From 46c4ea3924a043fb7c5c8d5f887f49f8725ab461 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:44:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] copied file from summa

 build/source/engine/computFlux.f90 | 1651 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 817 insertions(+), 834 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90 b/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
index 73ed736..0b7034a 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/computFlux.f90
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ USE nrtype
 ! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
 USE data_types,only:&
                     var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (dp)
+                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
                     var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (dp)
+                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
                     model_options   ! defines the model decisions
 ! indices that define elements of the data structures
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@ USE multiconst,only:&
 ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater representation (local-column, or single-basin)
 USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
- localColumn,                     & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
- singleBasin                        ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+  localColumn,                     & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+  singleBasin                        ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
 ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
 USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
- qbaseTopmodel,                   & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
- bigBucket,                       & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
- noExplicit                         ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+  qbaseTopmodel,                   & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
+  bigBucket,                       & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+  noExplicit                         ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
 ! look-up values for the form of Richards' equation
 USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
- moisture,                        & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
- mixdform                           ! mixed form of Richards' equation
+  moisture,                        & ! moisture-based form of Richards' equation
+  mixdform                           ! mixed form of Richards' equation
 ! look-up values for the choice of boundary conditions for hydrology
 USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
- prescribedHead,                  & ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
- funcBottomHead,                  & ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
- freeDrainage,                    & ! free drainage
- liquidFlux,                      & ! liquid water flux
- zeroFlux                           ! zero flux
+  prescribedHead,                  & ! prescribed head (volumetric liquid water content for mixed form of Richards' eqn)
+  funcBottomHead,                  & ! function of matric head in the lower-most layer
+  freeDrainage,                    & ! free drainage
+  liquidFlux,                      & ! liquid water flux
+  zeroFlux                           ! zero flux
 implicit none
@@ -100,52 +100,53 @@ public::soilCmpres
 ! *********************************************************************************************************
 ! public subroutine computFlux: compute model fluxes
 ! *********************************************************************************************************
 subroutine computFlux(&
-                       ! input-output: model control
-                       nSnow,                    & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                       nSoil,                    & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                       nLayers,                  & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                       firstSubStep,             & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                       firstFluxCall,            & ! intent(inout): flag to denote the first flux call
-                       firstSplitOper,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                       computeVegFlux,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                       scalarSolution,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                       insideIDA,                & ! intent(in):    flag if inside Sundials solver
-                       drainageMeltPond,         & ! intent(in):    drainage from the surface melt pond (kg m-2 s-1)
-                       ! input: state variables
-                       scalarCanairTempTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-                       scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-                       mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of each snow and soil layer (K)
-                       mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water matric potential in each soil layer (m)
-                       mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(in)     trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
-                       scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(in):    trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
-                       ! input: diagnostic variables defining the liquid water and ice content
-                       scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                       scalarCanopyIceTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each snow and soil layer (-)
-                       mLayerVolFracIceTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric ice in each snow and soil layer (-)
-                       ! input: data structures
-                       model_decisions,          & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                       type_data,                & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                       attr_data,                & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                       mpar_data,                & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                       forc_data,                & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                       bvar_data,                & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                       prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                       indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    index data
-                       ! input-output: data structures
-                       diag_data,                & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                       flux_data,                & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                       deriv_data,               & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                       ! input-output: flux vector and baseflow derivatives
-                       ixSaturation,             & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                       dBaseflow_dMatric,        & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                       fluxVec,                  & ! intent(out):   flux vector (mixed units)
-                       ! output: error control
-                       err,message)               ! intent(out):   error code and error message
+                      ! input-output: model control
+                      nSnow,                    & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                      nSoil,                    & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                      nLayers,                  & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
+                      firstSubStep,             & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                      firstFluxCall,            & ! intent(inout): flag to denote the first flux call
+                      firstSplitOper,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+                      computeVegFlux,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                      scalarSolution,           & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                      insideIDA,                & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate inside Sundials Solver (do not require longwave to be balanced)
+                      drainageMeltPond,         & ! intent(in):    drainage from the surface melt pond (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      ! input: state variables
+                      scalarCanairTempTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+                      scalarCanopyTempTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+                      mLayerTempTrial,          & ! intent(in):    trial value for the temperature of each snow and soil layer (K)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial, & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water matric potential in each soil layer (m)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial vector of total water matric potential (m)
+                      scalarAquiferStorageTrial,& ! intent(in):    trial value of storage of water in the aquifer (m)
+                      ! input: diagnostic variables defining the liquid water and ice content
+                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                      scalarCanopyIceTrial,     & ! intent(in):    trial value for the ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each snow and soil layer (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,    & ! intent(in):    trial value for the volumetric ice in each snow and soil layer (-)
+                      ! input: data structures
+                      model_decisions,          & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                      type_data,                & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                      attr_data,                & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                      mpar_data,                & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      forc_data,                & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                      bvar_data,                & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
+                      prog_data,                & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      indx_data,                & ! intent(in):    index data
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      diag_data,                & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,                & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      deriv_data,               & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                      ! input-output: flux vector and baseflow derivatives
+                      ixSaturation,             & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                      dBaseflow_dMatric,        & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                      fluxVec,                  & ! intent(out):   flux vector (mixed units)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,message)               ! intent(out):   error code and error message
   ! provide access to flux subroutines
   USE vegNrgFlux_module,only:vegNrgFlux            ! compute energy fluxes over vegetation
   USE ssdNrgFlux_module,only:ssdNrgFlux            ! compute energy fluxes throughout the snow and soil subdomains
@@ -159,59 +160,60 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
   ! * dummy variables
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ! input-output: control
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSnow                       ! number of snow layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nSoil                       ! number of soil layers
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nLayers                     ! total number of layers
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-  logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstFluxCall               ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSplitOper              ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux              ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution              ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: insideIDA                   ! flag if inside Sundials solver
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: drainageMeltPond            ! drainage from the surface melt pond (kg m-2 s-1)
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: nSnow                       ! number of snow layers
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: nSoil                       ! number of soil layers
+  integer(i4b),intent(in)            :: nLayers                     ! total number of layers
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: firstSubStep                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+  logical(lgt),intent(inout)         :: firstFluxCall               ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: firstSplitOper              ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: computeVegFlux              ! flag to indicate if computing fluxes over vegetation
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: scalarSolution              ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)            :: insideIDA ! flag if inside Sundials solver
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: drainageMeltPond            ! drainage from the surface melt pond (kg m-2 s-1)
   ! input: state variables
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanairTempTrial       ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyTempTrial       ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerTempTrial(:)          ! trial value for temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:) ! trial value for the liquid water matric potential (m)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)    ! trial value for the total water matric potential (m)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial   ! trial value of aquifer storage (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanairTempTrial       ! trial value for temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyTempTrial       ! trial value for temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerTempTrial(:)          ! trial value for temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(:) ! trial value for the liquid water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)    ! trial value for the total water matric potential (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarAquiferStorageTrial   ! trial value of aquifer storage (m)
   ! input: diagnostic variables
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial        ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyIceTrial        ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)    ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-  real(dp),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)    ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyLiqTrial        ! trial value for mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: scalarCanopyIceTrial        ! trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)    ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)             :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)    ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
   ! input: data structures
-  type(model_options),intent(in)  :: model_decisions(:)          ! model decisions
-  type(var_i),        intent(in)  :: type_data                   ! type of vegetation and soil
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: attr_data                   ! spatial attributes
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: mpar_data                   ! model parameters
-  type(var_d),        intent(in)  :: forc_data                   ! model forcing data
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: bvar_data                   ! model variables for the local basin
-  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)  :: prog_data                   ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_ilength),  intent(in)  :: indx_data                   ! indices defining model states and layers
+  type(model_options),intent(in)     :: model_decisions(:)          ! model decisions
+  type(var_i),        intent(in)     :: type_data                   ! type of vegetation and soil
+  type(var_d),        intent(in)     :: attr_data                   ! spatial attributes
+  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)     :: mpar_data                   ! model parameters
+  type(var_d),        intent(in)     :: forc_data                   ! model forcing data
+  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)     :: bvar_data                   ! model variables for the local basin
+  type(var_dlength),  intent(in)     :: prog_data                   ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_ilength),  intent(in)     :: indx_data                   ! indices defining model states and layers
   ! input-output: data structures
