package com.example.scheduler_server; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /* Name: ScheduleServer Description: Establishes the connection to the database, and opens the scheduling sever for scheduling clients to connect to. */ public class ScheduleServer { private final DataBaseQuery dbQuery; private final int port; private final String ip; private final Set<UserThread> userThreads = new HashSet<>(); // notify when there are changes /* Name: ScheduleServer Parameters: String ip: The IP address for the server to bind to. int port: The port the server will listen to. String dbURL: The URL of the database String dbUser: The username of the database. String dbPass: The password of the database. Description: Changes when the shift starts. Return: ScheduleServer */ public ScheduleServer(String ip, int port, String dbURL, String dbUser, String dbPass) { this.ip = ip; this.port = port; this.dbQuery = new DataBaseQuery(dbURL, dbUser, dbPass); } /* Name: execute Description: This runs on an infinite loop where it waits for new clients makes a new thread for its requests. */ public void execute() { try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 50, InetAddress.getByName(ip))) { System.out.println("Scheduling server is listening on port " + port); while (true) { Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); System.out.println("New user connected"); UserThread newUser = new UserThread(socket, this, this.dbQuery); userThreads.add(newUser); newUser.start(); } } catch (IOException error) { System.out.println("Error in the server :" + error.getMessage()); error.printStackTrace(); } } /* Name: Broadcast Parameters: String message: Message to be sent to all the clients. Description: Sends a message to all current online schedule clients. Return: void */ void broadcast(String message) { for (UserThread aUser : userThreads) { aUser.sendMessage(message); } } /* Name: removeUser Parameters: UserThread aUser: The thread responsible for listening and sending message to a scheduling client. Description: Removes the connection of a scheduling client from the server. Return: void */ void removeUser(UserThread aUser) { userThreads.remove(aUser); } public static void main(String[] args) { //Set "localhost" is working locally. Razer-Blade lan address (NOT static) is "" ScheduleServer server = new ScheduleServer("localhost", 8989, "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ScheduleApp", "root", "password"); server.execute(); } }