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This is a versin of SUMMA that uses the actor model to increase fault tolerance and reliablity of the program.
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Game of Life implementation for Linux terminal. Accepts a file of exactly 30 rows, 50 columns of spaces and asterisks, where '*' represents a live cell. Outputs the result of a certain number of steps through GoL to output.txt.
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KaiLangen / openDVC
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA fork of the Intel-NTU OpenDVC developed by Prof. Shao-Yi Chien and Dr. Chia-Han Lee. Official website: http://media.ee.ntu.edu.tw/research/opendvc/
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A 2v2 game where each team consists of one platformer and one builder with the common goal of capturing the other team's flag. The technical features include touchscreen controls and ad-hoc multiplayer for the Nvidia Shield Tablet.
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