package com.example.schedulerapp;

import java.sql.*;

public class Schedule {

    private final Connection dbConnection;

    protected Schedule(Connection c) {
        this.dbConnection = c;

    Name: addShift
        int ID: The employees unique ID.
        Date: The date as a string in the form of "yyyy-mm-dd".
        start: The employees shift start time.
        end: The employees shift end time.
    Description: Adds a new shift to the database, referencing the employees ID, and assigning a unique shift number.
    Return: none

    protected void addShift(int ID, String date, int start, int end){
        Date newDate = Date.valueOf(date);
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            myStatement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO shifts (employee_id, full_date, start_time, end_time) " +
                    "VALUES ('" + ID +"', '"+ newDate +"', '"+ start +"', '"+ end +"')");
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    Name: removeShiftByID
        int shiftID: The shift unique ID.
    Description: Removes the employees shift matching the shift date.
    Return: none
    protected void removeShiftByID(String shiftID){
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            myStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM shifts WHERE (shift_id =" + shiftID + ")");
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    Name: removeShiftByID
        int shift_id: The shift unique ID.
        String date: The date of the shift in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
        String start: The start time of the shift in 24-hour time "HHMM".
        String end: The end time of the shift in 24-hour time "HHMM".
    Description: Edits the time and date of the of a shift if it has the same shift id
    Return: none
    protected void editShift(Integer shift_id, String date, String start,String end){
        Date newDate = Date.valueOf(date);
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            myStatement.executeUpdate("update shifts set full_date='" + newDate + "',start_time=" + start + ",end_time=" + end
                    + " where shift_id=" + shift_id);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    Name: getShifts
        Date: The date as a string in the form of "yyyy-mm-dd".
    Description: Returns info for all shifts on a given date.
    Return: String
    protected String getShifts(String date){
        Date newDate = Date.valueOf(date);
        String response = "getShifts";
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT FROM shifts WHERE (full_date = " + newDate +")");
            while ( {
                response = response + "/" + myRs.getString("full_date") + "." +
                        myRs.getString("employee_id") + "." + myRs.getString("start_time") +
                        "." + myRs.getString("end_time");

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return response;

    Name: getShiftsByWeek
        String startDate: The start date of the week. In the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
        String endDate: The last date of the week. In the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
    Description: Returns info for all shifts with in the given start date and end date .
    Return: String
    protected String getShiftsByWeek(String startDate, String endDate){
        Date newStart = Date.valueOf(startDate);
        Date newEnd = Date.valueOf(endDate);
        String response = "getShiftsByWeek";
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT FROM shifts WHERE (full_date >= " + newStart +")" +
                    "AND WHERE (full_date <= " + newEnd +")");
            while ( {
                response = response + "/" + myRs.getString("full_date") + "." +
                        myRs.getString("employee_id") + "." + myRs.getString("start_time") +
                        "." + myRs.getString("end_time");

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return response;

    Name: getEmployeeShiftsByWeek
        Int ID: An employee id.
        String startDate: The start date of the week. In the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
        String endDate: The last date of the week. In the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
    Description: Returns info for all shifts with in the given start date and end date, for the given employee.
    Return: String
    protected String getEmployeeShiftsByWeek(int ID, String startDate, String endDate){
        Date newStart = Date.valueOf(startDate);
        Date newEnd = Date.valueOf(endDate);
        String response = "getEmployeeShiftsByWeek";
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT FROM shifts WHERE (full_date >= " + newStart +")" +
                    "AND WHERE (full_date <= " + newEnd +") AND WHERE (employee_id = "+ ID + ")");
            while ( {
                response = response + "/" + myRs.getString("full_date") + "." +
                        myRs.getString("employee_id") + "." + myRs.getString("start_time") +
                        "." + myRs.getString("end_time");

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return response;

        Name: allShifts
        Description: Returns a list of all shifts in the database. Where each '/' split is a shift, and each '.' split
        is a detail of the shift.
        Return: String
    protected String allShifts(){
        String response = "allShifts";
        try {
            Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
            ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM shifts");
            while ( {
                response = response + "/" + myRs.getString("employee_id" ) + "." +
                        myRs.getString("full_date") + "." + myRs.getString("start_time") +
                        "." + myRs.getString("end_time") + "." + myRs.getString("shift_id");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return response;