From 3d9547491827aa225499c18dffa59c714f7dad4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Klenk <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 13:08:37 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] fixed output issue with wrong timestep

 build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h         |   2 +
 build/source/actors/HRUActor.h                |   4 +-
 .../source/driver/summaActors_globalData.f90  | 196 +++++++++---------
 build/source/engine/childStruc.f90            |  92 ++++----
 build/source/engine/read_forcingActors.f90    |   3 -
 .../source/hookup/summaActors_FileManager.f90 |  50 ++---
 utils/netcdf/                 |  13 +-
 7 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
index 1279669..00f2294 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/FileAccessActor.h
@@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ void initalizeFileAccessActor(stateful_actor<file_access_state>* self) {
+    aout(self) << "\n\nNumber of timesteps for the simulation = " << self->state.num_steps << "\n";
diff --git a/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h b/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
index 76d0a76..46cd18f 100644
--- a/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
+++ b/build/source/actors/HRUActor.h
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ behavior hru_actor(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int refGRU, int indxGRU,
                 self->state.timestep += 1;
+                self->state.outputStep += 1; // value to monitor how full the output structure is
                 // check if we need more forcing information
                 if (self->state.forcingStep > self->state.stepsInCurrentFFile) {
                     // aout(self) << "Asking for more forcing data" << std::endl;
@@ -141,8 +142,7 @@ behavior hru_actor(stateful_actor<hru_state>* self, int refGRU, int indxGRU,
                     self->state.outputStep = 1;
-                self->state.outputStep += 1; // value to monitor how full the output structure is
             self->state.end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
diff --git a/build/source/driver/summaActors_globalData.f90 b/build/source/driver/summaActors_globalData.f90
index d2acf39..69e2f7f 100755
--- a/build/source/driver/summaActors_globalData.f90
+++ b/build/source/driver/summaActors_globalData.f90
@@ -62,103 +62,103 @@ private
- subroutine summa_defineGlobalData(err, message)
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * desired modules
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! data types
- USE nrtype                                                  ! variable types, etc.
- ! subroutines and functions: initial priming
- USE,intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic                            ! IEEE arithmetic (obviously)
- ! subroutines and functions: define metadata structures
- USE popMetadat_module,only:popMetadat                       ! module to populate metadata structures
- USE flxMapping_module,only:flxMapping                       ! module to map fluxes to states
- USE checkStruc_module,only:checkStruc                       ! module to check metadata structures
- USE childStruc_module,only:childStruc                       ! module to create a child data structure
- ! miscellaneous global data
- USE globalData,only:dNaN                                    ! double precision NaN
- USE globalData,only:doJacobian                              ! flag to compute the Jacobian
- USE globalData,only:structInfo                              ! information on the data structures
- ! named variables that describe elements of child  model structures
- USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType                            ! look-up values for variable type structure
- USE var_lookup,only:childFLUX_MEAN                          ! look-up values for timestep-average model fluxes
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! * variables
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- implicit none
- ! dummy variables
- integer(i4b),intent(out)              :: err                ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)              :: message            ! error message
- ! local variables
- character(LEN=256)                    :: cmessage           ! error message of downwind routine
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarFlux)   :: flux_mask          ! mask defining desired flux variables
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarForc)   :: statForc_mask      ! mask defining forc stats
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarProg)   :: statProg_mask      ! mask defining prog stats
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarDiag)   :: statDiag_mask      ! mask defining diag stats
