From 3a94baec9fc74ee0c4b52b41a654553b735b453f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2022 19:20:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] applied changes to systemSolvSundials.f90

 .../engine/sundials/systemSolvSundials.f90    | 1039 ++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 503 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/source/engine/sundials/systemSolvSundials.f90 b/build/source/engine/sundials/systemSolvSundials.f90
index a87affa..a941c72 100644
--- a/build/source/engine/sundials/systemSolvSundials.f90
+++ b/build/source/engine/sundials/systemSolvSundials.f90
@@ -2,360 +2,346 @@
 module systemSolvSundials_module
-! data types
-USE nrtype
-! access the global print flag
-USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
-! access missing values
-USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
-USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
-USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
-! access matrix information
-USE globalData,only: nBands         ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
-USE globalData,only: ixFullMatrix   ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
-USE globalData,only: ixBandMatrix   ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
-USE globalData,only: iJac1          ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
-USE globalData,only: iJac2          ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
-! domain types
-USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
-USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
-USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
-! state variable type
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
-USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
-USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
-! global metadata
-USE globalData,only:flux_meta                        ! metadata on the model fluxes
-! constants
-USE multiconst,only:&
-                    LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J K-1)
-                    Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
-                    iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
-                    iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
-! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookFORCE      ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS  ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
-USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV      ! named variables for structure elements
-! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
-USE data_types,only:&
-                    var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
-                    var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
-                    var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
-                    var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    zLookup,      & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
-                    model_options   ! defines the model decisions
-! look-up values for the choice of groundwater representation (local-column, or single-basin)
-USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
- localColumn,                     & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
- singleBasin                        ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
-! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
-USE mDecisions_module,only:      &
- qbaseTopmodel,                  & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
- bigBucket,                      & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
- noExplicit                        ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
-! safety: set private unless specified otherwise
-implicit none
-! control parameters
-real(rkind),parameter  :: valueMissing=-9999._rkind     ! missing value
-real(rkind),parameter  :: verySmall=1.e-12_rkind        ! a very small number (used to check consistency)
-real(rkind),parameter  :: veryBig=1.e+20_rkind          ! a very big number
-real(rkind),parameter  :: dx = 1.e-8_rkind              ! finite difference increment
-! **********************************************************************************************************
-! public subroutine systemSolvSundials: run the coupled energy-mass model for one timestep
-! **********************************************************************************************************
-subroutine systemSolvSundials(&
-                       ! input: model control
-                       dt,                & ! intent(in):    time step (s)
-                       nState,            & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
-                       firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in):    flag to denote first sub-step
-                       firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                       firstSplitOper,    & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                       computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
-                       scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-                       ! input/output: data structures
-                       lookup_data,       & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
-                       type_data,         & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                       attr_data,         & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                       forc_data,         & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                       mpar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                       indx_data,         & ! intent(inout): index data
-                       prog_data,         & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                       diag_data,         & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                       flux_temp,         & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                       bvar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
-                       model_decisions,   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                       stateVecInit,      & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
-                       ! output
-                       deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                       ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                       stateVecTrial,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
-                       stateVecPrime,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
-                       reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out):   flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
-                       tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out):   flag to denote that there was too much melt
-                       dt_out,            & ! intent(out)
-                       err,message)         ! intent(out):   error code and error message
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! structure allocations
-  USE allocspace4chm_module,only:allocLocal                ! allocate local data structures
-  ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
-  USE eval8summa_module,only:eval8summa               ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
-  USE eval8DAE_module,only:eval8DAE
-  USE summaSolve_module,only:summaSolve                ! calculate the iteration increment, evaluate the new state, and refine if necessary
-  USE getVectorz_module,only:getScaling                ! get the scaling vectors
-  USE convE2Temp_module,only:temp2ethpy                ! convert temperature to enthalpy
-  USE tol4IDA_module,only:popTol4IDA                   ! pop tolerances
-  USE solveByIDA_module,only:solveByIDA                ! solve DAE by IDA
-  USE t2enthalpy_module, only:t2enthalpy_T             ! compute enthalpy
-  USE, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+  ! data types
+  USE nrtype
+  ! access the global print flag
+  USE globalData,only:globalPrintFlag
+  ! access missing values
+  USE globalData,only:integerMissing  ! missing integer
+  USE globalData,only:realMissing     ! missing double precision number
+  USE globalData,only:quadMissing     ! missing quadruple precision number
+  ! access matrix information
+  USE globalData,only: nBands         ! length of the leading dimension of the band diagonal matrix
+  USE globalData,only: ixFullMatrix   ! named variable for the full Jacobian matrix
+  USE globalData,only: ixBandMatrix   ! named variable for the band diagonal matrix
