diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/eval8DAE.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/eval8DAE.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed2414b97d1a0068aa6db9b1a87d389e7e3615f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/eval8DAE.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-module eval8DAE_module
-! data types
-USE nrtype
-! access missing values
-USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
-USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
-! access the global print flag
-USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
-! define access to state variables to print
-USE globalData,only: iJac1          ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
-USE globalData,only: iJac2          ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
-! domain types
-USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
-USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
-USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
-! named variables to describe the state variable type
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:model_decisions        ! model decision structure
-! constants
-USE multiconst,only:&
-                    Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
-                    LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J kg-1)
-                    LH_vap,       & ! latent heat of vaporization          (J kg-1)
-                    LH_sub,       & ! latent heat of sublimation           (J kg-1)
-                    Cp_air,       & ! specific heat of air                 (J kg-1 K-1)
-                    iden_air,     & ! intrinsic density of air             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
-! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    zlookup,      &
-                    model_options   ! defines the model decisions
-! indices that define elements of the data structures
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS               ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM                   ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG                    ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX                   ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG                    ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX                    ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV                   ! named variables for structure elements
-! look-up values for the choice of groundwater representation (local-column, or single-basin)
-USE mDecisions_module,only:  &
- localColumn,                & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
- singleBasin,                & ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
- enthalpyFD                    ! heat capacity using enthalpy
-! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
-USE mDecisions_module,only:  &
- qbaseTopmodel,              & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
- bigBucket,                  & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
- noExplicit                    ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! look-up values for the form of Richards' equation
-USE mDecisions_module,only:  &
- moisture,                   & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
- mixdform                      ! mixed form of Richards' equation
-implicit none
-! **********************************************************************************************************
-! public subroutine eval8DAE: compute the residual vector
-! **********************************************************************************************************
-subroutine eval8DAE(&
-                      ! input: model control
-                      dt_cur,                  & ! intent(in):    current stepsize
-                      dt,                      & ! intent(in):    entire time step
-                      nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                      nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                      nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                      nState,                  & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
-                      checkFeas,               & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are checking for feasibility
-                      firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                      firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(inout)  flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                      firstSplitOper,          & ! intent(inout)  flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                      computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                      scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                      requireLWBal,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need longwave to be balanced
-                      ! input: state vectors
-                      stateVec,                & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                      stateVecPrime,           & ! intent(in):    derivative of model state vector
-                      sMul,                    & ! intent(inout):  state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                      ! input: data structures
-                      model_decisions,         & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                      lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup data
-                      type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                      attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                      mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                      forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                      bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                      prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                      ! input-output: data structures
-                      indx_data,               & ! intent(inout): index data
-                      diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                      flux_data,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                      deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                      ! input-output:
-                      dBaseflow_dMatric,       & ! intent(out):    derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                      scalarCanopyTempTrial,   & ! intent(out):    trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyTempPrev,    & ! intent(in):     value of canopy temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyIceTrial,    & ! intent(out):    trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyIcePrev,     & ! intent(in):     value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):    trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyLiqPrev,     & ! intent(in):     value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                      scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                      scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev,& ! intent(in):     value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                      mLayerTempTrial,         & ! intent(out):    trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                      mLayerTempPrev,          & ! intent(in):     vector of layer temperature (K)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,& ! intent(out):    trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,   & ! intent(out):    trial value for total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadPrev,    & ! intent(in):     value for total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial,   & ! intent(out):    trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatPrev,    & ! intent(in):     vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,   & ! intent(out):    trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIcePrev,    & ! intent(in):     vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,   & ! intent(out):    trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqPrev,    & ! intent(in):     vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                      scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                      scalarAquiferStoragePrev,& ! intent(in):     value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                      mLayerEnthalpyPrev,      & ! intent(in):     vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                      mLayerEnthalpyTrial,     & ! intent(out):    trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                      ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout):  index of the lowest saturated layer
-                      feasible,                & ! intent(out):    flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
-                      fluxVec,                 & ! intent(out):    flux vector
-                      resSink,                 & ! intent(out):    additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
-                      resVec,                  & ! intent(out):    residual vector
-                      err,message)               ! intent(out):    error control
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! provide access to subroutines
-  USE varExtrSundials_module, only:varExtract2           ! extract variables from the state vector
-  USE varExtrSundials_module, only:varExtractSundials
-  USE updateVarsSundials_module, only:updateVarsSundials           ! update variables
-  USE t2enthalpy_module, only:t2enthalpy_T           ! compute enthalpy
-  USE computFlux_module, only:soilCmpresSundials            ! compute soil compression
-  USE computFlux_module, only:computFlux           ! compute fluxes given a state vector
-  USE computHeatCap_module,only:computHeatCap      ! compute heat capacity
-  USE computHeatCap_module,only:computHeatCapAnalytic      ! compute heat capacity
-  USE computHeatCap_module,only:computCm
-  USE computHeatCap_module, only:computStatMult
-  USE computResidDAE_module,only:computResidDAE          ! compute residuals given a state vector
-  USE computThermConduct_module,only:computThermConduct
-  USE computEnthalpy_module,only:computEnthalpy
-  USE computEnthalpy_module,only:computEnthalpyPrime
-  implicit none
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! input: model control
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: dt_cur
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: dt                     ! time step
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                  ! number of snow layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSoil                  ! number of soil layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nLayers                ! total number of layers
-  integer(kind=8),intent(in)      :: nState                 ! total number of state variables
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: checkFeas              ! flag to indicate if we are checking for feasibility
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep           ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-  logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstFluxCall
-  logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstSplitOper         ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux         ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution         ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: requireLWBal           ! flag to indicate if we need longwave to be balanced
-  ! input: state vectors
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVec(:)            ! model state vector
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVecPrime(:)       ! model state vector
-  real(qp),intent(inout)          :: sMul(:)   ! NOTE: qp   ! state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-  ! input: data structures
-  type(model_options),intent(in)  :: model_decisions(:)     ! model decisions
-  type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data            ! lookup tables
-  type(var_i),        intent(in)  :: type_data              ! type of vegetation and soil
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: attr_data              ! spatial attributes
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: mpar_data              ! model parameters
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: forc_data              ! model forcing data
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: bvar_data              ! model variables for the local basin
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: prog_data              ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-  ! output: data structures
-  type(var_ilength),intent(inout) :: indx_data              ! indices defining model states and layers
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data              ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data              ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data             ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-  ! input-output: baseflow
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:) ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-  ! output: flux and residual vectors
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: scalarCanopyTempTrial     ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: scalarCanopyTempPrev      ! previous value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: scalarCanopyIceTrial      ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: scalarCanopyIcePrev       ! previous value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial      ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: scalarCanopyLiqPrev       ! previous value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial ! trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev  ! previous value of enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerTempTrial(:)        ! trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerTempPrev(:)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)  ! trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)  ! trial value for total water matric potential (m)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerMatricHeadPrev(:) ! value for total water matric potential (m)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerVolFracWatTrial(:)  ! trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerVolFracWatPrev(:) ! vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)  ! trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerVolFracIcePrev(:) ! vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)  ! trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrev(:) ! vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial ! trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: scalarAquiferStoragePrev  ! value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: mLayerEnthalpyPrev(:)    ! vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: mLayerEnthalpyTrial(:)   ! trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-  integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation              ! index of the lowest saturated layer
-  logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: feasible               ! flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: fluxVec(:)             ! flux vector
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: resSink(:)             ! sink terms on the RHS of the flux equation
-  real(qp),intent(out)            :: resVec(:) ! NOTE: qp   ! residual vector
-  ! output: error control
-  integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                    ! error code
-  character(*),intent(out)        :: message                ! error message
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! local variables
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! state variables
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanairTempTrial     ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyWatTrial      ! trial value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
-    ! derivative of state variables
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanairTempPrime     ! derivative value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyTempPrime     ! derivative value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyWatPrime      ! derivative value for liquid water storage in the canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)     :: mLayerTempPrime           ! derivative value for temperature of layers in the snow and soil domains (K)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)     :: mLayerVolFracWatPrime     ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)       :: mLayerMatricHeadPrime     ! derivative value for total water matric potential (m)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)       :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime  ! derivative value for liquid water matric potential (m)
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarAquiferStoragePrime ! derivative value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-  ! derivative of diagnostic variables
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyLiqPrime      ! derivative value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyIcePrime      ! derivative value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)     :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrime     ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)     :: mLayerVolFracIcePrime     ! derivative value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-  ! enthalpy
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanairEnthalpy      ! enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-  ! other local variables
-  integer(i4b)                       :: iLayer                    ! index of model layer in the snow+soil domain
-  integer(i4b)                       :: jState(1)                 ! index of model state for the scalar solution within the soil domain
-  integer(i4b)                       :: ixBeg,ixEnd               ! index of indices for the soil compression routine
-  integer(i4b),parameter             :: ixVegVolume=1             ! index of the desired vegetation control volumne (currently only one veg layer)
-  real(rkind)                        :: xMin,xMax                 ! minimum and maximum values for water content
-  real(rkind),parameter              :: canopyTempMax=500._rkind  ! expected maximum value for the canopy temperature (K)
-  character(LEN=256)                 :: cmessage                  ! error message of downwind routine
-  real(rkind)                        :: scalarCanopyCmTrial       ! trial value of Cm for the canopy
-  real(rkind),dimension(nLayers)     :: mLayerCmTrial             ! trial vector of Cm for snow+soil
-  logical(lgt),parameter             :: updateCp=.true.           ! flag to indicate if we update Cp at each step
-  logical(lgt),parameter             :: needCm=.false.            ! flag to indicate if the energy equation contains Cm = dH_T/dTheta_m
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! association to variables in the data structures
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  associate(&
-  ! model decisions
-  ixRichards              => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%f_Richards)%iDecision   ,&  ! intent(in):  [i4b]   index of the form of Richards' equation
-  ! snow parameters
-  snowfrz_scale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp]    scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
-  ! soil parameters
-  theta_sat               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] soil porosity (-)
-  specificStorage         => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%specificStorage)%dat(1)       ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp]    specific storage coefficient (m-1)
-  theta_res               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] residual volumetric water content (-)
-  ! canopy and layer depth
-  canopyDepth             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)      ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp   ] canopy depth (m)
-  mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
-  ! model state variables
-  scalarSfcMeltPond       => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarSfcMeltPond)%dat(1)      ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp]    ponded water caused by melt of the "snow without a layer" (kg m-2)
-  mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-  ! soil compression
-  scalarSoilCompress      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1)     ,&  ! intent(in): [dp]    total change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (kg m-2)
-  mLayerCompress          => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat            ,&  ! intent(in): [dp(:)] change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (-)
-  ! derivatives
-  dVolTot_dPsi0           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0)%dat           ,&  ! intent(in): [dp(:)] derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential
-  dCompress_dPsi          => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi)%dat          ,&  ! intent(in): [dp(:)] derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
-  ! mapping
-  ixMapFull2Subset        => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)%dat         ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] mapping of full state vector to the state subset
-  ixControlVolume         => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat          ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] index of control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
-  ! indices
-  ixCasNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy air space energy state variable (nrg)
-  ixVegNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable (nrg)
-  ixVegHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
-  ixSnowOnlyNrg           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat            ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow subdomain
-  ixSnowSoilHyd           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)%dat            ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for hydrology states in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixStateType             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixStateType)%dat              ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices defining the type of the state (iname_nrgLayer...)
