diff --git a/build/makefile b/build/makefile
index ecffcc652e4d896eaa551309efbb26a9f6728e04..13369cb07f0faa86024344ae54a7e1756f2082b2 100644
--- a/build/makefile
+++ b/build/makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 #### parent directory of the 'build' directory ####
-ROOT_DIR = /globalhome/kck540/HPC/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors
+ROOT_DIR = /Summa-Actors
 #### Compilers ####
 FC = gfortran # Fortran
 CC = g++	  # C++
 #### Includes AND Libraries ####
-	-L$(EBROOTOPENBLAS)/lib -lnetcdff -lopenblas
+INCLUDES = -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include
+LIBRARIES = -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdff -lopenblas
-	-L$(EBROOTOPENBLAS)/lib -L$(ROOT_DIR)/bin -lcaf_core -lcaf_io -lsumma -lopenblas -lnetcdff
+ACTORS_INCLUDES = -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include
+ACTORS_LIBRARIES = -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/Summa-Actors/bin -lcaf_core -lcaf_io -lsumma -lopenblas -lnetcdff
 # Production runs
@@ -243,8 +241,8 @@ DRIVER = $(patsubst %, $(DRIVER_DIR)/%, $(SUMMA_DRIVER))
 ######################################## Assemble C++ Files ########################################
-INCLUDE_DIR = /globalhome/kck540/HPC/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/build/includes
-SOURCE_DIR = /globalhome/kck540/HPC/SummaProjects/Summa-Actors/build/source/actors
+INCLUDE_DIR = /Summa-Actors/build/includes
+SOURCE_DIR = /Summa-Actors/build/source/actors
diff --git a/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90 b/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
index ce67959febff75b78f30c4aa003ed7f9d765cf64..58f277e3d805167f9ab837a37aeeb687db2b3a2d 100755
--- a/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
+++ b/build/source/netcdf/outputStrucWrite.f90
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ contains
   integer(i4b)                :: iVar             ! loop through variables
   ! initialize error control
-  err=0;message="writeParm/"
+  err=0;message="outputStrucWrite.f90-writeParm/"
   ! loop through local column model parameters
   do iVar = 1,size(meta)
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ subroutine writeData(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,structName,finalizeStats, &
   integer(i4b),parameter           :: ixInteger=1001    ! named variable for integer
   integer(i4b),parameter           :: ixReal=1002       ! named variable for real
   ! initialize error control
-  err=0;message="writeData/"
+  err=0;message="outputStrucWrite.f90-writeData/"
   ! loop through output frequencies
   do iFreq=1,maxvarFreq
@@ -240,6 +240,8 @@ subroutine writeData(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,structName,finalizeStats, &
               outputStructure(1)%diagStat(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU)%var(map(iVar))%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq) = stat%var(map(iVar))%dat(iFreq)
               outputStructure(1)%fluxStat(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU)%var(map(iVar))%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq) = stat%var(map(iVar))%dat(iFreq)
+            case('indx')
+              outputStructure(1)%indxStat(1)%gru(indxGRU)%hru(indxHRU)%var(map(iVar))%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq) = stat%var(map(iVar))%dat(iFreq)
             case default
               err=21; message=trim(message)//"Stats structure not found"; return
             end select
@@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ subroutine writeBasin(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,&
  integer(i4b)                  :: iStat             ! statistics index
  integer(i4b)                  :: iFreq             ! frequency index
  ! initialize error control
- err=0;message="f-writeBasin/"
+ err=0;message="outputStrucWrite.f90-writeBasin/"
  ! loop through output frequencies
  do iFreq=1,maxvarFreq
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ subroutine writeTime(indxGRU,indxHRU,iStep,finalizeStats,meta,dat,err,message)
  integer(i4b)                  :: iVar              ! variable index
  integer(i4b)                  :: iFreq             ! frequency index
  ! initialize error control
- err=0;message="f-writeTime/"
+ err=0;message="outputStrucWrite.f90-writeTime/"
  ! loop through output frequencies
  do iFreq=1,maxvarFreq
diff --git a/build/source/netcdf/writeOutput.f90 b/build/source/netcdf/writeOutput.f90
index 5ae13865870d20c0dad4d44e2501f8bb8a0d60d4..be435e2cd36f1bfca942ab1ce73a436fe20e6e92 100644
--- a/build/source/netcdf/writeOutput.f90
+++ b/build/source/netcdf/writeOutput.f90
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ subroutine writeData(ncid,outputTimestep,outputTimestepUpdate,maxLayers,nSteps,
   integer(i4b),parameter           :: ixInteger=1001    ! named variable for integer
   integer(i4b),parameter           :: ixReal=1002       ! named variable for real
   integer(i4b)                     :: stepCounter       ! counter to know how much data we have to write, needed because we do not always write nSteps
-  integer(i4b)                     :: gruCounter
+  integer(i4b)                     :: gruCounter        ! Used as an index into an array for holding scalar values
   integer(i4b)                     :: iStep
   integer(i4b)                     :: iGRU
   integer(i4b)                     :: verifiedGRUIndex    ! index of HRU verified to not have failed
@@ -252,12 +252,12 @@ subroutine writeData(ncid,outputTimestep,outputTimestepUpdate,maxLayers,nSteps,
       ! check that the variable is desired
       if (iStat==integerMissing.or.trim(meta(iVar)%varName)=='unknown') cycle
-        ! do iHRU=1,gru_struc(iGRU)%hruCount
           ! stats output: only scalar variable type
           if(meta(iVar)%varType==iLookVarType%scalarv) then
             select type(stat)
               class is (gru_hru_time_doubleVec)
-                if (minGRU == maxGRU)then
+                ! TODO: Why does this have to be an if-else?
+                if (minGRU == maxGRU)then ! check if we are only need to write for 1 GRU
                   gruCounter = 1
                   do iStep = 1, nSteps
                     if(.not.outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)) cycle
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ subroutine writeData(ncid,outputTimestep,outputTimestepUpdate,maxLayers,nSteps,
                     realVec(gruCounter, stepCounter) = stat%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%var(map(iVar))%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)
                   end do ! iStep
-                  gruCounter = 0
                   do iGRU = minGRU, maxGRU
                     stepCounter = 0
                     gruCounter = gruCounter + 1
@@ -280,16 +279,14 @@ subroutine writeData(ncid,outputTimestep,outputTimestepUpdate,maxLayers,nSteps,
                 err = nf90_put_var(ncid%var(iFreq),meta(iVar)%ncVarID(iFreq),realVec(1:gruCounter, 1:stepCounter),start=(/minGRU,outputTimestep(iFreq)/),count=(/numGRU,stepCounter/))
                 if (outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) /= stepCounter ) then
                   print*, "ERROR Missmatch in Steps - stat doubleVec"
-                  print*, "iFreq = ", iFreq
-                  print*, "outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) = ", outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq)
-                  print*, "stepCounter = ", stepCounter
+                  print*, "   outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) = ", outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq)
+                  print*, "   stepCounter = ", stepCounter
               class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'stats must be scalarv and of type gru_hru_doubleVec'; return
             end select  ! stat
-          ! non-scalar variables: regular data structures
-          else
+          else ! non-scalar variables: regular data structures
             ! initialize the data vectors
             select type (dat)
@@ -298,73 +295,82 @@ subroutine writeData(ncid,outputTimestep,outputTimestepUpdate,maxLayers,nSteps,
               class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'data must not be scalarv and either of type gru_hru_doubleVec or gru_hru_intVec'; return
             end select
-            ! get the model layers
-            nSoil   = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nSoil)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
-            nSnow   = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nSnow)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
-            nLayers = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nLayers)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
-            ! get the length of each data vector
-            select case (meta(iVar)%varType)
-                case(iLookVarType%wLength); datLength = maxSpectral
-                case(iLookVarType%midToto); datLength = nLayers
-                case(iLookVarType%midSnow); datLength = nSnow
-                case(iLookVarType%midSoil); datLength = nSoil
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); datLength = nLayers+1
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); datLength = nSnow+1
-                case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); datLength = nSoil+1
-                case default; cycle
-            end select ! vartype
-            ! get the data vectors
-            select type (dat)
-                class is (gru_hru_time_doubleVec)
-                  do iStep = 1, nSteps
-                    if(.not.outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)) cycle
-                    stepCounter = stepCounter + 1
-                    realArray(stepCounter,1:datLength) = dat%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(:)
-                  end do
-                class is (gru_hru_time_intVec)
-                  do iStep = 1, nSteps
-                    if(.not.outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)) cycle
-                    stepCounter = stepCounter + 1
-                    intArray(stepCounter,1:datLength) = dat%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(:)
-                  end do
-                class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'data must not be scalarv and either of type gru_hru_doubleVec or gru_hru_intVec'; return
-            end select
-            ! get the maximum length of each data vector
-            select case (meta(iVar)%varType)
-              case(iLookVarType%wLength); maxLength = maxSpectral
-              case(iLookVarType%midToto); maxLength = maxLayers
-              case(iLookVarType%midSnow); maxLength = maxLayers-nSoil
-              case(iLookVarType%midSoil); maxLength = nSoil
-              case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); maxLength = maxLayers+1
-              case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); maxLength = (maxLayers-nSoil)+1
-              case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); maxLength = nSoil+1
-              case default; cycle
-            end select ! vartype
-            ! write the data vectors
-            select case(dataType)
-              case(ixReal)
-                err = nf90_put_var(ncid%var(iFreq),meta(iVar)%ncVarID(iFreq),realArray(1:stepCounter,:),start=(/iGRU,1,outputTimestep(iFreq)/),count=(/1,maxLength,stepCounter/))
-                if (outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) /= stepCounter ) then
-                  print*, "ERROR Missmatch in Steps - ixReal"
-                  return
-                endif
-              case(ixInteger)
-                err = nf90_put_var(ncid%var(iFreq),meta(iVar)%ncVarID(iFreq),intArray(1:stepCounter,:),start=(/iGRU,1,outputTimestep(iFreq)/),count=(/1,maxLength,stepCounter/))
-                if (outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) /= stepCounter ) then
-                  print*, "ERROR Missmatch in Steps - ixInteger"
-                  return
-                endif
-              case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'data must be of type integer or real'; return
-            end select ! data type
+            ! Loop over GRUs
+            gruCounter = 1
+            do iGRU = minGRU, maxGRU
+              do iStep = 1, nSteps
+                ! get the model layers
+                nSoil   = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nSoil)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
+                nSnow   = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nSnow)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
+                nLayers = indx%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iLookIndex%nLayers)%tim(iStep)%dat(1)
+                ! get the length of each data vector
+                select case (meta(iVar)%varType)
+                    case(iLookVarType%wLength); datLength = maxSpectral
+                    case(iLookVarType%midToto); datLength = nLayers
+                    case(iLookVarType%midSnow); datLength = nSnow
+                    case(iLookVarType%midSoil); datLength = nSoil
+                    case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); datLength = nLayers+1
+                    case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); datLength = nSnow+1
+                    case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); datLength = nSoil+1
+                    case default; cycle
+                end select ! vartype
+                ! get the data vectors
+                select type (dat)
+                    class is (gru_hru_time_doubleVec)
+                      ! do iStep = 1, nSteps
+                        if(.not.outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)) cycle
+                        stepCounter = stepCounter + 1
+                        realArray(stepCounter,1:datLength) = dat%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(:)
+                      ! end do
+                    class is (gru_hru_time_intVec)
+                      ! do iStep = 1, nSteps
+                        if(.not.outputStructure(1)%finalizeStats(1)%gru(verifiedGRUIndex)%hru(1)%tim(iStep)%dat(iFreq)) cycle
+                        stepCounter = stepCounter + 1
+                        intArray(stepCounter,1:datLength) = dat%gru(iGRU)%hru(1)%var(iVar)%tim(iStep)%dat(:)
+                      ! end do
+                    class default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'data must not be scalarv and either of type gru_hru_doubleVec or gru_hru_intVec'; return
+                end select
+                ! get the maximum length of each data vector
+                select case (meta(iVar)%varType)
+                  case(iLookVarType%wLength); maxLength = maxSpectral
+                  case(iLookVarType%midToto); maxLength = maxLayers
+                  case(iLookVarType%midSnow); maxLength = maxLayers-nSoil
+                  case(iLookVarType%midSoil); maxLength = nSoil
+                  case(iLookVarType%ifcToto); maxLength = maxLayers+1
+                  case(iLookVarType%ifcSnow); maxLength = (maxLayers-nSoil)+1
+                  case(iLookVarType%ifcSoil); maxLength = nSoil+1
+                  case default; cycle
+                end select ! vartype
+                ! write the data vectors
+                select case(dataType)
+                  case(ixReal)
+                    err = nf90_put_var(ncid%var(iFreq),meta(iVar)%ncVarID(iFreq),realArray(1:stepCounter,:),start=(/iGRU,1,outputTimestep(iFreq)/),count=(/1,maxLength,stepCounter/))
+                    if(err/=0)then; print*, "ERROR: with nf90_put_var in data vector (ixReal)"; return; endif
+                  case(ixInteger)
+                    err = nf90_put_var(ncid%var(iFreq),meta(iVar)%ncVarID(iFreq),intArray(1:stepCounter,:),start=(/iGRU,1,outputTimestep(iFreq)/),count=(/1,maxLength,stepCounter/))
+                    if(err/=0)then; print*, "ERROR: with nf90_put_var in data vector (ixInteger)"; return; endif
+                  case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'data must be of type integer or real'; return
+                end select ! data type
+              end do ! isteps
+              if (outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) /= stepCounter ) then
+                print*, "ERROR Missmatch in Steps: for non scalar case"
+                print*, "   outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq) = ", outputTimeStepUpdate(iFreq)
+                print*, "   stepCounter = ", stepCounter
+                return
+              endif
+            end do ! iGRU
           end if ! not scalarv
         ! end do ! HRU Loop
diff --git a/utils/containers/apptainer/summa-actors.def b/utils/containers/apptainer/summa-actors.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/containers/docker/Dockerfile b/utils/containers/docker/Dockerfile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e119731e6b90baf51a9a685bfd941dfd877e7cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/containers/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+FROM ubuntu:20.04
+WORKDIR /code
+# Get library dependencies
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y software-properties-common \
+    libnetcdf-dev \
+    libnetcdff-dev \
+    liblapack-dev \
+    libopenblas-dev
+# Get gfortran dependencies
+RUN add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y \
+    && apt-get update \
+    && apt-get install -y gfortran-7
+# get some other useful dependencies
+RUN apt update -y \
+    && apt upgrade -y \
+    && DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y \
+         cmake \
+         g++ \
+         git \
+         libssl-dev \
+         make \
+         gfortran \
+         gdb \
+    && apt-get autoclean
+# Install the C++ Actor Framework From Git
+RUN git clone https://github.com/actor-framework/actor-framework.git
+WORKDIR /code/actor-framework
+RUN ./configure
+WORKDIR /code/actor-framework/build
+RUN make
+RUN make test
+RUN make install
+# Change workdir for when we attach to this container
+WORKDIR /Summa-Actors
+ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Summa-Actors/bin:/usr/local/lib
diff --git a/utils/containers/docker/build_docker_container.sh b/utils/containers/docker/build_docker_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c462c678037556d8ecd856dad64c2fd4c3cc7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/containers/docker/build_docker_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+docker build -t summa-actors .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/containers/docker/launch_docker_container.sh b/utils/containers/docker/launch_docker_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a25142c5936db44b56ae82f0228675aa48767aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/containers/docker/launch_docker_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+export PROJECT_DIR=/home/local/kck540/SUMMA-Projects/Summa-Actors
+export NA_TEST=/home/local/kck540/NA_Summa_Test
+export SUMMA=/home/local/kck540/SUMMA-Projects/summa-reference/summa
+echo ${PROJECT_DIR}
+docker run -d -it --name SUMMA-Actors --mount type=bind,source=${PROJECT_DIR},target=/Summa-Actors \
+    --mount type=bind,source=${NA_TEST},target=/NA_Test \
+    --mount type=bind,source=${SUMMA},target=/SUMMA \
+    summa-actors:latest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/docker/Dockerfile b/utils/docker/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index d417ca554bf8cf04790b332c572036f34b164588..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/docker/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#FROM ubuntu:20.04
-FROM linuxbrew/brew:latest
-# This dockerfile creates the environement for compiling and
-# running SUMMA4CHM. Once started cd into /code/build/source/cppwrap.
-# make lib
-# make
-# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/code/build/source/cppwrap:D_LIBRARY_PATH
-# ./program
-WORKDIR /code
-RUN apt-get update && \
-    DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -y software-properties-common \
-    libnetcdf-dev \
-    libnetcdff-dev \
-    liblapack-dev
-RUN add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y \
-    && apt-get update \
-    && apt-get install -y gfortran-7
-RUN apt update -y \
-    && apt upgrade -y \
-    && DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt install -y \
-         cmake \
-         g++ \
-         git \
-         libssl-dev \
-         make \
-         gfortran \
-         gdb \
-    && apt-get autoclean
-RUN brew install caf
-ADD . /code
-ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/code/build:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/caf/0.18.5/lib/
-# RUN cp -r /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/caf/0.18.5/lib/* /usr/local/lib/
-# RUN cp -r /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/caf/0.18.*/include/caf /usr/local/include/
-# RUN cp -f /usr/local/lib/libcaf_core.so.0.18.* /code/build/source/cppwrap/
diff --git a/utils/docker/docker-compose.yml b/utils/docker/docker-compose.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fac1fa456d7f099627b7a1991f23204f0262973..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/docker/docker-compose.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-version: '3.8'
-  summa_client:
-    build: ./
-    tty: true
-    container_name: summa_server
-    volumes:
-      - ./:/code:Z
-    ports:
-      - 4444:4444
-  summa_client2:
-    build: ./
-    tty: true
-    container_name: summa_client
-    volumes:
-      - ./:/code:Z
-    ports:
-      - 4445:4445
-  # summa_client3:
-  #   build: ./
-  #   tty: true
-  #   container_name: summa_client3
-  #   volumes:
-  #     - ./:/code:Z
-  #   ports:
-  #     - 4446:4446
-  # summa_client4:
-  #   build: ./
-  #   tty: true
-  #   container_name: summa_client4
-  #   volumes:
-  #     - ./:/code:Z
-  #   ports:
-  #     - 4447:4447
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78a0b82e249572607220643589ddf2a103dac174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": false,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 1
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/forcing_data/celia1990_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/forcing_data/celia1990_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c57e86d96e831e474f8f0166db7b8c16fa6b3719
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/forcing_data/celia1990_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2302dfc0eedc965b30aef30f733ae7b33eddfe5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990GRU1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2533407a54d2558d4c82ccd4342f64891ebb8ec3
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1d8b8eb20e0d4d0ffd251dadd68ac1e1d9968df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/runinfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=08 - dd=11 - hh=18 - mi=58 - ss=23.254
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..056571b1cb9ae6910fa094e97692195dbd8d5ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/SUMMA/bin/summa.exe -g 1 1 -m /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e35394c5c6070ada3e8277323ff715126d038326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/run_test_summa_actors.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+/Summa-Actors/bin/summaMain -g 1 -n 1 -c /Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/config
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/Model_Output.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/Model_Output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19ed37469f9d3860b3414756a551cb850ab9955b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/Model_Output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+! ---------
+! model variables
+! ---------
+time                      | 1
+nSnow                     | 1
+nSoil                     | 1
+nLayers                   | 1
+mLayerHeight              | 1
+iLayerLiqFluxSoil         | 1
+mLayerDepth               | 1
+mLayerVolFracIce          | 1
+mLayerVolFracLiq          | 1
+mLayerMatricHead          | 1
+mLayerTranspire           | 1
+mLayerBaseflow            | 1
+mLayerCompress            | 1
+iLayerNrgFlux             | 1
+basin__TotalArea          | 1
+scalarGroundEvaporation   | 1
+scalarSoilBaseflow        | 1
+scalarSoilDrainage        | 1
+scalarInfiltration        | 1
+scalarSnowDrainage        | 1
+scalarSnowSublimation     | 1
+scalarThroughfallRain     | 1
+scalarThroughfallSnow     | 1
+scalarRainfall            | 1
+scalarSnowfall            | 1
+scalarRainPlusMelt        | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
+pptrate                   | 1
+averageRoutedRunoff       | 1
+scalarSWE                 | 1
+fieldCapacity             | 1
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2432269d32a25c5b7df6e475ddaf88400e3346c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+controlVersion       'SUMMA_FILE_MANAGER_V3.0.0' !  fman_ver
+simStartTime         '2000-01-01 00:30' ! 
+simEndTime           '2000-01-03 12:00' ! 
+tmZoneInfo           'localTime' ! 
+settingsPath         '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/' !  setting_path
+forcingPath          '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/forcing_data/' !  input_path
+outputPath           '/Summa-Actors/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/output/' ! 
+forcingFreq          'month'  ! the frequeny of forcing files (month, year)
+forcingStart         '2000-01-01' 
+decisionsFile        'summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt' !  decision
+outputControlFile    'Model_Output.txt' !  OUTPUT_CONTROL
+globalHruParamFile   'summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt' !  local_par
+globalGruParamFile   'summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt' !  basin_par
+attributeFile        'summa_zLocalAttributes.nc' !  local_attr
+trialParamFile       'summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.nc' !  para_trial
+forcingListFile      'summa_zForcingFileList.txt' !  forcing_list
+initConditionFile    'summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.nc' !  initial_cond
+outFilePrefix        'celia1990' !  output_prefix
+vegTableFile         'VEGPARM.TBL' ! 
+soilTableFile        'SOILPARM.TBL' ! 
+generalTableFile     'GENPARM.TBL' ! 
+noahmpTableFile      'MPTABLE.TBL' ! 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1926fd71fbc6ce90cd4180f652ae414885e4b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zBasinParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***** DEFINITION OF BASIN PARAMETERS **********************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ********************************************************************
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ********************************************************************
+'(a25,1x,a1,1x,3(f12.4,1x,a1,1x))' ! format string for parameter descriptions (must be in single quotes)
+! ********************************************************************
+! baseflow
+! ********************************************************************
+basin__aquiferHydCond     |       0.0100 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+basin__aquiferScaleFactor |       3.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000 
+basin__aquiferBaseflowExp |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ********************************************************************
+! within-grid routing
+! ********************************************************************
+routingGammaShape         |       2.5000 |       2.0000 |       3.0000
+routingGammaScale         |   20000.0000 |       1.0000 | 5000000.0000
+! ********************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92822de7e65f51e81711c5c982a52914eee16fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zDecisions_celia1990.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the modeling decisions used.
+! (1) lines starting with ! are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the name of the decision is followed by the character string defining the decision
+! (3) the simulation start/end times must be within single quotes
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+soilCatTbl                      ROSETTA         ! (03) soil-category dateset
+vegeParTbl                      USGS            ! (04) vegetation category dataset
+soilStress                      NoahType        ! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+stomResist                      BallBerry       ! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+num_method                      itertive        ! (07) choice of numerical method
+fDerivMeth                      analytic        ! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+LAI_method                      monTable        ! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+f_Richards                      mixdform        ! (10) form of Richard's equation
+groundwatr                      noXplict        ! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+hc_profile                      constant        ! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+bcUpprTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (13) type of upper boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcLowrTdyn                      zeroFlux        ! (14) type of lower boundary condition for thermodynamics
+bcUpprSoiH                      presHead        ! (15) type of upper boundary condition for soil hydrology
+bcLowrSoiH                      presHead        ! (16) type of lower boundary condition for soil hydrology
+veg_traits                      CM_QJRMS1988    ! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+canopyEmis                      difTrans        ! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+snowIncept                      lightSnow       ! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+windPrfile                      logBelowCanopy  ! (20) choice of wind profile through the canopy
+astability                      louisinv        ! (21) choice of stability function
+canopySrad                      CLM_2stream     ! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+alb_method                      varDecay        ! (23) choice of albedo representation
+compaction                      anderson        ! (24) choice of compaction routine
+snowLayers                      CLM_2010        ! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+thCondSnow                      jrdn1991        ! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+thCondSoil                      mixConstit      ! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+spatial_gw                      localColumn     ! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+subRouting                      timeDlay        ! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! ***** description of the options available -- nothing below this point is read ****************
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (01) simulation start time
+! (02) simulation end time
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (03) soil-category dateset
+! STAS      ! STATSGO dataset
+! STAS-RUC  ! ??
+! ROSETTA   ! merged Rosetta table with STAS-RUC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (04) vegetation category dataset
+! USGS      ! USGS 24/27 category dataset
+! MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH  ! MODIS 20-category dataset
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (05) choice of function for the soil moisture control on stomatal resistance
+! NoahType  ! thresholded linear function of volumetric liquid water content
+! CLM_Type  ! thresholded linear function of matric head
+! SiB_Type  ! exponential of the log of matric head
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (06) choice of function for stomatal resistance
+! BallBerry ! Ball-Berry
+! Jarvis    ! Jarvis
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (07) choice of numerical method
+! itertive  ! iterative
+! non_iter  ! non-iterative
+! itersurf  ! iterate only on the surface energy balance
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (08) method used to calculate flux derivatives
+! numericl  ! numerical derivatives
+! analytic  ! analytical derivatives
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (09) method used to determine LAI and SAI
+! monTable  ! LAI/SAI taken directly from a monthly table for different vegetation classes
+! specified ! LAI/SAI computed from green vegetation fraction and winterSAI and summerLAI parameters
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (10) form of Richards' equation
+! moisture  ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+! mixdform  ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (11) choice of groundwater parameterization
+! qTopmodl  ! topmodel parameterization
+! bigBuckt  ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+! noXplict  ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (12) choice of hydraulic conductivity profile
+! constant  ! constant hydraulic conductivity with depth
+! pow_prof  ! power-law profile
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (13) choice of upper boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! nrg_flux  ! energy flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (14) choice of lower boundary conditions for thermodynamics
+! presTemp  ! prescribed temperature
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (15) choice of upper boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! liq_flux  ! liquid water flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (16) choice of lower boundary conditions for soil hydrology
+! drainage  ! free draining
+! presHead  ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+! bottmPsi  ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+! zeroFlux  ! zero flux
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (17) choice of parameterization for vegetation roughness length and displacement height
+! Raupach_BLM1994  ! Raupach (BLM 1994) "Simplified expressions..."
+! CM_QJRMS1988     ! Choudhury and Monteith (QJRMS 1998) "A four layer model for the heat budget..."
+! vegTypeTable     ! constant parameters dependent on the vegetation type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (18) choice of parameterization for canopy emissivity
+! simplExp  ! simple exponential function
+! difTrans  ! parameterized as a function of diffuse transmissivity
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (19) choice of parameterization for snow interception
+! stickySnow  ! maximum interception capacity an increasing function of temerature
+! lightSnow   ! maximum interception capacity an inverse function of new snow density
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (20) choice of wind profile
+! exponential ! exponential wind profile extends to the surface
+! logBelowCanopy ! logarithmic profile below the vegetation canopy
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (21) choice of stability function
+! standard    ! standard MO similarity, a la Anderson (1979)
+! louisinv    ! Louis (1979) inverse power function
+! mahrtexp    ! Mahrt (1987) exponential function
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (22) choice of canopy shortwave radiation method
+! noah_mp     ! full Noah-MP implementation (including albedo)
+! CLM_2stream ! CLM 2-stream model (see CLM documentation)
+! UEB_2stream ! UEB 2-stream model (Mahat and Tarboton, WRR 2011)
+! NL_scatter  ! Simplified method Nijssen and Lettenmaier (JGR 1999)
+! BeersLaw    ! Beer's Law (as implemented in VIC)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (23) choice of albedo representation
+! conDecay  ! constant decay rate (e.g., VIC, CLASS)
+! varDecay  ! variable decay rate (e.g., BATS approach, with destructive metamorphism + soot content)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (24) choice of compaction routine
+! consettl  ! constant settlement rate
+! anderson  ! semi-empirical method of Anderson (1976)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (25) choice of method to combine and sub-divide snow layers
+! CLM_2010  ! CLM option: combination/sub-dividion rules depend on layer index
+! jrdn1991  ! SNTHERM option: same combination/sub-dividion rules applied to all layers
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (26) choice of thermal conductivity representation for snow
+! tyen1965  ! Yen (1965)
+! melr1977  ! Mellor (1977)
+! jrdn1991  ! Jordan (1991)
+! smnv2000  ! Smirnova et al. (2000)
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (27) choice of thermal conductivity representation for soil
+! funcSoilWet ! function of soil wetness
+! mixConstit  ! mixture of constituents
+! hanssonVZJ  ! test case for the mizoguchi lab experiment, Hansson et al. VZJ 2004
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (28) choice of method for the spatial representation of groundwater
+! localColumn  ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+! singleBasin  ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! (29) choice of method for sub-grid routing
+! timeDlay  ! time-delay histogram
+! qInstant  ! instantaneous routing
+! ***********************************************************************************************
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:18 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d124336ff86e442997850472484b0554eedcc58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingFileList.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+! List of forcing data files used
+! This file includes one "word" per line:
+!  (1) The name of a forcing file
+!        --> filename must be in single quotes
+! ****************************************************************************************************
+ 'celia1990_forcing.nc'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6163dd00baaa63551343468719b645529ad92479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zForcingInfo_celia1990.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! This file defines the name of the forcing data file, the number of columns in the file, the column index for each data
+!  variable, the start index of the simulation period, the length of the simulation period,
+!  and the length of the data time step
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+! (1) lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines
+! (2) the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! (3) the format definition must be the first non-comment line
+! (4) the delimiters "|" must be present (format a1), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! ***********************************************************************************************************************
+filenmData     | celia1990_forcing.txt  ! name of the forcing data file (must be in single quotes)
+ncols          | 13                     ! number of columns in the forcing file
+iyyy           | 1                      ! year
+im             | 2                      ! month
+id             | 3                      ! day
+ih             | 4                      ! hour
+imin           | 5                      ! minute
+pptrate        | 7                      ! precipitation rate              (kg m-2 s-1)
+SWRadAtm       | 8                      ! downwelling shortwave radiaiton (W m-2)
+LWRadAtm       | 9                      ! downwelling longwave radiation  (W m-2)
+airtemp        | 10                     ! air temperature                 (K)
+windspd        | 11                     ! windspeed                       (m/s)
+airpres        | 12                     ! pressure                        (Pa)
+spechum        | 13                     ! specific humidity               (g/g)
+data_step      | 1800                   ! length of time step (seconds)
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0dbc2e3ec3eeaa5b94ccde92cc300f96a04dba50
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zInitialCond_celia1990.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d6d398ea65ee01cae90ce82c2e6f33dd8e845cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalAttributes.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92bbfe8d80a1d20f699af4c2f62abbbd670533e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zLocalParamInfo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ===== DEFINITION OF MODEL PARAMETERS ==================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! Note: lines starting with "!" are treated as comment lines -- there is no limit on the number of comment lines.
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ------------------------------------
+! the format definition defines the format of the file, which can be changed
+! the delimiters "| " must be present (format a2), as these are used to check the integrety of the file
+! columns are:
+! 1: parameter name
+! 2: default parameter value
+! 3: lower parameter limit
+! 4: upper parameter limit
+! =======================================================================================================================
+! ====================================================================
+! define format string for parameter descriptions
+! ====================================================================
+'(a25,1x,3(a1,1x,f12.4,1x))' ! format string (must be in single quotes)
+! ====================================================================
+! boundary conditions
+! ====================================================================
+upperBoundHead            |      -0.7500 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+lowerBoundHead            |     -10.0000 |    -100.0000 |      -0.0100
+upperBoundTheta           |       0.2004 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+lowerBoundTheta           |       0.1100 |       0.1020 |       0.3680
+upperBoundTemp            |     272.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+lowerBoundTemp            |     274.1600 |     270.1600 |     280.1600
+! ====================================================================
+! precipitation partitioning
+! ====================================================================
+tempCritRain              |     273.1600 |     272.1600 |     274.1600
+tempRangeTimestep         |       2.0000 |       0.5000 |       5.0000
+frozenPrecipMultip        |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       1.5000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow properties
+! ====================================================================
+snowfrz_scale             |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |    1000.0000
+fixedThermalCond_snow     |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow albedo
+! ====================================================================
+albedoMax                 |       0.8400 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinWinter           |       0.5500 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+albedoMinSpring           |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       1.0000
+albedoMaxVisible          |       0.9500 |       0.7000 |       0.9500
+albedoMinVisible          |       0.7500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMaxNearIR           |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.7500
+albedoMinNearIR           |       0.3000 |       0.1500 |       0.4500
+albedoDecayRate           |       1.0d+6 |       0.1d+6 |       5.0d+6
+albedoSootLoad            |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       0.5000
+albedoRefresh             |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! radiation transfer within snow
+! ====================================================================
+radExt_snow               |      20.0000 |      20.0000 |      20.0000
+directScale               |       0.0900 |       0.0000 |       0.5000
+Frad_direct               |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+Frad_vis                  |       0.5000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! new snow density
+! ====================================================================
+newSnowDenMin             |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     100.0000
+newSnowDenMult            |     100.0000 |      25.0000 |      75.0000
+newSnowDenScal            |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+constSnowDen              |     100.0000 |      50.0000 |     250.0000
+newSnowDenAdd             |     109.0000 |      80.0000 |     120.0000
+newSnowDenMultTemp        |       6.0000 |       1.0000 |      12.0000
+newSnowDenMultWind        |      26.0000 |      16.0000 |      36.0000
+newSnowDenMultAnd         |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+newSnowDenBase            |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       0.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! snow compaction
+! ====================================================================
+densScalGrowth            |       0.0460 |       0.0230 |       0.0920
+tempScalGrowth            |       0.0400 |       0.0200 |       0.0600
+grainGrowthRate           |       2.7d-6 |       1.0d-6 |       5.0d-6
+densScalOvrbdn            |       0.0230 |       0.0115 |       0.0460
+tempScalOvrbdn            |       0.0800 |       0.6000 |       1.0000
+baseViscosity             |       9.0d+5 |       5.0d+5 |       1.5d+6
+! ====================================================================
+! water flow through snow
+! ====================================================================
+Fcapil                    |       0.0600 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+k_snow                    |       0.0150 |       0.0050 |       0.0500
+mw_exp                    |       3.0000 |       1.0000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! turbulent heat fluxes
+! ====================================================================
+z0Snow                    |       0.0010 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Soil                    |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+z0Canopy                  |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |      10.0000
+zpdFraction               |       0.6500 |       0.5000 |       0.8500
+critRichNumber            |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       1.0000
+Louis79_bparam            |       9.4000 |       9.2000 |       9.6000
+Louis79_cStar             |       5.3000 |       5.1000 |       5.5000
+Mahrt87_eScale            |       1.0000 |       0.5000 |       2.0000
+leafExchangeCoeff         |       0.0100 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+windReductionParam        |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! stomatal conductance
+! ====================================================================
+Kc25                      |     296.0770 |     296.0770 |     296.0770
+Ko25                      |       0.2961 |       0.2961 |       0.2961
+Kc_qFac                   |       2.1000 |       2.1000 |       2.1000
+Ko_qFac                   |       1.2000 |       1.2000 |       1.2000
+kc_Ha                     |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000 |   79430.0000
+ko_Ha                     |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000 |   36380.0000
+vcmax25_canopyTop         |      40.0000 |      20.0000 |     100.0000
+vcmax_qFac                |       2.4000 |       2.4000 |       2.4000
+vcmax_Ha                  |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000 |   65330.0000
+vcmax_Hd                  |  220000.0000 |  149250.0000 |  149250.0000
+vcmax_Sv                  |     710.0000 |     485.0000 |     485.0000
+vcmax_Kn                  |       0.6000 |       0.0000 |       1.2000
+jmax25_scale              |       2.0000 |       2.0000 |       2.0000
+jmax_Ha                   |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000 |   43540.0000
+jmax_Hd                   |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000 |  152040.0000
+jmax_Sv                   |     495.0000 |     495.0000 |     495.0000
+fractionJ                 |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+quantamYield              |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+vpScaleFactor             |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000 |    1500.0000
+cond2photo_slope          |       9.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalConductance    |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000 |    2000.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! vegetation properties
+! ====================================================================
+winterSAI                 |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       3.0000
+summerLAI                 |       3.0000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor1          |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootScaleFactor2          |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+rootingDepth              |       0.5000 |       0.0100 |      10.0000
+rootDistExp               |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+plantWiltPsi              |    -150.0000 |    -500.0000 |       0.0000
+soilStressParam           |       5.8000 |       4.3600 |       6.3700
+critSoilWilting           |       0.0750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critSoilTranspire         |       0.1750 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+critAquiferTranspire      |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |      10.0000
+minStomatalResistance     |      50.0000 |      10.0000 |     200.0000
+leafDimension             |       0.0400 |       0.0100 |       0.1000
+heightCanopyTop           |      20.0000 |       0.0500 |     100.0000
+heightCanopyBottom        |       2.0000 |       0.0000 |       5.0000
+specificHeatVeg           |     874.0000 |     500.0000 |    1500.0000
+maxMassVegetation         |      25.0000 |       1.0000 |      50.0000
+throughfallScaleSnow      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+throughfallScaleRain      |       0.5000 |       0.1000 |       0.9000
+refInterceptCapSnow       |       6.6000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+refInterceptCapRain       |       1.0000 |       0.0100 |       1.0000
+snowUnloadingCoeff        |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.5d-6
+canopyDrainageCoeff       |       0.0050 |       0.0010 |       0.0100
+ratioDrip2Unloading       |       0.4000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingFactor       |       0.7000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+canopyWettingExp          |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! soil properties
+! ====================================================================
+soil_dens_intr            |    2700.0000 |     500.0000 |    4000.0000
+thCond_soil               |       5.5000 |       2.9000 |       8.4000
+frac_sand                 |       0.1600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_silt                 |       0.2800 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+frac_clay                 |       0.5600 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+fieldCapacity             |       0.2000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+wettingFrontSuction       |       0.3000 |       0.1000 |       1.5000
+theta_mp                  |       0.4010 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_sat                 |       0.5500 |       0.3000 |       0.6000
+theta_res                 |       0.1390 |       0.0010 |       0.1000
+vGn_alpha                 |      -0.8400 |      -1.0000 |      -0.0100
+vGn_n                     |       1.3000 |       1.0000 |       3.0000
+mpExp                     |       5.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+k_soil                    |      7.5d-06 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+k_macropore               |      1.0d-03 |       1.d-07 |     100.d-07
+kAnisotropic              |       1.0000 |       0.0001 |      10.0000
+zScale_TOPMODEL           |       2.5000 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+compactedDepth            |       1.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+aquiferScaleFactor        |       0.3500 |       0.1000 |     100.0000
+aquiferBaseflowExp        |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+aquiferBaseflowRate       |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+qSurfScale                |      50.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+specificYield             |       0.2000 |       0.1000 |       0.3000
+specificStorage           |       1.d-09 |       1.d-05 |       1.d-07
+f_impede                  |       2.0000 |       1.0000 |      10.0000
+soilIceScale              |       0.1300 |       0.0001 |       1.0000
+soilIceCV                 |       0.4500 |       0.1000 |       5.0000
+! ====================================================================
+! algorithmic control parameters
+! ====================================================================
+minwind                   |       0.1000 |       0.0010 |       1.0000
+minstep                   |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |    1800.0000
+maxstep                   |    3600.0000 |      60.0000 |    1800.0000
+wimplicit                 |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       1.0000
+maxiter                   |     100.0000 |       1.0000 |     100.0000
+relConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-3 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_liquid         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_matric         |       1.0d-6 |       1.0d-8 |       1.0d-3
+relConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+absConvTol_energy         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+relConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-0 |       1.0d-2 |       1.0d+1
+absConvTol_aquifr         |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-5 |       1.0d-1
+zmin                      |       0.0100 |       0.0050 |       0.1000
+zmax                      |       0.0500 |       0.0100 |       0.5000
+! ---
+zminLayer1                |       0.0075 |       0.0075 |       0.0075
+zminLayer2                |       0.0100 |       0.0100 |       0.0100
+zminLayer3                |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zminLayer4                |       0.1000 |       0.1000 |       0.1000
+zminLayer5                |       0.2500 |       0.2500 |       0.2500
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_lower          |       0.0500 |       0.0500 |       0.0500
+zmaxLayer2_lower          |       0.2000 |       0.2000 |       0.2000
+zmaxLayer3_lower          |       0.5000 |       0.5000 |       0.5000
+zmaxLayer4_lower          |       1.0000 |       1.0000 |       1.0000
+! ---
+zmaxLayer1_upper          |       0.0300 |       0.0300 |       0.0300
+zmaxLayer2_upper          |       0.1500 |       0.1500 |       0.1500
+zmaxLayer3_upper          |       0.3000 |       0.3000 |       0.3000
+zmaxLayer4_upper          |       0.7500 |       0.7500 |       0.7500
+! ====================================================================
+minTempUnloading          |       270.16 |       260.16 |       273.16
+minWindUnloading          |       0.0000 |       0.0000 |       10.000
+rateTempUnloading         |      1.87d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+rateWindUnloading         |      1.56d+5 |       1.0d+5 |       3.0d+5
+! history Mon Jul 20 16:08:18 2020: /pool0/home/andrbenn/data/summa_3/utils/convert_summa_config_v2_v3.py ./syntheticTestCases/celia1990/summa_fileManager_celia1990.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c8f7337f8fc90652058803b2880fa642da87f87
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/settings/summa_zParamTrial_celia1990.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 500
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck1976_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck1976_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..76f6957b734adcc58ae1956fc67d0d7a621f2e30
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck1976_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck_forcing.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck_forcing.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf5fd7f8823c8bc9da07422b6351c07c9412b3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/forcing_data/colbeck_forcing.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+pro colbeck_forcing
+; define constants
+Tfreeze = 273.16d
+; define parameters
+dt = 60.d ; (time step)
+; define plotting parameters
+window, 0, xs=1000, ys=1000, retain=2
+device, decomposed=0
+erase, color=255
+; define the number of days
+ndays = 3
+; define the number of time steps per hour
+nprhr = 3600.d/dt
+; define the number of steps per day
+nprdy = 86400.d/dt
+; define the number of time steps
+ntime = ndays*nprdy
+; define time in seconds
+stime = (dindgen(ntime)+1.d)*dt
+; define time in hours
+htime = stime/3600.
+; define maximum radiation
+rdmax = 250.d
+; define the dayln parameter
+dayln = -0.1
+; define radiation index
+radix = cos(2.d*!pi * (htime/24.d) + !pi) + dayln
+; define radiation
+swrad = replicate(0.d, ntime)  ;radix*(rdmax / (1.+dayln))
+; set negative radiation to zero
+ibad = where(swrad le 0.d, nbad)
+if (nbad gt 0) then swrad[ibad] = 0.d
+; make a base plot for solar radiation
+plot, htime, xrange=[0,ntime/nprhr], yrange=[0,1000], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
+ ytitle = 'Solar radiation (W m!e-2!n)', xmargin=[10,10], ymargin=[3,2], $
+ xticks=6, /nodata
+plots, [htime[0],htime[ntime-1]], [  0,  0]
+plots, [htime[0],htime[ntime-1]], [250,250]
+plots, [24,24], [0,250]
+plots, [48,48], [0,250]
+oplot, htime, swrad
+; define other forcing variables
+lwrad = 275.d
+awind =   0.d
+atemp = Tfreeze + 10.d
+sphum = 1.d-3
+apres = 101325.d
+; define precipitation
+aprcp = replicate(0.d, ntime)
+; define time less than 3 hours
+aprcp[where(stime le 10800.d)] = 10.d^(-2.d)
+; define time
+atime = stime/86400.d + julday(1,1,2000,0,0,0.d)
+; define file
+filename = 'colbeck1976_forcing'
+; open NetCDF file for definition
+ncid = ncdf_create(filename+'.nc', /clobber)
+ncdf_control, ncid
+; define dimensions in the NetCDF file
+idHRU  = ncdf_dimdef(ncid, 'hru', 1)
+idTime = ncdf_dimdef(ncid, 'time', /unlimited)
+; define the hru ID
+ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, 'hruId', [idHRU], /long) 
+; define the latitude and longitude
+ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, 'latitude', [idHRU], /double)
+ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, 'longitude', [idHRU], /double)
+; define the data step and time
+ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, 'data_step', /double)
+ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, 'time', [idTime], /double)
+; define the time units
+ncdf_attput, ncid, ivar_id, 'units', "seconds since 1990-01-01 00:00:00", /char
+; define forcing variables
+cVar = ['LWRadAtm','SWRadAtm','airpres','airtemp','pptrate','spechum','windspd']
+for ivar=0,n_elements(cVar)-1 do begin
+ ivar_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, cvar[ivar], [idHRU, idTime], /double)
+; exit control mode
+ncdf_control, ncid, /endef
+; write the metadata
+ncdf_varput, ncid, ncdf_varid(ncid,'hruId'), 1001
+ncdf_varput, ncid, ncdf_varid(ncid,'latitude'), 40.d
+ncdf_varput, ncid, ncdf_varid(ncid,'longitude'), 250.d
+ncdf_varput, ncid, ncdf_varid(ncid,'data_step'), dt
+; make a forcing file
+openw, out_unit, filename+'.txt', /get_lun
+; loop through time
+for itime=0,ntime-1 do begin
+ ; define date
+ caldat, atime[itime], im, id, iyyy, ih, imi, dsec
+ ; write time to the NetCDF file
+ ncdf_varput, ncid, ncdf_varid(ncid,'time'), stime[itime], offset=itime, count=1
+ ; print synthetic "data" to the netCDF file
+ for ivar=0,n_elements(cVar)-1 do begin
+  ivar_id = ncdf_varid(ncid,cvar[ivar])
+  case cvar[ivar] of
+   'pptrate':  ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, aprcp[itime], offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'airtemp':  ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, atemp,        offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'airpres':  ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, apres,        offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'spechum':  ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, sphum,        offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'windspd':  ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, awind,        offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'SWRadAtm': ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, swrad[itime], offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   'LWRadAtm': ncdf_varput, ncid, ivar_id, lwrad,        offset=[0,itime], count=[1,1]
+   else: stop, 'unable to identify variable'
+  endcase
+ endfor  ; looping through variables
+ ; print synthetic "data" to the ASCII file
+ printf, out_unit, iyyy, im, id, ih, imi, dsec, aprcp[itime], swrad[itime], lwrad, atemp, awind, apres, sphum, $
+  format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
+endfor ; looping through time
+; free up file unit
+free_lun, out_unit
+ncdf_close, ncid
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/run_test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/dir_setup.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/dir_setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e75042a2ac8250a58ee9a7a5db28ad2a56169acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/dir_setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+for dir in */; do
+    mkdir -p $dir/config
+    mkdir -p $dir/forcing_data
+    mkdir -p $dir/output
+    mkdir -p $dir/settings
+    touch $dir/run_test.sh
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 500
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/miller1998_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/miller1998_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07ea45bea8c8763c4a218a788849d3a167006aec
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/forcing_data/miller1998_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/run_test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/miller1998/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 500
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d305f9a47f794cab26569546f48c16a9d6a825bf
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d56c2c6e4733734ff6da584671821ea6fd963552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_forcing.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+pro mizoguchi_forcing
+; define constants
+Tfreeze = 273.16d
+; define parameters
+dt = 60.d ; (time step)
+; define plotting parameters
+window, 0, xs=1000, ys=1000, retain=2
+device, decomposed=0
+erase, color=255
+; define the number of days
+ndays = 3
+; define the number of time steps per hour
+nprhr = 3600.d/dt
+; define the number of steps per day
+nprdy = 86400.d/dt
+; define the number of time steps
+ntime = ndays*nprdy
+; define time in seconds
+stime = (dindgen(ntime)+1.d)*dt
+; define time in hours
+htime = stime/3600.
+; define maximum radiation
+rdmax = 250.d
+; define the dayln parameter
+dayln = -0.1
+; define radiation index
+radix = cos(2.d*!pi * (htime/24.d) + !pi) + dayln
+; define radiation
+swrad = replicate(0.d, ntime)  ;radix*(rdmax / (1.+dayln))
+; set negative radiation to zero
+ibad = where(swrad le 0.d, nbad)
+if (nbad gt 0) then swrad[ibad] = 0.d
+; make a base plot for solar radiation
+plot, htime, xrange=[0,ntime/nprhr], yrange=[0,1000], xstyle=9, ystyle=1, $
+ ytitle = 'Solar radiation (W m!e-2!n)', xmargin=[10,10], ymargin=[3,2], $
+ xticks=6, /nodata
+plots, [htime[0],htime[ntime-1]], [  0,  0]
+plots, [htime[0],htime[ntime-1]], [250,250]
+plots, [24,24], [0,250]
+plots, [48,48], [0,250]
+oplot, htime, swrad
+; define other forcing variables
+lwrad = 275.d
+awind =   0.d
+atemp = Tfreeze - 6.d
+sphum = 1.d-3
+apres = 101325.d
+; define precipitation
+aprcp = replicate(0.d, ntime)
+; define time
+atime = stime/86400.d + julday(1,1,2000,0,0,0.d)
+; make a forcing file
+openw, out_unit, 'mizoguchi_forcing.txt', /get_lun
+for itime=0,ntime-1 do begin
+ ; define date
+ caldat, atime[itime], im, id, iyyy, ih, imi, dsec
+ ; print synthetic "data"
+ printf, out_unit, iyyy, im, id, ih, imi, dsec, aprcp[itime], swrad[itime], lwrad, atemp, awind, apres, sphum, $
+  format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.4,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
+; free up file unit
+free_lun, out_unit
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_icond.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_icond.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2915ccaed5e2d0b8bfe7a5a89d6f490c2e9b75b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/forcing_data/mizoguchi_icond.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+pro mizoguchi_icond
+; used to create initial conditions for the synthetic test case
+; define vGn parameters (used to compute volumetric liquid water content)
+alpha     =  -1.11d     ; m-1 (0.00111 mm-1)
+n         =   1.48d
+m         =   1.d - 1.d/n
+theta_sat =   0.535d
+theta_res =   0.050d
+k_sat     =   0.0000032d
+f_impede  =  -7.d
+; define freezing point
+Tfreeze = 273.16d
+; define the number of nodes
+nodes = 20
+; define soil depth (m)
+zsoil = 0.2d
+; define layer thickness
+z_lay = zsoil/double(nodes)
+; define vertical grid (m) -- positive downward
+z_dep = (dindgen(nodes+1)/double(nodes))*zsoil
+; define the mid-point of each layer
+z_m = (z_dep[0:nodes-1] + z_dep[1:nodes])/2.d
+; define the layer thickness
+z_i = z_dep[1:nodes] - z_dep[0:nodes-1]
+; define soil temperature
+ztemp = replicate(6.7d + Tfreeze, nodes)
+; define volumetric liquid water content (-)
+ztheta = replicate(0.33d, nodes)
+zpress = dblarr(nodes)
+; loop through layers and compute the matric head (m)
+for ilayer=0,nodes-1 do begin
+ zpress[iLayer] = call_function('matricHead',zTheta[iLayer],theta_res,theta_sat,alpha,n,m)
+; write data to file
+openw, out_unit, 'mizoguchi_icond.txt', /get_lun
+ ; write out soil data
+ for ilayer=0,nodes-1 do begin
+  printf, out_unit, 'soil', z_m[ilayer]-0.5d*z_i[ilayer], z_i[ilayer], $
+   ztemp[ilayer], 0.d, zTheta[ilayer], zPress[ilayer], $
+   format='(a10,1x,2(f12.7,1x),f10.3,1x,f17.6,1x,f16.6,1x,f16.6)'
+ endfor
+free_lun, out_unit
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function matricHead, theta, theta_res, theta_sat, alpha, n, m
+ ; compute matric head given theta and soil parameters theta_sat, theta_res, k_sat, alpha, n, and m
+ return, (1.d/alpha)*( ( (theta - theta_res) / (theta_sat - theta_res) )^(-1.d/m) - 1.d)^(1.d/n)
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function k_psi, psi, alpha, k_sat, n, m
+; computes hydraulic conductivity given psi and soil hydraulic parameters alpha, k_sat, n, and m
+;  psi     = pressure (m)
+;  alpha   = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  k_sat   = saturated hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+;  n       = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m       = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = k_sat * $
+ ( ( (1.d - (psi[ineg]*alpha)^(n-1.d) * (1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(-m))^2.d ) / ( (1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(m/2.d) ) )
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = k_sat
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function theta, psi, alpha, theta_res, theta_sat, n, m
+; computes volumetric water content based on psi and soil hydraulic parameters alpha, n, and m
+;  psi       = pressure (m)
+;  alpha     = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  theta_res = residual volumetric water content (-)
+;  theta_sat = porosity (-)
+;  n         = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m         = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = theta_res + (theta_sat - theta_res)*(1.d + (alpha*psi[ineg])^n)^(-m)
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = theta_sat
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function dTheta_dPsi, psi, alpha, theta_res, theta_sat, n, m
+; computes the soil moisture capacity function, dTheta_dPsi (m-1)
+;  psi       = pressure (m)
+;  alpha     = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  theta_res = residual volumetric water content (-)
+;  theta_sat = porosity (-)
+;  n         = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m         = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = (theta_sat-theta_res) * $
+                      (-m*(1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(-m-1.d)) * n*(psi[ineg]*alpha)^(n-1.d) * alpha
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = 0.d
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/run_test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 500
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/vanderborght2005_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/vanderborght2005_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9d016e5d7e44c240f8982338c7c4a09714a5e0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/forcing_data/vanderborght2005_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/run_test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/vanderborght2005/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf3703231c75b9a338b56ba7dbd8155165fa98e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/config/Summa_Actors_Settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+  "DistributedSettings": {
+      "distributed-mode": true,
+      "host": "localhost",
+      "port": 4444
+  },
+  "SimulationSettings": {
+      "total_hru_count": 100000,
+      "num_hru_per_batch": 500
+  },
+  "SummaActor": {
+      "OuputStructureSize": 250,
+      "maxGRUPerJob": 250
+  },
+  "FileAccessActor": {
+      "num_vectors_in_output_manager": 1
+  },
+  "JobActor": {
+      "FileManagerPath": "/gladwell/kck540/SummaActorsSettings/fileManager.txt",
+      "outputCSV": false,
+      "csvPath": "/scratch/kck540/csv/"
+  },
+  "HRUActor": {
+      "printOutput": true,
+      "outputFrequency": 500
+  }
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/sym.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/sym.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f7fb851e8844e4714a47f03cadd46615fb636d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/sym.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+; $Id: sym.pro,v 2012-10-20 16:41:41 mclark Exp $
+; NAME:
+;        SYM
+;        define a standard sequence of plotting symbols
+;        utility
+;        NUMBER    ->   symbol number
+;               0 : dot
+;               1 : filled circle
+;               2 : filled upward triangle
+;               3 : filled downward triangle
+;               4 : filled diamond
+;               5 : filled square
+;               6 : open circle
+;               7 : open upward triangle
+;               8 : open downward triangle
+;               9 : open diamond
+;              10 : open square
+;              11 : plus
+;              12 : X
+;              13 : star
+;              14 : filled rightfacing triangle
+;              15 : filled leftfacing triangle
+;              16 : open rightfacing triangle
+;              17 : open leftfacing triangle
+;        function returns the symbol number to be used with PSYM= in the 
+;        PLOT command
+;        SHOWSYM : Can be used to produce a symbol chart for reference
+;        (Type .r sym, then showsym, optionally with the /PS option).
+;        Extra keywords are passed to PLOTS, so you can e.g. choose
+;        a fancy color for your chart.
+;        This function produces a side effect in that the USERSYM procedure
+;        is used to create a symbol definition. It's meant for usage within
+;        the PLOT, OPLOT, etc. command
+;        PLOT,X,Y,PSYM=SYM(0),SYMSIZE=3
+;                produces a plot with dots (standard symbol 3)
+;        FOR I=0,17 DO OPLOT,X+1,Y,PSYM=SYM(I),COLOR=I
+;                overplots 17 curves each with its own symbol
+;        mgs, 22 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00
+;        mgs, 10 Sep 1999: - added SHOWSYM procedure
+; Copyright (C) 1997, Martin Schultz, Harvard University
+; This software is provided as is without any warranty
+; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed
+; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be
+; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall
+; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package,
+; please contact the author to arrange payment.
+; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs@io.harvard.edu
+; with subject "IDL routine sym"
+pro showsym,ps=ps,_EXTRA=e
+   psflag = keyword_set(PS)
+   if (psflag) then begin
+      olddev = !D.NAME
+      set_plot,'PS'
+      device,/COLOR,bits=8,xsize=8,ysize=5,yoffset=3,/INCHES, $
+           filename='symbols.ps'
+   endif
+   plot,findgen(18),/NODATA,xstyle=4,YSTYLE=4
+   for i=0,17 do begin
+      plots,1,18-i,PSYM=SYM(i),_EXTRA=e
+      xyouts,0.5,18-i-0.2,strtrim(i,2),align=1.
+   endfor
+   if (psflag) then begin
+      device,/close
+      set_plot,olddev
+      print,'Symbollist created as symbols.ps.'
+   endif
+   return
+; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+function sym,number
+   on_error,2                   ; return to caller
+   if(n_elements(number) eq 0) then return,1 ; default
+   result=8                     ; default: return psym=8, i.e. user defined symbol
+; define some help variables for
+; circle :
+   phi=findgen(32)*(!PI*2/32.)
+   phi = [ phi, phi(0) ]
+   case number of
+      0  : result = 3           ; dot
+      1  : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi), /fill
+                            ; filled circle
+      2  : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], /fill
+                            ; filled upward triangle
+      3  : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [  1, -1, 1, 1 ], /fill
+                            ; filled downward triangle
+      4  : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ], /fill
+                            ; filled diamond
+      5  : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], /fill
+                            ; filled square
+      6  : usersym, cos(phi), sin(phi)
+                            ; open circle
+      7  : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ]
+                            ; open upward triangle
+      8  : usersym, [ -1, 0, 1, -1 ], [  1, -1, 1, 1 ]
+                            ; open downward triangle
+      9  : usersym, [ 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ]
+                            ; open diamond
+      10  : usersym, [ -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ]
+                            ; open square
+      11  : result = 1          ; plus
+      12  : result = 7          ; X
+      13  : result = 2          ; star
+      14  : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
+                           ; rightfacing triangle, filled
+      15  : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ], /fill
+                           ; leftfacing triangle, filled
+      16  : usersym, [ -1, 1, -1, -1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
+                           ; rightfacing triangle, open   
+      17  : usersym, [ 1, -1, 1, 1 ], [1, 0, -1, 1 ]
+                           ; leftfacing triangle, open   
+      else : begin
+         print,'invalid symbol number - set to 1'
+         result = 1
+      end
+   endcase
+   return,result
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.nc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..330b9fb6125b3f05a39bfcac3a8f6ec8b9df0b62
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2406ea9b05b2f3e95d571f1e228bf13b68ab12e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_forcing.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+pro wigmosta_forcing
+; define constants
+Tfreeze = 273.16d
+; define parameters
+dt = 3600.d ; (time step)
+; define plotting parameters
+window, 0, xs=1000, ys=1000, retain=2
+device, decomposed=0
+erase, color=255
+; define the number of days
+ndays = 42
+; define the number of time steps per hour
+nprhr = 3600.d/dt
+; define the number of steps per day
+nprdy = 86400.d/dt
+; define the number of time steps
+ntime = ndays*nprdy
+; define time in seconds
+stime = (dindgen(ntime)+1.d)*dt
+; define time in hours
+htime = stime/3600.