+  USE globalData,only: iJac1          ! first layer of the Jacobian to print
+  USE globalData,only: iJac2          ! last layer of the Jacobian to print
+  ! domain types
+  USE globalData,only:iname_veg       ! named variables for vegetation
+  USE globalData,only:iname_snow      ! named variables for snow
+  USE globalData,only:iname_soil      ! named variables for soil
+  ! state variable type
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanair ! named variable defining the energy of the canopy air space
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgCanopy ! named variable defining the energy of the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_watCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of total water on the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_liqCanopy ! named variable defining the mass of liquid water on the vegetation canopy
+  USE globalData,only:iname_nrgLayer  ! named variable defining the energy state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_watLayer  ! named variable defining the total water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_liqLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid  water state variable for snow+soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_matLayer  ! named variable defining the matric head state variable for soil layers
+  USE globalData,only:iname_lmpLayer  ! named variable defining the liquid matric potential state variable for soil layers
+  ! global metadata
+  USE globalData,only:flux_meta                        ! metadata on the model fluxes
+  ! constants
+  USE multiconst,only:&
+                      LH_fus,       & ! latent heat of fusion                (J K-1)
+                      Tfreeze,      & ! temperature at freezing              (K)
+                      iden_ice,     & ! intrinsic density of ice             (kg m-3)
+                      iden_water      ! intrinsic density of liquid water    (kg m-3)
+  ! provide access to indices that define elements of the data structures
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPROG       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDIAG       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookFLUX       ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookFORCE      ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookPARAM      ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookINDEX      ! named variables for structure elements
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDECISIONS  ! named variables for elements of the decision structure
+  USE var_lookup,only:iLookDERIV      ! named variables for structure elements
+  ! provide access to the derived types to define the data structures
+  USE data_types,only:&
+                      var_i,        & ! data vector (i4b)
+                      var_d,        & ! data vector (rkind)
+                      var_ilength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (i4b)
+                      var_dlength,  & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
+                      zLookup,      & ! data vector with variable length dimension (rkind)
+                      model_options   ! defines the model decisions
+  ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater representation (local-column, or single-basin)
+  USE mDecisions_module,only:       &
+   localColumn,                     & ! separate groundwater representation in each local soil column
+   singleBasin                        ! single groundwater store over the entire basin
+  ! look-up values for the choice of groundwater parameterization
+  USE mDecisions_module,only:      &
+   qbaseTopmodel,                  & ! TOPMODEL-ish baseflow parameterization
+   bigBucket,                      & ! a big bucket (lumped aquifer model)
+   noExplicit                        ! no explicit groundwater parameterization
+  ! safety: set private unless specified otherwise
   implicit none
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! * dummy variables
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! input: model control
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: dt                            ! time step (seconds)
-  integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nState                        ! total number of state variables
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep                  ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-  logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstFluxCall                 ! flag to define the first flux call
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSplitOper                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux                ! flag to indicate if we are computing fluxes over vegetation (.false. means veg is buried with snow)
-  logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
-  ! input/output: data structures
-  type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
-  type(var_i),intent(in)          :: type_data                     ! type of vegetation and soil
-  type(var_d),intent(in)          :: attr_data                     ! spatial attributes
-  type(var_d),intent(in)          :: forc_data                     ! model forcing data
-  type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
-  type(var_ilength),intent(inout) :: indx_data                     ! indices for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_temp                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
-  type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: bvar_data                     ! model variables for the local basin
-  type(model_options),intent(in)  :: model_decisions(:)            ! model decisions
-  real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVecInit(:)               ! initial state vector (mixed units)
-  ! output: model control
-  type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                    ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-  integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation                  ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: stateVecTrial(:)              ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-  real(rkind),intent(out)         :: stateVecPrime(:)              ! trial state vector (mixed units)
-  logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: reduceCoupledStep             ! flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
-  logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that there was too much melt
-  real(qp),intent(out)            :: dt_out                        ! time step
-  integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                           ! error code
-  character(*),intent(out)        :: message                       ! error message
-  ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
-  ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! * general local variables
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  character(LEN=256)              :: cmessage                      ! error message of downwind routine
-  integer(i4b)                    :: iVar                          ! index of variable
-  integer(i4b)                    :: local_ixGroundwater           ! local index for groundwater representation
-  real(rkind)                     :: bulkDensity                   ! bulk density of a given layer (kg m-3)
-  real(rkind)                     :: volEnthalpy                   ! volumetric enthalpy of a given layer (J m-3)
-  real(rkind),parameter           :: tempAccelerate=0.00_rkind        ! factor to force initial canopy temperatures to be close to air temperature
-  real(rkind),parameter           :: xMinCanopyWater=0.0001_rkind     ! minimum value to initialize canopy water (kg m-2)
-  real(rkind),parameter           :: tinyStep=0.000001_rkind          ! stupidly small time step (s)
-  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! * model solver
-  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  logical(lgt),parameter          :: forceFullMatrix=.true.        ! flag to force the use of the full Jacobian matrix
-  integer(i4b)                    :: ixMatrix                      ! form of matrix (band diagonal or full matrix)
-  type(var_dlength)               :: flux_init                     ! model fluxes at the start of the time step
-  real(rkind),allocatable         :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:)        ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)  ! NOTE: allocatable, since not always needed
