diff --git a/scripts/game.gd b/scripts/game.gd
index 1c6eddcef65e05f85f9a64aeb9b3f4b37df5fe24..5a3fdd23766a6e58d234785bc223b5de49400515 100644
--- a/scripts/game.gd
+++ b/scripts/game.gd
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ func draw_pieces():
 					piece_instance.position = Vector2((x * tile_size) + tile_size/2, (y * tile_size) + tile_size/2)
 					piece_instance.z_index = 3
+					# Scale the sprite by 25% for all pieces except the king
+					if board[x][y] is King:
+						piece_instance.scale = Vector2(2.0, 2.0)  # Scale the king by 50%
+					else:
+						piece_instance.scale = Vector2(1.25, 1.25)  # Scale other pieces by 25%
 					# If piece is opponent, add a black shader to piece
 					if board[x][y].is_white == false:
 						var sprite = piece_instance.get_node("Sprite2D") as Sprite2D