+; define forcing variables
+swrad = 100.d
+lwrad = 350.d
+awind =   0.d
+sphum = 1.d-3
+apres = 101325.d
+atemp = 273.16d + 10.d
+; define precipitation
+aPrcp = dblarr(ntime)
+; define the precipitation
+iRain = where(htime le 550.d, complement=iDry)
+aPrcp[iRain] = 20.d/3600.d  ; 20 mm/hour
+aPrcp[iDry]  = 0.d
+; define time
+atime = stime/86400.d + julday(1,1,2000,0,0,0.d)
+; make a forcing file
+openw, out_unit, 'wigmosta_forcing-exfiltrate.txt', /get_lun
+for itime=0,ntime-1 do begin
+ ; define date
+ caldat, atime[itime], im, id, iyyy, ih, imi, dsec
+ ; print synthetic "data"
+ printf, out_unit, iyyy, im, id, ih, imi, dsec, aprcp[itime], swrad, lwrad, atemp, awind, apres, sphum, $
+  format='(i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f6.1,1x,e14.6,1x,5(f10.3,1x),e12.3)'
+; free up file unit
+free_lun, out_unit
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_icond.pro b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_icond.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8aed5b35228240460680fec0839a2c4254350d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/forcing_data/wigmosta_icond.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+pro wigmosta_icond
+; used to create initial conditions for the synthetic test case
+; define vGn parameters (used to compute volumetric liquid water content)
+alpha     =  -0.5d     ; m-1
+n         =   1.5d
+m         =   1.d - 1.d/n
+theta_sat =   0.35d
+theta_res =   0.1d
+k_sat     =   0.00000075d
+f_impede  = -15.d
+; define the number of nodes
+nodes = 8
+; define soil depth (m)
+zsoil = 1.5d
+; define layer thickness
+z_lay = zsoil/double(nodes)
+; define vertical grid (m) -- positive downward
+z_dep = (dindgen(nodes+1)/double(nodes))*zsoil
+; define the mid-point of each layer
+z_m = (z_dep[0:nodes-1] + z_dep[1:nodes])/2.d
+; define the layer thickness
+z_i = z_dep[1:nodes] - z_dep[0:nodes-1]
+; define arrays
+zpress = replicate(-50000.d, nodes)
+z_temp = replicate(283.16d,nodes)
+ztheta = dblarr(nodes)
+for ilayer=0,nodes-1 do begin
+ ztheta[ilayer] = call_function('theta', zpress[ilayer], alpha, theta_res, theta_sat, n, m)
+; write data to file
+openw, out_unit, 'wigmosta_icond.txt', /get_lun
+ for ilayer=0,nodes-1 do begin
+  printf, out_unit, 'soil', z_m[ilayer]-0.5d*z_i[ilayer], z_i[ilayer], $
+   z_temp[ilayer], 0.d,  ztheta[ilayer], zpress[ilayer], $
+   format='(a10,1x,2(f12.7,1x),f10.3,1x,f17.6,1x,f16.6,1x,f16.6)'
+ endfor
+free_lun, out_unit
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function k_psi, psi, alpha, k_sat, n, m
+; computes hydraulic conductivity given psi and soil hydraulic parameters alpha, k_sat, n, and m
+;  psi     = pressure (m)
+;  alpha   = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  k_sat   = saturated hydraulic conductivity (m s-1)
+;  n       = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m       = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = k_sat * $
+ ( ( (1.d - (psi[ineg]*alpha)^(n-1.d) * (1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(-m))^2.d ) / ( (1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(m/2.d) ) )
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = k_sat
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function theta, psi, alpha, theta_res, theta_sat, n, m
+; computes volumetric water content based on psi and soil hydraulic parameters alpha, n, and m
+;  psi       = pressure (m)
+;  alpha     = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  theta_res = residual volumetric water content (-)
+;  theta_sat = porosity (-)
+;  n         = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m         = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = theta_res + (theta_sat - theta_res)*(1.d + (alpha*psi[ineg])^n)^(-m)
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = theta_sat
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+function dTheta_dPsi, psi, alpha, theta_res, theta_sat, n, m
+; computes the soil moisture capacity function, dTheta_dPsi (m-1)
+;  psi       = pressure (m)
+;  alpha     = scaling parameter (m-1)
+;  theta_res = residual volumetric water content (-)
+;  theta_sat = porosity (-)
+;  n         = vGn "n" parameter
+;  m         = vGn "m" parameter
+work = dblarr(n_elements(psi))
+ineg = where(psi lt 0.d, nneg, complement=ipos, ncomplement=npos)
+if (nneg gt 0) then work[ineg] = (theta_sat-theta_res) * $
+                      (-m*(1.d + (psi[ineg]*alpha)^n)^(-m-1.d)) * n*(psi[ineg]*alpha)^(n-1.d) * alpha
+if (npos gt 0) then work[ipos] = 0.d
+return, work
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
+; *****************************************************************************************************************
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test.sh b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/run_test.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/GENPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/GENPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17fc9172ba276dffbbb9dfa90cdcbc4eecc1070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/GENPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+General Parameters
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/MPTABLE.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0c59c02cc2f03d2a168b8523ffa793773861a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/MPTABLE.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ NVEG = 27
+ ! NVEG = 27
+ !  1: Urban and Built-Up Land
+ !  2: Dryland Cropland and Pasture
+ !  3: Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  4: Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture
+ !  5: Cropland/Grassland Mosaic
+ !  6: Cropland/Woodland Mosaic
+ !  7: Grassland
+ !  8: Shrubland
+ !  9: Mixed Shrubland/Grassland
+ ! 10: Savanna
+ ! 11: Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 12: Deciduous Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 13: Evergreen Broadleaf Forest
+ ! 14: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
+ ! 15: Mixed Forest
+ ! 16: Water Bodies
+ ! 17: Herbaceous Wetland
+ ! 18: Wooded Wetland
+ ! 19: Barren or Sparsely Vegetated
+ ! 20: Herbaceous Tundra
+ ! 21: Wooded Tundra
+ ! 22: Mixed Tundra
+ ! 23: Bare Ground Tundra
+ ! 24: Snow or Ice
+ ! 25: Playa
+ ! 26: Lava
+ ! 27: White Sand
+ ISURBAN   = 1
+ ISWATER   = 16
+ ISBARREN  = 19
+ ISSNOW    = 24
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26    27
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,  0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.15,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.86,  0.80,  0.85,  1.10,  1.09,  0.80,  0.00,  0.06,  0.05,  0.00,  0.04,  0.06,  0.06,  0.03,  0.00,  0.01,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVT   =  15.0,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  1.25,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  16.0,  16.0,  18.0,  20.0,  20.0,  16.0,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.00,  0.50,  0.80,  0.80,  0.50,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ HVB   =  1.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.15,  0.05,  0.10,  0.10,  3.00,  3.50,  3.00,  4.00,  3.50,  3.00,  0.00,  0.05,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DEN   =  0.01,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  25.0,  100.,  10.0,  10.0,  0.02,  0.10,  0.28,  0.02,  0.28,  0.10,  0.01,  10.0,  0.10,  0.01,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ RC    =  1.00,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.08,  0.03,  0.12,  0.12,  3.00,  1.40,  1.20,  3.60,  1.20,  1.40,  0.01,  0.10,  1.40,  0.01,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.30,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.01,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.00,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.11,  0.07,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.07,  0.10,  0.00,  0.11,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.35,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.35,  0.45,  0.00,  0.58,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.45,  0.00,  0.45,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.00,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.36,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.36,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.16,  0.00,  0.16,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.58,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.39,  0.00,  0.39,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.00,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.07,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.07,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05,  0.00,  0.05,  0.00,  0.00,
+          0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.10,  0.25,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.10,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.00,  0.25,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.000, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+         0.000, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000,
+ XL    = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,   2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,  3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,   2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.0,   1.6,   1.8,   1.2,   1.2,  1.30,  0.50,  0.65,  0.70,  0.65,  0.55,   0.2,  0.55,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   1.4,   1.4,   0.0,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.0,   0.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ DILEFC=  0.00,  0.50,  0.50,  0.50,  0.35,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.50,  0.60,  1.80,  0.50,  1.20,  0.80,  0.00,  0.40,  0.40,  0.00,  0.40,  0.30,  0.40,  0.30,  0.00,  0.30,  0.00,  0.00,
+ DILEFW=  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.20,  0.50,  0.20,  0.20,  4.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMF25 =  0.00,  1.00,  1.40,  1.45,  1.45,  1.45,  1.80,  0.26,  0.26,  0.80,  3.00,  4.00,  0.65,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.20,  3.20,  0.00,  3.20,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ SLA   =    60,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,    60,    60,    60,    50,    80,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,     0,    80,    80,    80,    80,     0,    80,     0,     0,
+ FRAGR =  0.00,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.20,  0.10,  0.20,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TMIN  =     0,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   273,   268,   273,   265,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ VCMX25=  0.00,  80.0,  80.0,  80.0,  60.0,  70.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  40.0,  60.0,  60.0,  60.0,  50.0,  55.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  50.0,  0.00,  50.0,  0.00,  0.00,
+ TDLEF =   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   278,   268,   278,   278,   268,     0,   268,   268,     0,   268,   268,   268,   268,     0,   268,     0,     0,
+ BP    = 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3,  2.E3, 1.E15,  2.E3, 1.E15, 1.E15,
+ MP    =    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    6.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,    9.,
+ QE25  =    0.,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.06,  0.00,  0.06,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMS25 =  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.32,  0.10,  0.64,  0.30,  0.90,  0.80,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.10,  0.10,  0.10,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.01,  0.01,  0.05,  0.05,  0.36,  0.03,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  2.11,  2.11,  2.11,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,
+ FOLNMX=  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,  0.00,   1.5,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WDPOOL=  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00,  1.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ WRRAT =  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  3.00,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  30.0,  0.00,  0.00,  3.00,  3.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.00,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.23,  0.17,  0.19,  0.19,  0.40,  0.40,  0.37,  0.23,  0.37,  0.30,  0.00,  0.17,  0.40,  0.00,  0.17,  0.23,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,  0.20,  0.00,  0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.3,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.3,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.4,   0.5,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.4,   0.2,   0.3,   0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.8,   0.2,   0.5,   0.1,   0.9,   1.3,   0.5,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.2,   1.3,   0.1,   0.8,   0.1,   1.2,   1.2,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.1,   1.1,   0.1,   0.5,   0.1,   1.6,   1.0,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.3,   0.3,   0.3,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   1.4,   0.8,   0.5,   0.7,   0.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.6,   0.6,   0.5,   0.6,   0.5,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.1,   0.4,   0.1,   0.2,   0.1,   0.4,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.3,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.1,   0.1,   0.1,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ LAIM  =   0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   0.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   0.5,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   0.6,   3.5,   1.6,   1.0,   0.0,   0.7,   0.4,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.0,   1.2,   1.2,   1.2,   1.5,   1.2,   1.0,   2.0,   1.0,   3.0,   1.2,   3.5,   5.3,   2.3,   0.0,   1.2,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   2.0,   3.0,   3.0,   3.0,   2.5,   3.0,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   4.7,   2.0,   3.5,   5.5,   3.5,   0.0,   3.0,   0.7,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   3.5,   1.0,   3.0,   1.0,   4.5,   2.6,   3.5,   5.3,   4.3,   0.0,   3.5,   1.7,   0.0,   2.0,   2.0,   2.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   3.0,   1.5,   1.5,   1.5,   3.5,   1.5,   1.0,   2.5,   1.0,   3.4,   1.7,   3.5,   5.3,   3.3,   0.0,   1.5,   3.0,   0.0,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   1.5,   0.7,   0.7,   0.7,   2.0,   0.7,   1.0,   1.5,   1.0,   1.2,   1.0,   3.5,   4.2,   2.2,   0.0,   0.7,   2.5,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.6,   0.6,   0.6,   1.0,   0.6,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.3,   0.5,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.6,   1.6,   0.0,   0.2,   0.2,   0.2,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.5,   0.5,   0.5,   0.0,   0.5,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.2,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.5,   0.8,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.4,   1.0,   1.0,   1.0,   0.0,   0.0,   3.5,   2.2,   1.2,   0.0,   0.4,   0.4,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0228,0.0200,0.0200,0.0295,0.0223,0.0277,0.0060,0.0227,0.0188,0.0236,0.0258,0.0200,0.0200,0.0090,0.0223,0.0422,0.0390,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   = 41.87,  0.00,  0.00,  2.52,  0.04, 17.11,  0.02, 21.62,  0.11, 22.80, 46.86,  0.00,  0.00,  0.46, 30.98,  2.31,  1.63,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          0.98,  0.00,  0.00,  0.16,  0.09,  0.28,  0.05,  0.92,  0.22,  0.59,  0.38,  0.00,  0.00,  3.34,  0.96,  1.47,  1.07,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+          1.82,  0.00,  0.00,  0.23,  0.05,  0.81,  0.03,  1.73,  1.26,  1.37,  1.84,  0.00,  0.00,  1.85,  1.84,  1.70,  1.21,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+           0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