-  real(rkind)                     :: stateVecNew(nState)           ! new state vector (mixed units)
-  real(rkind)                     :: fluxVec0(nState)              ! flux vector (mixed units)
-  real(rkind)                     :: fScale(nState)                ! characteristic scale of the function evaluations (mixed units)
-  real(rkind)                     :: xScale(nState)                ! characteristic scale of the state vector (mixed units)
-  real(rkind)                     :: dMat(nState)                  ! diagonal matrix (excludes flux derivatives)
-  real(qp)                        :: sMul(nState)    ! NOTE: qp    ! multiplier for state vector for the residual calculations
-  real(qp)                        :: rVec(nState)    ! NOTE: qp    ! residual vector
-  real(rkind)                     :: rAdd(nState)                  ! additional terms in the residual vector
-  real(rkind)                     :: fOld                          ! function values (-); NOTE: dimensionless because scaled
-  logical(lgt)                    :: feasible                      ! feasibility flag
-  real(rkind)                     :: atol(nState)                  ! absolute telerance
-  real(rkind)                     :: rtol(nState)                  ! relative tolerance
-  real(rkind),parameter           :: canopyTempMax=500._rkind      ! expected maximum value for the canopy temperature (K)
-  type(var_dlength)               :: flux_sum                      ! sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
-  integer(i4b)                    :: tol_iter                      ! iteration index
-  real(rkind), allocatable        :: mLayerCmpress_sum(:)          ! sum of compression of the soil matrix
-  logical(lgt)                    :: idaSucceeds                   ! flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! point to variables in the data structures
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  globalVars: associate(&
-  ! model decisions
-  ixGroundwater           => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision   ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    groundwater parameterization
-  ixSpatialGroundwater    => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%spatial_gw)%iDecision   ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    spatial representation of groundwater (local-column or single-basin)
+  private
+  public::systemSolvSundials
+  ! control parameters
+  real(rkind),parameter  :: valueMissing=-9999._rkind     ! missing value
+  real(rkind),parameter  :: verySmall=1.e-12_rkind        ! a very small number (used to check consistency)
+  real(rkind),parameter  :: veryBig=1.e+20_rkind          ! a very big number
+  real(rkind),parameter  :: dx = 1.e-8_rkind              ! finite difference increment
+  contains
+   ! **********************************************************************************************************
+   ! public subroutine systemSolvSundials: run the coupled energy-mass model for one timestep
+   ! **********************************************************************************************************
+   subroutine systemSolvSundials(&
+                         ! input: model control
+                         dt,                & ! intent(in):    time step (s)
+                         nState,            & ! intent(in):    total number of state variables
+                         firstSubStep,      & ! intent(in):    flag to denote first sub-step
+                         firstFluxCall,     & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                         firstSplitOper,    & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+                         computeVegFlux,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if computing energy flux over vegetation
+                         scalarSolution,    & ! intent(in):    flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+                         ! input/output: data structures
+                         lookup_data,       & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
+                         type_data,         & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                         attr_data,         & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                         forc_data,         & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                         mpar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                         indx_data,         & ! intent(inout): index data
+                         prog_data,         & ! intent(inout): model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                         diag_data,         & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                         flux_temp,         & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                         bvar_data,         & ! intent(in):    model variables for the local basin
+                         model_decisions,   & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                         stateVecInit,      & ! intent(in):    initial state vector
+                         ! output
+                         deriv_data,        & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                         ixSaturation,      & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                         stateVecTrial,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
+                         stateVecPrime,     & ! intent(out):   updated state vector
+                         reduceCoupledStep, & ! intent(out):   flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
+                         tooMuchMelt,       & ! intent(out):   flag to denote that there was too much melt
+                         dt_out,			  & ! intent(out)
+                         err,message)         ! intent(out):   error code and error message
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! structure allocations
+   USE allocspace_module,only:allocLocal                ! allocate local data structures
+   ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
+   USE eval8summaSundials_module,only:eval8summaSundials ! simulation of fluxes and residuals given a trial state vector
+   USE getVectorz_module,only:getScaling                ! get the scaling vectors
+   USE convE2Temp_module,only:temp2ethpy                ! convert temperature to enthalpy
+   USE tol4IDA_module,only:popTol4IDA                   ! pop tolerances
+   USE summaSolveSundialsIDA_module,only:summaSolveSundialsIDA                ! solve DAE by IDA
+   USE t2enthalpy_module, only:t2enthalpy_T             ! compute enthalpy
+   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+   implicit none
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! * dummy variables
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! input: model control
+   real(rkind),intent(in)          :: dt                            ! time step (seconds)
+   integer(i4b),intent(in)         :: nState                        ! total number of state variables
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: firstSubStep                  ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+   logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstFluxCall                 ! flag to define the first flux call
+   logical(lgt),intent(inout)      :: firstSplitOper                ! flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: computeVegFlux                ! flag to indicate if we are computing fluxes over vegetation (.false. means veg is buried with snow)
+   logical(lgt),intent(in)         :: scalarSolution                ! flag to denote if implementing the scalar solution
+   ! input/output: data structures
+   type(zLookup),intent(in)        :: lookup_data                   ! lookup tables
+   type(var_i),intent(in)          :: type_data                     ! type of vegetation and soil
+   type(var_d),intent(in)          :: attr_data                     ! spatial attributes
+   type(var_d),intent(in)          :: forc_data                     ! model forcing data
+   type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: mpar_data                     ! model parameters
+   type(var_ilength),intent(inout) :: indx_data                     ! indices for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: prog_data                     ! prognostic variables for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: diag_data                     ! diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: flux_temp                     ! model fluxes for a local HRU
+   type(var_dlength),intent(in)    :: bvar_data                     ! model variables for the local basin