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarFlux)   :: statFlux_mask      ! mask defining flux stats
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarIndx)   :: statIndx_mask      ! mask defining indx stats
- logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarBvar)   :: statBvar_mask      ! mask defining bvar stats
- integer(i4b)                          :: iStruct            ! index of data structure
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! initialize error control
- err=0; message='summa_defineGlobalData/'
- ! initialize the Jacobian flag
- doJacobian=.false.        ! initialize the Jacobian flag
- ! define double precision NaNs (shared in globalData)
- dNaN = ieee_value(1._dp, ieee_quiet_nan)
- ! populate metadata for all model variables
- call popMetadat(err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! define mapping between fluxes and states
- call flxMapping(err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! check data structures
- call checkStruc(err,cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! define the mask to identify the subset of variables in the "child" data structure (just scalar variables)
- flux_mask = (flux_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv)
- ! create the averageFlux metadata structure
- call childStruc(flux_meta, flux_mask, averageFlux_meta, childFLUX_MEAN, err, cmessage)
- if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
- ! child metadata structures - so that we do not carry full stats structures around everywhere
- ! only carry stats for variables with output frequency > model time step
- statForc_mask = (forc_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.forc_meta(:)%varDesire)
- statProg_mask = (prog_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.prog_meta(:)%varDesire)
- statDiag_mask = (diag_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.diag_meta(:)%varDesire)
- statFlux_mask = (flux_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.flux_meta(:)%varDesire)
- statIndx_mask = (indx_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.indx_meta(:)%varDesire)
- statBvar_mask = (bvar_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.bvar_meta(:)%varDesire)
- ! create the stats metadata structures
- do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
-  select case (trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
-   case('forc'); call childStruc(forc_meta,statForc_mask,statForc_meta,forcChild_map,err,cmessage)
-   case('prog'); call childStruc(prog_meta,statProg_mask,statProg_meta,progChild_map,err,cmessage)
-   case('diag'); call childStruc(diag_meta,statDiag_mask,statDiag_meta,diagChild_map,err,cmessage)
-   case('flux'); call childStruc(flux_meta,statFlux_mask,statFlux_meta,fluxChild_map,err,cmessage)
-   case('indx'); call childStruc(indx_meta,statIndx_mask,statIndx_meta,indxChild_map,err,cmessage)
-   case('bvar'); call childStruc(bvar_meta,statBvar_mask,statBvar_meta,bvarChild_map,err,cmessage)
-  end select
-  ! check errors
-  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'[statistics for =  '//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'; return; endif
- end do ! iStruct
- ! set all stats metadata to correct var types
- statForc_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- statProg_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- statDiag_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- statFlux_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- statIndx_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- statBvar_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
- end subroutine summa_defineGlobalData
+subroutine summa_defineGlobalData(err, message)
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * desired modules
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! data types
+  USE nrtype                                                  ! variable types, etc.
+  ! subroutines and functions: initial priming
+  USE,intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic                            ! IEEE arithmetic (obviously)
+  ! subroutines and functions: define metadata structures
+  USE popMetadat_module,only:popMetadat                       ! module to populate metadata structures
+  USE flxMapping_module,only:flxMapping                       ! module to map fluxes to states
+  USE checkStruc_module,only:checkStruc                       ! module to check metadata structures
+  USE childStruc_module,only:childStruc                       ! module to create a child data structure
+  ! miscellaneous global data
+  USE globalData,only:dNaN                                    ! double precision NaN
+  USE globalData,only:doJacobian                              ! flag to compute the Jacobian