+ VEG_DATASET_DESCRIPTION = "modified igbp modis noah"
+ NVEG = 20
+! 1          'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 14
+! 2,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 13
+! 3,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'                       -> USGS 12
+! 4,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'                        -> USGS 11
+! 5,         'Mixed Forests'                                     -> USGS 15
+! 6,         'Closed Shrublands'                                 -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 7,         'Open Shrublands'                                   -> USGS  9 "shrubland/grassland"
+! 8,         'Woody Savannas'                                    -> USGS  8 "shrubland"
+! 9,         'Savannas'                                          -> USGS 10
+! 10,        'Grasslands'                                        -> USGS  7
+! 11         'Permanent wetlands'                                -> avg of USGS 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland)
+! 12,        'Croplands'                                         -> USGS  2 "dryland cropland"
+! 13,        'Urban and Built-Up'                                -> USGS  1
+! 14         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'                -> USGS  5 "cropland/grassland"
+! 15,        'Snow and Ice'                                      -> USGS 24
+! 16,        'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'                      -> USGS 19
+! 17,        'Water'                                             -> USGS 16
+! 18,        'Wooded Tundra'                                     -> USGS 21
+! 19,        'Mixed Tundra'                                      -> USGS 22
+! 20,        'Barren Tundra'                                     -> USGS 23
+ ISURBAN   = 13
+ ISWATER   = 17
+ ISBARREN  = 16
+ ISSNOW    = 15
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !          1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CH2OP =   0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,    0.1,
+ DLEAF =  0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,   0.04,
+ Z0MVT =  1.09,   1.10,   0.85,   0.80,   0.80,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.86,   0.06,  0.055,   0.06,   1.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.03,
+! Z0MVT =  0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   0.05,   0.06,   0.05,   0.15,   0.12,  0.30,   0.15,   0.80,   0.14,   0.00,   0.01,   0.00,   0.30,   0.15,   0.10,
+ HVT   =  20.0,   20.0,   18.0,   16.0,   16.0,   0.50,   0.50,   0.50,   16.0,   0.50,   0.65,   0.50,   15.0,   0.50,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.80,   0.80,   0.50,
+ HVB   =  8.50,   8.00,   7.00,   11.5,   10.0,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   5.00,   0.05,  0.075,   0.10,   1.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ DEN   =  0.28,   0.02,   0.28,   0.10,   0.10,   10.0,   10.0,   10.0,   0.02,   100.,   5.05,   25.0,   0.01,   25.0,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,
+ RC    =  1.20,   3.60,   1.20,   1.40,   1.40,   0.12,   0.12,   0.12,   3.00,   0.03,   0.75,   0.08,   1.00,   0.08,   0.00,   0.01,   0.01,   0.30,   0.30,   0.30,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOL  =  0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.07,   0.10,   0.11,  0.105,   0.11,   0.00,   0.11,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+          0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.35,   0.45,   0.58,  0.515,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.45,   0.45,   0.45,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ RHOS  =  0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,   0.36,   0.26,   0.36,   0.00,   0.36,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.16,   0.16,   0.16,
+          0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,   0.58,  0.485,   0.58,   0.00,   0.58,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.39,   0.39,   0.39,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUL  =  0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,   0.07,   0.06,   0.07,   0.00,   0.07,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.05,   0.05,   0.05,
+          0.10,   0.25,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,   0.00,   0.25,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.25,   0.25,   0.25,
+ ! Row 1:  Vis
+ ! Row 2:  Near IR
+ TAUS  = 0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.220, 0.1105,  0.220,  0.000,  0.220,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+         0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,  0.380, 0.1905,  0.380,  0.000,  0.380,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.001,  0.001,  0.001,
+ XL    = 0.010,  0.010,  0.010,  0.250,  0.250,  0.010,  0.250,  0.010,  0.010,  -0.30, -0.025,  -0.30,  0.000,  -0.30,  0.000,  0.000,  0.000,  0.250,  0.250,  0.250,
+ CWPVT =   3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,    3.0,
+! CWPVT =  0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,   0.18,
+ C3PSN =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ KC25  =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,
+ AKC   =   2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,    2.1,
+ KO25  =  3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,   3.E4,
+ AKO   =   1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,    1.2,
+ AVCMX =   2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,    2.4,
+ AQE   =   1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,
+ LTOVRC=   0.5,   0.55,    0.2,   0.55,    0.5,   0.65,   0.70,   0.65,   0.65,   0.50,    1.4,    1.6,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.3,    1.4,    1.0,
+ DILEFC=  1.20,   0.50,   1.80,   0.60,   0.80,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,   0.50,   0.20,    0.4,   0.50,   0.00,   0.35,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.30,   0.40,   0.30,
+ DILEFW=  0.20,   4.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.50,   0.10,    0.2,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,
+ RMF25 =  3.00,   0.65,   4.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.26,   0.26,   0.26,   0.80,   1.80,    3.2,   1.00,   0.00,   1.45,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,
+ SLA   =    80,     80,     80,     80,     80,     60,     60,     60,     50,     60,     80,     80,     60,     80,      0,      0,      0,     80,     80,     80,
+ FRAGR =  0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.10,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,   0.20,    0.1,   0.20,   0.00,   0.20,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,
+ TMIN  =   265,    273,    268,    273,    268,    273,    273,    273,    273,    273,    268,    273,      0,    273,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ VCMX25=  50.0,   60.0,   60.0,   60.0,   55.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   40.0,   50.0,   80.0,   0.00,   60.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   50.0,   50.0,   50.0,
+ TDLEF =   278,    278,    268,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,    278,    278,    268,    278,    278,    278,      0,      0,      0,    268,    268,    268,
+ BP    =  2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,  1.E15,   2.E3,   2.E3,   2.E3,
+ MP    =    6.,     9.,     6.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,     9.,
+ QE25  =  0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.00,   0.06,   0.06,   0.06,
+ RMS25 =  0.90,   0.30,   0.64,   0.10,   0.80,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.32,   0.10,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,   0.10,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.10,   0.10,   0.00,
+ RMR25 =  0.36,   0.05,   0.05,   0.01,   0.03,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.01,   1.20,    0.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   2.11,   2.11,   0.00,
+ ARM   =   2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,    2.0,
+ FOLNMX=   1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,   0.00,    1.5,    1.5,    1.5,
+ WDPOOL=  1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,    0.5,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   1.00,   1.00,   0.00,
+ WRRAT =  30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   30.0,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,   15.0,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   3.00,   3.00,   0.00,
+ MRP   =  0.37,   0.23,   0.37,   0.40,   0.30,   0.19,   0.19,   0.19,   0.40,   0.17,  0.285,   0.23,   0.00,   0.23,   0.00,   0.00,   0.00,   0.23,   0.20,   0.00,
+! Monthly values, one row for each month:
+ SAIM  =   0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.3,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.3,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.4,    0.5,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.3,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.4,    0.4,    0.2,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    1.3,    0.9,    0.4,    0.2,    0.5,    0.2,    0.1,    0.8,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.2,    1.2,    0.5,    0.1,    0.8,    0.1,    0.1,    1.3,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    1.0,    1.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.5,    0.1,    0.1,    1.1,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,
+           0.7,    0.5,    0.8,    1.4,    0.6,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.6,    0.5,    0.6,    0.6,    0.5,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           0.5,    0.5,    0.5,    0.4,    0.3,    0.1,    0.2,    0.1,    0.1,    0.4,    0.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.1,    0.1,    0.0,
+ LAIM  =   1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.3,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.45,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.0,    0.3,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           1.6,    4.5,    0.6,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.55,    0.0,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.2,    3.0,    2.3,    1.0,    2.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.2,   0.85,    1.0,    0.0,    1.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           5.5,    4.5,    2.0,    4.7,    3.5,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    3.0,   1.85,    2.0,    0.0,    3.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    2.6,    4.5,    4.3,    1.0,    3.0,    1.0,    1.0,    3.5,    2.6,    3.0,    0.0,    3.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.0,    0.0,
+           5.3,    4.5,    1.7,    3.4,    3.3,    1.0,    2.5,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,   2.25,    3.0,    0.0,    1.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.0,
+           4.2,    4.5,    1.0,    1.2,    2.2,    1.0,    1.5,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,    1.6,    1.5,    0.0,    0.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.5,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.5,    0.3,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.6,    1.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.2,    0.2,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.2,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.5,   0.65,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           2.2,    4.5,    0.0,    0.0,    1.2,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    1.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+! LAIM  =   5.1,    3.3,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.8,    0.5,    0.5,    0.7,    0.3,    1.8,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.6,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.0,    3.6,    0.0,    1.9,    2.9,    1.0,    0.6,    1.0,    1.0,    0.7,   0.45,    1.9,    0.0,    2.6,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    4.4,    0.0,    2.1,    3.3,    1.0,    0.8,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    0.5,    2.6,    0.0,    2.9,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.3,    5.4,    0.6,    2.5,    4.0,    1.0,    0.9,    2.6,    2.9,    1.7,   0.55,    3.9,    0.0,    3.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.4,    0.4,    0.0,
+!           5.9,    6.2,    1.2,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    1.5,    3.4,    3.6,    2.5,   0.85,    5.2,    0.0,    4.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    1.0,    0.0,
+!           6.3,    6.4,    2.0,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.1,    3.6,    3.5,    2.7,   1.85,    5.6,    0.0,    4.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.0,    2.3,    0.0,
+!           6.4,    5.9,    2.6,    3.3,    5.4,    1.0,    2.6,    3.4,    2.9,    2.8,    2.6,    5.3,    0.0,    4.1,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.3,    0.0,
+!           6.1,    5.6,    1.7,    3.1,    5.0,    1.0,    2.4,    3.2,    2.7,    2.4,   2.25,    4.5,    0.0,    3.8,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    3.3,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           6.0,    5.3,    1.0,    2.9,    4.8,    1.0,    2.2,    2.9,    2.4,    2.1,    1.6,    4.1,    0.0,    3.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    2.8,    3.0,    0.0,
+!           5.5,    4.7,    0.5,    2.6,    4.1,    1.0,    1.6,    2.3,    1.8,    1.7,    1.1,    3.2,    0.0,    3.2,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.4,    1.4,    0.0,
+!           5.2,    4.0,    0.2,    2.2,    3.4,    1.0,    1.0,    1.5,    1.4,    1.3,   0.65,    2.3,    0.0,    2.7,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.5,    0.7,    0.0,
+!           5.1,    3.2,    0.0,    1.9,    3.0,    1.0,    0.9,    0.7,    0.7,    0.8,    0.4,    1.7,    0.0,    2.4,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.8,    0.7,    0.0,
+ SLAREA=0.0090, 0.0200, 0.0200, 0.0258, 0.0223, 0.0227, 0.0188, 0.0227, 0.0236, 0.0060, 0.0295, 0.0200, 0.0228, 0.0223,   0.02,   0.02, 0.0422,   0.02,   0.02,   0.02,
+! Five types, one row for each type.