+   type(model_options),intent(in)  :: model_decisions(:)            ! model decisions
+   real(rkind),intent(in)          :: stateVecInit(:)               ! initial state vector (mixed units)
+   ! output: model control
+   type(var_dlength),intent(inout) :: deriv_data                    ! derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+   integer(i4b),intent(inout)      :: ixSaturation                  ! index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+   real(rkind),intent(out)         :: stateVecTrial(:)              ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+   real(rkind),intent(out)         :: stateVecPrime(:)              ! trial state vector (mixed units)
+   logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: reduceCoupledStep             ! flag to reduce the length of the coupled step
+   logical(lgt),intent(out)        :: tooMuchMelt                   ! flag to denote that there was too much melt
+   real(qp),intent(out)  			 :: dt_out                        ! time step
+   integer(i4b),intent(out)        :: err                           ! error code
+   character(*),intent(out)        :: message                       ! error message
+   ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
+   ! *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! * general local variables
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   character(LEN=256)              :: cmessage                      ! error message of downwind routine
+   integer(i4b)                    :: iVar                          ! index of variable
+   integer(i4b)                    :: local_ixGroundwater           ! local index for groundwater representation
+   real(rkind)                     :: bulkDensity                   ! bulk density of a given layer (kg m-3)
+   real(rkind)                     :: volEnthalpy                   ! volumetric enthalpy of a given layer (J m-3)
+   real(rkind),parameter           :: tempAccelerate=0.00_rkind        ! factor to force initial canopy temperatures to be close to air temperature
+   real(rkind),parameter           :: xMinCanopyWater=0.0001_rkind     ! minimum value to initialize canopy water (kg m-2)
+   real(rkind),parameter           :: tinyStep=0.000001_rkind          ! stupidly small time step (s)
+   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! * model solver
+   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   logical(lgt),parameter          :: forceFullMatrix=.true.        ! flag to force the use of the full Jacobian matrix
+   integer(i4b)                    :: ixMatrix                      ! form of matrix (band diagonal or full matrix)
+   type(var_dlength)               :: flux_init                     ! model fluxes at the start of the time step
+   real(rkind),allocatable         :: dBaseflow_dMatric(:,:)        ! derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)  ! NOTE: allocatable, since not always needed
+   real(rkind)                     :: stateVecNew(nState)           ! new state vector (mixed units)
+   real(rkind)                     :: fluxVec0(nState)              ! flux vector (mixed units)
+   real(rkind)                     :: fScale(nState)                ! characteristic scale of the function evaluations (mixed units)
+   real(rkind)                     :: xScale(nState)                ! characteristic scale of the state vector (mixed units)
+   real(rkind)                     :: dMat(nState)                  ! diagonal matrix (excludes flux derivatives)
+   real(qp)                        :: sMul(nState)    ! NOTE: qp    ! multiplier for state vector for the residual calculations
+   real(qp)                        :: rVec(nState)    ! NOTE: qp    ! residual vector
+   real(rkind)                     :: rAdd(nState)                  ! additional terms in the residual vector
+   logical(lgt)                    :: feasible                      ! feasibility flag
+   real(rkind)                     :: atol(nState)     		 	  ! absolute telerance
+   real(rkind)                     :: rtol(nState)     		      ! relative tolerance
+   integer(i4b)                    :: iLayer                        ! index of model layer in the snow+soil domain
+   real(rkind)                     :: xMin,xMax                     ! minimum and maximum values for water content
+   real(rkind),parameter           :: canopyTempMax=500._rkind      ! expected maximum value for the canopy temperature (K)
+   type(var_dlength)               :: flux_sum	   	              ! sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
+   integer(i4b) 					 :: tol_iter			          ! iteration index
+   real(rkind), allocatable        :: mLayerCmpress_sum(:)		  ! sum of compression of the soil matrix
+   logical(lgt)					 :: idaSucceeds		   		      ! flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! point to variables in the data structures
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   globalVars: associate(&
+   ! model decisions
+   ixGroundwater           => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%groundwatr)%iDecision   ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    groundwater parameterization
+   ixSpatialGroundwater    => model_decisions(iLookDECISIONS%spatial_gw)%iDecision   ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    spatial representation of groundwater (local-column or single-basin)
     ! enthalpy
-  scalarCanairEnthalpy    => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanairEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
-  scalarCanopyEnthalpy    => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
-  mLayerEnthalpy          => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat            ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] enthalpy of the snow+soil layers (J m-3)
-  ! soil parameters
-  theta_sat               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] soil porosity (-)
-  theta_res               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] residual volumetric water content (-)
-  ! model state variables
-  scalarCanairTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
-  scalarCanopyTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
-  scalarCanopyIce         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  scalarCanopyWat         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
-  ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
-  mLayerTemp              => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
-  mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
-  mLayerVolFracLiq        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
-  mLayerVolFracWat        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
-  mLayerMatricHead        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
-  mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):    [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
-  snowfrz_scale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)         ,& ! intent(in):    [dp]     scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
-  airtemp                 => forc_data%var(iLookFORCE%airtemp)                      ,& ! intent(in):    [dp]     temperature of the upper boundary of the snow and soil domains (K)
-  ixCasNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy air space energy state variable
-  ixVegNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable
-  ixSnowOnlyNrg           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow subdomain
-  ixSnowSoilHyd           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for hydrology states in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixSnowSoilNrg           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow+soil subdomain
-  ixHydType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydType)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] index of the type of hydrology states in snow+soil domain
-  layerType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%layerType)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] layer type (iname_soil or iname_snow)
-  ixVegHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
-  nSnow                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of snow layers
-  nSoil                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of soil layers
-  nLayers                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nLayers)%dat(1)                & ! intent(in):    [i4b]    total number of layers
-  )
-  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initialize error control
-  err=0; message="systemSolvSundials/"
-  ! *****
-  ! ********************
-  ! -----
-  ! * initialize...
-  ! ---------------
-  ! check
-  if(dt < tinyStep)then
+   scalarCanairEnthalpy    => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanairEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    enthalpy of the canopy air space (J m-3)
+   scalarCanopyEnthalpy    => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarCanopyEnthalpy)%dat(1)   ,&  ! intent(out): [dp]    enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+   mLayerEnthalpy          => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerEnthalpy)%dat            ,&  ! intent(out): [dp(:)] enthalpy of the snow+soil layers (J m-3)
+   ! soil parameters
+   theta_sat               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_sat)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] soil porosity (-)
+   theta_res               => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%theta_res)%dat                ,&  ! intent(in):  [dp(:)] residual volumetric water content (-)
+   ! model state variables
+   scalarCanairTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanairTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the canopy air space (K)
+   scalarCanopyTemp        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyTemp)%dat(1)       ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     temperature of the vegetation canopy (K)
+   scalarCanopyIce         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyIce)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+   scalarCanopyWat         => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%scalarCanopyWat)%dat(1)        ,& ! intent(in): [dp]     mass of total water on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+   ! model state variables (snow and soil domains)
+   mLayerTemp              => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerTemp)%dat                ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  temperature of each snow/soil layer (K)
+   mLayerVolFracIce        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracIce)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of ice (-)
+   mLayerVolFracLiq        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracLiq)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of liquid water (-)
+   mLayerVolFracWat        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerVolFracWat)%dat          ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  volumetric fraction of total water (-)
+   mLayerMatricHeadLiq     => diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerMatricHeadLiq)%dat       ,& ! intent(in): [dp(:)]  liquid water matric potential (m)
+   mLayerMatricHead        => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerMatricHead)%dat          ,& ! intent(inout): [dp(:)]  matric head (m)
+   ! check the need to merge snow layers
+   mLayerDepth             => prog_data%var(iLookPROG%mLayerDepth)%dat               ,& ! intent(in):    [dp(:)]  depth of each layer in the snow-soil sub-domain (m)
+   snowfrz_scale           => mpar_data%var(iLookPARAM%snowfrz_scale)%dat(1)         ,& ! intent(in):    [dp]     scaling parameter for the snow freezing curve (K-1)
+   ! accelerate solution for temperature
+   airtemp                 => forc_data%var(iLookFORCE%airtemp)                      ,& ! intent(in):    [dp]     temperature of the upper boundary of the snow and soil domains (K)
+   ixCasNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixCasNrg)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy air space energy state variable
+   ixVegNrg                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegNrg)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy energy state variable
+   ixVegHyd                => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixVegHyd)%dat(1)              ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    index of canopy hydrology state variable (mass)
+   ! vector of energy and hydrology indices for the snow and soil domains
+   ixSnowOnlyNrg           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowOnlyNrg)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow subdomain
+   ixSnowSoilHyd           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilHyd)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for hydrology states in the snow+soil subdomain
+   ixSnowSoilNrg           => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixSnowSoilNrg)%dat            ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] indices for energy states in the snow+soil subdomain
+   ixHydType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%ixHydType)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] index of the type of hydrology states in snow+soil domain
+   layerType               => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%layerType)%dat                ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b(:)] layer type (iname_soil or iname_snow)
+   ! layer geometry
+   nSnow                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSnow)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of snow layers
+   nSoil                   => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nSoil)%dat(1)                 ,& ! intent(in):    [i4b]    number of soil layers
+   nLayers                 => indx_data%var(iLookINDEX%nLayers)%dat(1)                & ! intent(in):    [i4b]    total number of layers
+   )
+   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   ! initialize error control
+   err=0; message="systemSolvSundials/"
+   ! *****
+   ! (0) PRELIMINARIES...
+   ! ********************
+   ! -----
+   ! * initialize...
+   ! ---------------
+   ! check
+   if(dt < tinyStep)then
     message=trim(message)//'dt is tiny'
-    print*, message
     err=20; return
-  endif
-  ! initialize the flags
-  tooMuchMelt        = .false.   ! too much melt
-  reduceCoupledStep  = .false.   ! need to reduce the length of the coupled step
-  ! modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation
-  select case(ixSpatialGroundwater)
+   endif
+   ! initialize the flags
+   tooMuchMelt        = .false.   ! too much melt
+   reduceCoupledStep  = .false.   ! need to reduce the length of the coupled step
+   ! modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation
+   select case(ixSpatialGroundwater)
     case(singleBasin); local_ixGroundwater = noExplicit    ! force no explicit representation of groundwater at the local scale
     case(localColumn); local_ixGroundwater = ixGroundwater ! go with the specified decision
     case default; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to identify spatial representation of groundwater'; return
-  end select ! (modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation)
-  ! allocate space for the model fluxes at the start of the time step
-  call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_init,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
-  if(err/=0)then
-    err=20
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return
-  endif
-  ! allocate space for the baseflow derivatives
-  ! NOTE: needs allocation because only used when baseflow sinks are active
-  if(ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel)then
+   end select ! (modify the groundwater representation for this single-column implementation)
+   ! allocate space for the model fluxes at the start of the time step
+   call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_init,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+   ! allocate space for the baseflow derivatives
+   ! NOTE: needs allocation because only used when baseflow sinks are active
+   if(ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel)then
     allocate(dBaseflow_dMatric(nSoil,nSoil),stat=err)  ! baseflow depends on total storage in the soil column, hence on matric head in every soil layer
-  else
+   else
     allocate(dBaseflow_dMatric(0,0),stat=err)          ! allocate zero-length dimnensions to avoid passing around an unallocated matrix
-  end if
-  if(err/=0)then
-    err=20
-    message=trim(message)//'unable to allocate space for the baseflow derivatives'
-    print*, message
-    return
-  end if
-  ! identify the matrix solution method
-  ! (the type of matrix used to solve the linear system A.X=B)
-  if(local_ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel .or. scalarSolution .or. forceFullMatrix)then
+   end if
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//'unable to allocate space for the baseflow derivatives'; return; end if
+   ! identify the matrix solution method
+   ! (the type of matrix used to solve the linear system A.X=B)
+   if(local_ixGroundwater==qbaseTopmodel .or. scalarSolution .or. forceFullMatrix)then
     ixMatrix=ixFullMatrix   ! named variable to denote the full Jacobian matrix
-  else
+   else
     ixMatrix=ixBandMatrix   ! named variable to denote the band-diagonal matrix
-  endif
-  ! initialize the model fluxes (some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations)
-  do iVar=1,size(flux_temp%var)
+   endif
+   ! initialize the model fluxes (some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations)
+   do iVar=1,size(flux_temp%var)
     flux_init%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:)
-  end do
-  ! -----
-  ! * get scaling vectors...
-  ! ------------------------
-  ! initialize state vectors
-  call getScaling(&
-                  ! input
-                  diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
-                  ! output
-                  fScale,                           & ! intent(out):   function scaling vector (mixed units)
-                  xScale,                           & ! intent(out):   variable scaling vector (mixed units)
-                  sMul,                             & ! intent(out):   multiplier for state vector (used in the residual calculations)
-                  dMat,                             & ! intent(out):   diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
-                  err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return
-  endif  ! (check for errors)
-  ! initialize the trial state vectors
-  stateVecTrial = stateVecInit
-  ! need to intialize canopy water at a positive value
-  if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
+   end do
+   ! -----
+   ! * get scaling vectors...
