Explore projects
Use light gradient on a surface to determinate device ordering
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CMPT 370 Project A productivity tool for students
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Android Application
Team / League management for creating leagues and teams, scheduling and recording games, and tracking stats. Perfect for recreational sports teams
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A 2v2 game where each team consists of one platformer and one builder with the common goal of capturing the other team's flag. The technical features include touchscreen controls and ad-hoc multiplayer for the Nvidia Shield Tablet.
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CMPT 106 2014 taught by Carl Gutwin This project was made by Wayland Bang, Michael Le, Cody Ede, and Zoe Newton. Im just re-uploading our project for this class, a game written in Processing v2. (current version will not work with this, only v2)
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Simulation between 2 queues and 2 servers (Q2S2) 1 queue and 2 servers (Q1S2) at a coffee shop Made in Java
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