+  USE globalData,only:structInfo                              ! information on the data structures
+  ! named variables that describe elements of child  model structures
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookVarType                            ! look-up values for variable type structure
+  USE var_lookup,only:childFLUX_MEAN                          ! look-up values for timestep-average model fluxes
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * variables
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  implicit none
+  ! dummy variables
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)              :: err                ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)              :: message            ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  character(LEN=256)                    :: cmessage           ! error message of downwind routine
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarFlux)   :: flux_mask          ! mask defining desired flux variables
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarForc)   :: statForc_mask      ! mask defining forc stats
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarProg)   :: statProg_mask      ! mask defining prog stats
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarDiag)   :: statDiag_mask      ! mask defining diag stats
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarFlux)   :: statFlux_mask      ! mask defining flux stats
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarIndx)   :: statIndx_mask      ! mask defining indx stats
+  logical(lgt), dimension(maxvarBvar)   :: statBvar_mask      ! mask defining bvar stats
+  integer(i4b)                          :: iStruct            ! index of data structure
+  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initialize error control
+  err=0; message='summa_defineGlobalData/'
+  ! initialize the Jacobian flag
+  doJacobian=.false.        ! initialize the Jacobian flag
+  ! define double precision NaNs (shared in globalData)
+  dNaN = ieee_value(1._dp, ieee_quiet_nan)
+  ! populate metadata for all model variables
+  call popMetadat(err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+  ! define mapping between fluxes and states
+  call flxMapping(err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+  ! check data structures
+  call checkStruc(err,cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+  ! define the mask to identify the subset of variables in the "child" data structure (just scalar variables)
+  flux_mask = (flux_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv)
+  ! create the averageFlux metadata structure
+  call childStruc(flux_meta, flux_mask, averageFlux_meta, childFLUX_MEAN, err, cmessage)
+  if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+  ! child metadata structures - so that we do not carry full stats structures around everywhere
+  ! only carry stats for variables with output frequency > model time step
+  statForc_mask = (forc_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.forc_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  statProg_mask = (prog_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.prog_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  statDiag_mask = (diag_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.diag_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  statFlux_mask = (flux_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.flux_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  statIndx_mask = (indx_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.indx_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  statBvar_mask = (bvar_meta(:)%vartype==iLookVarType%scalarv.and.bvar_meta(:)%varDesire)
+  ! create the stats metadata structures
+  do iStruct=1,size(structInfo)
+    select case (trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName))
+      case('forc'); call childStruc(forc_meta,statForc_mask,statForc_meta,forcChild_map,err,cmessage)
+      case('prog'); call childStruc(prog_meta,statProg_mask,statProg_meta,progChild_map,err,cmessage)
+      case('diag'); call childStruc(diag_meta,statDiag_mask,statDiag_meta,diagChild_map,err,cmessage)
+      case('flux'); call childStruc(flux_meta,statFlux_mask,statFlux_meta,fluxChild_map,err,cmessage)
+      case('indx'); call childStruc(indx_meta,statIndx_mask,statIndx_meta,indxChild_map,err,cmessage)
+      case('bvar'); call childStruc(bvar_meta,statBvar_mask,statBvar_meta,bvarChild_map,err,cmessage)
+    end select
+    ! check errors
+    if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)//'[statistics for =  '//trim(structInfo(iStruct)%structName)//']'; return; endif
+  end do ! iStruct
+  ! set all stats metadata to correct var types