-  ixHydCanopy             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydCanopy)%dat              ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] index of the hydrology states in the canopy domain
-  ixHydType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydType)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] index of the type of hydrology states in snow+soil domain
-  layerType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%layerType)%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] layer type (iname_soil or iname_snow)
-  heatCapVegTrial         =>  diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg)%dat(1) ,& ! intent(out): volumetric heat capacity of vegetation canopy
-  mLayerHeatCapTrial      =>  diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolHtCapBulk)%dat         &  ! intent(out): heat capacity for snow and soil
-  ) ! association to variables in the data structures
-  ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialize error control
-  err=0; message="eval8DAE/"
-  feasible=.true.
-  ! check the feasibility of the solution
-  if (checkFeas) then
-    ! check that the canopy air space temperature is reasonable
-    if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing)then
-      if(stateVec(ixCasNrg) > canopyTempMax) feasible=.false.
-      if(stateVec(ixCasNrg) > canopyTempMax) message=trim(message)//'canopy air space temp high,'
-      if(.not.feasible) write(*,'(a,1x,L1,1x,10(f20.10,1x))') 'feasible, max, stateVec( ixCasNrg )', feasible, canopyTempMax, stateVec(ixCasNrg)
-    endif
-    ! check that the canopy temperature is reasonable
-    if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing)then
-      if(stateVec(ixVegNrg) > canopyTempMax) feasible=.false.
-      if(stateVec(ixVegNrg) > canopyTempMax) message=trim(message)//'canopy temp high,'
-      if(.not.feasible) write(*,'(a,1x,L1,1x,10(f20.10,1x))') 'feasible, max, stateVec( ixVegNrg )', feasible, canopyTempMax, stateVec(ixVegNrg)
-    endif
-    ! check canopy liquid water is not negative
-    if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
-      if(stateVec(ixVegHyd) < 0._rkind) feasible=.false.
-      if(stateVec(ixVegHyd) < 0._rkind) message=trim(message)//'canopy water negative,'
-      if(.not.feasible) write(*,'(a,1x,L1,1x,10(f20.10,1x))') 'feasible, min, stateVec( ixVegHyd )', feasible, 0._rkind, stateVec(ixVegHyd)
-    end if
-    ! check snow temperature is below freezing
-    if(count(ixSnowOnlyNrg/=integerMissing)>0)then
-      if(any(stateVec( pack(ixSnowOnlyNrg,ixSnowOnlyNrg/=integerMissing) ) > Tfreeze)) feasible=.false.
-      if(any(stateVec( pack(ixSnowOnlyNrg,ixSnowOnlyNrg/=integerMissing) ) > Tfreeze)) message=trim(message)//'snow temp above freezing,'
-      do iLayer=1,nSnow
-        if(.not.feasible) write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,L1,1x,10(f20.10,1x))') 'iLayer, feasible, max, stateVec( ixSnowOnlyNrg(iLayer) )', iLayer, feasible, Tfreeze, stateVec( ixSnowOnlyNrg(iLayer) )
-      end do
-    endif
-    ! loop through non-missing hydrology state variables in the snow+soil domain
-    do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers,ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer)/=integerMissing)
-      ! check the minimum and maximum water constraints
-      if(ixHydType(iLayer)==iname_watLayer .or. ixHydType(iLayer)==iname_liqLayer)then
-        ! --> minimum
-        if (layerType(iLayer) == iname_soil) then
-          xMin = theta_res(iLayer-nSnow)
-        else
-          xMin = 0._rkind
-        endif
-        ! --> maximum
-        select case( layerType(iLayer) )
-          case(iname_snow); xMax = merge(iden_ice,  1._rkind - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer), ixHydType(iLayer)==iname_watLayer)
-          case(iname_soil); xMax = merge(theta_sat(iLayer-nSnow), theta_sat(iLayer-nSnow) - mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer), ixHydType(iLayer)==iname_watLayer)
-        end select
-        ! --> check
-        if(stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) < xMin .or. stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) > xMax) feasible=.false.
-        if(stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) < xMin .or. stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) > xMax)  message=trim(message)//'layer water outside bounds,'
-        if(.not.feasible) write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,L1,1x,10(f20.10,1x))') 'iLayer, feasible, stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ), xMin, xMax = ', iLayer, feasible, stateVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ), xMin, xMax
-      endif  ! if water states
-    end do  ! loop through non-missing hydrology state variables in the snow+soil domain
-    ! early return for non-feasible solutions
-    if(.not.feasible)then
-      fluxVec(:) = realMissing
-      resVec(:)  = quadMissing
-      message=trim(message)//'non-feasible'
-      err=20; return
-    end if
-  end if ! ( feasibility check )
-  ! get the start and end indices for the soil compression calculations
-  if(scalarSolution)then
-    jState = pack(ixControlVolume, ixMapFull2Subset/=integerMissing)
-    ixBeg  = jState(1)
-    ixEnd  = jState(1)
-  else
-    ixBeg  = 1
-    ixEnd  = nSoil
-  endif
-    ! initialize to state variable from the last update
-  scalarCanopyTempTrial     = scalarCanopyTempPrev
-  scalarCanopyLiqTrial      = scalarCanopyLiqPrev
-  scalarCanopyIceTrial      = scalarCanopyIcePrev
-  mLayerTempTrial           = mLayerTempPrev
-  mLayerVolFracWatTrial     = mLayerVolFracWatPrev
-  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial     = mLayerVolFracLiqPrev
-  mLayerVolFracIceTrial     = mLayerVolFracIcePrev
-  mLayerMatricHeadTrial     = mLayerMatricHeadPrev
-  scalarAquiferStorageTrial = scalarAquiferStoragePrev
-  ! extract variables from the model state vector
-  call varExtract2(&
-                  ! input
-                  stateVec,                 & ! intent(in):    model state vector (mixed units)
-                  indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                  ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                  scalarCanairTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyWatTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                  mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(out):   trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                  mLayerVolFracWatTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(out):   trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                  ! output: variables for the aquifer
-                  scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                  ! output: error control
-                  err,cmessage)               ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  call varExtractSundials(&
-                  ! input
-                  stateVecPrime,            & ! intent(in):    derivative of model state vector (mixed units)
-                  indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                  ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                  scalarCanairTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy air temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyTempPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyWatPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyLiqPrime,     & ! intent(out):   derivative of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                  mLayerTempPrime,          & ! intent(out):   derivative of layer temperature (K)
-                  mLayerVolFracWatPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadPrime,    & ! intent(out):   derivative of total water matric potential (m)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime, & ! intent(out):   derivative of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                  ! output: variables for the aquifer
-                  scalarAquiferStoragePrime,& ! intent(out):   derivative of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                  ! output: error control
-                  err,cmessage)               ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  call updateVarsSundials(&
-                  ! input
-                  dt_cur,                                    &
-                  .false.,                                   & ! intent(in):    logical flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy
-                  mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                  prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                  mLayerVolFracWatPrev,                      & ! intent(in)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadPrev,                      & ! intent(in)
-                  diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  deriv_data,                                & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                  ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                  scalarCanopyTempTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyWatTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyIceTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyTempPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                  scalarCanopyWatPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyLiqPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyIcePrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                  ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                  mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                  mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                  & ! intent(inout): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                  mLayerTempPrime,                           & !
-                  mLayerVolFracWatPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracIcePrime,                     & !
-                  mLayerMatricHeadPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime,                  & ! intent(inout): Prime vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                  ! output: error control
-                  err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  ! print the water content
-  if(globalPrintFlag)then
-    if(iJac1<nSnow) write(*,'(a,10(f16.10,1x))') 'mLayerVolFracWatTrial = ', mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iJac1:min(iJac2,nSnow))
-    if(iJac1<nSnow) write(*,'(a,10(f16.10,1x))') 'mLayerVolFracLiqTrial = ', mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iJac1:min(iJac2,nSnow))
-    if(iJac1<nSnow) write(*,'(a,10(f16.10,1x))') 'mLayerVolFracIceTrial = ', mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iJac1:min(iJac2,nSnow))
-  endif
-  if(updateCp)then
-    ! *** compute volumetric heat capacity C_p
-    if(model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%howHeatCap)%iDecision == enthalpyFD)then
-      ! compute H_T
-      call t2enthalpy_T(&
-                        ! input: data structures
-                        diag_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                        mpar_data,                   & ! intent(in):  parameter data structure
-                        indx_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model indices
-                        lookup_data,                 & ! intent(in):  lookup table data structure
-                        ! input: state variables for the vegetation canopy
-                        scalarCanairTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy air temperature (K)
-                        scalarCanopyTempTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                        scalarCanopyWatTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                        scalarCanopyIceTrial,        & ! intent(in):  trial value for canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                        ! input: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                        mLayerTempTrial,             & ! intent(in):  trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                        mLayerVolFracWatTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                        mLayerMatricHeadTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                        mLayerVolFracIceTrial,       & ! intent(in):  trial vector of volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                        ! output: enthalpy
-                        scalarCanairEnthalpy,        & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-                        scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,   & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                        mLayerEnthalpyTrial,         & ! intent(out):  enthalpy of each snow+soil layer (J m-3)
-                        ! output: error control
-                        err,cmessage)                  ! intent(out): error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-      ! *** compute volumetric heat capacity C_p = dH_T/dT
-      call computHeatCap(&
-                          ! input: control variables
-                          nLayers,                    & ! intent(in): number of layers (soil+snow)
-                          computeVegFlux,             & ! intent(in): flag to denote if computing the vegetation flux
-                          canopyDepth,                & ! intent(in): canopy depth (m)
-                          ! input data structures
-                          mpar_data,                  & ! intent(in): model parameters
-                          indx_data,                  & ! intent(in): model layer indices
-                          ! input: state variables
-                          scalarCanopyIceTrial,       & ! intent(in): trial value for canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                          scalarCanopyLiqTrial,       & ! intent(in): trial value for the liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                          scalarCanopyTempTrial,      & ! intent(in): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                          scalarCanopyTempPrev,       & ! intent(in): previous value of canopy temperature (K)
-                          scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,  & ! intent(in): trial enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                          scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev,   & ! intent(in): previous enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                          mLayerVolFracIceTrial,      & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of ice at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                          mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,      & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of liquid water at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                          mLayerTempTrial,            & ! intent(in): trial temperature
-                          mLayerTempPrev,             & ! intent(in): previous temperature
-                          mLayerEnthalpyTrial,        & ! intent(in): trial enthalpy for snow and soil
-                          mLayerEnthalpyPrev,         & ! intent(in): previous enthalpy for snow and soil
-                          ! output
-                          heatCapVegTrial,            & ! intent(out): volumetric heat capacity of vegetation canopy
-                          mLayerHeatCapTrial,         & ! intent(out): heat capacity for snow and soil
-                          ! output: error control
-                          err,cmessage)                    ! intent(out): error control
-        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-        ! to conserve energy compute finite difference approximation of (theta_ice)'
-        if(dt_cur > 1e-14_rkind) then
-          scalarCanopyIcePrime = ( scalarCanopyIceTrial - scalarCanopyIcePrev ) / dt_cur
-          do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers)
-            mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer) = ( mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer) - mLayerVolFracIcePrev(iLayer) ) / dt_cur
-          end do
-        endif ! if dt_cur is not too samll
-    else ! if using closed formula of heat capacity
-      call computHeatCapAnalytic(&
-                       ! input: control variables
-                       computeVegFlux,                    & ! intent(in):   flag to denote if computing the vegetation flux
-                       canopyDepth,                       & ! intent(in):   canopy depth (m)
-                       ! input: state variables
-                       scalarCanopyIceTrial,              & ! intent(in)
-                       scalarCanopyLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in)
-                       mLayerVolFracIceTrial,             & ! intent(in):   volumetric fraction of ice at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,             & ! intent(in):   fraction of liquid water at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                       ! input data structures
-                       mpar_data,                         & ! intent(in):   model parameters
-                       indx_data,                         & ! intent(in):   model layer indices
-                       ! output
-                       heatCapVegTrial,                   & ! intent(out):  volumetric heat capacity of vegetation canopy
-                       mLayerHeatCapTrial,                & ! intent(out):  volumetric heat capacity of soil and snow
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,cmessage)                        ! intent(out):  error control
-    endif
-    ! compute multiplier of state vector
-    call computStatMult(&
-                  ! input
-                  heatCapVegTrial,                  & ! intent(in):    volumetric heat capacity of vegetation canopy
-                  mLayerHeatCapTrial,               & ! intent(in):    volumetric heat capacity of soil and snow
-                  diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                  ! output
-                  sMul,                             & ! intent(out):   multiplier for state vector (used in the residual calculations)
-                  err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
-    ! update thermal conductivity
-    call computThermConduct(&
-                        ! input: control variables
-                        computeVegFlux,               & ! intent(in): flag to denote if computing the vegetation flux
-                        ! input: state variables
-                        scalarCanopyIceTrial,         & ! intent(in)
-                        scalarCanopyLiqTrial,         & ! intent(in)
-                        mLayerVolFracIceTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of ice at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                        mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,        & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of liquid water at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                          ! input/output: data structures
-                        mpar_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                        indx_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model layer indices
-                        prog_data,                    & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                        diag_data,                    & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                        err,cmessage)               ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then; err=55; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if
-  end if ! updateCp
-   if(needCm)then
-    ! compute C_m
-    call computCm(&
-                    ! input: control variables
-                    computeVegFlux,           & ! intent(in): flag to denote if computing the vegetation flux
-                    ! input: state variables
-                    scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(in)
-                    mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(in): volumetric fraction of liquid water at the start of the sub-step (-)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(in)
-                    ! input data structures
-                    mpar_data,                & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                    indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    model layer indices
-                    ! output
-                    scalarCanopyCmTrial,      & ! intent(out):   Cm for vegetation
-                    mLayerCmTrial,            & ! intent(out):   Cm for soil and snow
-                    err,cmessage)                ! intent(out): error control
-  else
-    scalarCanopyCmTrial = 0._qp
-    mLayerCmTrial = 0._qp
-  end if ! needCm
-  ! save the number of flux calls per time step
-  indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%numberFluxCalc)%dat(1) = indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%numberFluxCalc)%dat(1) + 1
-  ! compute the fluxes for a given state vector
-  call computFlux(&
-                  ! input-output: model control
-                  nSnow,                     & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                  nSoil,                     & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                  nLayers,                   & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                  firstSubStep,              & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                  firstFluxCall,             & ! intent(inout): flag to denote the first flux call
-                  firstSplitOper,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                  computeVegFlux,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                  scalarSolution,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                  requireLWBal,              & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need longwave to be balanced
-                  scalarSfcMeltPond/dt,      & ! intent(in):    drainage from the surface melt pond (kg m-2 s-1)
-                  ! input: state variables
-                  scalarCanairTempTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-                  scalarCanopyTempTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-                  mLayerTempTrial,           & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of each snow and soil layer (K)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,  & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water matric potential in each soil layer (m)
-                  mLayerMatricHeadTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                  scalarAquiferStorageTrial, & ! intent(in):    trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                  ! input: diagnostic variables defining the liquid water and ice content
-                  scalarCanopyLiqTrial,      & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                  scalarCanopyIceTrial,      & ! intent(in):    trial value for the ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each snow and soil layer (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracIceTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric ice in each snow and soil layer (-)
-                  ! input: data structures
-                  model_decisions,           & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                  type_data,                 & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                  attr_data,                 & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                  mpar_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                  forc_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                  bvar_data,                 & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                  prog_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,                 & ! intent(in):    index data
-                  ! input-output: data structures
-                  diag_data,                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  flux_data,                 & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                  deriv_data,                & ! intent(out):   derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                  ! input-output: flux vector and baseflow derivatives
-                  ixSaturation,              & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                  dBaseflow_dMatric,         & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1), we will use it later in computeJacobSundials
-                  fluxVec,                   & ! intent(out):   flux vector (mixed units)
-                  ! output: error control
-                  err,cmessage)                ! intent(out):   error code and error message
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  firstSplitOper = .true.