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                   ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_data                   ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                  ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: diag_data                   ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: flux_data                   ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+  type(var_dlength),intent(inout)    :: deriv_data                  ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
   ! input-output: flux vector and baseflow derivatives
-  integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation                ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-  real(dp),intent(out)            :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:)      ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-  real(dp),intent(out)            :: fluxVec(:)                  ! model flux vector (mixed units)
+  integer(i4b),intent(inout)         :: ixSaturation                ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)            :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:)      ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(out)            :: fluxVec(:)                  ! model flux vector (mixed units)
   ! output: error control
-  integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                         ! error code
-  character(*),intent(out)        :: message                     ! error message
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)           :: err                         ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)           :: message                     ! error message
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ! * local variables
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   integer(i4b)                    :: local_ixGroundwater         ! local index for groundwater representation
   integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                      ! index of model layers
   logical(lgt)                    :: doVegNrgFlux                ! flag to compute the energy flux over vegetation
-  real(dp),dimension(nSoil)       :: dHydCond_dMatric            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
+  real(rkind),dimension(nSoil)    :: dHydCond_dMatric            ! derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
   character(LEN=256)              :: cmessage                    ! error message of downwind routine
-  real(dp)                        :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv      ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-  real(dp)                        :: above_soildLiq_dTk          ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-  real(dp)                        :: above_soilFracLiq           ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+  real(rkind)                     :: above_soilLiqFluxDeriv      ! derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+  real(rkind)                     :: above_soildLiq_dTk          ! derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+  real(rkind)                     :: above_soilFracLiq           ! fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
   ! --------------------------------------------------------------
   ! initialize error control
   err=0; message='computFlux/'
@@ -223,285 +225,283 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
   ! get the necessary variables for the flux computations
-  ! model decisions
-  ixGroundwater                => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision            ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    groundwater parameterization
-  ixSpatialGroundwater         => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%spatial_gw)%iDecision            ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    spatial representation of groundwater (local-column or single-basin)
-  ! domain boundary conditions
-  upperBoundTemp               => forc_data%var(iLookFORCE%airtemp)                               ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the upper boundary of the snow and soil domains (K)
-  scalarRainfall               => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-  ! canopy and layer depth
-  canopyDepth                  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)               ,& ! intent(in): [dp   ]  canopy depth (m)
-  mLayerDepth                  => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat                        ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
-  ! indices of model state variables for the vegetation subdomain
-  ixCasNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy air space energy state variable
-  ixVegNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable
-  ixVegHyd                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
-  ixTopNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixTopNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of upper-most energy state in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixTopHyd                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixTopHyd)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of upper-most hydrology state in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixAqWat                      => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixAqWat)%dat(1)                        ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of water storage in the aquifer
-  ! indices of model state variables for the snow+soil domain
-  ixSnowSoilNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)%dat                     ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixSnowSoilHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)%dat                     ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for hydrology states in the snow+soil subdomain
-  layerType                    => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%layerType)%dat                         ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] type of layer (iname_soil or iname_snow)
-  ! number of state variables of a specific type
-  nSnowSoilNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
-  nSnowOnlyNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the snow domain
-  nSoilOnlyNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the soil domain
-  nSnowSoilHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the snow+soil domain
-  nSnowOnlyHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the snow domain
-  nSoilOnlyHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the soil domain
-  ! snow parameters
-  snowfrz_scale                => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [dp] scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
-  ! derivatives
-  dPsiLiq_dPsi0                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dPsi0   )%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative in liquid water matric pot w.r.t. the total water matric pot (-)
-  dPsiLiq_dTemp                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dTemp   )%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature
-  mLayerdTheta_dTk             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dTk)%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
-  dTheta_dTkCanopy             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dTheta_dTkCanopy)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp]    derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
-  ! number of flux calls
-  numFluxCalls                 => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%numFluxCalls)%dat(1)                    ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] number of flux calls (-)
-  ! net fluxes over the vegetation domain
-  scalarCanairNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanairNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the canopy air space        (W m-2)
-  scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the vegetation canopy       (W m-2)
-  scalarGroundNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the ground surface          (W m-2)
-  scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-  ! net fluxes over the snow+soil domain
-  mLayerNrgFlux                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain (J m-3 s-1)
-  mLayerLiqFluxSnow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for each snow layer (s-1)
-  mLayerLiqFluxSoil            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for each soil layer (s-1)
-  ! evaporative fluxes
-  scalarCanopyTranspiration    => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)%dat(1)       ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-  scalarCanopyEvaporation      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-  scalarGroundEvaporation      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundEvaporation)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    ground evaporation/condensation -- below canopy or non-vegetated (kg m-2 s-1)
-  mLayerTranspire              => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)%dat                    ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
-  ! fluxes for the snow+soil domain
-  iLayerNrgFlux                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical energy flux at the interface of snow and soil layers
-  iLayerLiqFluxSnow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at snow layer interfaces (-)
-  iLayerLiqFluxSoil            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at soil layer interfaces (-)
-  mLayerHydCond                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerHydCond)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
-  mLayerBaseflow               => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)%dat                     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
-  scalarSnowDrainage           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     drainage from the snow profile (m s-1)
-  scalarSoilDrainage           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilDrainage)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     drainage from the soil profile (m s-1)
-  scalarSoilBaseflow           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilBaseflow)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     total baseflow from the soil profile (m s-1)
-  ! infiltration
-  scalarInfilArea              => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarInfilArea   )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-  scalarFrozenArea             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarFrozenArea  )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-  scalarSoilControl            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilControl )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] soil control on infiltration, zero or one
-  scalarMaxInfilRate           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarMaxInfilRate)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-  scalarInfiltration           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarInfiltration)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] infiltration of water into the soil profile (m s-1)
-  scalarFracLiqVeg             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarFracLiqVeg)%dat(1)                ,& ! intent(inout): [dp] fraction of liquid water on vegetation (-)
-  mLayerFracLiqSnow            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerFracLiqSnow)%dat                  ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)] fraction of liquid water in each snow layer (-)
-  ! boundary fluxes in the soil domain
-  scalarThroughfallRain        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-  scalarCanopyLiqDrainage      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-  scalarRainPlusMelt           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainPlusMelt)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] rain plus melt (m s-1)
-  scalarSurfaceRunoff          => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSurfaceRunoff)%dat(1)             ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] surface runoff (m s-1)
-  scalarExfiltration           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarExfiltration)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] exfiltration from the soil profile (m s-1)
-  mLayerColumnOutflow          => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnOutflow)%dat                ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] column outflow from each soil layer (m3 s-1)
-  ! fluxes for the aquifer
-  scalarAquiferTranspire       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferTranspire)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1
-  scalarAquiferRecharge        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferRecharge)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
-  scalarAquiferBaseflow        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferBaseflow)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
-  ! total runoff
-  scalarTotalRunoff            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalRunoff)%dat(1)               ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] total runoff (m s-1)
-  ! derivatives in net vegetation energy fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-  dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content
-  dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy liquid water content
-  ! derivatives in evaporative fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-  dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content
-  dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dGroundEvaporation_dTGround  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTGround )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy liquid water content
-  ! derivatives in transpiration
-  dCanopyTrans_dTCanair        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTCanair       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-  dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-  dCanopyTrans_dTGround        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTGround       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-  dCanopyTrans_dCanWat         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dCanWat        )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-  ! derivatives in canopy water w.r.t canopy temperature
-  dCanLiq_dTcanopy             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanLiq_dTcanopy            )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature
-  ! derivatives in canopy liquid fluxes w.r.t. canopy water
-  scalarCanopyLiqDeriv         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDeriv        )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water
-  scalarThroughfallRainDeriv   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarThroughfallRainDeriv  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water
-  scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv)%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water
-  ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. temperature in layers above and below
-  dNrgFlux_dTempAbove          => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempAbove         )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above
-  dNrgFlux_dTempBelow          => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempBelow         )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below
-  ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. water state in layers above and below
-  dNrgFlux_dWatAbove           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dWatAbove          )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer above
-  dNrgFlux_dWatBelow           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dWatBelow          )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer below
-  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes at the interface of snow layers w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above
-  iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv      )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces
-  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t hydrology state variables
-  dVolTot_dPsi0                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0               )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential
-  dq_dHydStateAbove            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateAbove           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above
-  dq_dHydStateBelow            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateBelow           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below
-  dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec     => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec    )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in the flux in soil surface interface w.r.t. state variables in layers
-  mLayerdTheta_dPsi            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dPsi           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi
-  mLayerdPsi_dTheta            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdPsi_dTheta           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta
-  dCompress_dPsi               => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi              )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in compressibility w.r.t matric head
-  ! derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage
-  dBaseflow_dAquifer           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dBaseflow_dAquifer          )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] erivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
-  ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t energy state variables
-  dq_dNrgStateAbove            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateAbove           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above
-  dq_dNrgStateBelow            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateBelow           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below
-  dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec     => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec    )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in the flux in soil surface interface w.r.t. state variables in layers
-  ! derivatives in soil transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-  mLayerdTrans_dTCanair        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTCanair       )%dat     ,&  !intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy       )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  mLayerdTrans_dTGround        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTGround       )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-  mLayerdTrans_dCanWat         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dCanWat        )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
-  ! derivatives in aquifer transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-  dAquiferTrans_dTCanair       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTCanair      )%dat(1)  ,&  !intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-  dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-  dAquiferTrans_dTGround       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTGround      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-  dAquiferTrans_dCanWat        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dCanWat       )%dat(1)   &  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
-  )  ! association to data in structures
-  ! *****
-  ! ******************
-  !print*, '***** nSnowSoilNrg, nSnowOnlyNrg, nSoilOnlyNrg, nSnowSoilHyd, nSnowOnlyHyd, nSoilOnlyHyd = ', &
-  !               nSnowSoilNrg, nSnowOnlyNrg, nSoilOnlyNrg, nSnowSoilHyd, nSnowOnlyHyd, nSoilOnlyHyd
-  ! increment the number of flux calls
-  numFluxCalls = numFluxCalls+1
-  ! modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation
-  select case(ixSpatialGroundwater)
-    case(singleBasin); local_ixGroundwater = noExplicit    ! force no explicit representation of groundwater at the local scale
-    case(localColumn); local_ixGroundwater = ixGroundwater ! go with the specified decision
-    case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify spatial representation of groundwater'; return
-  end select ! (modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation)
-  ! initialize liquid water fluxes throughout the snow and soil domains
-  ! NOTE: used in the energy routines, which is called before the hydrology routines
-  if(firstFluxCall)then
-    if(nSnow > 0) iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:nSnow) = 0._dp
-                  iLayerLiqFluxSoil(0:nSoil) = 0._dp
-  end if
+    ! model decisions
+    ixGroundwater                => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision            ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    groundwater parameterization
+    ixSpatialGroundwater         => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%spatial_gw)%iDecision            ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    spatial representation of groundwater (local-column or single-basin)
+    ! domain boundary conditions
+    upperBoundTemp               => forc_data%var(iLookFORCE%airtemp)                               ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the upper boundary of the snow and soil domains (K)
+    scalarRainfall               => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainfall)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+    ! canopy and layer depth
+    canopyDepth                  => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyDepth)%dat(1)               ,& ! intent(in): [dp   ]  canopy depth (m)
+    mLayerDepth                  => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat                        ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
+    ! indices of model state variables for the vegetation subdomain
+    ixCasNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy air space energy state variable
+    ixVegNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable
+    ixVegHyd                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
+    ixTopNrg                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixTopNrg)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of upper-most energy state in the snow+soil subdomain
+    ixTopHyd                     => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixTopHyd)%dat(1)                       ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of upper-most hydrology state in the snow+soil subdomain
+    ixAqWat                      => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixAqWat)%dat(1)                        ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    index of water storage in the aquifer
+    ! indices of model state variables for the snow+soil domain
+    ixSnowSoilNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)%dat                     ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow+soil subdomain
+    ixSnowSoilHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)%dat                     ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] indices for hydrology states in the snow+soil subdomain
+    layerType                    => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%layerType)%dat                         ,& ! intent(in): [i4b(:)] type of layer (iname_soil or iname_snow)
+    ! number of state variables of a specific type
+    nSnowSoilNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
+    nSnowOnlyNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the snow domain
+    nSoilOnlyNrg                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyNrg )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of energy state variables in the soil domain
+    nSnowSoilHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowSoilHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the snow+soil domain
+    nSnowOnlyHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnowOnlyHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the snow domain
+    nSoilOnlyHyd                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoilOnlyHyd )%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [i4b]    number of hydrology variables in the soil domain
+    ! snow parameters
+    snowfrz_scale                => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)                  ,& ! intent(in): [dp] scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
+    ! derivatives
+    dPsiLiq_dPsi0                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dPsi0   )%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative in liquid water matric pot w.r.t. the total water matric pot (-)
+    dPsiLiq_dTemp                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dPsiLiq_dTemp   )%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative in the liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature
+    mLayerdTheta_dTk             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dTk)%dat                 ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
+    dTheta_dTkCanopy             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dTheta_dTkCanopy)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp]    derivative of volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature
+    ! number of flux calls
+    numFluxCalls                 => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%numFluxCalls)%dat(1)                    ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] number of flux calls (-)
+    ! net fluxes over the vegetation domain
+    scalarCanairNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanairNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the canopy air space        (W m-2)
+    scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the vegetation canopy       (W m-2)
+    scalarGroundNetNrgFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundNetNrgFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for the ground surface          (W m-2)
+    scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    ! net fluxes over the snow+soil domain
+    mLayerNrgFlux                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net energy flux for each layer within the snow+soil domain (J m-3 s-1)
+    mLayerLiqFluxSnow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for each snow layer (s-1)
+    mLayerLiqFluxSoil            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] net liquid water flux for each soil layer (s-1)
+    ! evaporative fluxes
+    scalarCanopyTranspiration    => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyTranspiration)%dat(1)       ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarCanopyEvaporation      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyEvaporation)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarGroundEvaporation      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarGroundEvaporation)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    ground evaporation/condensation -- below canopy or non-vegetated (kg m-2 s-1)
+    mLayerTranspire              => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerTranspire)%dat                    ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
+    ! fluxes for the snow+soil domain
+    iLayerNrgFlux                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerNrgFlux)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical energy flux at the interface of snow and soil layers
+    iLayerLiqFluxSnow            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSnow)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at snow layer interfaces (-)
+    iLayerLiqFluxSoil            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat                  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(0:)] vertical liquid water flux at soil layer interfaces (-)
+    mLayerHydCond                => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerHydCond)%dat                      ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  hydraulic conductivity in each soil layer (m s-1)
+    mLayerBaseflow               => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerBaseflow)%dat                     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
+    scalarSnowDrainage           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSnowDrainage)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     drainage from the snow profile (m s-1)
+    scalarSoilDrainage           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilDrainage)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     drainage from the soil profile (m s-1)
+    scalarSoilBaseflow           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSoilBaseflow)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]     total baseflow from the soil profile (m s-1)
+    ! infiltration
+    scalarInfilArea              => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarInfilArea   )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+    scalarFrozenArea             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarFrozenArea  )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+    scalarSoilControl            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilControl )%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] soil control on infiltration, zero or one
+    scalarMaxInfilRate           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarMaxInfilRate)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+    scalarInfiltration           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarInfiltration)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] infiltration of water into the soil profile (m s-1)
+    scalarFracLiqVeg             => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarFracLiqVeg)%dat(1)                ,& ! intent(inout): [dp] fraction of liquid water on vegetation (-)
+    mLayerFracLiqSnow            => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerFracLiqSnow)%dat                  ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)] fraction of liquid water in each snow layer (-)
+    ! boundary fluxes in the soil domain
+    scalarThroughfallRain        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarThroughfallRain)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarCanopyLiqDrainage      => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)%dat(1)         ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+    scalarRainPlusMelt           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarRainPlusMelt)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] rain plus melt (m s-1)
+    scalarSurfaceRunoff          => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarSurfaceRunoff)%dat(1)             ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] surface runoff (m s-1)
+    scalarExfiltration           => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarExfiltration)%dat(1)              ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] exfiltration from the soil profile (m s-1)
+    mLayerColumnOutflow          => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerColumnOutflow)%dat                ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] column outflow from each soil layer (m3 s-1)
+    ! fluxes for the aquifer
+    scalarAquiferTranspire       => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferTranspire)%dat(1)          ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1
+    scalarAquiferRecharge        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferRecharge)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
+    scalarAquiferBaseflow        => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarAquiferBaseflow)%dat(1)           ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
+    ! total runoff
+    scalarTotalRunoff            => flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%scalarTotalRunoff)%dat(1)               ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] total runoff (m s-1)
+    ! derivatives in net vegetation energy fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+    dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content
+    dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content
+    ! derivatives in evaporative fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+    dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content
+    dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dGroundEvaporation_dTGround  => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dTGround )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content
+    ! derivatives in transpiration
+    dCanopyTrans_dTCanair        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTCanair       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+    dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+    dCanopyTrans_dTGround        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dTGround       )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+    dCanopyTrans_dCanWat         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanopyTrans_dCanWat        )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+    ! derivatives in canopy water w.r.t canopy temperature
+    dCanLiq_dTcanopy             => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCanLiq_dTcanopy            )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature
+    ! derivatives in canopy liquid fluxes w.r.t. canopy water
+    scalarCanopyLiqDeriv         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDeriv        )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water
+    scalarThroughfallRainDeriv   => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarThroughfallRainDeriv  )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water
+    scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv)%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp] derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water
+    ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. temperature in layers above and below
+    dNrgFlux_dTempAbove          => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempAbove         )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above
+    dNrgFlux_dTempBelow          => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dTempBelow         )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below
+    ! derivatives in energy fluxes at the interface of snow+soil layers w.r.t. water state in layers above and below
+    dNrgFlux_dWatAbove           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dWatAbove          )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer above
+    dNrgFlux_dWatBelow           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dNrgFlux_dWatBelow          )%dat     ,& ! intent(out): [dp(:)]  derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer below
+    ! derivative in liquid water fluxes at the interface of snow layers w.r.t. volumetric liquid water content in the layer above