+  statForc_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+  statProg_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+  statDiag_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+  statFlux_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+  statIndx_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+  statBvar_meta(:)%vartype = iLookVarType%outstat
+end subroutine summa_defineGlobalData
 end module summa_globalData
diff --git a/build/source/engine/childStruc.f90 b/build/source/engine/childStruc.f90
index 01061ee..bc7c974 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/childStruc.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/childStruc.f90
@@ -29,57 +29,57 @@ public::childStruc
- ! ************************************************************************************************
- ! public subroutine childStruc: create a child data structure
- ! ************************************************************************************************
- subroutine childStruc(metaParent,mask,                        & ! input
-                       metaChild,parent2child_map,err,message)   ! output
- USE data_types,only:var_info               ! data type for the metadata structure
- USE data_types,only:extended_info          ! data type for the extended metadata structure
- implicit none
- ! input variables
- type(var_info),intent(in)                   :: metaParent(:)       ! parent metadata structure
- logical(lgt),intent(in)                     :: mask(:)             ! variables desired
- ! output variables
- type(extended_info),allocatable,intent(out) :: metaChild(:)        ! child metadata structure
- integer(i4b),allocatable,intent(out)        :: parent2child_map(:) ! index of the child variable
- integer(i4b),intent(out)                    :: err                 ! error code
- character(*),intent(out)                    :: message             ! error message
- ! local variables
- integer(i4b)                                :: nParent             ! number of elements in the parent data structure
- integer(i4b)                                :: nChild              ! number of elements in the child data structure
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! initialize errors
- err=0; message="childStruc/"
+! ************************************************************************************************
+! public subroutine childStruc: create a child data structure
+! ************************************************************************************************
+subroutine childStruc(metaParent,mask,                        & ! input
+                      metaChild,parent2child_map,err,message)   ! output
+  USE data_types,only:var_info               ! data type for the metadata structure
+  USE data_types,only:extended_info          ! data type for the extended metadata structure
+  implicit none
+  ! input variables
+  type(var_info),intent(in)                   :: metaParent(:)       ! parent metadata structure
+  logical(lgt),intent(in)                     :: mask(:)             ! variables desired
+  ! output variables
+  type(extended_info),allocatable,intent(out) :: metaChild(:)        ! child metadata structure
+  integer(i4b),allocatable,intent(out)        :: parent2child_map(:) ! index of the child variable
+  integer(i4b),intent(out)                    :: err                 ! error code
+  character(*),intent(out)                    :: message             ! error message
+  ! local variables
+  integer(i4b)                                :: nParent             ! number of elements in the parent data structure
+  integer(i4b)                                :: nChild              ! number of elements in the child data structure
+  ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initialize errors
+  err=0; message="childStruc/"
- ! check the size of the input structures
- nParent = size(metaParent)
- if(size(mask)/=nParent)then
-  message=trim(message)//'size of mask vector does not match the size of the parent structure'
-  err=20; return
- end if
+  ! check the size of the input structures
+  nParent = size(metaParent)
+  if(size(mask)/=nParent)then
+    message=trim(message)//'size of mask vector does not match the size of the parent structure'
+    err=20; return
+  end if
- ! allocate space for the child metadata structure
- nChild = count(mask)
- if(allocated(metaChild)) deallocate(metaChild)
- allocate(metaChild(nChild),stat=err)
- if(err/=0)then
-  message=trim(message)//'problem allocating space for the child metadata structure'
-  err=20; return
- end if
+  ! allocate space for the child metadata structure
+  nChild = count(mask)
+  if(allocated(metaChild)) deallocate(metaChild)
+    allocate(metaChild(nChild),stat=err)
+    if(err/=0)then