-  ! compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t. matric head (m)
-  ! NOTE: we already extracted trial matrix head and volumetric liquid water as part of the flux calculations
-  call soilCmpresSundials(&
-                  ! input:
-                  ixRichards,                             & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
-                  ixBeg,ixEnd,                            & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
-                  mLayerMatricHeadPrime(1:nSoil),      & ! intent(in): matric head at the start of the time step (m)
-                  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers), & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
-                  mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers), & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
-                  specificStorage,                        & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
-                  theta_sat,                              & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                  ! output:
-                  mLayerCompress,                         & ! intent(inout): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
-                  dCompress_dPsi,                         & ! intent(inout): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
-                  err,cmessage)                             ! intent(out): error code and error message
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  ! print *, 'dt = ', dt
-  ! print *, 'dt_cur = ', dt_cur
-  ! compute the residual vector
-  call computResidDAE(&
-                    ! input: model control
-                    nSnow,                     & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                    nSoil,                     & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                    nLayers,                   & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                    ! input: flux vectors
-                    sMul,                      & ! intent(in):    state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                    fluxVec,                   & ! intent(in):    flux vector
-                    ! input: state variables (already disaggregated into scalars and vectors)
-                    scalarCanopyTempTrial,     & ! intent(in):
-                    mLayerTempTrial,           & ! intent(in)
-                    scalarCanairTempPrime,     & ! intent(in):    Prime value for the temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-                    scalarCanopyTempPrime,     & ! intent(in):    Prime value for the temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-                    scalarCanopyWatPrime,      &
-                    mLayerTempPrime,           & ! intent(in):    Prime value for the temperature of each snow and soil layer (K)
-                    scalarAquiferStoragePrime, & ! intent(in):    Prime value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                    ! input: diagnostic variables defining the liquid water and ice content (function of state variables)
-                    scalarCanopyIcePrime,      & ! intent(in):    Prime value for the ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                    scalarCanopyLiqPrime,      & ! intent(in):
-                    mLayerVolFracIcePrime,     & ! intent(in):    Prime value for the volumetric ice in each snow and soil layer (-)
-                    mLayerVolFracWatPrime,     &
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,     &
-                    scalarCanopyCmTrial,       & ! intent(in) Cm of vegetation canopy
-                    mLayerCmTrial,             & ! intent(in) Cm of soil and snow
-                    ! input: data structures
-                    prog_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                    diag_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    flux_data,                 & ! intent(in):    model fluxes for a local HRU
-                    indx_data,                 & ! intent(in):    index data
-                    ! output
-                    resSink,                   & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
-                    resVec,                    & ! intent(out):   residual vector
-                    err,cmessage)                ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; end if  ! (check for errors)
-  !print *, '====================================================================================='
-  ! end association with the information in the data structures
-  end associate
-end subroutine eval8DAE
-end module eval8DAE_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/evalDAE4IDA.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/evalDAE4IDA.f90
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index 55b20b02ef2be29de45ff0e7326d43be6bf36ad0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/evalDAE4IDA.f90
+++ /dev/null
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-module evalDAE4IDA_module
-  !======= Inclusions ===========
-  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-  use nrtype
-  use type4IDA
-  USE globalData,only:model_decisions        ! model decision structure
-  USE globalData,only:flux_meta                        ! metadata on the model fluxes
-  ! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-  USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    model_options   ! defines the model decisions
- USE multiconst,only:iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
- USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG
- USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG
- USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
- USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV                   ! named variables for structure elements
-  ! privacy
-  implicit none
-  private
-  public::evalDAE4IDA
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! public function evalDAE4IDA: compute the residual vector F(t,y,y') required for IDA solver
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! Return values:
-  !    0 = success,
-  !    1 = recoverable error,
-  !   -1 = non-recoverable error
-  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-  integer(c_int) function evalDAE4IDA(tres, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp, sunvec_r, user_data) &
-       result(ierr) bind(C,name='evalDAE4IDA')
-    !======= Inclusions ===========
-    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-    use fida_mod
-    use fsundials_nvector_mod
-    use fnvector_serial_mod
-    use nrtype
-    use type4IDA
-    use eval8DAE_module,only:eval8DAE
-    !======= Declarations =========
-    implicit none
-    ! calling variables
-    real(c_double), value          :: tres      ! current time                 t
-    type(N_Vector)              :: sunvec_y  ! solution N_Vector    y
-    type(N_Vector)              :: sunvec_yp ! derivative N_Vector  y'
-    type(N_Vector)              :: sunvec_r  ! residual N_Vector    F(t,y,y')
-    type(c_ptr), value          :: user_data ! user-defined data
-    ! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
-    type(eqnsData), pointer     :: eqns_data ! equations data
-    real(rkind), pointer        :: stateVec(:)
-    real(rkind), pointer        :: stateVecPrime(:)
-    real(rkind), pointer        :: rVec(:)
-    logical(lgt)                :: feasible
-    integer(i4b)                :: retval
-    real(c_double)              :: stepsize_next(1)
-    !======= Internals ============
-    ! get equations data from user-defined data
-    call c_f_pointer(user_data, eqns_data)
-    ! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
-    stateVec(1:eqns_data%nState)  => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_y)
-    stateVecPrime(1:eqns_data%nState) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_yp)
-    rVec(1:eqns_data%nState)  => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_r)
-    retval = FIDAGetCurrentStep(eqns_data%ida_mem, stepsize_next)
-    if (retval /= 0) then
-      print *, 'Error in FIDAGetCurrentStep, retval = ', retval, '; halting'
-      stop 1
-    end if
-    ! compute the flux and the residual vector for a given state vector
-    call eval8DAE(&
-                 ! input: model control
-                 stepsize_next(1),                  & ! intent(in):    current stepsize
-                 eqns_data%dt,                      & ! intent(in):    data step
-                 eqns_data%nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                 eqns_data%nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                 eqns_data%nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of layers
-                 eqns_data%nState,                  & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
-                 .false.,                           & ! intent(in):    do not check for feasibility inside Sundials loop
-                 eqns_data%firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                 eqns_data%firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                 eqns_data%firstSplitOper,          & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                 eqns_data%computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                 eqns_data%scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                 .false.,                           & ! intent(in):    do not require that longwave is balanced inside Sundials loop
-                 ! input: state vectors
-                 stateVec,                          & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                 stateVecPrime,                     & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                 eqns_data%sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                 ! input: data structures
-                 model_decisions,                   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                 eqns_data%lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup data
-                 eqns_data%type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                 eqns_data%attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                 eqns_data%mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                 eqns_data%forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                 eqns_data%bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                 eqns_data%prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                 ! input-output: data structures
-                 eqns_data%indx_data,               & ! intent(inou):  index data
-                 eqns_data%diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                 eqns_data%flux_data,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
-                 eqns_data%deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                 ! input-output: baseflow
-                 eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric,       & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1), we will use it later for Jacobian
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempTrial,   & ! intent(in):    trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyTempPrev,    & ! intent(in):    previous value of canopy temperature (K)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyIceTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyIcePrev,     & ! intent(in):    value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqTrial,    & ! intent(out):   trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyLiqPrev,     & ! intent(in):    value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyTrial,& ! intent(out):  trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                 eqns_data%scalarCanopyEnthalpyPrev, & ! intent(in):   value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerTempTrial,         & ! intent(out):   trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerTempPrev,          & ! intent(in):    vector of layer temperature (K)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,& ! intent(out):   trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadTrial,   & ! intent(out):   trial value for total water matric potential (m)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerMatricHeadPrev,    & ! intent(in):    value for total water matric potential (m)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatTrial,   & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracWatPrev,    & ! intent(in):    vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIceTrial,   & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracIcePrev,    & ! intent(in):    vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,   & ! intent(out):   trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerVolFracLiqPrev,    & ! intent(in):    vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                 eqns_data%scalarAquiferStorageTrial, & ! intent(out): trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                 eqns_data%scalarAquiferStoragePrev, &  ! intent(in):  value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyPrev,      & ! intent(in):    vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                 eqns_data%mLayerEnthalpyTrial,     & ! intent(out):   trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-                 eqns_data%ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer
-                 ! output
-                 feasible,                          & ! intent(out):   flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
-                 eqns_data%fluxVec,                 & ! intent(out):   flux vector
-                 eqns_data%resSink,                 & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
-                 rVec,                              & ! intent(out):   residual vector
-                 eqns_data%err,eqns_data%message)     ! intent(out):   error control
-    if(eqns_data%err > 0)then; eqns_data%message=trim(eqns_data%message); ierr=-1; return; endif
-    if(eqns_data%err < 0)then; eqns_data%message=trim(eqns_data%message); ierr=1; return; endif
-    if(.not.feasible)then; eqns_data%message=trim(eqns_data%message)//'state vector not feasible'; ierr = 1; return; endif
-    ! return success
-    ierr = 0
-    return
- end function evalDAE4IDA
-end module evalDAE4IDA_module
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index c7da698497ae19c7563c281f7e9a17a7e2fdcf94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/evalJac4IDA.f90
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-module evalJac4IDA_module
-  !======= Inclusions ===========
-  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-  use nrtype
-  use type4IDA
-  USE globalData,only:model_decisions        ! model decision structure
-  ! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-  USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    model_options   ! defines the model decisions
-  ! privacy
-  implicit none
-  private
-  public::evalJac4IDA
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! public function evalJac4IDA: the interface to compute the Jacobian matrix dF/dy + c dF/dy' for IDA solver
-  ! **********************************************************************************************************
-  ! Return values:
-  !    0 = success,
-  !    1 = recoverable error,
-  !   -1 = non-recoverable error
-  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
-  integer(c_int) function evalJac4IDA(t, cj, sunvec_y, sunvec_yp, sunvec_r, &
-                      sunmat_J, user_data, sunvec_temp1, sunvec_temp2, sunvec_temp3) &
-                      result(ierr) bind(C,name='evalJac4IDA')
-    !======= Inclusions ===========
-    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
-    use fsundials_nvector_mod
-    use fsundials_matrix_mod
-    use fnvector_serial_mod
-    use fsunmatrix_dense_mod
-    use nrtype
-    use type4IDA
-    use eval8JacDAE_module,only:eval8JacDAE    ! compute Jacobian matrix
-    !======= Declarations =========
-    implicit none
-    ! calling variables
-    real(c_double), value            :: t              ! current time
-    real(c_double), value            :: cj             ! step size scaling factor
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_y       ! solution N_Vector
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_yp      ! derivative N_Vector
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_r       ! residual N_Vector
-    type(SUNMatrix)               :: sunmat_J       ! Jacobian SUNMatrix
-    type(c_ptr), value            :: user_data      ! user-defined data
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_temp1   ! temporary N_Vector
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_temp2   ! temporary N_Vector
-    type(N_Vector)                :: sunvec_temp3   ! temporary N_Vector
-    ! pointers to data in SUNDIALS vectors
-    real(rkind), pointer          :: stateVec(:)    ! state vector
-    real(rkind), pointer          :: stateVecPrime(:)! derivative of the state vector
-    real(rkind), pointer          :: rVec(:)        ! residual vector
-    real(rkind), pointer          :: Jac(:,:)       ! Jacobian matrix
-    type(eqnsData), pointer       :: eqns_data      ! equations data
-    !======= Internals ============
-    ! get equations data from user-defined data
-    call c_f_pointer(user_data, eqns_data)
-    ! get data arrays from SUNDIALS vectors
-    stateVec(1:eqns_data%nState)  => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_y)
-    stateVecPrime(1:eqns_data%nState) => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_yp)
-    rVec(1:eqns_data%nState)  => FN_VGetArrayPointer(sunvec_r)
-    Jac(1:eqns_data%nState, 1:eqns_data%nState) => FSUNDenseMatrix_Data(sunmat_J)
-    ! compute Jacobian matrix
-    call eval8JacDAE(&
-                 ! input: model control
-                 cj,                                & ! intent(in):    this scalar changes whenever the step size or method order changes
-                 eqns_data%dt,                      & ! intent(in):    data step
-                 eqns_data%nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                 eqns_data%nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                 eqns_data%nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of layers
-                 eqns_data%ixMatrix,                & ! intent(in):    type of matrix (dense or banded)
-                 eqns_data%computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                 eqns_data%scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                 ! input: state vectors
-                 stateVec,                          & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                 stateVecPrime,                     & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                 eqns_data%sMul,                    & ! intent(in):    state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                 ! input: data structures
-                 model_decisions,                   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                 eqns_data%mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                 eqns_data%prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                 ! input-output: data structures
-                 eqns_data%indx_data,               & ! intent(inou):  index data
-                 eqns_data%diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                 eqns_data%deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                 ! input: baseflow
-                 eqns_data%dBaseflow_dMatric,       & ! intent(in):    derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                 ! output
-                 eqns_data%dMat,                    & ! intetn(inout): diagonal of the Jacobian matrix
-                 Jac,                               & ! intent(out):   Jacobian matrix
-                 eqns_data%err,eqns_data%message)     ! intent(out):   error control
-   if(eqns_data%err > 0)then; eqns_data%message=trim(eqns_data%message); ierr=-1; return; endif
-   if(eqns_data%err < 0)then; eqns_data%message=trim(eqns_data%message); ierr=1; return; endif
-   ! return success
-   ierr = 0
-   return
- end function evalJac4IDA
-end module evalJac4IDA_module
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index 2f0d2e39248d0c28b2bcff8a4b2227b52f4e1673..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-! SUMMA - Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives
-! Copyright (C) 2014-2015 NCAR/RAL
-! This file is part of SUMMA
-! For more information see: http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/summa
-! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-! along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-module updateVars4JacDAE_module
-! data types
-USE nrtype
-! missing values
-USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing real number
-! access the global print flag
-USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
-! domain types
-USE globalData,only:iname_cas       ! named variables for canopy air space
-USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
-USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
-USE globalData,only:iname_aquifer   ! named variables for the aquifer
-! named variables to describe the state variable type
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
-! metadata for information in the data structures
-USE globalData,only:indx_meta       ! metadata for the variables in the index structure
-! constants
-USE multiconst,only:&
-                    gravity,      & ! acceleration of gravity              (m s-2)
-                    Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
-                    Cp_air,       & ! specific heat of air                 (J kg-1 K-1)
-                    Cp_ice,       & ! specific heat of ice                 (J kg-1 K-1)
-                    Cp_water,     & ! specific heat of liquid water        (J kg-1 K-1)
-                    LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J kg-1)
-                    iden_air,     & ! intrinsic density of air             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
-! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength     ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG             ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG             ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV            ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM            ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX            ! named variables for structure elements
-! provide access to routines to update states
-USE updatStateSundials_module,only:updateVegSundials     ! update snow states
-USE updatStateSundials_module,only:updateSnowSundials     ! update snow states
-USE updatStateSundials_module,only:updateSoilSundials2     ! update soil states
-! provide access to functions for the constitutive functions and derivatives
-USE snow_utils_module,only:fracliquid     ! compute the fraction of liquid water (snow)
-USE snow_utils_module,only:dFracLiq_dTk   ! differentiate the freezing curve w.r.t. temperature (snow)
-USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dTk     ! differentiate the freezing curve w.r.t. temperature (soil)
-USE soil_utils_module,only:dTheta_dPsi    ! derivative in the soil water characteristic (soil)
-USE soil_utils_module,only:dPsi_dTheta    ! derivative in the soil water characteristic (soil)
-USE soil_utils_module,only:matricHead     ! compute the matric head based on volumetric water content
-USE soil_utils_module,only:volFracLiq     ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water
-USE soil_utils_module,only:crit_soilT     ! compute critical temperature below which ice exists
-USE soil_utilsSundials_module,only:liquidHeadSundials     ! compute the liquid water matric potential
-USE soil_utilsSundials_module,only:d2Theta_dPsi2
-USE soil_utilsSundials_module,only:d2Theta_dTk2
-! IEEE checks
-USE, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic            ! check values (NaN, etc.)