+    iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv      )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces
+    ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t hydrology state variables
+    dVolTot_dPsi0                => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dVolTot_dPsi0               )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in total water content w.r.t. total water matric potential
+    dq_dHydStateAbove            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateAbove           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above
+    dq_dHydStateBelow            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateBelow           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below
+    dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec     => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec    )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in the flux in soil surface interface w.r.t. state variables in layers
+    mLayerdTheta_dPsi            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTheta_dPsi           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi
+    mLayerdPsi_dTheta            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdPsi_dTheta           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta
+    dCompress_dPsi               => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dCompress_dPsi              )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] derivative in compressibility w.r.t matric head
+    ! derivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage
+    dBaseflow_dAquifer           => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dBaseflow_dAquifer          )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] erivative in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
+    ! derivative in liquid water fluxes for the soil domain w.r.t energy state variables
+    dq_dNrgStateAbove            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateAbove           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer above
+    dq_dNrgStateBelow            => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateBelow           )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in flux at layer interfaces w.r.t. states in the layer below
+    dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec     => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec    )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] change in the flux in soil surface interface w.r.t. state variables in layers
+    ! derivatives in soil transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+    mLayerdTrans_dTCanair        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTCanair       )%dat     ,&  !intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy       )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    mLayerdTrans_dTGround        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dTGround       )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+    mLayerdTrans_dCanWat         => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%mLayerdTrans_dCanWat        )%dat     ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+    ! derivatives in aquifer transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+    dAquiferTrans_dTCanair       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTCanair      )%dat(1)  ,&  !intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+    dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+    dAquiferTrans_dTGround       => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dTGround      )%dat(1)  ,&  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+    dAquiferTrans_dCanWat        => deriv_data%var(iLookDERIV%dAquiferTrans_dCanWat       )%dat(1)   &  ! intent(out): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+    )  ! association to data in structures
+    ! *****
+    ! ******************
+    ! increment the number of flux calls
+    numFluxCalls = numFluxCalls+1
+    ! modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation
+    select case(ixSpatialGroundwater)
+      case(singleBasin); local_ixGroundwater = noExplicit    ! force no explicit representation of groundwater at the local scale
+      case(localColumn); local_ixGroundwater = ixGroundwater ! go with the specified decision
+      case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify spatial representation of groundwater'; return
+    end select ! (modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation)
+    ! initialize liquid water fluxes throughout the snow and soil domains
+    ! NOTE: used in the energy routines, which is called before the hydrology routines
+    if(firstFluxCall)then
+      if(nSnow > 0) iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:nSnow) = 0._rkind
+    end if
+    ! *****
+    ! *********************************************
+    ! identify the need to calculate the energy flux over vegetation
+    doVegNrgFlux = (ixCasNrg/=integerMissing .or. ixVegNrg/=integerMissing .or. ixTopNrg/=integerMissing)
+    ! check if there is a need to calculate the energy fluxes over vegetation
+    if(doVegNrgFlux)then
+      ! derivative in canopy liquid storage w.r.t. canopy temperature
+      dCanLiq_dTcanopy = dTheta_dTkCanopy*iden_water*canopyDepth  ! kg m-2 K-1
+      ! calculate the energy fluxes over vegetation
+      call vegNrgFlux(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      firstSubStep,                           & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                      firstFluxCall,                          & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                      computeVegFlux,                         & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                      insideIDA,                              & ! intent(in): flag to indicate inside Sundials Solver (do not require longwave to be balanced)
+                      ! input: model state variables
+                      upperBoundTemp,                         & ! intent(in): temperature of the upper boundary (K) --> NOTE: use air temperature
+                      scalarCanairTempTrial,                  & ! intent(in): trial value of the canopy air space temperature (K)
+                      scalarCanopyTempTrial,                  & ! intent(in): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                      mLayerTempTrial(1),                     & ! intent(in): trial value of ground temperature (K)
+                      scalarCanopyIceTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial value of mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial value of mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                      ! input: model derivatives
+                      dCanLiq_dTcanopy,                       & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy liquid storage w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 K-1)
+                      ! input/output: data structures
+                      type_data,                              & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                      forc_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                      mpar_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      indx_data,                              & ! intent(in):    index data
+                      prog_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                              & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,                              & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      bvar_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
+                      model_decisions,                        & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                      ! output: liquid water fluxes associated with evaporation/transpiration
+                      scalarCanopyTranspiration,              & ! intent(out): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarCanopyEvaporation,                & ! intent(out): canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarGroundEvaporation,                & ! intent(out): ground evaporation/condensation -- below canopy or non-vegetated (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      ! output: fluxes
+                      scalarCanairNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the canopy air space (W m-2)
+                      scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the vegetation canopy (W m-2)
+                      scalarGroundNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the ground surface (W m-2)
+                      ! output: flux derivatives
+                      dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      ! output: liquid water flux derivatives (canopy evap)
+                      dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat,             & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                      dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: liquid water flux derivatives (ground evap)
+                      dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat,             & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                      dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dGroundEvaporation_dTGround,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: transpiration derivatives
+                      dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,                   & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTGround,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      ! output: cross derivative terms
+                      dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat,                 & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content (J kg-1 s-1)
+                      dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat,                 & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content (J kg-1 s-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,cmessage)                             ! intent(out): error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
-  ! *****
-  ! *********************************************
-  ! identify the need to calculate the energy flux over vegetation
-  doVegNrgFlux = (ixCasNrg/=integerMissing .or. ixVegNrg/=integerMissing .or. ixTopNrg/=integerMissing)
-  ! check if there is a need to calculate the energy fluxes over vegetation
-  if(doVegNrgFlux)then
-    ! derivative in canopy liquid storage w.r.t. canopy temperature
-    dCanLiq_dTcanopy = dTheta_dTkCanopy*iden_water*canopyDepth  ! kg m-2 K-1
-    ! calculate the energy fluxes over vegetation
-    call vegNrgFlux(&
-          ! input: model control
-          firstSubStep,                           & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-          firstFluxCall,                          & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-          computeVegFlux,                         & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-          insideIDA,                           & ! intent(in): flag to indicate if we need longwave to be balanced
-          ! input: model state variables
-          upperBoundTemp,                         & ! intent(in): temperature of the upper boundary (K) --> NOTE: use air temperature
-          scalarCanairTempTrial,                  & ! intent(in): trial value of the canopy air space temperature (K)
-          scalarCanopyTempTrial,                  & ! intent(in): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
-          mLayerTempTrial(1),                     & ! intent(in): trial value of ground temperature (K)
-          scalarCanopyIceTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial value of mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-          scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial value of mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-          ! input: model derivatives
-          dCanLiq_dTcanopy,                       & ! intent(in): derivative in canopy liquid storage w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 K-1)
-          ! input/output: data structures
-          type_data,                              & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-          forc_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-          mpar_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-          indx_data,                              & ! intent(in):    index data
-          prog_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-          diag_data,                              & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-          flux_data,                              & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-          bvar_data,                              & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
-          model_decisions,                        & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-          ! output: liquid water fluxes associated with evaporation/transpiration
-          scalarCanopyTranspiration,              & ! intent(out): canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-          scalarCanopyEvaporation,                & ! intent(out): canopy evaporation/condensation (kg m-2 s-1)
-          scalarGroundEvaporation,                & ! intent(out): ground evaporation/condensation -- below canopy or non-vegetated (kg m-2 s-1)
-          ! output: fluxes
-          scalarCanairNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the canopy air space (W m-2)
-          scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the vegetation canopy (W m-2)
-          scalarGroundNetNrgFlux,                 & ! intent(out): net energy flux for the ground surface (W m-2)
-          ! output: flux derivatives
-          dCanairNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dCanairNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dCanairNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy air space flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dCanopyNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dCanopyNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dCanopyNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dGroundNetFlux_dCanairTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dGroundNetFlux_dCanopyTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. canopy temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp,             & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-          ! output: liquid water flux derivatives (canopy evap)
-          dCanopyEvaporation_dCanWat,             & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-          dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanair,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dCanopyEvaporation_dTCanopy,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dCanopyEvaporation_dTGround,            & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          ! output: liquid water flux derivatives (ground evap)
-          dGroundEvaporation_dCanWat,             & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-          dGroundEvaporation_dTCanair,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dGroundEvaporation_dTCanopy,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dGroundEvaporation_dTGround,            & ! intent(out): derivative in ground evaporation w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          ! output: transpiration derivatives
-          dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,                   & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-          dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          dCanopyTrans_dTGround,                  & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-          ! output: cross derivative terms
-          dCanopyNetFlux_dCanWat,                 & ! intent(out): derivative in net canopy fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content (J kg-1 s-1)
-          dGroundNetFlux_dCanWat,                 & ! intent(out): derivative in net ground fluxes w.r.t. canopy total water content (J kg-1 s-1)
-          ! output: error control
-          err,cmessage)                             ! intent(out): error control
-    ! check fluxes
-    if(globalPrintFlag)then
+      ! check fluxes
+      if(globalPrintFlag)then
       print*, '**'
       write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.20))') 'canopyDepth           = ',  canopyDepth
       write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.20))') 'mLayerDepth(1:2)      = ',  mLayerDepth(1:2)
@@ -512,444 +512,425 @@ subroutine computFlux(&
       write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.20))') 'scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux = ', scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux
       write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.20))') 'scalarGroundNetNrgFlux = ', scalarGroundNetNrgFlux
       write(*,'(a,1x,10(f30.20))') 'dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp = ', dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp
-    endif ! if checking fluxes
-  endif ! if calculating the energy fluxes over vegetation
-  ! *****
-  ! **********************************************************
-  ! check the need to compute energy fluxes throughout the snow+soil domain
-  if(nSnowSoilNrg>0)then
-    ! calculate energy fluxes at layer interfaces through the snow and soil domain
-    call ssdNrgFlux(&
-                    ! input: model control
-                    (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in): flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                    .true.,                                    & ! intent(in):    flag indicating if derivatives are desired     