+    message=trim(message)//'problem allocating space for the child metadata structure'
+    err=20; return
+  end if
- ! define mapping with the parent data structure
- metaChild(:)%ixParent = pack(arth(1,1,nParent), mask)
+  ! define mapping with the parent data structure
+  metaChild(:)%ixParent = pack(arth(1,1,nParent), mask)
- ! copy across the metadata from the parent structure
- metaChild(:)%var_info = metaParent(metaChild(:)%ixParent)
+  ! copy across the metadata from the parent structure
+  metaChild(:)%var_info = metaParent(metaChild(:)%ixParent)
- ! allows to map from the parent to the child - must carry this around outside
- if(allocated(parent2child_map)) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'child map already allocated'; return; end if;
- allocate(parent2child_map(nParent))
- parent2child_map(:) = integerMissing
- if(nChild>0) parent2child_map(metaChild(:)%ixParent) = arth(1,1,nChild)
+  ! allows to map from the parent to the child - must carry this around outside
+  if(allocated(parent2child_map)) then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'child map already allocated'; return; end if;
+  allocate(parent2child_map(nParent))
+  parent2child_map(:) = integerMissing
+  if(nChild>0) parent2child_map(metaChild(:)%ixParent) = arth(1,1,nChild)
- end subroutine childStruc
+end subroutine childStruc
 end module childStruc_module
diff --git a/build/source/engine/read_forcingActors.f90 b/build/source/engine/read_forcingActors.f90
index f53df54..17b2b1a 100755
--- a/build/source/engine/read_forcingActors.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/read_forcingActors.f90
@@ -188,9 +188,6 @@ subroutine read_forcingActors(&
  ! set timing of current forcing vector (in seconds since reference day)
  ! NOTE: It is a bit silly to have time information for each HRU and GRU
  forcStruct%var(iLookFORCE%time) = (currentJulday-refJulday)*secprday
-  ! if(indxGRU == 3)then
-  !   print*, "time = ", forcStruct%var(iLookFORCE%time), "iStep = ", iStep
-  ! endif
  ! compute the number of days in the current year
  yearLength = 365
diff --git a/build/source/hookup/summaActors_FileManager.f90 b/build/source/hookup/summaActors_FileManager.f90
index 4963369..041984f 100755
--- a/build/source/hookup/summaActors_FileManager.f90
+++ b/build/source/hookup/summaActors_FileManager.f90
@@ -114,37 +114,37 @@ subroutine summa_SetTimesDirsAndFiles(summaFileManagerIn,err,message)
     ! assign entries from control file to module public variables; add checking as needed
     select case(trim(option))
-    case('controlVersion' );
+      case('controlVersion' );
         CONTROL_VRS = trim(varEntry);
         if(trim(varEntry)/=trim(summaFileManagerHeader)) then
           message=trim(message)//"unknown control file version in '"//trim(summaFileManagerIn)//" looking for "//trim(summaFileManagerHeader)
         end if
-    case('simStartTime'       ); SIM_START_TM = trim(varEntry)                  ! start simulation time
-    case('simEndTime'         ); SIM_END_TM = trim(varEntry)                    ! end simulation time
-    case('tmZoneInfo'         ); NC_TIME_ZONE = trim(varEntry)                  ! time zone info
-    case('settingsPath'       ); SETTINGS_PATH = trim(varEntry)                 ! settings directory
-    case('forcingPath'        ); FORCING_PATH = trim(varEntry)                  ! input forcing directory
-    case('outputPath'         ); OUTPUT_PATH = trim(varEntry)                   ! output directory
-    case('forcingFreq'        ); FORCING_FREQ = trim(varEntry)                  ! Frequency of forcing files (input)
-    case('forcingStart'       ); FORCING_START = trim(varEntry)                    ! number of forcing files
-    case('statePath'          ); STATE_PATH = trim(varEntry)                    ! state file input/output directory
-    case('decisionsFile'      ); M_DECISIONS = trim(varEntry)                   ! model decisions file
-    case('outputControlFile'  ); OUTPUT_CONTROL = trim(varEntry)                ! output control file
-    case('globalHruParamFile' ); LOCALPARAM_INFO = trim(varEntry)               ! default/global hru-level param file
-    case('globalGruParamFile' ); BASINPARAM_INFO = trim(varEntry)               ! default/global gru-level param file
-    case('attributeFile'      ); LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = trim(varEntry)              ! attribute file
-    case('trialParamFile'     ); PARAMETER_TRIAL = trim(varEntry)               ! trial parameters file (hru and/or gru)
-    case('vegTableFile'       ); VEGPARM = trim(varEntry)                       ! vegetation parameter table
-    case('soilTableFile'      ); SOILPARM = trim(varEntry)                      ! soil parameter table
-    case('generalTableFile'   ); GENPARM = trim(varEntry)                       ! general parameter table
