! (moisture-based form of Richards' equation)
-         ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
-         bottomHydCond = hydCond_liq(lowerBoundTheta,bottomSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
-         bottomDiffuse = dPsi_dTheta(lowerBoundTheta,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m) * bottomHydCond
-         ! compute the capillary flux
-         cflux = -bottomDiffuse*(lowerBoundTheta - nodeVolFracLiq) / (nodeDepth*0.5_rkind)
+          ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
+          bottomHydCond = hydCond_liq(lowerBoundTheta,bottomSatHydCond,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
+          bottomDiffuse = dPsi_dTheta(lowerBoundTheta,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m) * bottomHydCond
+          ! compute the capillary flux
+          cflux = -bottomDiffuse*(lowerBoundTheta - nodeVolFracLiq) / (nodeDepth*0.5_rkind)
-         ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
-         bottomHydCond = hydCond_psi(lowerBoundHead,bottomSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
-         bottomDiffuse = realMissing
-         ! compute the capillary flux
-         cflux = -bottomHydCond*(lowerBoundHead  - nodeMatricHead) / (nodeDepth*0.5_rkind)
+          ! compute the hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity at the boundary
+          bottomHydCond = hydCond_psi(lowerBoundHead,bottomSatHydCond,vGn_alpha,vGn_n,vGn_m) * iceImpedeFac
+          bottomDiffuse = realMissing
+          ! compute the capillary flux
+          cflux = -bottomHydCond*(lowerBoundHead  - nodeMatricHead) / (nodeDepth*0.5_rkind)
         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
-       end select  ! (form of Richards' eqn)
-       scalarDrainage = cflux + bottomHydCond
-       ! compute derivatives
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end select  ! (form of Richards' eqn)
+      scalarDrainage = cflux + bottomHydCond
+      ! compute derivatives
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         ! hydrology derivatives
         select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = bottomDiffuse/(nodeDepth/2._rkind)
-         case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = bottomHydCond/(nodeDepth/2._rkind)
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = bottomDiffuse/(nodeDepth/2._rkind)
+          case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = bottomHydCond/(nodeDepth/2._rkind)
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
         end select
         ! energy derivatives
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = -(dHydCond_dTemp/2._rkind)*(lowerBoundHead  - nodeMatricHead)/(nodeDepth*0.5_rkind) + dHydCond_dTemp/2._rkind
-       else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
+      else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
         dq_dHydStateUnsat = realMissing
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = realMissing
-       end if
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! * function of matric head in the bottom layer
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      case(funcBottomHead)
-       ! compute fluxes
-       select case(ixRichards)
+      end if
+    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ! * function of matric head in the bottom layer
+    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    case(funcBottomHead)
+      ! compute fluxes
+      select case(ixRichards)
         case(moisture); nodePsi = matricHead(nodeVolFracLiq,vGn_alpha,theta_res,theta_sat,vGn_n,vGn_m)
         case(mixdform); nodePsi = nodeMatricHead
-       end select
-       zWater = nodeHeight - nodePsi
-       scalarDrainage = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)
-       ! compute derivatives
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end select
+      zWater = nodeHeight - nodePsi
+      scalarDrainage = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)
+      ! compute derivatives
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         ! hydrology derivatives
         select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * node_dPsi_dTheta*exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)/zScale_TOPMODEL
-         case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)/zScale_TOPMODEL
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * node_dPsi_dTheta*exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)/zScale_TOPMODEL
+          case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = kAnisotropic*surfaceSatHydCond * exp(-zWater/zScale_TOPMODEL)/zScale_TOPMODEL
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
         end select
         ! energy derivatives
         err=20; message=trim(message)//"not yet implemented energy derivatives"; return
-       else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
+      else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
         dq_dHydStateUnsat = realMissing
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = realMissing
-       end if
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! * free drainage
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      case(freeDrainage)
-       ! compute flux
-       scalarDrainage = nodeHydCond*kAnisotropic
-       ! compute derivatives
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end if
+    case(freeDrainage)
+      ! compute flux
+      scalarDrainage = nodeHydCond*kAnisotropic
+      ! compute derivatives
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         ! hydrology derivatives
         select case(ixRichards)  ! (form of Richards' equation)
-         case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = dHydCond_dVolLiq*kAnisotropic
-         case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = dHydCond_dMatric*kAnisotropic
-         case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
+          case(moisture); dq_dHydStateUnsat = dHydCond_dVolLiq*kAnisotropic
+          case(mixdform); dq_dHydStateUnsat = dHydCond_dMatric*kAnisotropic
+          case default; err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown form of Richards' equation"; return
         end select
         ! energy derivatives
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = dHydCond_dTemp*kAnisotropic
-       else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
+      else     ! (do not desire derivatives)
         dq_dHydStateUnsat = realMissing
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = realMissing
-       end if
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! * zero flux
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      case(zeroFlux)
-       scalarDrainage = 0._rkind
-       if(deriv_desired)then
+      end if
+    case(zeroFlux)
+      scalarDrainage = 0._rkind
+      if(deriv_desired)then
         dq_dHydStateUnsat = 0._rkind
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = 0._rkind
-       else
+      else
         dq_dHydStateUnsat = realMissing
         dq_dNrgStateUnsat = realMissing
-       end if
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! * error check
-      ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unknown lower boundary condition for soil hydrology'; return
-     end select ! (type of boundary condition)
-     end subroutine qDrainFlux
-     ! *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
-     ! *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
-    end module soilLiqFlx_module
\ No newline at end of file
+      end if
+    case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unknown lower boundary condition for soil hydrology'; return
+  end select ! (type of boundary condition)
+end subroutine qDrainFlux
+end module soilLiqFlx_module