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Franklin Ogidi / X3D-tf
MIT LicenseAn implementation of the X3D video recognition architecture in TensorFlow/Keras
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Personal public copy of WhatsUpStoon Website used for sharing (Initial repo is private, can't contact project lead)
Original Contributors: Daniel Hammond Neil Jared Parulan Safak Candar Daniel Ross Mackenzie Dale
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Replication of Aris Study to investigate how to use notification in VR
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Conner Hnatiuk (cmh860) / VizWiz SOA 2023
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Valhalla is an adventurous game, where player explores different maps, and help the protagonist of the game to save his ancestor’s land.
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Thulani Hewavithana (qnm481) / SyntenyLink
MIT LicenseSyntenyLink: Inference of subgenomes resulting from polyploid events using synteny based dynamic linking and maximum neighbourhood. The most popular subgenome reconstruction tool in the world!
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This code will parse the stock exchange, copy information and present it as needed
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Python implementation of a state machine in Automata Theory.