+   ! ------------------------
+   ! initialize state vectors
+   call getScaling(&
+                   ! input
+                   diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                   indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
+                   ! output
+                   fScale,                           & ! intent(out):   function scaling vector (mixed units)
+                   xScale,                           & ! intent(out):   variable scaling vector (mixed units)
+                   sMul,                             & ! intent(out):   multiplier for state vector (used in the residual calculations)
+                   dMat,                             & ! intent(out):   diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
+                   err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
+   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
+   ! initialize the trial state vectors
+   stateVecTrial = stateVecInit
+   ! need to intialize canopy water at a positive value
+   if(ixVegHyd/=integerMissing)then
     if(stateVecTrial(ixVegHyd) < xMinCanopyWater) stateVecTrial(ixVegHyd) = stateVecTrial(ixVegHyd) + xMinCanopyWater
-  endif
-  ! try to accelerate solution for energy
-  if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) stateVecTrial(ixCasNrg) = stateVecInit(ixCasNrg) + (airtemp - stateVecInit(ixCasNrg))*tempAccelerate
-  if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) stateVecTrial(ixVegNrg) = stateVecInit(ixVegNrg) + (airtemp - stateVecInit(ixVegNrg))*tempAccelerate
-  ! compute H_T at the beginning of the data step
-  call t2enthalpy_T(&
+   endif
+   ! try to accelerate solution for energy
+   if(ixCasNrg/=integerMissing) stateVecTrial(ixCasNrg) = stateVecInit(ixCasNrg) + (airtemp - stateVecInit(ixCasNrg))*tempAccelerate
+   if(ixVegNrg/=integerMissing) stateVecTrial(ixVegNrg) = stateVecInit(ixVegNrg) + (airtemp - stateVecInit(ixVegNrg))*tempAccelerate
+   ! compute H_T at the beginning of the data step
+   call t2enthalpy_T(&
                   ! input: data structures
                   diag_data,                   & ! intent(in):  model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
                   mpar_data,                   & ! intent(in):  parameter data structure
@@ -377,219 +363,200 @@ subroutine systemSolvSundials(&
                   mLayerEnthalpy,              & ! intent(out): temperature component of enthalpy of each snow+soil layer (J m-3)
                   ! output: error control
                   err,cmessage)                  ! intent(out): error control
-  if(err/=0)then
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return 
-  endif
-  ! compute the flux and the residual vector for a given state vector
-  ! NOTE 1: The derivatives computed in eval8summa are used to calculate the Jacobian matrix for the first iteration
-  ! NOTE 2: The Jacobian matrix together with the residual vector is used to calculate the first iteration increment
-  call eval8summa(&
-                  ! input: model control
-                  dt,                      & ! intent(in):    length of the time step (seconds)
-                  nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                  nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                  nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of layers
-                  nState,                  & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
-                  firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                  firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
-                  firstSplitOper,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
-                  computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                  scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                  ! input: state vectors
-                  stateVecTrial,           & ! intent(in):    model state vector
-                  fScale,                  & ! intent(in):    function scaling vector
-                  sMul,                    & ! intent(in):    state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                  ! input: data structures
-                  model_decisions,         & ! intent(in):    model decisions
-                  lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
-                  type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                  attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                  mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                  forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                  bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                  prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    index data
-                  ! input-output: data structures
-                  diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  flux_init,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
-                  deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                  ! input-output: baseflow
-                  ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                  dBaseflow_dMatric,       & ! intent(out):   derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
-                  ! output
-                  feasible,                & ! intent(out):   flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
-                  fluxVec0,                & ! intent(out):   flux vector
-                  rAdd,                    & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
-                  rVec,                    & ! intent(out):   residual vector
-                  fOld,                    & ! intent(out):   function evaluation
-                  err,cmessage)              ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return
-  endif  ! (check for errors)
+   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
-  if(.not.feasible)then
-    message=trim(message)//'state vector not feasible'
-    err=20
-    return
-  endif
-  ! copy over the initial flux structure since some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations
-  do concurrent ( iVar=1:size(flux_meta) )
+   ! compute the flux and the residual vector for a given state vector
+   ! NOTE 1: The derivatives computed in eval8summaSundials are used to calculate the Jacobian matrix for the first iteration
+   ! NOTE 2: The Jacobian matrix together with the residual vector is used to calculate the first iteration increment
+   call eval8summaSundials(&
+                   ! input: model control
+                   dt,                      & ! intent(in):    current stepsize
+                   dt,                      & ! intent(in):    length of the time step (seconds)
+                   nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                   nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                   nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of layers
+                   nState,                  & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
+                   .false.,                 & ! intent(in):    outside Sundials solver loop
+                   firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                   firstFluxCall,           & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call
+                   firstSplitOper,          & ! intent(inout): flag to indicate if we are processing the first flux call in a splitting operation
+                   computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                   scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                   ! input: state vectors
+                   stateVecTrial,           & ! intent(in):    model state vector
+                   fScale,                  & ! intent(in):    function scaling vector
+                   sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
+                   ! input: data structures
+                   model_decisions,         & ! intent(in):    model decisions
+                   lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
