package com.example.scheduler_server; import java.sql.*; /* Name: Schedule Description: Responsible for sending queries and receiving responses from the database that deal with the Shifts table. */ public class Schedule { // Object that facilitates the connection to the database private final Connection dbConnection; /* Name: Schedule Constructor Parameters: Connection c: The connection to the database. Description: Instantiates a Schedule object and sets the global connection for the methods. Return: Schedule Object */ protected Schedule(Connection c) { this.dbConnection = c; } /* Name: addShift Parameters: int ID: The employees unique ID. Date: The date as a string in the form of "yyyy-mm-dd". start: The employees shift start time. end: The employees shift end time. Description: Adds a new shift to the database, referencing the employees ID, and assigning a unique shift number. Return: none */ protected String addShift(int ID, String date, int start, int end, String position){ String newShift = ""; Date newDate = Date.valueOf(date); try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); myStatement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO shifts (employee_id, full_date, start_time, end_time, position) " + "VALUES ('" + ID + "', '" + newDate + "', '" + start + "', '" + end + "', '" + position + "')"); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("select * from Shifts where employee_ID=" + ID + " and full_date='" + newDate + "' and start_time=" + start + " and end_time=" + end + " and availability=false"); if (myRs.last()) { newShift = myRs.getString("employee_id" ) + "," + myRs.getString("full_date") + "," + myRs.getString("start_time") + "," + myRs.getString("end_time") + "," + myRs.getString("shift_id") + "," + myRs.getString("availability") + "," + myRs.getString("position") + "," + myRs.getString("checkedIn"); } } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return newShift; } return newShift; } /* Name: removeShiftByID Parameters: int shiftID: The shift unique ID. Description: Removes the employees shift matching the shift date. Return: none */ protected int removeShiftByID(int shiftID){ try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); myStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM shifts WHERE (shift_id =" + shiftID + ")"); } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return -1; } return shiftID; } /* Name: editShift Parameters: int shift_id: The shift unique ID. String date: The date of the shift in the form "YYYY-MM-DD". String start: The start time of the shift in 24-hour time "HHMM". String end: The end time of the shift in 24-hour time "HHMM". Description: Edits the time and date of the of a shift if it has the same shift id Return: none */ protected String editShift(Integer shiftID, String date, String start,String end, String available, int employeeID){ String editedShift = ""; Date newDate = Date.valueOf(date); try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); myStatement.executeUpdate("update shifts set full_date='" + newDate + "',start_time=" + start + ",end_time=" + end + ",availability=" + available +",employee_ID=" + employeeID + " where shift_id=" + shiftID); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("select * from Shifts where shift_id=" + shiftID);; editedShift = myRs.getString("employee_id" ) + "," + myRs.getString("full_date") + "," + myRs.getString("start_time") + "," + myRs.getString("end_time") + "," + myRs.getString("shift_id") + "," + myRs.getString("availability") + "," + myRs.getString("position") + "," + myRs.getString("checkedIn"); } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return editedShift; } return editedShift; } /* Name: editShiftAvailability Parameters: int shiftID: The shift unique ID. String available: The new availability of the shift. Either "true" or "false". Description: Changes a shift's availability, so it can be picked up. Return: String: If the availability was changed it returns "editedShift", and if there was a problem changing it then it returns an empty string. */ protected String editShiftAvailability(int shiftID, String available) { try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); myStatement.executeUpdate("update Shifts set availability=" + available + " where shift_id=" + shiftID); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return ""; } return "editedShift"; } /* Name: removeAllShiftsByID Parameters: int ID: The id of the employee. Description: Removes all shifts in the database for a specific employee Return: void */ protected void removeAllShiftsByID(int ID) { try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); myStatement.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM shifts WHERE (employee_ID =" + ID + ")"); } catch (SQLException exception) { System.out.println("Error removing all shifts by id."); exception.printStackTrace(); } } /* Name: checkIn Parameters: int shiftID: The shift unique ID. Description: Marks a shift as worked. Return: int: If the shift was successfully checked in then in it returns the shift's id, if not it -1. */ protected int checkIn(int shiftID) { try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); myStatement.executeUpdate("update Shifts set checkedIn=true where shift_id=" + shiftID); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return -1; } return shiftID; } /* Name: allShifts Parameters: None Description: Returns the data for all shifts in the database. Return: String: Each shift is separated by slashes and each detail separated by commas. */ protected String allShifts(){ StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder("allShifts"); try { Statement myStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet myRs = myStatement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM shifts"); while ( { response.append("/").append(myRs.getString("employee_id")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("full_date")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("start_time")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("end_time")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("shift_id")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("availability")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("position")) .append(",").append(myRs.getString("checkedIn")); } } catch (SQLException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return response.toString(); } // Schedule testing suite // This test suite must be started while the Shifts, Employees, and Positions tables are empty. public static void main(String[] args) { try { Connection dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ScheduleApp", "root", "password"); Schedule schedule = new Schedule(dbConnection); Positions positions = new Positions(dbConnection); Staff staff = new Staff(dbConnection); staff.addEmployee("John", "Doe", "true", "", "1234567890", 20.0f); staff.addEmployee("Jane", "Doe", "true", "", "1234567891", 20.0f); staff.addPosition(1, "cashier"); staff.addPosition(2, "cashier"); positions.addPosition("cashier", 10.00f); // Required to test position methods. String queryString; int queryInt; int success = 0; System.out.println("Schedule Testing Suite:"); System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 1: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing allShifts()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "none"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "allShifts"); queryString = schedule.allShifts(); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("allShifts")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 2: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing addShift()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "ID=1, date='2022-03-22', start=900, end=1700, position='cashier"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "1,2022-03-22,900,1700,1,0,cashier,0"); queryString = schedule.addShift(1, "2022-03-22", 900, 1700, "cashier"); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("1,2022-03-22,900,1700,1,0,cashier,0")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 3: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing editShift()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "shiftID=1, date='2022-03-23', start='1200', end='2100', " + "available='true', employeeID=2"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "1,2022-03-23,1200,2100,1,1,cashier,0"); queryString = schedule.editShift(1, "2022-03-23", "1200", "2100", "true", 1); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("1,2022-03-23,1200,2100,1,1,cashier,0")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 4: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing editShiftAvailability()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "shiftID=1, available='false'"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "editedShift"); queryString = schedule.editShiftAvailability(1, "false"); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("editedShift")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 5: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing checkIn()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "shiftID=1"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "1"); queryInt = schedule.checkIn(1); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryInt); if (queryInt == 1){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 6: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing removeShiftByID()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "shiftID=1"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "1"); queryInt = schedule.removeShiftByID(1); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryInt); if (queryInt == 1){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } //Setup to test removeAllShiftsByID() schedule.addShift(1, "2022-03-24", 900, 1700, "cashier"); schedule.addShift(1, "2022-03-25", 900, 1700, "cashier"); System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 7: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Adding 2 shifts for 1 employee using addShift() for test 8"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "none"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "allShifts/1,2022-03-24,900,1700,2,0,cashier,0/1,2022-03-25,900,1700,3,0,cashier,0"); queryString = schedule.allShifts(); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("allShifts/1,2022-03-24,900,1700,2,0,cashier,0/1,2022-03-25,900,1700,3,0,cashier,0")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Test 8: "); System.out.println("Test Scenario: " + "Testing removeAllShiftsByID()"); System.out.println("Test Data: " + "ID=1"); System.out.println("Expected Results: " + "allShifts"); schedule.removeAllShiftsByID(1); queryString = schedule.allShifts(); System.out.println("Actual Results: " + queryString); if (queryString.equals("allShifts")){ success += 1; System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Pass/Fail: Fail"); } System.out.println("\nSchedule Unit Testing: Passed " + success + "/8."); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } }