From 94562b6ce4ebd00da4997f7ba8f90bee15c555e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:04:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] copied from summa

 .../engine/sundials/varSubstepSundials.f90    | 2069 ++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 1034 insertions(+), 1035 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/varSubstepSundials.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/varSubstepSundials.f90
index 93921b0..98370fa 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/varSubstepSundials.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/sundials/varSubstepSundials.f90
@@ -20,1072 +20,1071 @@
 module varSubstepSundials_module
-  ! data types
-  USE nrtype
-  ! access missing values
-  USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-  USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
-  USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
-  ! access the global print flag
-  USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
-  ! domain types
-  USE globalData,only:iname_cas       ! named variables for the canopy air space
-  USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
-  USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
-  USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
-  ! global metadata
-  USE globalData,only:flux_meta       ! metadata on the model fluxes
-  ! derived types to define the data structures
-  USE data_types,only:&
-                      var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                      var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                      var_flagVec,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                      var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                      var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                      zLookup,      & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                      model_options   ! defines the model decisions
-  ! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
-  ! look up structure for variable types
-  USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType
-  ! constants
-  USE multiconst,only:&
-                      Tfreeze,      & ! freezing temperature                 (K)
-                      LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J kg-1)
-                      LH_vap,       & ! latent heat of vaporization          (J kg-1)
-                      iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
-                      iden_water,   & ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
-                      ! specific heat
-                      Cp_air,      & ! specific heat of air          (J kg-1 K-1)
-                      Cp_ice,      & ! specific heat of ice          (J kg-1 K-1)
-                      Cp_soil,     & ! specific heat of soil         (J kg-1 K-1)
-                      Cp_water       ! specific heat of liquid water (J kg-1 K-1)
-  ! safety: set private unless specified otherwise
+! data types
+USE nrtype
+! access missing values
+USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
+USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
+USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
+! access the global print flag
+USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
+! domain types
+USE globalData,only:iname_cas       ! named variables for the canopy air space
+USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
+USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
+USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
+! global metadata
+USE globalData,only:flux_meta       ! metadata on the model fluxes
+! derived types to define the data structures
+USE data_types,only:&
+                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
+                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
+                    var_flagVec,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
+                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
+                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
+                    zLookup,      & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
+                    model_options   ! defines the model decisions
+! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
+! look up structure for variable types
+USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType
+! constants
+USE multiconst,only:&
+                    Tfreeze,      & ! freezing temperature                 (K)
+                    LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J kg-1)
+                    LH_vap,       & ! latent heat of vaporization          (J kg-1)
+                    iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
+                    iden_water,   & ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
+                    ! specific heat
+                    Cp_air,      & ! specific heat of air          (J kg-1 K-1)
+                    Cp_ice,      & ! specific heat of ice          (J kg-1 K-1)
+                    Cp_soil,     & ! specific heat of soil         (J kg-1 K-1)
+                    Cp_water       ! specific heat of liquid water (J kg-1 K-1)
+! safety: set private unless specified otherwise
+implicit none
+! algorithmic parameters
+real(rkind),parameter     :: verySmall=1.e-6_rkind   ! used as an additive constant to check if substantial difference among real numbers
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine varSubstepSundials: run the model for a collection of substeps for a given state subset
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+subroutine varSubstepSundials(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      dt,                & ! intent(in)    : time step (s)
+                      dtInit,            & ! intent(in)    : initial time step (seconds)
+                      dt_min,            & ! intent(in)    : minimum time step (seconds)
+                      nState,            & ! intent(in)    : total number of state variables
+                      doAdjustTemp,      & ! intent(in)    : flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
+                      firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote first sub-step
+                      firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout) : flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                      computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
+                      scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote implementing the scalar solution
+                      iStateSplit,       & ! intent(in)    : index of the state in the splitting operation
+                      fluxMask,          & ! intent(in)    : mask for the fluxes used in this given state subset
+                      fluxCount,         & ! intent(inout) : number of times that fluxes are updated (should equal nSubsteps)
+                      ! input/output: data structures
+                      model_decisions,   & ! intent(in)    : model decisions
+                      lookup_data,       & ! intent(in)    : lookup tables
+                      type_data,         & ! intent(in)    : type of vegetation and soil
+                      attr_data,         & ! intent(in)    : spatial attributes
+                      forc_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model forcing data
+                      mpar_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model parameters
+                      indx_data,         & ! intent(inout) : index data
+                      prog_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout) : derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                      bvar_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model variables for the local basin
+                      ! output: model control
+                      ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout) : index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                      dtMultiplier,      & ! intent(out)   : substep multiplier (-)
+                      nSubsteps,         & ! intent(out)   : number of substeps taken for a given split
+                      failedMinimumStep, & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
+                      reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote need to reduce the length of the coupled step
+                      tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
+                      dt_out,			  & ! intent(out)
+                      err,message)         ! intent(out)   : error code and error message
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! structure allocations
+  USE allocspace_module,only:allocLocal                ! allocate local data structures
+  ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
+  USE systemSolv_module,only:systemSolv                 ! solve the system of equations for one time step
+  USE getVectorz_module,only:popStateVec                ! populate the state vector
+  USE getVectorz_module,only:varExtract                 ! extract variables from the state vector
+  USE updateVarsSundials_module,only:updateVarsSundials ! update prognostic variables
+  ! identify name of variable type (for error message)
+  USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName           ! to access type strings for error messages
+  USE systemSolvSundials_module,only:systemSolvSundials
   implicit none
-  private
-  public::varSubstepSundials
-  ! algorithmic parameters
-  real(rkind),parameter     :: verySmall=1.e-6_rkind   ! used as an additive constant to check if substantial difference among real numbers
-  contains
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! public subroutine varSubstepSundials: run the model for a collection of substeps for a given state subset
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  subroutine varSubstepSundials(&
-                        ! input: model control
-                        dt,                & ! intent(in)    : time step (s)
-                        dtInit,            & ! intent(in)    : initial time step (seconds)
-                        dt_min,            & ! intent(in)    : minimum time step (seconds)
-                        nState,            & ! intent(in)    : total number of state variables
-                        doAdjustTemp,      & ! intent(in)    : flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
-                        firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote first sub-step
-                        firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout) : flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                        computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
-                        scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in)    : flag to denote implementing the scalar solution
-                        iStateSplit,       & ! intent(in)    : index of the state in the splitting operation
-                        fluxMask,          & ! intent(in)    : mask for the fluxes used in this given state subset
-                        fluxCount,         & ! intent(inout) : number of times that fluxes are updated (should equal nSubsteps)
-                        ! input/output: data structures
-                        model_decisions,   & ! intent(in)    : model decisions
-                        lookup_data,       & ! intent(in)    : lookup tables
-                        type_data,         & ! intent(in)    : type of vegetation and soil
-                        attr_data,         & ! intent(in)    : spatial attributes
-                        forc_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model forcing data
-                        mpar_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model parameters
-                        indx_data,         & ! intent(inout) : index data
-                        prog_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                        diag_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                        flux_data,         & ! intent(inout) : model fluxes for a local HRU
-                        deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout) : derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                        bvar_data,         & ! intent(in)    : model variables for the local basin
-                        ! output: model control
-                        ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout) : index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                        dtMultiplier,      & ! intent(out)   : substep multiplier (-)
-                        nSubsteps,         & ! intent(out)   : number of substeps taken for a given split
-                        failedMinimumStep, & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
-                        reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote need to reduce the length of the coupled step
-                        tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out)   : flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
-                        dt_out,			  & ! intent(out)
-                        err,message)         ! intent(out)   : error code and error message
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! structure allocations
-    USE allocspace_module,only:allocLocal                ! allocate local data structures
-    ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
-    USE systemSolv_module,only:systemSolv                 ! solve the system of equations for one time step
-    USE getVectorz_module,only:popStateVec                ! populate the state vector
-    USE getVectorz_module,only:varExtract                 ! extract variables from the state vector
-    USE updateVarsSundials_module,only:updateVarsSundials ! update prognostic variables
-    ! identify name of variable type (for error message)
-    USE get_ixName_module,only:get_varTypeName           ! to access type strings for error messages
-    USE systemSolvSundials_module,only:systemSolvSundials
-    implicit none
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! * dummy variables
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! input: model control
-    real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dt                            ! time step (seconds)
-    real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dtInit                        ! initial time step (seconds)
-    real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dt_min                        ! minimum time step (seconds)
-    integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: nState                        ! total number of state variables
-    logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: doAdjustTemp                  ! flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
-    logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: firstSubStep                  ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-    logical(lgt),intent(inout)         :: firstFluxCall                 ! flag to define the first flux call
-    logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: computeVegFlux                ! flag to indicate if we are computing fluxes over vegetation (.false. means veg is buried with snow)
-    logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote implementing the scalar solution
-    integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: iStateSplit                   ! index of the state in the splitting operation
-    type(var_flagVec),intent(in)       :: fluxMask                      ! flags to denote if the flux is calculated in the given state subset
-    type(var_ilength),intent(inout)    :: fluxCount                     ! number of times that the flux is updated (should equal nSubsteps)
-    ! input/output: data structures
-    type(model_options),intent(in)     :: model_decisions(:)            ! model decisions
-    type(zLookup),intent(in)           :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
-    type(var_i),intent(in)             :: type_data                     ! type of vegetation and soil
-    type(var_d),intent(in)             :: attr_data                     ! spatial attributes
-    type(var_d),intent(in)             :: forc_data                     ! model forcing data
-    type(var_dlength),intent(in)       :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
-    type(var_ilength),intent(inout)    :: indx_data                     ! indices for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: flux_data                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: deriv_data                    ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-    type(var_dlength),intent(in)       :: bvar_data                     ! model variables for the local basin
-    ! output: model control
-    integer(i4b),intent(inout)         :: ixSaturation                  ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-    real(rkind),intent(out)            :: dtMultiplier                  ! substep multiplier (-)
-    integer(i4b),intent(out)           :: nSubsteps                     ! number of substeps taken for a given split
-    logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: failedMinimumStep             ! flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
-    logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: reduceCoupledStep             ! flag to denote need to reduce the length of the coupled step
-    logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
-    real(qp),intent(out)   		         :: dt_out
-    integer(i4b),intent(out)           :: err                           ! error code
-    character(*),intent(out)           :: message                       ! error message
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! * general local variables
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! error control
-    character(LEN=256)                 :: cmessage                      ! error message of downwind routine
-    ! general local variables
-    integer(i4b)                       :: iVar                          ! index of variables in data structures
-    integer(i4b)                       :: iSoil                         ! index of soil layers
-    integer(i4b)                       :: ixLayer                       ! index in a given domain
-    integer(i4b), dimension(1)         :: ixMin,ixMax                   ! bounds of a given flux vector
-    ! time stepping
-    real(rkind)                        :: dtSum                         ! sum of time from successful steps (seconds)
-    real(rkind)                        :: dt_wght                       ! weight given to a given flux calculation
-    real(rkind)                        :: dtSubstep                     ! length of a substep (s)
-    ! adaptive sub-stepping for the explicit solution
-    logical(lgt)                       :: failedSubstep                 ! flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
-    real(rkind),parameter              :: safety=0.85_rkind             ! safety factor in adaptive sub-stepping
-    real(rkind),parameter              :: reduceMin=0.1_rkind           ! mimimum factor that time step is reduced
-    real(rkind),parameter              :: increaseMax=4.0_rkind         ! maximum factor that time step is increased
-    ! adaptive sub-stepping for the implicit solution
-    integer(i4b),parameter             :: n_inc=5                       ! minimum number of iterations to increase time step
-    integer(i4b),parameter             :: n_dec=15                      ! maximum number of iterations to decrease time step
-    real(rkind),parameter              :: F_inc = 1.25_rkind            ! factor used to increase time step
-    real(rkind),parameter              :: F_dec = 0.90_rkind            ! factor used to decrease time step
-    ! state and flux vectors
-    real(rkind)                        :: untappedMelt(nState)          ! un-tapped melt energy (J m-3 s-1)
-    real(rkind)                        :: stateVecInit(nState)          ! initial state vector (mixed units)
-    real(rkind)                        :: stateVecTrial(nState)         ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-    real(rkind)                        :: stateVecPrime(nState)         ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-    type(var_dlength)                  :: flux_temp                     ! temporary model fluxes
-    ! flags
-    logical(lgt)                       :: firstSplitOper                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-    logical(lgt)                       :: checkMassBalance              ! flag to check the mass balance
-    logical(lgt)                       :: checkNrgBalance
-    logical(lgt)                       :: waterBalanceError             ! flag to denote that there is a water balance error
-    logical(lgt)                       :: nrgFluxModified               ! flag to denote that the energy fluxes were modified
-    ! energy fluxes
-    real(rkind)                        :: sumCanopyEvaporation          ! sum of canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-    real(rkind)                        :: sumLatHeatCanopyEvap          ! sum of latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-    real(rkind)                        :: sumSenHeatCanopy              ! sum of sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-    real(rkind)                        :: sumSoilCompress
-    real(rkind),allocatable            :: sumLayerCompress(:)
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! point to variables in the data structures
-    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    globalVars: associate(&
-      ! number of layers
-      nSnow                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of snow layers
-      nSoil                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of soil layers
-      nLayers                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nLayers)%dat(1)               ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    total number of layers
-      nSoilOnlyHyd            => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd )%dat(1)         ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the soil domain
-      mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):    [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
-      ! mapping between state vectors and control volumes
-      ixLayerActive           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixLayerActive)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] list of indices for all active layers (inactive=integerMissing)
-      ixMapFull2Subset        => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)%dat         ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] mapping of full state vector to the state subset
-      ixControlVolume         => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] index of control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
-      ! model state variables (vegetation canopy)
-      scalarCanairTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-      scalarCanopyTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-      scalarCanopyIce         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyLiq         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyWat         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
-      mLayerTemp              => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
-      mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-      mLayerVolFracLiq        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-      mLayerVolFracWat        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-      mLayerMatricHead        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
-      mLayerMatricHeadLiq     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat        & ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric potential of liquid water (m)
-      )  ! end association with variables in the data structures
-      ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
-      ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
-      ! Procedure starts here
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * dummy variables
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! input: model control
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dt                            ! time step (seconds)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dtInit                        ! initial time step (seconds)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dt_min                        ! minimum time step (seconds)
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: nState                        ! total number of state variables
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: doAdjustTemp                  ! flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: firstSubStep                  ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+  logical(lgt),intent(inout)         :: firstFluxCall                 ! flag to define the first flux call
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: computeVegFlux                ! flag to indicate if we are computing fluxes over vegetation (.false. means veg is buried with snow)
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote implementing the scalar solution
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: iStateSplit                   ! index of the state in the splitting operation
+  type(var_flagVec),intent(in)       :: fluxMask                      ! flags to denote if the flux is calculated in the given state subset
+  type(var_ilength),intent(inout)    :: fluxCount                     ! number of times that the flux is updated (should equal nSubsteps)
+  ! input/output: data structures
+  type(model_options),intent(in)     :: model_decisions(:)            ! model decisions
+  type(zLookup),intent(in)           :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
+  type(var_i),intent(in)             :: type_data                     ! type of vegetation and soil
+  type(var_d),intent(in)             :: attr_data                     ! spatial attributes
+  type(var_d),intent(in)             :: forc_data                     ! model forcing data
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)       :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
+  type(var_ilength),intent(inout)    :: indx_data                     ! indices for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: flux_data                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: deriv_data                    ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)       :: bvar_data                     ! model variables for the local basin
+  ! output: model control
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)         :: ixSaturation                  ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)            :: dtMultiplier                  ! substep multiplier (-)
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)           :: nSubsteps                     ! number of substeps taken for a given split
+  logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: failedMinimumStep             ! flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
+  logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: reduceCoupledStep             ! flag to denote need to reduce the length of the coupled step
+  logical(lgt),intent(out)           :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
+  real(qp),intent(out)   		         :: dt_out
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)           :: err                           ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)           :: message                       ! error message
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * general local variables
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! error control
+  character(LEN=256)                 :: cmessage                      ! error message of downwind routine
+  ! general local variables
+  integer(i4b)                       :: iVar                          ! index of variables in data structures
+  integer(i4b)                       :: iSoil                         ! index of soil layers
+  integer(i4b)                       :: ixLayer                       ! index in a given domain
+  integer(i4b), dimension(1)         :: ixMin,ixMax                   ! bounds of a given flux vector
+  ! time stepping
+  real(rkind)                        :: dtSum                         ! sum of time from successful steps (seconds)
+  real(rkind)                        :: dt_wght                       ! weight given to a given flux calculation
+  real(rkind)                        :: dtSubstep                     ! length of a substep (s)
+  ! adaptive sub-stepping for the explicit solution
+  logical(lgt)                       :: failedSubstep                 ! flag to denote success of substepping for a given split
+  real(rkind),parameter              :: safety=0.85_rkind             ! safety factor in adaptive sub-stepping
+  real(rkind),parameter              :: reduceMin=0.1_rkind           ! mimimum factor that time step is reduced
+  real(rkind),parameter              :: increaseMax=4.0_rkind         ! maximum factor that time step is increased
+  ! adaptive sub-stepping for the implicit solution
+  integer(i4b),parameter             :: n_inc=5                       ! minimum number of iterations to increase time step
+  integer(i4b),parameter             :: n_dec=15                      ! maximum number of iterations to decrease time step
+  real(rkind),parameter              :: F_inc = 1.25_rkind            ! factor used to increase time step
+  real(rkind),parameter              :: F_dec = 0.90_rkind            ! factor used to decrease time step
+  ! state and flux vectors
+  real(rkind)                        :: untappedMelt(nState)          ! un-tapped melt energy (J m-3 s-1)
+  real(rkind)                        :: stateVecInit(nState)          ! initial state vector (mixed units)
+  real(rkind)                        :: stateVecTrial(nState)         ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+  real(rkind)                        :: stateVecPrime(nState)         ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+  type(var_dlength)                  :: flux_temp                     ! temporary model fluxes
+  ! flags
+  logical(lgt)                       :: firstSplitOper                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+  logical(lgt)                       :: checkMassBalance              ! flag to check the mass balance
+  logical(lgt)                       :: checkNrgBalance
+  logical(lgt)                       :: waterBalanceError             ! flag to denote that there is a water balance error
+  logical(lgt)                       :: nrgFluxModified               ! flag to denote that the energy fluxes were modified
+  ! energy fluxes
+  real(rkind)                        :: sumCanopyEvaporation          ! sum of canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+  real(rkind)                        :: sumLatHeatCanopyEvap          ! sum of latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+  real(rkind)                        :: sumSenHeatCanopy              ! sum of sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+  real(rkind)                        :: sumSoilCompress
+  real(rkind),allocatable            :: sumLayerCompress(:)
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! point to variables in the data structures
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  globalVars: associate(&
+    ! number of layers
+    nSnow                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of snow layers
+    nSoil                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of soil layers
+    nLayers                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nLayers)%dat(1)               ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    total number of layers
+    nSoilOnlyHyd            => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd )%dat(1)         ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the soil domain
+    mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):    [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
+    ! mapping between state vectors and control volumes
+    ixLayerActive           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixLayerActive)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] list of indices for all active layers (inactive=integerMissing)
+    ixMapFull2Subset        => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)%dat         ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] mapping of full state vector to the state subset
+    ixControlVolume         => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] index of control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
+    ! model state variables (vegetation canopy)
+    scalarCanairTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+    scalarCanopyTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+    scalarCanopyIce         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyLiq         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyWat         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(inout): [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
+    mLayerTemp              => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
+    mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+    mLayerVolFracLiq        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+    mLayerVolFracWat        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+    mLayerMatricHead        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
+    mLayerMatricHeadLiq     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat        & ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric potential of liquid water (m)
+    )  ! end association with variables in the data structures
+    ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
+    ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
+    ! Procedure starts here
+    ! initialize error control
+    err=0; message='varSubstepSundials/'
+    ! initialize flag for the success of the substepping
+    failedMinimumStep=.false.
+    ! initialize the length of the substep
+    dtSubstep = dtInit
+    ! initalize flag for checking if energy fluxes had been modified
+    nrgFluxModified = .false.
+    ! allocate space for the temporary model flux structure
+    call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_temp,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
+    if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+    ! initialize the model fluxes (some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations)
+    do iVar=1,size(flux_data%var)
+      flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:)
+    end do
+    ! initialize the total energy fluxes (modified in updateProgSundials)
+    sumCanopyEvaporation = 0._rkind  ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+    sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = 0._rkind  ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    sumSenHeatCanopy     = 0._rkind  ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    sumSoilCompress      = 0._rkind  ! total soil compression
+    allocate(sumLayerCompress(nSoil)); sumLayerCompress = 0._rkind ! soil compression by layer
+    ! define the first flux call in a splitting operation
+    firstSplitOper = (.not.scalarSolution .or. iStateSplit==1)
+    ! initialize subStep
+    dtSum     = 0._rkind  ! keep track of the portion of the time step that is completed
+    nSubsteps = 0
+    ! loop through substeps
+    ! NOTE: continuous do statement with exit clause
+    substeps: do
       ! initialize error control
       err=0; message='varSubstepSundials/'
-      ! initialize flag for the success of the substepping
-      failedMinimumStep=.false.
-      ! initialize the length of the substep
-      dtSubstep = dtInit
-      ! initalize flag for checking if energy fluxes had been modified
-      nrgFluxModified = .false.
-      ! allocate space for the temporary model flux structure
-      call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_temp,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
-      if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-      ! initialize the model fluxes (some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations)
-      do iVar=1,size(flux_data%var)
-        flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:)
-      end do
-      ! initialize the total energy fluxes (modified in updateProgSundials)
-      sumCanopyEvaporation = 0._rkind  ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-      sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = 0._rkind  ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      sumSenHeatCanopy     = 0._rkind  ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      sumSoilCompress      = 0._rkind  ! total soil compression
-      allocate(sumLayerCompress(nSoil)); sumLayerCompress = 0._rkind ! soil compression by layer
-      ! define the first flux call in a splitting operation
-      firstSplitOper = (.not.scalarSolution .or. iStateSplit==1)
-      ! initialize subStep
-      dtSum     = 0._rkind  ! keep track of the portion of the time step that is completed
-      nSubsteps = 0
-      ! loop through substeps
-      ! NOTE: continuous do statement with exit clause
-      substeps: do
-        ! initialize error control
-        err=0; message='varSubstepSundials/'
-        ! -----
-        ! * populate state vectors...
-        ! ---------------------------
-        ! initialize state vectors
-        call popStateVec(&
-                        ! input
-                        nState,                           & ! intent(in):    number of desired state variables
-                        prog_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                        diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                        indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                        ! output
-                        stateVecInit,                     & ! intent(out):   initial model state vector (mixed units)
-                        err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
-        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
-        ! -----
-        ! * iterative solution...
-        ! -----------------------
-        ! solve the system of equations for a given state subset
-        call systemSolvSundials(&
-                        ! input: model control
-                        dtSubstep,         & ! intent(in):    time step (s)
-                        nState,            & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
-                        firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in):    flag to denote first sub-step
-                        firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                        firstSplitOper,    & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                        computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
-                        scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-                        ! input/output: data structures
-                        lookup_data,       & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
-                        type_data,         & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                        attr_data,         & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                        forc_data,         & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                        mpar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                        indx_data,         & ! intent(inout): index data
-                        prog_data,         & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                        diag_data,         & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                        flux_temp,         & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                        bvar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
-                        model_decisions,   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                        stateVecInit,      & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
-                        ! output: model control
-                        deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                        ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                        stateVecTrial,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
-                        stateVecPrime,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
-                        reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out):   flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
-                        tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out):   flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
-                        dt_out,			       & ! intent(out):   time step (s)
-                        err,cmessage)        ! intent(out):   error code and error message
-        if(err/=0)then
-          message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-          if(err>0) return
-        endif
-        ! set untapped melt energy to zero
-        untappedMelt(:) = 0._rkind
-        ! if too much melt or need to reduce length of the coupled step then return
-        ! NOTE: need to go all the way back to coupled_em and merge snow layers, as all splitting operations need to occur with the same layer geometry
-        if(tooMuchMelt .or. reduceCoupledStep) return
-        ! identify failure
-        failedSubstep = (err<0)
-        ! reduce step based on failure
-        if(failedSubstep)then
-          err=0; message='varSubstepSundials/'  ! recover from failed convergence
-          dtMultiplier  = 0.5_rkind        ! system failure: step halving
+      ! -----
+      ! * populate state vectors...
+      ! ---------------------------
+      ! initialize state vectors
+      call popStateVec(&
+                      ! input
+                      nState,                           & ! intent(in):    number of desired state variables
+                      prog_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
+                      ! output
+                      stateVecInit,                     & ! intent(out):   initial model state vector (mixed units)
+                      err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
+      ! -----
+      ! * iterative solution...
+      ! -----------------------
+      ! solve the system of equations for a given state subset
+      call systemSolvSundials(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      dtSubstep,         & ! intent(in):    time step (s)
+                      nState,            & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
+                      firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in):    flag to denote first sub-step
+                      firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                      firstSplitOper,    & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+                      computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
+                      scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+                      ! input/output: data structures
+                      lookup_data,       & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
+                      type_data,         & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                      attr_data,         & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                      forc_data,         & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                      mpar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      indx_data,         & ! intent(inout): index data
+                      prog_data,         & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,         & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_temp,         & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      bvar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
+                      model_decisions,   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                      stateVecInit,      & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
+                      ! output: model control
+                      deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                      ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                      stateVecTrial,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
+                      stateVecPrime,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
+                      reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out):   flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
+                      tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out):   flag to denote that ice is insufficient to support melt
+                      dt_out,			       & ! intent(out):   time step (s)
+                      err,cmessage)        ! intent(out):   error code and error message
+      if(err/=0)then
+        message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+        if(err>0) return
+      endif
+      ! set untapped melt energy to zero
+      untappedMelt(:) = 0._rkind
+      ! if too much melt or need to reduce length of the coupled step then return
+      ! NOTE: need to go all the way back to coupled_em and merge snow layers, as all splitting operations need to occur with the same layer geometry
+      if(tooMuchMelt .or. reduceCoupledStep) return
+      ! identify failure
+      failedSubstep = (err<0)
+      ! reduce step based on failure
+      if(failedSubstep)then
+        err=0; message='varSubstepSundials/'  ! recover from failed convergence
+        dtMultiplier  = 0.5_rkind        ! system failure: step halving
+      else
+      endif  ! switch between failure and success
+      ! check if we failed the substep
+      if(failedSubstep)then
+        ! check that the substep is greater than the minimum step
+        if(dtSubstep*dtMultiplier<dt_min)then
+          ! --> exit, and either (1) try another solution method; or (2) reduce coupled step
+          failedMinimumStep=.true.
+          exit subSteps
+        else ! step is still OK
+          dtSubstep = dtSubstep*dtMultiplier
+          cycle subSteps
+        endif  ! if step is less than the minimum
+      endif  ! if failed the substep
+      ! -----
+      ! * update model fluxes...
+      ! ------------------------
+      ! NOTE: if we get to here then we are accepting the step
+      ! NOTE: we get to here if iterations are successful
+      if(err/=0)then
+        message=trim(message)//'expect err=0 if updating fluxes'
+        return
+      endif
+      ! identify the need to check the mass balance
+      checkMassBalance = .true. ! (.not.scalarSolution)
+      checkNrgBalance = .true.
+      ! update prognostic variables
+      call updateProgSundials(dt_out,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,doAdjustTemp,computeVegFlux,untappedMelt,stateVecTrial,stateVecPrime,checkMassBalance, checkNrgBalance, & ! input: model control
+                      lookup_data,mpar_data,indx_data,flux_temp,prog_data,diag_data,deriv_data,                               & ! input-output: data structures
+                      waterBalanceError,nrgFluxModified,err,cmessage)                                                           ! output: flags and error control
+      if(err/=0)then
+        message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
+        if(err>0) return
+      endif
+      ! if water balance error then reduce the length of the coupled step
+      if(waterBalanceError)then
+        message=trim(message)//'water balance error'
+        reduceCoupledStep=.true.
+        err=-20; return
+      endif
+      if(globalPrintFlag)&
+      print*, trim(cmessage)//': dt = ', dtSubstep
+      ! recover from errors in prognostic update
+      if(err<0)then
+        ! modify step
+        err=0  ! error recovery
+        dtSubstep = dtSubstep/2._rkind
+        ! check minimum: fail minimum step if there is an error in the update
+        if(dtSubstep<dt_min)then
+          failedMinimumStep=.true.
+          exit subSteps
+        ! minimum OK -- try again
-        endif  ! switch between failure and success
-        ! check if we failed the substep
-        if(failedSubstep)then
-          ! check that the substep is greater than the minimum step
-          if(dtSubstep*dtMultiplier<dt_min)then
-            ! --> exit, and either (1) try another solution method; or (2) reduce coupled step
-            failedMinimumStep=.true.
-            exit subSteps
-          else ! step is still OK
-            dtSubstep = dtSubstep*dtMultiplier
-            cycle subSteps
-          endif  ! if step is less than the minimum
-        endif  ! if failed the substep
-        ! -----
-        ! * update model fluxes...
-        ! ------------------------
-        ! NOTE: if we get to here then we are accepting the step
-        ! NOTE: we get to here if iterations are successful
-        if(err/=0)then
-          message=trim(message)//'expect err=0 if updating fluxes'
-          return
-        endif
-        ! identify the need to check the mass balance
-        checkMassBalance = .true. ! (.not.scalarSolution)
-        checkNrgBalance = .true.
-        ! update prognostic variables
-        call updateProgSundials(dt_out,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,doAdjustTemp,computeVegFlux,untappedMelt,stateVecTrial,stateVecPrime,checkMassBalance, checkNrgBalance, & ! input: model control
-                        lookup_data,mpar_data,indx_data,flux_temp,prog_data,diag_data,deriv_data,                               & ! input-output: data structures
-                        waterBalanceError,nrgFluxModified,err,cmessage)                                                           ! output: flags and error control
-        if(err/=0)then
-          message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-          if(err>0) return
-        endif
-        ! if water balance error then reduce the length of the coupled step
-        if(waterBalanceError)then
-          message=trim(message)//'water balance error'
-          reduceCoupledStep=.true.
-          err=-20; return
+          cycle substeps
-        if(globalPrintFlag)&
-        print*, trim(cmessage)//': dt = ', dtSubstep
-        ! recover from errors in prognostic update
-        if(err<0)then
-          ! modify step
-          err=0  ! error recovery
-          dtSubstep = dtSubstep/2._rkind
-          ! check minimum: fail minimum step if there is an error in the update
-          if(dtSubstep<dt_min)then
-            failedMinimumStep=.true.
-            exit subSteps
-          ! minimum OK -- try again
+      endif  ! if errors in prognostic update
+      ! get the total energy fluxes (modified in updateProgSundials)
+      if(nrgFluxModified .or. indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)/=integerMissing)then
+        sumCanopyEvaporation = sumCanopyEvaporation + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+        sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+        sumSenHeatCanopy     = sumSenHeatCanopy     + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+      else
+        sumCanopyEvaporation = sumCanopyEvaporation + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+        sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+        sumSenHeatCanopy     = sumSenHeatCanopy     + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+      endif  ! if energy fluxes were modified
+      ! get the total soil compression
+      if (count(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat/=integerMissing)>0) then
+        ! scalar compression
+        if(.not.scalarSolution .or. iStateSplit==nSoil)&
+        sumSoilCompress = sumSoilCompress + diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) ! total soil compression
+        ! vector compression
+        do iSoil=1,nSoil
+          if(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat(iSoil)/=integerMissing)&
+          sumLayerCompress(iSoil) = sumLayerCompress(iSoil) + diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(iSoil) ! soil compression in layers
+        end do
+      endif
+      ! print progress
+      if(globalPrintFlag)&
+      write(*,'(a,1x,3(f13.2,1x))') 'updating: dtSubstep, dtSum, dt = ', dtSubstep, dtSum, dt
+      ! increment fluxes
+      dt_wght = 1._qp !dt_out/dt ! (define weight applied to each splitting operation)
+      do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
+        if(count(fluxMask%var(iVar)%dat)>0) then
+          ! ** no domain splitting
+          if(count(ixLayerActive/=integerMissing)==nLayers)then
+            flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) + flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:)*dt_wght
+            fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(:) = fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(:) + 1
+          ! ** domain splitting
-            cycle substeps
-          endif
-        endif  ! if errors in prognostic update
-        ! get the total energy fluxes (modified in updateProgSundials)
-        if(nrgFluxModified .or. indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)/=integerMissing)then
-          sumCanopyEvaporation = sumCanopyEvaporation + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-          sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-          sumSenHeatCanopy     = sumSenHeatCanopy     + dt_out*flux_temp%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-        else
-          sumCanopyEvaporation = sumCanopyEvaporation + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-          sumLatHeatCanopyEvap = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-          sumSenHeatCanopy     = sumSenHeatCanopy     + dt_out*flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-        endif  ! if energy fluxes were modified
-        ! get the total soil compression
-        if (count(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat/=integerMissing)>0) then
-          ! scalar compression
-          if(.not.scalarSolution .or. iStateSplit==nSoil)&
-          sumSoilCompress = sumSoilCompress + diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) ! total soil compression
-          ! vector compression
-          do iSoil=1,nSoil
-            if(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat(iSoil)/=integerMissing)&
-            sumLayerCompress(iSoil) = sumLayerCompress(iSoil) + diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(iSoil) ! soil compression in layers
-          end do
-        endif
-        ! print progress
-        if(globalPrintFlag)&
-        write(*,'(a,1x,3(f13.2,1x))') 'updating: dtSubstep, dtSum, dt = ', dtSubstep, dtSum, dt
-        ! increment fluxes
-        dt_wght = 1._qp !dt_out/dt ! (define weight applied to each splitting operation)
-        do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
-          if(count(fluxMask%var(iVar)%dat)>0) then
-            ! ** no domain splitting
-            if(count(ixLayerActive/=integerMissing)==nLayers)then
-              flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(:) + flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:)*dt_wght
-              fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(:) = fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(:) + 1
-            ! ** domain splitting
-            else
-              ixMin=lbound(flux_data%var(iVar)%dat)
-              ixMax=ubound(flux_data%var(iVar)%dat)
-              do ixLayer=ixMin(1),ixMax(1)
-                if(fluxMask%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer)) then
-                  flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) + flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer)*dt_wght
-                  fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) = fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) + 1
-                endif
-              end do
-            endif  ! (domain splitting)
-          endif   ! (if the flux is desired)
-        end do  ! (loop through fluxes)
-        ! increment the number of substeps
-        nSubsteps = nSubsteps+1
-        ! increment the sub-step legth
-        dtSum = dtSum + dtSubstep
-        ! check that we have completed the sub-step
-        if(dtSum >= dt-verySmall)then
-          failedMinimumStep=.false.
-          exit subSteps
-        endif
-        ! adjust length of the sub-step (make sure that we don't exceed the step)
-        dtSubstep = min(dt - dtSum, max(dtSubstep*dtMultiplier, dt_min) )
-      end do substeps  ! time steps for variable-dependent sub-stepping
-      ! save the energy fluxes
-      flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) = sumCanopyEvaporation /dt_out      ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-      flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap /dt_out      ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     = sumSenHeatCanopy     /dt_out      ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      ! save the soil compression diagnostics
-      diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) = sumSoilCompress
-      do iSoil=1,nSoil
-        if(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat(iSoil)/=integerMissing)&
-        diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(iSoil) = sumLayerCompress(iSoil)
-      end do
-      deallocate(sumLayerCompress)
-    ! end associate statements
-    end associate globalVars
-    ! update error codes
-    if(failedMinimumStep)then
-      err=-20 ! negative = recoverable error
-      message=trim(message)//'failed minimum step'
-    endif
-  end subroutine varSubstepSundials
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! private subroutine updateProgSundials: update prognostic variables
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  subroutine updateProgSundials(dt,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,doAdjustTemp,computeVegFlux,untappedMelt,stateVecTrial,stateVecPrime,checkMassBalance, checkNrgBalance, & ! input: model control
-                         lookup_data,mpar_data,indx_data,flux_data,prog_data,diag_data,deriv_data,                                   & ! input-output: data structures
-                         waterBalanceError,nrgFluxModified,err,message)                                                    ! output: flags and error control
-    USE getVectorz_module,only:varExtract                             ! extract variables from the state vector
-    USE updateVarsSundials_module,only:updateVarsSundials             ! update prognostic variables
-    USE computEnthalpy_module,only:computEnthalpy
-    USE t2enthalpy_module, only:t2enthalpy           ! compute enthalpy
-    implicit none
-    ! model control
-    real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: dt                             ! time step (s)
-    integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nSnow                          ! number of snow layers
-    integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nSoil                          ! number of soil layers
-    integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nLayers                        ! total number of layers
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: doAdjustTemp                   ! flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: computeVegFlux                 ! flag to compute the vegetation flux
-    real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: untappedMelt(:)                ! un-tapped melt energy (J m-3 s-1)
-    real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: stateVecTrial(:)               ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-    real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: stateVecPrime(:)               ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: checkMassBalance               ! flag to check the mass balance
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: checkNrgBalance                ! flag to check the energy balance
-    ! data structures
-    type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
-    type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                      ! model parameters
-    type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                      ! indices for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data                      ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: prog_data                      ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                      ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-    type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                     ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-    ! flags and error control
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(out)   :: waterBalanceError              ! flag to denote that there is a water balance error
-    logical(lgt)     ,intent(out)   :: nrgFluxModified                ! flag to denote that the energy fluxes were modified
-    integer(i4b)     ,intent(out)   :: err                            ! error code
-    character(*)     ,intent(out)   :: message                        ! error message
-    ! ==================================================================================================================
-    ! general
-    integer(i4b)                    :: iState                         ! index of model state variable
-    integer(i4b)                    :: ixSubset                       ! index within the state subset
-    integer(i4b)                    :: ixFullVector                   ! index within full state vector
-    integer(i4b)                    :: ixControlIndex                 ! index within a given domain
-    real(rkind)                     :: volMelt                        ! volumetric melt (kg m-3)
-    real(rkind),parameter           :: verySmall=epsilon(1._rkind)*2._rkind ! a very small number (deal with precision issues)
-    ! mass balance
-    real(rkind)                     :: canopyBalance0,canopyBalance1  ! canopy storage at start/end of time step
-    real(rkind)                     :: soilBalance0,soilBalance1      ! soil storage at start/end of time step
-    real(rkind)                     :: vertFlux                       ! change in storage due to vertical fluxes
-    real(rkind)                     :: tranSink,baseSink,compSink     ! change in storage due to sink terms
-    real(rkind)                     :: liqError                       ! water balance error
-    real(rkind)                     :: fluxNet                        ! net water fluxes (kg m-2 s-1)
-    real(rkind)                     :: superflousWat                  ! superflous water used for evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
-    real(rkind)                     :: superflousNrg                  ! superflous energy that cannot be used for evaporation (W m-2 [J m-2 s-1])
-    character(LEN=256)              :: cmessage                       ! error message of downwind routine
-    ! trial state variables
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairTempTrial          ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyTempTrial          ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyWatTrial           ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerTempTrial                ! trial vector for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracWatTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial          ! trial vector for total water matric potential (m)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial       ! trial vector for liquid water matric potential (m)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial      ! trial value for storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-    ! diagnostic variables
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial           ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyIceTrial           ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-      ! derivative of state variables
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairTempPrime          ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyTempPrime          ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyWatPrime           ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerTempPrime                ! trial vector for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracWatPrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadPrime          ! trial vector for total water matric potential (m)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime       ! trial vector for liquid water matric potential (m)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarAquiferStoragePrime      ! trial value for storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-    ! diagnostic variables
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyLiqPrime           ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyIcePrime           ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracIcePrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial      ! enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-    real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial      ! enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-    real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerEnthalpyTrial            ! enthalpy of snow + soil (J m-3)
-    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            ixMin=lbound(flux_data%var(iVar)%dat)
+            ixMax=ubound(flux_data%var(iVar)%dat)
+            do ixLayer=ixMin(1),ixMax(1)
+              if(fluxMask%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer)) then
+                flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) = flux_data%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) + flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer)*dt_wght
+                fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) = fluxCount%var(iVar)%dat(ixLayer) + 1
+              endif
+            end do
+          endif  ! (domain splitting)
+        endif   ! (if the flux is desired)
+      end do  ! (loop through fluxes)
+      ! increment the number of substeps
+      nSubsteps = nSubsteps+1
+      ! increment the sub-step legth
+      dtSum = dtSum + dtSubstep
+      ! check that we have completed the sub-step
+      if(dtSum >= dt-verySmall)then
+        failedMinimumStep=.false.