+                   type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                   attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                   mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                   forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                   bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
+                   prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                   ! input-output: data structures
+                   indx_data,               & ! intent(inout): index data
+                   diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                   flux_init,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
+                   deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                   ! input-output: here we need to pass some extra variables that do not get updated in in the Sundials loops
+                   scalarCanopyTemp,        & ! intent(inout): trial value of canopy temperature (K)
+                   scalarCanopyIce,	      & ! intent(inout): trial value for mass of ice on the vegetation canopy (kg m-2)
+                   scalarCanopyEnthalpy,    & ! intent(inout): trial value for enthalpy of the vegetation canopy (J m-3)
+                   mLayerTemp,              & ! intent(inout): trial vector of layer temperature (K)
+                   mLayerMatricHead,        & ! intent(inout): trial value for total water matric potential (m)
+                   mLayerMatricHeadLiq,     & ! intent(inout):   trial value for liquid water matric potential (m)
+                   mLayerVolFracWat,        & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric total water content (-)
+                   mLayerVolFracIce,        & ! intent(inout): trial vector of volumetric ice water content (-)
+                   mLayerEnthalpy,          & ! intent(inout): trial vector of enthalpy for snow+soil layers (J m-3)
+                   ! input-output: baseflow
+                   ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                   dBaseflow_dMatric,       & ! intent(out):    derivative in baseflow w.r.t. matric head (s-1)
+                   ! output: flux and residual vectors
+                   feasible,                & ! intent(out):   flag to denote the feasibility of the solution
+                   fluxVec0,                & ! intent(out):   flux vector
+                   rAdd,                    & ! intent(out):   additional (sink) terms on the RHS of the state equation
+                   rVec,                    & ! intent(out):   residual vector
+                   err,cmessage)              ! intent(out):   error control
+   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
+   if(.not.feasible)then; message=trim(message)//'state vector not feasible'; err=20; return; endif
+   ! copy over the initial flux structure since some model fluxes are not computed in the iterations
+   do concurrent ( iVar=1:size(flux_meta) )
     flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:) = flux_init%var(iVar)%dat(:)
-  end do
-  ! allocate space for the temporary flux_sum structure
-  call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_sum,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
-  if(err/=0)then
-    err=20
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return
-  endif
- ! allocate space for mLayerCmpress_sum
- allocate( mLayerCmpress_sum(nSoil) )
-  ! check the need to merge snow layers
-  if(nSnow>0)then
+   end do
+   ! allocate space for the temporary flux_sum structure
+   call allocLocal(flux_meta(:),flux_sum,nSnow,nSoil,err,cmessage)
+   if(err/=0)then; err=20; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif
+   ! allocate space for mLayerCmpress_sum
+   allocate( mLayerCmpress_sum(nSoil) )
+   ! check the need to merge snow layers
+   if(nSnow>0)then
     ! compute the energy required to melt the top snow layer (J m-2)
     bulkDensity = mLayerVolFracIce(1)*iden_ice + mLayerVolFracLiq(1)*iden_water
     volEnthalpy = temp2ethpy(mLayerTemp(1),bulkDensity,snowfrz_scale)
     ! set flag and error codes for too much melt
     if(-volEnthalpy < flux_init%var(iLookFLUX%mLayerNrgFlux)%dat(1)*dt)then
-      tooMuchMelt=.true.
-      message=trim(message)//'net flux in the top snow layer can melt all the snow in the top layer'
-      print*, message
-      err=-20; 
-      return ! negative error code to denote a warning
+     tooMuchMelt=.true.
+     message=trim(message)//'net flux in the top snow layer can melt all the snow in the top layer'
+     err=-20; return ! negative error code to denote a warning
-  endif
-  ! get tolerance vectors
-  call popTol4IDA(&
+   endif
+   ! get tolerance vectors
+   call popTol4IDA(&
                     ! input
                     nState,                           & ! intent(in):    number of desired state variables
                     prog_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
                     diag_data,                        & ! intent(in):    model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
                     indx_data,                        & ! intent(in):    indices defining model states and layers
+                    mpar_data,                        & ! intent(in):	  model parameters
                     ! output
                     atol,                             & ! intent(out):   absolute tolerances vector (mixed units)
                     rtol,                             & ! intent(out):	  relative tolerances vector (mixed units)
                     err,cmessage)                       ! intent(out):   error control
-  if(err/=0)then
-    message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-    print*, message
-    return
-  endif  ! (check for errors)
-  !-------------------
-  ! * solving F(y,y') = 0 by IDA. Here, y is the state vector
-  ! ------------------
-    ! TODO: Should not be hardcoded
-  do tol_iter=1,3
-   ! initialize flux_sum
-    do concurrent ( iVar=1:size(flux_meta) )
-      flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) = 0._rkind
-    end do
-    ! initialize sum of compression of the soil matrix
-    mLayerCmpress_sum(:) = 0._rkind
-    call solveByIDA(&
-                  dt,                      & ! intent (in) 	 data time step
-                  atol,                    & ! intent (in) 	 absolute telerance
-                  rtol,                    & ! intent (in) 	 relative tolerance
-                  nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
-                  nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
-                  nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of snow+soil layers
-                  nState,                  & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
-                  ixMatrix,                & ! intent(in):    type of matrix (dense or banded)
-                  firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
-                  computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
-                  scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
-                  ! input: state vector
-                  stateVecTrial,           & ! intent(in):    model state vector at the beginning of the data time step
-                  sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
-                  dMat,                    & ! intent(inout)  diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
-                  ! input: data structures
-                  lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
-                  type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
-                  attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
-                  mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
-                  forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
-                  bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
-                  prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
-                  indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    index data
-                  ! input-output: data structures