-implicit none
- ! **********************************************************************************************************
- ! public subroutine updateVars4JacDAE: compute diagnostic variables
- ! **********************************************************************************************************
- subroutine updateVars4JacDAE(&
-                       ! input
-                       do_adjustTemp,                             & ! intent(in):    logical flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy used in melt+freeze
-                       mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters for a local HRU
-                       indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                       prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                       diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                       deriv_data,                                & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                       ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
-                       scalarCanopyTempTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                       scalarCanopyWatTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyIceTrial,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyTempPrime,                     & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-                       scalarCanopyWatPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyLiqPrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyIcePrime,                      & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
-                       ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
-                       mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
-                       mLayerVolFracWatTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
-                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
-                       mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
-                       mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(inout): trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                       mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                  & ! intent(inout): trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
-                       mLayerTempPrime,                           & ! reza
-                       mLayerVolFracWatPrime,                     & ! reza
-                       mLayerVolFracLiqPrime,                     & ! reza
-                       mLayerVolFracIcePrime,                     & ! reza
-                       mLayerMatricHeadPrime,                     & ! reza
-                       mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime,                  & ! reza
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,message)                                 ! intent(out):   error control
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implicit none
- ! input
- logical(lgt)     ,intent(in)    :: do_adjustTemp                   ! flag to adjust temperature to account for the energy used in melt+freeze
- type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                       ! model parameters for a local HRU
- type(var_ilength),intent(in)    :: indx_data                       ! indices defining model states and layers
- type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: prog_data                       ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
- type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                       ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
- type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                      ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
- ! output: variables for the vegetation canopy
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyTempTrial           ! trial value of canopy temperature (K)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyWatTrial            ! trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial            ! trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyIceTrial            ! trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyTempPrime           ! trial value of canopy temperature (K)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyWatPrime            ! trial value of canopy total water (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyLiqPrime            ! trial value of canopy liquid water (kg m-2)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: scalarCanopyIcePrime            ! trial value of canopy ice content (kg m-2)
- ! output: variables for the snow-soil domain
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerTempTrial(:)              ! trial vector of layer temperature (K)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracWatTrial(:)        ! trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)        ! trial vector of volumetric liquid water content (-)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)        ! trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)        ! trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:)     ! trial vector of liquid water matric potential (m)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerTempPrime(:)
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracWatPrime(:)        ! reza
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(:)        ! reza
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerVolFracIcePrime(:)        ! reza
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerMatricHeadPrime(:)        ! reza
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime(:)     ! reza
- ! output: error control
- integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                             ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)        :: message                         ! error message
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! general local variables
- integer(i4b)                    :: iState                          ! index of model state variable
- integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                          ! index of layer within the snow+soil domain
- integer(i4b)                    :: ixFullVector                    ! index within full state vector
- integer(i4b)                    :: ixDomainType                    ! name of a given model domain
- integer(i4b)                    :: ixControlIndex                  ! index within a given model domain
- integer(i4b)                    :: ixOther,ixOtherLocal            ! index of the coupled state variable within the (full, local) vector
- logical(lgt)                    :: isCoupled                       ! .true. if a given variable shared another state variable in the same control volume
- logical(lgt)                    :: isNrgState                      ! .true. if a given variable is an energy state
- logical(lgt),allocatable        :: computedCoupling(:)             ! .true. if computed the coupling for a given state variable
- real(rkind)                        :: scalarVolFracLiq                ! volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: scalarVolFracIce                ! volumetric fraction of ice (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: scalarVolFracLiqPrime           ! volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: scalarVolFracIcePrime           ! volumetric fraction of ice (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: Tcrit                           ! critical soil temperature below which ice exists (K)
- real(rkind)                        :: xTemp                           ! temporary temperature (K)
- real(rkind)                        :: fLiq                            ! fraction of liquid water (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: effSat                          ! effective saturation (-)
- real(rkind)                        :: avPore                          ! available pore space (-)
- character(len=256)              :: cMessage                        ! error message of downwind routine
- logical(lgt),parameter          :: printFlag=.false.               ! flag to turn on printing
- ! iterative solution for temperature
- real(rkind)                        :: meltNrg                         ! energy for melt+freeze (J m-3)
- real(rkind)                        :: residual                        ! residual in the energy equation (J m-3)
- real(rkind)                        :: derivative                      ! derivative in the energy equation (J m-3 K-1)
- real(rkind)                        :: tempInc                         ! iteration increment (K)
- integer(i4b)                    :: iter                            ! iteration index
- integer(i4b)                    :: niter                           ! number of iterations
- integer(i4b),parameter          :: maxiter=100                     ! maximum number of iterations
- real(rkind),parameter              :: nrgConvTol=1.e-4_rkind             ! convergence tolerance for energy (J m-3)
- real(rkind),parameter              :: tempConvTol=1.e-6_rkind            ! convergence tolerance for temperature (K)
- real(rkind)                        :: critDiff                        ! temperature difference from critical (K)
- real(rkind)                        :: tempMin                         ! minimum bracket for temperature (K)
- real(rkind)                        :: tempMax                         ! maximum bracket for temperature (K)
- logical(lgt)                    :: bFlag                           ! flag to denote that iteration increment was constrained using bi-section
- real(rkind),parameter              :: epsT=1.e-7_rkind                   ! small interval above/below critical temperature (K)
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! make association with variables in the data structures
- associate(&
- ! number of model layers, and layer type
- nSnow                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b]    total number of snow layers
- nSoil                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b]    total number of soil layers
- nLayers                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nLayers)%dat(1)               ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b]    total number of snow and soil layers
- mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
- ! indices defining model states and layers
- ixVegNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable
- ixVegHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
- ! indices in the full vector for specific domains
- ixNrgCanair             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanair)%dat              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in canopy air space domain
- ixNrgCanopy             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixNrgCanopy)%dat              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the canopy domain
- ixHydCanopy             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydCanopy)%dat              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the canopy domain
- ixNrgLayer              => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixNrgLayer)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for energy states in the snow+soil domain
- ixHydLayer              => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydLayer)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices IN THE FULL VECTOR for hydrology states in the snow+soil domain
- ! mapping between the full state vector and the state subset
- ixMapFull2Subset        => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapFull2Subset)%dat         ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] list of indices in the state subset for each state in the full state vector
- ixMapSubset2Full        => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixMapSubset2Full)%dat         ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] [state subset] list of indices of the full state vector in the state subset
- ! type of domain, type of state variable, and index of control volume within domain
- ixDomainType_subset     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixDomainType_subset)%dat      ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] [state subset] id of domain for desired model state variables
- ixControlVolume         => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixControlVolume)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] index of the control volume for different domains (veg, snow, soil)
- ixStateType             => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixStateType)%dat              ,& ! intent(in):  [i4b(:)] indices defining the type of the state (iname_nrgLayer...)
