Explore projects
Tic Tac Toe game made by bluetooth low energy. It enables iOS devices play with Android devices. (1 vs 1)
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Tic Tac Toe game made by bluetooth low energy. It enables iOS devices play with Android devices. (1 vs 1)
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MultipeerConnectivity Framework Android part.
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MultipeerConnectivity Framework iOS part
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Use light gradient on a surface to determinate device ordering
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An open source research tool for game user researchers. This tool can be used to assess player experience at a high resolution. We provide the feeling of success or failure by manipulating the caveman's trajectory using assistance/hindrance.
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CMPT306 Game Project 2016 - Created by Vishal, Danny, Akram, Wayland, and Hao.
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A 2v2 game where each team consists of one platformer and one builder with the common goal of capturing the other team's flag. The technical features include touchscreen controls and ad-hoc multiplayer for the Nvidia Shield Tablet.
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This code will parse the stock exchange, copy information and present it as needed
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Simulation between 2 queues and 2 servers (Q2S2) 1 queue and 2 servers (Q1S2) at a coffee shop Made in Java
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This folder contains notes from ME475 and Project that involved programming PIC 16F877 that controls LSDs and Servo motors for an autonomous toy car
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Completed ME 215 over the summer, files now available for reference Space Invaders project and .asm files and modified version of Mips Simulator (Uranus)