from distutils.command.config import config import json import os from os.path import exists from datetime import date def actor_setting(actor_id, setting_name, setting_value): new_dic = {actor_id: {}} """ Function to create the inital summa_actors_settings file """ def create_init_config(): Summa_Actor_Settings = ["OutputStructureSize", "maxGRUPerJob"] Job_Actor_Settings = ["FileManagerPath", "outputCSV", "csvPath"] HRU_Actor_Settings = ["printOutput", "outputFrequency"] """ Function that creates the paths for the slurm output and the netCDF data """ def create_output_path(outputPath): print("The output path exists, now seperating this run by today's date") today = todays_date = today.strftime("%b-%d-%Y") outputPath += "{}/".format(todays_date) if not exists(outputPath): os.mkdir(outputPath) print("Directory Created. Now Creating sub directories for SLURM Data and NetCDF data") outputNetCDF = outputPath + "netcdf/" outputSlurm = outputPath + "slurm/" if not exists(outputNetCDF): os.mkdir(outputNetCDF) if not exists(outputSlurm): os.mkdir(outputSlurm) return outputNetCDF, outputSlurm def create_file_manager(): json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json") fileManagerSettings = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() # add the date for the run outputPath = fileManagerSettings["Configuration"]["outputPath"] if exists(outputPath): outputNetCDF, outputSlurm = create_output_path(outputPath) fileManagerSettings["Configuration"]["outputPath"] = outputNetCDF else: print("Output path does not exist, Ensure it exists before running this setup") return -1 fileManager = open("fileManager.txt", "w") for key,value in fileManagerSettings["Configuration"].items(): fileManager.write(key + " \'{}\'\n".format(value)) fileManager.close() print("File Manager for this job has been created") return outputSlurm def create_caf_config(numCPUs): caf_config_name = "caf-application.conf" caf_config = open(caf_config_name, "w") caf_config.write("caf {{ \n scheduler {{\n max-threads = {}\n }}\n}}".format(numCPUs)) caf_config.close() caf_config_path = os.getcwd() caf_config_path += caf_config_name return caf_config_path """ Function to create the a list of the jobs will run This is used for submitting the array job """ def create_job_list(): json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json") SummaSettings = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() numberOfTasks = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["numHRUs"] GRUPerJob = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["maxGRUsPerSubmission"] numCPUs = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["cpus-per-task"] print(numberOfTasks) print(GRUPerJob) print(numCPUs) # we need to get the full path of the summa binary os.chdir("../build") summaPath = os.getcwd() summaPath += "/summaMain" os.chdir("../config") config_dir = os.getcwd() caf_config_path = create_caf_config(numCPUs) # we want to assemble the job list job_list = open("job_list.txt", "w") gruStart = 1 jobCount = 0 while gruStart < numberOfTasks: if (numberOfTasks - gruStart < GRUPerJob): job_list.write("{} -g {} -n {} -c {} --config-file={}\n".format(summaPath,\ gruStart, numberOfTasks - gruStart, config_dir, caf_config_path)) else: job_list.write("{} -g {} -n {} -c {} --config-file={}\n".format(summaPath,\ gruStart, GRUPerJob, config_dir, caf_config_path)) gruStart += GRUPerJob jobCount += 1 return jobCount def create_sbatch_file(jobCount, outputSlurm): json_file = open("Summa_Actors_Settings.json") SummaSettings = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() numCPUs = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["cpus-per-task"] memory = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["memory"] jobName = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["job-name"] account = SummaSettings["JobSubmissionParams"]["account"] sbatch = open("", "w") sbatch.write("#!/bin/bash\n") sbatch.write("#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={}\n".format(numCPUs)) sbatch.write("#SBATCH --time=24:00:00\n") sbatch.write("#SBATCH --mem={}\n".format(memory)) sbatch.write("#SBATCH --job-name={}\n".format(jobName)) sbatch.write("#SBATCH --account={}\n".format(account)) sbatch.write("#SBATCH --output={}\n".format(outputSlurm)) sbatch.write("#SBATCH --array0-{}\n\n".format(jobCount)) sbatch.write("LINE=$(sed -n \"$SLRUM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\"p{}".format(os.getcwd()+"/job_list.txt")) """ Funciton checks if the Summa_Actors_Settings.json file exists. If yes: move on If no: create it """ def init_run(): Summa_Settings_Path = './Summa_Actors_Settings.json' if exists('./Summa_Actors_Settings.json'): print("File Exists, What do we do next") outputSlurm = create_file_manager() jobCount = create_job_list() create_sbatch_file(jobCount, outputSlurm) else: print("File Does not Exist and we need to create it") create_init_config() init_run()