- ! snow parameters
- snowfrz_scale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)         ,& ! intent(in):  [dp] scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
- ! depth-varying model parameters
- vGn_m                   => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarVGn_m)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
- vGn_n                   => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_n)%dat                    ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] van Genutchen "n" parameter (-)
- vGn_alpha               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%vGn_alpha)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] van Genutchen "alpha" parameter (m-1)
- theta_sat               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] soil porosity (-)
- theta_res               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] soil residual volumetric water content (-)
- ! model diagnostic variables (heat capacity)
- canopyDepth             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)      ,& ! intent(in):  [dp   ] canopy depth (m)
- scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg)%dat(1),& ! intent(in):  [dp   ] volumetric heat capacity of the vegetation (J m-3 K-1)
- mLayerVolHtCapBulk      => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerVolHtCapBulk)%dat        ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] volumetric heat capacity in each layer (J m-3 K-1)
- ! model diagnostic variables (fraction of liquid water)
- scalarFracLiqVeg        => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarFracLiqVeg)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(out): [dp]    fraction of liquid water on vegetation (-)
- mLayerFracLiqSnow       => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerFracLiqSnow)%dat         ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] fraction of liquid water in each snow layer (-)
- ! model states for the vegetation canopy
- scalarCanairTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in):  [dp] temperature of the canopy air space (K)
- scalarCanopyTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in):  [dp] temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
- scalarCanopyWat         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in):  [dp] mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
- ! model state variable vectors for the snow-soil layers
- mLayerTemp              => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
- mLayerVolFracWat        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of total water (-)
- mLayerMatricHead        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] total water matric potential (m)
- mLayerMatricHeadLiq     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat       ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] liquid water matric potential (m)
- ! model diagnostic variables from a previous solution
- scalarCanopyLiq         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyLiq)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
- scalarCanopyIce         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
- mLayerVolFracLiq        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
- mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,& ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] volumetric fraction of ice (-)
- ! derivatives
- dVolTot_dPsi0           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0   )%dat        ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential
- dPsiLiq_dPsi0           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dPsi0   )%dat        ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in liquid water matric pot w.r.t. the total water matric pot (-)
- dPsiLiq_dTemp           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dTemp   )%dat        ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature
- mLayerdTheta_dTk        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dTk)%dat        ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
- dTheta_dTkCanopy        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dTheta_dTkCanopy)%dat(1)     ,& ! intent(out): [dp]    derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
- d2VolTot_d2Psi0         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%d2VolTot_d2Psi0       )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] second derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential
- mLayerd2Theta_dTk2      => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerd2Theta_dTk2    )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] second derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
- d2Theta_dTkCanopy2      => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%d2Theta_dTkCanopy2    )%dat(1)  ,& ! intent(out): [dp   ] second derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
- dFracLiqSnow_dTk        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dFracLiqSnow_dTk      )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in fraction of liquid snow w.r.t. temperature
- dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy )%dat(1)  ,& ! intent(out): [dp   ] derivative in fraction of (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. temperature
- dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0     => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0   )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. matric potential
- dVolHtCapBulk_dTheta    => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolHtCapBulk_dTheta  )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. volumetric water content
- dVolHtCapBulk_dCanWat   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolHtCapBulk_dCanWat)%dat(1)   ,& ! intent(out): [dp   ] derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. volumetric water content
- dVolHtCapBulk_dTk       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolHtCapBulk_dTk )%dat         ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. temperature
- dVolHtCapBulk_dTkCanopy => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolHtCapBulk_dTkCanopy)%dat(1)  & ! intent(out): [dp   ] derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. temperature
-) ! association with variables in the data structures
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='updateVars4JacDAE/'
- ! allocate space and assign values to the flag vector
- allocate(computedCoupling(size(ixMapSubset2Full)),stat=err)        ! .true. if computed the coupling for a given state variable
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//'problem allocating computedCoupling'; return; endif
- computedCoupling(:)=.false.
- ! loop through model state variables
- do iState=1,size(ixMapSubset2Full)
-  ! check the need for the computations
-  if(computedCoupling(iState)) cycle
-  ! -----
-  ! - compute indices...
-  ! --------------------
-  ! get domain type, and index of the control volume within the domain
-  ixFullVector   = ixMapSubset2Full(iState)       ! index within full state vector
-  ixDomainType   = ixDomainType_subset(iState)    ! named variables defining the domain (iname_cas, iname_veg, etc.)
-  ixControlIndex = ixControlVolume(ixFullVector)  ! index within a given domain
-  ! get the layer index
-  select case(ixDomainType)
-   case(iname_cas);     cycle ! canopy air space: do nothing
-   case(iname_veg);     iLayer = 0
-   case(iname_snow);    iLayer = ixControlIndex
-   case(iname_soil);    iLayer = ixControlIndex + nSnow
-   case(iname_aquifer); cycle ! aquifer: do nothing
-   case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_cas, iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil, iname_aquifer'; return
-  end select
-  ! get the index of the other (energy or mass) state variable within the full state vector
-  select case(ixDomainType)
-   case(iname_veg)             ; ixOther = merge(ixHydCanopy(1),    ixNrgCanopy(1),    ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_nrgCanopy)
-   case(iname_snow, iname_soil); ixOther = merge(ixHydLayer(iLayer),ixNrgLayer(iLayer),ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_nrgLayer)
-   case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-  end select
-  ! get the index in the local state vector
-  ixOtherLocal = ixMapFull2Subset(ixOther)  ! ixOtherLocal could equal integerMissing
-  if(ixOtherLocal/=integerMissing) computedCoupling(ixOtherLocal)=.true.
-  ! check if we have a coupled solution
-  isCoupled    = (ixOtherLocal/=integerMissing)
-  ! check if we are an energy state
-  isNrgState   = (ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_nrgCanopy .or. ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_nrgLayer)
-  if(printFlag)then
-   print*, 'iState         = ', iState, size(ixMapSubset2Full)
-   print*, 'ixFullVector   = ', ixFullVector
-   print*, 'ixDomainType   = ', ixDomainType
-   print*, 'ixControlIndex = ', ixControlIndex
-   print*, 'ixOther        = ', ixOther
-   print*, 'ixOtherLocal   = ', ixOtherLocal
-   print*, 'do_adjustTemp  = ', do_adjustTemp
-   print*, 'isCoupled      = ', isCoupled
-   print*, 'isNrgState     = ', isNrgState
-  endif
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! update hydrology state variables for the uncoupled solution
-  if(.not.isNrgState .and. .not.isCoupled)then
-   ! update the total water from volumetric liquid water
-   if(ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_liqCanopy .or. ixStateType(ixFullVector)==iname_liqLayer)then
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     case(iname_veg)
-        scalarCanopyWatTrial          = scalarCanopyLiqTrial          + scalarCanopyIceTrial
-        scalarCanopyWatPrime          = scalarCanopyLiqPrime          + scalarCanopyIcePrime
-     case(iname_snow)
-        mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer)*iden_ice/iden_water
-        mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer)*iden_ice/iden_water
-     case(iname_soil)
-        mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer) ! no volume expansion
-        mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer)
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, or iname_soil'; return
-    end select
-   endif
-   ! update the total water and the total water matric potential
-   if(ixDomainType==iname_soil)then
-    select case( ixStateType(ixFullVector) )
-     ! --> update the total water from the liquid water matric potential
-     case(iname_lmpLayer)
-      effSat = volFracLiq(mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),0._rkind,1._rkind,vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))  ! effective saturation
-      avPore = theta_sat(ixControlIndex) - mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer) - theta_res(ixControlIndex)  ! available pore space
-      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) = effSat*avPore + theta_res(ixControlIndex)
-      mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer) ! no volume expansion
-      mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer) = mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer)
-      mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex) = matricHead(mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-      mLayerMatricHeadPrime(ixControlIndex) =  dPsi_dTheta(mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex)) * mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer)
-      !write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,3(f20.10,1x))') 'mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) 1 = ', iLayer, mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer), mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer), mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer)
-     ! --> update the total water from the total water matric potential
-     case(iname_matLayer)
-      mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer) = volFracLiq(mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-      mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer) = dTheta_dPsi(mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex)) *mLayerMatricHeadPrime(ixControlIndex)
-     ! --> update the total water matric potential (assume already have mLayerVolFracWatTrial given block above)
-     case(iname_liqLayer, iname_watLayer)
-      mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex) = matricHead(mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-      mLayerMatricHeadPrime(ixControlIndex) = dPsi_dTheta(mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex)) * mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer)
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect iname_lmpLayer, iname_matLayer, iname_liqLayer, or iname_watLayer'; return
-    end select
-   endif  ! if in the soil domain
-  endif  ! if hydrology state variable or uncoupled solution
-  ! compute the critical soil temperature below which ice exists
-  select case(ixDomainType)
-   case(iname_veg, iname_snow); Tcrit = Tfreeze;
-   case(iname_soil);            Tcrit = crit_soilT( mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex) );
-   case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-  end select
-  ! initialize temperature
-  select case(ixDomainType)
-   case(iname_veg);              xTemp = scalarCanopyTempTrial
-   case(iname_snow, iname_soil); xTemp = mLayerTempTrial(iLayer)
-   case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-  end select
-  ! define brackets for the root
-  ! NOTE: start with an enormous range; updated quickly in the iterations
-  tempMin = xTemp - 10._rkind
-  tempMax = xTemp + 10._rkind
-  ! get iterations (set to maximum iterations if adjusting the temperature)
-  niter = merge(maxiter, 1, do_adjustTemp)
-  ! iterate
-  iterations: do iter=1,niter
-   ! restrict temperature
-   if(xTemp <= tempMin .or. xTemp >= tempMax)then
-    xTemp = 0.5_rkind*(tempMin + tempMax)  ! new value
-    bFlag = .true.
-   else
-    bFlag = .false.
-   endif
-   ! -----
-   ! - compute derivatives...
