package com.example.scheduler_server; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Locale; /* Name: Positions Description: Responsible for sending queries and receiving responses from the database that deal with the Positions table. */ public class Positions { private final Connection dbConnection; protected Positions(Connection c) { this.dbConnection = c; } protected String addPosition(String position, float wage){ String newPosition = ""; try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); myStatement.executeUpdate("insert into Positions (position, wage) " + "values ('" + position.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) +"', "+ wage + ")"); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("select * from Positions where position=" + position); newPosition = myRs.getString("position") + "/" + myRs.getString("wage"); } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return newPosition; } return newPosition; } protected String editPosition(String position, float newWage){ String editedPosition = ""; try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); myStatement.executeUpdate("update Positions set wage=" + newWage + "where position='" + position.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) +"'"); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("select * from Positions where position=" + position); editedPosition = myRs.getString("position") + "/" + myRs.getString("wage"); } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return editedPosition; } return editedPosition; } protected void removePosition(String position){ try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); myStatement.executeUpdate("delete from Positions " + "where position = '" + position.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + "'"); } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } protected String allPositions(){ StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder("allPositions"); try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("select * from Positions"); while ( { response.append("/").append(myRs.getString("position")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("wage")); } } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return response.toString(); } }