+        exit subSteps
+      endif
+      ! adjust length of the sub-step (make sure that we don't exceed the step)
+      dtSubstep = min(dt - dtSum, max(dtSubstep*dtMultiplier, dt_min) )
+    end do substeps  ! time steps for variable-dependent sub-stepping
+    ! save the energy fluxes
+    flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1) = sumCanopyEvaporation /dt_out      ! canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+    flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1) = sumLatHeatCanopyEvap /dt_out      ! latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)     = sumSenHeatCanopy     /dt_out      ! sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    ! save the soil compression diagnostics
+    diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) = sumSoilCompress
+    do iSoil=1,nSoil
+      if(indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat(iSoil)/=integerMissing)&
+      diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(iSoil) = sumLayerCompress(iSoil)
+    end do
+    deallocate(sumLayerCompress)
+  ! end associate statements
+  end associate globalVars
+  ! update error codes
+  if(failedMinimumStep)then
+    err=-20 ! negative = recoverable error
+    message=trim(message)//'failed minimum step'
+  endif
+end subroutine varSubstepSundials
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+! private subroutine updateProgSundials: update prognostic variables
+! **********************************************************************************************************
+subroutine updateProgSundials(dt,nSnow,nSoil,nLayers,doAdjustTemp,computeVegFlux,untappedMelt,stateVecTrial,stateVecPrime,checkMassBalance, checkNrgBalance, & ! input: model control
+                        lookup_data,mpar_data,indx_data,flux_data,prog_data,diag_data,deriv_data,                                   & ! input-output: data structures
+                        waterBalanceError,nrgFluxModified,err,message)                                                    ! output: flags and error control
+  USE getVectorz_module,only:varExtract                             ! extract variables from the state vector
+  USE updateVarsSundials_module,only:updateVarsSundials             ! update prognostic variables
+  USE computEnthalpy_module,only:computEnthalpy
+  USE t2enthalpy_module, only:t2enthalpy           ! compute enthalpy
+  implicit none
+  ! model control
+  real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: dt                             ! time step (s)
+  integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nSnow                          ! number of snow layers
+  integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nSoil                          ! number of soil layers
+  integer(i4b)     ,intent(in)    :: nLayers                        ! total number of layers
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: doAdjustTemp                   ! flag to indicate if we adjust the temperature
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: computeVegFlux                 ! flag to compute the vegetation flux
+  real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: untappedMelt(:)                ! un-tapped melt energy (J m-3 s-1)
+  real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: stateVecTrial(:)               ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+  real(rkind)      ,intent(in)    :: stateVecPrime(:)               ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: checkMassBalance               ! flag to check the mass balance
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: checkNrgBalance                ! flag to check the energy balance
+  ! data structures
+  type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
+  type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                      ! model parameters
+  type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                      ! indices for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data                      ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: prog_data                      ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                      ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                     ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+  ! flags and error control
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(out)   :: waterBalanceError              ! flag to denote that there is a water balance error
+  logical(lgt)     ,intent(out)   :: nrgFluxModified                ! flag to denote that the energy fluxes were modified
+  integer(i4b)     ,intent(out)   :: err                            ! error code
+  character(*)     ,intent(out)   :: message                        ! error message
+  ! ==================================================================================================================
+  ! general
+  integer(i4b)                    :: iState                         ! index of model state variable
+  integer(i4b)                    :: ixSubset                       ! index within the state subset
+  integer(i4b)                    :: ixFullVector                   ! index within full state vector
+  integer(i4b)                    :: ixControlIndex                 ! index within a given domain
+  real(rkind)                     :: volMelt                        ! volumetric melt (kg m-3)
+  real(rkind),parameter           :: verySmall=epsilon(1._rkind)*2._rkind ! a very small number (deal with precision issues)
+  ! mass balance
+  real(rkind)                     :: canopyBalance0,canopyBalance1  ! canopy storage at start/end of time step
+  real(rkind)                     :: soilBalance0,soilBalance1      ! soil storage at start/end of time step
+  real(rkind)                     :: vertFlux                       ! change in storage due to vertical fluxes
+  real(rkind)                     :: tranSink,baseSink,compSink     ! change in storage due to sink terms
+  real(rkind)                     :: liqError                       ! water balance error
+  real(rkind)                     :: fluxNet                        ! net water fluxes (kg m-2 s-1)
+  real(rkind)                     :: superflousWat                  ! superflous water used for evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
+  real(rkind)                     :: superflousNrg                  ! superflous energy that cannot be used for evaporation (W m-2 [J m-2 s-1])
+  character(LEN=256)              :: cmessage                       ! error message of downwind routine
+  ! trial state variables
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairTempTrial          ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyTempTrial          ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyWatTrial           ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerTempTrial                ! trial vector for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracWatTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial          ! trial vector for total water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial       ! trial vector for liquid water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial      ! trial value for storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+  ! diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial           ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyIceTrial           ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+    ! derivative of state variables
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairTempPrime          ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyTempPrime          ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyWatPrime           ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerTempPrime                ! trial vector for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracWatPrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadPrime          ! trial vector for total water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime       ! trial vector for liquid water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarAquiferStoragePrime      ! trial value for storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+  ! diagnostic variables
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyLiqPrime           ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyIcePrime           ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerVolFracIcePrime          ! trial vector for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial      ! enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
+  real(rkind)                     :: scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial      ! enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)  :: mLayerEnthalpyTrial            ! enthalpy of snow + soil (J m-3)
+  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! point to flux variables in the data structure
+  associate(&
+    ! get indices for mass balance
+    ixVegHyd                  => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
+    ixSoilOnlyHyd             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the soil domain
+    ! get indices for the un-tapped melt
+    ixNrgOnly                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixNrgOnly)%dat                    ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] list of indices for all energy states
+    ixDomainType              => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType)%dat                 ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] indices defining the domain of the state (iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil)
+    ixControlVolume           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat              ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] index of the control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
+    ixMapSubset2Full          => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapSubset2Full)%dat             ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] [state subset] list of indices of the full state vector in the state subset
+    ! water fluxes
+    scalarRainfall            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)%dat(1)             ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarThroughfallRain     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)%dat(1)      ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     rain reaches ground without touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarCanopyEvaporation   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarCanopyTranspiration => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)%dat(1)  ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarCanopyLiqDrainage   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     drainage liquid water from vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    iLayerLiqFluxSoil         => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat             ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at soil layer interfaces (-)
+    iLayerNrgFlux             => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)%dat                 ,& ! intent(in)    :
+    mLayerNrgFlux             => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain (J m-3 s-1)
+    mLayerTranspire           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)%dat               ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
+    mLayerBaseflow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
+    mLayerCompress            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (-)
+    scalarCanopySublimation   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySublimation)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sublimation of ice from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarSnowSublimation     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowSublimation)%dat(1)      ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sublimation of ice from the snow surface (kg m-2 s-1)
+    ! energy fluxes
+    scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    scalarSenHeatCanopy       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
+    ! domain depth
+    canopyDepth               => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)          ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp   ]  canopy depth (m)
+    mLayerDepth               => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat                   ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
+    ! model state variables (vegetation canopy)
+    scalarCanairTemp          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+    scalarCanopyTemp          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+    scalarCanopyIce           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyLiq           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyWat           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+    ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
+    mLayerTemp                => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                    ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
+    mLayerVolFracIce          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+    mLayerVolFracLiq          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+    mLayerVolFracWat          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+    mLayerMatricHead          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
+    mLayerMatricHeadLiq       => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  matric potential of liquid water (m)
+    ! enthalpy
+    scalarCanairEnthalpy      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanairEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp]    enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
+    scalarCanopyEnthalpy      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp]    enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+    mLayerEnthalpy            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat            ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp(:)] enthalpy of the snow+soil layers (J m-3)
+    ! model state variables (aquifer)
+    scalarAquiferStorage      => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarAquiferStorage)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+    ! error tolerance
+    absConvTol_liquid         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_liquid)%dat(1)          & ! intent(in)    : [dp]     absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water (-)
+    ) ! associating flux variables in the data structure
     ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! point to flux variables in the data structure
-    associate(&
-      ! get indices for mass balance
-      ixVegHyd                  => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
-      ixSoilOnlyHyd             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSoilOnlyHyd)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] index in the state subset for hydrology state variables in the soil domain
-      ! get indices for the un-tapped melt
-      ixNrgOnly                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixNrgOnly)%dat                    ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] list of indices for all energy states
-      ixDomainType              => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType)%dat                 ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] indices defining the domain of the state (iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil)
-      ixControlVolume           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat              ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] index of the control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
-      ixMapSubset2Full          => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapSubset2Full)%dat             ,& ! intent(in)    : [i4b(:)] [state subset] list of indices of the full state vector in the state subset
-      ! water fluxes
-      scalarRainfall            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)%dat(1)             ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-      scalarThroughfallRain     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)%dat(1)      ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     rain reaches ground without touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-      scalarCanopyEvaporation   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-      scalarCanopyTranspiration => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)%dat(1)  ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-      scalarCanopyLiqDrainage   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     drainage liquid water from vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-      iLayerLiqFluxSoil         => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat             ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at soil layer interfaces (-)
-      iLayerNrgFlux             => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)%dat                 ,& ! intent(in)    :
-      mLayerNrgFlux             => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain (J m-3 s-1)
-      mLayerTranspire           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)%dat               ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
-      mLayerBaseflow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
-      mLayerCompress            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat                ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (-)
-      scalarCanopySublimation   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopySublimation)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sublimation of ice from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-      scalarSnowSublimation     => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowSublimation)%dat(1)      ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sublimation of ice from the snow surface (kg m-2 s-1)
-      ! energy fluxes
-      scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap   => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap)%dat(1)    ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     latent heat flux for evaporation from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      scalarSenHeatCanopy       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSenHeatCanopy)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp]     sensible heat flux from the canopy to the canopy air space (W m-2)
-      ! domain depth
-      canopyDepth               => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)          ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp   ]  canopy depth (m)
-      mLayerDepth               => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat                   ,& ! intent(in)    : [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
-      ! model state variables (vegetation canopy)
-      scalarCanairTemp          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-      scalarCanopyTemp          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-      scalarCanopyIce           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyLiq           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyWat           => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)            ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-      ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
-      mLayerTemp                => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                    ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
-      mLayerVolFracIce          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-      mLayerVolFracLiq          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-      mLayerVolFracWat          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-      mLayerMatricHead          => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat              ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
-      mLayerMatricHeadLiq       => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat           ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  matric potential of liquid water (m)
-      ! enthalpy
-      scalarCanairEnthalpy      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanairEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp]    enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-      scalarCanopyEnthalpy      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp]    enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-      mLayerEnthalpy            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat            ,&  ! intent(inout): [dp(:)] enthalpy of the snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-      ! model state variables (aquifer)
-      scalarAquiferStorage      => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarAquiferStorage)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(inout) : [dp(:)]  storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-      ! error tolerance
-      absConvTol_liquid         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%absConvTol_liquid)%dat(1)          & ! intent(in)    : [dp]     absolute convergence tolerance for vol frac liq water (-)
-      ) ! associating flux variables in the data structure
-      ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      ! initialize error control
-      err=0; message='updateProgSundials/'
-      ! initialize water balancmLayerVolFracWatTriale error
-      waterBalanceError=.false.