-                  diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
-                  flux_init,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
-                  flux_temp,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
-                  flux_sum,                & ! intent(inout): sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
-                  deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
-                  ! output
-                  ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
-                  idaSucceeds,             & ! intent(out):   flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
-                  tooMuchMelt,             & ! intent(inout): flag to denote that there was too much melt
-                  mLayerCmpress_sum,       & ! intent(out):   sum of compression of the soil matrix
-                  dt_out,                  & ! intent(out):   time step
-                  stateVecNew,             & ! intent(out):   model state vector (y) at the end of the data time step
-                  stateVecPrime,           & ! intent(out):   derivative of model state vector (y') at the end of the data time step
-                  err,cmessage)              ! intent(out):   error control
-    if(err/=0)then
-      message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage)
-      print*, message
-      return
-    endif  ! (check for errors)
-    if (idaSucceeds)then
-        exit
-    else
-        atol = atol * 0.1
-        rtol = rtol * 0.1
-    endif
-    if( .not.idaSucceeds .and. tol_iter==3) message=trim(message)//'IDA did not succeed after reducing tolerance by 2 magnitudes'
-  end do  ! iteration over tolerances
-  ! check if IDA is successful
-  if( .not.idaSucceeds )then
+   if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
+   !-------------------
+   ! * solving F(y,y') = 0 by IDA. Here, y is the state vector
+   ! ------------------
+   !do tol_iter=1,3
+     ! initialize flux_sum
+      do concurrent ( iVar=1:size(flux_meta) )
+        flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) = 0._rkind
+      end do
+      ! initialize sum of compression of the soil matrix
+      mLayerCmpress_sum(:) = 0._rkind
+     call summaSolveSundialsIDA(&
+                   dt,                      & ! intent (in) 	 data time step
+                   atol,                    & ! intent (in) 	 absolute telerance
+                   rtol,                    & ! intent (in) 	 relative tolerance
+                   nSnow,                   & ! intent(in):    number of snow layers
+                   nSoil,                   & ! intent(in):    number of soil layers
+                   nLayers,                 & ! intent(in):    number of snow+soil layers
+                   nState,                  & ! intent(in):    number of state variables in the current subset
+                   ixMatrix,                & ! intent(in):    type of matrix (dense or banded)
+                   firstSubStep,            & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we are processing the first sub-step
+                   computeVegFlux,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate if we need to compute fluxes over vegetation
+                   scalarSolution,          & ! intent(in):    flag to indicate the scalar solution
+                   ! input: state vector
+                   stateVecTrial,           & ! intent(in):    model state vector at the beginning of the data time step
+                   sMul,                    & ! intent(inout): state vector multiplier (used in the residual calculations)
+                   dMat,                    & ! intent(inout)  diagonal of the Jacobian matrix (excludes fluxes)
+                   ! input: data structures
+                   lookup_data,             & ! intent(in):    lookup tables
+                   type_data,               & ! intent(in):    type of vegetation and soil
+                   attr_data,               & ! intent(in):    spatial attributes
+                   mpar_data,               & ! intent(in):    model parameters
+                   forc_data,               & ! intent(in):    model forcing data
+                   bvar_data,               & ! intent(in):    average model variables for the entire basin
+                   prog_data,               & ! intent(in):    model prognostic variables for a local HRU
+                   indx_data,               & ! intent(in):    index data
+                   ! input-output: data structures
+                   diag_data,               & ! intent(inout): model diagnostic variables for a local HRU
+                   flux_init,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU (initial flux structure)
+                   flux_temp,               & ! intent(inout): model fluxes for a local HRU
+                   flux_sum,                & ! intent(inout): sum of fluxes model fluxes for a local HRU over a data step
+                   deriv_data,              & ! intent(inout): derivatives in model fluxes w.r.t. relevant state variables
+                   ! output
+                   ixSaturation,            & ! intent(inout): index of the lowest saturated layer (NOTE: only computed on the first iteration)
+                   idaSucceeds,			  & ! intent(out):   flag to indicate if ida successfully solved the problem in current data step
+                   tooMuchMelt,		      & ! intent(inout):   flag to denote that there was too much melt
+                   mLayerCmpress_sum,       & ! intent(out):	 sum of compression of the soil matrix
+                   dt_out,				          & ! intent(out):   time step
+                   stateVecNew,             & ! intent(out):   model state vector (y) at the end of the data time step
+                   stateVecPrime,           & ! intent(out):   derivative of model state vector (y') at the end of the data time step
+                   err,cmessage)              ! intent(out):   error control
+   !if(err/=0)then; message=trim(message)//trim(cmessage); return; endif  ! (check for errors)
+   !  if (idaSucceeds)then
+   !     exit
+   !  else
+   !     atol = atol * 0.1
+   !     rtol = rtol * 0.1
+   !  endif
+   !  if( .not.idaSucceeds .and. tol_iter==3) message=trim(message)//'IDA did not succeed after reducing tolerance by 2 magnitudes'
+   !end do  ! iteration over tolerances
+    ! check if IDA is successful
+   if( .not.idaSucceeds )then
     err = 20
-    print*, message
-    ! reduceCoupledStep  = .true.
-  return
-  else
+  ! reduceCoupledStep  = .true.
+    return
+   else
     if (tooMuchMelt) return !exit to start same step over after merge
-  endif
-  ! compute average flux
-  do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
+   endif
+   ! compute average flux
+   do iVar=1,size(flux_meta)
     flux_temp%var(iVar)%dat(:) = ( flux_sum%var(iVar)%dat(:) ) /  dt_out
-  end do
-  diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(:) = mLayerCmpress_sum(:)
-  ! compute the total change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (kg m-2)
-  diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) = sum(diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(1:nSoil)*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers))*iden_water
-  ! save the computed solution
-  stateVecTrial = stateVecNew
-  ! free memory
-  deallocate(mLayerCmpress_sum)
-  deallocate(dBaseflow_dMatric)
-  ! end associate statements
-  end associate globalVars
-end subroutine systemSolvSundials
-end module systemSolvSundials_module
+   end do
+   ! compute the total change in storage associated with compression of the soil matrix (kg m-2)
+   diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(:) = mLayerCmpress_sum(:)
+   diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%scalarSoilCompress)%dat(1) = sum(diag_data%var(iLookDIAG%mLayerCompress)%dat(1:nSoil)*mLayerDepth(nSnow+1:nLayers))*iden_water
+   ! save the computed solution
+   stateVecTrial = stateVecNew
+   ! free memory
+   deallocate(mLayerCmpress_sum)
+   deallocate(dBaseflow_dMatric)
+   ! end associate statements
+   end associate globalVars
+   end subroutine systemSolvSundials
+  end module systemSolvSundials_module
\ No newline at end of file