-                    ! input: fluxes and derivatives at the upper boundary
-                    scalarGroundNetNrgFlux,                    & ! intent(in): total flux at the ground surface (W m-2)
-                    dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp,                & ! intent(in): derivative in total ground surface flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
-                    ! input: liquid water fluxes throughout the snow and soil domains
-                    iLayerLiqFluxSnow,                         & ! intent(in): liquid flux at the interface of each snow layer (m s-1)
-                    iLayerLiqFluxSoil,                         & ! intent(in): liquid flux at the interface of each soil layer (m s-1)
-                    ! input: trial value of model state variabes
-                    mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(in): trial temperature at the current iteration (K)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial value for the total water matric potential in each soil layer (m)
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration(-)
-                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial volumetric fraction of ice water at the current iteration(-)
-                    ! input: pre-computed derivatives
-                    mLayerdTheta_dTk,                          & ! intent(in):    derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                    mLayerFracLiqSnow,                         & ! intent(in):    fraction of liquid water (-)
-                    ! input-output: data structures
-                    mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                    indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
-                    prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                    diag_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    flux_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                    ! output: fluxes and derivatives at all layer interfaces
-                    iLayerNrgFlux,                             & ! intent(out): energy flux at the layer interfaces (W m-2)
-                    dNrgFlux_dTempAbove,                       & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (W m-2 K-1)
-                    dNrgFlux_dTempBelow,                       & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (W m-2 K-1)
-                    dNrgFlux_dWatAbove,                        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer above
-                    dNrgFlux_dWatBelow,                        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer below
-                    ! output: error control
-                    err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-    ! calculate net energy fluxes for each snow and soil layer (J m-3 s-1)
-    do iLayer=1,nLayers
-      mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer) = -(iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer) - iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+      endif ! if checking fluxes
+    endif ! if calculating the energy fluxes over vegetation
+    ! *****
+    ! **********************************************************
+    ! check the need to compute energy fluxes throughout the snow+soil domain
+    if(nSnowSoilNrg>0)then
+      ! calculate energy fluxes at layer interfaces through the snow and soil domain
+      call ssdNrgFlux(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in): flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                      .true.,                                    & ! intent(in):    flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ! input: fluxes and derivatives at the upper boundary
+                      scalarGroundNetNrgFlux,                    & ! intent(in): total flux at the ground surface (W m-2)
+                      dGroundNetFlux_dGroundTemp,                & ! intent(in): derivative in total ground surface flux w.r.t. ground temperature (W m-2 K-1)
+                      ! input: liquid water fluxes throughout the snow and soil domains
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSnow,                         & ! intent(in): liquid flux at the interface of each snow layer (m s-1)
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSoil,                         & ! intent(in): liquid flux at the interface of each soil layer (m s-1)
+                      ! input: trial value of model state variables
+                      mLayerTempTrial,                           & ! intent(in): trial temperature at the current iteration (K)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial value for the total water matric potential in each soil layer (m)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration(-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,                     & ! intent(in): trial volumetric fraction of ice water at the current iteration(-)
+                      ! input: pre-computed derivatives
+                      mLayerdTheta_dTk,                          & ! intent(in):    derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+                      mLayerFracLiqSnow,                         & ! intent(in):    fraction of liquid water (-)
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                      prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      ! output: fluxes and derivatives at all layer interfaces
+                      iLayerNrgFlux,                             & ! intent(out): energy flux at the layer interfaces (W m-2)
+                      dNrgFlux_dTempAbove,                       & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dNrgFlux_dTempBelow,                       & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (W m-2 K-1)
+                      dNrgFlux_dWatAbove,                        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer above
+                      dNrgFlux_dWatBelow,                        & ! intent(out): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. water state in the layer below
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out): error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+      ! calculate net energy fluxes for each snow and soil layer (J m-3 s-1)
+      do iLayer=1,nLayers
+        mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer) = -(iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer) - iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+        if(globalPrintFlag)then
+          if(iLayer < 10) write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,10(f25.15,1x))') 'iLayer, iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1:iLayer), mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)   = ', iLayer, iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1:iLayer), mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
+        endif
+      end do
+    endif  ! if computing energy fluxes throughout the snow+soil domain
+    ! *****
+    ! **************************************************
+    ! check the need to compute the liquid water fluxes through vegetation
+    if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
+      ! calculate liquid water fluxes through vegetation
+      call vegLiqFlux(&
+                      ! input
+                      computeVegFlux,                         & ! intent(in): flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
+                      scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy at the current iteration (kg m-2)
+                      scalarRainfall,                         & ! intent(in): rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      mpar_data,                              & ! intent(in): model parameters
+                      diag_data,                              & ! intent(in): local HRU diagnostic model variables
+                      ! output
+                      scalarThroughfallRain,                  & ! intent(out): rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarCanopyLiqDrainage,                & ! intent(out): drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarThroughfallRainDeriv,             & ! intent(out): derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water (s-1)
+                      scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv,           & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water (s-1)
+                      err,cmessage)                             ! intent(out): error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+      ! calculate the net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy
+      scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
+      ! calculate the total derivative in the downward liquid flux
+      scalarCanopyLiqDeriv   = scalarThroughfallRainDeriv + scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv
+      ! test
-        if(iLayer < 10) write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,10(f25.15,1x))') 'iLayer, iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1:iLayer), mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)   = ', iLayer, iLayerNrgFlux(iLayer-1:iLayer), mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
+        print*, '**'
+        print*, 'scalarRainfall          = ', scalarRainfall
+        print*, 'scalarThroughfallRain   = ', scalarThroughfallRain
+        print*, 'scalarCanopyEvaporation = ', scalarCanopyEvaporation
+        print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = ', scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
+        print*, 'scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux  = ', scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux
+        print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqTrial    = ', scalarCanopyLiqTrial
-    end do
-  endif  ! if computing energy fluxes throughout the snow+soil domain
-  !  print*, "After ssdNRGFlux call ", flux_data%var(iLookFLUX%iLayerLiqFluxSoil)%dat
-  ! *****
-  ! **************************************************
-  ! check the need to compute the liquid water fluxes through vegetation
-  if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
-    ! calculate liquid water fluxes through vegetation
-    call vegLiqFlux(&
-                    ! input
-                    computeVegFlux,                         & ! intent(in): flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
-                    scalarCanopyLiqTrial,                   & ! intent(in): trial mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy at the current iteration (kg m-2)
-                    scalarRainfall,                         & ! intent(in): rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    ! input-output: data structures
-                    mpar_data,                              & ! intent(in): model parameters
-                    diag_data,                              & ! intent(in): local HRU diagnostic model variables
-                    ! output
-                    scalarThroughfallRain,                  & ! intent(out): rain that reaches the ground without ever touching the canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    scalarCanopyLiqDrainage,                & ! intent(out): drainage of liquid water from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    scalarThroughfallRainDeriv,             & ! intent(out): derivative in throughfall w.r.t. canopy liquid water (s-1)
-                    scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv,           & ! intent(out): derivative in canopy drainage w.r.t. canopy liquid water (s-1)
-                    err,cmessage)                             ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-    ! calculate the net liquid water flux for the vegetation canopy
-    scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux = scalarRainfall + scalarCanopyEvaporation - scalarThroughfallRain - scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
-    ! calculate the total derivative in the downward liquid flux
-    scalarCanopyLiqDeriv   = scalarThroughfallRainDeriv + scalarCanopyLiqDrainageDeriv
-    ! test
-    if(globalPrintFlag)then
-      print*, '**'
-      print*, 'scalarRainfall          = ', scalarRainfall
-      print*, 'scalarThroughfallRain   = ', scalarThroughfallRain
-      print*, 'scalarCanopyEvaporation = ', scalarCanopyEvaporation
-      print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = ', scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
-      print*, 'scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux  = ', scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux
-      print*, 'scalarCanopyLiqTrial    = ', scalarCanopyLiqTrial
-    endif
+    endif  ! computing the liquid water fluxes through vegetation
+    ! *****
+    ! ********************************************
+    ! check the need to compute liquid water fluxes through snow
+    if(nSnowOnlyHyd>0)then
+      ! compute liquid fluxes through snow
+      call snowLiqFlx(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      nSnow,                                     & ! intent(in): number of snow layers
+                      firstFluxCall,                             & ! intent(in): the first flux call (compute variables that are constant over the iterations)
+                      (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in): flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                      ! input: forcing for the snow domain
+                      scalarThroughfallRain,                     & ! intent(in): rain that reaches the snow surface without ever touching vegetation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarCanopyLiqDrainage,                   & ! intent(in): liquid drainage from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      ! input: model state vector
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1:nSnow),            & ! intent(in): trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                      mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      ! output: fluxes and derivatives
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:nSnow),                & ! intent(inout): vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:nSnow),           & ! intent(inout): derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                      ! output: error control
+                      err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out):   error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-  endif  ! computing the liquid water fluxes through vegetation
+      ! define forcing for the soil domain
+      scalarRainPlusMelt = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(nSnow)    ! drainage from the base of the snowpack
-  ! *****
-  ! ********************************************
-  ! check the need to compute liquid water fluxes through snow
-  if(nSnowOnlyHyd>0)then
-    ! print*, "scalarThroughfallRain = ", scalarThroughfallRain
-    ! print*, "scalarCanopyLiqDrainage = ", scalarCanopyLiqDrainage
-    ! print*, "mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1) =", mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1)
-    ! compute liquid fluxes through snow
-    call snowLiqFlx(&
-                    ! input: model control
-                    nSnow,                                     & ! intent(in): number of snow layers
-                    firstFluxCall,                             & ! intent(in): the first flux call (compute variables that are constant over the iterations)
-                    (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in): flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                    ! input: forcing for the snow domain
-                    scalarThroughfallRain,                     & ! intent(in): rain that reaches the snow surface without ever touching vegetation (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    scalarCanopyLiqDrainage,                   & ! intent(in): liquid drainage from the vegetation canopy (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    ! input: model state vector
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(1:nSnow),            & ! intent(in): trial value of volumetric fraction of liquid water at the current iteration (-)
-                    ! input-output: data structures
-                    indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
-                    mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                    prog_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                    diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    ! output: fluxes and derivatives
-                    iLayerLiqFluxSnow(0:nSnow),                & ! intent(inout): vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
-                    iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(0:nSnow),           & ! intent(inout): derivative in vertical liquid water flux at layer interfaces (m s-1)
-                    ! output: error control
-                    err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out):   error control
-    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-    ! define forcing for the soil domain
-    scalarRainPlusMelt = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(nSnow)    ! drainage from the base of the snowpack
-    ! calculate net liquid water fluxes for each soil layer (s-1)
-    do iLayer=1,nSnow
-      mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) = -(iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) - iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer)
-      !write(*,'(a,1x,i4,1x,2(f16.10,1x))')  'iLayer, mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer), iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1) = ', &
