diff --git a/.godot/editor/game.tscn-editstate-c2a7af834e91ff64325daddf58e45dc0.cfg b/.godot/editor/game.tscn-editstate-c2a7af834e91ff64325daddf58e45dc0.cfg
index beea37665ebfb99b06ab1fd4b1dda18e6ed5bd9d..1c808c5d134883258cbfbc190268831b8c4a4f23 100644
--- a/.godot/editor/game.tscn-editstate-c2a7af834e91ff64325daddf58e45dc0.cfg
+++ b/.godot/editor/game.tscn-editstate-c2a7af834e91ff64325daddf58e45dc0.cfg
@@ -175,4 +175,4 @@ Anim={
 "zfar": 4000.01,
 "znear": 0.05
diff --git a/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg b/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg
index 9cec9a219d38e9683baf917cb767ca8ce201977a..8a3d5335d028cfc25f4b6abc36c53678465d21dc 100644
--- a/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg
+++ b/.godot/global_script_class_cache.cfg
@@ -5,12 +5,6 @@ list=Array[Dictionary]([{
 "language": &"GDScript",
 "path": "res://scripts/Bishop.gd"
 }, {
-"base": &"Sprite2D",
-"class": &"Board",
-"icon": "",
-"language": &"GDScript",
-"path": "res://scripts/board.gd"
-}, {
 "base": &"Piece",
 "class": &"King",
 "icon": "",
diff --git a/scripts/Knight.gd b/scripts/Knight.gd
index fd49fc15211f693ac8580f2dc5b0efa778fba875..1c3057ed36bc2ef4e5097b1c08790cd92b2aeb5b 100644
--- a/scripts/Knight.gd
+++ b/scripts/Knight.gd
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
 		Vector2(x + 1, y + 2), Vector2(x + 1, y - 2),
 		Vector2(x - 1, y + 2), Vector2(x - 1, y - 2)
 	# Check for LONGER_L_MOVE upgrade
 	if Upgrade.LONGER_L_MOVE in upgrades:
 		moves += [
diff --git a/scripts/Pawn.gd b/scripts/Pawn.gd
index bfd4848e2879f4fd488ab2d0f5c580a9d4b053a8..7d8a05394a3d2a9f04eda614561df035a0c1d061 100644
--- a/scripts/Pawn.gd
+++ b/scripts/Pawn.gd
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ enum Upgrade { DOUBLE_MOVE, DIAGONAL_MOVE }
 func _init(is_white: bool, position: Vector2):
 	super._init(is_white, position)
 	# Testing upgrades
-	# upgrades.append(Upgrade.DOUBLE_MOVE)
-	# upgrades.append(Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE)
+	upgrades.append(Upgrade.DOUBLE_MOVE)
+	upgrades.append(Upgrade.DIAGONAL_MOVE)
 func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ func get_valid_moves(board_state: Array, pos: Vector2) -> Array[Vector2]:
 	var x = pos.x
 	var y = pos.y
+	# TODO: Add En passant move
 	if is_white:
 		# Check if the pawn is at the starting position
 		if (y == 7 or Upgrade.DOUBLE_MOVE in upgrades) and board_state[x][y - 1] == null:
diff --git a/scripts/board.gd b/scripts/board.gd
deleted file mode 100644
index 36b4359b438fa667ede3459410b1a877de38979b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/board.gd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-extends Sprite2D
-class_name Board
-const BOARD_SIZE = 8
-const CELL_WIDTH = 18
-# piece textures
-const BLACK_BISHOP = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_bishop.png")
-const BLACK_KING = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_king.png")
-const BLACK_KNIGHT = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_knight.png")
-const BLACK_PAWN = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_pawn.png")
-const BLACK_QUEEN = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_queen.png")
-const BLACK_ROOK = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/black_rook.png")
-const WHITE_BISHOP = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_bishop.png")
-const WHITE_KING = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_king.png")
-const WHITE_KNIGHT = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_knight.png")
-const WHITE_PAWN = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_pawn.png")
-const WHITE_QUEEN = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_queen.png")
-const WHITE_ROOK = preload("res://assets/temp_assets/white_rook.png")