-      ! get storage at the start of the step
-      canopyBalance0 = merge(scalarCanopyWat, realMissing, computeVegFlux)
-      soilBalance0   = sum( (mLayerVolFracLiq(nSnow+1:nLayers)  + mLayerVolFracIce(nSnow+1:nLayers)  )*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) )
-      ! -----
-      ! * update states...
-      ! ------------------
-      ! initialize to state variable from the last update
-      scalarCanairTempTrial = scalarCanairTemp
-      scalarCanopyTempTrial = scalarCanopyTemp
-      scalarCanopyWatTrial  = scalarCanopyWat
-      scalarCanopyLiqTrial  = scalarCanopyLiq
-      scalarCanopyIceTrial  = scalarCanopyIce
-      mLayerTempTrial           = mLayerTemp
-      mLayerVolFracWatTrial     = mLayerVolFracWat
-      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial     = mLayerVolFracLiq
-      mLayerVolFracIceTrial     = mLayerVolFracIce
-      mLayerMatricHeadTrial     = mLayerMatricHead      ! total water matric potential
-      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial  = mLayerMatricHeadLiq   ! liquid water matric potential
-      scalarAquiferStorageTrial = scalarAquiferStorage
-      ! extract states from the state vector
-      call varExtract(&
-                      ! input
-                      stateVecTrial,            & ! intent(in):    model state vector (mixed units)
-                      diag_data,                & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                      prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                      indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                      ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                      scalarCanairTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyWatTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                      ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                      mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(out):   trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(out):   trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                      ! output: variables for the aquifer
-                      scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                      ! output: error control
-                      err,cmessage)               ! intent(out):   error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-      call varExtract(&
+    ! initialize error control
+    err=0; message='updateProgSundials/'
+    ! initialize water balancmLayerVolFracWatTriale error
+    waterBalanceError=.false.
+    ! get storage at the start of the step
+    canopyBalance0 = merge(scalarCanopyWat, realMissing, computeVegFlux)
+    soilBalance0   = sum( (mLayerVolFracLiq(nSnow+1:nLayers)  + mLayerVolFracIce(nSnow+1:nLayers)  )*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) )
+    ! -----
+    ! * update states...
+    ! ------------------
+    ! initialize to state variable from the last update
+    scalarCanairTempTrial = scalarCanairTemp
+    scalarCanopyTempTrial = scalarCanopyTemp
+    scalarCanopyWatTrial  = scalarCanopyWat
+    scalarCanopyLiqTrial  = scalarCanopyLiq
+    scalarCanopyIceTrial  = scalarCanopyIce
+    mLayerTempTrial           = mLayerTemp
+    mLayerVolFracWatTrial     = mLayerVolFracWat
+    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial     = mLayerVolFracLiq
+    mLayerVolFracIceTrial     = mLayerVolFracIce
+    mLayerMatricHeadTrial     = mLayerMatricHead      ! total water matric potential
+    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial  = mLayerMatricHeadLiq   ! liquid water matric potential
+    scalarAquiferStorageTrial = scalarAquiferStorage
+    ! extract states from the state vector
+    call varExtract(&
                     ! input
-                    stateVecPrime,            & ! intent(in):    derivative of model state vector (mixed units)
+                    stateVecTrial,            & ! intent(in):    model state vector (mixed units)
                     diag_data,                & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
                     prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
                     indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
                     ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                    scalarCanairTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy air temperature (K)
-                    scalarCanopyTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy temperature (K)
-                    scalarCanopyWatPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                    scalarCanopyLiqPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanairTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
+                    scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                    scalarCanopyWatTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
                     ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                    mLayerTempPrime,          & ! intent(out):   derivative of layer temperature (K)
-                    mLayerVolFracWatPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric total water content (-)
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of total water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(out):   derivative of liquid water matric potential (m)
+                    mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(out):   trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+                    mLayerVolFracWatTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(out):   trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
                     ! output: variables for the aquifer
-                    scalarAquiferStoragePrime,& ! intent(out):   derivative of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+                    scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
                     ! output: error control
                     err,cmessage)               ! intent(out):   error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-      ! update diagnostic variables
-      call updateVarsSundials(&
-                      ! input
-                      dt,                                        &
-                      .false.,                                   & ! intent(in):    logical flag if computing Jacobian for Sundials solver
-                      doAdjustTemp,                              & ! intent(in):    logical flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy used in melt+freeze
-                      mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters for a local HRU
-                      indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                      prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(in):    use current vector for prev vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(in):    use current vector for prev vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                      diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                      deriv_data,                                & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                      ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                      scalarCanopyTempTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyWatTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyIceTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyTempPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyWatPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyLiqPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyIcePrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                      ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                      mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                  & ! intent(inout): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerTempPrime,                           & !
-                      mLayerVolFracWatPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIcePrime,                     & !
-                      mLayerMatricHeadPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime,                  & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                      ! output: error control
-                      err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out):   error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-      ! ----
-      ! * check energy balance
-      !------------------------
-      ! NOTE: for now, we just compute enthalpy
-      if(checkNrgBalance)then
-        ! compute enthalpy at t_{n+1}
-        call t2enthalpy(&
-                    ! input: data structures
-                    diag_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    mpar_data,                   & ! intent(in):  parameter data structure
-                    indx_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model indices
-                    lookup_data,                 & ! intent(in):  lookup table data structure
-                    ! input: state variables for the vegetation canopy
-                    scalarCanairTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
-                    scalarCanopyTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                    scalarCanopyWatTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                    scalarCanopyIceTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                    ! input: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                    mLayerTempTrial,             & ! intent(in):  trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                    mLayerVolFracWatTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                    ! output: enthalpy
-                    scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial,        & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-                    scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,        & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                    mLayerEnthalpyTrial,             & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of each snow+soil layer (J m-3)
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
+    call varExtract(&
+                  ! input
+                  stateVecPrime,            & ! intent(in):    derivative of model state vector (mixed units)
+                  diag_data,                & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                  prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                  indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
+                  ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
+                  scalarCanairTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy air temperature (K)
+                  scalarCanopyTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy temperature (K)
+                  scalarCanopyWatPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+                  scalarCanopyLiqPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
+                  ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
+                  mLayerTempPrime,          & ! intent(out):   derivative of layer temperature (K)
+                  mLayerVolFracWatPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric total water content (-)
+                  mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+                  mLayerMatricHeadPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of total water matric potential (m)
+                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(out):   derivative of liquid water matric potential (m)
+                  ! output: variables for the aquifer
+                  scalarAquiferStoragePrime,& ! intent(out):   derivative of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+                  ! output: error control
+                  err,cmessage)               ! intent(out):   error control
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
+    ! update diagnostic variables
+    call updateVarsSundials(&
+                    ! input
+                    dt,                                        &
+                    .false.,                                   & ! intent(in):    logical flag if computing Jacobian for Sundials solver
+                    doAdjustTemp,                              & ! intent(in):    logical flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy used in melt+freeze
+                    mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters for a local HRU
+                    indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
+                    prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                    mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(in):    use current vector for prev vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(in):    use current vector for prev vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                    diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                    deriv_data,                                & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                    ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
+                    scalarCanopyTempTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                    scalarCanopyWatTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyIceTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyTempPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                    scalarCanopyWatPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyLiqPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
+                    scalarCanopyIcePrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
+                    ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
+                    mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+                    mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                  & ! intent(inout): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
+                    mLayerTempPrime,                           & !
+                    mLayerVolFracWatPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+                    mLayerVolFracIcePrime,                     & !
+                    mLayerMatricHeadPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime,                  & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
                     ! output: error control
-                    err,cmessage)                  ! intent(out): error control
-        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-      endif
-      ! -----
-      ! * check mass balance...
-      ! -----------------------
-      ! NOTE: should not need to do this, since mass balance is checked in the solver
-      if(checkMassBalance)then
-        ! check mass balance for the canopy
-        if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
-          ! handle cases where fluxes empty the canopy
-          fluxNet = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
-          if(-fluxNet*dt > canopyBalance0)then
-            ! --> first add water
-            canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance0 + (scalarRainfall - scalarThroughfallRain)*dt
-            ! --> next, remove canopy evaporation -- put the unsatisfied evap into sensible heat
-            canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance1 + scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt
-            if(canopyBalance1 < 0._rkind)then
-              ! * get superfluous water and energy
-              superflousWat = -canopyBalance1/dt     ! kg m-2 s-1
-              superflousNrg = superflousWat*LH_vap   ! W m-2 (J m-2 s-1)
-              ! * update fluxes and states
-              canopyBalance1          = 0._rkind
-              scalarCanopyEvaporation = scalarCanopyEvaporation + superflousWat
-              scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap = scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap + superflousNrg
-              scalarSenHeatCanopy     = scalarSenHeatCanopy - superflousNrg
-            endif
-            ! --> next, remove canopy drainage
-            canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance1 - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt
-            if(canopyBalance1 < 0._rkind)then
-              superflousWat            = -canopyBalance1/dt     ! kg m-2 s-1
-              canopyBalance1          = 0._rkind
-              scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = scalarCanopyLiqDrainage + superflousWat
-            endif
-            ! update the trial state
-            scalarCanopyWatTrial = canopyBalance1
-            ! set the modification flag
-            nrgFluxModified = .true.