-      !                                       iLayer, mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer), iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1)
-    end do
+      ! calculate net liquid water fluxes for each snow layer (s-1)
+      do iLayer=1,nSnow
+        mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) = -(iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer) - iLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer)
+      end do
-    ! compute drainage from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
-    scalarSnowDrainage = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(nSnow)
-    ! print*, "scalarSnowDrainage = ", scalarSnowDrainage
+      ! compute drainage from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
+      scalarSnowDrainage = iLayerLiqFluxSnow(nSnow)
       ! save bottom layer of snow derivatives
-    above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(nSnow) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at bottom snow layer interface
-    above_soildLiq_dTk     = mLayerdTheta_dTk(nSnow)  ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content in bottom snow layer w.r.t. temperature
-    above_soilFracLiq      = mLayerFracLiqSnow(nSnow) ! fraction of liquid water in bottom snow layer (-)
-  else
-    ! define forcing for the soil domain for the case of no snow layers
-    ! NOTE: in case where nSnowOnlyHyd==0 AND snow layers exist, then scalarRainPlusMelt is taken from the previous flux evaluation
-    if(nSnow==0)then !no snow layers
-      scalarRainPlusMelt = (scalarThroughfallRain + scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)/iden_water &  ! liquid flux from the canopy (m s-1)
-                            + drainageMeltPond/iden_water  ! melt of the snow without a layer (m s-1)
-      if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
-        ! save canopy derivatives
-        above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = scalarCanopyLiqDeriv/iden_water ! derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water
-        above_soildLiq_dTk     = dCanLiq_dTcanopy     ! derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature
-        above_soilFracLiq      = scalarFracLiqVeg     ! fraction of liquid water in canopy (-)
-      else
-        above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = 0._dp
-        above_soildLiq_dTk     = 0._dp
-        above_soilFracLiq      = 0._dp
-      endif
-    else ! snow layers, take from previous flux calculation
       above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(nSnow) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at bottom snow layer interface
       above_soildLiq_dTk     = mLayerdTheta_dTk(nSnow)  ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content in bottom snow layer w.r.t. temperature
       above_soilFracLiq      = mLayerFracLiqSnow(nSnow) ! fraction of liquid water in bottom snow layer (-)
-    endif  ! snow layers or not
-  endif
-  ! *****
-  ! ********************************************
-  ! check the need to calculate the liquid flux through soil
-  if(nSoilOnlyHyd>0)then
-    ! calculate the liquid flux through soil
-    call soilLiqFlx(&
-                    ! input: model control
-                    nSoil,                                     & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                    firstSplitOper,                            & ! intent(in):    flag indicating first flux call in a splitting operation
-                    (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                    .true.,                                    & ! intent(in):    flag indicating if derivatives are desired
-                    ! input: trial state variables
-                    mLayerTempTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),          & ! intent(in):    trial temperature at the current iteration (K)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1:nSoil),         & ! intent(in):    liquid water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),    & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),    & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                    ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
-                    mLayerdTheta_dTk(nSnow+1:nLayers),         & ! intent(in):    derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
-                    dPsiLiq_dTemp(1:nSoil),                    & ! intent(in):    derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
-                    dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,                      & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-                    dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                    dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                    dCanopyTrans_dTGround,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                    above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,                    & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
-                    above_soildLiq_dTk,                        & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
-                    above_soilFracLiq,                         & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
-                    ! input: fluxes
-                    scalarCanopyTranspiration,                 & ! intent(in):    canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    scalarGroundEvaporation,                   & ! intent(in):    ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
-                    scalarRainPlusMelt,                        & ! intent(in):    rain plus melt (m s-1)
-                    ! input-output: data structures
-                    mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                    indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
-                    prog_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                    diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    flux_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                    ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
-                    scalarMaxInfilRate,                        & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
-                    scalarInfilArea,                           & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
-                    scalarFrozenArea,                          & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
-                    scalarSurfaceRunoff,                       & ! intent(inout): surface runoff (m s-1)
-                    ! output: diagnostic variables for model layers
-                    mLayerdTheta_dPsi,                         & ! intent(inout): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
-                    mLayerdPsi_dTheta,                         & ! intent(inout): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
-                    dHydCond_dMatric,                          & ! intent(inout): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
-                    ! output: fluxes
-                    scalarInfiltration,                        & ! intent(inout): surface infiltration rate (m s-1) -- controls on infiltration only computed for iter==1
-                    iLayerLiqFluxSoil,                         & ! intent(inout): liquid fluxes at layer interfaces (m s-1)
-                    mLayerTranspire,                           & ! intent(inout): transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
-                    mLayerHydCond,                             & ! intent(inout): hydraulic conductivity in each layer (m s-1)
-                    ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
-                    dq_dHydStateAbove,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head in the layer above (s-1)
-                    dq_dHydStateBelow,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head in the layer below (s-1)
-                    dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec,                  & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
-                    ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                    dq_dNrgStateAbove,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
-                    dq_dNrgStateBelow,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
-                    dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec,                  & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
-                    ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-                    mLayerdTrans_dTCanair,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-                    mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-                    mLayerdTrans_dTGround,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-                    mLayerdTrans_dCanWat,                      & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
-                    ! output: error control
-                    err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out): error control
-    if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-      print*, message
-      return
-    endif
-    ! calculate net liquid water fluxes for each soil layer (s-1)
-    do iLayer=1,nSoil
-      mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) = -(iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) - iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer+nSnow)
-      !if(iLayer<8) write(*,'(a,1x,2(i4,1x),3(e20.10),f12.7)') 'iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-1), iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer), mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) = ', iLayer-1, iLayer, &
-      !                                                         iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-1), iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer), mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer), mLayerDepth(iLayer+nSnow)
-    end do
-    ! calculate the soil control on infiltration
-    if(nSnow==0) then
-      ! * case of infiltration into soil
-      if(scalarMaxInfilRate > scalarRainPlusMelt)then  ! infiltration is not rate-limited
-        scalarSoilControl = (1._dp - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea
-      else
-        scalarSoilControl = 0._dp  ! (scalarRainPlusMelt exceeds maximum infiltration rate
-      endif
-      ! * case of infiltration into snow
-      scalarSoilControl = 1._dp
-    endif
-    ! compute drainage from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
-    scalarSoilDrainage = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
-    ! expand derivatives to the total water matric potential
-    ! NOTE: arrays are offset because computing derivatives in interface fluxes, at the top and bottom of the layer respectively
-    if(globalPrintFlag) print*, 'dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil) = ', dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
-    dq_dHydStateAbove(1:nSoil)   = dq_dHydStateAbove(1:nSoil)  *dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
-    dq_dHydStateBelow(0:nSoil-1) = dq_dHydStateBelow(0:nSoil-1)*dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
-    dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1:nSoil) = dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1:nSoil)*dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
-  endif  ! if calculating the liquid flux through soil
-  ! *****
-  ! ************************************
-  ! check if computing soil hydrology
-  if(nSoilOnlyHyd>0)then
-    ! set baseflow fluxes to zero if the baseflow routine is not used
-    if(local_ixGroundwater/=qbaseTopmodel)then
-      ! (diagnostic variables in the data structures)
-      scalarExfiltration     = 0._dp  ! exfiltration from the soil profile (m s-1)
-      mLayerColumnOutflow(:) = 0._dp  ! column outflow from each soil layer (m3 s-1)
-      ! (variables needed for the numerical solution)
-      mLayerBaseflow(:)      = 0._dp  ! baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
-      ! topmodel-ish shallow groundwater
-    else ! local_ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel
-      ! check the derivative matrix is sized appropriately
-      if(size(dBaseflow_dMatric,1)/=nSoil .or. size(dBaseflow_dMatric,2)/=nSoil)then
-        message=trim(message)//'expect dBaseflow_dMatric to be nSoil x nSoil'
-        err=20; return
-      endif
-      ! compute the baseflow flux
-      call groundwatr(&
-                    ! input: model control
-                    nSnow,                                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                    nSoil,                                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                    nLayers,                                 & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
-                    firstFluxCall,                           & ! intent(in):    logical flag to compute index of the lowest saturated layer
-                    ! input: state and diagnostic variables
-                    mLayerdTheta_dPsi,                       & ! intent(in):    derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. matric head in each layer (m-1)
-                    mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                & ! intent(in):    liquid water matric potential (m)
-                    mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),  & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-                    mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),  & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-                    ! input: data structures
-                    attr_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model attributes
-                    mpar_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                    prog_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                    diag_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                    flux_data,                               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                    ! output
-                    ixSaturation,                            & ! intent(inout) index of lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                    mLayerBaseflow,                          & ! intent(out): baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
-                    dBaseflow_dMatric,                       & ! intent(out): derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                    err,cmessage)                              ! intent(out): error control
-      if(err/=0)then
-        message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-        print*, message
-        return
-      endif
-    endif  ! computing baseflow flux
-    ! compute total baseflow from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
-    scalarSoilBaseflow = sum(mLayerBaseflow)
-    ! compute total runoff
-    scalarTotalRunoff  = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarSoilDrainage + scalarSoilBaseflow
-  endif  ! if computing soil hydrology
+      ! define forcing for the soil domain for the case of no snow layers
+      ! NOTE: in case where nSnowOnlyHyd==0 AND snow layers exist, then scalarRainPlusMelt is taken from the previous flux evaluation
+      if(nSnow==0)then !no snow layers
+        scalarRainPlusMelt = (scalarThroughfallRain + scalarCanopyLiqDrainage)/iden_water &  ! liquid flux from the canopy (m s-1)
+                            + drainageMeltPond/iden_water  ! melt of the snow without a layer (m s-1)
-  ! *****
-  ! ********************************************
-  ! check if computing aquifer fluxes
-  if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing)then
-    ! identify modeling decision
-    if(local_ixGroundwater==bigBucket)then
-         ! compute fluxes for the big bucket
-      call bigAquifer(&
-                      ! input: state variables and fluxes
-                      scalarAquiferStorageTrial,    & ! intent(in):  trial value of aquifer storage (m)
-                      scalarCanopyTranspiration,    & ! intent(in):  canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
-                      scalarSoilDrainage,           & ! intent(in):  soil drainage (m s-1)
-                      ! input: pre-computed derivatives
-                      dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
-                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                      dCanopyTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
-                      ! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
-                      mpar_data,                    & ! intent(in):  model parameter structure
-                      diag_data,                    & ! intent(in):  diagnostic variable structure
+        if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
+          ! save canopy derivatives
+          above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = scalarCanopyLiqDeriv/iden_water ! derivative in (throughfall + drainage) w.r.t. canopy liquid water
+          above_soildLiq_dTk     = dCanLiq_dTcanopy     ! derivative of canopy liquid storage w.r.t. temperature
+          above_soilFracLiq      = scalarFracLiqVeg     ! fraction of liquid water in canopy (-)
+        else
+          above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = 0._rkind
+          above_soildLiq_dTk     = 0._rkind
+          above_soilFracLiq      = 0._rkind
+        endif
+      else ! snow layers, take from previous flux calculation
+        above_soilLiqFluxDeriv = iLayerLiqFluxSnowDeriv(nSnow) ! derivative in vertical liquid water flux at bottom snow layer interface