-    case('noahmpTableFile'    ); MPTABLE = trim(varEntry)                       ! noah mp parameter table
-    case('forcingListFile'    ); FORCING_FILELIST = trim(varEntry)              ! file listing forcing filenames
-    case('initConditionFile'  ); MODEL_INITCOND = trim(varEntry)                ! initial conditions file (cold State)
-    case('outFilePrefix'      ); OUTPUT_PREFIX = trim(varEntry)                 ! filename root for output files
-    ! get to here if cannot find the variable
-    case default
+      case('simStartTime'       ); SIM_START_TM = trim(varEntry)                  ! start simulation time
+      case('simEndTime'         ); SIM_END_TM = trim(varEntry)                    ! end simulation time
+      case('tmZoneInfo'         ); NC_TIME_ZONE = trim(varEntry)                  ! time zone info
+      case('settingsPath'       ); SETTINGS_PATH = trim(varEntry)                 ! settings directory
+      case('forcingPath'        ); FORCING_PATH = trim(varEntry)                  ! input forcing directory
+      case('outputPath'         ); OUTPUT_PATH = trim(varEntry)                   ! output directory
+      case('forcingFreq'        ); FORCING_FREQ = trim(varEntry)                  ! Frequency of forcing files (input)
+      case('forcingStart'       ); FORCING_START = trim(varEntry)                    ! number of forcing files
+      case('statePath'          ); STATE_PATH = trim(varEntry)                    ! state file input/output directory
+      case('decisionsFile'      ); M_DECISIONS = trim(varEntry)                   ! model decisions file
+      case('outputControlFile'  ); OUTPUT_CONTROL = trim(varEntry)                ! output control file
+      case('globalHruParamFile' ); LOCALPARAM_INFO = trim(varEntry)               ! default/global hru-level param file
+      case('globalGruParamFile' ); BASINPARAM_INFO = trim(varEntry)               ! default/global gru-level param file
+      case('attributeFile'      ); LOCAL_ATTRIBUTES = trim(varEntry)              ! attribute file
+      case('trialParamFile'     ); PARAMETER_TRIAL = trim(varEntry)               ! trial parameters file (hru and/or gru)
+      case('vegTableFile'       ); VEGPARM = trim(varEntry)                       ! vegetation parameter table
+      case('soilTableFile'      ); SOILPARM = trim(varEntry)                      ! soil parameter table
+      case('generalTableFile'   ); GENPARM = trim(varEntry)                       ! general parameter table
+      case('noahmpTableFile'    ); MPTABLE = trim(varEntry)                       ! noah mp parameter table
+      case('forcingListFile'    ); FORCING_FILELIST = trim(varEntry)              ! file listing forcing filenames
+      case('initConditionFile'  ); MODEL_INITCOND = trim(varEntry)                ! initial conditions file (cold State)
+      case('outFilePrefix'      ); OUTPUT_PREFIX = trim(varEntry)                 ! filename root for output files
+      ! get to here if cannot find the variable
+      case default
       err=10; message=trim(message)//"unknown control file option: "//trim(option); return
     end select
   end do
diff --git a/utils/netcdf/ b/utils/netcdf/
index 7d743b1..69fba28 100644
--- a/utils/netcdf/
+++ b/utils/netcdf/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from os.path import isfile, join
 from pathlib import Path
 import xarray as xr 
-numHRU = 10
+numHRU = 1
 time = 'time'
 scalarSWE = 'scalarSWE'
@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ varList = [time, scalarSWE, scalarCanopyWat, scalarAquiferStorage, scalarTotalSo
     scalarTotalET, scalarTotalRunoff, scalarNetRadiation]
 # varList = [time, scalarSWE]
-time = "day"
-filename = "out_{}.txt".format(time)
-originalPath = Path('/scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/summaActors/netcdf/SummaActors_G000001-000010_{}.nc'.format(time))
-actorsPath = Path('/scratch/gwf/gwf_cmt/kck540/summaActors/netcdf/SummaActorsGRU1-10_{}.nc'.format(time))
+filename = "out.txt"
+originalPath = Path('/home/k13nk/SummaProject/output/originalBench/')
+actorsPath = Path('/home/k13nk/SummaProject/output/testOutput/')
 originalDataset = xr.open_dataset(originalPath)
 actorsDataset = xr.open_dataset(actorsPath)
@@ -69,8 +68,8 @@ for i in range(0, numHRU):
         diff = dataOrig[a] - dataAct[a]
         if diff < -marginOfError or diff > marginOfError:
           file.write("{}: {} = Actor and {} = original is different:   {}\n".format(a, dataAct[a], dataOrig[a], abs(dataAct[a] - dataOrig[a])))
-        else:
-          file.write("{}: {} = Actor and {} = original is the same\n".format(a, dataAct[a], dataOrig[a]))
+        # else:
+          # file.write("{}: {} = Actor and {} = original is the same\n".format(a, dataAct[a], dataOrig[a]))