-   ! ------------------------
-   ! compute the derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. total water content or water matric potential (m-1)
-   ! compute the derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential (m-1)
-   ! NOTE 1: valid for frozen and unfrozen conditions
-   ! NOTE 2: for case "iname_lmpLayer", dVolTot_dPsi0 = dVolLiq_dPsi, dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0 may be wrong
-   select case(ixDomainType)
-    case(iname_veg)
-     fLiq = fracLiquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-     dVolHtCapBulk_dCanWat = ( -Cp_ice*( fLiq-1._rkind ) + Cp_water*fLiq )/canopyDepth !this is iden_water/(iden_water*canopyDepth)
-    case(iname_snow)
-     fLiq = fracLiquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-     dVolHtCapBulk_dTheta(iLayer) = iden_water * ( -Cp_ice*( fLiq-1._rkind ) + Cp_water*fLiq ) + iden_air * ( ( fLiq-1._rkind )*iden_water/iden_ice - fLiq ) * Cp_air
-    case(iname_soil)
-     select case( ixStateType(ixFullVector) )
-      case(iname_lmpLayer)
-       dVolTot_dPsi0(ixControlIndex) = dTheta_dPsi(mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),0._rkind,1._rkind,vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))*avPore
-       d2VolTot_d2Psi0(ixControlIndex) = d2Theta_dPsi2(mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),0._rkind,1._rkind,vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))*avPore
-      case default
-       dVolTot_dPsi0(ixControlIndex) = dTheta_dPsi(mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-       d2VolTot_d2Psi0(ixControlIndex) = d2Theta_dPsi2(mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),&
-                                         vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-     end select
-     ! dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0 uses the derivative in water retention curve above critical temp w.r.t.state variable dVolTot_dPsi0
-     dVolHtCapBulk_dTheta(iLayer) = realMissing ! do not use
-     if(xTemp< Tcrit) dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0(ixControlIndex) = (iden_ice * Cp_ice     - iden_air * Cp_air) * dVolTot_dPsi0(ixControlIndex)
-     if(xTemp>=Tcrit) dVolHtCapBulk_dPsi0(ixControlIndex) = (iden_water * Cp_water - iden_air * Cp_air) * dVolTot_dPsi0(ixControlIndex)
-   end select
-   ! compute the derivative in liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
-   ! --> partially frozen: dependence of liquid water on temperature
-   ! compute the derivative in bulk heat capacity w.r.t. temperature
-   if(xTemp<Tcrit)then
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     case(iname_veg)
-      fLiq = fracLiquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-      dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy = dFracLiq_dTk(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-      dTheta_dTkCanopy = dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy * scalarCanopyWatTrial/(iden_water*canopyDepth)
-      d2Theta_dTkCanopy2 = 2._rkind * snowfrz_scale**2._rkind * ( (Tfreeze - xTemp) * 2._rkind * fLiq * dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy - fLiq**2._rkind ) * scalarCanopyWatTrial/(iden_water*canopyDepth)
-      dVolHtCapBulk_dTkCanopy = iden_water * (-Cp_ice + Cp_water) * dTheta_dTkCanopy !same as snow but there is no derivative in air
-     case(iname_snow)
-      fLiq = fracLiquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-      dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) = dFracLiq_dTk(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-      mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer) = dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) * mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer)
-      mLayerd2Theta_dTk2(iLayer) = 2._rkind * snowfrz_scale**2._rkind * ( (Tfreeze - xTemp) * 2._rkind * fLiq * dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) - fLiq**2._rkind ) * mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer)
-      dVolHtCapBulk_dTk(iLayer) = ( iden_water * (-Cp_ice + Cp_water) + iden_air * (iden_water/iden_ice - 1._rkind) * Cp_air ) * mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer)
-     case(iname_soil)
-      dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind !dTheta_dTk(xTemp,theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))/ mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer)
-      mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer) = dTheta_dTk(xTemp,theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-      mLayerd2Theta_dTk2(iLayer) = d2Theta_dTk2(xTemp,theta_res(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex))
-      dVolHtCapBulk_dTk(iLayer) = (-iden_ice * Cp_ice + iden_water * Cp_water) * mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer)
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-    end select  ! domain type
-   ! --> unfrozen: no dependence of liquid water on temperature
-   else
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     case(iname_veg);  dTheta_dTkCanopy         = 0._rkind; d2Theta_dTkCanopy2 = 0._rkind; dFracLiqVeg_dTkCanopy = 0._rkind; dVolHtCapBulk_dTkCanopy = 0._rkind
-     case(iname_snow); mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind; mLayerd2Theta_dTk2(iLayer) = 0._rkind; dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind; dVolHtCapBulk_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind
-     case(iname_soil); mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind; mLayerd2Theta_dTk2(iLayer) = 0._rkind; dFracLiqSnow_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind; dVolHtCapBulk_dTk(iLayer) = 0._rkind
-    end select  ! domain type
-   endif
-   ! -----
-   ! - update volumetric fraction of liquid water and ice...
-   !    => case of hydrology state uncoupled with energy (and when not adjusting the temperature)...
-   ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! case of hydrology state uncoupled with energy (and when not adjusting the temperature)
-   if(.not.do_adjustTemp .and. .not.isNrgState .and. .not.isCoupled)then
-    ! compute the fraction of snow
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     case(iname_veg);   scalarFracLiqVeg          = fracliquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-     case(iname_snow);  mLayerFracLiqSnow(iLayer) = fracliquid(xTemp,snowfrz_scale)
-     case(iname_soil)  ! do nothing
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-    end select  ! domain type
-   ! -----
-   ! - update volumetric fraction of liquid water and ice...
-   !    => case of energy state or coupled solution (or adjusting the temperature)...
-   ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ! case of energy state OR coupled solution (or adjusting the temperature)
-   elseif(do_adjustTemp .or. ( (isNrgState .or. isCoupled) ) )then
-    ! identify domain type
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     ! *** vegetation canopy
-     case(iname_veg)
-      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water and ice
-      call updateVegSundials(&
-                      xTemp,                                        & ! intent(in)   : temperature (K)
-                      scalarCanopyWatTrial,                         & ! intent(in)   : canopy total water (kg m-2)
-                      snowfrz_scale,                                & ! intent(in)   : scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
-                      scalarCanopyTempPrime,                        & ! intent(in)   : canopy temperature time derivative (K/s)
-                      scalarCanopyWatPrime,                         & ! intent(in)   : canopy total water time derivative (kg m-2 /s)
-                      scalarVolFracLiq,                             & ! intent(out)  : trial canopy liquid water (-)
-                      scalarVolFracIce,                             & ! intent(out)  : trial volumetric canopy ice (-)
-                      scalarVolFracLiqPrime,                        & ! intent(out)  : trial volumetric canopy liquid water (-)
-                      scalarVolFracIcePrime,                        & ! intent(out)  : trial volumetric canopy ice (-)
-                      scalarFracLiqVeg,                             & ! intent(out)  : fraction of liquid water (-)
-                      err,cmessage)                                   ! intent(out)  : error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-     ! *** snow layers
-     case(iname_snow)
-      call updateSnowSundials(&
-                      xTemp,                                        & ! intent(in)   : temperature (K)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),                & ! intent(in)   : mass state variable = trial volumetric fraction of water (-)
-                      snowfrz_scale,                                & ! intent(in)   : scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
-                      mLayerTempPrime(iLayer),                      & ! intent(in)   : temperature time derivative (K/s)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer),                & ! intent(in)   : volumetric fraction of total water time derivative (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer),                & ! intent(out)  : trial volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer),                & ! intent(out)  : trial volumetric fraction if ice (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer),                & ! intent(out)  : volumetric fraction of liquid water time derivative (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer),                & ! intent(out)  : volumetric fraction of ice time derivative (-)
-                      mLayerFracLiqSnow(iLayer),                    & ! intent(out)  : fraction of liquid water (-)
-                      err,cmessage)                                   ! intent(out)  : error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-     ! *** soil layers
-     case(iname_soil)
-      ! compute volumetric fraction of liquid water and ice
-      call updateSoilSundials2(&
-                      xTemp,                                             & ! intent(in) : temperature (K)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex),             & ! intent(in) : total water matric potential (m)
-                      mLayerTempPrime(iLayer),                           & ! intent(in) : temperature time derivative (K/s)
-                      mLayerMatricHeadPrime(ixControlIndex),             & ! intent(in) : total water matric potential time derivative (m/s)
-                     ! intent(in)   : soil parameters
-                      vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),                         & ! intent(in) : van Genutchen "alpha" parameter
-                      vGn_n(ixControlIndex),                             & ! intent(in) : van Genutchen "n" parameter
-                      theta_sat(ixControlIndex),                         & ! intent(in) : soil porosity (-)
-                      theta_res(ixControlIndex),                         & ! intent(in) : soil residual volumetric water content (-)
-                      vGn_m(ixControlIndex),                             & ! intent(in) : van Genutchen "m" parameter (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatTrial(iLayer),                     & ! intent(in) : mass state variable = trial volumetric fraction of water (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer),                     & ! intent(out) : trial volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer),                     & ! intent(out) : trial volumetric fraction if ice (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracWatPrime(iLayer),                     & ! intent(out) : volumetric fraction of total water time derivative (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer),                     & ! intent(out) : volumetric fraction of liquid water time derivative (-)
-                      mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer),                     & ! intent(out) : volumetric fraction of ice time derivative (-)
-                      err,cmessage)                                        ! intent(out)  : error control
-      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-     ! check
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-    end select  ! domain type
-   ! final check
-   else
-    ! do nothing (input = output) -- and check that we got here correctly
-    if( (isNrgState .or. isCoupled) )then
-     scalarVolFracLiq = realMissing
-     scalarVolFracIce = realMissing
-    else
-     message=trim(message)//'unexpected else branch'
-     err=20; return
-    endif
-   endif  ! if energy state or solution is coupled
-   ! -----
-   ! - update temperatures...