-const TEXTURE_HOLDER = preload("res://scenes/texture_holder.tscn")
-@onready var pieces: Node2D = $Pieces
-@onready var dots: Node2D = $Dots
-# Variables
-var board: Array
-var white: bool
-var state: bool
-var moves = []
-var selected_piece: Vector2
-# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
-func _ready() -> void:
-	board.append([4,2,3,5,6,3,2,4])
-	board.append([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
-	board.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
-	board.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
-	board.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
-	board.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])
-	board.append([-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1])
-	board.append([-4,-2,-3,-5,-6,-3,-2,-4])
-	display_board()
-func _input(event):
-	if (event is InputEventMouseButton && event.pressed):
-		if (event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT):
-			if is_mouse_out():
-				return
-			var mouse_position: Vector2 = get_global_mouse_position()
-			var x_click = snapped(mouse_position.x, 0) / CELL_WIDTH
-			var y_click = abs(snapped(mouse_position.y, 0)) / CELL_WIDTH
-			print(x_click, y_click)
-# Checks if mouse input is on the board
-func is_mouse_out() -> bool:
-	var mouse_position: Vector2 = get_global_mouse_position()
-	if (mouse_position.x < 0 || mouse_position.x > 144 || mouse_position.y > 0 || mouse_position.y < -144):
-		return true
-	return false
-# Displays board and instantiates "piece holders"
-func display_board() -> void:
-	for i in BOARD_SIZE:
-		for j in BOARD_SIZE:
-			# Instantiate texture holders, scene that holds pieces
-			var holder = TEXTURE_HOLDER.instantiate()
-			pieces.add_child(holder)
-			holder.global_position = Vector2(j * CELL_WIDTH + (CELL_WIDTH / 2), -i * CELL_WIDTH - (CELL_WIDTH / 2))
-			# Looks at board array and matches pieces with its respective value
-			match board[i][j]:
-				-6: holder.texture = BLACK_KING
-				-5: holder.texture = BLACK_QUEEN
-				-4: holder.texture = BLACK_ROOK
-				-3: holder.texture = BLACK_BISHOP
-				-2: holder.texture = BLACK_KNIGHT
-				-1: holder.texture = BLACK_PAWN
-				0: holder.texture = null
-				6: holder.texture = WHITE_KING
-				5: holder.texture = WHITE_QUEEN
-				4: holder.texture = WHITE_ROOK
-				3: holder.texture = WHITE_BISHOP
-				2: holder.texture = WHITE_KNIGHT
-				1: holder.texture = WHITE_PAWN
diff --git a/scripts/game.gd b/scripts/game.gd
index 5a3fdd23766a6e58d234785bc223b5de49400515..06aa3a7768d64075927d2d0b6904458f981ddac9 100644
--- a/scripts/game.gd
+++ b/scripts/game.gd
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ var sprite: Sprite2D
 func _ready() -> void:
 	DisplayServer.window_set_min_size(Vector2(1152, 648))  # Set minimum window size
-	#creates 2D array for board, with empty ('0') spaces
+	#creates 2D array for board, with empty (null) spaces
 	for x in range(X): 
 		for y in range(Y): 
@@ -126,8 +126,6 @@ func draw_pieces():
 				elif board[x][y] is Knight:
 					piece_scene = preload("res://scenes/Knight.tscn")
-				# Add other piece types here (e.g., Knight, Bishop, Queen, King)
 				if piece_scene:
 					var piece_instance = piece_scene.instantiate()
 					piece_instance.position = Vector2((x * tile_size) + tile_size/2, (y * tile_size) + tile_size/2)
@@ -295,7 +293,7 @@ func remove_piece(x,y):
 	#iterate through the pieces in piece_container, if that piece is at location x,y, remove it
 	for child in piece_container.get_children():
 		#translate x,y index values to screen coordinates
-		if child.position == Vector2(x*tile_size+32, y*tile_size+32):
+		if child.position == Vector2(x*tile_size + 32, y*tile_size + 32):
 			explosion_effect.position = child.position + translate()
@@ -374,5 +372,3 @@ func move_selected_piece(x,y):