+        above_soildLiq_dTk     = mLayerdTheta_dTk(nSnow)  ! derivative in volumetric liquid water content in bottom snow layer w.r.t. temperature
+        above_soilFracLiq      = mLayerFracLiqSnow(nSnow) ! fraction of liquid water in bottom snow layer (-)
+      endif  ! snow layers or not
+    endif ! if calculating the liquid flux through snow
+    ! *****
+    ! ********************************************
+    ! check the need to calculate the liquid flux through soil
+    if(nSoilOnlyHyd>0)then
+      ! calculate the liquid flux through soil
+      call soilLiqFlx(&
+                      ! input: model control
+                      nSoil,                                     & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                      firstSplitOper,                            & ! intent(in):    flag indicating first flux call in a splitting operation
+                      (scalarSolution .and. .not.firstFluxCall), & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                      .true.,                                    & ! intent(in):    flag indicating if derivatives are desired
+                      ! input: trial state variables
+                      mLayerTempTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),          & ! intent(in):    trial temperature at the current iteration (K)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial(1:nSoil),         & ! intent(in):    liquid water matric potential (m)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),    & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),    & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+                      ! input: pre-computed deriavatives
+                      mLayerdTheta_dTk(nSnow+1:nLayers),         & ! intent(in):    derivative in volumetric liquid water content w.r.t. temperature (K-1)
+                      dPsiLiq_dTemp(1:nSoil),                    & ! intent(in):    derivative in liquid water matric potential w.r.t. temperature (m K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,                      & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      dCanopyTrans_dTGround,                     & ! intent(in):    derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                      above_soilLiqFluxDeriv,                    & ! intent(in): derivative in layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. liquid water
+                      above_soildLiq_dTk,                        & ! intent(in): derivative of layer above soil (canopy or snow) liquid flux w.r.t. temperature
+                      above_soilFracLiq,                         & ! intent(in): fraction of liquid water layer above soil (canopy or snow) (-)
+                      ! input: fluxes
+                      scalarCanopyTranspiration,                 & ! intent(in):    canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarGroundEvaporation,                   & ! intent(in):    ground evaporation (kg m-2 s-1)
+                      scalarRainPlusMelt,                        & ! intent(in):    rain plus melt (m s-1)
+                      ! input-output: data structures
+                      mpar_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                      indx_data,                                 & ! intent(in):    model indices
+                      prog_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                      diag_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                      flux_data,                                 & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                      ! output: diagnostic variables for surface runoff
+                      scalarMaxInfilRate,                        & ! intent(inout): maximum infiltration rate (m s-1)
+                      scalarInfilArea,                           & ! intent(inout): fraction of unfrozen area where water can infiltrate (-)
+                      scalarFrozenArea,                          & ! intent(inout): fraction of area that is considered impermeable due to soil ice (-)
+                      scalarSurfaceRunoff,                       & ! intent(inout): surface runoff (m s-1)
+                      ! output: diagnostic variables for model layers
+                      mLayerdTheta_dPsi,                         & ! intent(inout): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. psi (m-1)
+                      mLayerdPsi_dTheta,                         & ! intent(inout): derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. theta (m)
+                      dHydCond_dMatric,                          & ! intent(inout): derivative in hydraulic conductivity w.r.t matric head (s-1)
                       ! output: fluxes
-                      scalarAquiferTranspire,       & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
-                      scalarAquiferRecharge,        & ! intent(out): recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
-                      scalarAquiferBaseflow,        & ! intent(out): total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
-                      dBaseflow_dAquifer,           & ! intent(out): change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
+                      scalarInfiltration,                        & ! intent(inout): surface infiltration rate (m s-1) -- controls on infiltration only computed for iter==1
+                      iLayerLiqFluxSoil,                         & ! intent(inout): liquid fluxes at layer interfaces (m s-1)
+                      mLayerTranspire,                           & ! intent(inout): transpiration loss from each soil layer (m s-1)
+                      mLayerHydCond,                             & ! intent(inout): hydraulic conductivity in each layer (m s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. state variables -- matric head or volumetric lquid water -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateAbove,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head in the layer above (s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateBelow,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. matric head in the layer below (s-1)
+                      dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec,                  & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. hydrology state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer  (m s-1 or s-1)
+                      ! output: derivatives in fluxes w.r.t. energy state variables -- now just temperature -- in the layer above and layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateAbove,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer above (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateBelow,                         & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the flux w.r.t. temperature in the layer below (m s-1 K-1)
+                      dq_dNrgStateLayerSurfVec,                  & ! intent(inout): derivative in surface infiltration w.r.t. energy state in above soil snow or canopy and every soil layer (m s-1 K-1)
                       ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
-                      dAquiferTrans_dTCanair,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
-                      dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
-                      dAquiferTrans_dTGround,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
-                      dAquiferTrans_dCanWat,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTCanair,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTCanopy,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dTGround,                     & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+                      mLayerdTrans_dCanWat,                      & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the soil layer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
                       ! output: error control
-                      err,cmessage)                   ! intent(out): error control
-      if(err/=0)then
-        message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-        print*, message
-        return
+                      err,cmessage)                                ! intent(out): error control
+      if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+      ! calculate net liquid water fluxes for each soil layer (s-1)
+      do iLayer=1,nSoil
+        mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) = -(iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer) - iLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-1))/mLayerDepth(iLayer+nSnow)
+      end do
+      ! calculate the soil control on infiltration
+      if(nSnow==0) then
+        ! * case of infiltration into soil
+        if(scalarMaxInfilRate > scalarRainPlusMelt)then  ! infiltration is not rate-limited
+          scalarSoilControl = (1._rkind - scalarFrozenArea)*scalarInfilArea
+        else
+          scalarSoilControl = 0._rkind  ! (scalarRainPlusMelt exceeds maximum infiltration rate
+        endif
+      else
+        ! * case of infiltration into snow
+        scalarSoilControl = 1._rkind
-      ! compute total runoff (overwrite previously calculated value before considering aquifer)
-      scalarTotalRunoff  = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarAquiferBaseflow
-    ! if no aquifer, then fluxes are zero
-    else
-      scalarAquiferTranspire = 0._dp  ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
-      scalarAquiferRecharge  = 0._dp  ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
-      scalarAquiferBaseflow  = 0._dp  ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
-      dBaseflow_dAquifer     = 0._dp  ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
-    end if ! no aquifer
-  endif  ! if computing aquifer fluxes
+      ! compute drainage from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks and in aquifer recharge)
+      scalarSoilDrainage = iLayerLiqFluxSoil(nSoil)
+      ! expand derivatives to the total water matric potential
+      ! NOTE: arrays are offset because computing derivatives in interface fluxes, at the top and bottom of the layer respectively
+      if(globalPrintFlag) print*, 'dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil) = ', dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
+      dq_dHydStateAbove(1:nSoil)   = dq_dHydStateAbove(1:nSoil)  *dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
+      dq_dHydStateBelow(0:nSoil-1) = dq_dHydStateBelow(0:nSoil-1)*dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
+      dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1:nSoil) = dq_dHydStateLayerSurfVec(1:nSoil)*dPsiLiq_dPsi0(1:nSoil)
+    endif  ! if calculating the liquid flux through soil
+    ! *****
+    ! ************************************
+    ! check if computing soil hydrology
+    if(nSoilOnlyHyd>0)then
+      ! set baseflow fluxes to zero if the topmodel baseflow routine is not used
+      if(local_ixGroundwater/=qbaseTopmodel)then
+        ! (diagnostic variables in the data structures)
+        scalarExfiltration     = 0._rkind  ! exfiltration from the soil profile (m s-1)
+        mLayerColumnOutflow(:) = 0._rkind  ! column outflow from each soil layer (m3 s-1)
+        ! (variables needed for the numerical solution)
+        mLayerBaseflow(:)      = 0._rkind  ! baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
+        ! topmodel-ish shallow groundwater
+      else ! local_ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel
+        ! check the derivative matrix is sized appropriately
+        if(size(dBaseflow_dMatric,1)/=nSoil .or. size(dBaseflow_dMatric,2)/=nSoil)then
+          message=trim(message)//'expect dBaseflow_dMatric to be nSoil x nSoil'
+          err=20; return
+        endif
+        ! compute the baseflow flux
+        call groundwatr(&
+                        ! input: model control
+                        nSnow,                                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                        nSoil,                                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                        nLayers,                                 & ! intent(in):    total number of layers
+                        firstFluxCall,                           & ! intent(in):    logical flag to compute index of the lowest saturated layer
+                        ! input: state and diagnostic variables
+                        mLayerdTheta_dPsi,                       & ! intent(in):    derivative in the soil water characteristic w.r.t. matric head in each layer (m-1)
+                        mLayerMatricHeadLiqTrial,                & ! intent(in):    liquid water matric potential (m)
+                        mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),  & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+                        mLayerVolFracIceTrial(nSnow+1:nLayers),  & ! intent(in):    volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+                        ! input: data structures
+                        attr_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model attributes
+                        mpar_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                        prog_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                        diag_data,                               & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                        flux_data,                               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                        ! output
+                        ixSaturation,                            & ! intent(inout) index of lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                        mLayerBaseflow,                          & ! intent(out): baseflow from each soil layer (m s-1)
+                        dBaseflow_dMatric,                       & ! intent(out): derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                        err,cmessage)                              ! intent(out): error control
+        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+      endif  ! computing baseflow flux
+      ! compute total baseflow from the soil zone (needed for mass balance checks)
+      scalarSoilBaseflow = sum(mLayerBaseflow)
+      ! compute total runoff
+      ! (Note: scalarSoilBaseflow is zero if topmodel is not used)
+      ! (Note: scalarSoilBaseflow may need to re-envisioned in topmodel formulation if parts of it flow into neighboring soil rather than exfiltrate)
+      scalarTotalRunoff  = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarSoilDrainage + scalarSoilBaseflow
+    endif  ! if computing soil hydrology
+    ! *****
+    ! ********************************************
+    ! check if computing aquifer fluxes
+    if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing)then
+      ! identify modeling decision
+      if(local_ixGroundwater==bigBucket)then
+        ! compute fluxes for the big bucket
+        call bigAquifer(&
+                        ! input: state variables and fluxes
+                        scalarAquiferStorageTrial,    & ! intent(in):  trial value of aquifer storage (m)
+                        scalarCanopyTranspiration,    & ! intent(in):  canopy transpiration (kg m-2 s-1)
+                        scalarSoilDrainage,           & ! intent(in):  soil drainage (m s-1)
+                        ! input: pre-computed derivatives
+                        dCanopyTrans_dCanWat,         & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy total water content (s-1)
+                        dCanopyTrans_dTCanair,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy air temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                        dCanopyTrans_dTCanopy,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. canopy temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                        dCanopyTrans_dTGround,        & ! intent(in):  derivative in canopy transpiration w.r.t. ground temperature (kg m-2 s-1 K-1)
+                        ! input: diagnostic variables and parameters
+                        mpar_data,                    & ! intent(in):  model parameter structure
+                        diag_data,                    & ! intent(in):  diagnostic variable structure
+                        ! output: fluxes
+                        scalarAquiferTranspire,       & ! intent(out): transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
+                        scalarAquiferRecharge,        & ! intent(out): recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
+                        scalarAquiferBaseflow,        & ! intent(out): total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
+                        dBaseflow_dAquifer,           & ! intent(out): change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
+                        ! output: derivatives in transpiration w.r.t. canopy state variables
+                        dAquiferTrans_dTCanair,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy air temperature
+                        dAquiferTrans_dTCanopy,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy temperature
+                        dAquiferTrans_dTGround,       & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. ground temperature
+                        dAquiferTrans_dCanWat,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in the aquifer transpiration flux w.r.t. canopy total water
+                        ! output: error control
+                        err,cmessage)                   ! intent(out): error control
+        if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+        ! compute total runoff (overwrite previously calculated value before considering aquifer).
