diff --git a/.godot/editor/script_editor_cache.cfg b/.godot/editor/script_editor_cache.cfg
index d7d2ae40d679be51916b57f6ad896ec9fad8b1f8..b3cfa14bcef6808601fc5914ff790896d00eebce 100644
--- a/.godot/editor/script_editor_cache.cfg
+++ b/.godot/editor/script_editor_cache.cfg
@@ -45,11 +45,15 @@ state={
 "bookmarks": PackedInt32Array(),
 "breakpoints": PackedInt32Array(),
-"column": 36,
+"column": 0,
 "folded_lines": Array[int]([]),
 "h_scroll_position": 0,
-"row": 52,
-"scroll_position": 39.0,
-"selection": false,
+"row": 10,
+"scroll_position": 0.0,
+"selection": true,
+"selection_from_column": 0,
+"selection_from_line": 10,
+"selection_to_column": 43,
+"selection_to_line": 10,
 "syntax_highlighter": "GDScript"
diff --git a/scripts/Pawn.gd b/scripts/Pawn.gd
index bd1c3047092618d8c54a1c48028dad5e36624cf7..bfd4848e2879f4fd488ab2d0f5c580a9d4b053a8 100644
--- a/scripts/Pawn.gd
+++ b/scripts/Pawn.gd
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ enum Upgrade { DOUBLE_MOVE, DIAGONAL_MOVE }
 func _init(is_white: bool, position: Vector2):
 	super._init(is_white, position)
 	# Testing upgrades
-	upgrades.append(Upgrade.DOUBLE_MOVE)
-	upgrades.append(Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE)
+	# upgrades.append(Upgrade.DOUBLE_MOVE)
+	# upgrades.append(Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE)
 func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
diff --git a/scripts/Rook.gd b/scripts/Rook.gd
index e39a922194023bf7a7eeffba5d509ae04f7382e9..2b53c0fff81a8d41831a77e39016b0177607d9df 100644
--- a/scripts/Rook.gd
+++ b/scripts/Rook.gd
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ enum Upgrade {
 func _init(is_white: bool, position: Vector2):
 	super._init(is_white, position)
+	# Testing upgrades
+	# upgrades.append(Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE_ONE)
 func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
 	var valid_moves: Array[Vector2] = []
@@ -57,5 +59,16 @@ func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
+	# Check for DIAGONAL_MOVE_ONE upgrade
+	if Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE_ONE in upgrades:
+		if x > 0 and y > 0 and (board_state[x - 1][y - 1] == null or not board_state[x - 1][y - 1].is_white):
+			valid_moves.append(Vector2(x - 1, y - 1))
+		if x < 7 and y > 0 and (board_state[x + 1][y - 1] == null or not board_state[x + 1][y - 1].is_white):
+			valid_moves.append(Vector2(x + 1, y - 1))
+		if x > 0 and y < 7 and (board_state[x - 1][y + 1] == null or not board_state[x - 1][y + 1].is_white):
+			valid_moves.append(Vector2(x - 1, y + 1))
+		if x < 7 and y < 7 and (board_state[x + 1][y + 1] == null or not board_state[x + 1][y + 1].is_white):
+			valid_moves.append(Vector2(x + 1, y + 1))
 	return valid_moves