+ EPS   =  0.46,   0.00,   0.00,  46.86,  30.98,  21.62,   0.11,  21.62,  22.80,   0.02,  0.815,   0.00,  41.87,   0.04,    0.0,    0.0,   2.31,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          3.34,   0.00,   0.00,   0.38,   0.96,   0.92,   0.22,   0.92,   0.59,   0.05,  0.535,   0.00,   0.98,   0.09,    0.0,    0.0,   1.47,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+          1.85,   0.00,   0.00,   1.84,   1.84,   1.73,   1.26,   1.73,   1.37,   0.03,  0.605,   0.00,   1.82,   0.05,    0.0,    0.0,   1.70,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
+           0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/SOILPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b87d1bae502460279b1e6389ff34c2d3ce842510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/SOILPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC      F11     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     2.79,    0.010,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,   0.010,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.383,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.74,    0.047,    -0.569,   0.434,   0.383,   0.141,  5.23E-6,  0.805E-5,   0.047,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.360,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.33,    0.084,     0.162,   0.476,   0.383,   0.759,  2.81E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.084,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     6.66,    0.067,    -1.491,   0.404,   0.314,   0.135,  4.45E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.067,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     8.72,    0.120,    -1.118,   0.464,   0.387,   0.617,  2.04E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.120,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.17,    0.103,    -1.297,   0.465,   0.382,   0.263,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.103,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.73,    0.100,    -3.209,   0.406,   0.338,   0.098,  7.22E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.100,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.39,    0.126,    -1.916,   0.468,   0.404,   0.324,  1.34E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.126,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.55,    0.138,    -2.138,   0.468,   0.412,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.138,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.25,    0.066,    -0.327,   0.439,   0.329,   0.355,  3.38E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.066,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     1.0,     0.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,  0.60, 'WATER'
+15,    2.79,    0.006,    -1.111,    0.20,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.07, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.26,    0.028,    -1.044,   0.421,   0.283,   0.036,  1.41E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.028,  0.25, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.55,    0.030,   -10.472,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    2.79,    0.006,    -0.472,   0.200,    0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    2.79,     0.01,    -0.472,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.07E-6,  0.608E-6,    0.01,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+19,1   'BB      DRYSMC       HC     MAXSMC   REFSMC   SATPSI  SATDK       SATDW     WLTSMC  QTZ    '
+1,     4.05,    0.045,      1.47,   0.395,   0.236,   0.121,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.068,  0.92, 'SAND'
+2,     4.38,    0.057,      1.41,   0.410,   0.383,   0.090,  1.56E-4,  0.514E-5,   0.075,  0.82, 'LOAMY SAND'
+3,     4.90,    0.065,      1.34,   0.435,   0.383,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.805E-5,   0.114,  0.60, 'SANDY LOAM'
+4,     5.30,    0.067,      1.27,   0.485,   0.360,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.25, 'SILT LOAM'
+5,     5.30,    0.034,      1.27,   0.485,   0.383,   0.786,  7.20E-6,  0.239E-4,   0.179,  0.10, 'SILT'
+6,     5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.40, 'LOAM'
+7,     7.12,    0.100,      1.18,   0.420,   0.314,   0.299,  6.30E-6,  0.990E-5,   0.175,  0.60, 'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8,     7.75,    0.089,      1.32,   0.477,   0.387,   0.356,  1.70E-6,  0.237E-4,   0.218,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+9,     8.52,    0.095,      1.23,   0.476,   0.382,   0.630,  2.45E-6,  0.113E-4,   0.250,  0.35, 'CLAY LOAM'
+10,   10.40,    0.100,      1.18,   0.426,   0.338,   0.153,  2.17E-6,  0.187E-4,   0.219,  0.52, 'SANDY CLAY'
+11,   10.40,    0.070,      1.15,   0.492,   0.404,   0.490,  1.03E-6,  0.964E-5,   0.283,  0.10, 'SILTY CLAY'
+12,   11.40,    0.068,      1.09,   0.482,   0.412,   0.405,  1.28E-6,  0.112E-4,   0.286,  0.25, 'CLAY'
+13,    5.39,    0.078,      1.21,   0.451,   0.329,   0.478,  6.95E-6,  0.143E-4,   0.155,  0.05, 'ORGANIC MATERIAL'
+14,     0.0,      0.0,      4.18,   1.0,     1.0,     0.0,      0.0,       0.0,     0.0,    0.00, 'WATER'
+15,    4.05,    0.004,      2.03,   0.200,   0.17,   0.121,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.006,  0.60, 'BEDROCK'
+16,    4.90,    0.065,      2.10,   0.435,   0.283,   0.218,  3.47E-5,  0.514E-5,   0.114,  0.05, 'OTHER(land-ice)'
+17,   11.40,    0.030,      1.41,   0.468,   0.454,   0.468,  9.74E-7,  0.112E-4,   0.030,  0.60, 'PLAYA'
+18,    4.05,    0.006,      1.41,   0.200,   0.17,   0.069,  1.41E-4,  0.136E-3,   0.060,  0.52, 'LAVA'
+19,    4.05,     0.01,      1.47,   0.339,   0.236,   0.069,  1.76E-4,  0.608E-6,   0.060,  0.92, 'WHITE SAND'
+Soil Parameters
+12,1 'theta_res   theta_sat   vGn_alpha       vGn_n      k_soil          BB      DRYSMC          HC      MAXSMC      REFSMC      SATPSI       SATDK       SATDW      WLTSMC         QTZ    '
+1         0.098       0.459      -1.496       1.253 1.70799e-06        1.40       0.068        1.09       0.482       0.412       0.405     1.28E-6    0.112E-4       0.286        0.25    'CLAY' 
+2         0.079       0.442      -1.581       1.416 9.47297e-07        8.52       0.095        1.23       0.476       0.382       0.630     2.45E-6    0.113E-4       0.250        0.35    'CLAY LOAM'
+3         0.061       0.399      -1.112       1.472 1.39472e-06        5.39       0.078        1.21       0.451       0.329       0.478     6.95E-6    0.143E-4       0.155        0.40    'LOAM' 
+4         0.049       0.390      -3.475       1.746 1.21755e-05        4.38       0.057        1.41       0.410       0.383       0.090     1.56E-4    0.514E-5       0.075        0.82    'LOAMY SAND'
+5         0.053       0.375      -3.524       3.177 7.43852e-05        4.05       0.045        1.47       0.395       0.236       0.121     1.76E-4    0.608E-6       0.068        0.92    'SAND'
+6         0.117       0.385      -3.342       1.208 1.31367e-06        0.40       0.100        1.18       0.426       0.338       0.153     2.17E-6    0.187E-4       0.219        0.52    'SANDY CLAY'
+7         0.063       0.384      -2.109       1.330 1.52576e-06        7.12       0.100        1.18       0.420       0.314       0.299     6.30E-6    0.990E-5       0.175        0.60    'SANDY CLAY LOAM'
+8         0.039       0.387      -2.667       1.449 4.43084e-06        4.90       0.065        1.34       0.435       0.383       0.218     3.47E-5    0.805E-5       0.114        0.60    'SANDY LOAM'
+9         0.050       0.489      -0.658       1.679 5.06391e-06        5.30       0.034        1.27       0.485       0.383       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.10    'SILT'
+10        0.111       0.481      -1.622       1.321 1.11298e-06        0.40       0.070        1.15       0.492       0.404       0.490     1.03E-6    0.964E-5       0.283        0.10    'SILTY CLAY'
+11        0.090       0.482      -0.839       1.521 1.28673e-06        7.75       0.089        1.32       0.477       0.387       0.356     1.70E-6    0.237E-4       0.218        0.10    'SILTY CLAY LOAM'
+12        0.065       0.439      -0.506       1.663 2.11099e-06        5.30       0.067        1.27       0.485       0.360       0.786     7.20E-6    0.239E-4       0.179        0.25    'SILT LOAM'
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/VEGPARM.TBL b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be03224ef59386e2503e147729ffeaef9aa12553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/wigmosta1999/settings/VEGPARM.TBL
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Vegetation Parameters
+1,      .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Urban and Built-Up Land'  
+2,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Dryland Cropland and Pasture' 
+3,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .930,    .985,     .20,      .25,      .02,     .10,     'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+4,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.00,   4.50,   .920,    .985,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .15,     'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture' 
+5,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,     'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,      .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,    60.,    2.00,   4.00,   .930,    .985,     .16,      .20,      .20,     .20,     'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic' 
+7,      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,     'Grassland' 
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,     'Shrubland' 
+9,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,     'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland' 
+10,     .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Savanna' 
+11,     .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest' 
+12,     .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,     'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest' 
+13,     .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,     .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,     'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'  
+15,     .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,     'Mixed Forest' 
+16,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,     'Water Bodies' 
+17,     .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,    68.,    1.50,   5.65,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .20,     .20,     'Herbaceous Wetland' 
+18,     .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,    50.,    2.00,   5.80,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .40,     .40,     'Wooded Wetland' 
+19,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,     'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated' 
+20,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    68.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .10,     .10,     'Herbaceous Tundra' 
+21,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,     'Wooded Tundra' 
+22,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,     'Mixed Tundra' 
+23,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,     'Bare Ground Tundra' 
+24,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,     'Snow or Ice' 
+25,     .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .890,    .890,     .30,      .30,      .01,     .01,     'Playa' 
+26,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .880,    .880,     .16,      .16,      .15,     .15,     'Lava'   
+27,     .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.01,   0.01,   .830,    .830,     .60,      .60,      .01,     .01,     'White Sand' 
+Vegetation Parameters
+1       .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    52.,    5.00,   6.40,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+2,      .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,    35.,    3.08,   6.48,   .950,    .950,     .12,      .12,      .50,     .50,         'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+3,      .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,    54.,    1.00,   5.16,   .930,    .940,     .14,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+4,      .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,    58.,    1.85,   3.31,   .930,    .930,     .16,      .17,      .50,     .50,         'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+5,      .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,    53.,    2.80,   5.50,   .930,    .970,     .17,      .25,      .20,     .50,         'Mixed Forests'
+6,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Closed Shrublands'
+7,      .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,    65.,    0.60,   2.60,   .930,    .950,     .22,      .30,      .01,     .06,         'Open Shrublands'
+8,      .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,    60.,    0.50,   3.66,   .930,    .930,     .25,      .30,      .01,     .05,         'Woody Savannas'
+9,      .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,    50.,    0.50,   3.66,   .920,    .920,     .20,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Savannas'
+10,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,    70.,    0.52,   2.90,   .920,    .960,     .19,      .23,      .10,     .12,         'Grasslands'
+11      .60,   2,     70.,    65.,   55.97   0.015     59.,    1.75,   5.72,   .950,    .950,     .14,      .14,      .30,     .30,         'Permanent wetlands'
+12,     .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    66.,    1.56,   5.68,   .920,    .985,     .17,      .23,      .05,     .15,         'Croplands'
+13,     .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,    46.,    1.00,   1.00,   .880,    .880,     .15,      .15,      .50,     .50,         'Urban and Built-Up'
+14      .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,    68.,    2.29,   4.29,   .920,    .980,     .18,      .23,      .05,     .14,         'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic'
+15,     .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    82.,    0.01,   0.01,   .950,    .950,     .55,      .70,    0.001,   0.001,         'Snow and Ice'
+16,     .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,    75.,    0.10,   0.75,   .900,    .900,     .38,      .38,      .01,     .01,         'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+17,     .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,    70.,    0.01,   0.01,   .980,    .980,     .08,      .08,   0.0001,  0.0001,         'Water'
+18,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    55.,    0.41,   3.35,   .930,    .930,     .15,      .20,      .30,     .30,         'Wooded Tundra'
+19,     .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,    60.,    0.41,   3.35,   .920,    .920,     .15,      .20,      .15,     .15,         'Mixed Tundra'
+20,     .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,    75.,    0.41,   3.35,   .900,    .900,     .25,      .25,      .05,     .10,         'Barren Tundra'
+Vegetation Parameters
+27,1, 'ALBEDO    Z0   LEMI     PC   SHDFAC NROOT   RS      RGL      HS      SNUP    LAI   MAXALB'
+1,     .18,     .50,   .88,   .40,   .10,   1,    200.,   999.,   999.0,   0.04,   4.0,     40.,    'Urban and Built-Up Land'
+2,     .17,     .06,   .92,   .30,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Dryland Cropland and Pasture'
+3,     .18,     .075,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+4,     .18,     .065,  .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Mixed Dryland/Irrigated Cropland and Pasture'
+5,     .18,     .05,   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Cropland/Grassland Mosaic'
+6,     .16,     .20,   .93,   .40,   .80,   3,     70.,    65.,   44.14,   0.04,   4.0,     60.,    'Cropland/Woodland Mosaic'
+7,     .19,     .075   .92,   .40,   .80,   3,     40.,   100.,   36.35,   0.04,   4.0,     64.,    'Grassland'
+8,     .22,     .10,   .88,   .40,   .70,   3,    300.,   100.,   42.00,   0.03,   4.0,     69.,    'Shrubland'
+9,     .20,     .11,   .90,   .40,   .70,   3,    170.,   100.,   39.18,  0.035,   4.0,     67.,    'Mixed Shrubland/Grassland'
+10,    .20,     .15,   .92,   .40,   .50,   3,     70.,    65.,   54.53,   0.04,   4.0,     45.,    'Savanna'
+11,    .16,     .50,   .93,   .55,   .80,   4,    100.,    30.,   54.53,   0.08,   4.0,     58.,    'Deciduous Broadleaf Forest'
+12,    .14,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .70,   4,    150.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     54.,    'Deciduous Needleleaf Forest'
+13,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .95,   4,    150.,    30.,   41.69,   0.08,   4.0,     32.,    'Evergreen Broadleaf Forest'
+14,    .12,     .50,   .95,   .55,   .70,   4,    125.,    30.,   47.35,   0.08,   4.0,     52.,    'Evergreen Needleleaf Forest'
+15,    .13,     .50,   .94,   .55,   .80,   4,    125.,    30.,   51.93,   0.08,   4.0,     53.,    'Mixed Forest'
+16,    .08,    .0001,  .98,   .00,   .00,   0,    100.,    30.,   51.75,   0.01,   4.0,     70.,    'Water Bodies'
+17,    .14,     .20,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,     40.,   100.,   60.00,   0.01,   4.0,     35.,    'Herbaceous Wetland'
+18,    .14,     .40,   .95,   .55,   .60,   2,    100.,    30.,   51.93,   0.02,   4.0,     30.,    'Wooded Wetland'
+19,    .25,     .05,   .85,   .30,   .01,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Barren or Sparsely Vegetated'
+20,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .30,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     58.,    'Herbaceous Tundra'
+21,    .15,     .15,   .93,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Wooded Tundra'
+22,    .15,     .10,   .92,   .40,   .60,   3,    150.,   100.,   42.00,  0.025,   4.0,     55.,    'Mixed Tundra'
+23,    .25,     .065   .85,   .30,   .30,   2,    200.,   100.,   42.00,   0.02,   4.0,     65.,    'Bare Ground Tundra'
+24,    .55,     .05,   .95,   .00,   .00,   1,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     75.,    'Snow or Ice'
+25,    .30,     .01,   .85,   .30,   .50,   1,     40.,   100.,   36.25,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Playa'
+26,    .16,     .15,   .85,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'Lava'
+27,    .60,     .01,   .90,   .00,   .00,   0,    999.,   999.,   999.0,   0.02,   4.0,     69.,    'White Sand'