+        !   (Note:  SoilDrainage goes into aquifer, not runoff)
+        scalarTotalRunoff  = scalarSurfaceRunoff + scalarAquiferBaseflow
+      ! if no aquifer, then fluxes are zero
+      else
+        scalarAquiferTranspire = 0._rkind  ! transpiration loss from the aquifer (m s-1)
+        scalarAquiferRecharge  = 0._rkind  ! recharge to the aquifer (m s-1)
+        scalarAquiferBaseflow  = 0._rkind  ! total baseflow from the aquifer (m s-1)
+        dBaseflow_dAquifer     = 0._rkind  ! change in baseflow flux w.r.t. aquifer storage (s-1)
+      end if ! no aquifer
+    endif  ! if computing aquifer fluxes
+    ! *****
+    ! (X) WRAP UP...
+    ! *************
+    ! define model flux vector for the vegetation sub-domain
+    if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixCasNrg) = scalarCanairNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
+    if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegNrg) = scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
+    if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegHyd) = scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux   ! NOTE: solid fluxes are handled separately
+    ! populate the flux vector for energy
+    if(nSnowSoilNrg>0)then
+      do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers,ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer)/=integerMissing)   ! (loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain)
+        fluxVec( ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer) ) = mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
+      end do  ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
+    endif
-  ! *****
-  ! (X) WRAP UP...
-  ! *************
-  ! define model flux vector for the vegetation sub-domain
-  if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixCasNrg) = scalarCanairNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
-  if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegNrg) = scalarCanopyNetNrgFlux/canopyDepth
-  if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixVegHyd) = scalarCanopyNetLiqFlux   ! NOTE: solid fluxes are handled separately
-  ! populate the flux vector for energy
-  if(nSnowSoilNrg>0)then
-    do concurrent (iLayer=1:nLayers,ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer)/=integerMissing)   ! (loop through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain)
-      fluxVec( ixSnowSoilNrg(iLayer) ) = mLayerNrgFlux(iLayer)
-    end do  ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
-  endif
-  ! populate the flux vector for hydrology
-  ! NOTE: ixVolFracWat  and ixVolFracLiq can also include states in the soil domain, hence enable primary variable switching
-  if(nSnowSoilHyd>0)then  ! check if any hydrology states exist
-    do iLayer=1,nLayers
-      if(ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer)/=integerMissing)then   ! check if a given hydrology state exists
-        select case( layerType(iLayer) )
-          case(iname_snow); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)
-          case(iname_soil); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-nSnow)
-          case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect layerType to be either iname_snow or iname_soil'; return
-        end select
-      endif  ! if a given hydrology state exists
-    end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
-  endif  ! if any hydrology states exist
-  ! compute the flux vector for the aquifer
-  if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixAqWat) = scalarAquiferTranspire + scalarAquiferRecharge - scalarAquiferBaseflow
-  ! set the first flux call to false
-  firstFluxCall=.false.
+    ! populate the flux vector for hydrology
+    ! NOTE: ixVolFracWat  and ixVolFracLiq can also include states in the soil domain, hence enable primary variable switching
+    if(nSnowSoilHyd>0)then  ! check if any hydrology states exist
+      do iLayer=1,nLayers
+        if(ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer)/=integerMissing)then   ! check if a given hydrology state exists
+          select case( layerType(iLayer) )
+            case(iname_snow); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSnow(iLayer)
+            case(iname_soil); fluxVec( ixSnowSoilHyd(iLayer) ) = mLayerLiqFluxSoil(iLayer-nSnow)
+            case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'expect layerType to be either iname_snow or iname_soil'; return
+          end select
+        endif  ! if a given hydrology state exists
+      end do ! looping through non-missing energy state variables in the snow+soil domain
+    endif  ! if any hydrology states exist
+    ! compute the flux vector for the aquifer
+    if(ixAqWat/=integerMissing) fluxVec(ixAqWat) = scalarAquiferTranspire + scalarAquiferRecharge - scalarAquiferBaseflow
+    ! set the first flux call to false
+    firstFluxCall=.false.
   ! end association to variables in the data structures
   end associate
@@ -961,32 +942,32 @@ end subroutine computFlux
 ! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
 subroutine soilCmpres(&
-                       ! input:
-                       ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
-                       ixBeg,ixEnd,                        & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
-                       mLayerMatricHead,                   & ! intent(in): matric head at the start of the time step (m)
-                       mLayerMatricHeadTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value of matric head (m)
-                       mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
-                       mLayerVolFracIceTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
-                       specificStorage,                    & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
-                       theta_sat,                          & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-                       ! output:
-                       compress,                           & ! intent(out): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
-                       dCompress_dPsi,                     & ! intent(out): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
-                       err,message)                          ! intent(out): error code and error message
+                      ! input:
+                      ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
+                      ixBeg,ixEnd,                        & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
+                      mLayerMatricHead,                   & ! intent(in): matric head at the start of the time step (m)
+                      mLayerMatricHeadTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value of matric head (m)
+                      mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
+                      mLayerVolFracIceTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
+                      specificStorage,                    & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
+                      theta_sat,                          & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                      ! output:
+                      compress,                           & ! intent(out): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
+                      dCompress_dPsi,                     & ! intent(out): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
+                      err,message)                          ! intent(out): error code and error message
   implicit none
   ! input:
   integer(i4b),intent(in)        :: ixRichards                ! choice of option for Richards' equation
   integer(i4b),intent(in)        :: ixBeg,ixEnd               ! start and end indices defining desired layers
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: mLayerMatricHead(:)       ! matric head at the start of the time step (m)
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)  ! trial value for matric head (m)
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)  ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)  ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: specificStorage           ! specific storage coefficient (m-1)
-  real(dp),intent(in)            :: theta_sat(:)              ! soil porosity (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: mLayerMatricHead(:)       ! matric head at the start of the time step (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: mLayerMatricHeadTrial(:)  ! trial value for matric head (m)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(:)  ! trial value for volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: mLayerVolFracIceTrial(:)  ! trial value for volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: specificStorage           ! specific storage coefficient (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(in)            :: theta_sat(:)              ! soil porosity (-)
   ! output:
-  real(dp),intent(inout)         :: compress(:)               ! soil compressibility (-)
-  real(dp),intent(inout)         :: dCompress_dPsi(:)         ! derivative in soil compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)         :: compress(:)               ! soil compressibility (-)
+  real(rkind),intent(inout)         :: dCompress_dPsi(:)         ! derivative in soil compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
   integer(i4b),intent(out)       :: err                       ! error code
   character(*),intent(out)       :: message                   ! error message
   ! local variables
@@ -997,34 +978,36 @@ subroutine soilCmpres(&
   ! (only compute for the mixed form of Richards' equation)
     do iLayer=1,size(mLayerMatricHead)
-    if(iLayer>=ixBeg .and. iLayer<=ixEnd)then
+      if(iLayer>=ixBeg .and. iLayer<=ixEnd)then
       ! compute the derivative for the compressibility term (m-1)
       dCompress_dPsi(iLayer) = specificStorage*(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer))/theta_sat(iLayer)
       ! compute the compressibility term (-)
       compress(iLayer)       = (mLayerMatricHeadTrial(iLayer) - mLayerMatricHead(iLayer))*dCompress_dPsi(iLayer)
-    endif
+      endif
     end do
-    compress(:)       = 0._dp
-    dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._dp
+    compress(:)       = 0._rkind
+    dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._rkind
   end if
 end subroutine soilCmpres
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
 ! public subroutine soilCmpres: compute soil compressibility (-) and its derivative w.r.t matric head (m-1)
 ! **********************************************************************************************************
 subroutine soilCmpresSundials(&
-  ! input:
-  ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
-  ixBeg,ixEnd,                        & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
-  mLayerMatricHeadPrime,              & ! intent(in): matric head at the start of the time step (m)
-  mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
-  mLayerVolFracIceTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
-  specificStorage,                    & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
-  theta_sat,                          & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
-  ! output:
-  compress,                           & ! intent(out): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
-  dCompress_dPsi,                     & ! intent(out): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
-  err,message)                          ! intent(out): error code and error message
+                          ! input:
+                          ixRichards,                         & ! intent(in): choice of option for Richards' equation
+                          ixBeg,ixEnd,                        & ! intent(in): start and end indices defining desired layers
+                          mLayerMatricHeadPrime,              & ! intent(in): matric head at the start of the time step (m)
+                          mLayerVolFracLiqTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric liquid water content in each soil layer (-)
+                          mLayerVolFracIceTrial,              & ! intent(in): trial value for the volumetric ice content in each soil layer (-)
+                          specificStorage,                    & ! intent(in): specific storage coefficient (m-1)
+                          theta_sat,                          & ! intent(in): soil porosity (-)
+                          ! output:
+                          compress,                           & ! intent(out): compressibility of the soil matrix (-)
+                          dCompress_dPsi,                     & ! intent(out): derivative in compressibility w.r.t. matric head (m-1)
+                          err,message)                          ! intent(out): error code and error message
   implicit none
   ! input:
   integer(i4b),intent(in)           :: ixRichards                ! choice of option for Richards' equation
@@ -1048,15 +1031,15 @@ subroutine soilCmpresSundials(&
     do iLayer=1,size(mLayerMatricHeadPrime)
       if(iLayer>=ixBeg .and. iLayer<=ixEnd)then
-        ! compute the derivative for the compressibility term (m-1)
-        dCompress_dPsi(iLayer) = specificStorage*(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer))/theta_sat(iLayer)
-        ! compute the compressibility term (-)
-        compress(iLayer)       =   mLayerMatricHeadPrime(iLayer) * dCompress_dPsi(iLayer)
+          ! compute the derivative for the compressibility term (m-1)
+          dCompress_dPsi(iLayer) = specificStorage*(mLayerVolFracLiqTrial(iLayer) + mLayerVolFracIceTrial(iLayer))/theta_sat(iLayer)
+          ! compute the compressibility term (-)
+          compress(iLayer)       =   mLayerMatricHeadPrime(iLayer) * dCompress_dPsi(iLayer)
     end do
-    compress(:)       = 0._dp
-    dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._dp
+    compress(:)       = 0._rkind
+    dCompress_dPsi(:) = 0._rkind
   end if
 end subroutine soilCmpresSundials