+                    err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out):   error control
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
+    ! ----
+    ! * check energy balance
+    !------------------------
+    ! NOTE: for now, we just compute enthalpy
+    if(checkNrgBalance)then
+      ! compute enthalpy at t_{n+1}
+      call t2enthalpy(&
+                  ! input: data structures
+                  diag_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                  mpar_data,                   & ! intent(in):  parameter data structure
+                  indx_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model indices
+                  lookup_data,                 & ! intent(in):  lookup table data structure
+                  ! input: state variables for the vegetation canopy
+                  scalarCanairTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
+                  scalarCanopyTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                  scalarCanopyWatTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+                  scalarCanopyIceTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
+                  ! input: variables for the snow-soil domain
+                  mLayerTempTrial,             & ! intent(in):  trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+                  mLayerVolFracWatTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                  mLayerMatricHeadTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                  mLayerVolFracIceTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+                  ! output: enthalpy
+                  scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial,        & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
+                  scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,        & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+                  mLayerEnthalpyTrial,             & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of each snow+soil layer (J m-3)
+                  ! output: error control
+                  err,cmessage)                  ! intent(out): error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+    endif
+    ! -----
+    ! * check mass balance...
+    ! -----------------------
+    ! NOTE: should not need to do this, since mass balance is checked in the solver
+    if(checkMassBalance)then
+      ! check mass balance for the canopy
+      if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
+        ! handle cases where fluxes empty the canopy
+        fluxNet = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
+        if(-fluxNet*dt > canopyBalance0)then
+          ! --> first add water
+          canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance0 + (scalarRainfall - scalarThroughfallRain)*dt
+          ! --> next, remove canopy evaporation -- put the unsatisfied evap into sensible heat
+          canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance1 + scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt
+          if(canopyBalance1 < 0._rkind)then
+            ! * get superfluous water and energy
+            superflousWat = -canopyBalance1/dt     ! kg m-2 s-1
+            superflousNrg = superflousWat*LH_vap   ! W m-2 (J m-2 s-1)
+            ! * update fluxes and states
+            canopyBalance1          = 0._rkind
+            scalarCanopyEvaporation = scalarCanopyEvaporation + superflousWat
+            scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap = scalarLatHeatCanopyEvap + superflousNrg
+            scalarSenHeatCanopy     = scalarSenHeatCanopy - superflousNrg
+          endif
+          ! --> next, remove canopy drainage
+          canopyBalance1 = canopyBalance1 - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt
+          if(canopyBalance1 < 0._rkind)then
+            superflousWat            = -canopyBalance1/dt     ! kg m-2 s-1
+            canopyBalance1          = 0._rkind
+            scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = scalarCanopyLiqDrainage + superflousWat
+          endif
+          ! update the trial state
+          scalarCanopyWatTrial = canopyBalance1
+          ! set the modification flag
+          nrgFluxModified = .true.
+        else
+          canopyBalance1  = canopyBalance0 + fluxNet*dt
+          nrgFluxModified = .false.
+        endif  ! cases where fluxes empty the canopy
+        ! check the mass balance
+        fluxNet  = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
+        liqError = (canopyBalance0 + fluxNet*dt) - scalarCanopyWatTrial
+        if(abs(liqError) > absConvTol_liquid*10._rkind*iden_water)then  ! *10 because of precision issues
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'dt = ', dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyWatTrial       = ', scalarCanopyWatTrial
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'canopyBalance0             = ', canopyBalance0
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'canopyBalance1             = ', canopyBalance1
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarRainfall*dt          = ', scalarRainfall*dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt = ', scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt = ', scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarThroughfallRain*dt   = ', scalarThroughfallRain*dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'liqError                   = ', liqError
+          waterBalanceError = .true.
+          return
+        endif  ! if there is a water balance error
+      endif  ! if veg canopy
+      ! check mass balance for soil
+      ! NOTE: fatal errors, though possible to recover using negative error codes
+      if(count(ixSoilOnlyHyd/=integerMissing)==nSoil)then
+        soilBalance1 = sum( (mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers) )*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) )
+        vertFlux     = -(iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil) - iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0))*dt  ! m s-1 --> m
+        tranSink     = sum(mLayerTranspire)*dt                                ! m s-1 --> m
+        baseSink     = sum(mLayerBaseflow)*dt                                 ! m s-1 --> m
+        compSink     = sum(mLayerCompress(1:nSoil) * mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) ) ! dimensionless --> m
+        liqError     = soilBalance1 - (soilBalance0 + vertFlux + tranSink - baseSink - compSink)
+        if(abs(liqError) > absConvTol_liquid*10._rkind)then   ! *10 because of precision issues
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'dt = ', dt
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'soilBalance0      = ', soilBalance0
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'soilBalance1      = ', soilBalance1
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'vertFlux          = ', vertFlux
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'tranSink          = ', tranSink
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'baseSink          = ', baseSink
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'compSink          = ', compSink
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'liqError          = ', liqError
+          write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'absConvTol_liquid = ', absConvTol_liquid
+          waterBalanceError = .true.
+          return
+        endif  ! if there is a water balance error
+      endif  ! if hydrology states exist in the soil domain
+    endif  ! if checking the mass balance
+    ! -----
+    ! * remove untapped melt energy...
+    ! --------------------------------
+    ! only work with energy state variables
+    if(size(ixNrgOnly)>0)then  ! energy state variables exist
+      ! loop through energy state variables
+      do iState=1,size(ixNrgOnly)
+        ! get index of the control volume within the domain
+        ixSubset       = ixNrgOnly(iState)             ! index within the state subset
+        ixFullVector   = ixMapSubset2Full(ixSubset)    ! index within full state vector
+        ixControlIndex = ixControlVolume(ixFullVector) ! index within a given domain
+        ! compute volumetric melt (kg m-3)
+        volMelt = dt*untappedMelt(ixSubset)/LH_fus  ! (kg m-3)
+        ! update ice content
+        select case( ixDomainType(ixFullVector) )
+          case(iname_cas);  cycle ! do nothing, since there is no snow stored in the canopy air space
+          case(iname_veg);  scalarCanopyIceTrial                        = scalarCanopyIceTrial                        - volMelt*canopyDepth  ! (kg m-2)
+          case(iname_snow); mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex)       = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex)       - volMelt/iden_ice     ! (-)
+          case(iname_soil); mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) - volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
+          case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify domain type [remove untapped melt energy]'; return
+        end select
+        ! update liquid water content
+        select case( ixDomainType(ixFullVector) )
+          case(iname_cas);  cycle ! do nothing, since there is no snow stored in the canopy air space
+          case(iname_veg);  scalarCanopyLiqTrial                        = scalarCanopyLiqTrial                        + volMelt*canopyDepth  ! (kg m-2)
+          case(iname_snow); mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex)       = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex)       + volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
+          case(iname_soil); mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) + volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
+          case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify domain type [remove untapped melt energy]'; return
+        end select
+      end do  ! looping through energy variables
+      ! ========================================================================================================
+      ! *** ice
+      ! --> check if we removed too much water
+      if(scalarCanopyIceTrial < 0._rkind  .or. any(mLayerVolFracIceTrial < 0._rkind) )then
+        ! **
+        ! canopy within numerical precision
+        if(scalarCanopyIceTrial < 0._rkind)then
+          if(scalarCanopyIceTrial > -verySmall)then
+            scalarCanopyLiqTrial = scalarCanopyLiqTrial - scalarCanopyIceTrial
+            scalarCanopyIceTrial = 0._rkind
+          ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
-            canopyBalance1  = canopyBalance0 + fluxNet*dt
-            nrgFluxModified = .false.
-          endif  ! cases where fluxes empty the canopy
-          ! check the mass balance
-          fluxNet  = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
-          liqError = (canopyBalance0 + fluxNet*dt) - scalarCanopyWatTrial
-          if(abs(liqError) > absConvTol_liquid*10._rkind*iden_water)then  ! *10 because of precision issues
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'dt = ', dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyWatTrial       = ', scalarCanopyWatTrial
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'canopyBalance0             = ', canopyBalance0
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'canopyBalance1             = ', canopyBalance1
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarRainfall*dt          = ', scalarRainfall*dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt = ', scalarCanopyLiqDrainage*dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt = ', scalarCanopyEvaporation*dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'scalarThroughfallRain*dt   = ', scalarThroughfallRain*dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'liqError                   = ', liqError
-            waterBalanceError = .true.
-            return
-          endif  ! if there is a water balance error
-        endif  ! if veg canopy
-        ! check mass balance for soil
-        ! NOTE: fatal errors, though possible to recover using negative error codes
-        if(count(ixSoilOnlyHyd/=integerMissing)==nSoil)then
-          soilBalance1 = sum( (mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers) )*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) )
-          vertFlux     = -(iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil) - iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0))*dt  ! m s-1 --> m
-          tranSink     = sum(mLayerTranspire)*dt                                ! m s-1 --> m
-          baseSink     = sum(mLayerBaseflow)*dt                                 ! m s-1 --> m
-          compSink     = sum(mLayerCompress(1:nSoil) * mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers) ) ! dimensionless --> m
-          liqError     = soilBalance1 - (soilBalance0 + vertFlux + tranSink - baseSink - compSink)
-          if(abs(liqError) > absConvTol_liquid*10._rkind)then   ! *10 because of precision issues
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'dt = ', dt
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'soilBalance0      = ', soilBalance0
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'soilBalance1      = ', soilBalance1
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'vertFlux          = ', vertFlux
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'tranSink          = ', tranSink
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'baseSink          = ', baseSink
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'compSink          = ', compSink
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'liqError          = ', liqError
-            write(*,'(a,1x,f20.10)') 'absConvTol_liquid = ', absConvTol_liquid
-            waterBalanceError = .true.