-   ! ------------------------
-   ! check the need to adjust temperature
-   if(do_adjustTemp)then
-    ! get the melt energy
-    meltNrg = merge(LH_fus*iden_ice, LH_fus*iden_water, ixDomainType==iname_snow)
-    ! compute the residual and the derivative
-    select case(ixDomainType)
-     ! * vegetation
-     case(iname_veg)
-      call xTempSolve(&
-                      ! constant over iterations
-                      meltNrg         = meltNrg                                 ,&  ! intent(in)    : energy for melt+freeze (J m-3)
-                      heatCap         = scalarBulkVolHeatCapVeg                 ,&  ! intent(in)    : volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
-                      tempInit        = scalarCanopyTemp                        ,&  ! intent(in)    : initial temperature (K)
-                      volFracIceInit  = scalarCanopyIce/(iden_water*canopyDepth),&  ! intent(in)    : initial volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                      ! trial values
-                      xTemp           = xTemp                                   ,&  ! intent(inout) : trial value of temperature
-                      dLiq_dT         = dTheta_dTkCanopy                        ,&  ! intent(in)    : derivative in liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                      volFracIceTrial = scalarVolFracIce                        ,&  ! intent(in)    : trial value for volumetric fraction of ice
-                      ! residual and derivative
-                      residual        = residual                                ,&  ! intent(out)   : residual (J m-3)
-                      derivative      = derivative                               )  ! intent(out)   : derivative (J m-3 K-1)
-     ! * snow and soil
-     case(iname_snow, iname_soil)
-      call xTempSolve(&
-                      ! constant over iterations
-                      meltNrg         = meltNrg                                 ,&  ! intent(in)    : energy for melt+freeze (J m-3)
-                      heatCap         = mLayerVolHtCapBulk(iLayer)              ,&  ! intent(in)    : volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
-                      tempInit        = mLayerTemp(iLayer)                      ,&  ! intent(in)    : initial temperature (K)
-                      volFracIceInit  = mLayerVolFracIce(iLayer)                ,&  ! intent(in)    : initial volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                      ! trial values
-                      xTemp           = xTemp                                   ,&  ! intent(inout) : trial value of temperature
-                      dLiq_dT         = mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer)                ,&  ! intent(in)    : derivative in liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                      volFracIceTrial = mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer)           ,&  ! intent(in)    : trial value for volumetric fraction of ice
-                      ! residual and derivative
-                      residual        = residual                                ,&  ! intent(out)   : residual (J m-3)
-                      derivative      = derivative                               )  ! intent(out)   : derivative (J m-3 K-1)
-     ! * check
-     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect case to be iname_veg, iname_snow, iname_soil'; return
-    end select  ! domain type
-    ! check validity of residual
-    if( ieee_is_nan(residual) )then
-     message=trim(message)//'residual is not valid'
-     err=20; return
-    endif
-    ! update bracket
-    if(residual < 0._rkind)then
-     tempMax = min(xTemp,tempMax)
-    else
-     tempMin = max(tempMin,xTemp)
-    end if
-    ! compute iteration increment
-    tempInc    = residual/derivative  ! K
-    ! check
-    if(globalPrintFlag)&
-    write(*,'(i4,1x,e20.10,1x,5(f20.10,1x),L1)') iter, residual, xTemp-Tcrit, tempInc, Tcrit, tempMin, tempMax, bFlag
-    ! check convergence
-    if(abs(residual) < nrgConvTol .or. abs(tempInc) < tempConvTol) exit iterations
-    ! add constraints for snow temperature
-    if(ixDomainType==iname_veg .or. ixDomainType==iname_snow)then
-     if(tempInc > Tcrit - xTemp) tempInc=(Tcrit - xTemp)*0.5_rkind  ! simple bi-section method
-    endif  ! if the domain is vegetation or snow
-    ! deal with the discontinuity between partially frozen and unfrozen soil
-    if(ixDomainType==iname_soil)then
-     ! difference from the temperature below which ice exists
-     critDiff = Tcrit - xTemp
-     ! --> initially frozen (T < Tcrit)
-     if(critDiff > 0._rkind)then
-      if(tempInc > critDiff) tempInc = critDiff + epsT  ! set iteration increment to slightly above critical temperature
-     ! --> initially unfrozen (T > Tcrit)
-     else
-      if(tempInc < critDiff) tempInc = critDiff - epsT  ! set iteration increment to slightly below critical temperature
-     endif
-    endif  ! if the domain is soil
-    ! update the temperature trial
-    xTemp = xTemp + tempInc
-    ! check failed convergence
-    if(iter==maxiter)then
-     message=trim(message)//'failed to converge'
-     err=-20; return ! negative error code = try to recover
-    endif
-   endif   ! if adjusting the temperature
-  end do iterations ! iterating
-  ! save temperature
-  select case(ixDomainType)
-   case(iname_veg);              scalarCanopyTempTrial   = xTemp
-   case(iname_snow, iname_soil); mLayerTempTrial(iLayer) = xTemp
-  end select
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! =======================================================================================================================================
-  ! -----
-  ! - compute the liquid water matric potential (and necessay derivatives)...
-  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! only for soil
-  if(ixDomainType==iname_soil)then
-   ! check liquid water
-   if(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) > theta_sat(ixControlIndex) )then
-    message=trim(message)//'liquid water greater than porosity'
-    err=20; return
-   endif
-   ! case of hydrology state uncoupled with energy
-   if(.not.isNrgState .and. .not.isCoupled)then
-    ! derivatives relating liquid water matric potential to total water matric potential and temperature
-    dPsiLiq_dPsi0(ixControlIndex) = 1._rkind  ! exact correspondence (psiLiq=psi0)
-    dPsiLiq_dTemp(ixControlIndex) = 0._rkind  ! no relationship between liquid water matric potential and temperature
-   ! case of energy state or coupled solution
-   else
-    ! compute the liquid matric potential (and the derivatives w.r.t. total matric potential and temperature)
-    call liquidHeadSundials(&
-                    ! input
-                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial(ixControlIndex)                                                                                     ,& ! intent(in) : total water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadPrime(ixControlIndex)                                                                                     ,& !
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer)                                                                                             ,& ! intent(in) : volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer)                                                                                             ,& ! intent(in) : volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                    vGn_alpha(ixControlIndex),vGn_n(ixControlIndex),theta_sat(ixControlIndex),theta_res(ixControlIndex),vGn_m(ixControlIndex), & ! intent(in) : soil parameters
-                    dVolTot_dPsi0(ixControlIndex)                                                                                             ,& ! intent(in) : derivative in the soil water characteristic (m-1)
-                    mLayerdTheta_dTk(iLayer)                                                                                                  ,& ! intent(in) : derivative in volumetric total water w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqPrime(iLayer)                                                                                             ,&
-                    mLayerVolFracIcePrime(iLayer)                                                                                              ,&
-                    ! output
-                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(ixControlIndex)                                                                                  ,& ! intent(out): liquid water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqPrime(ixControlIndex)                                                                                  ,& !
-                    dPsiLiq_dPsi0(ixControlIndex)                                                                                             ,& ! intent(out): derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. the total water matric potential (-)
-                    dPsiLiq_dTemp(ixControlIndex)                                                                                             ,& ! intent(out): derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                    err,cmessage)                                                                                                                ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-   endif  ! switch between hydrology and energy state
-  endif  ! if domain is soil
- end do ! looping through state variables
- ! deallocate space
- deallocate(computedCoupling,stat=err)        ! .true. if computed the coupling for a given state variable
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//'problem deallocating computedCoupling'; return; endif
- ! end association to the variables in the data structures
- end associate
- end subroutine updateVars4JacDAE
- ! **********************************************************************************************************
- ! private subroutine xTempSolve: compute residual and derivative for temperature
- ! **********************************************************************************************************
- subroutine xTempSolve(&
-                       ! input: constant over iterations
-                       meltNrg          ,&  ! intent(in)    : energy for melt+freeze (J m-3)
-                       heatCap          ,&  ! intent(in)    : volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
-                       tempInit         ,&  ! intent(in)    : initial temperature (K)
-                       volFracIceInit   ,&  ! intent(in)    : initial volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                       ! input-output: trial values
-                       xTemp            ,&  ! intent(inout) : trial value of temperature
-                       dLiq_dT          ,&  ! intent(in)    : derivative in liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                       volFracIceTrial  ,&  ! intent(in)    : trial value for volumetric fraction of ice
-                       ! output: residual and derivative
-                       residual         ,&  ! intent(out)   : residual (J m-3)
-                       derivative        )  ! intent(out)   : derivative (J m-3 K-1)
- implicit none
- ! input: constant over iterations
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: meltNrg                         ! energy for melt+freeze (J m-3)
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: heatCap                         ! volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1)
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: tempInit                        ! initial temperature (K)
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: volFracIceInit                  ! initial volumetric fraction of ice (-)
- ! input-output: trial values
- real(rkind),intent(inout)          :: xTemp                           ! trial value for temperature
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: dLiq_dT                         ! derivative in liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
- real(rkind),intent(in)             :: volFracIceTrial                 ! trial value for the volumetric fraction of ice (-)
- ! output: residual and derivative
- real(rkind),intent(out)            :: residual         ! residual (J m-3)
- real(rkind),intent(out)            :: derivative       ! derivative (J m-3 K-1)
- ! subroutine starts here
- residual   = -heatCap*(xTemp - tempInit) + meltNrg*(volFracIceTrial - volFracIceInit)  ! J m-3
- derivative = heatCap + LH_fus*iden_water*dLiq_dT  ! J m-3 K-1
- end subroutine xTempSolve
-end module updateVars4JacDAE_module
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 5a1f0568f8e559fff7e56f1fc7d2cbe84308981d..66a332f2d5c81a4b4894f0651e81cf2a28d0d17d 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=14 - mi=49 - ss=55.809
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=20 - mi=11 - ss=42.068
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc
index 87a123f7d4f6fa9f9397871cc5b572de51cb794b..3d0fbbe5494ae0c1443aedfd3f198532f0193d8b 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/celia1990/verification_data/summa_celia1990_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 537c18b416ed451203214dc90a55dd2a2b604d10..25874f090a496bf205b34945ebc0f70159fdebef 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/colbeck1976/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=18 - mi=08 - ss=14.611
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=20 - mi=06 - ss=06.185
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc
index 8afdcaad6cd4d3e56cb818cea27fcdbdec51a7ea..1df5a2177fde0cf94afe8c1146adc43674caac48 100644
Binary files a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc and b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/mizoguchi1990_G1-1_timestep.nc differ
diff --git a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
index 9d14b1d1e2194bd1de9dfd130c365ed5083147ae..63c3ff58e0f2b2fcbdca1b1c9de5143160b3aa13 100644
--- a/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
+++ b/utils/laugh_tests/mizoguchi1990/verification_data/runinfo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
- Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=16 - mi=18 - ss=28.178
+ Run start time on system:  ccyy=2022 - mm=09 - dd=09 - hh=20 - mi=14 - ss=07.920