-            return
-          endif  ! if there is a water balance error
-        endif  ! if hydrology states exist in the soil domain
-      endif  ! if checking the mass balance
-      ! -----
-      ! * remove untapped melt energy...
-      ! --------------------------------
-      ! only work with energy state variables
-      if(size(ixNrgOnly)>0)then  ! energy state variables exist
-        ! loop through energy state variables
-        do iState=1,size(ixNrgOnly)
-          ! get index of the control volume within the domain
-          ixSubset       = ixNrgOnly(iState)             ! index within the state subset
-          ixFullVector   = ixMapSubset2Full(ixSubset)    ! index within full state vector
-          ixControlIndex = ixControlVolume(ixFullVector) ! index within a given domain
-          ! compute volumetric melt (kg m-3)
-          volMelt = dt*untappedMelt(ixSubset)/LH_fus  ! (kg m-3)
-          ! update ice content
-          select case( ixDomainType(ixFullVector) )
-            case(iname_cas);  cycle ! do nothing, since there is no snow stored in the canopy air space
-            case(iname_veg);  scalarCanopyIceTrial                        = scalarCanopyIceTrial                        - volMelt*canopyDepth  ! (kg m-2)
-            case(iname_snow); mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex)       = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex)       - volMelt/iden_ice     ! (-)
-            case(iname_soil); mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) - volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
-            case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify domain type [remove untapped melt energy]'; return
-          end select
-          ! update liquid water content
-          select case( ixDomainType(ixFullVector) )
-            case(iname_cas);  cycle ! do nothing, since there is no snow stored in the canopy air space
-            case(iname_veg);  scalarCanopyLiqTrial                        = scalarCanopyLiqTrial                        + volMelt*canopyDepth  ! (kg m-2)
-            case(iname_snow); mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex)       = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex)       + volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
-            case(iname_soil); mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(ixControlIndex+nSnow) + volMelt/iden_water   ! (-)
-            case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify domain type [remove untapped melt energy]'; return
-          end select
-        end do  ! looping through energy variables
-        ! ========================================================================================================
-        ! *** ice
-        ! --> check if we removed too much water
-        if(scalarCanopyIceTrial < 0._rkind  .or. any(mLayerVolFracIceTrial < 0._rkind) )then
-          ! **
-          ! canopy within numerical precision
-          if(scalarCanopyIceTrial < 0._rkind)then
-            if(scalarCanopyIceTrial > -verySmall)then
-              scalarCanopyLiqTrial = scalarCanopyLiqTrial - scalarCanopyIceTrial
-              scalarCanopyIceTrial = 0._rkind
+            print*, 'dt = ', dt
+            print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
+            print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
+            print*, 'scalarCanopyiceTrial  = ', scalarCanopyIceTrial
+            message=trim(message)//'melted more than the available water'
+            err=20; return
+          endif  ! (inconsistency)
+        endif  ! if checking the canopy
+        ! **
+        ! snow+soil within numerical precision
+        do iState=1,size(mLayerVolFracIceTrial)
+          ! snow layer within numerical precision
+          if(mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) < 0._rkind)then
+            if(mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) > -verySmall)then
+              mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) - mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState)
+              mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) = 0._rkind
             ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
               print*, 'dt = ', dt
               print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
               print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
-              print*, 'scalarCanopyiceTrial  = ', scalarCanopyIceTrial
+              print*, 'mLayerVolFracIceTrial = ', mLayerVolFracIceTrial
               message=trim(message)//'melted more than the available water'
               err=20; return
             endif  ! (inconsistency)
-          endif  ! if checking the canopy
-          ! **
-          ! snow+soil within numerical precision
-          do iState=1,size(mLayerVolFracIceTrial)
-            ! snow layer within numerical precision
-            if(mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) < 0._rkind)then
-              if(mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) > -verySmall)then
-                mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) - mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState)
-                mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) = 0._rkind
-              ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
-              else
-                print*, 'dt = ', dt
-                print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
-                print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
-                print*, 'mLayerVolFracIceTrial = ', mLayerVolFracIceTrial
-                message=trim(message)//'melted more than the available water'
-                err=20; return
-              endif  ! (inconsistency)
-            endif  ! if checking a snow layer
-          end do ! (looping through state variables)
-        endif  ! (if we removed too much water)
-        ! ========================================================================================================
-        ! *** liquid water
-        ! --> check if we removed too much water
-        if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial < 0._rkind  .or. any(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial < 0._rkind) )then
-          ! **
-          ! canopy within numerical precision
-          if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial < 0._rkind)then
-            if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial > -verySmall)then
-              scalarCanopyIceTrial = scalarCanopyIceTrial - scalarCanopyLiqTrial
-              scalarCanopyLiqTrial = 0._rkind
+          endif  ! if checking a snow layer
+        end do ! (looping through state variables)
+      endif  ! (if we removed too much water)
+      ! ========================================================================================================
+      ! *** liquid water
+      ! --> check if we removed too much water
+      if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial < 0._rkind  .or. any(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial < 0._rkind) )then
+        ! **
+        ! canopy within numerical precision
+        if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial < 0._rkind)then
+          if(scalarCanopyLiqTrial > -verySmall)then
+            scalarCanopyIceTrial = scalarCanopyIceTrial - scalarCanopyLiqTrial
+            scalarCanopyLiqTrial = 0._rkind
+          ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
+          else
+            print*, 'dt = ', dt
+            print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
+            print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
+            print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqTrial  = ', scalarCanopyLiqTrial
+            message=trim(message)//'frozen more than the available water'
+            err=20; return
+          endif  ! (inconsistency)
+        endif  ! checking the canopy
+        ! **
+        ! snow+soil within numerical precision
+        do iState=1,size(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial)
+          ! snow layer within numerical precision
+          if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) < 0._rkind)then
+            if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) > -verySmall)then
+              mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) - mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState)
+              mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) = 0._rkind
             ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
               print*, 'dt = ', dt
               print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
               print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
-              print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqTrial  = ', scalarCanopyLiqTrial
+              print*, 'mLayerVolFracLiqTrial = ', mLayerVolFracLiqTrial
               message=trim(message)//'frozen more than the available water'
               err=20; return
             endif  ! (inconsistency)
-          endif  ! checking the canopy
-          ! **
-          ! snow+soil within numerical precision
-          do iState=1,size(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial)
-            ! snow layer within numerical precision
-            if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) < 0._rkind)then
-              if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) > -verySmall)then
-                mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iState) - mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState)
-                mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iState) = 0._rkind
-              ! encountered an inconsistency: spit the dummy
-              else
-                print*, 'dt = ', dt
-                print*, 'untappedMelt          = ', untappedMelt
-                print*, 'untappedMelt*dt       = ', untappedMelt*dt
-                print*, 'mLayerVolFracLiqTrial = ', mLayerVolFracLiqTrial
-                message=trim(message)//'frozen more than the available water'
-                err=20; return
-              endif  ! (inconsistency)
-            endif  ! checking a snow layer
-          end do ! (looping through state variables)
-        endif  ! (if we removed too much water)
-      endif  ! (if energy state variables exist)
-      ! -----
-      ! * update enthalpy as a diagnostic variable...
-      ! --------------------------------
-      scalarCanairEnthalpy = scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial
-      scalarCanopyEnthalpy = scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial
-      mLayerEnthalpy = mLayerEnthalpyTrial
-      ! -----
-      ! * update prognostic variables...
-      ! --------------------------------
-      ! update state variables for the vegetation canopy
-      scalarCanairTemp    = scalarCanairTempTrial    ! trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
-      scalarCanopyTemp    = scalarCanopyTempTrial    ! trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-      scalarCanopyWat     = scalarCanopyWatTrial     ! trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyLiq     = scalarCanopyLiqTrial     ! trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-      scalarCanopyIce     = scalarCanopyIceTrial     ! trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-      ! update state variables for the snow+soil domain
-      mLayerTemp          = mLayerTempTrial          ! trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-      mLayerVolFracWat    = mLayerVolFracWatTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-      mLayerVolFracLiq    = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-      mLayerVolFracIce    = mLayerVolFracIceTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-      mLayerMatricHead    = mLayerMatricHeadTrial    ! trial vector of matric head (m)
-      mLayerMatricHeadLiq = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial ! trial vector of matric head (m)
-      ! update state variables for the aquifer
-      scalarAquiferStorage = scalarAquiferStorageTrial
-      ! end associations to info in the data structures
-    end associate
-  end subroutine updateProgSundials
-  end module varSubstepSundials_module
\ No newline at end of file
+          endif  ! checking a snow layer
+        end do ! (looping through state variables)
+      endif  ! (if we removed too much water)
+    endif  ! (if energy state variables exist)
+    ! -----
+    ! * update enthalpy as a diagnostic variable...
+    ! --------------------------------
+    scalarCanairEnthalpy = scalarCanairEnthalpyTrial
+    scalarCanopyEnthalpy = scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial
+    mLayerEnthalpy = mLayerEnthalpyTrial
+    ! -----
+    ! * update prognostic variables...
+    ! --------------------------------
+    ! update state variables for the vegetation canopy
+    scalarCanairTemp    = scalarCanairTempTrial    ! trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
+    scalarCanopyTemp    = scalarCanopyTempTrial    ! trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+    scalarCanopyWat     = scalarCanopyWatTrial     ! trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyLiq     = scalarCanopyLiqTrial     ! trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
+    scalarCanopyIce     = scalarCanopyIceTrial     ! trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
+    ! update state variables for the snow+soil domain
+    mLayerTemp          = mLayerTempTrial          ! trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+    mLayerVolFracWat    = mLayerVolFracWatTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+    mLayerVolFracLiq    = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
+    mLayerVolFracIce    = mLayerVolFracIceTrial    ! trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
+    mLayerMatricHead    = mLayerMatricHeadTrial    ! trial vector of matric head (m)
+    mLayerMatricHeadLiq = mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial ! trial vector of matric head (m)
+    ! update state variables for the aquifer
+    scalarAquiferStorage = scalarAquiferStorageTrial
+    ! end associations to info in the data structures
+  end associate
+end subroutine updateProgSundials
+end module varSubstepSundials_module